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    The next in Europe these days really needs [Music] resilience needs resilience  we’ve been it thrust upon us with Co and closing D of SK result results SK results just not opening  again and then closing as soon as they

    Open and then brexit the actual reality of it hard  the only one that was ever going to happen I’m on   a train through Sten five valleys in the southern  cwal of England this was my un salubrious tail   between my legs exit from Europe from London  Padington well from King’s cross and panr

    Europe from DOA prior train stations I’ve  got later form of Co now but I’m not going   to go all bleeding hearts on you or am  I I got off the C to do fery exchange bre

    Pio meal vou for a lift West um I FL my own guts  out biking across over to be turned down at the   petrol station where I’d arranged to meet  that guy giving me the left on implausible  

    Basis of how his huge tow truck had no space  for a bromton that’s a fold up bicycle that   I’ve got in a shopping bag there’s a new golden  Visitor Center in color TI off fesses just in  

    Port cabins wind SED Wasteland New Roads and  truck Parks kind T is it far far away which   wasn’t too much of a pain for me on my lots of  well- meing uninformed non-french speaking little   Class People Smugglers keeping ukrainians company  spending their own money slowly exchange [Music] for

    P in exchange for social media footage and more  Great British couples get to know Ukrainian   families and single parent who are saying for  now that they widows seeking The Pick of the   bunch the best fit to take home with them  reports of inappropriate requests by hosts  

    Securing their own space the UK place for first  refugees those reports will be materializing   soon a few weeks or months down the line people  needing help often do end up helping themselves   and grasping at opportunities suddenly so many  of the ukrainians just thought that they could  

    Get through customs and operator checkpoints  just with charm few small few they were BLS   did get a bit High rate slightly that it wasn’t  all smooth sailing for them they had someone   doing the English for them to the French people  that spoke perfect English but I find Pio very  

    Inflexible you have a passenger locator form  for a booked Journey denying very early very   alternative but not slightly early very they  were just using the hypocrisy of it just using   the rules of a worldwide disaster as a reason  why I couldn’t go on an earlier Ferry I was 12  

    Hours early for but other Fair companies have  never had a problem with it that didn’t mean   I had plenty of time for dinner well I am cycling  not driving so a bottle of red wine for the table   one for the journey French rural culture they  wouldn’t really concern themselves about cycling  

    They would just drive if they were drinking  since is very slowly reducing so I’m back in   BL and 3 months later we get a call and glorious  return to France is facilitated to collect the   Volkswagen [Music] the form passenger res  don’t refuse in alternative the very May AC the PO

    To explain to the French who live out in   the country you seem not to  know drinking and driving is illegal and you are [Music] impaired the need for an electric  bike has been emphasized do I go for a  

    Legal 250 watt or a useful thousand watt  to get out mountains and that cost again   of the battery and the same cost again  of a solar [Music] [Applause] [Music] charger Volkswagen the transporter Against All  my expectations it’s been resurrected and hundred  

    Other people’s expectations that I called to try  and facilitate it so many calls in French buy a   new van hopefully a backup that can be AI insured  for a couple of years up to 10 or 12 Years A t32  

    Should be built like a tank can’t we do Russian  references twice as much as I’ve ever paid for any   vehicle before emails to Germany I routinely fill  the van with a ton or two of recycled building materials it to the Alpine the Chalet in [Music] the but at Great expense to

    Rent [Music] van partway  down the Thousand M [Music] stretch through France an unload and [Music] reload load at the eventual  destination got ripped off by with   tenacity and belligerence in my tone  I talked a good talk of mechanical key   words that I’d learned fair amount  of surprise and pained Expressions  

    On French people’s faces look Supermarket  on the rental of the B but it was proper handed make a note of the mileage and watch them   give you your deposit on  your card back don’t trust them while back in BL he had  to really get an additional

    Backup got vehicle as well as a engine sent  from Germany to the mechanics in France that   wouldn’t release it to another mechanic a longer  wheelbase t32 real camper worthy thing purchas   in the meantime just in case so so far that’s  10,000 for backup th000 for engine and another,  

    For the pl of B man nothing compared to Frenchmen  and Germans the inure of it all my calls are   trying to imbue them with motivation but it’s  just inertia grinding every step of the way   but I made it happen in a foreign language too  but I needed that invaluable folding mountain  

    Bike and Sheed to help flu’s fate through  the Great Western Railway routes chats with   concerned locals on London Underground she was  lovely an Irish jumpy kicky Dancy dancer oh it   could have been the stuff of fairy tales the QR  codes of boosters past still needed as a little  

    Push biker I was dwarfed by Lanes of Giants  and to foreign lands long since void of Hope   of return to my dream of a life of leisure  and DIY disasters and relevation ridicules   abroad that hard one modern toll of our age the  mobile contract Sim with data came into its own  

    Bestowed upon our Valiant hero of this epic  tale by an unknowing oversight of an underdog   occasional representative of an underdog in  the realm of giant multinationals and WS but   buttery can still fail you there were two  virgin maidens of the pay de Cal that had  

    Bravely volunteered to help our hero openly  displaying their English skills and shown the   way in Pure Heart where nowhere to be seen  when retracing the steps they guided on the   triumphant return collect the mechanical seed  recovered of its wounds while waiting for the  

    Train South a Tred soul of the he shouted at the  half dozen African immigrants congregated shouted   at them for their lack of interest in her they  were aloof and more educated with a wider range   of expression other more established arrived  later in the morning rhythmically attempting  

    Well attempting coercively controlling an out  of town commuter and any girls visiting chances   just using a volume hassle technique the shouter  was one of those reciprocating M women you know   there’s one near you like post-traumatic stress  flashbacks of the sagas of resilience Revisited  

    The robust mind of our hero on approaching the  garage the veteran van had been towed to from the   page Motorway so much researching for specialist  repairers awkwardly phoning in a barely understood   language using specialist terms the one that had  the skills was chasing off by the holding garage  

    So too was the scrapyard that was rubbing its  hands together the plume of smoke out the back   of the van at 90 mph downhill injured it Gravely  but the slapstick amused insistence of the deage   helper and overconfident garage goons insisted on  wish fulfillment and killed it for sure testing  

    It in its vulnerability but now A Hero’s composure  was tested but remained maintained it’s dead it’s   the end diagnosis was clear in any language find  your time amongst monsters their play thing get   from them what you can the veteran van cannot be  AA insured or scrapped and buried in this foreign  

    Land near the leftand drive land of its birth  Towing by professional colleague or self would   cost similar to the profound repair but it’s tou  and go if the overconfident holding garage would   even take it on as a challenge beyond the ordinary  perhaps the van was more grossly overloaded than  

    The last half dozen migration South perhaps the  van was just covid years older perhaps complacent   let see of the well chosen lowrisk long rout  attentiveness not enough attentiveness having   kittens with the with the old girl that’s the or  just that I should have changed the engine oil at  

    Service mileage interval recommendations  then I wouldn’t be putting in a second engine and the ordinary of Belgium is further  depage costway just to look but on the electronic   interface of it it would appear that Belgium has  more competent mechanics a chance apparent Safe  

    Haven offered a way of moving the mountainous  load with so far to go and bearing Down On Our   Hero’s shoulders the neighbors offering was  rented and transferred the load to the strict   time deadline catastrophe a mere blip in the  time through chunk of build budget little did  

    Our hero know the corruption of the neighbor  of strangers he was renting a blank check for   them The Reluctant garage the blacksmith of old  soured no nothing got 80% complete without engine   codes cleared or hold connectors replaced or and  everyone tried it on a vulnerable hero a German  

    Supplier tried evasion outside the marketplace  testing for many many many kilometers around a   roundabout at speed and charging for new P how  can you wear the tires and then charge for new   tires control technique another neighbor  OT intended from the onset for change of  

    Registration from De to UK to FR started off  as a German vehicle turned it into a British   vehicle and it’s going to become a French vehicle  I’ll do a howto of that process that repatriation   could still claw back the imposed premature  expenditures of the plume of spoke disaster  

    Why not just put it to rest well it’s fundamental  to the repurpose reuse recycle of using discarded   building materials refuse une ethical big  Finance is the concept behind the build use   ad hoc sustainable investment delivering any  vanload of hoed building materials the load  

    Always seems to get a lighted at the Alpine barn  by night I know the neighbors don’t love me and   then onward to the holiday after a midnight  feast and the internal recycling of that FES   in nocturn the moral of this modern tale of  chivalry when the waybridge reads 3.6 tons  

    Take it easy stay attentive minimal input driving  don’t get distracted by the beautiful woman next   to you and your engine may not blow up running  away with you and y burdens downhill at 150 km   an hour and near 4,000 RPM that’s revolutions are  Manet the outcome mounting biking holiday portion  

    Salvaged bookings hotels restaurants kept one  home by train one scurrying back to England by   bike from returning pay to Cal rental now I can  look back philosophically but it was frazzled   nerves at time time such a great healer please  no one ever do anything rash the feeling will pass

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