Hello good morning you are Live on YouTube I know let me I need to uh tell hello need to put the link in the um in the the uh the thing oh god oh can you hear the thing no oh I can hear it on YouTube all right there’s only one person
Can you hear the thing no oh I can hear it on YouTube okay let me one person you right I’ve sent you now the link to the YouTube thing um I’m getting the Reverb for like the delayed recording it’s quite awful so I’m going to stop it stop
Listening to it um there’s only one person well it was so so the people in Edinburgh um they you said mute the YouTube uh I just removed it um the people in Edinburgh they said they can’t access Zoom so he was supposed to be getting his colleagues to
Go anyway let’s see what happens but I just set it up so there’s a delay um I don’t know how people ask questions on YouTube no idea and now I don’t know because I’ve just deleted it um but what what’s going to happen at i’ muted it now that’s clever so what
Um is going to happen is at 10 if I mute then you can’t hear me it’s fine there’s only one person if they join at all so what I’m going to do like a little ice break breaker um so and there’s supposed to be 95 people coming
Obviously there won’t be because it’s a free event so um that’s quite a lot of people so I’m going to ask people like a little question so that means the chat’s going to be really full so then if people ask questions later on I’m going
To need them to be able I’m going to need you to be able to find the questions so if you can so if I think hopefully we’ll have about 10 minutes of questions um if you can just pull out the questions so I don’t have to scroll
Through the chat so um is that all right then at um so about 20 pass and if you could give me a I mean I’ll be watching the time anyway so it should be fine it all should be fine but if what I don’t want is anyone coming off chat and
Asking questions while I’m going through it because that is very distracting so I just want um to go through and I’ll make that clear that we’ll have question time for questions at the end people can pop things in the chat um and there more likely to be some like
Discussions going and people being like oh so the idea of this is I’m doing it to try and get some work in January um but I’ve got to be really helpful in the first instance and share with them lots of insights so um yeah let’s see how it
Goes I need to try and make it not too salesy but I’m just sharing insights from workshops like oh these are some of the things that your colleagues you know other counsil people have shared so yeah let’s see how it goes um what else do I have to say about
It um the recordings that people will get the recordings in the slide as a follow on so if anyone asks that in the chat who joins late and you just like type that kind of thing in so if um if people join late just put pop things in
The chat like um slides and recording will be sent tomorrow we sent as’s a followup um and maybe I will give you this link um but also what I’m going to do is I’m going to ask people to um to DM me to DM me if they’re interested in any
Of the things that I offer so um I’m going to give you the uh this is the link for the discovery call so you could always put this in the the chat okay so so just right at the end if anyone’s they will get these links but just you know if anyone’s super
Keen Um yeah so let’s see how we go so if anybody would like to time in so we’ve got two people in the waiting room now he knows he knows but I’m not going to open it till 10:30 so I might just um close just post down everything on my computer now and get
All that um tided up so that um we are ready to go get my water bottle ready this is very weird seeing myself on YouTube in delay exactly that’s the best bit in delay I’m just G to make sure I can is it closed on Me
YouTube on YouTube I see a chat box on the right hand side so I will monitor that yeah and I would drop as relevant yes if you say surface any questions to you that are happening whilst you’re talking in this one yeah um also so I won’t look at the
Chat so just so you know I won’t look at the chat while I’m doing this I’m just going to do my presentation I’m going to look at it at the end so if anything awful happens then um then you can like come off mute and tell me but apart from
That I don’t want to know because it’s just too disruptive do you want to make me co-host so I can kick people out Um has it ever happened you it’s never happened in any of the meetings I’ve been in no not not since the pandemic or this things that really happen but um oh where am I but you could but also if you’re co-host and you can let people in as
Well yeah so we’ll do we’ll do that um we’ll do it in about three minutes because I’m quite Kean to start on time but I mean out of 95 people if only two join that I mean now basically people just join on the hour that’s the like
What happens these days which it’s fine that’s what I do you do you want to give people the rights to unmute themselves I would take that off um yeah no they will they will they will at the end and it depends I might depends on if I ask let people ask
Questions verbally depends on how many people are here probably not but um hopefully when they all join they all should be muted did you join muted no um yes and video off I do I mean I do webinars all the time I don’t know but I’m slightly slightly
Nervous about this because I feel like it’s a bit of a it’s like a sales one I think I just have to think I’m coming from a place of authenticity and I’m very helpful I think it’s that’s the way that it if you’re sharing something that’s valuable yeah and that everybody leave
This with something good um and that it gives people a taste of something more exactly okay let’s um let’s start letting people in I’ll go on mute have a great session thank you thank you are you happy just to do the inviting people um letting people in and then it’s on
You and then I’m oh more good morning good morning everybody so as you’re arriving in I will oh let’s see we can just as you’re all arriving in let’s get started um let’s see who’s in the room who’s here today and if you’d like to uh
Pop your name in the chat maybe which uh local Authority you’re from um and one of these questions so you only answer have to answer one um so which behavior have you found hardest to change which the behavior you have changed or which behavior you would like to change with
Your work so let’s get us in the mood for what we’re s going to talk about today which is behavior change just pop your answer in the chat and um so as everyone’s rolling in now H just I’ll say this a couple of times and
Then we can uh get started so just to get us in the mood for the topic of today think about think about our Behavior that you um are maybe you’ve done you’d like to do or something you’re thinking about for your work just pop in the chat
Your name your local Authority and um either Behavior you want to change you have changed or when you’re looking to change so we’ve got some we’ve got people streaming in now streaming in so I’ll wait um a couple of minutes more um let’s so I’ll do this for another two minutes
And then we will get started so it’ be great to know who’s who’s in the room today and let’s open up the chat so I can have a look so people are looking to improve or address food waste recyc recing behaviors communal recycling Recycling and what about anyone anyone
Willing to share any their personal behaviors that they’ve they’ve strug they’re struggling to change or ones they would like to change anyone going to be honest and say um I I struggling to change eating meat or traveling to work by car something like that quite often when I do this in my
Workshops people we we get all the all the honesty coming out it’s like um it’s like going to church sharing people’s uh people’s truths so being more active yeah thank you for for people coming in and being honest about things they’d like to change so welcome welcome everyone as you’re
Streaming in um just to just to get us in the mood for Behavior change it’s going to be the focus for today let me know who you are and then which of these might um so what Behavior are you did you find hard to change maybe in your
Personal life what Behavior have you successfully changed and the behavior that you would most like to change with your work and I’m going to now get going with the slide so let’s start from the beginning because that’s always a good place to start and I will get things recording
Great so welcome today everybody uh welcome to this session on an introduction to behavior change for local authorities so in this hour we are going to um have a little introduction in Icebreaker we are going to think about some basics for Behavior change and audience segmentation we’ll look at some
Barriers and motivations so thinking about cognitive influences infrastructure influences and social influ influences and then how these apply to Communications and then I’ll share some further support and resources so throughout this I’m going to also share insights from um Council colleagues who have attended my workshops and things they’ve got out of
These kind of processes that I’m going to share with you in these Frameworks and tools what I’m also going to do is use examples um from waste nature retrofit energy and travel and um when you filled in the application to join this the thing that came out most that people
Were interested in was waste so there is a slightly uh more sort of waste Focus but um I’ve got a lot of examples from all um all areas and this is really just sort of a taster to get you uh thinking about a few things so um the principles
You can apply to every impact area that you’re looking to address and just to say the recording and slides will be shared as a followup so you will have these to look back at so for those who haven’t already done this just to get us in the mood
Um think about uh behavior that you are looking to change so maybe um one a personal behavior that you’ve struggled to change maybe one you have successfully changed or a behavior that you’d like to address with your work and just pop those in the chat so we’re
Really in the in the flavor of behavior change and I will say I do this in all my workshops and the number one behavior that everyone kind of generally struggles with is travel and loads of you know traveling by bike or cycling or the same thing or or walking so it’s
Quite interesting because often local authorities are working on travel behaviors and encouraging people and then we get lots of insights from staff about the reasons that they find it difficult which we can learn from so thanks for those um and I will review those uh kind of afterwards but hopefully you can also
See what everyone else’s challenges are in in your sphere of work um Sarah warding y good luck with that one um we hopefully have some insights that we can you can apply to this so who am I to be talking to you about Behavior change so hello my name
Is Olivia Drake for those who don’t know me and I had my behavioral insights aha moment when I first started working with Shambala Festival um i’ been working in events and I was like I need to do something for mother nature this industry is so wasteful and so I left events and
Retrained in sustainable event management and when I started working with Shambala which which is one of the greenest festivals in the UK we brought in a behavioral consultant to help with some waste initiatives and what she started sharing about behavioral economics was like oh my god wow this is why Green Peace and
Friends of the earth haven’t had the cut through um that we all would hope for and this is why people aren’t doing the things that I’m prepared to do and it was really enlightening for me and I was working on other campaigns with other organizations around Plastics and I’ll
Talk about that in a minute and I said more people need to know about this we need to be applying this in more spaces so I I went to UI and did the sustainable development modules around Behavior change and I’ve done a lots lots of lots of lots of online courses
Read a lot of research and have been applying it to all of my work ever since and that was back in 2015 so how I use Behavior change so in campaigns so I work with the city Toc team um and was part of the team that launched the refill Campaign which many
Of you will be refill uh towns and you might be running the refill uh refill kind of campaign yourselves so with um Communications so when we worked on the reusable cup scheme with City to see uh we used I I prepared the communication so all all of the impact points and all the
Initiatives that they could do and how they could frame the messaging using things like social norms and um social proof so it’s really powerful when we think about how do we use language in a way that will engage people and research so I use a lot of behavior change research lots of papers
And I’ve also been doing research with Life Council on adopting food bins in food caddies in high-rise flats and I’ll share some more about that in a moment and then finally I do a lot of training so um this year I’ve worked with Bristol waste Cambridge and Peter recap Group West Midlands combined
Authority and the west of England maral combined Authority and have been delivering Behavior change workshops to their teams so I will share some of that in my um the insights from those as we go through so you can see what are har moments uh people like yourselves have
Had from from this work and these kinds of uh approaches to change so starting back at the beginning of behavior change so and also just to say this is just you know like a flavor of the things to cover off and normally I would do sort of my trainings around s
Of the theory to behavior change are about an hour and a half where we go delve into the background so this is just a bit of a flavor so what Behavior change is not education about the problem this is known as the information deficit model which is if we just tell people then
They’ll change their behaviors we just need to inform them we need to raise awareness but the value action Gap tells us that education and awareness raising don’t lead to action and there’s plenty of people we know um and maybe plenty of us who know know the environmental impacts
Of our actions yet we still do them because there’s other drivers and maybe barriers for us to change so actually what Behavior change is about is about overcoming behav barriers and so we need to be able to remove those barriers and increase the motivation for taking action but every behavior is different
And in different contexts it has different different barriers and motivations so we can’t talk about oh just adopt low carbon travel low carbon travel isn’t a behavior driving to work is a behavior cycling to the shops is a behavior and they’re different in different contexts because cycling to work has different barriers and
Motivations to cycling to the gym on a Saturday morning and this is probably the hardest thing that I’m going to tell you and maybe some of you know this but everyone is not your audience yes everyone in your um region are your audience but you can’t talk to them in the same way
Because they’ll have different barriers and motivations to the behaviors so when we get started with our campaigns we have to number one segment our audience and it’s very helpful to use um Persona Maps or um and I’ll show you some of those as a way to get clear on what are the differences
With those different audiences we want to get very specific on that behavior so are we talking about people traveling to work and are we talking about a mom traveling to work then we want to do the research on those barriers and motivations then we start to develop the
Campaign and then we test and iterate so let’s think about our audience and understanding them better so researching behaviors can involve stakeholder interviews very helpful literature reviews so I’ll sh be sharing literature today observations of people so just seeing what people do surveys although you can’t trust what people say and then structured
Discussions so in the work that I’ve been doing with five Council um on adopting food waste collections in high-rise Flats we um so also work with Metro store who helped with the design of the bins and their bins that were used for the trial so in the 12f floor
Highrise Flats was mainly an older demographic and what we learned from the interviews I conducted so I went into people’s homes and chatted to people was that one of the main reasons that they were adopting this service was because the bin was right outside the front door people were motivated around changing
The smells in their shoots and in the communal areas so they hoped that if everyone did it it would smell less and the caretaker was an advocate advocate of this and has said that his bin smell significantly less his bin store since the scheme has been rolled
Out the barriers for people were the food waste bags and the concern of carrying those um flimsy bags you know down the stairs and that was a concern when we talked about what did people remember it was mainly not the letters or the leaflets but what went in
The bin and that’s because we put it on the top of the bin lid and it was on the sides of the um the bin outside and when we shared so we put posters up on in the building and note to everybody don’t put them with lots of
Other posters because people won’t see them so we ended up putting them on the doors so they got seen people were really surprised about how much was being collected and actually they were like oh yeah more people are doing this and the caretakers have really felt the benefit so they’re actually helping
With doorstep collections because they see the benefit to them and to their residents so we can make very incorrect assumptions um from research and from not doing research and the government made some a mistake where they’d asked smmes about um adopting energy efficient measures and what they they surmised from the
Research was that people didn’t um people didn’t know about um Energy Efficiency so they thought they need to do an education campaign but the reality was people weren’t motivated by low Financial savings and so flux were brought in to do some more work around this and they actually uncovered five broad
Motivations that drive business owners and office managers and this was business growth self-fulfillment their people ethics and money and one of the examples they found was a um chef and an event manager had a space and inside it the kitchen staff were uncomfortably hot and the customers were uncomfortably told and so they
Recommended a ventilation system to address this and he was really Keen to do this because it benefited his people and as a consequence it was more energy efficient and he saved money so getting to the heart of what actually motivates people is important so how do you segment all of
The people in your um in your buroughs in your areas well you can use Persona mapping that is specific to the behavior you’re looking at so this example here is one from the Department for transport and it segments different types of car owners or aspirational car owners you could use things like OAC
Data so this gives um data from um different types of residents and this is what resource Futures uses when they do their waste mapping and it will tell you whether someone’s a rural resident or a multicultural Metropolitan and they’ve got characteristics with each of these this is very demographic there’s also the Britain
Talks climate segmentation tools and these um kind of segment people in terms of values and interests and what’s important to them and it doesn’t actually ask people about climate but behind it they will tell you how do you talk to these different segments and it’s really interesting because with a
Backbone conservative you do not want to be using an environmentalist or a campaigner as a messenger you want to have um someone from someone like them from the countryside and with this this data um Bristol uses it and they did some work with the center for sustainable energy
And what they found is that the Progressive Progressive activists which are your more environmentally and ethically motivated people they’re actually all in the center and then you’ve got your um backbone conservatives out in the perimeter in the rural areas which is expected but this actually shows that you could
Actually do demographically segmented um campaigns and it tells you how those people think differently you know and maybe it is that um and I was a Bristol resident living in the center and it was great because I could cycle anywhere and I didn’t have a car so you know
Different people will have different um lifestyle arrangements as well so you can communicate based on those so I wonder whether anyone else is using the Britain talks climate segmentation and then you can then use this to to build your persona mapping and so the Britain talks climate has
Lots of things about people’s values what type of person they are Who The Trusted Messengers are what media channels they use what their worries and fears are and their position on environmental issues which are all the things that you can put into a a map to
Um help people in a Persona map to really get into the thinking of your target audience so when I’ve used these tools in Workshops the things that people have said is that they really want to conduct research across their regions to better understand their people that if we’re working within a
Combined Authority doing that mapping would be really helpful so they can share insights from those different types of audiences so what they learn in one um local Authority could be applied to another and identifying who those key Target audiences are is really helpful so brist actually chooses to talk to two or three
Of those written talks climate personas because they realize the other ones are much harder to reach and from one of the other research uh workshops someone said it’s very easy to come from our own biases and our own ways of thinking so actually if we can
Um use This research to to build our campaigns then we’re going to be talking in a different way not from our own way of seeing things so that’s a bit about audiences I’m now going to move on to these what is the barriers and what are the motivations for Behavior change and
As I mentioned there’s three areas we’ll look at so we’re going to start off with the brain and our individual cognitive influences so thinking with our human brain is actually very energy intensive and I like to kind so Daniel canaman called this our system two brain very slow
Deliberate and logical and I kind of like to think of it like a gas guzzling tractor um so going along very slowly and this is because when we’re thinking with our human brain it uses a lot of energy to make decisions to process complexity and thinking about recycling
Um in an interesting paper called it’s if it’s not made easy I won’t bother somebody actually said um well apparently they said this I mean I think this sounds to me like kind of researcher speak but um I have to infer if I have to check locally for recycling
Information because it doesn’t actually sell when say when I have individual resources depleted like I am tired or things are not going well for me if it’s not made easy for me I will just not bother so I think the bit we can take from that is if it’s not made easy I
Won’t bother and this is a problem for things like Plastics recycling because it’s confusing so most people actually relied on what they think as common sense so those mental shortcuts that people make and the few that did look for more information were left even more confused by the conflicting messages that they
Found on the food packaging on the signage and communal areas so these are other challenges that we have around Recycling and obviously some of these things are outside of our control because packaging we can’t control so how does the brain save energy well it uses habits so repeated
Actions so we don’t need to think it uses memories and context so what happened the last time I traveled to work and research found a correlation between low experience and negative attitudes towards public transportation so if people don’t have a memory for it they’ll stick with their existing
Habits we use emotions to make decisions so what’s going to make me feel good right now getting out on the bike in the cold and for recycling the yuck factor from food waste recycling you know rinsing cans and then there’s the shortcuts and the easy option so we tend to choose the
Path of least resistance um and we like rewards so a feel-good option and is there you know where are those benefits to recycling and I just like to say if I don’t cover this today Financial rewards are not the rewards you need to be considering social rewards social acknowledgement saying thank you that’s
The way forward don’t go down the route of money because once the money stops so is the behavior so how do we address this these cognitive shortcuts we use icons for mental shortcuts which means because our brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text and these are
Some of my good examples of good bin signage Salient bins so we get people’s attention so because people are going along in their lives doing their own things we need to snap them out of it so with the bins in five working with Metro store we put all these bright
Colors on them Bristol waste did the um the stickers for the food caddies and this is something called anthropomorphism and it’s very effective in engaging people and then Bristol waste has got the colorful bins and in Bournemouth when they they did some work with hubub and we were working with them
For City to see they just put vinyl wrap on the bins and where these bins were there was less l in where the plain black bins were there was more littering so just making your bins more colorful can engage people effort versus benefit so our
Brains um see a lot of effort in doing things and it’s mainly in our head so cycling versus driving our decision to do behaviors are often based on the benefit to us so what’s in it for me and if there’s no perceived benefit benefit we’re less
Likely to take action and we can think we need to talk about cost-saving benefits but those aren’t what often drive people quite often it’s Comfort convenience and cleanliness and these are some principles from a theory called social practice theory so for those in the room thinking about retrofitting bad news people
Perceive retrofitting as complicated expensive long-term disrup dtive but environmentally friendly what they want is simple cheap easy to use measures that they can do themselves so this is the things we need to think about how do we reframe it to appeal to those things and how do we surface and address those perceived
Barriers so we also experience pain and friction so humans hate the unknown and uncertainty and when in doubt we stay with the known and the status quo so something called status quo bias is where we prefer what we already know with closed the door campaigns if you’re thinking about energy reduction for
Businesses people were scared that they’d lose customers that they’d break disability rules and nor Somerset also found when they’re talking about energy that smmes often undervalued decarbonization measures because they’re hard to quantify and reluctant in disrupting or changing the accepted practices within their businesses so how do we address that we
Give something we let people have a trial and trials are really powerful because they overcome people’s expectations and their concerns so an electric bike trial for businesses a business found that people’s perceptions of road safety and barriers of weather and road condition were diminished did they get better no it’s England a 3-we
Car trial by possible found that four out of 10 people who did it reduced their car ownership and three bought new bikes a trial of Overland train travel increased people’s likelihood of using train travel internationally so the more we can get people to give things a go the
Better and this is because what we have to do is overcome the barriers so when we’re thinking about the cognitive we need to think that our target audience have low motivation low patience hate doing anything and are trying to complete a task as quickly as possible so what Dan arieli says is that
In other words we need to design the path of least resistance so how do we do that so there is something we need to consider which is the infrastructure and the infrastructure is a really key area which you have a lot of influence over in certain circumstances as
Councils so you are Choice architects and a choice architect um is able to change the choice architecture and the choice architecture describes how the decisions we make are affected by the layout the sequencing the range of choices that are available to people and people will choose the
Easiest option or the most familiar to them remember status quo bias or often the default so what is the most easiest thing like if the car is outside the house it’s the easy option it’s the default and this can also work negatively and I was listening to something from communicate yesterday the um
Communications uh conference oh and um what they found was that looking at Green spaces and Rural spaces that they were biased towards White communities and habits because the caf’s information center and the activities in them were open say 10 till 4: when actually the um black and minority ethnic groups were
Coming um after those times and they had no access to any of these these Services because they weren’t set up for their habits and their routines so how do we change the infrastructure so in the waste it’s mine it’s yours project which is very interesting around communal waste and
The Rel lundon project also around waste in Flats the things that they made changes to were co-locating bins reducing the aperture side on Recycling and compost bins providing compost Cades compost bins and internal storage for residents of flatted houses buildings improving bin storage areas and cleaning them up improving
Accessibility for people with physical challenges setting up the collection of additional materials including food waste small Wii textiles and better areas for uh reuse oh B no batteries and items for reuse so really making the choice architecture easy for people to do the right thing so what is often also tied up with
Um infrastructure is meanings and social practice theory says that that objects tools and infrastructure affect our competences so our skills and our knowledge and the cultural meanings that are attached to them so if we think about um particular skills or habits with driving a car we
Can also uh go shopping we can take the kids to to school we can do all of these things why you know with one item and we’re not we’re not choosing that to to disrupt the environment or to be polluting we’re doing it because it enables all these other skills and um
Abilities so what are the meanings tied up with the with transports well if we think about a Tesla it has a particular identity you won’t see this probably you’re less likely to see the CEO of a company uh sat at the bus stop you know coming to work because there’s a certain
Meaning attached with public transport maybe lesser in London but more so in in more rural places and and what are the perceptions of jumping on a scooter who do people think it’s for is it is it for your um retired gry probably not so we we need to be aware of these
Meanings and when we’re thinking about Urban spaces we also need to be aware of this so um groundwork and lots of others have um done research and they found that local parks are perceived as unsafe male Spaces by young women rural areas as dominated by white people and places of racism and
Harassment and a study found that people from Asian and African ethnic backgrounds were less likely to be attracted to the Wilderness of a green space than white participants so where we might see like oh look at this lovely wild space someone else might see it as something completely different
So finally let’s um think about the social norms and the social influences on behaviors so social norms are the rules that prescribe what people should and shouldn’t do given their social surroundings and we have injunctive Norms which is what so Society in general approves or disapproves of so
The fact we don’t go and kill our neighbors um and generally we don’t Litter descriptive Norm are what others around us do in certain settings and research in South gloss found that cycling in some context was deemed socially unacceptable so turning out to a 50th birthday party on a bicycle was deemed socially
Unacceptable in eing they found the incoming communities saw cycling as a backward step so actually they didn’t want to ride bicycles and when we’re thinking about nature or gardening there’s these keeping up with the Jones’s practices you know like keeping your lawn short keeping your beds nice and tidy you know
Weeds that’s not a Victorian you know the Victorian ideal you know and our perceptions of the green and pleasant land of England well you know actually that’s you know people think it’s very green and full of nature but England is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world so our
Perceptions of what’s the right thing or what’s what’s good for nature are informed by what we see and what we perceive to be the right thing and when in doubt people look for other people like them to inform their behaviors so eing Council understood this in terms of U trying to get people
On bikes so to address these taboos around um cycling being a backward step they um gave people I think about 2,500 reconditioned bikes so they gave them out to the the communities um so that people would see other people like them riding bikes so changing that perception and who communicates with
People matters and um I’m going to say that often councils aren’t the right people to communicate and I’ll show you why shortly but you might not be the trusted messenger that people will listen to so we need to think who is that trusted messenger that you could be working with to get
These messages out there um and to help trust people so it could be friends and family it could be Community leaders it can be an expert in certain circumstances in America they um the changing ice film was screened in Ohio and they worked with faith leaders to organize screenings and use language
That climate climate skeptic audiences identified with they also had at the end I think the um the preacher made a like did a prayer for I think it was Donald Trump at the time and for people to change their their views so this is something you know it
Is using those kind of messenges is much more relevant than a an environmental expert who comes talking in the terminology or in the way that just doesn’t engage you know people so the carbon Co-op encouraged their members to invite their friends and neighbors around to see and feel
Feel firsthand the outcomes of an energy efficient retrofit so that idea of the trial let people experience it and and it’s much more trusted if if your neighbor says oh I really love my uh house now I’ve got all this insulation in my heat source air pump it’s going be
Much more powerful than someone from the council saying you should have an air source heat pump it’s good for the environment so the agricultur and Horticultural development board board did more research to advise on how to engage um farmers and what they said was that people need to invest in trained
Facilitators in order to increase the amount of face-to-face knowledge exchange because that’s how Farmers work involve multiple actors in knowledge exchange so friends and family and find ways of communicating with farmers in existing formal or informal Networks and recruiting peer Champions sharing testimonials from actual Farmers which are much more
Trusted so this um is the adelman’s trust barometer and I think this is from a couple of years ago now but if we can see at the top um scientists are trusted just one stop more than my co-workers and if we scroll down to 62% that’s people in my community so they
Are trusted um just a little bit less than the National Health authorities if we go right down to the bottom government leaders are down there so where can you engage people who are trusted Messengers and thinking about all of those kind of Concepts um what came up
From the workshops is the importance of social influences to engage people and to drive change so really kind of the people have attended the workshops are thinking how can we communicate what other people are doing already and using social recognition as an incentive with the knowledge that once monetary discounts end a behavior
May also stop so I was sharing insights around bus passes so maybe you give out free bus passes well quite often when the bus pass stops so does the behavior so how can you use social recognition um thanking people congratulating them to actually keep behaviors going so that’s talking about the barriers and
The motivations so what about developing Solutions so there’s a number of different models and I’m not going to go into these in detail but Combi is one that um is great for considering your strategy because it um it starts from the inside out so you look at the the
Humans Behavior first of all so what the barriers and motivators then you think about the intervention and then you think about your strategy and it gives you all these charts to do that um and I’ve done these sessions I dedicate one with Cambridge and Peterborough on their strategy using
Comb the uh East model is one a particular favorit because it’s really easy to remember easy attractive social And Timely so how do we make our initiatives all of these how do we make them Easy by removing the barriers how do we get those attractive by talking in
The way that our audience relates to how do we make it social with all that social norming and examples and how do we make it timely by communicating at that moment that they need to think about it so prompts on a bin when people are about to put their
Food waste in the general waste and the East framework um is what I use a lot and that’s come up as really something that actually people would use use so they’d actually share it with their um in their Communications like oh how could you make these behaviors easy
Attractive social And Timely and we’ve used these models to do co-creation sessions and people have found that actually doing that especially across um combined authorities has been really helpful to come up with ideas and bounce ideas off in the room so if you’ve got those opportunities to come together
Especially with the marketing team the um environment team and really pull those insights you know great things can happen so finally how do we adopt these principles into our Communications well another model that I really like is the campaigns that work model and what we want to focus on is
One two six so these are the things that we think about when we’re creating our campaign and it’s about using good Norm so these social norms again being really specific about their action catalyzing commitments so how can we get people to commit to doing something how do we tap
Into positive emotions so not this doomis and this negativity they say it’s Pride love hope and optimism those are the things that keep people going and showing it matters so showing people’s behaviors will make a difference and just as a word of warning avoid um in the watch outs fear altruism
So that like oh just do it for the good of the planet incentives and then the definitely big no NOS um reinforcing bad Norms so I’ll talk about that in a minute using guilt and stopping at awareness and the other one finally allowing distance so when we talk about allowing distance it’s
Talking about polar bears or the ice caps melting like that’s that’s no good we need to be talking about what’s happening for your community so an example of um using positive descriptive Norms so saying nine out of 10 people use a bin reduce littering it’s focusing on the the desired
Behavior describing what people need to do also reduces littering so um be a hero recycle Litter free Dorset had these thank you for taking your rubbish home love your Verge messages and they went from 84 to 7 litter complaints from Spring to Summer and we adopted this with the
Ravens Craig bins for five Council so we said thanks Raven scra put your rubbish food waste in in here so we’re telling people what they need to do it can go horribly wrong if you do the uh reinforcing the bad social norms and these ones um increase littering so
One out of 10 people litter increased littering in Le and cmore in the campaigns that were running in Bournemouth after the beginning of the pandemic so the local counselors were like we need a hard-hitting campaign and so they had this campaign which used the word a lot and um what was found
Was so Hubb had um drones and what they found is where these signs were there was more littering where their bright colored bins were that said use the bin less littering so don’t go for hard-hitting messages with litter in them and we need to do feedback loops in
Your communication so saying thank you to people showing that other people are doing the behavior so um in Valencia they have these counters of how many people have cycled pass Mar and Northeast Somerset with their um close the door campaign said Thank you in the um in the magazines in the
Newspapers and there’s resident text messaging systems that you could use to do this and I’ll talk about that in a minute we also want to tell stories tell stories about other people in your local area doing these behaviors because that is that social proof it’s the case studies it’s the relatable Messengers
And the hero’s journey is a great tool to use for this and I did this with um the west of England maral Authority and it was the the best part of the session everyone has such a great time when people shared their stories it was just really really
Inspiring so from these kind of communications um which I do a lot around Communications in the workshops people love the campaigns that work wheel as a checklist and a reference point so you’ve made your campaign and you just check it over like have we done this have we not done this sharing case
Studies and learnings um something that people can do more of and Bristol Bristol has a good climate Hub which has lots of videos which are great stories and then using trust in messages and posit positive social norming and the heroes journey to develop campaigns and Communications so these are things
Already exist that you can um tap into and to use so we’re going to go to questions in a moment and just before that I will share some further support and resources and um so just to let you know that as I’ve talked a little bit about um I do
Training workshops and oh they’ve come all in one go so we look at Theory understanding audiences developing initiatives and I run um sessions online every few months on these I do bespoke online sessions for teams and I do live face-to-face workshops and I’ve got four slots for um January to March and these
Could be for developing your strategy it could be around your campaign and your Communications and in a in a day we can look at four or five different impact areas because we’ll have different tables working on different things and different audiences so you come away
From it with loads of ideas that you can then take forward some bad some good um and then you can then take those forward but you’ve got a whole room of people’s ideas different influences different ways of thinking so you haven’t just got that kind of very siloed way of approaching things and
What I also run for sustainability professionals is monthly sessions so we they it’s a six-month program and we do waste energy travel nature Communications and food and if people are interested I can run that for local authorities so if that’s something that you’re interested in just type your name in the chat maybe
DM me personally um and just let me know and if you’re interested in an online training um then also let me know so other things I’m involved with are relevant to yourselves um I’m joining on Monday the sew team for a chat around strategies for sustainable consumption it’s gonna have a Christmas
Theme I’m gonna be talking about Behavior change the Christmas what we can learn from Christmas as the ultimate Behavior change um kind a campaign and then in February I will be with with um the let’s recycle team and local Partnerships for the comms conference and there they’ve got two
People speaking about the um text messaging systems so that sounds really interesting I will also be sharing um the links here to some of the resources that aren’t already in the with the hyperlink so the local Authority Association case studies loads on Behavior change really helpful the CS
That work website loads of stuff on Plastics campaigns and what to do and what not to do and I am working in the new year on a behavior change uh guide so um if you’re joined my newsletter H you will get that and anyone who’s
Joined this will be the first to get a link to that so um that’s a lot of content um how’s your system to brain going how’s your uh human brain is it feeling like it’s just been used quite a lot uh let’s stop slides and let’s open to the FL so stop screen
Sharing so um any questions so Emma has anything come up in the chat that you would like me to answer anyone got anything they want to in the chat now as a question no questions so far um but one of one of the participants is from Ohio and um agreed that that
Tracked so yes wow we’ve got someone from Ohio here that’s amazing so is anyone I if we don’t have any questions so is there anyone working on any particular campaigns that they would like some insights for anyone who’s doing anything on waste that you’ve got
Like oh any Rec you know you can ask me for recommendations maybe other people in the the room might also have some recommendations um for from their own experiences so anyone got anything that they’re working on at the moment that they would like some behavioral inight um behavioral insights
On H do you want to come off mute and uh share think you can unmute yourself okay hi Livy yeah thanks very much um my name’s talet and I’m from uh the Liverpool City region and I work within a partnership and it’s a fairly new partnership and um you know we’re kind
Of going back to basics in a lot of ways but I think one of the things that for us we would really like to kind of see a big change in and a lot of it involves Behavior change is um with the government’s new simpler recycling
Coming into place so at the moment it’s trying to currently change where let’s say across the whole of the UK we’ve all seen recycling rates Plateau we’ve seen contamination go up um and then at the same time we’ve got new schemes coming so it’s really how do we sort of start
Paving the way towards sort of improving our recycling rates reducing contamination but at the same time is preparing for these new changes um and we’re kind of really interested as well as finding any authorities that have achieved food waste recycling recently not years ago because I’ve worked with other
Authorities um you know but also with restricted residual um and trying to understand how the behavior change as well so um appreciate there’s a lot I’ve asked here um but I don’t know sort of you know if you can just pick out some points or anything yeah so
Um so so Cardiff Wales is a good place to um look for um good inspiration on food waste recycling um and I did a I did a webinar for cwm with um CLA uh CLA from Cardiff and she’s a good person to talk to um because they’ve got good
Rates and so one of the things thinking about what you’re saying is um so yes so we’ve waiting for the government um we’re always waiting for the government how do you prepare people so in behavioral psychology there’s something called priming and what we do when we
Prime people is we get people ready for the change so before we expect people to take an action we we expose them to what’s expected so this means that um you can start once you’ve got some clarity with talking about um those ideal behaviors so you could use case
Studies of people who are you know doing their recycling rights how people you know how people got their head around it what mental shortcuts they used so you can start by without before you take ask people to take action you prime them and and and share them so it is a bit more
Of the knowledge um kind of awareness raising that you use things like um case studies and social proof to to do it and you start to also think about what I would also do um and this is what we do in the workshops we do Journey mapping
So you look at okay where where’s the behavior going wrong what are all the stages up and it so and then you know where are those points that you could intervene or you can communicate so probably for waste it all starts at the supermarket it starts where people are
Buying those items it starts when people are going on um Amazon then you know something rise in their doorstep then something something else happens then they kind of unpackage things and then they look at their bin and they’re confused about where to put it so if you
Do that Journey map you might identify places where you can start to seed Communications and when you can try and address where the contamination is happening so hopefully that’s helpful um Jane I think you are up next would you like to come off mute and share your question
We can see you we can’t hear you sit on mute thank you would let me on mute said I wasn’t allowed to um uh yes um so I work for groundwork East and we’re working with four universities to reduce um single use well it’s e-w in general but specific concentration on um the
Disposable Vapes so um we’ve had we obviously there’s a lot of interest around it but there isn’t as many schemes as to make it easy for disposal so we’re going down the route of maybe encouraging them to use different Alternatives um because we don’t want to
Be preaching and say give up um so to you know obviously that is a message we can give out to but we want to give them Alternatives so yeah um obviously it’s a particular audience because they’re young people is there any advice you could give me around that so again I
Would exactly so when I start any kind of Behavioral work and is to to do that Journey map so understand what’s going on with these students so where are they buying them who are they buying them with what do they do afterwards where are they using them and then when do
They dispose of them and try and understand more about that to then understand where do you then start to communicate so so how do you communicate you know in in the shops where they’re buying those things like you know is there something you could do with supermarkets so
Um love uh lit free doorset worked with local independent shops and I think Spar shops if they still exist on Banning single use barbecues so they actually you know kind of worked with those places to stop them selling them and I guess they sold reusable ones instead or ones that were less Danger
But is there anything you can do there who are the right Messengers so probably the council they how do they even find your content so who are The Messengers other students who you could get to communicate these messages um how could they talk about the benefit the benefits
That H you know about not using single use ones so what benefits them and really thinking about where are those points that you could engage with them and making all of that communication is really Salient so what what’s going to be attractive to a student and do some
Testing of messaging so there’s some interesting work that um keep whs tidy did around signage for students and kind of the ones that you know councils use and what related to them and you talking about things like oh it’s bad for the local community or it’s bad for the
Local nature theu that didn’t matter to the students so you know it needed to be relevant to them so really kind of finding out more about your target audience and and addressing it that way any other questions come in does anyone else put their hand up
Um I think there is one in here is it Emma can you just see if there’s any anything in the chat I think there was one that I just now lost was something about research evaluation uh there there’s one from Nick about um they’re working on an active travel plan they’re Keen to
Understand how to change people’s travel behavior when the car is more convenient comfortable quicker and protected from the weather so and so yeah so what I would say with that and this is a kind of one that we always look at in workshops is active travel so get specific break to
Don’t just think about active travel think about cycling walking um and public transport completely separately think about like you said the cars more convenient so when are those moments when people could do it we we tend to go to an All or Nothing mentality and people think you’re asking them to give
Up the car forever but actually are you asking them to give it a try just once a week give it a try just for for you know going to the gym give it a try for the workplace and think about also how could you make it increase the friction to to
The the driving so yeah it’s very convenient to jump in the car but actually when people arrive at work um if they have to pay for car parking spaces or if you work with their employee employers to actually make it less attractive to to drive the car or
Could you work with the employers to make it more attractive to have a bike so again also think about who are those different Target audiences that you’ve got within your campaign and where are those opportunities that people are more likely to embrace active travel you know working with
Families they’ve got a lot more it’s a lot harder for them to probably change you know every day of the week whereas somebody who’s maybe single moving to a bicycle you know they’re not haven’t got Entourage with them might be much easier so look at those different kind of those
Transport personas think about who are those ones that you want to work with and think about um yeah how do you increase the friction to car driving and how do you reduce the friction to active travel and how can you ask people to give it a go so what can you do to
Encourage trials so you know I’m sure you have access to free bikes for people to get have a go on those kinds of things really are the way that people will overcome those perceived barriers and thinking it’s not all or nothing anything else the question around evaluation was from Jennifer cassley where does
Behavioral Science informed evaluation come into this how can La local authorities measure the efficacy yes so one of the things um in terms of uh Behavioral Science so you what you need to what you need to do is have a baseline so you need to know what
Happened before to then see whether your initiative has worked and then you and ideally you want to be doing one kind of Behavioral kind of thing uh initiative at once because if you do lots you’re not going to know was it the social norms was it the ca you know was it the
Barriers or the friction which one is it but the most important thing is you’ve got a baseline um ideally you’ve got you know you do little tests um and Pilots to see what works and what doesn’t but the main thing is um to have um so which might not be practical but
If you know what’s gone before then you can see whether there’s a difference and with with it is um you know having people that you can talk to so making sure that you’ve got some re research participants to understand what is it that worked you know when we when I’ve
It’s really interesting with the five uh campaign I was speaking to somebody yesterday about the uh research for research and like oh and they said oh the letter oh I couldn’t read the letter that you sent was illegible and I was like wellow it’s on my computer it’s
Aerial 11 um and then I I got the letter that was printed out by the council and it’s some very weird font and it’s all faded and it’s that kind of stuff so being able to talk to Residents which actually gives you the insights of where your campaign might have fallen down um
And I also learned that where we were having the posters put up no one saw them um so it was not even enough you know putting the posters up wasn’t enough so what I would say for any research is having people that you can talk to um who are participating to see
What is working and what isn’t so we are now at time was um was there anyone any questions on YouTube Emma no no okay great so I will um package everything up and send over to you as a follow on and um if hopefully see some of you next week at the um
Series event on sustainable consumption and Christmas and have a good rest of the month and then for anyone who is interested in workshops um yeah if you’ve said in the chat you’re interested in workshops let me know if you’re interested in the um monthly mentoring that’s great I will be in
Touch about that also thanks everyone