We’re now 16 weeks out from our 200+ mile, 24hr London to Paris adventure, so it’s time to start putting the training in for real… but how do you stop a training ride getting boring?

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    Frozen chil I’ll let it go mate good morning and welcome to what is turning out to be an extremely windy ride today but it’s all good exercise because today we’re out training for our London to Paris ride in June more on that in a [Applause] second we’re already 10 mi into this ride and boy has it been tough we’ve already had a couple of dramas with zly getting a flat and then having the pump getting stuck on the inner tube valve which meant we then had to break the valve off

    Just to get the inner tube back out to put a new one in but then to avoid the same problem happening again we used my CO2 pump which all the lads were very impressed with Jesus fantastic okay that’s it is that the whole canister wow fact got stuck on it as

    Well that was awesome sorry it was over a bit too quickly see2 pumps are a little bit like magic to be fair but on top of that my front deria appears to have stopped working as well so I’m currently stuck in the small ring at the front In

    Fairness I completely forgot to clean this bike after last week’s ride and stuck it in the shelter outside in the garden whereas I normally give it a nice good clean and stick it away in a nice dry garage so she’s not happy with me I think the front deria has just become

    Completely gunged up and uh yeah just doesn’t want to move better to be stuck in the little ring in the big one I [Applause] guess all that side though as I say we’ve already done 10 miles we’ve been out since 6:30 this morning in the pitch black and we’re currently just on some

    Random route trying to waste time until the calf opens the things you do for a bite to eat we’re now having fought our way up some pretty monstrously windy Hills thankfully we’re now going down long Lane Aron Hill Climb Hill Jimmy normally has us coming up this so it’s nice to be

    Going down It we’re going left or right well Z’s disappeared off to the left but we want to go right so uh rather than all of us go chasing after him Jimmy the legs has gone after room here they Come right let’s have It well that is another killer Hill coming into saffron Warden thankfully very sheltered to no wind but still a bugger but as I said earlier yes we have have finally booked London to Paris although actually technically it’s Essex to Paris because once again we’ll be riding from home down through London to

    Start properly at trafala square and then on to the French Capital so I think it works out at about 25 mil and it’s roughly about 100 Mil per day because yes of course if you’re going to do London to Paris you need to try and do

    It in 24 hours so the S6 to London part is about 35 Mi and then from trala Square down to New Haven is about 60 but we’re going to break that up about halfway down around Crawley so then after the stop another 30 m from Crawley down to New Haven hopefully arriving by

    10: p.m. which is the check-in time for the ferry and then setting sail at 11:00 p.m. on the overnight ferry to deep thankfully this time we’ve got cabins to sleep in so Jimmy and I won’t be sleeping on the bar area floor again only getting about half an hour sleep I

    Would not recommend that to anyone and then docking in deep at about 5:00 a.m. and then it’s 100 m straight down into Paris but the first 30 or 40 or so is on the beautiful Avenue BT an Old dishu Railway line that’s now been completely asphalted and is beautifully flat and

    Smooth can’t wait for that but for now we just need to get these miles in get the legs spinning and get that Fitness up but although it’s training you’ve still got to have fun Jimmy so you know we saw that posty earlier it reminded me I was

    Doing a cross word at the weekend yeah and I could there was one of the one of the things I couldn’t get yeah and the clue was postman’s round I was wondering if you could get it postman’s round how many lesses in thousands oh Peter

    Goodbye as I say you still got to have fun for you how do you get four elephants in a f Uno two in the front two in the back yeah okay how do you know there’s eight elephants outside an Italian Church do know go on 2T who know parked

    Outside come on how’d you get four giraffes in a fe Uno I think I know the answer you can’t there’s already four elephants in it oh this has got this joke has got supplementary sections how’d you get two two whales in a car two in the front one in the front one in

    The back no how on the M4 hey oh traffic related jokes we’ve got our cheese # dad jokes cheese jokes what cheese do you use to Coke when the Poo out of a cave come on bear oh wait hang on I think there’s more there’s more hang on what cheese do

    You use to hide a baby horse mask a pony I’m glad he left because if he didn’t I was going to Jimmy’s having too much fun now what have I started all right last one what does the cheese say when it looked at itself in the mirror in the morning hello

    Me hello hello me hello me hello me hello me all right well I think that put us out to bed thankfully but if we could just get back on to more cycling related chat for a second there are a few other rides that we’ve got planned in this

    Year as well so the first one is a tour of Cambridge that we’re doing in March with cycling events UK I think that one is and then the following month we’re heading on a tour of suffk again we’re cycling events UK the first one in Cambridge I’m actually doing with my son

    And it’s the 56 mile route I think we’re doing which will be the longest he’s ever ridden so that might be a bit of a challenge especially as we’ve only got about a month left to train for that and then the suffk is the big one 76 Mi the

    Longest route they do and Jimmy of course is talking about riding to it because it’s 24 mil away and Jimmy wants to get the century in I did actually mention that if it’s 24 mil to get there it means it’s 24 miles to get back as well he went a bit

    Quiet on that front so uh I think he was hoping we wouldn’t notice that and then a month after London to Paris we’ve got the done run again yes 112 Mi through the night from Hackney to dunnage on the suffk coast it is an absolute Beast of a ride but such a

    Carnival of an event and I’ve already had a couple of people and the comments of previous videos say that they’re doing it this year as well so if you see me on any of those events if you’re riding them please feel free to come over and say hi it would be great to

    Meet a few of you so that takes us up to July and I’m hoping that we should have a few other events lined up for the end of the year as the months go on because the more cycling you can get in the better or to paraphrase the SAS motto

    Who does the most miles Wins right so there we are 30 m done but annoyingly only 30 m on my Garing the rest of the lads have done 32 because I forgot to turn my garment on first thing this morning school boy era wasted Miles because as we all know if it’s not on

    Straa then it didn’t happen although I’ve just realized the route that we’re on takes us past Brewery Lane which is a Punchy little Hill just around the corner from where I live and I know at least a few of the lads are going to

    Want to go up here to try and get the segment oh boy [Applause] [Applause] I just didn’t have the legs for Brewery lane today that isn’t going to be the fastest I’ve ever done that segment but again it’s all good train plenty of hills in northern France unfortunately hopefully not as much wind in June though right well thankfully nearly home

    32 mil done although it should really be 34 annoyingly that is it I’ve got 31.947692 right good try with your boy L it so 32 actually 35 miles done some squeaking back brakes because I definitely need to clean this bike now oh my god listen to it but some good training whatever the miles and some good heels as well

    Today hang on I got to sort that break out that’s a bit better but yeah some good training some good uh miles in today some good heel as I say when we do the proper ride in June I’m hoping there won’t be much wind or at least as much

    Wind as there were today although happily much like it will hopefully be in June it feels a lot warmer today and although I’ve got long sleeve gloves on as Stu calls them it did feel like short sleeve glove weather cuz it was about 10 or 11° today so I’ve actually only got

    Two layers on I’ve got a jersey and a long sleeve jersey on so does that mean that spring is around the corner are we getting into short sleeve jersey territory I absolutely cannot wait for that because I have had enough of this cold weather so far I waiting to get

    Down to one single layer set of bib shorts one Jersey and even to the point where we have to unzip the Jersey because we’re getting so warm but yes as I said earlier we’ve got some good cycling challenges coming up this year so let me know in the comments what

    You’re going to be doing this year because we need some inspiration for later on in the year as well cuz currently we’ve got nothing booked in after July and August September are Peak cycling season so I want some more events in so let me know in the comments

    Below what you’ve got planned later on in the year or at any point in the year and you never know hopefully it will give some inspiration for me to get the leads out for a bit more riding but for now I off to clean this absolutely filthy bike because I have neglected it

    For far too long so I’m going to go and do that but as ever thank you very much for watching guys and I will see you in the next one take care


    1. Here's one for Jimmy, I was born a Muslim, my parents were shocked, they were Catholic. I will wave as to go past my house on your way to Paris. I say this as you are bound to get lost. I live near Vire about 3 hours by car from Dieppe .

    2. A friend and I have booked ourselves in to a sportive in July, decided to do the short, 47 mile route with only 1,572ft of climbing from Middlesbrough into North Yorkshire, as it'll be my first proper organised event. We're also planning on doing the 'York pasty run', Stockton on Tees to York and back – 100 miles, as well as a few more 50+ mile rides. Got just over 300 miles in my legs so far this year, starting as I mean to go on 😁. Definitely looking forward to short sleeves and legs too.

    3. You guys are a blast! Mask-a-pony, lol.
      Yeah, CO2 inflators have been in my saddle bag for years now. A Topeak mini-pump that failed when I needed it most was the turning point for me.
      Looking forward to following your Paris adventure!

    4. Was out on the bike yesterday and today, down in Dover, the weather was not ideal, rain all day. Yuk, role on the spring and short sleeve shirts..PS can you link the cycle organiser web page please

    5. No events planned, dont see the benefit of paying an entry fee when i can just go and ride. But i do plan on exceeding my longest ride this year, so >414km is on the cards.

    6. Tour de Manc booked for 5th May for me, 4 routes to chose from 50k, 100k, 100miles or 200k. I did the 50k last yr, doing the 100k this time. Training has well and truly begun to drag my 19st arse around the course

    7. Hi Peter, did the London to Paris 24 hour myself a few years ago. If you have any questions please let me know.
      Will be doing Ride Essex and Tour de Broads this year which great events. I'm sure more will come up but those 3 for starters

    8. Ride to the sun for us this year , again . Carlisle to Edinburgh 105 miles through the night . Awesome ride . Being greeted by Scottish pipers at the top of the Devils Beeftub is surreal. Then watching the sunrise over the beach , amazing.

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