Rabbi Ahron Cohen from Neturei Karta Europe speaking at the Preston For Palestine indoor gathering on Saturday evening, February 10, 2024, in the city of Preston, United Kingdom

    Okay uh as I say we’re very fortunate and thankful to have I think for the first time in Preston in doing these events to have a rabbi speaking at an event uh and trust me we did we we have tried hard how this actually came about

    Quick story um when we went to the National march on the 15th of Jan I think it was uh we saw the rabbis there of of the N court and holding the banners and recognize Rabbi Beck and uh he’s been on the Islam Channel he’s been a few podcasts and uh basically exchange

    Numbers and through that we’ve got Rabbi Cohan who’s from southford Manchester southford yeah so not too far away but obviously today was Sabbath so and he’s also part of the Nur Carter organization and as I say it’s an honor to have Rabbi Callan here so please give him a warm

    Welcome and he’ll he with You [Applause] good evening everyone good evening my apologies for being somewhat late but we we were held up and um we managed to get here anyway um first of all I must thank the organizers here for me the opportunity to speak to you it’s a great

    Privilege and uh I’ve had over the years i’ had a number of occasions where I’ve spoken to Muslim uh audiences and and it’s been an honor and a pleasure first of all I would like to pray that our discussions this evening should be correct in content and in conclusions the purpose

    Of I I believe the correct purpose for tonight’s Gathering well I come often to Gatherings like this to explain the Orthodox or what we call the authentic Orthodox Jewish position particularly regarding the situation in Palestine but now of course it’s even more in in light of the current

    Situation it’s even more topical and important when one takes into into account the uh suffering of the Palestinians in Palestine it’s very important to explain the Orthodox authentic Jewish point of view because it’s um let me explain first what I mean by Orthodox Jew that is a

    Jew who Endeavors to live his live his life uh in accordance with the age-old Jewish religion and way of life and as the the chairman mentioned um he here under the banner of of a movement known as nurata which is not really a movement at all is the name of of a

    Um of an idea the name of of of an of an opinion that expresses Orthodox Jewish opposition to uh what is known as Zionism and lionism as you may or you may not know is the philosophy and movement which brought into being the what is known as the state of

    Israel but and this might be a paradox for you you all know that the world knows that Israel is run by Jewish people and I’ve come here to speak I must say quite clearly to speak against the state of Israel so how do I come to be here what’s this rather a

    Paradox but my message to you is Israel is the result of the movement known as Zionism which was a movement formed about 100 or 120 years ago with the IDE idea of of forming a nation a nationalist and uh secular home for Jews nothing to do with

    The age old Jewish religion which goes back thousands of years and my message to you this evening is that not all Jews are zionists in fact in fact ISM and Judaism are two differing and really incompatible Concepts we consider that actually we have people myself and my colleagues Who

    Come out speak to audiences such as your soul we we consider that we have a religious uh and a religion-based humanitarian duty to spread our message because by doing so we can save lives all lives on both sides of the fence authentic Orthodox Jews sympathize with the Palestinian poort

    Cause completely and we protest very much the wrong done to them but sadly this is now among the Jewish people it’s a Min a minority view must say that quite explain that quite clearly but nevertheless it’s uh it’s a significant a significant minority and it’s not always been so because when Zionism was

    Formed about 120 years ago most Jewish religious authorities opposed the whole idea of Zionism and then it still too still do and that’s the genuine ageold religious view I always say it’s got It’s got the his the authority of History because as far as history is concern going back

    Thousands of years Zionism never existed uh zionism’s 120 years old 3 Jud and thousands of years old and the two of completely incompatible so just bring I know there’s not a lot of time this evening but it’s think it’s important for you to understand if I can take a few minutes

    To explain what is the Orthodox Jewish basis for opposition to Zionism it’s based on two things it’s based uh on our religious belief but the young the explanation of that would perhaps be more understood by Jewish people because it’s in connection with our religion and religion and

    Beliefs but um it’s also the opposition that we have to Zionism is based on humanitarian grounds as well very strongly so and this is also part of our religion human humanitarian uh ideas are parts of the Jewish religion as there are parts of other religions and that approach is a preaching can be

    Appreciated by anyone whether you’re Jewish or not Jewish just very briefly to explain what why it is against our Jewish belief religious belief first of all because um again it’s a it’s a long story but briefly we are taught that the Jewish people although they were in the Bible

    In the uh in the scriptures were told that they would be in Palestine they would live in the land know as Palestine but this was this was promised only based on certain conditions and itions were that we had to maintain certain standards religious and ethical standards I’m going back now 3 and a

    Half thousand years and um these standards were sadly were not held to the correct degree they were correct they were held by many thousands of people but not to the required degree and we were told that if the standards were not kept then the Jewish people would be sent into

    Exile and after about 1500 years following the formation of the Jewish people they were in fact sent into Exile as history confirms Jewish people have been in exile for 2,000 years but we are told this is a divinely decreed Exile an exile decreed by the

    Almighty and if we try and go against it we are going against the wishes of the almighty our teachings are that we have to live as good citizens in any country which we are and the laws of the countries of those of the occupant of those citizens and that includes

    Palestine because once you was sent into ex Exile we had no current claim to Palestine whatsoever we had we had we had the right to live there like everybody else but not as Masters and um and to try and go against that we are told is a rebellion against the which of

    The almighty and we are told that if we try and do this Rebellion we will be there will be dire results sadly and this is what took place the design this movement came and they uh wanted to um oh I’m I’m being too lengthy okay all right well

    Let’s leave that alone we um we are uh we we are forbidden from our religion to try and form Zionism but we also are in are required to consider the humanitarian idea Zionism from the outset was a policy set up to completely ignore the wishes of the occupants of the indigenous population

    Of Palestine and to take the land against their wishes and this was this goes back 107 years people say that the current War started on the 7th of October it actually started on the 2nd of November 1917 with the formation with the power B de [Applause] which which uh expressed support for

    Design this idea by this country actually and they have a lot to answer for for the current situation so I I have to cut it short I’ll just say very briefly this it’s very interesting sorry it’s very interesting I’m prepared to carry on with long enough this is very important

    It’s very it’s come all this way sorry we waited for you for a long time okay well I’m I came late so it’s my fault anyway the um uh the so the the whole idea the whole situation that now exists in pal is a horrific situation terrible

    And one there aren’t words to describe it but you have to know that although one can never one should never support we say one shouldn’t support violence at all either from whichever side it is but if you want to obliterate if you on who get rid of

    Violence you have to go to the back to the root C and in in our situation nowadays the root cause is the very formation of the Zionist state of Israel and and it’s it’s a flawed idea and it’s a completely wrong idea and Um if you want to obliterate violence you have to go back to the room cause and understand what caused it and that is what caused the present situationism and Judaism things Zionist do not represent the Jewish people in any way it’s a false idea and people sometimes

    It’s it’s very common nowadays to say if you’re against to sa you’re anti-semitic that’s completely wrong Judaism Judaism and Zionism are two different things anti-Semitism is an old bigoted hatred which cannot be approved of obviously but it’s hatred enological hatred which has existed for thousands of years as well

    But opposition to Zionism Zionism is a ruthless and nationalistic idea inconsiderate of The Wishes of the people who live in in in the country and opposition to that is absolutely understandable and got nothing at all to do with anti-Semitism okay we we’re obiously short of ter so I

    Can’t elaborate too much but I just want to say this charges and accusations in the perent situation as to which side is to blame are irrelevant as I said earlier without in any way condoning violence the only way to to get rid of it is to seek out the root

    Cause so what’s the solution the ideal solution is what we pray for is for a peaceful I say a peaceful complete disolution of the flawed concept known as the state of Israel to be replaced by our prayer is that it should be replaced by a regime which would be

    Entirely compatible with the wishes of the Palestinians where everybody can live Jews non-jews anybody of Any Nation or any religion live peacefully as in fact as the face was the situation in Palestine for hundreds of years the Jewish people lived alongside the Palestinian people very peacefully right up to the time

    When Zionism started so our prayer is that this should be the what should take place a replacement of the current regime with a regime which is uh which has got no special gives no special rights to to the Zionist to control other people’s lives other the moment this doesn’t seem very

    Likely but you can never tell things change very quickly but then you has to look back at the situation that existed in South Africa for instance well I don’t know if you know about him true people know in South Africa there was a very harsh apar High Prine which which seemed

    Very very Rock Solid but it came to an end more phys without almost without violence well some violence but almost without violence miraculously almost and then there was the regime the Soviet Communist Regime which again don’t know whether you remember but those who are old enough

    Will remember that it fizzled out in the space of two or three weeks it was amazing it was a huge ruthless regime which had lasted for 70 years and it came to an end nobody ever believed that that that could happen again the ways of the almighty are are

    Beyond our comprehension so the same thing could happen now and our prayer is as I said earlier that there should be a peaceful complete dissolution of the flawed concept known as the St of Israel to be replaced by a state regime which is completely incompatible with the wishes of the Palestinian people where

    Everybody will be able to live peacefully alongside each [Applause] Other and our final prayer which is always end is that we should the whole world should Merit the time where the glory of the almighty will be revealed over the whole world and everybody will be at peace with each other amen [Applause] [Applause] once again thank you very much uh to robbi Kohan for giving us some really powerful words of wisdom could have probably had it and and listen to him for a little bit longer but given that it’s a Saturday night and it’s running on and we’ve got our national guest

    Speaker to come on


    1. ﴿ ترجمة: ومن أعرض عن ذكري فإن له معيشة ضنكا ونحشره يوم القيامة أعمى ﴾

      "But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes in this Quran nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection

    2. This “Rabbi” lives to be in the spotlight! This Rabbi actively supports organizations who want to eliminate Israel, which contains 1/2 of the entire Jewish population in the world. Of course he has Muslim supporters, yet his group in Israel gets welfare from the state.

    3. Mes salutations aux MESSIEURS les RABBINS de vos formidables discours humanistes mieux dévoilés le véridique car nous seront tousses rappeler devant le GRAND puissant CRÉATEUR de l’humanité Que DIEU ACCORDE la BÉNÉDICTION dans ces créatures de bonne foi et les guides dans le chemin de la droiture de clairvoyance perpétuelle de gloire devant Dieu un seul unique et lui détient le pardon et son jugement éternels toutes créations les appartient dans L’UNIVERS très large.Je signe avec un drapeau blanc de pureté Vive la libération de La PALESTINE 🇵🇸 et SALAM dans ce monde 🌍 ❤❤❤

    4. Orthodox Jews, Jews, universal minded humanbeings & kind Israelis must open not have an institution or organization like Neturei Karta, but have 24/7 an institution for social networking. Just like Boxer Muhammad Ali (Allah G-d God Bless him. Ameen) was committed with all non-white minorities and races to re-humanize people. Even white people had have enough back then and still do but due to network loyalty issues problems based on Feudalism they are afraid to speak hence contradiction to Freedom of Speech.
      Point is: open cafe workshops where Christians Muslims Jews can have dialogue and create universal humanity social networks networking.
      Jews and Muslims can and must pray under same roof, in same place, to G-d God Allah, Creator of Adam and Eve/Havv'a, Braintrust of all Prophets. God G-d Allah Bless them all. Ameen
      Im descendant of Tribe of Noah Bani Nu'h and give this statement in name of G-d God Bless. Jews Orthodox Jews universal minded humanbeings humanity-loving and even Israelia who are true believers that all races, Jews Muslims Christians Arabs Non-Arabs are descendants of Tribes of Noah Bani Nu'h. Including Palestinians.
      BUT, Orthodox Jews, universal minded Israelis must know entire planet is Anglo Saxonized be careful which type or person or Jew or Muslim or Christian or Israelis that are committed. Mr Kwame Tuure Afro-American activist truly said: know your enemy the white man. Via Trojan Horse perversion. Keep eyes open

    5. An 80 year old Orthodox Jewish grandmother hugged me because she also had the same belief as me, we are descendants of Tribes of Noah Bani Nu'h. If she has passed away then G-d God Bless her. Ameen.
      BUT, she asked me to promise her that I as human and believer never assimilate from this belief and make sure the true essence and Spirituality of Jerusalem stays alive which Orthodox Jews understand, respect and love. Zionists racists nationalists narrowminded Israelis have ruined everything and created divide and rule, ruined educational syllabusses which are not universal, a hierarchy where communications dialects have exposed networks industrial tribal networks to US or Anglo-Saxon British Elite or 2nd class Anglo Saxon French, Saxons of Germany, 3rd class non-Anglo Saxon non-pure-white Europeans: from Portugal to Greece. 7th class non-pure-white Europeans: Southeast Europeans.
      Israeli ateist Zionist state has been foole by own so called allied white western allies countries, thus degraded and ruined Holy Land via Trojan Horse perversion.

    6. Red Indians Black Slaves Aboriginals Inuits South American African Asian Continents. Which race did that? Anglo white western Sphere perversion on one side last 500 years. Injustices based on loyalty network issues in institution organizations industrial political block. Productivity level has fallen and degraded Anglo white western Sphere because of this loyalty issues. E Tu Brutus Doctrine of Roman Empire perversion Colosseum Arena made by own Anglo white western Sphere nations yet nonwhite races get blamed for white western ignorant degraded retarded 3rd class humanity mom-dad networks. Universal jokes. Bravo

    7. It's criminal activities against Philistim Philistin Palestinians, Holy Land which is from Lebanon to whole Palestine and western Jordan under Canaans parameters standards guidelines protection honor security and responsibility. Canaan is son of Ham, Ham is son of Noah Nu'h. Prophet Noah Nu'h is Braintrust of all Prophets. God G-d Allah Bless them all. Ameen. We are are all descendants of Tribes of Noah Bani Nu'h. Atheist Israeli state racists nationalists Zionists politicians assimilated Jews, Israelis mixed with Druze, Yazidis ,Kurd Soranis. Spirituality behind so called Israel has ended, Israelis have betrayed their own kind people or else DNA tests would tell who and what they really are: golddiggers.

    8. Star of David used on atheist Zionist racist nationalist flag is blasphemy. Prophet Dau'd David (God G-d Allah Bless him. Ameen) never said to do golddigging & create golddigging systems against descendants of Tribes of Noah Bani Nu'h.

    9. Nimru'd/Nimrood was great grandson of Baba/Papa Noah Nu'h, Prophet Nu'h/Noah. Allah Bless him. Ameen

      Nimrod/Nimru'd killed a lot of children just so an opponent couldn't challenge him.
      That challenge was Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham (Allah G-d God Bless him. Ameen).
      Nimru'd Nimrod lost his brain when a mosquito entered his nose and ate his brain. Likewise, Israeli killings of Palestinians Palestinians babies lead into mosquitos attacking Israeli ls Israeli soldiers. Firoaun/Pharoah did the same, kill babies to avoid a challenge, where Sayyidina Prophet Musa/Moses (Allah Bless him. Ameen) emerged as a challenge. Same pattern against Canaans land territory where Palestinians Palestine Gaza live.

    10. Canaan is son of Ham, Baba Nu'h/Papa Noah is grandfather of Canaan. Canaans territory includes Philistim Philistin. Holy Land is under Canaans parameters whih were from Noahs parameters.
      Holy Land is from Lebanon to whole Palestine, Western Jordan.
      Aram,Sham, Gether/Gathar, Joktan, are all descendants of sons of Noah/Nu'h, Baba Nu'h/Papa Noah, Prophet Noah/Nu'h is Braintrust of all Prophets. Allah G-d God Bless them all

    11. Antisemitism vs Anti-Noah parameters: Philistim Philistin Falastiin Palestinians Palestine are/is under Canaans responsibility protection and unity, which are all are under his father Ham, where the father Ham is under his own father Baba/Papa Noah Nu'h parameters. Atheist Israeli state nationalists racists Zionists should be punished according same parameters. Prophet Davids parameters still valid as he gave to Israeliites who fled from Jerusalem to Iran Afghanistan Northwest Pakistan Mid-Pakistan. Same parameters valid against Israeli racists nationalists Zionists assimilated Israelis Israeli societal hierarchy.

    12. As a Catholic / Christian, I wish my Blessings to all of Abraham's Children and to the NKI Rabbis! May God keep you – and all of his Children – safe (from ALL evil [and Harm])! And may my christian Brothers and sisters in Gaza be Safe!


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