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    I live in a poor country I live in Romania which is technically poor it’s one of the poorest countries in Europe it’s very very poor the average wage is like 400 bucks a month the police Drive dachio Logans the police drive cars that can’t even go

    Above 70 miles an hour I’ve never seen a police chase when the police stopped me I say why don’t people run who just outrun you he goes oh well you know why why run when you can just get tickets it’s very much people the police force isn’t heavily armed like none of

    This but it’s safe in general unless you piss off a big guy the crime is very organized there’s no random crime it’s very organized crime


    1. you guys didnt thought about the fact…that maybe the romanian goverment saved them both by emprisonning them before they got wacked by a another gov. or agency…and that is why romanian gov didnt filed a well worked court action against them…

    2. Dude nobody works for 40 bucks a month😂….you want to say a day.respect Romanian people because you live in Romania 🇷🇴 .respect to respected top G😉

    3. I live in România and nothing is true and never was 😂. I mean even my grand grand mother earned more than 40$/mo during the WW2 so.. such a pitty cuz it leads to deception.
      Btw, come and visit romania. Is dope. 😉

    4. I know someone from Srilanka who works in a restaurant in Romania. He makes net €600 plus free housing plus overtime. He said sometimes he make in a month net €900 excluding overtime pay. It's like his work contract is set for net €600 but he makes more than that.

    5. 40 bucks a month? Wtf is he talking about 😂😂😂😂😂 The average wage is over 8000 Lei in 2023 which is over 1600€ Brutto. But thats ofc boosted by Millionaires and Billionaires like in every other Country too but the normal Person is making around 800-1200€ and the mininum wage is 3300 Lei (650€). And the Police isnt driving only Dacia lol they have Bmw's too for example…The Dacias arent driving only 70mph like he is saying its way more because they are chip tuned and besides that the Dacias are driving faster than 70mph by stock. Such a delusional guy

    6. Andrew and Tristan went to some nightclubs in our country, threw some money, met some ladies, one of them hooked up with a tv "star" renowned for her relationships with influential men and acted like they had an idea what Romania is like. 😂

    7. The minimum salary in Romania is 420 EUR after tax and the medium is 950 EUR after tax. It's small compared to the West, but to say it's a poor country shows you haven't been to Africa or any real poor country. This guy deserves what's coming, he's a pimp and a criminal. I don't care he says some things that make sense. I'm sure Ted Bundy had some intelligent things to say, that doesn't change who he was.

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