The webinar about our TOURING cycling tours was focusing on last year’s new Istria Gourmet Cycling Holidays, our most prestigious cycling trip with an emphasis on top gastronomy and regions’ top accommodation. We also present the Bike Slovenia Green Wellness Route, a cycling tour that we at the agency have divided into two parts, northern (Alpine) and southern (Wine Country).

    Hi everyone nice to meet you here uh thanks matit my name is Andre I am also coming from visit good place we are all very pleased to see you with us today in such uh big numbers we are starting our let’s say session of four different uh webinars this week and next week

    Um explaining you more about our offers about our agency about our tours as it was mentioned we will just wait another two minutes or something like that not too much because we must learn how to be uh on time of course um at the end of this presentation which will last for about

    50 minutes something like that we will open the chat window and if you will have any questions in between uh you must know that we will explain you quite a lot about our tours but definitely there is always for some questions which remain unanswered and you are welcome to put

    Them in our chat section for those of you who are not so familiar with that you find the the chat icon at the bottom of the screen and then you just write your questions uh please don’t expect answers um during the presentation maybe something uh easy something uh simple we

    Can answer meanwhile otherwise we will take some more time for the questions and answers at the end of the presentation yeah once again I would like to mention that this presentation is is being recorded uh so you should know that um everything what we are

    Going to say tonight uh is uh on the record and once again we kindly ask you to to mute your microphones if you haven’t done this before yeah I think some people are still coming maybe few more seconds and then I will change The View you are you are observing now

    Onto our presentation and we will go through the slides you will see some videos tonight you will see many Maps some nice pictures presenting our tours so we’ll do our best to tell you to show you to present you as much as possible and we

    Will be very pleased if we meet you on some of our tours or if we meet meet in person during the season which is coming very soon and that’s it I suggest that we start let’s go to the presentation so I will say in Slovenian in the beginning in which means welcome to

    Slovenia and welcome to Croatia these are the countries where our cycling tours and Hiking tours take place in the beginning just a couple of words about my colleague Matia and myself we have some experience in tour guiding quite um some years we can say we were both guides guiding different

    Styles of Tours cycling tours hiking tours classic tours uh we are also let’s say passionate uh Adventure uh athlets if I may use this expression we both like uh outdoor hiking cycling trail running mati also caving and he did a lot of rock climbing so let’s say that we have

    Some experience from this uh field and we can understand the groups coming to our places we can understand what you are looking for and we can tell you something from our experience and share with you professionally we are also from this uh expertise from this field uh geography

    Cartography which means that we have a lot to do with the maps Trail designing orientation in the in the um regions we are dealing with uh so just a little bit that you know about ourselves uh we are also both of course employed in visit good place Matia is

    Also the co-founder of the agency and uh we will share our time tonight for this presentation so uh sometime you will you will listen to me and sometime to MAA thank you Andre for this introduction words um yeah he introduced ourselves and now let us go to the big picture to

    The our agency the tour operator which is actually the one who provides the service and all the Conta if some chooses to come and visit and uh tour with us um this a good place it’s quite self-explanatory we like to say because we really try to make it a good place

    For you for everyone who joins us because uh we are really local driven Boutique and responsible tour operator and we really really dig deeply into being honest uh not just putting those words on the paper on the slides but to actually fulfill them in real life as well uh we

    Are very strongly committed to sustainability we own several certificates like life Slovenia green and more moreover also the B Corp certificate which is actually uh we are actually the first Bor certificated uh company in Slovenia uh B cor being one of the highest sustainability standards

    In the world so to speak uh on one hand it’s also our guests uh who give us very nice feedbacks for which we are very happy and uh grateful so far we are really high highly rated Five star rated on different platforms like Trip Advisor Google and Facebook but not only the

    Guests uh also some quite renowned media from all over the world uh found our work and our product quite interesting so to speak our several hour tours were chosen among top products in the years from 2020 on up to 2024 by let’s say National Geographic Clon Planet guardian and also those

    Tours were mentioned in many other um cycling and outdoor media uh or from all around the world some of them stated below uh in on this slide if anyone is interested more into this topic uh each of the tours which is presented on our website has also reference to the media

    Presentation so it’s possible to check it up uh on our page and now we will slowly proceed to the core of our business let’s say uh Andre already mentioned before we both Andre and I are coming from the spatial related uh field of expertice Andre being geographer and myself being being

    A geodesist I specialize also in cartography land topographic and also Marine cartography and all this knowledge helps us a lot to uh deal with all the necessary data that we need to provide a really good service to our guests uh so we find this one of the

    Most important things uh to give away really good and precise data not just uh I’ll put it that way also for the guided tours although the guide will take all the necessary steps for you and take care uh while you are touring with us but mostly for the self-guided store

    We really look uh into the details that our navigation package are really great you can see those tracks cover uh four countries mostly Slovenia and quite a big portion of Croatia uh it’s a picture from a distance but still all these small Thin Red Lines present over 10,000

    Kilometers of unique tracks or routes so to speak which are the bases from which we from which we design and create Roots which then become the tours you you come and take so uh out of these all lines uh so far we created and we can offer six

    Touring five mountain bike four gravel two hiking and one wildli watching Wildlife watching Tour all of them quite into detail presented on our web page and also of course uh through some more detailed uh information available in the brochures PDF brochures for download it’s different tours that we offer mostly in

    Terms of uh organization of how the tourist are organized it can be either guided self-guided or tailor made uh tailor made meaning that we can tailor or customize the tour either for a guided group or for a self-guided group as well so taking a guided tour of

    Course it means all you have to do is come along start touring and our guides will take care as good as they can they are all very well experienced and they have a deep knowledge on the uh country on the region where each tour takes place and they take care for guiding for

    Navigation for everyday’s accommodations luggage transfers Etc on the other hand self-guided tours of course uh meant more for more or slightly more experienced cyclist who can find their way uh by their own uh we provide them with previously mentioned navigational packages uh and we take care also for everything regarding booking for

    Accommodations uh for the daily luggage transfer for a return transfer uh at the end of the tour and we mustn’t forget for we also take care for the bikes we offer a bike rental based on our quite big Fleet of bikes which consists of around 80 bikes so far uh I have to

    Point it out that all of our bikes are are fairly new up to two or three years old we change them regularly maintain them regularly because we really want uh to for everyone to have a very good experience and not to be spoiled by some not efficiently maintained bike or that

    Are similar so this is something of great importance uh support on our tours in case of anything happens especially on self-guided stores like emergency situations Etc uh don’t worry we never live any anyone unattended somewhere in the middle of nowhere Although our tours take place through some really remote parts of the

    Countries but it’s always quite uh still close enough for us to make an intervention to change a spare part to change a bike to help with anything that happens along the way so it’s taken care about this in case of any emergency situation and previously mentioned navigational pack which I will explain

    Now slightly more into detail on the next Slide the navigation pack is now based on the Ride with GPS application uh maybe those who come from uh the states know it better because it’s a American application it was developed in United States and uh it’s quite widely used in Europe already

    Although in European place still maybe people know more like about Kut or outdoor active and similar we tried and tested many of them now this is not the case to discuss which one is better each one has it better points advantages disadvantages but we found this R GPS

    Very reliable we also tailored it perfectly to our needs and through this application we can offer really precise GPS data uh additionally equipped with extended information very conveniently uh service through the guide or booklet with all the necessary information for every day of the itinerary of the tour it’s also possible

    To use mobile app free for navigation and moreover the whole package we send to Our Guest can be easily download it offline onto mobile device and use it without internet connection as well in case that happens in some very remote places of our tours which is rare but

    Still it’s good to have this backup apart from that of course we offered or let’s say the application offers the possibility of downloading tracks as well and use them with any other mean of navigation if somebody prefers like a special navigation device Garmin and similar today after this basic

    Introduction words we will move on and talk more about cycling in Slovenia and Croatia today’s Focus as Andre already mentioned at the beginning is on touring cycling there will be all tours presented in general but some of them more into detail especially we will mention the bike Slovenia Green Wellness

    Tour which consists of two actually two two two two uh unique tours which can be done separately or combined and then we will point out mostly our quite new istria gouret cycling tour and compar it to the etic tour as already named tells you those two tours are

    Take place in the EA peninsula in Croatia so they are more Mediterranean like and they have some similar characteristics but yet they are different and this is something that Andre will present to you through the following slides and after that we will of course have enough time for questions and

    Answers and now I am glad to give my uh will gladly give my word to Mike back to Andre and he will proceed with some more detailed insights about the region and about the tours yeah you know there are different types of luck uh some people can get in

    Their lives and I think that we are very lucky to live in this part of the world in this part of Europe and I’m not saying this just because uh of my work in tourist business but uh to be at home in such nice places which are so diverse

    Which offer you so many possibilities for outdoor activities for U getting familiar with local uh let’s say Crossroads of European countries and histories and and Cuisine and uh influences of different uh directions this is really really a big uh luck and if we combine it with our work in the

    Agency and uh the possibility to share these Beauties uh of this part of Europe with you and other guests this is a kind of a privilege here you can see some nice photos showing you yeah predominantly a green color uh Slovenia which is the country where we are based is not green

    Just following its politics which are let’s say uh sustainable and environmental friendly but we are definitely a very Green Country ranking among the top of European States uh considering the percentage of forests on on the territory of the country by the way about 60% of Slovenia is under

    Forest which is a good news for cyclist because if you visit us in the summer which can be quite hot you will find enough uh shade and enough freshness in the forests you can cross Alpine Meadows or go through The Vineyards every everything in a small place which is

    Let’s say about the same size as as the state of Massachusetts in the states or maybe uh the land hessen in Germany since I know that there are some Germans with us just to compare how how small it is everything but also how diverse here you can see a short clip

    Showing you probably the most famous place in Slovenia the lake blit which is also on some of our tours and some more let’s say impressions of greenery Slovenia is POS positioned on the southern side of the Alps to the south of Austria to the east of Northern Italy and yeah there is

    Something for every taste from really demanding climbs for mountain bikers to spectacular gra gravel roads like this one which you can see here which are suitable for let’s say cyclists who want also to enjoy not just to do some sports it’s also a country full of uh wild rivers beautiful glacial lakes beautiful

    Mountain views and yeah believe me we offer here something for every taste today we are talking about cycling but since some of our tours offer you enough free time let’s say to enjoy something more of after a daily stage there are many chances for you to do a short hike

    To visit a local Viewpoint to swim in the lake to hire a kayak and go I don’t know to the island in bled what you can see here on the photo right below to do some uh fly fishing Slovenia rivers are very rich on fish and many people from

    All over the world are visiting Slovenia because of this uh attraction and we also have a short slice of Adriatic Coastline with Venetian style Town towns for example pan which you can see on the video clip here and many of our tours end or begin in this Mediterranean

    Gem let’s not forget about the foot if you look on the map you will see that Slovenia is positioned really on the crossroads of Europe between Central Europe and Mediterranean and between Eastern Europe on one side and Western countries on the other which is also reflected on

    Slovenia’s Cuisine uh so you can explore the Tasties here um somehow our uh very successful chefs and uh restaurant owners have managed to combine these influences from all directions into a modern very enjoyable Cuisine which was also recognized by important world media including last but not least mishan

    Which uh gave or presented um many Slovenia restaurants and Croatia restaurants as well with michan stars and some of our tours also touch these restaurants so you will have an option to enjoy top cuisine in those places let’s move just a little bit to the South uh when someone mentions Croatia uh your

    First impression is definitely Adriatic Coastline which is stunning which is one of the most beautiful stretches of Mediterranean Coastline but Croatia is also something more it has uh beautiful uh Heartland if you just go couple of kilometers away from the coastline you will discover unlimited network of of Hilltop town

    Medieval Villages full of Heritage some of those architectural gems are also protected by a UNESCO world heritage sign or or our let’s say national uh architectural or cultural monuments some of them are seen on those photos a typical mansion in istria another gem um let’s say wal town of

    Motovun in istrian Heartland here you see Roman Heritage one of the biggest Roman amphitheaters in the world in hisan town of Pula and another impression similar to slovenia’s pan there is croan counterpart called Rin you can see uh a lot of Venetian influence here by the way uh the world

    Famous city of Venice is just across the gulf couple of kilometers away in of course yeah uh here you have a taste of our estrian tour which we are going to discuss a little bit later most of it goes parallel to Adriatic Coastline uh in the shadow of of the

    Trees and with great opportunities to dive into the sea just couple of meters away throughout longer season I would say because these places we are talking about are good to visit from April to October October or even November you know with climate change this seasons are going to get longer and longer which

    Is maybe not good for Global Climate but for your fun on the tours this is somehow a good news and a little bit away from the sea you have a network of trails and Roads Through The Vineyards through Olive Gardens Olive Orchards always around the corner there is spectacular view to some

    Of the hilltop towns like I have already mentioned motovun here above the above the F let’s go a little bit to the maps tonight we are going to talk about touring program so we are going to mention to you some of our um tours which offer you enough enough time to

    Enjoy the landscape the cuisine the views the Heritage and don’t demand too much much uh energy for the cycling itself I will show you a map in bigger resolution now those lines are our touring uh offers in Slovenia and in Croatia if I zoom out this map a little

    Bit you will see where we are positioned if you haven’t been here before so as I said just a little bit to the northeast of Italy or to the south of Austria on the shores of the adriat sea in Slovenia we have let’s say our original tour which is called elps to Adriatic

    And shows you let’s say the diversity of the country it is a transition from the high elps from the national park through beautiful valleys Vineyards and the car region full of underground caves all the way down to the Adriatic Coastline in a little bit more than 230

    Kilometers you can see more details if you visit our website also Above This tour if you decide to to take it then we have another nice tour which is divided in two parts we call it gouret cycling holidays because one of the emphasizes of this tour is

    Actually uh Cuisine and visiting good uh restaurants plus wineries in different regions of Slovenia the first part of the tour starts in the west of the country parallel to Italian border then we do a transition by train through the capital city of lublana and we move eastwards to continue in panonian half

    Half of Slovenia uh taking you past some uh Spa towns Through The Vineyards with some beautiful uh views to slovenia’s Second City marior and around sound wine Hills once again then here we have uh very interesting shorter tour which I will introduce you a little bit

    Later as well it is called slov estria to Adriatic and it takes you to the north western part of estrian peninsula and here we also have some longer tour which is position in eastern part of Slovenia and is divided in two sections we call it Wellness tour because it

    Takes you to the spa towns and again through Vineyards uh through hidden towns let’s say away from the mass tourism away from the most visited parts of the country but on the other hand we show you the the real uh spirit of Slovenia because you get familiar with

    Let’s say more Rural Life uh with Traditions with once again cuine with influences from all directions the first section of the tour is on the foot of the Alps and it takes you almost to the meeting point of Slovenia Austria Hungary and Croatia you can finish here after a week

    Or if you have enough energy and uh time of course you can continue through the southern half of the tour which is called Wine Country tour because the name tells you everything crossing different wine regions into the kirka river valley here in the southeast of Slovenia where you will complete the

    Tour in another nice spot town and finally we have the highlight of uh this uh presentation this is the Gourmet cycling holidays in Ean Peninsula a very nice tour which uh shows you the meeting point of three countries taking you from Italy across Slovenia to Croatia and I

    Will explain you a little bit more about this tour in just a couple of minutes but now first of all something about our touring program in general some technical data which will help you definitely to to decide if uh those tours are suitable for you or if you would like something different

    The tours are generally between six and 11 days long when I say 11 days I have in my mind the longest tour which is of course the wellness tour in the east of Slovenia which is divided in two sections uh what I mentioned to you just a few minutes ago those tours are

    Technically easy because uh they are positioned on uh local roads we are avoiding traffic as much as possible so we choose the local roads the narrow Roads connecting different towns and Villages away from the main traffic there are also some sections which are gravel but don’t be afraid in any case

    This is good gravel so don’t expect some really bumpy roads which are not such fun the stage is last for half a day which I also mentioned to you and it means that you have enough time for some other activities visits or Simply Having

    A free time in the spa towns or or in Wine sellers or restaurants uh you can take part on those tours with different types of bikes but of course those mentioned here are the most suitable touring or gravel bikes or ebikes of course which are also very popular as mentioned before those bikes

    Can be rented uh in our agency from the our Rich bike Fleet the fitness level needed for those tours is low to moderate so don’t expect some really sporty um exercise everything is more or less fun with a lot of opportunities to enjoy technical difficulty reaches let’s

    Say medium in some shorter sections but in general it is low the stages are between 35 and 40 kilometers long daily stages of course and you gain up to 400 MERS of elevation per stage the highlights uh are simple to mention once again but very diverse and Rich to see

    Stunning land Landscapes between the Alps Adriatic panonian Plains car caves uh Croatian Coast Croatian islands and Croatian mountains you have plenty of historic towns from different uh let’s say uh history times many national parks and as mentioned before UNESCO world heritage sites many of our touring um offers are

    Also marked with the sign of Slovenia green bike Slovenia green green which is a certificate actually gu which guarantees you that we only touch Green certified destinations with stress on sustainability on supporting local communities local people people who uh do different Crafts sell different products like olive oil wine uh fruit

    Cheese and so on and so on uh we always want to travel green to leave the carbon footprint as low as possible so this is why we move from different sections or between different sections of the Tour by train and not by car we we are avoiding to use single use

    Plastic by the way water in Slovenia and Croatia is good to drink I’m talking about tap water so it’s not necessary to buy bottled water in in this part of Europe and we always prioritize small family run accommodations so you will simply enjoy in the best possible accommodation away from masses away from

    These huge I don’t know Coastal Resorts where there are thousands of people crammed together let’s just check a short movie if it will work uh we are watching Wellness tour in eastern Slovenia yeah sorry I was just informed that you don’t hear the the comments uh so I will tell you just

    Couple of words I mentioned to you already that this Wellness uh tour brings you from the Alps into panonia which is eastern part of Slovenia which is somehow similar in landscape Beauties to neighboring Hungary or to Eastern parts of Austria steria and burgenland for example uh there is a section for there

    Is actually a puzzle of river valleys um Vineyards historic towns castles and the tour uh stages almost always end in Spa towns which always offers you the possibility to enjoy the pools the thermal water and other uh possibilities the spot ons usually offer okay just a second let’s move on yeah here we

    Are so the wellness route some statistics and some photos the northern section has seven stages and the southern six stages you can see 260 or 270 kilometers and in general around 2 and a half thousand Metter of elevation gain uh per section I have already told that you you

    You’re going to discover the heart of Slovenia with its traditions and away from uh Mass tourism sites and something not to forget local Gourmet experience is very rich on this tour because we have chosen the best restaurants uh to take you to for dinners and just to show you to to give

    You an experience about uh let’s say Rich Cuisine of this part of Slovenia some photos the sections of Wellness route are different the first part takes you through the foot of the elps you begin the tour in Slovenian capital city which which is very attractive actually lublana and directly

    From the heart of the city you don’t need a lot to be in the greenery on the local Road and on the foot of the Alps as I said and then you continue eastwards passing some Lakes tasting local Delicacies enjoying your free time in the Spas visiting historic towns with little

    Churches let’s say which are a kind of attraction in Slovenia every second Hill has a church on the top you will see if you visit us then you also re reach the panonian part when I say panonian I mean in Geographic sense panonian Plains which we share together with Croatia

    Hungary Austria and other countries in this part of Europe you will go through the second city of Slovenia maribor across the drava river into slovenka git uh wine region which is also full of beautiful lakes some more spawns and in the very east of Slovenia there are huge Plains with Rich

    Tradition Ians you will be able to taste some local Delicacies for example some cured hem and then the second part of the tour takes you more or less through the wine regions uh this little town is interesting because it is Slovenian Jerusalem and actually we call it

    Jerusalem it’s one of the most beautiful wine regions in Europe with uh excellent wines of course this town called is called P the oldest city in Slovenia where we will also spend the night enjoy some uh beautiful views tasting wine in local Wine sellers and finally reaching the last

    Stages of the tour along the kirka river with the island castle of aets with one of the most attractive little towns of Slovenia which is on the island of the river costan V we call it and then finally you will come to the spa at the

    End of the tour uh which will be let’s say the best possible conclusion and this is now uh yeah the highlight of uh those tours which we are presenting you uh today estria gouret cycling seven stages 230 km and 2,500 M of elevation gain as I mentioned

    The tour starts in Italy in the Harbor Town of triest and then it takes you through Slovenia to Croatia which also means that uh it presents you three different cultures Italian Slovenian and Croatian different languages uh everything is also a kind of a puzzle of national National minorities there are Italians

    Living in Slovenia and Croatia there are slovenians living in Italy you will see plenty of bilingual um signs along the roads um you will hear many different languages not just from other tourists but also from the locals living here the landscape changes although the region you’re going to visit is relatively

    Small you will see differences in short distances some sections on the coast the other sections Inland on the um Hills the whole region is very rich on history but especially on let’s say agriculture it was very traditional in the past some of those Traditions or many of those Traditions have remained

    Up to this date but ton today we can say that the winee keepers of istria the olive oil producers and the Truffle Hunters this is a kind of a specialty of istria rank among the best in this part of the world and you can be sure that

    You will you will taste some of those Delicacies on your way the cuisine in general is once again I don’t want to repeat myself too much a mixture between Italian cuisine Croatian or or Cuisine from the Balkans and Slovenian which is in general as I said before a mixture of Cuisines uh

    Already and very important at the end I already told you that you will uh spend the nights between the stages in the best accommodations in this part of Slovenia and Croatia uh we have chosen um beautiful old houses renovated in very comfortable very rich uh rooms offering you other other possibilities to enjoy

    The time after uh the tour and to feel very relaxed and in general those accommodations are also positioned on some top locations which offer you beautiful views across the the landscape uh and they are in in let’s say peaceful Corners away from some busy traffic

    Roads and so on let’s just move a little bit back to our map from before so this is uh this is the map of Ean tour e and Gourmet cycling tour we are talking about as I said the tour starts in triest which is in this corner of

    Italy and then the first section will take you following the Old Railway line which means it is almost completely flat through some tunnels to this little Jam which is Slovenia city of pan a little Venetian gem on on uh Adriatic Coast then you will have Inland you will head

    Inland towards Hilltop towns of gran and motovun a little bit away from the sea but from many points you will see Adriatic uh on those stages motovun it’s a very attractive town you can see it here on the photo it’s in the center of Croatia’s truffle hunting region so this

    Valley around mun is full of white and black truffle then you will return to the coast to the historic town of porch which is also part of UNESCO world heritage because of its old church from the 4th Century ad you will encircle a little F likee Bay it’s not really a f

    Like you know them from Scandinavia but it is a flooded cars Valley which offers you some beautiful views then another Venetian town of Rin and then with plenty of options to dive into the Adriatic Sea you will pass the Bruni National Park which was a retreat for

    Were famous people in the past among them also Former Yugoslav president Tito uh before his death in 1980 and you will finish the tour in the biggest town of Croatian histria Pula this is the place with the big Roman Ampitheater which I showed you a couple of slides

    Before now this is a typical photo showing you the cycling on Old Railway line on Slovenian section of this tour passing the town of Isola uh we had a lot of fun uh let’s say uh two years ago when we were planning this tour I hope that you’ve heard my

    Colleague Kya if not she was uh explaining about our trip to istria this was uh filmed in late October so you see that we were cycling in shorts which is a proof about good weather and longer seasons in this section and we didn’t forget to dive

    Into the sea on the very tip of peninsula close to the town of Pula you will encounter numerous Bas like this one and the stages are short enough to allow you free time to enjoy to take the waters and just to finish this presentation with a kind of comparison

    Of the tours we will talk we were talking now about the gourme route in estria now just a couple of words about our let’s say older tour which is called estria to the Adriatic it only takes you to the Northwestern part of the peninsula once again through three countries with this cultures languages

    And traditions so Italy Slovenia and Croatia it is six stages long a little bit more than 220 kilom and 1,700 M of elevation gain the landscape diversity is similar than uh before but there are some more longer gravel sections here so you can see here

    On the on the video on the left it is a little bit more demanding because we have chosen some more remote sections of O roads yeah sometimes you get it also a little bit dirty if it is wet but it is fun it is fun uh and you you can

    Enjoy these old towns and all all the offer as well here a map as I said just the Northwestern part of istria starting in triest taking you across Slovenia then Inland to this truffle Zone around the towns of Gran opal and mun then here we come to porich UNESCO City and then

    This is the difference between estria to the Adriatic and isri gurur we head back northwards crossing the Western most point of Croatia here and returning to slovenia’s coastal town of pan where the tour finishes some Impressions this is the city of triest in Italy where we start

    Then we cross pan in Slovenia as I said following the Old Railway line which is now uh reserved only for cyclists and uh hikers some original uh accommodation which we also find Inland a little bit then you also see the salt pans uh with very rich and long tradition dating back

    To ventian times you cross Ross many uh medieval towns and viewpoints of course just before Crossing into Croatia so far you already know these two places I guess motovun the travle center and Gran The Artisan town full of uh workshops of painters and musicians and very important there are

    There are plenty of options to taste delicious estrian wines we are talking about white and red wines and the most famous thing in histria trule which is added to different types of food and offered in in plenty of restaurants around and in the second part of the

    Tour of course the Adriatic Sea plays the role number one a hidden base viewpoints gravel roads Roman Heritage in Pula and in porch and yeah this is how we had fun while planning and you will have the same opportunity as I said if you come as

    Early birds in April or in May or if you finish let’s say our season in late September or October uh you will have an option to enjoy some of such spots like this one on the photo almost for yourself where when the masses already depart this tourist towns around

    Pula accommodation as mentioned uh we have searched for the best possibilities for you all what you can see on those photos here are actual accommodation from our tour so if you come and join us you will sleep in this places shown on these photos as I said

    With beautiful views to the old towns like r in this case or or here you have swimming pools to relax after the stage or beautiful Terraces for let’s say dinner uh at the sunset uh just before you you conclude your day and some more Impressions from those

    Accommodations and here I would like to thank you for this time and Matia is going to to conclude this presentation thanks thank you very much Andre for this deep and picturesque inside uh even for me uh of course I have seen those pictures and those tours in life so many

    Times being on the bike enjoying them tapping the tours together Etc but still it’s always fun and very nice to uh Rec recall all this nice place especially now in winter time when we have colder days and snow Etc it’s fine to think about and to plan what to do in the

    Upcoming season uh very shortly since uh we are approaching the end of the presentation this is more let’s say the factor graphic part uh but I guess everyone is interested in this uh we will I will just mention briefly something about tour dates and prices uh all of the tours presented in today’s

    Presentation can be also of course uh into detail on our web page where you have also much more information regarding the tour type regarding what you get if you decide for a guided tour or what you have to know or what you get if you decide for a self-guided both

    Types of the tours are of course uh possible in different uh season times either in uh early preseason time in May or later after the peak season in this area in late early or late September uh similar goes with a s guided stores uh it’s difficult to talk exactly about the

    Price right now because the price totally depends on the type of the tour being guided or self-guided and even more having taking a self-guided tour means it depends on the number of the participant Etc so the best way to do it is either to check some info on guided

    Stores and web page and of course feel free we will be more than happy to help you when you contact us and ask for an offer and we will really prep prep are something that will suit your special needs either in terms of pre-prepared Tours or even specially tailor made for your uh

    Wishes uh you can see on this uh slide uh dates about the wellness uh tour in North and South section and also we will show you the dates for the um Mediterranean part of the tours which are the estrian tours described today EA to the dtic and istria gouret as you can

    See with those two it’s possible even to start them a bit earlier and finish them later since they are more down south into the close to the Mediterranean so to speak uh uh it’s true it’s you have to balance somehow between uh taking the shoulder season uh to avoid the high

    Pick season in the summer time and not to be too late before the season actually ends uh in the late October or beginning of November so uh but we of course have a deep knowledge uh inside knowledge about the region about how the tourism Works

    In this region we are part of it and we manage it so to speak so we really look uh uh about these details and prepare as good experience for you as possible uh you can see those dates mentioned here as I said uh similar May September or

    Even earlier even April and late October late September beginning of October is possible to do those tours so far there are several dates outside for the EAS to the Adriatic tour since this is a bit older tour it’s uh well known with our customers it’s also um quite almost booked already uh it’s

    The the other one the EA gouret is filling up right now it’s a new one we are promoting it right now Etc and uh anyone who decides to opt for this one and if the inquiries go up of course we will do our best to open more dates if

    Necessary for this EET tour as well um otherwise I think uh we just have to mention or it’s good to mention let’s say apart from the touring program we were presenting today uh in our agency we offer also mountain biking and grael program focused more on on let’s say

    Sportive activities uh a bit more physically demanding but uh also enjoyable tours we can offer actually I guess some of you also U signed in for the webinars following webinars about the mountain bike gravel cycling and hiking in the following days uh yeah with hiking programs we can point out

    Mainly the historical walk of peace and of course the newborn child of ours the best of Slovenia hiking tour which will be presented on Wednesday and uh moreover apart from the tours we offer as an agency I would like to mention as well something else uh having quite uh

    Deep knowledge in uh developing product uh being strong in the knowledge of product development photography storytelling Etc uh we also do another business so to speak we offered to create and design the trans dinarica route uh which is uh one of the let’s say uh quite big big uh longdistance

    Cycling tours connecting all countries of the western balcon uh it’s actually almost done it will be published in July this year uh we are still working on it but although not being toally finished yet it’s it has already gained a lot of recognition in foreign media quite some uh Awards in

    Foreing press um it was established through different help of one from coming from America USA also different other HS from Germany Switzerland and Sweden but uh mentioning the the the rewards uh we are very proud to say that it was chosen for Best in travel also in Guardian Lonely Planet and outside

    Magazine and some others as well and there are many many many people already on standby to release the navigational data which we are preparing and dealing with apart from all other things um so I think this is the best time to put on the last slide I would

    Really like to thank you for listening I hope it was not too long or not to say boring I guess not uh um maybe one more thing looking at this c i remember of St yeah now you will see this mind work of mine I forgot to

    Mention before we we we pointed out several times sustainability that we are committed to uh we are very proud that uh we managed in the last season we managed to actually compensate the footprint uh uh the carbon footprint for the all of our tour taking place in Slovenia and Croatia meaning covering

    All the inter transportation from the time somebody comes to the destination covering everything regarding the O transport the accommodations uh food taken Etc um mostly we did that by helping with foresting with planting trees in the car region which was also mentioned today a lot because car region

    Was devastated almost two years ago from now by a big forest fire and now we all have try to somehow uh make it make it make it green again so to speak so uh thanks again for listening and I think it’s time we can move on to questions and answer

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