This is my last day in Norway unless something unforeseen happens. Tomorrow I will climb up into the hills above Trysil and cross the border into Sweden.

    [Applause] morning all how’re we doing this is my camp spot from last night there is the town of Orchestra man down there is a big lake which is called I think stir fern which I believe means Big Lake creative naming I had intended to just roll out a sleeping mat on one

    Of the benches in this little shelter and I did that but then as soon as the Sun went down behind those hills the mosquitoes came out in there hundreds and thousands I have rarely seen the like of it and so to avoid waking up this morning as a bloodless

    Husk I was forced to very quickly put the tent up this is just stone that we’re standing on here so I had to do some very creative swearing to get the tent pegs in but it was fine and I survived it’s gonna be another lovely day I think and I’m

    Getting a begley early start in its seventh day so I’m only 30 miles from the Swedish border as the crow flies but because I want to cross it on small roads and forestry trails if I can rather than the main roads I have to take a little bit of a random walk

    Approach to it so I’m going mostly east for about 30 or 40 kilometres a little bit north and then dipping hard down to the south until I can find a nice quiet road over the border I don’t think it will happen today probably tomorrow sort of midday tomorrow I think but that’s

    The plan we should see I need to resupply somewhere so we’re just gonna get some pedaling in the sunshine in see what happens other than that little short sharp climb out of town this morning has been rather uneventful really nice smooth quiet road really annoying headwind mostly forest

    To either side occasional glimpse of mountains in the north I keep hoping I’ll see an elk they are proving very elusive so far on this trip I’ve seen reindeer red deer red squirrels – beavers and a weasel I possibly stoked some kind of long mouse they’ve all been too quick or too far

    Away – Phil I’m afraid so I’ve swung round now and I’m heading east and shortly I’m gonna swing around even more and head south down the road there’s a town overhead anger doll I think where there’s a shop and stop for lunch fill up on supplies and work out whereabouts

    I need to start heading east to the border Well that was another supermarket visit and another 20-something quid spent to be fair though is entirely my own fault I keep buying luxurious items I’m getting really into these Elks alarm is there about six or seven quid each but they they spice up couscous something special when one has grown bored of

    Tinned fish which one definitely has I’ve got my crossing point pegged now I think we’re gonna follow this road south a little bit more down to a town called Tris Hill and from there we loop back on ourselves we head north again up into the hills it’s a little bit round houses

    But this means that we get to cross over into Sweden on very quiet back roads which hopefully will mean we can avoid any Border Patrol’s I will of course just for added safety be disguising myself as a small group of washer women or maybe if what a sheep I’m not

    Entirely sure one or t’other I have to see which character and feeling at the time but hopefully we’ll cross over into Sweden sometime tomorrow I’m not going to push on for it today because it’s getting cold and we’ve done quite good distance so we’ll do maybe another ten

    Fifteen kilometres and start looking for somewhere to pitch for the night I think yeah let’s go see what’s down the road Well that’s ended quite a productive day in the end after lunch was pretty much all downhill and I had wind in my back for the whole way so I’ve done just under 100 kilometres which is pretty good and I’m lined up nicely to head through town tomorrow pick up

    Some final supplies and then sneak across the border without anyone seeing so I’m not very glamorous pitch I’m just in a little short grass area between the road and the river so it could be loud during the night there’s a lot of lorries up there it’s really windy as well

    Anyway I’m a waffling it’s been a groovy day and tomorrow will hopefully be a groovier one I’m gonna get the tent up and get some food on


    1. Recently find your channel. Like your style of dry British humour. Even though your sneaking in to the EU, doubt that you'll find any border patrolmen along the bigger roads. I've done border crossing dozen of times between Norway and Sweden and never seen a single one.

      I live up in Skellefteå and have done a bunch of touring in Swedish Lapland. Hit me up if you need some advice on route in Lapland, or any other questions for that matter.

    2. I think 25% of all lakes in Sweden are named Storsjön or Långsjön or something similar, they rest have names no one can understand, even locals. To see and Elk, you have to get up really early, or late afternoon and evenings. They are amazingly good at hiding in woodland even though they are taller than a full size horse.

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