Watch live the finals session from Day Three of the 2024 Tissot UCI Track Nations Cup in Adelaide (AUS) on Sunday 4 February.

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    Hello and welcome to Adelaide South Australia that is the super Drome known affectionately as the armadillo for the UCI track Nations cup it’s the third and final night here in Adelaide for the first of three nations cups for 2024 all the points accumulated getting qualifications for the Olympic Games in

    Paris Adelaide South Australia so many Fantastic sporting precincts and of course the world tour for the both the men and women on the road kicked off a couple of weeks ago with the tour down under it’s the track cyclists now that are showing the world what they are

    Capable of in an olympic year the wine regions of South Australia the Barosa Valley CLA Valley and to the south of ad is Mclaren Vale world famous and the adelade oval cricket and different variations of football very popular inside the Vel Drome here though it’s very toasty this evening my name is

    Scott mcgi joining me in commentary is Kate Bates and the third and final night K we’ve had two fantastic days of racing so far and it’s quite toasty in here tonight ready for a final and very warm finish to the competition it has it’s been a sensational couple of days we are

    On day three today the Mercury is hit 39° outside where we are here in jeet’s Cross uh that means for this beautiful Nordic Pine vdrome fast conditions but not a lot of time conditions but I can say that it’s more pleasant uh to ride an omnium or a Sprint on a fast track

    And we can just see just the one black skid mark there on the piece of track that we’ve selected there have been a couple of other scuffs to the track over the last couple of days unfortunately with the men’s and women’s kierin we’ve seen a couple of crashes and we did see

    Also in the women’s Sprint last night with the women’s Kieran coming up tonight the women’s Sprint caught a finals Alise Andrews the current world Kieran Champion did have a crash and has a minor fracture to her collar bone and a very mild concussion as well so unfortunately for her she will not be

    Racing tonight as the Kieran World Champ but a speedy recovery we’re wishing her that’s the program for this evening big racing tonight that’s for sure we start the evening session with the women’s omnium scratch race before we go into the men’s semifinals of the Sprints the qualifying was earlier this morning with

    Matthew Richardson Australian the fastest qualifier women’s kierin as I mentioned without the world champion Elise Andrews as she is trying to recover for the next World Cup in Hong Kong and then through to the men’s Madison final and we’ll wrap up all of the Sprints kierin and concluding tonight with the

    Women’s omnium points race to finish off the the evening Georgia Baker second in the women’s Madison last night along with Alex Manley she’s representing Australia here in the omnium and Ali walliston from New Zealand already has two gold medals to her name in the elimination and the team

    Pursuit can she add a third gold medal here on this third night of competition world champion is the one to get over the top of perhaps Jennifer Valente it is Je Jennifer Valente uh we saw her in action in the Madison last night riding with Lily Williams and Lily very new to

    The V drone there’s cam Meer holding up Katy Archbold and we can see Georgia Baker the Australian in the background but the American team put on an exceptionally good show and so certainly it was pretty hot competition now the omnium here it kicks off with a 30 laap scratch race 7.5

    Km at the last three major competitions World Championships European championships uh and if we also reflect back to the Olympics Jennifer Valente Olympic champion and world champion last year Katie archal has come off fresh form at the Europeans and Scott she not only won the European championships in the omnium she won

    Every event in doing so uh at International level the only Rider that has won a scratch race in the omnium is Alli walliston so we’ve got a pretty crack field for this event in particular uh and certainly we know that Valente walliston and archal uh in very good

    Form Yumi kajihara from Japan is the Asian Continental champion in the omnium so she’ll be one to watch out for as well 28 laps to go 30 laps for the scratch race to get things underway fidanza from Italy the blue colors swings up she had a disappointing

    Ride in the elimination a couple of days ago by her standards so she’ be looking to redeem herself a little bit as well so a standalone scratch race in an omnium uh versus a scratch race in an omnium uh is raced quite differently because in omniums four events the next

    One will be the tempo then the elimination then the points race it is points race heavy because every point in the points race counts uh whereas the first three events the closer to the front you finish the line the more points you get and so often we see the scratch Ray quite

    Conservative where everyone’s just feeling out their legs and getting the getting through the event safely we saw in the men’s omnium last night just how disastrous it can be uh to come undone in any of the races they’re all they’re all Bunch races so it is one Bunch race

    Is risky um but for even riskier there’s Yumi the Asian Continental Champion riding for Japan but that is the very similar to the world championship bands but very narrow thin ones to signify the Asian Continental champion in the tuck position as well it’s been quite discussed the position

    As you see Yumi around in the middle of the field the shortest of the Riders there but with her hands up on top of the bars and that is completely legal but the bars have been made specifically for them to be able to get into that Arrow

    Position and I know I’ve been chatting to a lot of the oldtimers I’ll put them um including myself Stuart o Grady Brett Aken Michael Rogers who’s working for the UCI in terms of safety lot of discussion about that hand position and whether it will be allowed to remain

    Going into 2025 well it sounds as though it probably won’t be based on uh some of the murmurings from the commissaires but kajara is she was second at the Olympic Games in Tokyo an exceptionally proud moment uh to take an Olympic OIC silver medal in her home games she was eighth

    At the World Championships last year she just didn’t have quite as consistent a run through as she did at the Olympic Games you have to be so consistent it is of no particular value if you’re able uh to win the scratch race but then you get

    15th uh in the tempo race or in the elimination for example rahara found herself at World Championships in 12th in the elimination and that cost her uh quite dearly in the overall scale Katie Archbold the Great Britain Rider Fresh Off form from the European Championship she won this event there the omnium and

    The scratch race within the omnium she’s just testing a few legs there just accelerating and seeing what happens behind so she has caus to split in the race 18 laps to go Katie is fairly quick but she’s so strong that she wants to hurt the legs of her components uh competitors before

    They get down to that final Sprint so wanting to make the race as hard as possible no one else had really picked up the pace to that point with 17 laps to go ktie archal the only one showing some intent to try and drive the pace onwards we have the world champion in

    Jen Valente we have the European Champion there there’s the European Champion right in the middle uh Anita Stenberg from Norway with the white colors and the big thick blue light blue bands around the middle fanza from Italy swings through up the top and kajihara also very quickly following her up the wheel now

    It’s the world champion that goes through on the bottom of the track but no real Pace on now as you can see everyone flared right up the track 14 laps to go short scratch race only 30 laps so there’s not a lot of room to really make it difficult and try and go

    On the attack it must be said but as we get closer to 10 laps to go most of the Riders start thinking about conserving energy for that final Sprint sometimes that can create opportunities hesitation if you can pick the right moment to go on the attack

    Less likely to have an attack in the first race of an omnium in the scratch race people aren’t quite sure uh how everybody else is feeling how they’re feeling themselves more conservative strategy is to try and find a good wheel and hold it even if you don’t think uh that you can

    Prevail in the Sprint coming in mid pack by trying to follow uh one of the consistently good sprinters uh Wheels can be a pretty solid strategy n Evans is another one to look out for here she’s in the um the what we’re calling the British racing green colors the Union Jack

    Flag but writing for the the uh Team inspired trade team that Britain have entered so that gives the British just an extra Rider and we saw in the women’s Madison as well that gave them two extra riders in the women’s Madison just to give them some extra depth and training

    Of condition so really good to have Katie archal and Nia Evans from great in the same race they are competing against each other but it just gives them that little bit of extra training and experience at this level there’s Nia just swinging up now in the green colors

    And we can be clear that they aren’t colluding they aren’t working together in fact this is an opportunity uh to gain a place for the Olympic Games and the world championships at the end of the year so it’s a fairly unique opportunity to be able to have more than

    One athlete from your country out there but we’ve seen it on a few occasions uh at this comp I they’ll come around to get eight laps to go all of the Riders at the top of the track now and if there’s anyone really not wanting to wait for that

    Final Sprint this would have been the moment to go on the attack but doesn’t look as if that’s going to be the case now Martins from Portugal dragged them down swung up and got herself up and out of the way Lara Gillespie from Ireland now high on the track Swiss Rider Yasmin

    Ley second position they’re really just watching each other for coming into these final laps they’ll come around and see six laps to go I consider a late flyer in this kind of event about 2 and a half laps to go where you can possibly hold

    On it’s a bit early for that so people jostling for position more here taking an opportunity to move up when they can but we can see it’s really tightly packed in there a lot of Wheels almost overlapping Scott you’ve got to have a strong Constitution Martins again from Portugal

    Drags most of the field down to the bottom of the track but she doesn’t want to be on the front wasting energy they come around to get four laps to go fidanza goes through for Italy where’s the world champion Jen Valente where’s Ali walliston she did win the scratch race as the first

    Discipline with in the omnium at the World Championships last year there she is in the black colors she has two gold medals already team Pursuit and also the elimination big move from Katie archal up around the outside as well for Great Britain come around now to get three

    Laps to go and this is where positioning is so important Georgia Baker in the gr and gold for Australia also moving up but a fairly aggressive move is coming from shi Ling from Chinese Hong Kong and this is where it really matters because if you lose your positioning with only

    Two laps to go it’s very difficult to get back and they’ll get the Bell when they come around this time and it’s Katie archal in a drag race against Lara Gillespie here it is now the last lap and Archer Ball’s been on the front for

    A lap and a half now this is going to be really difficult to sustain this Georgia Baker in second position as gillespy starts to fade wallison up around the outside and Alli wallison two gold medals already this weekend and she’s going to fin start off the omnium in

    Fine form by winning the scratch race four disciplines within the entire omnium events and Ally walliston comes out with the victory here so she’ll claim the maximum of 40 points for the win Katie archal she’ll get 38 points per second but it did show how strong

    Katie is riding she just was forced to go to the front so early Georgia Baker for Australia she was third across the line so they’re the top three walliston archal and Baker well they’ve got a lot of prestige in this race with the world champion the European champion from this year and

    Also from last year uh we’ve got the Olympic champion it really is full of big names it’s stacked it really is stacked and that’s because they have to qualify themselves for the Olympic Games not only the Nations but also as individuals we can see that also near

    Evans who was second in the most recent European championships a couple of weeks ago Katy Archbold was was the European champion last year but when you’ve got so many options like Great Britain do they are out there just trying to prove their own spot but it’s also because

    There’s not a lot of opportunities to race in an omnium and they need that back-to-back racing practice it’s very hard to replicate in a training environment so Ally walliston starting off her omum in fine form getting the win in the scratch race ahead of Katie Archer Bal and Georgia Baker so y

    Uchino from Japan in fourth place Petra Sova from Ceta and then it’s the European Champion Anita Stenberg in sixth place so 30 points to Stenberg that’s a pretty handy position for her Lara Gillespie who was arm wrestling against K Katie archal into that final lap before fading down to uh seventh

    Place but a good result for her riding for Ireland you see further down the rankings Riders right down towards the back and fortunately for Nia Evans we did talk her up but she was right down towards the back at the end of that scratch race well you make a positioning

    Error and it can cost you quite dearly Jennifer Valente down in 11th this is a really handy uh gap for wallison Archbold and Baker uh Valente and Evans in particular and Martina fidanza they have got a bit of making up to do now strong ride by Katie archall but an

    Incredibly fast finish from Ali wallison didn’t see a lot of her throughout the scratch play so she protected herself really well men’s Sprint semi-finals now and it’s Matthew Richardson from Australia the fastest qualifier up against azazul awang Aang won the Kieran on day two of the competition Matthew Richardson picked up

    A gold medal in the team Sprint on the first night by his standards he had a disappointing Kieran series and for arang he won that Kieran last night in fine form he was absolutely flying a man that only 18 months ago had open heart surgery quite incredible there he is AEL

    Aang from Malaysia he’s on good form running on confidence but he does know that Matthew Richardson the fastest qualifier in this type of race is going to be really difficult to beat Richardson qualifying in 9696 and awang 9584 out at the world championships today 94 99 for richo and a 9656 so

    There is .15 of a difference speed but what I think we learned last night watching the Kieran is it’s not just about pure speed for awang his tactical nass is just absolutely incredible and uh Matty richo really needs to be on his very best to overcome here we’ve had a

    Few uh movements within the Sprint rounds BAS other than what happened in the qualifying but uh we’re not surprised to see the first and the fourth qualifier riding off here for a spot in the finals heit two sees k ot from Japan up against Matthew glater so two Aussies

    Possibility of racing each other maybe in the final we’ll wait and see for now this is the best of three competition so the first race in the best of three and it’s AR Wang ducking and Diving up and down the track he has a shadow in Matthew Richardson right at the back

    Wheel but he Dives down underneath now so Richardson starts to take control he does want that first position now Dives down at the Bell one lap to go this is the first in the best of three competition and the Gap is opening up for Matthew Richardson so Richardson

    Leads and already AR Wang realizing he’s not going to be able to close that down so a very comfortable win there for Matthew Richardson one up in the best of three and AR Wang we talk about how good he is tactically didn’t do that well that time he’ll have to think come back

    And have another go a very comfortable ride from the ozi and he’s looked comfortable all morning I noticed that it didn’t matter what round he uh was winning in he was waving to the crowd he was quite confident he he beat Joseph Truman in two rounds uh to progress

    Through a wang actually knocked out Jack Carlin uh the British Sprinter very good reputation he qualified slightly faster but it was expected to be a pretty tight competition and arang took him 2- n in the quarterfinals MADD glater now he’s had quite a progression through Scott because he qualified in 11th today

    9782 uh but he has progressed through exceptionally well he beat vasilius lendel uh one of our higher qualifiers he qualified in sixth in the 1 18 finals and then when it came down to the quarterfinals he beat nick schroer uh who also qualified fairly well this morning so he’s had a

    Good run in based on his 11th qualification you wouldn’t have necessarily imagined he would be there now he’s up against OT whose qualifying was second 9595 on paper you would say that OT is the faster Rider but glater appears to have a whole lot of momentum in today’s Sprint

    Competition heat two men’s Sprint semifinals first race in the best of three competition k ot from Japan the former rower up against Matthew glater from Australia former Paul vter was quite Young when he made the transition from Paul Vault OT it’s been in more recent years so fantastic

    Transition from a a sport-like rowing to something as technical as men’s sprinting well and Matt Richardson was a gymnast so we’ve got quite a few uh explosive athletes that have not started on bikes but we’re grateful that they are on on bikes now nice and slow for now OT giving

    Plenty of distance here and you can just see the skills required Matthew glater just looking over his shoulder the entire time around the banking and still being able to steer himself forward now starting to come towards the back wheel a little bit closer k ot from jaban

    Closes right up onto the back wheel of Matthew glater with one lap to go out of the saddle the Big South Australian pouncers down the back straight now in that tuck position and here comes Kaya OT from Japan up to the back wheel up to the shoulder and he’s passed so there’s

    A win for Kaya OT over Matthew glater that looks quite comfortable from the short statured Japanese Rider but he is full of power to come past glater that was a fast final 200 as well 9888 uh to get that Blazer executed very well uh there will be some tough learnings

    From him going away from that because he did a very good job tactically to try and outsmart OT but OT just too fast really timed it perfectly now with this particular track they have the transitions into the banks are very gentle and the track itself is

    Quite round so it is fairly difficult to actually come around the outside in a Sprint on this track at full speed so he’s done a great job of just timing it perfectly to make sure he’s up onto the hip going into that final Bend and using

    Momentum to get up around the outside of glazer so Matthew Richardson one up in his race against azazul arang and K is one up against Matthew glater onto the women’s second round for the Kieran heat one and we see Marta bayona from Columbia mati Gro from France and the world Sprint Champion Emma

    Fukan also from Great Britain is Katie Marchant and then we see leas Fredick from Germany and Miriam fi from Italy so this is fukin down the bottom of the track Le Frederick from Germany she’ll be certainly looking to do something here you would imagine first three go

    Through into the final but the German team Sprint team had a disaster in qualifying they were disqualified after the start it was a bit of an issue for pulling grabos out of the blocks and then she fell over and the ruling is that the mishap happened before she fell

    If she had just crashed they may have given them aart that was not the case so they were quite devastated with an being unable to ride the team Sprint so Leah Frederick with a little bit of work to do hoping to come away with something out of this track Nations cup well she

    Is the 2023 and 2024 European Kieran Champion so she’s very handy Kieran Ryder third at the World Championships last year we’ve had we’ve seen a bit of renewal in the women’s Sprint ranks uh since the last Olympic Games so if you cast your mind back uh to Tokyo there’s

    A few names that are in that top 12 uh that are still riding but actually we’ve seen a whole refresh of talent coming up from the junior ranks uh and likewise Le frish is certainly one of those so fukan it is first position behind the motorcycle six laps of the

    Track bike comes off after three there’s Mar bayona she sits in fifth position just behind her Katie Marchant in the green colors team inspired so fukin then it’s fi from Italy fredrich from Germany then it’s grow from France Colombia with bayona and Marchant from Great Britain and you can see just G Gap

    Giving some little bit of room now we just see Marchant the first one really to try and improve her position as the bike comes off this time with three laps to go Leah Fred the first to really move to go up around the outside now and fukan trying to counteract that by

    Increasing the pace but Le out of the saddle she wants that first position and position is so important the chances of a rider getting through to the next round if they’re third further back than third wheel at the start is far lower than if they are in that top three

    So with two laps to go one lap to go it’s very important to see where you are on the track Fredick leads down the back straight Marchin trying to come three wide but fuken has things covered first three to go through to the final and Fredick fighting on the inside fukin

    Will certainly go through be really close though between bayona and Fredick on the inside Katie Marchin will also go through so fukin and Marching for Shaw and they are saying that LE Friedrich from Germany will also qualify so bayona not quite getting over the top of the

    Rider at the bottom of the V drone she went a long way out Leah fredrich well she’s full of confidence I think after uh a big win at the European championships but she’s also full of frustration after what happened in that team Sprint on the first day of

    Racing I’m a little bit surprised by Matilda Gro I thought that she might have a little bit more in the final to come up but it looks as though she’s had an ex exceptionally strong uh European campaign as well and she seems to be struggling just a little bit with that

    Very top end speed uh here she did get third in the women’s Sprint last night she was pretty happy with that uh but she won’t be going through to the final fuken Marchant and Fredick are the three that will progress into the medal round and that is a big issue for mati Gro

    Because in the qualifications for her home Olympics in Paris the team Sprint is very important and they are right on the cusp of not actually qualifying which gives them automatic res uh positions in the Sprint and in the Kieran so she may need to if they don’t

    Qualify for the team Sprint France she may need to qualify through these individual races on it is very stressful it’s a stressful time for the athletes uh knowing that it’s not just about getting the results they trained so hard for but also that bigger picture of qualification Heat number two now

    Women’s Kieran second round as the previous first three Riders going in to the race for gold and the top of the track we have Nikki deela as we go down have Alysia MC from Australia Nikki deg grandela from Belgium also from Belgium is Julie nicolis from Canada lauan Jan Sophie

    Capewell from Great Britain and representing Japan Minato who was second in uh the Sprint competition but she’s been riding Sensational there she is well she has she doesn’t have a lot of pedigree in the Kieran but based on what she showed us yesterday in the Sprint she is on the

    Rise laurian Gan the Canadian she’s a third at the Olympic Games she has got the most experience um out of our six riders that are on the track now now it’s good to see Australia uh with Alesia MCC out there Scott she is really on the improve um her both her speed um

    And her tactics are really seeing a very steep increase the lady from Bendigo in Victoria lesim M sits in fourth position Nikolai from Belgium in position number one she has Sophie C sitting behind her then it’s Sato mcag Jana and at the back is De grandela the bike leaves the track at

    Three laps to go we’ve had some regulation changes in the last years the rider is not allowed to change position until the bike has left the track they draw position randomly before they go out on track first second and third are known to be the best positions to find

    Overall success so we we can normally expect some early moves from the back to get themselves out of trouble early Alysa M was the first to go but that’s been countered by Sophie capewell from Great Britain so M now hung up on the outside she needs to fully commit to get

    Past or maybe jet back in on the wheel but she’s now side by side going down the back straight and a big move from lauan Jana from France gone straight around the outside while everyone was hesitating Jana from Canada has blasted past coming to one lap to go so top three will go

    Through and he can almost pencil down lauan Jan because she has absolutely blasted them she will come around to get the win Sophie capewell should hold on for second and coming over the top there is Minato they are the three that will progress well Jana what an incredible

    Turn of speed there capewell could have been caught out if Jan hadn’t of opened such a huge gap that just left uh the other five Riders essentially just trying to chase her down and hold on uh Jan certainly she’s got pedigree as auran Rider but she’s come here on a bit

    Of a mission based on that ride was good yeah sometimes you see them you know win by the least that they can a small margin just to get through but uh Jana certainly opening up the engines and doing her best Sophie cap well doesn’t have a lot of international

    Results in the kierin so it’s really good to see her uh riding so aggressively from the front as well well and look it didn’t work for the Australian mcag Scott but she put herself in the best position but when Gan was accelerating she just found herself with nowhere to

    Go there’s our three qualifiers so we’ll see lauran Jan Sophie kewell and Minato up against Emma fukin Katie Marchant and Leah Fredick from Germany in the final so Alesia yeah had the right idea just ran out of strength in the end but if she keeps racing like that as if she’s

    Trying to win eventually she matures and gets the strength she’ll have more opportunity but for now Canada looking really strong well Great Britain will have three riders in the final it’s hard to it’s hard not to collude at least a little bit uh when the Riders know each

    Other so well but there there are six finalists it be interesting to see what Sato can do she she’s one that you can’t look back at result sheets and say oh you know she hasn’t necessarily performed because she really hasn’t she’s just improving so rapidly she’s the Asian Continental Kieran Champion

    See how she goes here at the UCI track Nations cup in the final later tonight race number two now the men’s Sprint semifinals and another Asian Continental champion in azazul awang up against Matthew Richardson it was a really comfortable victory for Richardson in the first race so arang will have to do

    Something really special now to try and force a decider Western Australian based in Adelaide South Australia is this this track is the training facility for the arra Australian national team he didn’t have the cleanest ride in the kierin I think he came away a bit disappointed with that he’s got

    Something to prove today just to himself not to us not to his fans because we know what he’s capable of but it really fuels the fire AR Wang on the other hand had a sensational Sprint we saw him lifted a top the shoulders uh of his compatriots in that presentation best medal presentation

    We’ve had so far with second and third from Japan lifting up the winner onto their shoulders so fantastic uh Vision last night I’m sure that’ll get into the open the closer of the Highlight show well if anyone’s listening they should pop that one in it was entertaining and

    Very respectful you could see that the Riders out on track they really look like Fierce enemies um but there is a lot of respect in the Sprint community between the Riders as a z Wang really trying to force Richardson to accelerate early and then almost a touch of shoulders right

    At the very top of the track so Richardson happy to take that first position arang trying to dive down or pretend that he’s going to dive down to force Richardson to waste energy early but Richardson will lead into this final lap awang right on the back wheel

    It’s going to be difficult for Aang to try and get pass from there as acceleration out of the saddle there for Matthew Richardson powering into the final Bend and awang already has decided he might save it for the bronze medal because Matthew Richardson will be going

    Through to race for gold well that was a really clean win based on the first competition I’m not sure I wasn’t sure that it would be uh the same way the whole way through true for richro that he would get his way but that’s also the

    Smart of it AR Wang knew that he didn’t have the better of Richardson he still got a bronze medal to try and win and so he backs off and does the best for him Richard can go through comfortably and feel confident in that the question is who he’ll be racing in the

    Final but they rode a very tactical race it wasn’t just pure speed and acceleration it was very much watching each other the cat and mouse that a lot of fans that are not necessarily cycling fans they say what race did you do on the track is that the cat and mouse one

    It really is quite famous moves uh and this event is known for that heat number two and K Ot Ot from Japan is one up in this best of three competition against Matthew glater so glater in the position arang was in the previous race he needs

    To get the win here to force the deciding race Jason niblet the coach for Japan giving some advice as Matthew glater comes up right in front of some excited Spectators up close and personal Here track cycling such a good way to watch cycling always spectacular you can just see the close

    Proximity of both of these Riders and their staff shoulder Tosh shoulder k ot position number one Matthew glater wonder what he’s thinking has to get this wi to go into the final against Matthew Richardson well I think even internally uh within the Australian team they’re still also fighting for positions so the

    Riders are wanting to get results themselves they’re wanting to prove that they belong in the team and have a good path uh to the Olympic games in the world championships the same can absolutely be said for the Japanese team because they’ve got a lot of depth uh in

    That team which we saw in the Kieran last night Japanese Sprint program and also their team Pursuit program really has come on song in the last couple of years they’re doing really good things over there with benoir VSU and Jason niblet and the Japanese women’s program has

    Just gone through the roof it’s been Sensational to watch k ot looking over the shter he knows of the reputation of Matthew glater but he has the advantage of being one up in this best of three comp and he will lead into the final lap nice handy lead over Matthew glater but

    He is in the slipstream down the back straight and looking to pounce glater comes up to the back wheel of OT but there’s not going to be enough distance left to get past so k ot will go through to race against Matthew Richardson in the final and Matthew glater he has to

    Come back out and race against Azazel arang for the bronze such a clean ride from OT there I can’t criticize the tactics from glater he just didn’t have the speed to come over in the way that OT did in the earlier round did I mean he qualif fired

    Significantly faster OT so it’s not an unusual result but you’re right he did look a bit tired and I know the men’s Sprint program they won the team Sprint but I was chatting to some of the staff and they said they have really haven’t really backed off too much for this

    Competition obviously the eye is on the prize which is in Paris later this year so they have been training through and up to this competition so Matthew glater just did look a little bit tired coming into that race but the race for gold that’s going to be through between

    Matthew Richards and k ot Australia versus Japan with Malaysia versus Australia with Aang and glater Racing for the bronze that’s all still to come tonight we have an action-packed program the final night of competition here at the UCI track Nations Camp thanks to tiso and we’ll be into the second of the

    Four discipline event that is known as the omnium and there’s Katie archal right in the middle such a powerful lady Jen Valente from the USA is the world champion in this discipline the omnium she was there or thereabouts in the scratch race but we’ll be looking to

    Try and put in a good race here with the tempo Georgia Baker and also Anita Stenberg the European Champion well the favorites have got some work to do Valente was 11th in that opening race after the scratch race that is a hard position to

    Make up for n evans uh the other one who finished a bit lower down in 16th than might be ideal walliston has shown some fantastic form uh she won the other evening in the elimination so I think that will be an event she’s looking forward to but she also won the

    First uh World Tour event on the road for the women this year so in form um and and has able uh to lift after the tour down under and bring it onto the track confidence you did mention it earlier but Alie walliston won the scratch race H in the omnium at the

    World Championships last year so she started that off really well then she was third in the tempo race at the world Champs but I can say she really has stepped up even from last year starting this season off still a young Rider and really progressing dramatically since last year there’s Anita Stenberg from

    Norway European champ she was 13 at the World Championships uh last year so she’s also really significantly uh stepped up in the last 6 months it is actually one of the wonderful things about the younger Riders is they improve so quickly and it makes them uh a little bit hard a little bit

    Unpredictable uh whereas some of the older more mature Riders you can sit down analyze the videos know their style know their strengths and weaknesses uh but then you get some of the younger Riders it doesn’t quite work the same that’s not Ali walliston that’s ni Evans uh on screen

    There the British Rider running for team inspired apparently British racing green it looks it’s not as bright as I would imagine if it for racing green we’d have to ask the Brits yeah I’m not sure where the best judges of that to be H Australians judging British racing

    Green top of the track is Ali walliston the winner of the scratch race so she is seated number one here right behind her seated number three after the her scratch race performance Georgia Baker bottom of the track Katie archal there she is second in the scratch second in the overall

    Classification Cameron Meyer multiple world champion in the points race arguably the greatest points race rider in the men’s side put him up there with Juan Lis and also perhaps uz Freer you can debate that online if you wish Gillespie from Ireland there’s the World Champ Valente fidanza from Italy final words

    From her staff here’s Morgan keski the coach of the Swiss team so Frenchman former world champion himself fantastic for the Swiss to have someone has experienced and and recently stepped out of the prop pelaton as well to be there to actually help guide them as we look at Jen

    Valente a lot of the riders in the omnium are not the riders that rode the world championships for their country because it’s also an opportunity uh for teams to try different riders in an olympic year and see uh what they’re capable of achieving 30 laps of the

    Track and the tempo race as we saw the scratch race winner first to the line at the end of 30 laps this one you get one point for only the first Rider across the line on every lap take a lap on the field and you get 20 points so they have

    Four laps to ride into the race before they do start the intermediate Sprints but every time they come around it’s one point for the first Rider across the line and that seems fairly simple and it is for the first couple of laps until multiple Riders start getting points or

    Going on the attack and taking laps on the field it can get quite replicator there is the background of the event itself 26 times they’ll come across to pick up one point but often Riders are able to get a lap on the field and that completely changes the

    Configuration fanza on the front she was the world champion in the scratch race in 2022 but she didn’t get the uh omnium spot at the World Championships that went to Letizia pansta a very talented young Italian Rider fidanza only 24 but Padnos to 21 and they gave her the opportunity uh now

    They’re saying if fidanza can earn her spot back uh into that position she is very Speedy has a very rapid finish wasn’t as high in the uh scratch races I thought she may be she was down in 13th uh but she has had pretty good performance this week

    They started really well in the Madison last night they had some really clean changes at the beginning but by the end it was a bit Scrappy and there’s the bill to signify the tempo points are now available one point for the leader across the line every time and it makes it really challenging

    Actually as Cole’s lisst is the Canadian that’s going to pick up that first point she has Stenberg right behind her so the first point and the first leader is Maggie klista from Canada and now Stenberg looks like she might be able to hold on here for the next one point that’s on

    Offer well if they pick up no points then it’s their position over the line on the final lap that will determine where they sit uh in this event and so getting any points at all uh we saw in the men’s 24 Riders 40 laps only 11 points Katie Archbold getting picking up

    Her for first point so points on every lap here for the first across the line only and archal swung up and has gone back down to go and get the next Point that’s on offer so Katy archal signaling very early on her intent and she’s

    Opened up a bit of a gap here she hasn’t noticed yet swung up the track and hasn’t realized and now she comes back down again so she wasn’t really looking at where the rest of the pelaton was now she realized she has another opportunity to get another point this will be three

    For her and she’ll take a nice little handy lead very early ear on with 21 laps to go she’s not looking to have a breakway she was just looking to get some easy points and while the pellaton was hesitating it makes sense for her to

    Dive back down and continue to go on but she’ll need to get a bit of recovery now because uh with two more events up it is all about conf conf conservation as well Gillespie from Ireland she looked good in the scratch race up near the front now she was

    Seventh in the scratch race finds herself on the board now got five riders with points we’ve now got six J L from China has just taken one point now the men’s omnium there were riders that attacked really early on and they were dominating the race out in

    Front this is much better to watch is a real even mix a real even spread as we see fidanza coming up around to pick up one point so that’s a another Rider that is earning her first point so this is going to be really interesting as we get

    Deeper into the race there’s a real mix and an even spread across the nations with archeal leading on three points and if there’s a lot of riders that all have one point it still matters where they cross the line in the finish for their final and ultimate ranking uh Jen

    Valente just got herself a point so she is on the board now too and there has been a split of the Pelon here so they are in two the second half really need to be careful because they’re going to be out of this race as we

    See it’s Yumi kahara who takes the point there the Japanese Rider already had one point she’s now on two points about to pick up another one as well that will put her right at the top with uh Archer ball who goes over in second and they’re pretty determined pushing the pace

    Because a reasonably significant Gap has opened up between the front half in the second half of the Pelon uh Aussie Georgia Baker who was so good in the scratch race she’s stuck in that second group and out of the second group as we see kajihara pick up another point so

    She’s really doing a great job here as we see NE Nia Evans now coming out towards her now the black colors we just saw flash into the back of the piture that’s Ali walliston from New Zealand she has jumped out of the second group to try and get across to the front

    Because there is a real danger here of all of these Riders are out in front going around taking a lap on the rest of the field they’ll all be given 20 points for gaining a lap so this is going to be crucial in the overall standings and

    Alie walliston saw the danger and is trying to rectify that she has now made her way across and Georgia Baker is the big name uh from the scratch race that has missed out on that front group so this will cost her quite dearly because we’ve got 10 Riders uh that have now

    Jumped uh that are now in that leading group so really strong and brave move by Ali walliston now two Riders have got onto the back of the Pelon almost about the same size these two groups but kajihara and Evans uh they’re at the back of the

    Group there so they are the two riders that have gained a lap so they’ll go up to first and second in the overall standings once they adjust the points and the lap will be given to them the rest of that group is about to come on board now as well here they come

    And they have an opportunity when they do take the lap uh to have a bit of a rest put themselves in a good position so they’ve just made the catch now Ali walliston was given the point for that lap because they weren’t quite on yet and she rolled over the front over the

    Line in the front that was smart from her to sneak an extra point absolutely now they have adjusted it so all of those Riders the 10 riders that were off the front have now been given one lap up and we’re going back to the front of of

    The race as the Pelon all come back together again six laps to go they haven’t made the lap gain adjustment to the points just yet so we’ll still wait for the update in the overall standings well Evans was down in 16th in the scratch race so she needs this

    Georgia Baker uh she will come around looks like she’ll take that one point but she wasn’t part of the group that took the lap so that will hurt her quite significant ly from a points perspective even it out a bit at this point Alli walliston and Katie Archbold are the

    Only two who have been consistent uh in both races so far still four laps to go though real sprint battle it was there throwing the bikes to get across the lineata was the one that picked up the point that time and some real close calls happening here as well Martin from Portugal of

    Popped off the front so she gets that one point and walliston desperate now to try and pick up some points and try and maximize her position here in the tempo Race So Allie walliston will come over to pick up a point with two laps to go

    Can she go on and pick up the next two sprints she’s looking pretty strong she might be able to do that so that’ll help out in terms of the overall classification reminder they have not updated the lap gain and the 20 points that each Rider gets for doing so but

    Walliston a great job she’s now picked up two points and if she keeps going she’ll be able to pick up a third and that will jettison her up uh to second position uh overall and after the win in the scratch race that will put her on quite a handy lead so wallon comes

    Across to pick up the final points and in these races you have to go as hard as you can on that last lap to make sure you’re as far forward in the pelaton as possible because if you haven’t got any points or if you’re on the same points

    As the others then it’s where you finish across the line in that final Sprint as to where you finish in the overall standings for that particular discipline of the omnium and we saw in the men’s omnium last night that first and second were on the same points biik and viviani

    And it came down to the position where they were uh in the race kajah Hara looks to be our winner on Five Points from the laps and then 20 points uh from Gaining a lap she did a really solid job Alli walliston will come out as the second place getter

    Considering she was almost going to go a lap behind and lose 20 points to all those Riders she was desperately jumping out of that second group getting across and then going off the front so super strong ride for Alli wallison to finish second ahead of Katie archal and then Olga zabin skaya in

    Fourth place Nia Evans in fifth so done a good job there Nia compared to how she was in that first scratch race but Yumi kajihara from Japan she wins the tempo race the second discipline within the women’s omnium well now she was 20th in that opening scratch race so we’ve had

    Some really quite variable results only uh walliston and Archer Bal have been by far the most consistent that will be reflected uh in the updated standings going into the next race so walliston in the lead at the moment Archer Bal next Georgia Baker maintains third but

    There’s now quite a big gap 78 for Ali walliston at the top Georgia Baker in third she’s on 58 because walliston and Archbold are really the two consistent ones a bit varied now interestingly Jennifer Valente a great effort there she has made her way uh up and that is

    Because of these Tempo race standings she’s now in fifth overall after a seventh uh in that Tempo race the Adelaide super Drome and and the overall standings now after two disciplines within the omnium race still the elimination and the points race to come and Alli walliston she salvaged

    Herself ex exceptionally well that time Alli walliston comes away 78 points overall lead only four points ahead of ktie archal so that’s going to be fantastic battle over the next couple of events with Georgia Baker sitting just in behind Sprint final still to come for the men Kieran final as well men’s

    Madison that’s the race that’s coming onto the track next saw a fantastic women’s Madison last night won by Great Britain k Katy archal already with a gold medal from last night can she add to that tonight in the omnium in the men’s Madison Germany Italy Belgium Japan Great

    Britain Poland New Zealand Austria Ceta Spain down to Switzerland Portugal Indonesia Australia Canada and team Bridgestone cycling which is a Japanese trade team so two teams from Japan so they’ve done really well also to get both of their teams through the qualifying this afternoon they did have

    To have Madison heits to get into this final 50 km 200 laps Sprint every 10 laps for 532 and one points take a lap on the field you’ll get 20 if you get dropped and lose a lap you’ll be minus 20 and on the double on the final Sprint

    It is double points and we’ve seen so often in the points race and in the Madison that everything has changed in the medal positions on that final R 1064 and two points on offer the average speed of the men’s Madison at the World Championships last year for 50 km

    58.8 km per hour this is fast this is hectic and it’s one of my favorite events to watch can get a little bit messy out there with so many Riders on the track and so many things happening sure can 51 minutes uh it took

    To ride the 50 kilm not bad I would say reasonable yeah reasonable we’ve got uh some of the riders that were in that race that are here tonight we’ve got some new combinations the Brits they were second at the World Championships uh that was olle wood and Mark Stewart Stewart has been replaced

    By Josh Tarling uh who has been just on the up and up uh he’s claimed some big victories ala Vivani there warming up with the ice vest on he’s got the AO gloves it’s quite a fashion statement isn’t it when you’ve got the AO gloves and and whatnot well I’m glad he’s

    Wearing gloves a lot of the Riders these days I sound like an old man when I say this not wearing gloves um it of course is their choice do whatever they want but in the unfortunate situation where they may crash if they put their hand

    Down onto the track or on the road if it’s road racing and take skin off their Palm very difficult to continue racing whether it’s that day or in the future so the glove may actually protect them just enough so they can continue competing viviani with his AOG gloves on there’s Roger kuger European

    Champion such an experienced Madison Rider knows exactly what needs to be done the mine knows it’s whether the legs will be listening kuger and Reinhardt the combination from Germany also the combination uh they’re well worn they’ve ridden a lot together two time Madison world champions that pairing from

    Germany Aaron gate coming onto the track for New Zealand another very well credential track cyclist Aaron gate and Campbell Stewart they were third at the World Championships last last year olle bedon originally from Western Australia now based out of Adelaide riding alongside Blake agnoletto young Australian pairing they did ride

    Together at the Jakarta World Cup last year or nation’s cup I should say so they have had experience at this level this is only the second time that they’ve raced in a pellaton this size Netto is the Australian Madison Champion that was with o Brian viviani and Scot zini riding

    Again together they haven’t had a lot of success in recent years with this pairing but uh individually they have had some incredible results viviani equal points for the win in the omnium last night got second ultimately be in account back d bibit uh taking the win

    Now he’s had a good week he also won the elimination he is out there tonight why not give it another go he’s riding with Michael Foley the Canadians well I expect them to put in a fair bit of effort and certainly be quite antagonistic in the race we know

    Bibit is on form Portugal represented by luri leato and dieago Naro there’s Aaron gate from New Zeal well experienced and the two Japanese squads both Japan as the national team and the Bridgestone trade team Yuri Leo the omnium world champion from 2023 riding for Portugal with Naro or Naro very popular win that

    Was for a Portuguese Rider to win a track World Championship Sensational performance in Glasgow last year Canadian boys all set to go you haven’t seen a Madison before strap into your seats this is spectacular one Rider from each team will line up here at the start Finish

    Line their teammate will go to the back straight As we see the first of the Riders lining up down the back straight now and then after we get underway they’ll come down and make their changeovers by V A handling relay race of sorts around about three laps or so each Rider will

    Be in the race while the other one goes out and tries to rest as much as they possibly can really difficult at start at first it’s easy seems like there’s a long pause in between coming in and out of the race towards the end feels like

    You haven’t had any rest at all before you have to dive back down and get slung back into the action we tend to see some very neat changes early on in the proceedings they can get a little bit sloppy toward the end and that’s often uh when there’s a little bit of danger

    And they need to really uh be very careful very cautious 200 laps the Riders will be racing 50 km they have 20 Sprints along the way so every 10 laps that’s Campbell Stewart riding with Aaron gate for New Zealand 16 teams out on track at the World Championships 10 of

    The those teams got points at the Olympics 11 got points so that’s we tend to have a fair bit of turnover quite a few teams uh that are in the mix it’s not uncommon to see some teams gain points early on in the Sprints but then

    Lose a lap you do lose 20 points if you fall behind you gain 20 points if you take a lap and if you neither fall behind nor gain a lap then it’s just whatever points you earn the old Madison rules were that still the points in between intermediate

    Sprints they were 20 laps apart the old school rules and if you took a lap on the field you were one lap ahead of everyone else in leading the bike race they’ve decided to in their opinion neaten things up a little bit turn it more into a straight out points

    Race Kenny deedler on the right hand side talking to Andreas our principal or president of the commere panel Kenny deedler very accomplished Madison Ryder himself star of the sixday racing scene throughout the European winter in Years Gone by Andreas gen shimer it’s all of our commissaires and referees doing a fantastic job this

    Week Trevor Reed from Great Britain if you’re at the V Drome if you’re a little bit unsure of who’s actually in the front of the bike race Trevor’s normally the man that’s pointing out whoever is leading and that gives all of the officials and everyone an indication of actually who is at the

    Front of the race so he has to have a very keen eye throughout these events oh I don’t uh I wouldn’t want to be the a cameraman for the first time trying to follow a Madison just look for Trevor see where he’s pointing then you’ll find out who’s

    Leading the race if he doesn’t know we’re in big trouble yes it can get a bit hectic especially with so many teams out on track and Riders dropping in uh there literally are Riders all over the place young Josh Tarling absolute superstar in the making he’s already there but he’s

    Still so young expecting a big future from him Madison racing perhaps one of the more least experiences he has so far so let’s see how the youngster from Great Britain who is an absolute sensation see how he goes you know the hustle and bustle of an international Madison like

    This here in Adelaide at the UCI track Nations cup well he’s a tall lad he’s a slightly different frame to Wood some Madison pairings you almost they’re like brothers they’re like little twins I’m thinking of Danny Stam and Robert slippens uh a Dutch pair that were very successful in their day and

    They look like uh they were brothers similar frames but we don’t see that quite as much these days RAC is underway 200 laps Sprint every 10 for points 5 3 2 and one and the first change is now being made team Bridgestone on the front with Australia sitting in second

    Position then it’s Switzerland Belgium Austria Poland Italy and Portugal everyone successfully threw the first change and the first change first couple of changes exchanges between the teammates really hectic cuz they all start at the same position once they spread out a little bit further around the track then

    It’s a little bit less hectic as we see New Zealand with Aaron gate coming up around it’s always a fight to be at or near the front nobody really wants to be on it at the early stages because it costs energy they don’t want to go too

    Far back because very soon they’ll be looking at getting into position for the first of the Sprints well and with an average speed of nearly 60 km an hour around 58 K an hour uh is what we’re looking at so 50 km in around 51 minutes when you’re sitting too far back

    It takes a lot of energy to move up in the first couple of Sprints it’s quite usual to see teams testing their legs seeing how they feeling seeing how they can go uh in the Sprints against the other teams because some teams they won’t really be able to get a lot of

    Points in Sprints it’ll be more taking laps uh that that will be their tactic Japan now coming up to the front in front of Belgium 194 laps to go New Zealand Australia Italy well placed the European Champions from Germany sitting just behind the blue Cutters of Italy

    That is the German team in the colors of the European Champions Reinhardt and kuger you can see if you look down towards the back of the bunch how spread out they are and when a lot of the teams in front start making their changes that’s when the gaps start to open up

    And you’re wasting energy having to close those gaps that’s to Reinhardt now we’re looking at as they come around with 192 laps to go and there’s a mad race now to get in the right position for this first of the intermediate Sprint some really tight changes there as everyone’s being squeezed as they

    Come around to hear the bell for the first time Belgian will lead into the front straight with one lap to go Japan well placed in second and a perfectly timed change from Japan kuger comes back into the race for Germany but look at this Japan straight up to the back wheel

    Of Belgium and there’s a real fight for these first points Five Points will go the way of Japan great start for them in front of Belgium well Vander brondon from Belgium was looking pretty strong until Kojima naoki kajima from the Japanese team very comfortably popped over the top to take those

    Points once again I think the Japanese team is just gaining Confidence from all of the disciplines that they’re riding uh they’ve had quite a lot of success here at the Nations cup the German team not wearing their normal German colors because they are European Champion so we

    Can see them with the blue Continental Champion bands uh now the gun has been fired to neutralize the race the yellow flag is out uh but we’re not sure why I think maybe the power has actually gone out to the lapboard oh that’s and the scoreboard we can see from where we are

    That the scoreboard has gone out too so a bit of an unusual power failure uh in here in the velro gee that’s tough for the Riders because well the lights are still on but it is only the power has been tripped for as you mentioned the scoreboard and the lap counter we can

    Still see the lights in the complex are on so it’s not a complete blackout some of the computers appear to still be working but there’s uh some that we can see furiously plugging them back in to try and get them back on online so uh no doubt there’ll be a few mutterings under

    Breath so would happen as they uh get this back up and running and confusion for the Riders they will be not a lot of clarity over what happens next and how long this may take well if the race stopped now Japan get their first track Nations Cup

    Victory in a Madison I think it might also be the shortest Madison uh in track Nations Cup history well we have a look back at the Sprint Belgium really did a good job but the change just before one lap to go by Japan really set them up to

    Come over the top and get the win uh we’ve just seen the commiss U give the Riders a cross hands a No Deal um they’re bringing the red flag out they’re saying off the track uh not just neutral but off the track and they’re clearing

    It well there you go we’ve gone from a yellow flag to a red flag and the problem may be bigger than we thought we’ll feed through any information we get there is still some power in the Vel Drome the lights are still on um our devices are still

    Working we can tell you that the internet box is still buzzing away here with all the the green lights I wonder if they’ve got the old school lap counter somewhere within the building bring that out we can at least count the laps down oh give me a white piece of

    Paper Scott and we can make it happen as long as you can count backwards from 200 I think you’ll be right or less than that now we’ve already had one Sprint which Japan won the other challenge though of course for the Riders would be to work out

    Where they are because they do look up to the scoreboard after all of the Sprints to see exactly where they sit that would be a much bigger challenge I would have to say there’s a um a few shrugging emojis going on the UCI chatting to the commissaires there we just saw the

    Shaking head of kimbery Conte the blonde commiss on the right hand side there so this is unfortunate to see luckily it was only after that that first Sprint so only 10 laps into the race so in terms of the physical nature of this event that’s not going to be

    That badly interrupted they had only just had that first 10 laps then this has happened if we were somewhere halfway through that could completely change when we restart how the race goes no one’s fatigued as yet so they’ll be starting at least on an even playe field

    If we start if we start yes uh this has certainly been a unexpected shift in the afternoon I would say usually when where um having racing pauses it’s because of uh track repairs or something like that this is probably one of those disaster scenarios that not too many people planned

    For well I’ll talk about some scenarios I guess one of the races although this was to be just over 50 minutes so the next race is coming up like the Sprint finals which are pretty straightforward three laps you don’t need to look at the scoreboard for that you could conduct

    Those races without the power to the the lap board but they’d have to then bring forward their preparation by a good 45 minutes now that would be a challenge well we just saw uh one of the commissaires he’s actually written it down on a whiteboard so it looks like their

    Scenario planning to manually uh count the Riders down the issue as you’ve said remains with the scoreboard um and how difficult that may then be um the Riders they’re looking around they’re trying to get some information there they are with the Whiteboard what can they do with that I

    That facial expression is not filling me with confidence yes yes um I think you could uh Pro provide some funny alternate commentary to these uh to these pictures some faces of I don’t really know what’s going on the shoulder shrug emoji few wobbling heads well we are also hearing that from

    The women’s Tempo race in the omnium that Ali walliston may have been relegated from one of the point Sprints that she got so we can see her here in the black colors now she dived down underneath and then went onto the light blue band so she improved her position

    Without crashing I might you might add on the light blue band at the bottom of the track so that point that she picked up after this was then taken away I don’t like that you know why I don’t like that is because Maggie Cole’s list came down quite sharply and wallon

    Changed her line from going up and over to diving Down and Under for a safety in my view and I don’t think she ever intended to go underneath and so I think that that’s a little bit of a harsh ruling given the circumstances she took the safest line in the end which looked

    Dangerous but it was probably it was in that in that condition and the rules to a degree are open to interpret R ation because you can’t just have it would really change the racing if the rules were so strict that they had to go back and forth over shots like they do in

    Tennis you know the tiniest of margin out and it gets a call and cycling it’s a little bit more fluid good to see allly holding it upright no one else going down as well so really won’t change too much in the overall standings speaking of down some

    Of our Madison Riders it’s really hot out there and so 39° uh it has been today here in Adelaide they’re getting some ice packs the Swiss team they’re also just sitting down on the cold concrete Josh Tarling with a nice cold uh face washer around his neck to cool himself off in the

    Meantime and I can tell you that we do have power back so I can see the lap board has come back on it’s just popped off again but the the scoreboard is on the scoreboard is on are so we have power back to the scoreboard and to our

    Lap scorer as well so I don’t think we’ll be too far away from getting back into the action which is fantastic 191 laps to go on the scoreboard there we’ll see what they end up coming away with well they were handwriting on the board 189 that’s what the lap board is saying

    Now too they can’t restart it on a Sprint lap 191 that’s why not that’ be fun why not yeah that that’s not a really great scenario for any of the Riders so it looks like they’re going to shorten it by one Sprint um a gift or an inconvenience it really depends what

    Happens uh in the final as to whether the teams are glad there were only 19 Sprints or really frustrated that there’s not a 20th hopefully there won’t be too much more of a delay we did see Oly wood there with his helmet off and now that we’ve got the power back let’s get

    Ourselves back into the action as quickly as we possibly can as I said before there’s real no issue issue in terms of fatigue with only that first 10 laps completed not an issue for any of the Riders no one’s gone too deep just yet that was not on my bingo

    Card now the Japanese are leading with that first Sprint win and got a good look here at the Japanese compound and the coaching staff we’ve mentioned Jason niblet as a former Sprint cyclist himself self and benoir vetu who runs that program also a former Sprinter so

    We look at the track endurance side the team Pursuit men finished fifth here this week and the Madison Lads are doing very well also so while they’ve got leadership from former sprinters they’re doing really well also in those Sprint coaches in training up the Japanese endurance Riders so getting right across

    The board not just Sprint but in the endurance as well Fair bit of sprinting going on in these matters so there’s certainly some crossover this is look back at Ali walliston you can yeah you can see as the Swiss Rider flick down the track walliston had really nowhere else to go

    So she chose the safest option but the commiss panel did not look too favorable upon it I don’t love that decision but I I love our commissaires they’re wonderful they’ve done a fantastic job and they work very hard what there is no doubt is won’s form absolutely flying and

    Wallon skill because to be able to change line at that speed coming into a Sprint is pretty remarkable now what that has done for the women’s omnium overall classification is it just took two points off Ali walliston so she still actually leads equally with Katie archal

    On on 76 points so it still puts her in a good position in the overall standings despite that with Lara Gillespie sitting in third place we’ve still got those two races in the elimination and the points race to come as melini is getting himself ready again to restart the men’s

    Madison yeah that will come up soon we’ll read you those top 10 when we get to the women’s onum because that has changed things around a little bit the world champion Jennifer Valente is now up to even though she had a SL start but they’ll they have a little bit

    More time little bit more gap between events now a bit more recovery that’ll be really great for for some but some others will be wanting to get on with it well the practice match is over now we’re into the real battle men’s Madison first 10 laps down and we can recommence very

    Shortly well we’ve just had some icy cold water delivered to us up here in commentary it is so hot in here and the bottle has gone straight to the back of my neck to try and cool things down olle bedon from Australia the youngster riding with Blake agnoletto and we roll

    Off the fence once more for the men’s Madison 50 km at the start of the competition and we’ve gone 11 laps into it we starting with 189 laps after having that first Sprint Japan lead on Five Points but Belgium on three Germany on two and it’s the new zealanders on

    One point and the gun shell fire as they come through this time and we are underway again Australia Poland Austria Belgium and Portugal clustered at the front of the peleton as the first changes are once again about to be made well it’s not only the heat inside

    The vome that affects uh the speed and the feeling for the Riders uh but it’s also whether the air is dry or whether it’s moist and here we have very dry air which makes it quite hard to breathe actually by the end of uh these longer events It’s Not Unusual to hear the

    Riders with a little bit of a Husky voice you can get some coughs P Shooters cough we used to call it uh when we trained in Adelaide uh in these dry conditions conditions are well it is hot but the actual thickness of the air is pretty good so

    Fairly fast conditions in the track tonight nice change from Austria Schmid bow and ritzinger good change of game there for the Australian pairing as well of agnoletto and bedon that’s Max schmidbauer change for team bridgelane uh bridg lalian National Road Series team Bridgestone plug to the Aussie team

    Bridg Lane winning the National Road Series I don’t know how many times in the last decade or more 184 laps to go so it won’t be long now off the change now the Riders will certainly start to look at the next Sprint that’s coming up as Roger kuger

    Looks for teor Reinhardt Reinhardt comes in and it’s 183 to go big move from Italy around the outside Scot zini comes over the top and also Tarling from Great Britain so they’ll come around to get 182 to go and it’s not far for the first of the or the

    Second Sprint now and tling is going to do everything he can to put ollywood his teammate in a great position for this next Sprint well tling a great time trialist he can go long too if he can just keep the pace up and throw wood in

    Just as the bell comes that is the ultimate position for the British team Vivian in second position it’s ollywood that leads into this Sprint down the back straight now viviani squeezes up around the outside nice and composed for the former world uh Olympic omnium champion as viviani picks up the five

    Great Britain three Germany the European Champions in third place with two and Belgium up there in fourth place one point for them so Italy and Japan now both tied on Five Points as Sprint winners each and you’d forget there was even an interruption they’re back up to speed

    Pretty quickly viviani he looks really comfortable each day on the track he’s looking more and more comfortable the last years he’s taken some time away to do more road racing but he’s on a bit of a mission toward Paris the British team they’re looking pretty comfortable to me

    At the moment Tarling and would neither have been under too much pressure they are someone to really watch for the break toward the end um or the second half to the end of the Madison they’re just picking up some minor points at the moment Scot asini he swings up for

    Italy and again no one really that willing to go to the front so Canada decides to slide around the outside Michael Foley and Dylan bibik seen a lot of bibik this week and Dylan’s about to come into the race now as viviani is looking for scar zini you can see the

    Blue colors just gone out of shot they’re changing now nice hand change very experienced pairing of viviani and skini they do need to keep the speed up because if they slow down too much that is the opportunity for breaks to start going laps to get taken and the 20

    Points that you get for him lap it’s quite beneficial in the overall there’ll be 19 Sprints in this Madison one short of the 20 from the 200 laps only two laps short but one of those being a Sprint lap 174 to go and a lot of changes at the front of the

    Peleton high Pace but not absolutely flat out as we see Great Britain make the change tling comes in and it’s pretty messy in there you can just see how difficult it is if you’re a long way back how high you have to go on the ducking and weaving that it requires to

    Go around rers olle bedon from Australia now goes to the front they’ll come around for 172 laps to go it’s Italy and Great Britain again positioning themselves comfortably toward the front skarini and Josh Tarling this is becoming habit uh but bedon was very good to get in on tling

    Wheel there but where’s wood to throw to be thrown in 171 laps to go the next intermediate Sprint tling throws wood in so great exchange from them this time the Australians they lose out in their change but they’re in third position agnoletto comes in Belgium up around the

    Outside maybe maybe not ollywood has a little bit more in the legs and he squeezes the accelerator right through to pick up the Five Points there great job by the British team Jan Luca polet for the Belgian team almost sneaking those points away but Great Britain in the lead now Belgium have now

    Moved up to Second Italy sitting in third the Japanese have only featured in one Sprint but they’re still sitting on Fourth on the board so three Sprints down and Great Britain doing really well here Belgium on Seven Points Britain on eight Italy consistent Japan just that first Sprint win they haven’t gone back

    Into the point since then some heads starting to drop that always worries me from a fatigue point of view and a skills um Madison change point of view when the heads are starting to drop you’ve got to keep looking forward if you’re next tied I imagine your legs are

    Too still fairly bunched up two and three a breast throughout the pellet on so not absolutely full gas at the front stringing them all out but once again you just see the the washing machine the mess that it is there’ve been quite a few hands flailing around trying to uh get the

    Attention of their Partners further up the track who are looking back a few teams are just finding their legs and finding their combination amongst some really experienced pairings New Zealand come to the front now and really tight behind you see with Portugal going back through to get to

    The change right down towards the back but the first of the Portuguese Riders almost dive bombed the rest of the Pelon as he went back through gateon Stewart the New Zealand pairing third at the world championships and one of the more experienced uh pair of riders that have

    Done a lot of Madisons together Aaron gate was on fantastic form in the omnium 163 laps to go now they’ll start thinking about this next Sprint that’s what the European Champions from Germany are doing coming up shoulder Tosh shoulder and straight over the top it’s Bridgestone from Japan so 162 another

    Lap to get around to the bell and it’s really packed at the front everyone real fighting hard to get into the right position and looking for their partners that are going to be coming down to make the changes soon as the bell is about to ring but it will be Bridgestone that

    Lead into the Sprint lap first New Zealand with a change they’ll come through in second then it’s GB and underneath Australia really dangerous move there from olle bedon as they make the change down the back straight but up front New Zealand fighting against Bridgestone as they come around the

    Final Bend and New Zealand will get the five points ahead of Bridgestone Italy will get the three points Great Britain one point for fourth and there was a couple of really dicey situation in in that particular Sprint and you can see the extra speed has now started to stretch the Pelon

    Well Aaron gate just got the better there of Hashimoto from the bridge I nearly said bridgelane from the Bridgestone team I’ve put the mo the me the hex on it now yeah sorry Vivani uh he took the third spot for the two points but Great Britain more points yet

    Again only one point and Italy have now moved up into second it’s still pretty early days we’ve got 15 Sprints left to go so but Great Britain are looking comfortable and they’re looking consistent Italy especially viviani is just putting himself and putting the team right in the hot mix of

    It our first move in Earnest our first attack of the day not getting a huge amount of leeway here banish from the Polish team he’s riding with shasi banek is quite experienced Madison Rider but shasi is newer on the scene but they haven’t accured any points yet

    And this is a good way to do it the team’s less likely to chase them than they would be uh to chase Great Britain for example because they haven’t got any points yet but it doesn’t mean that they get given a sneaky lap forek saski now comes in and they’re maintaining a good

    Gap here 153 laps to go so there’s a chance they can at least hold on for the next Sprint see V look over the left hand Sher to see where the peleton is and he soldiers on down the back straight it’s the European Champions of Germany that have maintained position on

    The front of the peleton and a look back to the change with the with Blake agnoletto and pretty tight look at that oh agnoletto just just incredibly not hitting the back wheel of Elliot viviani that was exceptional skill to be able to do that Poland come through with 151

    Laps to go they do have enough distance here to make sure they pick up the Five Points maximum on offer for this Sprint and a quick move from Japan up around the outside of the European Champions Germany so Poland with five Japan then Switzerland and Germany across the line

    Vanek for Poland that’s the first points that they’ll get five at is Japan pick up another three that’ll catapult them back up into second position Sensational riding uh from them we have already 10 different teams with points on the board I’m going to give some extra points to Blake agnoletto for holding up

    That was really impressive because he had to reverse his bike back out of the seat and push back in order to hold that up so I can understand the groan that we heard from uh the crowd when that happened I think it was Blake’s front tire as well well he was groaning you

    Could see what was happening I think that was Blake’s dad he might be he might be the one up on the Ben Sandy and Robin he parents are here in the Vel Drome 147 laps to go and the pace has come back off a little bit well the Polish team has been

    Reabsorbed but they’re still riding uh toward the front shasi and Vanek had very successful Point gathering mission uh but you can see very clearly kuger and Reinhardt the European champion chions the German pairing uh they want to police if you will and be very close to the front not letting anything go the

    New Zealand team gate and Stewart third at the World Championships very experienced Madison Riders staying out of trouble 145 laps to go so still a few until they do get the bell for the Sprint but it’s getting a little bit messy out there and it really is

    Important that they get in a comfortable position change from New Zealand Australia come up over the top and they’re about to change at the top of the track there so agnoletto straight to the front of the pelaton Germany have been really good with their positioning so while they’re

    Sitting in sixth place on Five Points still within Striking Distance they’ve been towards the front a lot so they haven’t had to bridge many gaps they’re actually saving and conserving a fair amount of energy by being in the top four or five all the time now they’ve made the decision the European Champions

    To go to the front because it’s uh the Sprint coming up next time around Tor Reinhardt leads the way aalto from Australia in second position then it’s Campbell Stewart about to make the change to Aaron gate for New Zealand and Poland about to make the change right

    Behind them Bell lap this time and it’s Roger kuger from Germany comes through Big Move though coming from New Zealand the Australians have changed a little bit late to try and maximize their advantage of being towards the front because Germany versus New Zealand coming into the Sprint it’ll be 140 laps

    To go and the big powerful man Roger CL from Germany the European champ picks up the Five Points so that takes them up to 10 points and the outright lead but by only one point ahead of Great Britain and New Zealand Roger kuger for Germany ahead of Aaron gate from New Zealand the

    Aussies OE bleden he was third across the line for that Sprint and the Polish pair shasi and banek once again finding themselves they seem to have really pepped up they had a slow start but they’re certainly in the race now New Zealand has kept going and now we’re seeing Campbell Stewart off

    The front there pretty significant back um Gap back to reinart the European champion from Germany chasing once again here’s shasi from Poland trying to bridge across and the Australians are the ones that are holding on to the German team there four teams out the front Austria also just getting in touch

    Poland the next one’s trying to come across 136 laps to go that’s BL agnoletto sitting on the wheel of Roger kuger change for them down the back straight and almost a crash as olle bedon came in at just a little bit too slow for the Australians New Zealand

    They are not letting off the pressure they keep pushing forward because of all the gaps behind while it’s hurting the new zealanders in front everyone else is hurting just the same there’s no one really sitting comfortably on a wheel right now at 134 laps to go well Italy

    Has missed a trick because they are well out of shot and out of sight theyve got a lot of work to do to get back up the other team uh who stuck at the back as well with the Italians uh is the Belgian team and the Brits Josh Tarling and olle

    Wood they just lost Focus for a moment and have found themselves well at the back of this chasing group it is coming back together but they’ve had to use a lot of energy to bring it back well the chase group is coming back together but not out in front because Germany and New

    Zealand have opened up a significant gap of the rest of the field AA trying to come across that’s Roger gluger onto the back wheel of Aaron gate and the kiwis have done some damage here tonight into the next Sprint New Zealand lead Germany second Austria third and further back is Portugal and team

    Bridgestone and there’s no contest out in front it’s New Zealand that will pick up the Five Points so they will go to the outright lead now just ahead of Germany Austria have also made contact with those two teams out in front well that was Felix ritzinger from

    Austria who took the third points there the pairing of ritzinger and schmidbauer we haven’t spoken of them yet this is the first time they’re finding themselves on the board but they are in the absolute Plum position to be up there with the New Zealand team the European Champions of

    Germany Bridgestone they’re up there now to Scott Portugal as well the group is swelling yeah Portugal also there so this is is very interesting indeed New Zealand did all the damage Germany was strong enough to go Australia were with them but unfortunately faded back into the

    Pelon and they are not far from the back of the Pelon 20 points for all of the teams that can gain a lap here and as they go down the back straight this is a replay back to that previous Sprint and look at that damage New Zealand have been incredible here

    Tonight so far still a long way to go 126 laps but Germany and New Zealand find themselves at the top 14 and 13 points with a gap now back to Great Britain on nine a very solid start Roger kuger riding with teor Reinhardt Aaron gate and Campbell

    Stewart and we’re back on to live pictures now and this is the front we’re seeing New Zealand Germany we’ve got Austria Bridgestone and the Portuguese team the Portuguese team have done very well niso and Lee Lea and lal’s got a good turn of speed he bridged them across to this

    Group leading group of five now the Pelon has really stepped on the gas though that’s why it’s made it a bit more difficult for this group to try and bridge the gap and take a lap on the field they were almost there and then it was the British team that went on the

    Attack and it really has strung the field out and they are splintered all the way around the Adelaide super Drome desperate moments here in the men’s Madison as New Zealand and Germany come through for the next Sprint 121 laps to go and New Zealand up around the outside so Germany as they’re getting

    Back towards the stragglers the back end of the pelaton very high into the finishing straight here and New Zealand will pick up the Five Points that was significant Germany in the traffic missed the change so they have really been found out there the Germans just as

    They got to the back of the Pelon there was too much traffic really dangerous it hasn’t cost them too dearly I mean fortunately they were able to uh right their wrong change throw in Reinhardt got thrown in and the top five uh is back together it’s quite messy out

    There now I think it’s a little bit difficult to follow because they did gain the lap and then keep going uh in that scenario they gained a lap on half of the group not on the front of the group so it hasn’t been counted yet but that’s

    Why it looked so messy uh passing through a lot of the traffic so the pelaton itself had really stepped on the gas to try and avoid this lap from being taken but I’m not sure how willing they are to keep it going now this is the Breakaway group the new zealanders

    Stewart and gate wow they have been strong 19 points they lead the way with Germany on 14 and the pelaton have all bit given up and they will take the lap now so that is now the front of the race 20 points for the five teams of New Zealand Germany team Bridgestone

    Portugal and Austria well now they can have a deep breath but 20 points added to the total New Zealand we already on 19 Germany on 14 so this is going to make a significant change to the overall standings and for the teams like Great Britain Italy Japan Belgium they may

    Need to try and go on the attack themselves and get themselves also a lap in the 20 points it’s going to be hard to fight back here just in the Sprints throughout towards the Finish 113 laps to go moment of pause with Germany going straight to the front just showing how

    Strong they are take a lap on the field then go straight to the very front of the peleton again we’ve still got to stay out of trouble because we saw them get stuck in the traffic miss a turn uh that could really come a Cropper but they have gone straight to the front

    Again this is how they’ve been riding for the whole race some movement here from the Belgian team I thought we might see an attack there but they have uh steadied up once they’ve hit the wheel of Great Britain coming in for the Bell and the Germans they are determined to

    Keep getting points despite their position on the chart tying from Great Britain up onto the outside there of Roger kuger and Great Britain will be able to get the points here kuger was in fairly early for that Sprint so no not too difficult there for Tarling to pick

    Up the five points and he has continued on with it so this is showing some strength some maturity from the young man from Great Britain they missed out on the lap gain and now they want to try and do it themselves but they will have Germany chasing them te Reinhardt is

    Trying to come up to the back now of Oly wood as tling makes the change and this is where New Zealand really need to pay attention because Germany have put themselves in a perfect position great time to attack from the Great Britain team they did need to make

    Up some points but here we are team Switzerland and Team New Zealand are not waiting around we can see the German team the British team and the Australians trying to create a gap trying to see if they can catch the bunch napping but New Zealand will not make it happen we’ll

    See them in shot now there they are shutting it down take a bit of energy they won’t want to uh drop concentration like that again four teams together at the front they are about to be joined by the black colors of New Zealand and they were just a little bit

    Further back in the bunch during that last Sprint which opened up the Gap and that’s why they had to defend very quickly New Zealand and they seem to have the strength to have no issues with that whatsoever so team Bridgestone sitting in third place great riding by

    Them with Austria in fourth Portugal in fifth along with New Zealand and Germany leading first and second they are the five teams that have taken lap on the field the best of the so far is Great Britain on 14 points but they are six points behind Portugal who H one place

    Above them in fifth 104 laps to go Great Britain on the front make the change and again the pace has finally come back off somewhat one team is out of the race that’s the team from Indonesia just coming through the bottom of the shot there actually Indonesian team have

    Lost two laps on the field so they have been taken out of the race did well to make the final in the first place it must be said Indonesia not next Sprint not too far away now so Bell this time there the Indian team that has come out and it’s Portugal

    They took a lap on the field so they’re right up in the hunt they sit in fifth overall but it is a g New Zealand that come down the back straight and the Gap has opened up to the the third team leading the Pelon so can New Zealand

    After picking up the Five Points here go on with it and I think they might Aaron gate such a strong Rider if you’re looking for Campbell Stewart look over the shoulder there from gate and the change not too far away from being made I think and they’ve kept the pressure on

    Even if they don’t try and go for the lap keep a bit of pressure on just so the Gap maintains and everyone else has to dig a little bit deeper to try and close it down well especially when some of the teams that they took a lap with

    Are slightly off the back they’ll need to improve their position the Germans found themselves a little bit out of place there unusual for what we’ve seen for the most part uh in this race today Great Britain they look like they they’re policing the front they look

    Like they’ve got legs but it’s going to be difficult for them because there’s now five teams that are prepared to chase them if they try and get a lab rather than one or two uh and when you’ve got the might of New Zealand and Germany amongst those five he puts them

    In a pretty tough position but they’re the best of the rest they’re sitting in six with 15 points they featured prominently in a lot of Sprints but they kind of missed a trick with that attack well with New Zealand and Germany looking so strong you still look at Team

    Bridg Lane Bridgestone Austria and Portugal they don’t look weak they just haven’t been as dominant in these Sprints and again well there’s more proof of that cuz this is Austria now that’s gone off the front they sit in fourth place overall one of the five

    Teams that have taken a lap on the field so they don’t look that weak at all they are super strong and it’s Great Britain that are trying to get across to them the pairing of schmidbauer and ritzinger have really put on an impressive show actually again they started quite slow

    We didn’t see a lot of them in the first 50 laps but they are well and truly involved now they’re past the halfway 200 laps in total so only just but we’re really starting to see the race get fleshed out Great Britain on the march to try and jump across we know that

    Austria want to differentiate themselves from New Zealand Germany Bridgestone and Portugal and so they will definitely work and this could be the ride the lift that the Great British team really needed it is mutually beneficial next Sprint coming up as they come around to the start Finish Line

    Change from Great Britain Austria make their change so five points on offer once more 91 laps to go and they have a significant lead over the rest of the field Josh tling out of the saddle trying to finish this one off to pick up the five points they need them they sit

    In six Place overall on 15 they get the five here Austria will get the three and now they continue on the job to try and take a lap on the field New Zealand just pop over the top of Bridgestone to get the three points and they’ve also continued

    On the British team and the austrians are looking very comfortable in the break but it may determine whether they stay out there or not NE not necessarily how they’re working well together because they are a good combination albeit a little bit mismatched um in some of the accelerations but will New

    Zealand continue the pressure to come across or will it be Bridge Lane Bridge Stone that tried to bring them back well confirmation of that previous Sprint but I must say ritzinger from Austria is starting to struggle you could see it before he went to the front before with

    Ollywood now they make the change this is good for ritzinger cuz his legs are really starting to hurt Schmid Bower has come in to replace him and Tarling replaces Ole wood not far behind them though we can see New Zealand coming into the home straight so they’re looking over the

    Shoulder to see what damaging the damage they’re doing to the pelaton and I can tell you it’s an enormous amount of damage well you can see the New Zealand team driving the pace in the background and they will Bridge across but it has cost them a lot of effort it’s also cost

    The British team a lot of effort too we did see ritzinger really starting to struggle from the Austrian team it’s these moments of vulnerability when they’ve just put in a really big effort that can really Define the shape of the race which team has enough legs to go

    Over the top because the more you’re hurting you can pretty much assume everybody’s hurting in that scenario oh almost a bit of a dicey change from the New Zealand team there after that big chase across one of the big Nations that is a little bit bit invisible at the

    Moment is Italy ellia viviani and michelini so they are struggling just to the back there on the right hand side so it’s viviani just Bridging the Gap up to the Australian team and we have several teams that have lost contact with the pelaton out the

    Back as we see Germany pop over the top once more to Reinhardt just picking the pace up so New Zealand lead the way on 46 Germany 37 then it’s Austria 28 and another Sprint 81 one laps to go and it will be Germany again Roger kuger lead

    Into this Sprint New Zealand with a really timely change down the back straight can Aaron gate re in the big German around the final Bend and kuger has enough to hold on so there’s another five points that go to Germany New Zealand with three so it’s only two

    Points they’ve gained in that Sprint new Zeal uh Germany over New Zealand so it doesn’t do too much damage to the overall lead of New Zealand no now you might have noticed team Belgium just lost a lap um uh as they came through for that Sprint there so they started

    Very strong uh but they are now going to lose 20 points to be on minus 11 good attack here from the Japanese team Bridgestone they sit in third place overall but they’ve gone over the top of New Zealand not a good team to attack over the top of they are so strong the

    New zealanders but New Zealand have swung to the top of the track they can’t do every Chase they can’t be the one that responds to every attack especially when you’ve had five teams that took that lap in the first place Germany they need to step up and that’s a big

    Opportunity for team Bridgestone because they know that the New Zealand team have just done a very big chase to bring the Great Britain team back Bridgestone just catching three teams that have gone a lap down and Bridgestone swinging up to try and get some support from those three teams but

    They’ve been dropped don’t worry about too much about them you’ve got to keep pushing forward Bridgestone so not good tactics from the Japanese team great to get off the front but don’t think you’re going to get anything out of these three teams Poland Canada and Switzerland they

    Are deep in the hurt bag yeah they’ve just been lapped another time and uh so they’re not going to get a lot of support out of them but if for no other reason then they don’t have a lot of legs the Polish team they stood up and earned some points they made a

    Few Really Brave uh attacks early and got six points on the board but they’ve really faded in the classification now team Bridgestone they’ve got a bunch but they’re on their own in wanting to drive this break back Shuki imamura now on the front trying to push this forward he was

    The one that went on the attack and unfortunately aah Hashimoto his teammate starting to struggle a little bit has been a big move out of the pelaton and it’s the actual Japanese national team they’ve come out after this leading group 71 laps to go next Sprint and it’s

    Hashimoto that leads through there’s the second team of Japan that has just gone past Pelon now you hear the bell in the background that was the New Zealand team that L across the line so Hashim Moto picks up the five points for Bridgestone and the Japanese second team

    The national team three points for them in second place just remember that three the Poland Canada and Switzerland sitting behind Bridgestone here they are just passengers there’s a lot of red and white in the skin suits here New Zealand came across the line next for the third

    Points Italy took the fourth point but Italy areel up down so they started really well the pairing of viviani and skarini but we still do have a significant lead from Team New Zealand on 51 points new zealanders are now trying to come across with Italy so 67

    Laps to go and Bridgestone still lead the way Japan just getting on the back of that group of four now and we can see the Gap back to New Zealand and Italy Bridgestone again as Hashimoto comes in so that’s confirmation of the previous Sprint Bridgestone Japan New Zealand and then

    Italy and they’ve swing up the track here so now they the Japanese team that came across are able to get to the front and try and contribute to this are the two Japanese teams Japan national team and also the Bridgestone trade team can work together against the rest of the

    Pelaton well the Bridgestone team are in a position to be a medal they’re on the podium at the moment uh only five points ahead of Austria who are sitting in fourth Tim Bridgestone is sitting in third nine points a drift of the German team and it’s all going to come back

    Together though so both those Japanese teams not with enough strength to try and force their way ahead of the pelaton so Germany Clos it down and New Zealand did a lot of work in the chasing previously to that 63 laps to go the pace has come off for the

    First time in a while all of the teams are carrying a fair bit of fatigue and an opportunity to then move back up again New Zealand getting themselves back into a good position as does Great Britain another lap and the next of the Sprints is about to happen Germany just

    Popping off the front here lap and a half to go for this Sprint Australia trying to salvage something from this one as well so kuger European Champion for Germany comes through Japan in second and then it’s Portugal with a bit of speed coming up to the back of Germany there’s the

    Aussies they’re a little bit further behind but around the final Bend Germany fighting off Portugal but they can’t do it so Portugal pick up Five Points they’re sitting in fifth Place overall remember the last of the lowest placed of the teams that gained a lap on the

    Field well it’s important for them to keep AC crewing points to try and move up onto the podium but also Great Britain uh have now surpassed the 20 point mark so they have not taken a lap but are still in the hunt for a medal potentially um

    33-21 is the range between third place and sixth place at the moment but they’re running out of time 58 laps left to go and it’s very difficult for a team like Great Britain to take a lap now because in the closing Parts a lot of fatigue setting in but also New

    Zealand Germany team brid Stone Portugal Austria they’re just solidifying their positions after putting the effort into that break it is quite interesting watching what’s happening between uh Team Bridgestone and the Japanese national team usually we don’t see um much collusion between the national teams in this kind of event in fact

    Sometimes quite the opposite trying to make sure that they can get their spot um and go one up but it may be a scenario where it’s not so much collusion but they’re looking after each other 55 laps to go Germany wants more on the front now New Zealand taking over Japan

    Bridgestone to in the blue colors and after a little bit of respite and rest and recuperation now getting ready for the next of the intermediate Sprints New Zealand Germany Bridgestone Portugal and Austria they are the teams that took a lap on the field 20 extra points for doing so but a nice handy

    Lead there for New Zealand on the top of the table Great Britain still remain the best of the rest 21 points they’ve gained throughout the Sprints there’s still a lot of points left to gain so it might look quite comfortable for New Zealand at the moment but they’re only

    One or two sprints away from losing that to Germany in particular uh Bridgestone they’re a little bit further back New Zealand and Germany will start shadowing each other next Sprint coming up and change for both teams first and second in the overall standings and into the next Sprint New Zealand versus Germany

    Bridgestone in third Great Britain in fourth Italy back there in fifth place but the strength of New Zealand tonight getting the job done another five points for them three points will go to Germany Bridgestone I think may have held on for third place wait for confirmation

    But up in front New Zealand and Germany another two points gained versus Germany New Zealand doing very well here well New Zealand riding very smart and very comfortably two point an extra two-point Advantage just makes it all the more harder uh for them to get points in these the final

    Quarter of the race now everybody’s pretty tired and we can see some wild changes happening all over the track it’s not nearly as neat as it was uh in that first 50 laps the British team they’re persisting they’re still trying to see if they can put some damage in

    New Zealand they don’t necessarily need to chase Great Britain because even if they were to gain a lap and gain 20 points they would still find themselves well a drift of the New Zealand team but it’s habit the new zealanders don’t need to be the ones to chase everything but

    They do certainly need to stay out of trouble and keep an eye on where the German team Is keeping the pressure on out in front the kiwis New Zealand Germany up there as well as always consistently New Zealand Germany Bridgestone right very close to the front the top three teams Austria were looking strong have dropped down to fifth place now so there’s Bridgestone and Japan but

    Bridgestone sitting in third place on 34 points Portugal on third 30 and Austria on 28 so still very close if you’re looking at that final place on the podium Bridgestone up around the outside flipping over the top of the Australians to get right close to the front 43 laps

    To go the next Sprint not too far away and a bit of docking and weaving there as well as New Zealand have gone on the attack so they’re showing real strength they’ve been the strongest teams so far really strong in the Sprints plus taking a lap on the field and they continue to

    Attack New Zealand next Sprint coming up and they’ve got a nice handy five bike length lead over Germany as they go into this Sprint lap Roger kuger down the bra straight into the slipstream of Aaron gate can he close it down yes he can now

    He has to get up around the outside and they will pick up the Five Points so Germany are not out of this one that is for sure so another two points back on New Zealand by getting over the top there Italy also in the mix still third

    Place for them and Great Britain were fourth six points is the difference now between New Zealand and Germany plenty of points on offer with double points on that final Sprint Austria looked as if they had some intent then but unfortunately had their attack blocked unintentionally New Zealand and Germany

    Are well ahead Bridgestone their back a drift on 34 points so nearly 20 points separating first and second from then the battle for third Portugal and team Bridgestone they will still be watching each other and Austria is up there as well now Great Britain have theoretically they could get themselves

    Onto the podium if they won uh the final Sprint and kept a few more points along the way they will want to keep their eye on it attack from Japan Italy is trying to counteract kaboki it is that’s in the race it was coima that made the attack skini has

    Bridged the Gap off the change of viviani and Great Britain with Ole wood also going up there now and a big gap starting to open up so these three teams not involved in the lap gain earlier tonight but Japan sit in seventh place overall on 13 points it’ll be handy for

    Them if they want to get themselves onto the podium if they can get the 20 points that’s on offer for gaining a lap on the field it certainly will there will be some desperate moves there have been in the past laps taken in the dying moments of

    A Race So 33 laps it’s less likely a lap will go than earlier in the race but it’s certainly not impossible and with so much fatigue setting in it only takes one dropped wheel uh before you find yourself in a little bit of strife if Great Britain can take this

    Lap and get the 20 points for it they’ll go up to 44 points an outright third position so this is really beneficial to Great Britain and Japan and they are around about half a lap from the back of the Pelon as they come into this next

    Sprint 31 laps to go even if they don’t take the lap for Great Britain to continue acur points they can still get themselves onto the podium so they’re doing a really great job here of solidifying their effort Hollywood picks up the Five Points that’s very handy to

    Have in the pocket just ahead of Italy scat zini well that now catapults Great Britain to fifth on the table ahead of Austria who did take a lap one point a drift of Portugal in fourth so they’re certainly moving the make up um making the move um up the podium and there

    Isn’t a chaseing Earnest going on because the German teams is not chasing the New Zealand team they are not chasing kuger has been out changing a mechanical so the German team have not been chasing on purpose they’ve just been holding on and making sure they can mitigate any damage the British team

    With the Japanese team and the Italians are now half a lap up and gaining this is last minute but this is exciting action so the three team Breakaway out in front Italy Japan and Great Britain Roger kuger is back in the race now after having that wheel change

    Hopefully it didn’t take them too long and tayor Reinhardt didn’t have to waste too much much energy back in the Pelon well ronard did a good position just holding um a good job just holding position and not wasting any energy but they’re going to get the lap now this is

    Very impressive so the lap is about to be taken now three teams about to come onto the back of the peleton and that’ll be 20 points for each of these teams this changes everything in the race for the podium Great Britain will go right up into third place overall Japan will

    Also be right there as well so they go to Fourth position 49 points for Great Britain they are very close to Germany as well they’re only four points off the Silver medal so that really has changed everything Sensational show of tenacity from the British team to gain that lap

    Back uh and for Italy as well they were poorly positioned when that lap was taken 22 laps to go Sprint coming up Australia sit on the front of the pelaton and a recap New Zealand on 59 Germany 53 then it’s Great Britain now on 49 points only four points off the

    Silver medal Italy coming around it’s ell Vivani that will get the Bell first Japan Australia team Bridgestone Ceta underneath as well and here comes New Zealand up and around the outside and they all seem to be hesitating into that Sprint lap and New Zealand said well I’ll take the Five Points don’t worry

    About that so Aaron Campbell Stewart that pops over the top picks up the five points and has also continued on they weren’t doing any of the of the chase while those three teams gained that last lap they’ve saved some energy and now they’re on the hunt they’ve still got a

    Substantial lead 62 points Germany are the next best back on 53 the German team have to watch their backs for the British team there’s now only four points separating them the podium is coming together very clearly Italy they did pick up one point in that last

    Sprint but it’s a little bit uh too little too late Portugal lead the way with New Zealand trying to come across there is a bit of a scramble back on the pelaton but but Portugal sit in sixth place 35 points now they’ve been really strong today in gaining that lap but a bit

    Inconsistent in the points Gathering along the way uh is which is why they find themselves back in sixth eight teams have taken a lap now Japan did Miss A change in that last viewing as they came through that might hurt them a little bit two teams off the

    Front Germany desperate they need to do something to try and keep themselves in hunt for the gold here but Portugal and New Zealand with 15 laps to go there are two more Sprints coming double points on the final Sprint and they are almost half a lap from the back of the

    Peleton well they’re racing to the very death of this race 14 laps left to go but New Zealand Portugal they’re going for another lap this would catapult Portugal up into second place it would only give New Zealand a more solid lead than they already have but it would mean that

    Germany and Great Britain they would be fighting for that bronze medal Roger kuger now desperately trying to shut this down remember he only just recently got back onto the track after having a wheel change so unfortunate situation for the Germans to have that go on while this

    Was all happening out on the track but now Roger kuger trying to close this down Great Britain are trying to Chas down the Germans and it has sprinted the Pelon as Portugal come through for the penultimate Sprint lap and Portugal lead down the back straight New Zealand sitting in second position another five

    Points on offer and the new zealanders up around the outside so they’ll gain the Five Points with only one more Sprint to come so they are looking very good for the overall standings now but Germany will get the two points on offer for third they’re not so much worrying

    About the points they want to try and shut this attack down but we are now inside the final 10 laps they’ve done a very good job of mitigating the loss and this break has come significantly closer back together New Zealand and Portugal were looking like they were just about

    To tack onto the back of what’s left of the bunch not a lot they are in absolute pieces but kuger is Relentless wood is trying to get back onto the wheel of the German team just to cut their losses they’re running out of time to get this

    Lap Germany need to keep going Great Britain need to keep going reminder there double points on the final Sprint lri leow from Portugal absolutely driving this the world omnium champion he has really stood up in the last 18 months leow New Zealand doing a fantastic job

    Here 67 points they lead the way coming towards this final Sprint they are just about to get towards the back of the Pelon and they can do that in the next couple of laps Portugal will catapult themselves up into the silver medal position Austria on the attack off the

    Front of the Pelon as well trying to salvage something they’ve dropped down to eighth place they haven’t done much since they picked up that lap gain and with five laps to go Portugal will probably be the first of those two teams off the front to get to the back of the

    Field if they can do so well New Zealand has dropped back from Portugal it’s quite hard to see where a bunch is where the break is Portugal have tacked onto the back of what is remaining as the bunch the commissaires pointing to Portugal as the front of the race

    Still Austria make the change at the front of the peleton Portugal still have not made contact with the main group they are in that second group here now coming into the main straight so Portugal there New Zealand just behind them they’re now just catching the stragglers off the

    Back of the peleton and they are not going to gain a lap on the field now that is clear they’re coming around for two laps to go and they will not be able to shut that down in these next 500 M the Sprint is on out in front for the

    Remnants of the Pelon to pick up the minor points that are still on offer well Portugal may win the Sprint but they can’t win the race that will go to New Zealand as they come through now with one lap to go it is Portugal that’s going to lead the way into this final

    Sprint and they have given it to them so Portugal get the final points on offer 10 points to them New Zealand they pick up six points per second Switzerland come across the line to to get four points in third place with Great Britain picking up the final points they pick up

    Two in fourth place but it all went the way of New Zealand what an incredible and dominant performance it was from Campbell Stewart and Aaron gate that was quite Relentless and they won very convincingly Germany put in an exceptionally good performance very hard timing uh for them to be one Rider down

    When kuger had to change his wheel and it really meant that Reinhardt had to just mitigate his losses it meant that they missed the opportunity when New Zealand did take a flyer and attempt to take that lap now they didn’t take the lap but they got quite a lot of points

    On the way 73 points in the end to Germany back on 55 Great Britain will finish in third a quite ar rousing welcome to the New Zealand team Campbell Stewart coming up to the fence he’s got some family coming down to give him uh some congrat congratulator hugs

    It’s fantastic to see his mates here to support him great riding by New Zealand Germany they were almost out of the silver medal then with Portugal so close to getting a lap on the field they held on really well there Roger kuger salvaged the Silvera by going on that last moment attack ryanh

    Hart also able to capitalize on the ability of his big German teammate so New Zealand with gold Germany in Silvera and a great fight back from Great Britain to get themselves up into the bronze medal position youngster Josh Tarling along with olly wood did actually have a brief chat with

    Tarling this afternoon Kate um he was a little bit nervous about coming into the Madison and he’s really held himself very well by finishing third I thought you were going to say he was nervous chatting to us possibly oh he was Star Struck possibly he was I we went to meet

    Him because I wanted to uh say hello I’ve been chatting to um his father father Michael and his mother Dawn are um very proactive on social media and in supporting Josh uh and highlighting his career so the team from the Wheelhouse podcast tried to get down there meet him but

    Josh he I mean he hasn’t got a lot of international Madison experience at this level he is an accomplished teams Pursuit Rider he’s an exceptional Road Rider uh and individual time trialist but he can do do just about anything would he was second at the World Championships last year but he

    Rode with Mark Stewart to accomplish that and the British do have a pretty strong history uh in Madison riding but that was such a dominant show from the New Zealand team it really was I mean it’s we’ve seen them Excel before internationally but that’s got to be one

    Of the better rides I’ve seen from them absolutely 73 points in total almost put another 20 on top of that by gaining a lap that in the end 73 points versus 55 for Germany look back at the race they were so dominant towards the front both

    Germany and New Zealand spent so much of the time in the first five six teams which is also saving them so much energy throughout the race I don’t know if they needed it though because they were definitely the strongest two teams out there well 50 km in 52 minutes and 33

    Seconds 57 km an hour average they’re clipping around pretty quick there were some younger and less experienced teams out there that made it a little bit messy as they were just finding their feet uh but there’s only one way to learn how to ride an international medicine and that’s to ride an

    International Madison and I’ll give you some a bit of a technical input to that so 57.88 kilm per hour but each time a lap is gained it becomes one lap shorter and a couple of laps that were gained means that the race wasn’t the full 200 laps

    In the end it may have been one or two laps shorter increased the average speed we lost the two apse um because when it stopped it was at 191 and they restarted at 189 so I think it was probably 49 kilm for a number of the

    Riders four lap shy plent of them would be happy with yeah I think so Roger kuger European champ silver medal here in Adelaide no crashes as well which is fantastic to see and unusual um but some and I must say there were a few hairy moments a few gasps from the crowd and

    From us Here Blake agto provided everybody with a little bit of a heart starter early on um it’s really great to see the New Zealand family and friends who’ve come over uh to support the Riders because it’s a home Nations cup for the Australians but it pretty much

    Is for New Zealand too because Europe and Asia is much further abroad for them to travel to watch uh the athletes perform and we’ve got Ali walliston up again in the women’s omnium soon and she’s been shining very bright from New Zealand and much less expensive for the

    Southern hemisphere Nations to have a World Cup here I think the Italians cost them around about €100,000 to come out so if you times that by all of the European nations quite a costly Enterprise well it is but the Australians of course and the New Zealand teams have to do that every time

    To go the other direction this is where we are it’s the Adelaide super Drome Jeff’s cross and we can see the Adelaide Hills wonderful Adelaide Hills been the training facility both the hills and the vome for so many years with the Australian cycling team Riders and the Australian Institute of sport groups and

    Squads going back previously certainly is a wonderful facility and the wine regions to the north east and south of Adela the Barosa Valley the Clare Valley both of those in the northern regions and Northeastern regions McLaren Bale to the South and we look at the faces of the

    Competitors about to come onto the track as is all arang is going to be racing against this big man on the left that’s Matthew glater k ot to the right he’s going to be coming out against Matthew Richardson Racing for the gold medal but the bronze that will be contested by glater and

    Aang there’s Matthew Richardson gold medal in the team Sprint that was on the first day so three days of competition here we’re in the final afternoon of racing now and Matthew Richardson along with Tom Cornish Matthew glater and Lee Hoffman winning the gold medal here at the UCI

    Track Nations cup in the team Sprint silver medal for them in the world championships in Glasgow last year and they were the gold medalist world champions in 2022 they are going towards Paris and the Olympic Games perhaps not as equal favorites with the Netherlands but they are definitely a warm favorite to get

    Themselves onto the podium what color medal that’s what they’re going to have to wait and find out kimbery Conti on the right just checking the start order for these Riders as Matthew glater and Azazel arang and have already made their selection now Matthew Richardson and k ot making their

    Selection when they come up for the second race they reverse those positions on the start line men Sprint finals race for the bronze medal just about to come onto the track arang versus glater Matthew glater a former Sprint world champion asaz all awang former Kieran world champion and arang won the

    Kieran in day two of the competition the nervous moments for these Riders and fortunately for both OT and glater it’s not their direct opponent they’re sitting next to always feel it somewhat awkward when you’re sitting right there or they show us the two riders that are going to be

    Sit during battle on the track sitting right beside each other in the the marshalling area very warm conditions here inside the super Drome today each day has been slightly warmer than the previous and then that residual residual heat just staying in here as well just making it quite toasty but

    Very fast conditions and we’ve seen that in these Sprint rounds today while they’re not out there racing four times as they did in the opening Sprint qualification for their seating but the times they’ve been ring just throughout these Sprint rounds have been quite extraordinary finally Matthew glater now coming out onto the

    Track and he will be joined by azazul arang Superstar from Malaysia so former world champion this discipline Matthew gleson now lines up and as we can now see and why we have not seen azazul AR Wang he is unable to take to the start line we did talk about azazel’s heart

    Condition he had open heart surgery 18 months ago and while he did win the Kieran last night I know that he had some health concerns coming into this competition and I very cautious about how hard he was getting pushed and I think they’ve made the right decision just to make sure that

    There’s not too much pressure on that heart of his so walk over for Matthew glater as he will get the bronze medal with ail arang unable to take to the start line he’s certainly a crowd favorite it’s not the way that he would have wanted to get the bronze medal either he

    Would have wanted to race for it but nevertheless you can only compete against who is there and we hope that arang recovers quickly this heat is certainly having quite a profound effect on a lot of the athletes MD Richardson will be next out on track Ka OT the Australian crowd here pretty

    Hyped up after seeing New Zealand ride so well it’s a bit of an Australian thing if an Australian can’t win you’re happy for a New Zealander to win and then we can claim them so they are cheering very loudly Richardson and OT third and final day of competition

    Here at the ECI track Nations Cup in Adelaide but big program for all of the Riders including the sprinters team Sprint Kieran and now Sprint in all the rounds from qualifying through to this final so some Tide riders that are on the track now but they have to push that

    Aside focus on getting everything through the pedals there is no more pain they just have to focus on trying to get the win here k ot up against Matthew Richardson so the former gymnast in Richardson versus the former rower in OT who’s going to be the fastest cyclist that’s

    The question now in the men’s Sprint final OT drawing position number one obligated to lead for the first half lap three laps of the track in total and if he wants to try and force Richardson to the front he can try to do so but that’s only after he passes the

    Halfway point down the back straight this time well Richardson comes in with a lot of confidence he was the fastest qualifier today but he’s also on a track that he trains at that this is his home training venue he knows this track inside out he has ridden every scenario possible in a

    Sprint in training at least trying to replicate what does happen uh here in racing but he knows the board’s exceptionally well OT he performed amazingly wonderfully yesterday in the Kieran he’s very calm very respectful but Richardson stalks from the back now out of the saddle both Riders not completely full gas just yet

    As they come around to get the Bell this time this is the first of the best of three races in the men’s Sprint final here in Adelaide and it’s k ot that leads into the final lap Matthew Richardson really quickly up around the outside o forced off the track itself

    With the speed of Richardson passing him so Matthew Richardson goes one up in the best of three in the men’s Sprint final and that was very comfortable indeed for the Australian very comfortable win for him very confident win normally when he does win he really shows the crowd how

    Pleased he is straight away he’ll give them a big wave not this time he’s really in the zone it it’s the first time in a long time I haven’t seen him give the crowd a big wave in fact we’re discussing it this morning that it doesn’t matter whether it’s first round

    Whether he beats somebody who qualified a full second slow of that him he still really salutes the crowd and and gives them uh a little bit of support but you can tell just how focused he is you’ll also notice how narrow the bars are uh these days that the sprinters are riding

    So narrow at the top that their hands almost touch when they’re together and that is very much for aerodynamics but it does affect the bike handling as well OT leads into the final lap and very fast rapid acceleration there from Matthew rson and Kaa OT at this point

    Knew that the race was done so easing off thinking about the next race to come has to win the next one against Richardson but GE such a blow to the confidence when you get get beaten so convincingly it is Richardson ducked ever so slightly into the sprinters line

    There but it didn’t cause any damage or any slowing of OT in doing so commiss say will we expect look over that you can see the riders coming out onto the track now and that’s the women coming out for their third discipline within the four discipline omnium event

    And that’s the Elimination race that was the actual outright elimination Was Won by Ali walliston on the first day of competition that was her second gold medal for the night after picking up the team Pursuit as well so we’d have to pencil her in as the favorite for this

    One but we’ve had a bunch of races already and it’s a different scenario now let’s see how Ali walliston can do in the omnium elimination event three of the four in the omnium there’s our final Madison standings look at the uh lead by New Zealand there 73 points to Germany on 55

    Great Britain 52 they did very well to get themselves back into the race uh and there’s Spain in 10th Switzerland Poland Canada and down to Indonesia Indonesia did well they started well but then when they started to struggle it came undone uh fairly quickly now half of the Riders

    Will be at the fence half of the Riders will line down line up down the bottom and be held up by team handlers there’s Ali walliston Rider Number 2028 right in front of the uh big New Zealand contingent too I might add in the stand so a nice place for her to

    Start and that’s a great shot isn’t it uh Jennifer Valente in the world champions uh colors there so there’s conf information that Matthew Richardson has been awarded that win he’ll go into the next gold medal round one up on Kaa Oto women’s om omnium Elimination race Third Leg of the omnium event Alli

    Walliston leads the way at the moment seated number one that’s why she sits at the top of the track in position number one down the bottom second place overall ktie archal then it’s Lara Gillespie Jennifer Val and great to see Gillespie sitting in third place riding for Ireland so she’s

    Doing really well there’s Katie archal from Great Britain the places have changed around a fair bit from what we thought uh were the standings after that Tempo race but uh with walliston her outcome changed she got relegated from one of the Sprints so walliston Archer Bal Gillespie in third Valente sitting in

    Fourth Sova is in fifth and and we are underway last Rider across the line on every second lap will be eliminated this is the one race where you focus at the back of the pelet and not at the front and they’ll come through this time to get the Bell so the first elimination

    Lap is now underway and Mexico right at the very back there in a bit of danger ACO very high on the track and while she’s last she’s got some room to go up around the outside so maybe you can focus down the bottom a little bit more and there’s a rush from

    Up above or maybe a very nervous rider that’s also now going out there could be the first one to go that was Rider Number 332 Margarita misina she looked more nervous than anything as the bunch went right up towards the fence I don’t think she was too willing to push through now Maria

    Martin from Portugal uh found herself in a bit of trouble but got saved now she’s just caused a bit of a wave trying to get out and get herself to safety and she has done so Shay we Ling is in a dangerous spot the rider from Hong Kong oh Stenberg the European

    Champion wow that’s a big one second Rider to go out the European Champion she’ll be disappointed with that she was sitting uh in 14 uh in 10th overall so that’s a that’s a tough elimination from her the Bell again this time I mean it’s a reminder for Stenberg that often the

    Most dangerous position is not actually at the top or the bottom it’s in the middle Katie archeal in a bit of a precarious situation in the middle there too now she’ll have to pull out the back and move around to stay out of trouble oh fanza the Italian Rider she

    Was the World Scratch race champion in 2022 she is fighting to get the omnium spot for the Olympics over patosa for the Italian team that’s a bit of a blow for her into the next elimination lap once again it’s not always not always the last Rider across the line

    The officials are also looking for any infringements that may be happening and you’re definitely not allowed to improve your position down the bottom on the light blue band they’re are also focusing towards the bottom of the track as well as the very back and that was zblan skaya from usbekistan

    A zalin sky was Junior World Championship medalist back in 2000 fair to say she’s a very experienced rider 1999 pardon me she been around for a long time kajihara from Japan the Asian Continental Champion she’s quickly up around the outside so she’ll be out of danger now

    Lee from Hong Kong once again down the bottom in the red colors can she find some space down there I think she may have might have squeezed back in it was Vitz from Poland who was out there she’s had a bit of a struggle today uh didn’t have a good Tempo race

    She’s out of the elimination now Alli walliston finding herself up toward the back oh that look how tight that is geez really tight judges don’t have a an easy job wallon and Archer Bal towards the back but Wallis up around the outside so that’s not such an issue for her cost

    Her a little bit of energy though and Gillespie from Ireland so Gillespie is the next to go she was sitting in third place in the overall standing she’ll be disappointed with that nowhere to go and got caught behind well the bell sounds again and we’ve got Jasmine lcky from Switzerland is the one

    Who needs to do the work now to move up as the bunch gets smaller and the pace gets higher it’s harder to advance up around the outside but you can have some desperate moves and then it’s the riders in the middle that get stuck oh right down the bottom I think Ling it

    Was so juting Ling from Tai pay is the next one to go the blue color down the bottom also keep an eye towards the front every now and then to see who’s pushing the pace into the wind they might be out of danger but they’re also putting a lot of pressure through the

    Legs to keep themselves right at the very front Georgia baker has been doing a fair amount of work up there as well Nia Evans got herself in a bit of trouble at the back she’s now moved all the way up to the front and a tight elimination there it’s 211 from Spain yukina

    Late who is eliminated on that occasion three AR breast down the front but we see kajihara that is slightly off the front not really committed to try and stay away as she backs herself into the Pelon up at the back of the peleton though it’s Ali walliston yet again that’s a couple of

    Times we’ve seen her right towards the back Lee in a bit of danger in the red color she goes up the track to try and get a bit of extra speed and she will be okay it’s Mexico AO Elli a AO is the next one to

    Go it’s much easier down the bottom of the track but that’s what happens sometimes when there’s a big rush from behind and there has been a crash so Nia Evans has gone down so they will have a neutralization to allow her a maximum of five laps to be able to come back into

    The race if she’s able to she’s back on her feet that was was an unfortunate clip of wheels in the middle of the bunch and neutralization the yellow flag there it is from the Comm Center they have five laps to come back in that’s the crash again so where is she right

    Towards the front just get to the bit squeezed and pushed up the track and unfortunately for Yasmin Ley from Switzerland nowhere to go went over the top she did a good good job of holding it up though Cameron Meyer about to bring her back into the race so she’s

    Not obligated to get back and as soon as she can but they will only give her the five laps total I’m sure she’ll have to come back in next time around and we saw disaster in the men’s race uh where some of the Riders did not make it back into

    The field on time after a crash and so it is important the timing Cameron Meer giving Evans a big push back onto the track hopefully she can drop in toward the front look after herself after that crash because that is a is tough two more laps of neutralization so no matter

    When the rider comes back in it is still five laps of neutralization before they start again so they’ll come around get the thumbs up here we go and that’s good it gives uh the pelaton a chance to reform it also gives the Riders who have crashed a chance to

    Not just rejoin the race uh but get back in the pelaton before they face another elimination so they’re back underway now and the false start with the gun oh the second one gets them going so we are back going again they’ll get the Bell the next time around for another

    Elimination lap that crash unfortunately no fault of Nia Evans she was just stuck right in the middle the thick of it there was a lot of pushing and shoving and she was the end result of those pushes and shoves it’s a good highlight that sometimes even good position cuz

    She was sitting in third wheel uh can be a bit precarious Ali walliston needs to move around the outside she’s spending a lot of energy she is getting saved each lap when she does this but it is costing her quite a lot of energy once again she’ll be safe butova

    Petra seov from cheter is the next Rider to go wson this is she did this in the outright Elimination race on the first night she was at the back quite a bit and it looked like maybe she was struggling after the 10 Pursuit races but she wasn’t she was absolutely flying

    So don’t read too much into walliston hovering at the back of the peleton so often next elimination lap now kihara from Japan Katie archal could be in a little bit of danger here she has to force her way out to give herself some room to accelerate so both her and kihara

    Okay little bit of a scream in the middle of the peleton then I did here uchino r at 229 from Japan is out she’s been close to elimination on a number of laps I think that she’s been lucky to to get this far but Archer bold and walliston our two leaders and

    Valente the three favorites for this race all sitting quite up the back ni Evans in a bit of danger now she’s in the danger zone right at the very back Lee on the inside in the red colors but can near Evans oh that was really tight maybe down the bottom for Mar from

    Portugal might have been close let’s see Hong Kong Lee it is and she was right down the bottom another Bell Le from Switzerland G she did a good job to not fall when Evans went down but she certainly got hinded and would have been a bit of a jarring on

    Her back you can see that she’s starting to struggle big effort to try and keep herself in this Elimination race and I think she might have just done so there you go Maria Martins is out she’s been riding quite low in the bunch the whole time but very often has come close to

    Being eliminated as the top Riders accelerate the Canadian Maggie Cole’s Lista she is going to have to move up around the outside acceleration from Maggie now for Canada she’s out of danger Le still in a bit of trouble there from switzland and you can see

    Just the drop of the head that was such a big effort the previous lap that this time was going to be a little bit too much she’s done self- selected ly is now out we down to eight Riders Maggie klister at last position nine Riders Jennifer Valente the world

    Champion second last from the back and she moves her way up around the outside will she drag K’s LST with her yes indeed bash is in danger now so Olivia the next one to go Lithuania is now eliminated we’re down to eight Riders Cole’s list still sitting uh in that back position but

    World champion Valente just in front of her Katie archal holding a better position at the front now the Aussie Georgia baker has been consistently up the front Kohl’s LTI will need to get on the move because Valente and wallon not wanting to be caught out can Baker get out of

    This box that she’s just been put in the to do so look over the shoulder there from Georgia Baker she will survive and it might have been CO’s list at the very top near Evans was pretty close as well Evans it was is out she was down the

    Bottom of the track so CO’s Lista once again putting in a big effort just at the very end to keep herself in the race as the fatigue is setting in they’re starting to ride higher on the track nobody wants to set quite as much Pace they’re accelerating in the last

    Half lap leading into the elimination but not setting the pace high for the entire lap as they have been won the New Zealander high up around the outside com a again and kihara the Asian Continental Champion is the next one to Go six Riders remain walliston K’s liser Valente and Georgia Baker Katy archol and Jal Leu from China the red colors down the bottom and the next elimination lap is upon us dangerous position right down the very bottom with not much speed and that’s why Georgia Baker was comfortable will be able to go

    Up around the outside and now the rider from China really in a bit of trouble and you can just see laboring down the back straight so this is an easy one to pick as we see Jal Leu the next one to go out well we will see some movement in

    The top because wallon and Archer Bol are still in there but coming in Lara Gillespie was in third the Irish Rider she was eliminated quite early Jennifer Valente she was sitting in fourth she will move up to third after this there’ll be some good movements for the Australian too for Baker and the

    Canadian Co Lister ey on the track as they come into this elimination lap first one to dive down was Cole’s Lista from Canada so she’ll stay in the race but Alli wallison in a bit of trouble can she get over the top of Katie archal two of the big pre-race favorites first

    And second overall one of them may be going out or is it Georgia Baker Georgia Baker it is the Australian so the two top placed riders in wallison and Archer Bal do survive and it was at the expense of Georgia Baker from Australia that was a tight one it looked

    From here like Archer Bal was out but she’s not getting your stuck in that position again four Riders left but Cole’s Lista has self- eliminated essentially here she’s had enough she’s off the back now and good that all three Riders out in front realized that Cole’s ler had

    Given up and they weren’t sprinting for no reason so that’ll give them all just that little bit of spice well she did a good job to keep herself out of trouble for the last one but it cost her a lot of energy she’ll go out with fourth these are our three

    Top rank riders coming in the Olympic champion the world champion the European champion from last year oh bit of aggression bit of a shoulder barge from Katie archal to Valente and it’s Valente that dives down wallison in a really good position there she was in a little

    Bit danger at the bell in third position but picked the Gap went through and she will hold on and it may be archal that will go and it will be Katie archal so for Ellie walliston she’ll be very happy to see that Katie archal is

    Out of the race now we’re down to two the world champion against the New Zealander Jennifer Valente from the United States of America up against Ali walliston the final lap now final elimination and walliston she’s already won an elimination this weekend we’re into the final lap now and walliston

    Dives down the track it’s really short Sprint this one wallston with the best legs at the end of the women’s elimination in the omnium and she will pick up the maximum of 40 points and extend her overall lead with only the points race still to come fantastic

    Riding there from Ali wallison ahead of Jennifer Valente and Katie archal absolute class from miston she’s just been so comfortable we were slightly critical of her style so close to the back so close to elimination so often not because it necessarily showed fatigue because we’ve seen a ride like that but just because

    Of the energy uh that it might cost her to do that she came in on equal points with Katie archal uh into this second round she will go into the final round as the leader ahead of archal Valente uh is now sitting in third Australian Georgia

    Baker up in fourth now there’s been a fair bit of movement because we had some early exits um from some of the higher ranked Riders but that only plays into the advantage of walliston and archal now who are really quite clear of then Valente uh back who is almost the best

    Of the rest remembering that in the points race every point they uh earn counts and so it’s still wide open fantastic Elimination race and look at that very close call as archal wanted to go down the track and Valente said uh-uh I own this base thank you very

    Much walliston just so comfortable the acceleration Valente cannot match it sits up they both just get to the Finish Archer bold has been using her shoulders and her hips a bit to make sure she’s getting the right position she’s got really good skills to be able to do it

    So there’s the standings three races out of four walliston on top Archer Bal in second Valente is now moved up to Third on paper there were certainly the three that we would highlight most significantly from omnium results from the last years but walliston I think has taken another step up again and instead

    Of being a close uh she’s now leading the pack race number two in the men’s Sprint finals Matthew Richardson against Kaa OT Richardson one up in the best of three Kaa must get this win to force a deciding race and it was a really comfortable performance for Matthew Richardson he

    Would have had so much confidence from that he’ll be hoping he only has one more race to go to finish off this fantastic weekend here at the track Nations cup okay OT former rower what can he do to upset the champ Richardson so convincing so confident he leads them

    Away OT won quite convincingly against Matthew glater one of the victories from the back he ducked around glates on the home straight one of the victories he led from early on and just was so strong he can’t ride with the same tactics against Richardson though Richardson comes in

    Not only as the fastest qualifier but certainly the most comfortable and confident Sprinter in this competition very slow speed as they come around to complete the first lap three laps in total 750 m for the Sprint competition now just starting to get a little bit more speed Richardson happy

    To take control in the first position OT string high on the banking both of the Riders down the back straight they’ll get the Bell as they come around and now move from k o really pushing Richardson trying to shut him down but k ot from

    Japan wants to get to the Bell first he needs this win to force a deciding race and he’s in doing a really good job of it down the back straight But Here Comes Matthew Richardson Richardson up onto the back wheel of k ot down the finishing straight can he get there no

    He cannot there will be a deciding race between these two wow k ot he looked comfortably defeated in the first race but he has come back he has some fight this young man from Japan that was a sensational ride from the Japanese Kaa OT he was Sensational in the Kieran

    And that was a very impressive ride Richardson does appear to just be faster but it’s not all about that he hesitated and OT caught him in the exact moment of hesitation uh we’ll watch that back on the replay Richardson he looks left OT goes right and the mo that is the moment

    The race winning moment OT comes over the top Richardson fought hard to come back over the top he was gaining ground but not enough time that was great than fantastic racing from both of these Riders if you just went back to the first race between the two you would

    Have thought Matthew Richardson had it in Spades but okay OT with some courage and some speed and a moment’s hesitation from Richardson and you can see that that moment meant a lot more than whether either of them had the speed or not because that was the deciding factor

    Now we’re going to see the Kieran finals for the women the seventh to 12th will go first we’ve got an Australian young Australian in there uh Matilda Gro on paper is the most accomplished writer she has had a number of international podiums at World Championships uh and European championships in this

    Event the other five have far less experience and so it is a little bit open as to the tactics that might be used that’s Alysia M riding for Australia matild Gro on the new walk bicycle developed for the Paris Olympic Games you look towards the back

    Of that they have the super wide Forks we’re seeing a lot of that now but the the double seat tube holding up the saddle which is right at the very very back of the bike an unusual position for the the seat post but having a split seat post is also quite new new

    Regulations for bikes have allowed that to happen as the motorcycle comes around they must remain in for the first lap and Miriam fety from Italy will go onto the back of the motorcycle ahead of Alesia mck then it’s matild Gro two Belgian riders in this race Julia n nicoles from Belgium Marta

    Bayona from Colombia will separate the two Belgian riders with Nikki deela at the back of the group well they know that position is everything for the women third is the plum position in terms of statistically winning the rers aren’t allowed to change the position that they draw they

    Used to draw cards now they do it on a computer they just touch the computer screen and it turns the cart over to show what number they’ll line up on the track when the bike when the motor leaves with three laps to go then you can change your position and given that

    It’s a lot harder to win statistically from fifth and sixth wheel that is often the time where we see a fair bit of movement uh from the back of the bunch and that’s why mcag is dropping off that front wheel and looking over her shoulder because she’s trying to

    Anticipate the movement that will come from behind grow in the best position and the most experienced out there also looking over her shoulder bik has come off Matilda grow the first to pounce this is the race for 7th to 12th we’ll see the race for gold after this and

    It’s matild Gro the first to move fi from Italy in second position and then it’s Julie Nikolas from Belgium hung out to dry high on the outside and here’s bayona next one to go so it’s been a long way from when the bike came off for

    Mati Gro one more lap to go it’s a real fight for the French lady to try and hold on as bayona is trying to fight round the outside Deen left from Belgium now three wide with fety on the inside but this has been a really strong fight there for

    Mati Gro from France so she holds on to finish seventh in in the curan competition to gender in eth biona 9th Alesia MCC the youngster from Bendigo in Australia comes across for 10th Place well Gro was third in the women’s Sprint Elis Andrew is unable to complete the

    Bronze medal ride off after she had an accident in an earlier round but the French lady would have been hoping to get into the final for 1 to six she’s trying to qualify some individual sports for the Olympic Games for her country she’s strong and she is

    Able to to really keep that acceleration High there wasn’t really any competition in the end seventh to matio former Sprint world champion Nikki deela in eighth bayona ninth and then M fety and nicolay finishing it off for Belgium onto the final now the race for the gold medal

    Laan Jan Sophie capewell Emma fuken Teddy Marchant three Riders from Great Britain Lea Fred and also Mina s from Japan Sato the first Rider up onto the track and she is our newcomer she was Sensational in the spring competition but we haven’t seen a lot of her and

    She’s certainly improving in every ride but we’ve got the real pedigree uh in this group the 23 and 24 2023 24 European champion in Leah frish third at the World Champ championships disappointed after the team Sprint she’s on a bit of a mission but three Brits Scott heavily loaded from Great

    Britain Katie Marchant in the green colors with the Union dra flag Le frederck from Germany and two riders in Great Britain in the Great Britain Jersey this is Lauren Jan lauran Jan from France Minato oh sorry Jan sorry from Canada French Canadian though and sopie C down the

    Bott bottom Emma fukin is further up the track and she’s the world Sprint Champion fuken she got beaten knocked out by minao in those in the quarterfinals of the Sprint competition here unexpected but impressive absolutely Sophie capewell goes onto the back of the bike Sato Benn it’s Jan fukin Fredick and

    Marchant in sixth position in the green colors Race For Gold women’s Kieran and while the pace is set by the dery out the front this is a bit of a mental game they’re just all preparing for what’s going to happen when they get three laps to go five laps

    Uh to go now so two still two laps left we start to see these gaps opening up where the Riders are anticipating the moves that are coming from the back Fukan just giving herself a little bit of room nervous perhaps about the two Riders behind in Frederick and Marchant not looking to get surprised another lap before the bike comes off the track and now the three Riders on front also starting to give themselves just that little bit of room Le Fredick

    Deciding to move up around the outside of fuken they both go past Jana they are not allowed to pass the motorcycle before it comes off it now comes off the track then it’s AB breasted around the first Bend and a real fight to get into that first position well Gan six back

    But she was third at the Olympic Games from a poor position but fredr she has just come off a fresh win ahead of fukan at the European championships she is known to ride from the front and she says come and try and get around me and she’s riding that confidently again Sato

    Now comes towards the front of the group here and it’s Sato that will lead to the Bell lead she goes over the top of fukan Marchant trying to fight round the outside fukin is still in the slipstream of Minato but the Japanese Rider she’s been a revelation this weekend she is

    The Asian Continental Kieran champion and she wins here tonight in Adelaide as well Katie Marchant closed the Gap significantly in the last couple of meters but Minato holds on to win gold in the women’s Kieran what a sensational ride and she absolutely put a spanner in

    The works of the plans of Leah fredrich me Sato has taken some big wins some big victories here at the Nations cup she knocked fukan out of the world champion out of the Sprint rounds she now takes the win in the Kieran absent of Sato frish was leading very well she was

    Controlling it exceptionally well she hasn’t raced at this level against Sato she didn’t really know what was coming we have just seen the emergence of a real really big talent in an olympic year coming into uh this track Nations cup what an exciting Rider Sato Marchant and Lauren Jan from

    Canada third place to her so she’ll be pleased with that performance as well looking to qualify individual points towards the Olympic Games and a really solid ride there for aminaa close in the end but doesn’t matter how close it is as long as you’re first to the line no

    Indeed and Jana she was back in sixth but we have seen her perform uh at such an exceptional level no matter what position she’s drawn in the Kieran so she’s quite a versatile Rider In Her Style and she’s done really well that look at that Sato close but not

    Close I mean I wouldn’t necessarily say comfortable super comfortable but Sato came in as a bit of a relative unknown she’s ruffled some feathers and people will certainly be paying attention now and there’s the final classification Sato from Japan second in the Sprint and now picking up gold here

    In the Kieran reminder that the current Kieran world champion in Elise Andrews from New Zealand unfortunately crashing in the Sprints and slight fractur to the collarbone so unable to complete the competition here so wish her all the very best well a break is a break so I hope that uh she’s

    Able to do a little bit of time on the Trainer the deci for the men’s Sprint compe I as Matthew Richardson and K come up onto the track one more time Winner Takes all Now One race a piece in the best of three competition and I can see the well the pumping of the chest for k ot I can see

    Matthew Richardson from my position really inhaling big deep breaths you can see the chest still pumping the heart rate is still quite High the end of a very long competition here three days so many battles on these boards one more still to come such a sensational uh overhead shot

    That is of the Riders too under the spotlight on the start Line Richardson o playing the game you can see how slowly they’re going that OT has to bounce the bike to ensure that he doesn’t slide down he wouldn’t be the first to slide down this vad I tell you

    That there’s a few splinters uh that have happened but you do have a commere you can see just wandering around the inside there because they have to go faster than walking pace there is a predetermined walking pace I might add they can’t uh take it too slow or too

    Fast there are commers dotted around the entire vome so they hand over to another I would suggest that the gate on the second commiss is slightly quicker than we saw from our female commiss well they have picked up the pace but but only ever so slightly moving up the track

    Richardson looking over his shoulder OT calm collected composing himself for the fight ahead this is the peak of nervousness when you want both have a race win comes down to this final battle again k ot putting the back pedal break to best juice of course no breaks on these fixed

    Gear track bikes pushing backward on the pedal is how you get the break a considered acceleration from Richardson trying to get some Pace but back up the top OT still gearing distance this is perhaps the slowest race we have seen after one lap of completion and nervously we see Matthew Richardson

    Trying to come to a stop to try and force Kaa ot to go into first position but he’s given himself enough room Kaa that he has a little bit of room to maneuver and Matthew Richardson realizing he’s not going to be able to change positions he must now lead out

    It’s too close to the final lap so Matthew Richardson both Riders now up and out of the saddle as they start to accelerate into the final lap here do or die whoever gets to the line first wins the gold medal here in the men’s Sprint and it’s Richardson that leads into the

    Final lap a big gap back to k ot wow that’s a huge margin to overcome Richardson has the power but OT has the speed as they come in to the final straight and k ot throws the arm up a little bit in disgust but he got to the line first and claims

    Gold what a win by the Japanese Rider coming in it looked to Richardson looked to be the fastest Rider out there but OT he’s such a smart bike rider he’s a fast bike rider that was close that was it was also quite a traditional Sprint race a lot of

    Cat and mouse a lot of really looking at the other over the shoulders playing the patient game let’s have another look at this because it was such a big gap that k ot allowed himself to the back wheel of Matthew Richardson but the speed the acceleration the closing speed for Kai o

    And just as Richardson flicked up he would have been relegated anyway I must say but it did make it spectacular and k ot was still able to get to the line first but Richardson did oh look at that that is that doesn’t look tight in terms of front wheels but it certainly looks

    Tight in front of how close OT and Richardson are uh to each other Richardson did not get out of his seat to have a big acceleration when he went he used a seated acceleration and while he opened up a big gap he certainly wasn’t able to build momentum in the

    Same way that OT was well we saw a fantastic men’s Madison that was dominated by New Zealand and we have our two superstars to have a chat with right now Campbell you attacked from the front was that the plan from the GetGo uh maybe to wait a little bit longer but um

    Yeah we kind of saw an opportunity and yeah went out there took it kind of yeah it’s always better to be on the front foot rather than chasing so yeah we kind of put put a bit of the pressure down and uh eventually a few few of the other

    Teams responded but yeah it was nice to kind of race from the front and uh yeah keep pushing and Aaron did you two feel in control at all or was the latter half that you really put your stamp on the race um yeah well we wanted to be in

    Contention from the start and just like see how I know little bit cliche but see how it sort of plays out a little bit and not show all our cards too early because 200 laps can take quite a long time so it was uh a case of just you

    Know getting points on the board making sure we’re in contention and then we could yeah get stuck into our work and it was good that it obviously paid off thank you it really was a dominant performance by Campbell Stewart and Aaron gate good battle with them and the German team but

    In the end just too strong had the Speed had the power and almost taking two laps on the field just to really seal the deal they weren’t content with just winning on points they wanted to really make sure people knew that they meant business and so they did walliston he’s

    Putting on a similar sh in the women’s omnium we’ll see the final for that soon there’s wood and Tarling taring the taller lad Campbell Stewart and Aaron gate Aaron gate has the uh the mullet if we can call that very well credentialed very well credential M no

    I’m just going to say the top three teams very well credentialed very strong and a mix of Ages when you look at uh Josh Tarling versus Roger kuger in particular kuger in his late 30s taring still coming looking to get into his 20s and it is surprising to see how much

    Success is coming from riders that are in their teens particularly on the road in the world tour it used to take them several years to get up to full speed and strength but nowadays they’re coming straight out of the under 19s and getting big winds on the world tour as

    We’ve seen with Tarling so the presentation now for the men’s Madison and Brett Aken oam will be doing the presentations of medals Olympic Madison gold medalist in 2000 so quite fitting to have him present the medals here Great Britain picking up the bronze Ole wood on the right Josh Tarling the

    Youngster the taller of the two absolute Superstar of the future tling well he said to you earlier don’t don’t be too hard on my on my Madison riding in the commentary I’m quite quite chuffed with how how well he’s riding that’s for sure the European Champions riding for

    Germany Roger kuger and Tera Reinhardt Come Away with the silver medal we had that mechanical mishap so a change of wheels for Roger kuger so out of the race slightly he also had a crash in the omnium the other day you can see some of the damage that he was sporting from

    That he did very well uh the team did very well to be able to hold the fort while kuger was uh changing his wheel so they’ve done well they’ve I mean they’ve got a lot of history and a lot of credentials that pairing and it’s New Zealand that take

    Out the gold medal Aaron Gates and Campbell Stewart about as dominant a performance as you can put on in a Madison at this level UCI track Nations cup here in Adelaide medalists at the World Championships last year and now starting this season in fine form and it’s a

    Great confidence booster for them with two more Nations cups to come but the Madison at the Olympic Games certainly within their sights as well it’s a nice way to end what’s been a uh successful Australian summer for them the oceas are coming up uh for Australia and New

    Zealand they may be wearing the Oceania Champions jerseys uh similar to what kuger and Reinhardt are wearing for the European Champions it will be interesting to see with all of these Riders what races they do do next Campbell Stewart rides for the jco alula professional team and

    Whether he’s required to go to Europe now not do more Nations cups or get onto the road or whether they do want to do some get some more points and more some some more Madison experience in particular in the oceas or the next Nations cups in Hong Kong and Milton

    Canada fans of Fanning inside the vad Drome here very hot sticky conditions brilliant for the cyclists little bit uncomfortable for them perhaps but it is fast conditions Fast Track is a good track we’ve got one race left this evening in fact in the whole Nations cup program it’s been a sensational couple

    Of days we’ve got the women’s omnium fourth event been an action-packed program hasn’t it over 3 days with all of the Olympic disciplines plus the the men’s and women’s eliminations as the extra event that they’ve had within the program at some of the other nations cups they will have individual Pursuit

    Thousand meter time trial 500 meter time trial which will by from next year be a th000 meter time trial for the women as well not just a 500 and those events will come out in the other nations cup scratch Race points race as well final preparation

    For The Last Riders to come onto the track women’s omnium points race and the three disciplines they’ve had so far while they’re Racing for 40 points for first 38 for second 36 for third and so on all of those points that they have for their overall classification now

    That’s what they start with in this final event so the final discipline of the omnium points race they start with those points and Alie walliston sits on 116 Katie archal 112 So really tight between those two top contenders then a little bit of a gap to Jenny Valente

    She’s on 90 78 points Georgia Baker from Australia also on 78 is gii L from China well the biggest difference in the points race is that every point you score now gets added onto the point tally and so Wallace will come in defending her position it’ll be quite a

    Hot competition between walliston and archal I imagine in the early Sprints uh Valente could do with taking a lap she’s 22 points behind second place that will be hard to make up purely on Sprints alone so it is still quite open but it isn’t uncom we saw it last night in the

    Men’s race for the top three going into the points race to also be the top three on the other side and not even so much because of the points but because after three events they’ve shown their form and the one the riders that are strong and in form often Emerge there’s our leader Ali walliston 106 16 points so she’s at the top of the track as the number one seated Rider coming into this final race for the women’s omnium bottom of the track will be Katie archal there’s Katie World Champ Jen Valente from the USA and

    We can look down the field a little bit to some of the riders that might be seemingly out of contention but willing to go on the attack to try and gain a lap get the 20 points for the lap gain they might be able to put

    Themselves right back up in the hunt for the medals maybe Nia Evans who sits in eighth place she’s on 70 points she gets one laap gain she’ll be up there with Jen Valente on 90 in the bronze medal position so keep an eye out for a rider

    Like that Lara Gillespie from Ireland in 10th Place she’s on 64 she lost out a little bit in the elimination she was in great contention until then and fidanza is another one riders that looked strong in the first uh two events but then had a bit of a misstep in the elimination

    Which can happen and Gillespie in particular she went in in third spot uh she got out very early and her position dived uh down and it’s a Stenberg from Norway another one she’s down in 15th Place only 45 points she was the second Rider out in the elimination so she is

    The European Champion she has credentials in this event so she needs to do something to just salvage anything she can from this event well it’ll be very difficult for her to get anywhere near the podium because she is only on 45 points but she can certainly move her

    Way up Nia Evans is probably the one that is the most dangerous to move up onto the podium um but Australian Georgia Baker moved up a lot in that last event so let’s see where she can find herself 80 laps of the track to finish off the competition here in

    Adelaide the tiso UCI track Nations cup three days of competition it is the F first of three track Nations cups Hong Kong is the next one next month and then in April they wrap things up in Milton in Canada just outside of Toronto and after that is when they

    Calculate all of the points from the Continental championships from the category 1 events from the Nations cups and from the World Championships last year and then the quotas for the Olympic games are given out to the Nations so very important to finish these nations cups off well to make sure that they can

    Get their positions at the Olympic Games that’s the challenge for Stenberg she’s the European Champion so she may have done enough already but Riders like that that don’t have a team Pursuit Squad that’ll qualify in the top 10 teams they’re the countries that really need to do well in these individual

    Eliminations and um and omniums a fairly conservative start to the points race points race at the end of a an omnium they’re a different beasts to a standalone points race so we don’t expect them to go out all guns blazing in this first couple of laps walliston hasn’t really shown any

    Vulnerability archal she did I think in that uh elimination she was almost eliminated a few times definitely prematurely but she’s not afraid uh to hold her own in the middle of a bunch she’s got exceptionally good skills and that does put her A step above a lot of the Riders just in terms

    Of managing to find her way through the bunch Georgia Baker swings up then Lee from Hong Kong kihara from Japan now up and out of the way as is Valente very short turns of pace nobody wanting to stay on the front of the pelaton pushing into the wind wasting energy gespi from Ireland

    Now Sprint every 10 laps 73 laps now so they’re not too far away from the first of the Sprints Georgia Baker sits in fourth place overall but a long way down towards the back of the group here she may not be in a good position in terms

    Of going for points that’s why she’s starting to move up on the inside out in front Gillespie drags everybody down towards the bottom of the track there she is Georgia Baker second place in the Madison along with Alex Manley in yesterday’s program about a little bit too far back

    To go for this Sprint as we look at the front it’s kesie that leads the way then it’s Stenberg in the European Champions colors Katie archal is boxed in on the inside she’s looking for a gap to try and move out and go around now it’s

    Opened up a little bit but it’s a fight between Gillespie and Stenberg and I think Gillespie may have just held on for that yes she has so Lara Gillespie from Ireland gets the five point first of the five pointers on offer from Anita Stenberg from Norway

    Archer Bal she gets two points for third and Yasmin Ley from Switzerland with one point fourth place wow Ley showed what incredible skills she has when Evans went down in the elimination Katie archal is just going to chip away at points that was really well done by her

    To get couple of points Lara Gillespie we talked about it at the beginning of this points race a mistake in the elimination saw her drop from third all the way down so she we know she’s got good legs we I think we can see a very motivated

    Gillespie because she is one of the Riders who will be really looking to qualify herself individually um because the Irish team is not looking um to get that spot in the team’s Pursuit so a bit more pressure on her moment of pause there’s Gillespie coming through And to clarify through

    All of these events the top 10 team Pursuit Nations qualify for riders for their team Pursuit but automatically get a position in the Madison and also in the omnium at the Olympic Games then they look to these individual Nations Cup events for the next lot of individuals Nations that have not

    Qualified through the top 10 team P shoters so it is really important for a rider like Gillespie Stenberg also Switzerland some of the other countries that don’t have strong team Pursuit squads they need to do well in these omniums well Georgia Baker performed very well in the Madison last

    Night they got second uh riding with Alex Manley she’s a good points race Rider she didn’t have the strongest start to the omnium but she has been improving with each round a very strong elimination she’s looking quite comfortable positioning herself very well to put herself in the mix fand the

    Italian Rider who we thought May really come into the mix today she’s sitting quite a ways back now she was eliminated quite early uh in the last round in the elimination and she will need to certainly there she is 221 from Italy she certainly need uh to be quite

    Aggressive in this points race if she wants to move up and that’s what we said also uh about Gillespie and that’s what she did in that first Sprint 62 laps to go next intermediate Sprint coming up and it’s Valente the world champion from the United States gesia again in

    Second position keeping herself towards the front but she may get boxed in as more Riders come up around the outside Maggie calls lisst from Canada will hear the Bell first as she comes through look over the shoulder to see who’s on the wheel she’ll see the world champion

    There she’ll know she needs to kick pretty hard down the back straight to hold her off and we can see a few more flyers coming and right up around the outside is Ali walliston she’ll get a good run down the finishing straight here it might be a little bit too late

    No very tight between walliston and Valente well Valente will take the win there walliston in second to Chino in third bista coming across in fourth the rider from Lithuania second Sprint of eight walliston very high and very far back but she managed to make it to

    Almost get those points but here she has kept going after that Sprint fanza she’s now showing that aggression we knew walliston trying she swung up at a bad moment there she was trying to come across but she’s now abandoned fidanza finds herself solo off the front

    And not a big reaction on Mass from the Pelon this is what the Italian needs to move move up but she is a fair way down on points she’s down on 45 points even if she gains 20 that only takes her it doesn’t even take her back into the top

    10 so realistically the bunch doesn’t have a lot of impetus to chase 56 laps to go one rer from Italy fidanza is off the front little bit of pce still with the pellet on there might have been a bit of a chance for her had they eased up knowing that she’s not a

    Danger for the overall now they swing up down the back straight Katie archal right at the very front at the top of the fence and now she has perhaps more of a chance if she can keep the pace on for Danza not giving me a lot of confidence

    With her the impetus seems to have gone off a little bit from fidanza there is a bit of a Chase coming across kajian from Japan I applaud her effort uh but she’s now abandoned the attempt good move here though from Georgia Baker so she’s gone across with this initial attack and that

    May cause a bit of a scramble from wallon archal Valente who are first second and third overall Valente the first of those names to react and go across and this will force uh the pelaton to pay attention uh when Valente with the world champion stps sitting in third going into this

    Event when she moves walliston and archal have to move as well so all back together after a little bit of a scramble and they will have the Bell next time around 51 laps to go not a lot of confidence coming to this Bell Maria Martins leads down the back

    Straight Stenberg but he comes archal up around the outside so Katie archol this will close up the overall standings so that will put her right to the very top tied with Ali walliston so both those Riders on 119 points so good Sprint there for Aral Aral looks a little like she was

    Carrying a little bit more fatigue than wallon coming in but she’s a very Savvy Rider she’s just been sitting back and using her energy really wild um really wisely to take top points dominant show of speed and strength there from ktie Archer bals so 48 laps to go we have two Riders

    Tied 119 points a piece Allie walliston and Katie archal 95 points is Jennifer Valente and Georgia Baker still sits in fourth place tied on 78 points with giali L from China the pace is off up the top of the track nobody wanting to take responsibility Just In This Moment

    Valenta is sitting down toward the back she needs to be careful not to get in danger Falls happen at the back gaps open we see wallison right at the very back as well just starting to move up all side didn’t want to be back there for too long there’s Valente the World Champ

    Wallis’s moved up she’s mid packing down the bottom Arch bold our tied leader but still not a lot of impetus from the pellaton Lara Gillespie she opened up this points race with top points she wants them to ride a bit faster but nobody’s particularly Keen to follow on with her

    High on the track for Ali walliston drifting back towards the rear of the field once more she’s already been back there and then had to put in the effort to get back to the front but at this pace not that difficult to regain position they are really just cruising

    Around the top of the track now waiting for the next Sprint 44 laps to go it be 43 in a moment yes 43 laps to go and they come around this time so from the front to the back to the front again and now driving high up

    On the track is Alli walliston seems to have the way of the peleton at the moment see wants to ride wherever she can and now we’ll start to see a little bit more of movement just coming into the shot at the very top of the track we’ll see Katy archal there she is

    Rather the very top just trying to come up around the outside to make up some positions for this next Sprint walliston looked over the shoulder and saw her and that’s why she’s moves straight to the fence to try and stop that run so cheeky move from walliston the kajara has come over the

    Top and squeeze past walliston right on the fence she lead into this Sprint and Archer Bal up around the outside as well so this is a real fight between the top contenders here Alli walliston dropped the shoulder into Archer ball to move her and Georgia Baker comes back in as

    Well so three of the top four Riders here fighting for the points and wallison will get the Five Points so that’ll put her clearly back up in front of Katie archal and Georgia Baker also picking up some points there archal showing a bit of fatigue again there she tried to come

    Up up the side onto the hip of wallon and box her in but she didn’t quite have the gas to do really good positioning from the Australian Baker she’s edging closer to Valente but still 15 points a drift so she’ll need to do uh a lot more

    With a lot more consistency in the coming laps if she wants to change that AO zabin Sky now on the attack she’s got a couple of Riders directly behind her though there’s Georgia Baker Katie archal 15 points it’s a reasonable Gap but there is enough points to come but that’s that

    Also requires Jen Valente to not not figure in any of these Sprints and that would be unlikely you would think from the World Champ yeah possible but not necessarily likely and that’s why you don’t see so many changes at this point in an omnium because other than unfortunate

    Eliminations early on I’ll put l Gillespie into that pot they’ve shown their form near Evans I did mention at the start might be a rider that’ll be looking to try and gain a lap on the field and move herself up she’s on 70 points sitting in eighth place and now

    She finds herself about a quarter of a lap up on the field with 35 laps to go down far enough for the top Riders to not pay too much attention and perhaps you might go from 70 to 90 that’ll put her into fourth she gains a Sprint along the way

    That’ll Vault her onto the podium so this is a move that needs to be taken seriously Archer bald is probably the least likely to chase uh but Valente is the one that really needs to pay attention and she’s not well Katie archeal was on the front just after Nia Evans attacked and she

    Decided I won’t let it I won’t chase that one swung up got out of the way so didn’t hinder she’s not the race leader uh and walliston isn’t too fuss because she’s far enough ahead that she doesn’t need to worry so this is really firmly into valente’s uh worry pot 32 laps to

    Go and the Pelon have eased up and we pan back because we can see Nia Evans now coming into the same shot as the rear of the pelaton and if they stay with the pace off like this it won’t be long until we see Nia Evans gain a lap

    On the field she has had the Bell rung at 31 laps to go so she will pick up the points now regardless of whether she catches the Pelon or not so she will get the 25 points on offer and she is right up into the bronze medal spot yeah

    That’s a sensational ride Valente has been absolutely caught napping Katie Archer Bal trying to pick up the scraps it’ll be three points still on offer aavo from Mexico and Stenberg from Norway the European Champion trying to pick up the one point for fourth place so another three points there for Archer bolds

    That’ll put her one point off the gold medal position but Nia Evans should be up into equal third position once they correct the points yeah they need to update those points and there we have it so she is now in equal third with Valente but Valente is

    Nowhere to be seen it was an opportunity for her to move forward and get some minor points there to ensure uh that they weren’t in fact even but she is sitting right back toward the very very back of the bunch right at the back of picture there uh is Valente I think she’s

    Struggling she’s not filling me with confidence the World Champ Jen Valente well certainly great ride from Evans oh certainly yeah take nothing away from Nia we we flagged it as a possibility that’s the tactic she might do and she certainly has and she fell in the elimination as well so it wasn’t

    Necessarily she didn’t lose the points in the elimination uh necessarily because she didn’t have the legs for it or the form it’s pretty tough to come back in the same event from uh especially one that moves that quickly from a fall but she’s she’s done a sensational

    Job the veterinarian Nia Evans just put that on hold while she focuses on her cycling career well Britain have to choose who they’re going to ride in the omnium at the Olympic Games Archer bold or Evans they’re both they’re both putting in a pretty convincing ride Gillespie once more out of the

    Saddle just trying to stretch the peleton a little bit test their legs and drops herself back into fifth position to fill the Gap that she created coming around to get 23 laps to go now Gillespie again finds herself on the front she doesn’t want to be there

    Too often so swings up and gets out of the way walliston sitting quite a way up the back but she’s got a onepoint lead to Archer Bal at the moment Baker now down to fifth place with that move from near Evans sain ska is on the attack being

    Smothered This Time by Jen Valente and they will be coming around to get a Sprint so Valente now she knows she needs to pick up some points she can see where she stands hands on the big scoreboard here in the Adelaide super Drome and she will lead into this next

    Sprint J L from China has gone over the top so that will help Valente as well she can get in the slipstream see if she can come up around the outside and pick up the five point she’s fighting shoulder toosh shoulder this is USA versus China and USA come out on top so

    Five Points to Valente so she now consolidates that position in bronze with near Evans now with a five-point deficit to cover come two sprints left to go and it’s tight at the top 124 points for walliston Archer Bal 123 so only one point separating those two 15 points

    Still off an offer we certainly just learned a lesson from Jennifer valent didn’t we she’s looking tired we said y she fills me with confidence now she oh how the tides turn Martina fidanza dipping off the front she doesn’t look like she meant to looks over the shoulder swings up the track

    The rest of the peleton follow her up there they’re fighting for the gold and silver here with walliston and Archer Bal Valente and Evans fighting for the bronze medal Maggie calls Lista from Canada going on the attack she has Anita Stenberg Norway followed her up Gillespie goes through once more Katy

    Archal and Ali walliston very close to each other me and Shadow archal and walliston 15 points still an offer one point separate first and second at the moment the Gap back to Valente 23 points so that’s out of the question now she’s fighting for the bronze medal

    Valente with Nia Evans and Georgia Baker I think she’s got Georgia Baker as well there’s 20 points between them so a real fight in two here for the gold medal and a fight for the bronze Wilston versus archal for gold and silver Valente versus Evans for the bronze

    And no dangerous Riders have slipped off the front but because they are fighting for those spots for their Nations at the Olympics there are some battles going on lower down in the classification that are quite incidental to the overall ranking here today but are very important to the Riders

    Themselves uchino from Japan she’s in 12th position black color swings up to go towards Ward the back of this Breakaway Group 13 laps to go two more sprints on offer Five Points maximum for the next one then it’s double points for the final Sprints wallon will be happy to let this

    One go away and take all the points she’s got a one-point advantage over archal Valente the same She’s Got Five Points over Evans for third and now near Evans on the attack so this may cause a reaction from Jen Valente well Evans not content to let let the points go up the track

    And they will come around for the bell and so Evans is in a plum position to pick some extra points up here che’s going to go straight around the outside here they’ll start sprinting for this but Nia Evans has been going for quite some time but she’s got the momentum so

    Nia Evans is going to pick up the Five Points in the penultimate Sprint Jen Valente is back in the pelaton so that puts her on 100 points equal third place whoever crosses the line on the final lap Evans or Valente whoever is the first across the line will take the bronze

    Medal in first and second it’s one point differential third and fourth same points fifth and sixth same points well Katie archal needs to get at least two points in this final Sprint there are four riders in front so for her to get the gold medal Katie archal needs these

    Four riders or at least one of them to get caught Ali wallison she’ll be happy to leave them out there they’ll gobble up all the points on offer and she will win kajihara has come from behind you can see her the Asian Continental omnium Champion so she has jumped

    Across well you can see archal at the very back of that Pelon she’s in The Hurt Locker Valente she is needs to stalk near Evans still four Riders out in front four positions left for the points double points on this final Sprint with six laps to go kajihara has gone out on

    Her own but Evans is still out the front there there we can see her in shot she will take this bronze medal if this continues because she just needs to beat Valente over the line she doesn’t even need to get points she will get points if this

    Continues five laps left to go Evans is certainly fading but she does have the advantage at the moment where is Valente Katie archeal has gone on the attack but she’s got walliston with her so this is our leader on the track Ciara as she comes around with four laps to go behind her

    Is also from Japan uchino then it’s the pairing from Portugal and near Evans and Katie archall trying to come across but she has wallison on the wheel so these two here one point the difference in the overall standings but walliston has been cruising on the wheel of archal all the way since ktie

    Attacked if archal gets points ahead of walliston she’ll beat her if neither of them get points then walliston will win and we see these are the two leaders out in front they are chasing the 10 points the six points Archer ball goes over the top of Nia Evans and just

    Behind Nia Evans is Jen Valente there’s Valente just coming into the shot at the back she’s trying to get herself in front of neara Evans to pick up the bronze medal that’s all she has to do doesn’t even require points just has to cross the line in front of Nia Evans and

    Wallison has now un been Unleashed as she’s come off the back wheel of Katie archal doesn’t need to but she can so she will and allly wallison will pick up the 10 points for the final Sprint and take out the overall Title Here in the women’s

    Omnium and we look back to Valente and Nia Evans Valente has crossed the line in front of Nia Evans so she will take the bronze medal away from a courageous Evans who picked up the penultimate Sprint there’s your omnium winner Ali walliston does it silver goes to Katie

    Archal and Jen Valente from USA the World Champ will get the Bron such a dominant display by walliston at the Finish there she needed no more points to win but she took more points she took the win she wins overall by 11 points back between third and fourth look at that same

    Points Evans my goodness finishing in fourth Valente beat her over over the line only by one spot all she had to do was beat her over the line but oh she was desperate Valente was desperate to get there what a brave ride from Ni Evans caty Archer Bal she did her best

    To try and uh get one up over walliston wasn’t able to do it but fantastic ride for her for the silver medal big attack there from ktie Archer Ball but Alie walliston was right onto her spent a couple Laps on the back wheel and as they got to that final Bell

    Lap she just was Unleashed to pick up the 10 points strong ride though still from Katy Archer ball we talk about that omnium position at the Olympic Games that’s up for grabs n evans was throwing her hat in the ring with a strong performance but Katie archal at the

    Moment looks to be in that position there’s Jen Valente the bronze medalist and this was what we thought was going to be the race for first and second in this final Sprint uchino and kajihara but then walliston came from behind off the wheel off the lead out you could say from ktie

    Archal blasted past them all to pick up the 10 points kajihara got the six points just ahead of uchino then it was archol for the final points on offer and Jen Valente to get across the line in front of Nia Evans that claimed the bronze medal for her and there’s our overall

    Standing walliston ahead of Archer Bal and Valente Evans in fourth equal points Lou and Baker in fifth and sixth also on equal points and then if we go down to the next page here are our minor finishes from 11th to 20th zabin Sky actually put in quite a her points

    Really didn’t reflect the effort that she made and the number of times we announced uh that she was making some moves so we have the presentations coming up before we do that we will hear from our women’s Kieran Champion here Mina Sato Mina uh super day how happy you to take that

    Win so yesterday in the Sprint I also had good result but I didn’t think I would wait today so this was really the best day and the best result ever thank you Mina what a competition has been for mina Sato we’ll see her on the dice in

    Just a moment claiming her gold medal to match the silver that she got in the Sprint so fantastic performances in both Sprint disciplines Katy Marchant along with Matthew Richardson just waiting for their presentations as well the racing has been done and one here in Adelaide but still the final presentations still

    To come we may allow Ali walliston Katie arjal and Jen Valente just a little bit of rest before they have to get themselves prepared to come up onto the podium the sprinters they look ready to go though not too far away from the final presentations and good to see Matthew

    Richardson after obviously he was quite fatigued in the end um k ot got the better of him in that best of three matchup and normally you see richo rolling around on the floor looking like he’s about to um expire but he looks pretty comfortable there well we’ve seen

    A fair bit of that uh in the first two days of the nation cup that’s the beautiful Adelaide vdrome there looks like an armadillo we don’t have armadillos in Australia but uh we have one a big white one we have a big white one and it is a lovely facility we

    Haven’t had a a Nations cup or a World Cup here in 27 years uh so it’s wonderful to have it back here uh in down under women’s Kieran presentations now we just hear from Mina Sato via her interpreter and now we’ll get to see her presented with her gold

    Medal and Brett Aken oam OIC gold medalist from Sydney 2000 doing the medal presentations again bronze medal from Canada is lauan Jan bronze medalist at the Olympic Games in Tokyo She’s Come Back prepared and motivated for another Olympic campaign in Paris they have a lot of fun Kelsey

    Mitchell and her in training you see a lot of social media between these two they really do seem to have a lot of enjoyment when they are training and preparing well she looks like she’s enjoying that little kangaroo toy she’s got Katie Marchant uh in second riding for team inspired MD Glazer double

    Thumbs up in the background I’m not sure that was to Katie but uh good there he is oh he’s giving us a bit of a MIM show Katie Marin is a really has been a really consistent performer in the Sprints over the years it’s great to see

    Her on good form and the gold medal to the Asian Continental champion from Japan Mina Sato talk about the koalas and the joies the kangaroos that they are being given we know that uh I did see also on social media uh Lauren Jana did go to meet one

    For real she was completely chuffed to go and Passat a a kangaroo and a wabby you’ve just got to duck out the back here at sundown Minato what a revelation she has been this week new onto the top of the podium at the Nations cup level

    But she will be a name we are saying a whole lot more of because she has just been absolutely Sensational what a way to start off an Olympic year UCI track Nations cup here in Adelaide round one of the three event series Hong Kong and Milton in Canada

    Just outside of Toronto still to come but kicking off a fantastic year with the right momentum and trajectory towards Paris in the Olympic Games later this year so Minato big name to look out for as we get further down towards the Olympic Games and the winner of the men’s Sprint

    That’ll be the next presentation to come but let’s hear from our champion k ot K super day your first national so I’m really really happy I still don’t even realize it and I think I’m able to stand there thanks to this very strong rival I was able to fight with thank you

    K well you can believe it he has been Sensational this weekend two medals gold and silver from the Sprint competitions and those two Australians that were second and thir in the Sprint Matthew Richardson and Matthew glater very well credentialed so certainly taken some big scalps here tonight so k ot the former

    Rower and you can imagine with the transition from one sport to the next it is taking him a little bit of time to get up to full speed and potential so he will continue to grow he really will and he’s quite an exciting Sprinter because he’s so incredibly respectful and humble

    Off the bike but on the bike he really transforms into quite a weapon and I think that the Japanese have such a strong Sprint stable that there’s a lot of internal competition even to get uh the spot here and that really lifts the lifts the boat bronze ble in the men’s Sprint

    Matthew glater on his home track all the Australians based here for training but he is from Adelaide South Australia so very much his home track as he gets presented the medal by Brett Aken Olympic gold medalist himself Brett Aken in an endurance event and Matthew glates

    Are hoping to do the same this year in Paris Matthew Richardson training partner the two Matthews Richardson with the silver medal he does look like a former gymnast too doesn’t he I was going to say he looks like a professor with those glasses on a gym professor Matthew Richardson

    Silver medal in the men’s Sprint and k ot always respectful the Japanese Riders a gold medal to him little bit of disbelief we heard in that interview but he can certainly believe it now he is a man on a mission and going in the right direction very humble very respectful

    And what an incredible performance it was for him Japan and Australia dominating the men’s Sprint former rower former gymnast and a former Paul Walter all Champion cyclists you don’t have to guess which one was the Paul vter based on the heart in the presentation good to see their smile

    It’s been such a sensational three days of racing here we’ve seen some really big names step up I’d like to see that those two sports combined in pole vault and cycling that would be an interesting one what a combination yeah I’m not sure you’d sell that Mina Sato has been one of my

    Favorite to step up because I think that she’s shocked quite a few just in how rapid her progression has been uh including herself perhaps but the Japanese team have been very successful the New Zealand team have also been very successful here and uh they have certainly pleased the crowd a lot of New

    Zealand fans uh friends family and fans uh have been in the audience Ka getting to legally take a koala home to Japan with him not a real one of course no it’s stuffed and one more presentation to come that will be for the women’s omnium

    So before we do that let’s hear from our champion in that event allly walliston her third gold medal for this weekend Alli super day three from three how happy are you yeah really happy I mean I I couldn’t ask for much more I’m just really proud of executing the day

    That the way that I wanted and just being really consistent across the day but yeah no I’m really just super happy and yeah couldn’t honestly couldn’t be happier with the weekend when Katie started to make a move at the end there were you just following her intently um

    Yeah I just had to stick to her like glue I mean I couldn’t let her get any more points on me I think it was a really close run the whole time and she’s a phenomenal Rider and yeah if I let her go I think it would have been

    Game over so just had to stick to the wheel thank you Ali start of the season for H Kate bats Alli walliston is absolutely on fire oh she has just been Sensational she’s achieved on the road the first winner of a women’s world Tour event this year with stage one of the tour

    Down under absolutely Sensational she then came and picked up her track bike and what a revelation she’s been here too she’s really stepped up a level she’s been uh well known and successful at International level for the last couple of years but not quite at this level

    This is just a whole another step into a new league for her uh where while she was trailing a little bit behind Valente and archal Evans in the past they’re now chasing her Brett Aken once again coming up to present the medals for the final award ceremony here at the UCI track Nations

    Cup in Adelaide it’s the women’s omnium and the world champion Jennifer Valente from the United States of America comes away with the bronze medal A desperate scramble at the very end to make sure that she claimed that bronze yeah she did well and all she needed to do was

    Beat Evans across the line and she only beat her across the line by one so it was tight but good to see the rainbows on the podium we’ve seen Katy archeal on the podium so many times in recent years and once again with a silver medal this

    Time here in the women’s omnium she will play a massive role this season at the Olympic Games the team Pursuit perhaps the Madison and the omnium as well that’s still to be decided but they are along with the new zealanders the Great Britain team looking very good for the team

    Pursuit three gold medals this weekend three days of racing and three gold medals wow what an incredible start to the season for Ali walliston from New Zealand winning gold here in the women’s omnium she deserves all the rewards she gets the hunter has become the hunted and she will go into Paris with a big Target on her back absolutely walliston stands on top the final presentation here in Adelaide at the track Nations cup everyone will start thinking towards Hong Kong now next month not too far away I know the British endurance team are staying here in Australia they’re

    Going to the region of Victoria to do a big training block on the road before heading up to Hong Kong and then it all wraps up in Milton in Canada that’s in April the final the third and final track Nations Cup and the overall medal standings it

    Was New Zealand three gold medals to Ali walliston also the men’s Madison they picked up one as well so that made four gold medals with one bronze to five in total Great Britain three gold to them two silver and three bronze eight total medals but it’s those four

    Golds for New Zealand that puts them right up on top Japan dominant force with several trade teams and their National program as well Canada good performance for two gold medals for them and Australia Germany and Malaysia coming up with one gold each it’s been a fantastic competition thank you Kate Bates I’m

    Sure you’ve enjoyed the three days of competition looking forward to Hong Kong perhaps I certainly have Scott MCG what Sensational racing we’ve seen in the First Nations cup of the series it’s an Olympic year it’s going to be a cracker it absolutely is thanks for joining us everyone it’s been a fantastic racing

    Here here at the track Nations cup tune in to the next one in Hong Kong next month E


    1. 36:04 Likely as a result of allowing female riders to participate in Japanese keirin races professionally again since 2012. This is the first generation of girls who would have developed as athletes with very different aspirations.

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