January goals review & reset for February | Bucket list, goals, savings, fitness, reading & more!

    A newer vein to my channel is setting goals and making a more conscious effort to strive to achieve them. I want to share this journey hopefully to inspire and motivate others to chase their dreams and become the best version of themselves.

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    Hi everyone welcome back to another video today I want to do a big review of all the goals I set in January there’s quite a bit to cover we’re going to be talking about those bigger bucket list goals which I have noted down in my journal some of you may remember me

    Setting those in a vlogmas video as well as all things savings social media making sales side hustles and then even down to the more personal bits like tracking weight and fitness and sleep and water and all of those things I thought we’d bring it all together and

    Do a monthly review for the first month of the year so let’s jump right in and see where we are progress wise for the first month of the year so we can start off with our daily affirmations which I must admit I don’t feel like I looked at

    As much through January as I should have I definitely didn’t sit and just glance through them every morning which I hoped I would and honestly I think I would have benefited from that because I had a bit of I don’t want to go as far as to say

    Negativity but quite a bit of self-doubt and not knowing what I wanted and where I’m going and I really could have done with a reminder of these things but I didn’t necessarily check in with them every day so maybe moving forward into February I need to do that a little bit

    More then we’ve got our booket list and we’ll go through this in order so let’s start with savings so my goal for the year is to end 2024 with £25,000 in savings so if we jump ahead to the savings trackers we can go from here so

    The first one I need to fill out is the one that tracks my savings individually just need all of my pretty pens and pencils oh that was loud so the first one is my premium bonds which as expected has just gone up by the 500

    Increment that I put in so it’s not gone up massively so I’m just going to mark that there and I didn’t win any prizes on the premium bonds this month so there is no sort of extra increase that is literally just my £500 going up there then I have

    My stocks and sh shes Isa and that has gone up to just over 4,600 and that was just over 4,450 on the last day of December so that has gone up by more than the £00 I put in so in terms of Interest my stocks and shares Isa has done quite well this

    Month for my savings account that has just increased by it’s actually just over £100 I put my 100 in but it’s gained £4 in interest this month so that one is going to be even less noticeable on our tracker graph here and then total savings is now at 14,000 it is quite

    Close to 15,000 but not quite so just shading in 14,000 and I’m just going to put gen 2024 next to that so I can see when I achieved each jump if we return to the bucket list goal number two was to make over £10,000 from side husters in 2024 I

    Haven’t got a tracker for that because the earnings I make from each of my side husters are really really small even combined it’s not very much so I’ve just taken some notes to share with you about the earnings from each of my side hustles so in January I made

    £192 through YouTube that was one of my lower earning months I believe after the advertisers put so much money into December I think they cut back quite a bit in January so it’s quite typical to see lower earnings even if your views are largely the same but actually My

    Views were down quite a bit in January from vintage I made 58 £8 from Amazon KDP I made £137 I did roll over some of the earnings I made in December for that this being my first sort of full month earning so there’s a little bit of a

    Cheat there but it made me feel a bit better and then I have a few affiliate links which overall earned £49 those came from booking.com I made £ 2618 so if you use my booking link thank you from Amazon Affiliates I made1 1982 so again if you’ve been using one of my

    Links they’re all down below I try not to push too much in the way of advertising on my channel because it’s not really what I’m about so if you want to support me in any way you can do so by using one of my affiliate links they’re always in the description down

    Below it comes at no extra cost to you but it does really help me out I also have an all my bag affiliate link but I didn’t earn anything from that and I also have a natural cycles referral which I didn’t earn anything from that this month either and my bu a

    Coffee got donations of £3 so altogether that was £49 on affiliate links so that gave me a total earnings from side hustles this month of £ 436 which if we consider we want to make £10,000 from side hustles over the course of the year we do need to be

    Leaning to an average of more like like £1,000 per month but it is the first month of the year hopefully things will grow over the course of the year and this would be the lowest month it doesn’t always go like that but that’s something to bear in mind so I don’t

    Think as a first month that’s too bad goal number three was to make a th000 sales over the course of 2024 my initial idea was just to include products that I had designed through various side hustes and sold in which case for Amazon KDP which was the only

    Thing I’ve created products for so far I made 35 sales I did list those digitally on my buy me a coffee page but so far there have been no sales on the digital versions I think generally people want the actual journals for themselves or the notebooks but then I also decided to

    Include my vintage sales because they are technically sales I making that are bringing in a little bit of money that I wouldn’t have had otherwise and I made 17 sales on Vintage over the course of January which makes 52 sales altogether so again we’re looking for an average of

    About 100 sales per month so really quite similarly to the side hustles income we’re only hitting about half of that for the first month the goal to have 20,000 subscribers on YouTube I am just going to flick ahead in my planner to where January starts I broke down

    Specific monthly goals which I’m just going to cover now so monthly goals I wanted to have 13,000 subscribers which we managed to hit after all of that Madness in December with it going up and down and up and down and just never quite hitting we did make 13,000

    Subscribers and whilst I’m on it we did also hit 20 sales for January so those January goals were actually met quite easily so we’ll have to set more goals for February in terms of those things so in terms of 20,000 subscribers we do have specific trackers for this so I can

    Come along and fill those in so we have made 13,000 and likewise with Instagram I didn’t set a goal for this but we have got to 1,00 500 I started the month quite strongly on Instagram I had a bit of content to post after my trip to Milan but then

    After that it really sort of slowed down and I didn’t put too much effort in and that is something I definitely need to work on in February so each of those has just gone up one little notch on that graph then if we go through the rest of the

    Bucket list we’ve got try at least five side whistles I’ve given myself three ticks so far because my side tles at the moment include YouTube videos and earning money through that Amazon KDP which I’m still working on and affiliate links which I’m kind of still only

    Dipping my toe in the water for that because as I’ve said it’s quite difficult for me to put content out promoting my affiliate links without being too pushy on the sales side of things I’m trying to come from a point of view of if you are already going to

    Be buying something from a particular place or like with my booking link if you’re already going to be booking something that’s money you’d already be spending so you know feel free to just help me out and use one of my links but I don’t want to be pushing sales of

    Something that people wouldn’t necessarily already be buying so that’s quite a challenging one for me I’m still trying to figure my way around affiliate links I’m not including Vinted on here as a proper side hle because I don’t do it as a side hustle I don’t mind

    Including it as sales and as earnings whilst I’m doing it but once I’ve sold all of my own stuff or I’m also actually doing a bit for a friend as well at the moment once I’ve sold all of that it’s not like I’m going to be buying to

    Resell I’m not going to be actively looking for things to then sell for a profit on Vintage or anything like that that’s not how I use it so it’s really just to get rid of my old things that I’ve decluttered so I’ve still got two spaces where I would like to explore new

    Sosal over the course of the year but I’m not in any rush to do that we have got the whole year and at the minute I’m really enjoying the Amazon KDP stuff so I would like to continue with that and I would like to explore my affiliate links

    A little bit more to work out sort of a natural organic way to build that into my content without it being pushy and you know what I mean travel abroad three times we’ve done one I had my trip to Milan if you’ve not seen my Vlog for

    Milan I will link it up above I had an amazing time it was so easy and so stressfree I feel like I did it on a I would say a budget but I did really well on the spend side of things I think it was very reasonable for what I

    Experienced and how much I paid and whilst I’m on that I will just flip forward to the Travel Planners in here so here was everything I had in place for my trip to Milan I will have to blur some of this out because there’s some personal information in here but that

    Was my New Year holiday and I’m super excited because yesterday I booked the flights and hotels for my next trip which is going to be going to n in France and we’re actually planning to go to antibes as well and Monaco in April so really excited about that that means

    I get to pull in two more countries and so really more on that to follow so in terms of traveling abroad if all goes to plan by April we’ll have two out of our three ticks so that’s great visit all of the counties in England well well I

    Can’t say I’ve done any extras in January that I hadn’t already done so I’m not sure if I showed this page so I’ve just stuck this to the inside front cover of my journal and the idea behind this is to say I’ve been to all of the

    Counties of England by the end of 2024 I’m suddenly thinking that this is a much bigger goal than I might be able to do in one year but I colored in all the ones in purple that I have been to in my adult life cuz there’s a few I did

    As a child with my parents but I don’t necessarily remember them well in detail so I’ve actually noted on each of the counties where specifically I visited so I have to be able to remember going I have to be able to remember what I did

    There what it was like for it to count so I’ve actually already done 20 in my adult life that I remember and so that leaves 28 to go so I didn’t have any planned in but I have planned a few days away in February where I’m going to be

    Pulling in if all goes according to plan Three Counties then so that will be a start so more on that later and I’ll be able to shade those in blue and just add to my Tally and we’ll just try to get in as many as we possibly can the next one

    Is read the Bible which I have started but haven’t got very far with so if I jump ahead to the Reading Tracker this is where we are at so you can see I didn’t read for many days in January and the most I ever read in one go was 10

    Pages but if you sort of think about how the Bible is set out in columns across the pages there’s quite a lot on a page I’m also a very slow reader and I’m and I’m going about this I feel in sort of a really slow and in-depth way so I have a

    Youth Bible that I got when I was a teenager that kind of simplifies everything so I’m read reading that first to try and gain sort of an initial understanding and then I have another Bible which I mentioned to someone at work this is a little Side Story I

    Mentioned to someone at work that I was thinking about reading the Bible and she said that she had one and she has no idea where it came from but she was more than happy to give it to me cuz she doesn’t use it and she said she had

    Two and she found them when her grandmother passed away and she was going through her things in her house and she had the Bible that belonged to her grandfather but I think had been passed down to him and then one that was identical but she couldn’t work out who

    The person was that owned it she knew the name the name was written inside the cover but she couldn’t work out how if that was a relation or anything but these were identical Bibles and there’s an inscription hand written in the front of this Bible so it’s 142 years old since

    It was first printed and it was issued to the person who it belonged to in 1883 so a year after and this person actually lived quite locally to me it’s actually in the same village where my grandparents currently live which is so strange this man was married in this Village not far

    From me in the church there and had a child with his wife but then his wife passed away a few weeks after the child was born and then a few weeks after after that the child passed away so in such a short space of time this man has

    Gone through so much and it’s just written in the front of this Bible and then I flipped to the very back cover like the inside cover and he remarried someone else in Rhode Island in the USA which is so strange because I’ve been to Rhode Island so it’s like it’s this

    Village not far from me and then it’s this small state in in America that I’ve been to that he met someone else he remarried and had another the son and then they came back to the UK and at the end this the son has written in when his

    Dad the person that had this Bible passed away so you know he’s gone through these events in his life which I’m sure there were other things going on as well there wasn’t just him marrying and having children and you know losing family members and going to Rhode Island I’m sure there were other

    Things as well but then when you look at the dates and they put his age at the bottom he was only 27 when he died and I couldn’t believe it I was like he’s gone through all of this in such a short space of time and he passed away at

    27 and so I just couldn’t believe it it it was kind of moving like having this Bible but with this person’s story and I’m actually quite tempted to go to the Village because he’s the church he was married in the first time he’s also buried there and so I’m quite tempted to

    Actually go and visit his gravide if I can find it and just sort of be there in that moment I I feel like there’s something there I don’t know if that’s weird but anyway so I’ve got this Bible but because it’s such an old Bible I

    Find it really difficult to read so I’m reading the youth Bible version first and then going back over and reading it in sort of the more substantial non-simplified Bible because I want to feel like I’ve had the proper experience of it and then also along the way I’m

    Watching a few YouTube videos to help me out and a few of you have recommended resources that I can refer to which I’ve been exploring but I won’t go into any more details about all the sort of the different parts of the story I’ve been watching videos on because we will be

    Here all day so in terms of reading my Bibles Bibles plural and watching videos I’ve not got very far but I feel like I’m doing quite a thorough job so I get a good understanding it’s definitely going to take me more than a year to read it though because I’m just coming

    Towards the end of Genesis so it it’s it’s a process but I’m enjoying it so that’s good we’ve then got finished my painting I’ve not made any progress towards that yet I’ve just not had the time make more memories with my family we’ve been again I would love to say I put more

    Effort in this than I have but really the only thing we’ve done is that we’ve been out for dinner together to celebrate my dad getting the all clear which was just such a weight off such a relief um so everyone’s feeling so much better about that so that was something we did

    Together and obviously we were going to celebrate that and then me and my mom have been horse riding again which is nice that’s an activity for us to do together but other than that there’s not really been an awful lot I’ve spent a bit of time with my boyfriend’s family

    And so you know there’s little bits there but I am a very busy person I do need to make more of a conscious effort to make memories with the important people in my life progress in my relationship I mean we’re only a month down the line it’s hard to really

    Monitor progress there but it feels like it’s all going well you know we’ve been on holiday together which we hadn’t done yet we had well we’ve been on holiday together we hadn’t been abroad together so we’ve now done that we’ve got another one booked in so it definitely feels

    Like we’re we’re doing all right I haven’t made a 5year plan yet I’m very much living in the moment at the minute so I probably am not in the correct head space to do that in terms of my two lists I mentioned that I’ve left some spaces in case there’s anything I want

    To add to there’s nothing at the moment I feel like I want to add to these lists so I’m not going to add anything just for the sake of it so then we can go through some of the other trackers so the next page is for my non-essential

    Spending tracker which I am going to be filling in but I won’t share that now because that will be the theme of my Noby update video so we can see how I did with non-essential spending over the course of January then there were the weekly meal

    Plans which I have been using I find because I live alone I have a lot of these sort of repeated meals because I’ll cook for one day and have the leftovers the next day and then just because I’m trying to get back on track with Fitness and weight talk more about

    That in a moment I have been having a lot of basic sort of chicken rice and veg meals for the last week just to keep on top of that I’ve started to fill in some of the dates for future weeks but stopped at some point but it’s very

    Handy to have the weekly meal plan I don’t think I’m really using it to its full effect yet I have absolutely loved the chore tracker and shading this in for the chor that I’m completing the chores that are priorities the chores that didn’t need doing and can you see the key at the

    Bottom and so I’ve just been filling this in I’ve divided up the months for the monthly chores just so I can see what still needs doing and I found this so helpful just for keeping on top of everything so I’m really happy with this

    Page I I just love it then we have the water tracker which has been a great visual for me because there was so many times when I would get home from work I’m sure some of you have seen my big 2 L B Bott before that I take to work

    Every day the goal is to drink all of that in one day and if I do that I get to fill up like the 11th of January I get to fill up the whole droplet and that is my measure so I don’t count any drinks I have outside of that that may

    Contain water like if you have a cup of tea that contains water but I don’t count that so those are just added extras my 2 L has to come from that 2 L bottle and some days you can see I was just awful and it really does help to

    Remind me to drink more when I’m tracking it and I feel like you can see like where I’m at work that’s a week at work this was when I was off work this was when I was in Milan and so I was on the go but probably only stopping for

    Drinks when I was stopping to eat so that was harder to track this was when I was just drinking bottled water here’s my first week back at work so because I had my 2 ler with me made it a lot easier and then you can see there’s a

    Weekend so I’m not filling that bottle up so I need to pay more attention to my week weekends and so on from there but it’s really good to have that visual I found that really helpful there are days when I’ve noticed it will be lower so for

    Example if I’m driving a long way I know I won’t drink as much because I don’t want to have to stop and when I’m just doing my normal thing I’m at work and I’m going to the gym and that’s it then I’m good to drink as much as I want to

    And really do try to get as much of that 2 lers done as possible but I’ve really enjoyed this just keeping track the sleep tracker it’s interesting cuz a lot of this was when I was off work so you can see I’m getting my best night’s sleep when I

    Haven’t got to go to work and I think that’s probably quite self-explanatory you’ve not got any stress to disturb you you’re relaxed you’re just getting your sleep generally I find I’m sort of middling with my quality of sleep especially now I’m drinking more because it’s very rare that I go through the

    Entire night without being woken up but that’s the sleep tracker for January then we have energy tracker this was quite quite a shocker for me because I had one day in all of January where I felt like I was high energy I had one six days where I was would count it as

    Low energy and the rest is just mid energy so it’s very rare that I actually feel like ready like really ready to take on the day I’m usually a little bit low energy and that doesn’t seem to be correlating to the amount of sleep I’m

    Getting it seems that I can get loads of sleep and still be quite tired so tired is just a part of my personality I don’t know if that’s something I actually need to look into and then mood tracker again very similarly I was very neutral for a

    Lot of the time this is when I was in Milan I was obviously having a great time then you know a few positive days here and there and I had two days in January where I would say I felt quite down and quite negative but it’s mostly

    Neutral I think we need to aim for more positive days though then I just have my first month tracking my cycle so so the purple parts are the folicular phase and the blue parts are the luteal phase I was under the impression that these were quite balanced but looking at mine my

    Luteal phase is quite short so that’s interesting to know and then my Weight Tracker I started the end of December was down here sort of right in the middle and I set these as sort of my upper and lower limits this is the range that I am comfortable being in because I don’t

    Want to be too obsessive about it so any fluctuation within this I’m fine with I would prefer it to be towards the lower end so I noticed you know after my week in Milan after coming home and having lots of Christmas chocolate and biscuits to enjoy my weight did come up a little

    Bit we didn’t hit that top 140 if I hit here then I would worry because then I’m reaching a point that I’m not comfortable with anymore and I would want to bring it back down so we’ve been consistently for the last 3 weeks at 135 I’ve been pretty good this week so I’m

    Hoping it will at least dip a little bit but again a lot of this correlates to where you are in your cycle as well so that remains to be seen I would like to come back to sort of this middle Mark 1 12 six is sort of where I’m happy so I

    Would like to start bringing it back down to here and try to consistently remain along this sort of Center Mark but this is sort of the variation I am comfortable with so nothing really to worry about to be perfectly honest I’ve been tracking some of my exercises at

    The gym these are particularly just sort of machines rather than what I do with dumbbells barbells or cables these are more machines and just over the course of the last few weeks some of my weights have gone up which is great some of them have just remained the same I only mark

    This when I’ve actually increased a weight so if it stayed the same I’m not going to put across every single week cuz some of them will probably be a straight line for ages so I’m just moving them when they actually increase and then this this isn’t actually

    January this was just yesterday but I started running again and so I did my first 5k for a very long time and I thought I would just keep a track of that in here which then just takes us to the monthly planning page so we had New

    Year we had a trip to Milan I went back to work 13,000 subscribers met and 20 sales met my projects that I set for January were mainly focused around what videos I wanted to put out for YouTube I did my Milan Vlog I did my no by/ lby

    Initial video I did decluttering my closets and I did my KDP update so I actually did do all of the videos I set out to do I started to post more content about side hustles on Instagram I wouldn’t say I spent too much time on

    The KDP stuff in January a lot of it was December so I don’t think I can actually say I had a very good go at that I will then just show you some of the features of of how I’m tracking my journal cuz this is the last

    Section so I do my reflection obviously I’m going to blur this out some of it is quite personal I tick off my tasks I rank my productivity so New Year’s Day we we didn’t do a lot New Year’s Day we went for a walk and that was it but it

    Was about being restful so I gave myself one star for New Year’s Day and then I do my short gratitude and then actually at the side here these numbers I’m just tracking my steps I wanted somewhere to write down my steps so I just put them on the side of

    Each page some of the pages I put little decorations on but not all of them and I did do every day in January I did my short reflection my 5 minute reflection every day and that was something I sat and did in bed which was nice so all

    That leaves me to do now is set up some goals for February I’ll fill in the calendar in my own time and I’ve also started to fill in the February projects but I won’t put any spoilers out for the time being so the other the side of this

    Page I’ve started to fill out and I will continue to do on my own but we will just set some monthly goals so it would be really great if we could get to 13,500 subscribers I think that’s quite optimistic given the growth of my channel lately it’s really really slowed

    Down but I think if I’m going to be striving to meet goals they really should be somewhat ambitious so 13,500 would allow me to color in the next block on my pyramid tracker as well as let’s do the same for Instagram let’s try to get to 100 total

    Sales so we are already about halfway there which isn’t too bad release another KDP product I’m working on a couple but I think as long as I get one of them out there and start promoting that then I’ve put in some work towards that particular side hustle and we are

    Moving forwards of course I could put other things on to my monthly goals like I could say visit Three Counties but given that I’ve planned those in there is a good chance that is going to happen anyway so I think more of the things that I’m really going to have to work

    Hard to achieve will be the things that I put in the monthly goals so those are some of the things I want to be working towards in Fe February obviously February is a very short month we do have an extra day in February because it’s a leap year but it’s going to be

    Quite a challenge I think to achieve the first three of those so that is my update for January I will wrap this video up I feel like I’ve talked for quite a long time as always if you are interested in the journal if you think it could be something that is

    Quite useful to you it is linked down below you are more than welcome to go and purchase it from Amazon there are eight different colors to choose from I’m really happy with the design and I found the trackers in it to be really useful I’m already planning ahead for

    The 2025 one because I’m that excited by it anyway thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed the video if you did remember to give it a thumbs up if you’re not yet subscribed you can do so by clicking this picture here and I

    Will leave another video here if you’re sticking around for another one that I think you might enjoy until next time take care bye


    1. What help me with the low energy is a short workout in the morning can help with the low energy, and stop drinking after 8 in the evening, so I will not wakeup to go to the toilette

    2. Lets face it The Bible is not always the most thrilling read. You have all your classic stories that everyone remembers but there is quite a lot of other stuff as well. So you are doing well. And I think it would be really cool to try and visit the grave.🙂

    3. Glad to hear that your father is called clear, you must have felt great that day. Very nice to hear this story about the former owner of the Bible and I would certainly visit his grave if I were you. I’m not a real planner girl but I like to see how you use it.

    4. Youre so organized. I have a hard time keeping consistent with a journal/planner. It seems like you've been getting a good amount of data in just one month. I've had been absolutely exhausted and pushing through since at least May 2023, mentioned it to my dr. who did a blood test. It turns out I am severly iron deficient. So it might be worth getting a full blood panel done if your energy is low.

    5. I found the buy me a coffee journal pages too expensive with the exchange rates. Picture just over double the price for here.

      Maybe splitting the trackers etc up and selling at lower cost? Aswell as having the packaged deal.

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