In this video meet up with Julie Diplock and Rick Bailey and take a look around their large classic British bike collection.

    Thank you to The Classic Competition Company for sponsoring this video production. If you’d like to enter one of their competitions, here’s a link to their website:

    Location is Julie and Rick’s house, Kent, England, UK.


    The Classic Motorcycle Channel is for people who love classic, modern classic, vintage and antique motorcycles. We are passionate about classic motorcycles and produce high quality motorcycle profile videos, restoration videos, workshop vlogs, restorer profiles and also anything that takes our interest.

    This is our main YouTube channel. We also have a second YouTube channel – @TheClassicMotorcycleChannel2

    – Alex Rollings – director and producer for the channel.
    YouTube: @motofilmer
    Instagram: @motofilmer
    – John Oakes. John is a classic motorcycle enthusiast, rider and restorer and works closely with us on all our video content.
    Instagram: @classicbikeman
    – Dave Mitchell. Dave owns and runs a classic motorcycle workshop called Mitchell’s Classics. His workshop is based near Maresfield, England.

    All our photo and video content is original work and copyright to The Classic Motorcycle Channel. We DO NOT give you permission to copy our work for any purpose.

    – Julie and Rick for having us along to their house.
    – Lana Shimmin for interviewing Julie and Rick on the day.
    Instagram: @mybikeside
    – Alex Rollings for producing the video.
    Instagram: @motofilmer


    We’re here today with Julie and Rick and their extensive motorbike collection and we’re going to have a look around do some startups um first of all we’re going to have a look round through the shed here and around the back and we’ve got another interesting looking shed

    Over here that I have yet to be in so uh yeah tell me about your bikes Julie well where did we start this all right this is a BSA uh A10 195 5 which I bought a couple of years back purely because it’s a US

    Spec and um first owner was a woman I just oh it’s kind of talking to me this bike and the piers I always have piers on my bike so useful yeah absolutely so practical anyway so it’s it’s a really lovely bike it’s very low mileage and rides like a new Bike This is a 1926 Sunbeam yeah lovely it’s a 350 350 Side valve but in very original condition we’ve got a bit of a history that came with this bike and it came from Cambridge originally and it was owned by the pub landlord’s son and the guy told

    Us who could remember being told this that it was the beauty of the village dis bike which I thought so cute that is isn’t it yeah well this is for your two-stroke Enthusiast this is a 1927 Scot flying squirrel yeah it’s a 500cc twin water cool two-stroke and it’s a bit of a

    Hooligans machine it goes really well really well it’s insanely fast for 192 s machine you think my word it hasn’t got any right to be quite so fast sounds like fun that one it is fun it is fun yeah yeah bit of a handful it’s a three-speed yeah oh you got the hand

    Change yeah hand change three speeder it’s quite unusual it’s got an extra oil pump yeah uh so you’ve got oil in the tank as well as petrol and there’s also premix in the petrol so bit of experimentation working out exactly the right amount of oil and yeah Prix

    Getting used to each of the bikes you got I suppose yeah cuz the the oil pump is adjustable as well so you can actually dial it in if you think you’re going to need more oil you’re doing a lot of Hills work or whatever Thank you to the classic competition company for sponsoring this video production the classic competition company is a uk-based business that regularly Raffles off rare and desirable classic motorcycles for people to win ticket sales into competitions are limited and draw dates are fixed single tickets are low cost but you can buy

    Multiple tickets so you can decide how many chances you’d like to win head over to their website and check them out today that one’s you you said was your um everyday shopping bike the one the front of front of the shed yeah it’s a 58 BSA A10 it’s not the smartest bike

    But it’s very reliable mechanically it’s good it’s got external oil filter on it and it’s got an upgrade it’s got a slightly later twin leading shoe Triumph break on the front which is great but I do think these um BSA gold flash a fantastic bike if you’re new to British

    Bikes yeah it’s um they’re manageable they keep up with the traffic quite a sensible stop start yeah easy yeah absolutely and not as expensive as an equivalent Triumph this is a bit of a rarity this is a rare make this is a 1934 done out yeah and they were made by Steel stockholders and they seem to be really Keen to use as much Steel in it as they can because this thing is massively over heavy duty

    Steel on that really heavy duty really heavy great lump but it’s um a 500 CC overhead valve single engine but quite common there was a quite a trend to um have a twin Port head on so it’s a single cylinder but it’s got a twin Port head so it’s got two Exhausts Oh yeah into the shed right well this is Rick’s n Commando 850 Norton Commando that he’s had since about 1976 or something yeah uh he’s uh actually painted that himself it’s not a standard color but he likes it he likes it any you caty yeah this is this one of

    Your newer bikes I guess uh I’ve had it a while I’ve had it a while yes it is my newest bike yeah it’s I think it’s 91 yeah 1991 uh it’s a lovely machine but actually it’s I’m selling it because I just don’t use it it’s um yeah 900 SS belt

    Drive um yeah it’s actually it’s funny because I had a I actually got lent 900 SS which was really unmanageable but this one is fantastic to ride actually is really yeah really nice thing this is a vet uh Mark 2 KSS it’s 1947 so it’s made just

    After the war but the spec is actually exactly the same as a pre-war bike yeah um apart from the 7-in headlight uh it actually belongs to Rick this is a Norton um which is been rigid go to Fort Norton and this is a little Yamaha xt250 kind

    Of egg bike T little jumper there really yeah that’s a model 9 Sunbeam um that’s a 500 CC overhead valve this is a 1946 trials ajs yeah which I bought thinking I was going to do some TRS riding but to be honest with you it’s a bit heavy for

    Off-road for me it’s a 350 not as light as some is it no no and the um kickstart’s quite high but it does handle really nicely off road so I actually Road registered it and a green lady yeah this is a 1960 vet Venom so that’s a 500 CC overhead valve big British

    Single uh it’s actually belongs to viick and it’s a it’s a super bike to ride yeah quite sporting ah now this is a very unusual bike uh this is actually a kind of um it’s actually a Norton b3t which is a really rare model right which there’s only about six in existence and

    Um it’s kind of Forerunner of the 500t the uh Norton’s tries bike yeah the kind of just winning toes all over the place and um so it’s a Telly front end and rigid rear end mhm uh and it’s um it’s it’s got a very unique the frame is quite unique to this particular

    Model so you run uh shows classic bike shows don’t you yeah that’s what I do yeah yeah yeah I’ve been doing it I started in 1992 and um so I’ve been running them ever since then and I bunched out so i’ got the one oding light the sou in show

    Grand at oding light which is a super event really nice event that’s good so yeah we got a nice brightly colored bike yeah now this is my husband Rick’s bike it’s a 750 Commando and uh basically it’s done to SS spec but he decided he was going to

    Be creative with the p with the paint Scheme yeah so hey easily distinguishable you know absolutely you’re not going to miss it in the car park that’s it and I think somebody unkindly said nobody’s going to steal this bike oh who would say that who would say that what a horrible thing to

    Say but anyway it’s built to the owner’s [Applause] specification Yeah this is a grief Scottish a two-stroke two-stroke tiles bike it is Road registered uh I’ve not had it very long but uh yeah and you’re going to do some trials with it yeah I hope to yeah good yeah when I can fit that in that no

    It handles nicely I’ve been around the block on it yeah of course you got your leading link Forks on it’s quite Innovative really for for gaves swash the for Down we thought we’d ask Rick a little bit about this bike as it’s one of his right yep thank you very much this is uh my green laner I built out a bits it’s a matchless ajs combination um with a G80 frame and a ajs model 18

    Engine 500 single it’s a useful little tool for McKing about on and then some some extra bits those pegs are not original all there lot not original just to make it better for riding yeah you can just sort of uh spend your hours sort of working out what’s original and

    What isn’t really there is a nice patina on the tank there oh yes it’s very aged yeah well this bik I bought it in about 4,000 pieces a friend of mine was selling it I got an email from him because he was in Thailand the second TI

    Bide needed to sell it uh so I thought right yeah let’s go so it was on a mutual FS Farm up in whales up a mountain in boxes but the log book was there the fame engine were there I thought yeah we need to do this got it

    Back together yeah got it back together I like your uh little vent on your cap there filler cap yeah it looks like it vents quite a bit actually oh yes absolutely absolutely well but this kind of machine does it yeah it works well you can tell yeah the engine is um 1932

    And it’s um it was supplied as a GP engine yeah but supplied not with a bike in August 32 which makes you think he maybe it was supplied for the MS or something but I’d love to find out some more history about it but yeah it’s quite hard to find things out sometimes

    Isn’t it yeah and it’s in a 34 frame yeah and with a nice patch oh yes really comfortable yeah and it’s it’s got the um it’s got the kind of TT oil tank with the filler on the left inside there yeah we’re just going to make our

    Way into this shed here um so we’ve got got a few bikes and we’ll have a snoop in the back in a minute uh this one you is a side car isn’t it that’s right yeah it’s a 1926 Triumph and um model model Q 500 side valve and I wasn’t using it

    Very much because I’ve got kind of more exciting 500 cc bikes from the age so I thought I put a side cut on it but with the hope of getting the dog to rideing it but he’s not actually that he doesn’t want to be a side car he doesn’t want to

    Be a side car rider sadly yeah can’t be convinced sadly anyway that’s all your um show equipment signs and things you got fening signage Stakes Etc Mars gazebos yeah shed loads of stuff yeah let’s have a snoop in here yeah there’s all sorts of bits and Bs quite exciting it’s all

    Basically stock here this is vet MSS uh sing Single cylinder pre-war single which is uh going to be up for sale once we get it a bit bit better bit get it running yeah yeah and this this B is non motorized yeah this came with the last load of

    Stock well I don’t know without a motor I’m not sure you’re allowed to see [Laughter] yeah sorry guys yeah and then 50s racer yeah we all sorts of bits and Bobs in your in your boxes back here oh mud guard things in a workbench back here

    Somewhere yeah so all this is stock in this in this shed um basic you you know people clear out they’ve want to get out of bikes whatever so quite often you’re buying in somebody’s unfinished projects you know and hopefully you can find a new home with somebody that can get it

    On the road and yeah there’s probably someone out there who’s really really looking for that one part that you’ve just come across yeah absolutely which is what the auto jum is all about really getting stuff out of people’s sheds and onto the road you know yeah CU most of

    These old bikes you can’t it’s not like having a new Honda and you ring up the dealer and get what you need next day whatever it’s um it’s trolling through anything you can find and try to find the right bit a lot of things ar ar

    Named or numbered or never quite what it is you got in a box if you recognize yeah these are interv valves which you can see the uh race spec there suit somebody out yeah yeah polished race spec yeah I have nightmares about all this stuff oh God what am I going to do

    With it all right take me to your Red Shed yeah Red Shed it’s a garage D it’s a garage the garage shed shed have any in the door could be anything yeah oh yes sorry about that c that bit wow now this is this is quite a an amazing place I love her

    Looking mean looking mean warn to be wild to be wild There She Goes must be oldfashioned this is a 1939 vet Mark 2 KSS uh it’s a 350cc overhead cam sha um I bought it because it’s just in such lovely original condition um it’s had a bit of

    History with it it was laid up for quite a few years uh and just not been used but the paintwork is really original ni condition yeah I like special it’s quite fancy yeah it’s super isn’t it just in case you’re not sure what it is absolutely absolutely but

    Know this is a really really lovely machine but I have to say it’s not such a nice bike I’ve got a Mark 1 vet which is over here which is my only bike that’s got a name you missed some you have to do it in order yeah cuz

    Otherwise I might might okay yeah I hope you’re paying attention be asking questions later you know right this is n this is my oldest motorcycle this is a 1912 Douglas uh and that’s um neat little engine it’s a a two twin cylinder four and a half so

    You’ve got a cylinder at the front cylinder at the back so there’s no starter on it um you have to basically Run Run and Jump but it has got Gears it’s got a high high gear and free and low yeah so it’s quite simple really

    It’s got a clock and a nice lamp lots of levers yeah settling lighting so you can come with these really old bikes you’ve got uh a manual thottle so you got the air lever on the top and the fuel lever on the bottom and ignition switch ignition cruise control yeah Absolutely So that’s it’s a do little bike that yeah it’s good isn’t I think it’s like David Beckham look alike on the back isn’t it or something yeah oh yeah they do I do like bicycles as well that’s um Robert’s my dad’s old bicycle uh came down right so this is a very

    Unusual bike it looks kind of Scruffy and unloved but it’s actually it’s uh matchless Silver Arrow and it was made in 1931 and it’s got It’s quite an unusual engine it’s a 400 CCC v twin right but it’s like single block side valve and it’s kind of quite cart orientated the

    Way it it’s put together with a kind of cast block hand gear change uh it’s a funny little machine because it’s um it sounds really Ry and fast but actually the big problem with them is they really slow really slow so what what matches did is they developed the V4 Silver Hawk

    Um which is the same chassis as this it’s it’s quite Advanced it’s got got full suspension on the chassis there it does look quite comfortable it’s very comfy yeah not if you’re in a hurry yeah really comfy so ideal little B is dead easy to kick over because it’s a 400cc

    Twin really comfortable cuz you got the suspension so yeah it’s uh yeah bit of an odity that one bit of an oddity I was looking at this and I was getting a bit confused because actually it hasn’t got any Forks on it has it it’s just a wheel B I was

    Thinking well that’s a un yeah oh yeah there’s more more jumble stock there there’s a rick sneaking past yeah that’s um this is I actually bought this bike in about 1988 as a kind as a project and it was complete but the wheels were just

    Too rusty to use it was like Bond find literally go the wrong wrong way in the project status it seems to it’s it’s a Val page Triumph um so valve page really took time forward with the engine design but he didn’t actually design a pretty bike so there’s like no very little B

    Work on it and it’s got quite a boring petrol tank on it but it’s a really lovely bike it’s got a real big bike feel to it yeah anyway sadly the forks are developed are cracking them so they’re off at the moment and um they’re getting fixed

    Right this is my only bike that’s got a name this is Kylie Kylie the bike yeah where is it Kylie because it’s a Mark 1 KS and when I bought it I wasn’t really sure what it was but I really like the the twin down tube frame on it and it’s

    Overhead cam sha 350 and um it’s see the T from where I was but it’s actually yeah small but perfectly formed basically and a call Hooter of course you oh it it sounds like it needs a bit more use that one yeah yeah you what the

    Technique is to get your thumb in the middle uh oh he says not working yeah we got a p drill a lathe yeah L on it but it’s really useful to have a there because you can just turn up a washer if you need something right

    Size you can do it yeah it doesn’t hold you up otherwise you’ve got to wait to measure things send off things we don’t anything that complicated on it but it’s um yeah useful when you need it that’s my spare A10 Fame I actually picked up

    At an auto jumbo cuz it was a good price I just oh I’ll buy that it look good hanging from the ceiling yeah yeah that one’s something that’s a matchless Fame I believe that’s something to do with Wick or it could be a lamp stand oh yes

    So it’s a lamp stand um yeah this is by A10 Super Rocket 1960 Super Rocket it’s um work in progress work in progress yeah oh oh it’s got stuff all sorts of things gabin and inside the Box many items inside the box was another box and inside the tin was another absolutely Su

    Cover nice beautiful light sump cover there or something know what oh that’s wrong oh that’s so funny he’s a tinker I bet this is empty put that away now put that one back in the box right right let’s move let’s move on oh dear that uh the guy that the

    Stuff came from well that is exactly his sense of humor ah so it was a deliberate from Beyond the Grave he that kind of he will be laughing a lot looking oh bless right this is uh the workshop workshop with the manuals and yeah so what have

    We got here so this is a cami Norton engine this this is a model 30 500 C Cami overhead cam with magnesium cam box on it which is going in that chassis there ah H this is pre nton chassis go to Forks fidget back end uh yeah and we’ve also got another

    Couple of projects on the go here you have all a bit work in progress but uh this this one over here is coming on well this is Rick Norton cs1 which is uh the late 20s you got A10 over there oh yeah got me a A10 engine which um is uh uh it

    Needs rebuilding obviously it’s a bit it’s like lacking compression a bit so I’m not sure if I get away with new Rings re gapping the rings on it um but I took it off the road because it was getting a bit too easy to kick over so

    But it has got the flat pistons in it anyway so it’s not high compression Pistons there so yeah hopefully that’s going to get built at some stage on your list of things to do yeah until most of the stuff in here is all bits and pieces

    That going to come in useful so it’s um you never know when you’re actually looking for a particular size you might need any of absolutely everything yeah yeah I think you know one thing you get to know is don’t get rid of anything because you

    Might come in new in the future will be yeah this is a uh stemi Archer 500 cc engine overhead valve um you’ve got the kind of external valve Arrangement there so you kind of got your rocker carriers there and oh just flip that one over you did uh and

    That’s a matchless 500 engine as well which I think Rick’s got plans to put in that frame which is hang up by the door there yeah and this is your tall rack got a bit bit of everything yeah yeah obviously it needs a bit of a salt out

    Whose tools are these yours or Rick’s um a bit of a mixture actually most of the stuff in here goes with our bikes so it’s all kind of box do you have like one box per bike yeah there’s there’s a method in the madness but they’re not

    Labeled so no they’re not you know knows no one else can know abely nobody else can know this is a bit unusual isn’t it yeah so have you had this one long uh yeah a couple of years yeah there he is there he is cool yeah I think this is Rick’s midlife

    Crisis a nice little hatch yeah this makes it makes life difficult got for the dog cuz he has to do like a flip to kind of fit himself in but that and there we have it hidden in there is a reliant four cylinder overhead valve 850cc engine not the most easy thing to

    Work on there’s it’s quite tight space in there is panels on the inside that um you take off to access to carburetor and plugs and start a motor so we had a really good time here today thanks Julie and Rick for having us over and showing us everything and we’ll see

    You see you at the next event or yeah see you at man yeah somewhere Hill Climb somewhere y y great you thank you


    1. Thanks Lana for this video. I could spend hours exploring the bike collection and workshop. And thanks also to Jule and Rick for sharing. Great stuff. Cheers, Dan. ✌️🏍🇨🇦

    2. a great video well done,a question for julie and rick do they only sell parts at the auto jumbles listed on their web site or do they sell parts elsewhere,im looking for engine parts for a 1923 J.A.P KT v twin,if possible thank you

    3. Absolutely brilliant. What a great selection of machines. Not a trailer queen or not to be ridden show pony in sight. Love the sheds/garages/workshops. I would never be able to find what I wanted, lol. Great to see a lady so knowledgeable & enthusiastic about motorcycles too.

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