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    Hi i’m Tom McCallum an Elite Cyclist from New Zealand, I am currently riding for the Couplands Bakeries Elite Cycling Team.

    My Gear:
    Canon 80D
    Canon G7X Mark 2
    GoPro Hero Session

    N All right finally after being open for 4 weeks and not uploading for 6 weeks I have found an afternoon where I’m not so busy I’m not tired and the store is in a beautiful state we just filmed a video for um business warer I’ve been nominated for emerging business um in my

    Region so um when the voting stuff comes out for that I’ll let you guys know so you guys can vote for me and for the shop but we finally got to the point we’ve been open for 3 and 1/2 weeks I think and it has been going absolutely

    Amazingly so as you can see we’re offering two new Services bike hire and bike tours and we’ve just got this trailer from Johnny burkart JB Industries it is so so sick fully custom flatbed trailer with 12 options for bikes on the back we’ve got this awesome

    Box here can put our um customer and our guest luggage and stuff in and lots of other stuff in there got full panels on the side so that you can’t like get um Stone chips from the you thing is absolutely ginormous these are all of our High bikes up here from cinch um

    They’re all ebikes at the moment and then probably one of my favorite Parts about this entire location is this massive outdoor concrete patio area we got two of these 4 M um outdoor tables we got these bolted down so don’t worry they’re not going to get stolen so you

    Get like 15 people on that table 15 people on that table we got all these little tables here as well and then you’re heading to the front door last time that we film I don’t think we had this the coffe ride Cafe sign all of our

    Little bits of sign writing are all up on the Windows as well but yeah open the front door and this is what the shop actually looks like with stuffing It PE so as you walk in we’ve got the cafe counter here so we got a few tables in here on this side and obviously all of the cafe gear is lafar up here from Wellington so we got all of the stuff in here big fancy coffee machine that’s

    Been absolutely pounded for the last few weeks and from the old shop we’ve bought the big black TV looks way way better on the big um black wall as well so we got a few of the jerseys got Keegan’s Jersey from cycle classic my jersey got George

    Jackson’s Jersey here real cool like um I guess vibe that we had at the old shop but kind of bring in the best of what we had at the old shop to here and then one of the best bits of sign writing in the whole store I reckon is the workshop

    Area right here it’s all very clean at the moment but yeah Workshop we’ve kind of kept the O as the crank is what the logo has been everywhere and then you come in here we’ve we got all of the um service bikes here we got one stand here

    With a canal Lefty that must be built for a customer and then you got a few bikes in here and massive massive Workshop all the tools in there we’ve even been using the parts washer quite a bit more than I thought we would be and then we’ve also got a separate till so

    There’s two tills in the store one here and one over there at the sales area most of the cafe is like as you come in directly there’s obviously the booth seting that was in the last video that me and lucky were sitting on that’s actually got some nice cushions in it

    Now so it’s nice and comfy this one probably gets used the most so I’m not going to give you guys a sales picture or anything I’m just going to kind of show you what we’ve got we got e- mountain bikes few ebikes over here we’ve got our road um we’ve gone for

    Canon in the store cuz obviously they’re one of the best bikes on the market at the moments we got two of the old ones and somehow we’ve got our handson one of the only lab 71 Super 6 evos in the country which is pretty cool and then

    Heading over here we’ve got a wahoo stand all of our wind space um loon Wheels as well kids bikes for Africa Continental stand scooters helmets we got a whole load of gloves and all that type of stuff here big accessories W actually with accessories on I think

    This was still here in the last video just had nothing on it obviously got a few gravel bikes that’s probably one of my favorite disciplines and cycling and then the big sellers just ebikes for Africa through here and then our other big seller would be like hard tail

    $1,000 mountain bikes so that kind of all the way through there and then we finally got a bike fitting area which is pretty cool so got the new waho roller trainer so you can put pretty much any bike in this thing clamp the front wheel down move the rollers to the distance of

    The bike and then she links up straight to zift which is pretty cool and you kind of come around here you got a little bookshelf that’s kind of built into it so we’ve got all of the magazines and stuff that we had at the old shop oh

    No that’s why I shouldn’t be allowed to touch anything we got the um books in there so you can come and grab one of these have a coffee and read we got our 100% standing there with some pretty sexy Shades and I love the fact that

    I’ve got the golf colors right there in the 100% And then my golf color GT40 right there as well pretty cool little touch but then yeah and then you’re back all the way around by the booth seating we have a few of the little pamphlets here with the cycling Tom bikes it kind

    Of tells you a little bit about us our hours and stuff and the highes and tours that will be coming up in the future but yeah that’s a little bit of a walk around and it’s taken a very very long time to get here probably like 10 months

    From start to finish so um yeah it’s been a very very big big Endeavor all right obviously just a touch on everything that we’ve spoken about and all the videos that I’ve made over the past three or four videos they’ve all us been on the shop it’s

    Taken up and it’s consumed my entire life but this is going to be my life’s work so it’s really really important that it’s what I want it to be it’s how I want it to look I’ve got the best staff that I can possibly find and

    They’re all so dedicated and work so so hard and tiously they work as hard on this business as I do and that is really really far and hard to find the um the day and age so love the boys um my family I would not be able to do this

    Without my family I’m never going to claim that I do this I’m not self-made had my family working tirelessly for Nothing free free labor to help me get this to where I want it to be the fact that that many people believe in me I

    Get a lot of hate I’ve had a lot of hate on YouTube for a long long time but that many people still believe in me and I’ve had so many people and subscribers come and want to see the new shop that has still made it well well worth it yeah

    Just like the one little thing that I’ve kind of like mentally been struggling with this whole time is trying to switch my brain from being like all I care about is making videos and racing to the fact that the the thing that I got due to this channel the only reason I

    Brought this bike shop due to this channel is has actually become considerably larger and more successful than my channel and trying to uh you know kind of balance everything has been a really really hard act I’m obviously never going to stop making videos cuz deep down the only reason that I am the

    Person I am today is because of these videos so I’m really happy to finally be making this video and we’re trying to get back on track I really want to review that lab 71 inside I’ve got some uh that top Stone lify as well I think

    Would be a really cool review and then I’ve got some super super epic rides coming up through the summer that I want to film and then obviously my vision in the long run is set on Unbound 2024 in Kansas so that is kind of where I’m at

    If you have enjoyed this video I know it’s just going to be a little short one around the shop please give this video a thumbs up share it with your friends and leave a comment in the comments below it all helps the algorithm especially cuz I haven’t uploaded for 6 weeks all right

    Cheers guys


    1. Congrats on the business Tom! Now let me get that BMC if you still got it!! 😳 💯 I’ll make it from the states one day to see the shop! 🍻 Very well done!!

    2. What an amazing achievement and a dream come true for you! Love your collection of Ride Media magazines as well! They are a bit of a rarity these days..all the best for the future of the shop and upcoming projects.

    3. And bold claim to make,and TBH id have to agree with you,it looks awesome!
      Looks a great place to hang out too!
      Wishing you all the success,best wishes from UK 👍

    4. Real answer: Parent's money! Yeah this chubby boy is mildly entertaining and delusionally positive which helps his growth, but it all starts from rich parents… just look at me!

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