Drivers, please take the time to actually look at junctions.

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    1. ok genius let's get real. She needs to give way to anyone who's approaching from the right. She didn't expect any danger from the left because there's clear sign for the bikers to give a way. She was logically expected that biker will stop and give her way thus she was focused on the right side and continuing in her manoeuvre. The biker for whatever reason didn't stop thus he hit her car there's no other way around it. Don't defend the cyclist who disregard the rules and ends up in collision

    2. When I was a bus driver, I realised some of the bus lanes were badly designed and therefore defeated the object and often made my job harder. As a result, I would refuse to use certain bus lanes and I can see why cyclists refuse to use certain cycle lanes.

    3. Cyclist is at fault, cycle lane had a give way triangle clearly marked which means it’s the duty of care falls to the cyclist to observe traffic before crossing it. If it was a regular pavement it would be a different story. Then again the motorist would most likely have there attention to the mini roundabout towards their right. I hope the cyclist was ok tho! The motorist could of approached a little slower to avoid the collision.

    4. The should give priority at junctions really needs to be changed to a must. As it stands it causes even more danger to pedestrians and cyclists than there was before.

    5. Give way on the cyclist path and give way to the car from the right. Pretty clear the cyclist had no right of passage until the car had passed, if he'd been entering a roundabout I bet he would've stopped, same thing. the junction is not badly laid out it's clear for all to see, thats what the lines are there for.

    6. cyclist fail to give way, on entry to the roundabout, to traffic already on the roundabout probably never slowed down to enter the roundabout like they all do and probably going over 20 mph

    7. A rather ambiguous situation. I would tend to watch the motorist like a hawk until I was sure he/she was paying attention, regardless of who's "right of way" aka priority, it actually is.

    8. I don't condone the car drivers treatment of the cyclist in anyway, the fact is the cyclist was using the cycle lane which has a clear give way marker at the end of it. The cyclist should have slowed down at the juction, and been prepared to stop and give way as per the markings. If the cyclist had been on the road then it would have been the car driver at fault for not giving way to traffic approaching from the right as per the rules of joining a roundabout.

    9. Cyclist has right of way. They're already halfway over the road hense why the driver hits him in the rear. Cant see if he was on the cycle lane or using the road, if the road its a roundabout so car has to give way to the right. I would say car is in the wrong from the postioning of the crash and hitting him in the rear.

    10. I imagine drivers may struggle to tell whether a cyclist is in the cycle lane or on the main carriageway. Cycle lanes like that ought to have the same priority as the main carriageway, or shouldn't exist

    11. It seems the cyclist was coming toward the motorist in the left hand side and the cyclist didn't stop in give way mark. Also vehicles have priority over vehicles in left side of the roundabout.

    12. Contender for the Darwin Awards. Give way and apply common sense. Don’t get injured or killed because you ‘think’ you’re in the right.

    13. From the look of it, the cyclist was on the cycle path and travelling towards the chap with the camera-cyclist and bike were facing towards the camera after the collision.That means he was hit by the car shortly after crossing a give way sign on the side road. Google Maps shows it more clearly and quickly than I can explain. Search for Priory Lane and Dowdeswell Close. Looking at Google street view from the perspective of the driver, she had a give way for the roundabout, not the cycle lane, whereas the cyclist had a give way for the motorist and the side road. Therefore, I'd say the cyclist was mostly to blame but certainly the driver could have been more attentive, especially as she was approaching the roundabout at low speed. All of this aside, the design of that section of road is terrible. You can see it used to be a T-junction and the council did the bare minimum when converting it to a roundabout.

    14. This is a tough one, never been in this road before and to me the road and cycle lane layout is not the best! I understand the new rules are to give way to the more vulnerable road users and can't say a lot about this incident as from the video it is a bit too far to see but to me the cyclist didn't stop at the stop sign (clearly visible in the cycle lane!) and the car driver didn't stop either! This is an incident that shouldn't happen in first place. Many drivers and cyclists don't respect or obey the rules and law of the road and subsequently suffer the consequences 👍 Drive and ride safely 😊

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