Jonny May joins Payno, Hask and Tins in the England Changing Room at Twickenham. Our trio of former England Internationals take you behind the scenes with their match-day memories. Plus we discuss all the major talking points ahead of England v Wales, Scotland v France and Ireland v Italy in the Six Nations.

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    #sixnations #sixnationsrugby #rugby

    Hello Dream Team welcome along to this week’s episode of The Good The Bad and The rugby in partnership with Continental tires and this week ahead of England Wales we are at the home of English rugby hasin tins have obviously been here on numerous occasions they have been there and done it but for

    Those of us who still Dream well what about a little bit of tour of not only twick but the England changing room as well we’ve got a very special man alongside the fan favorite that is John lay and you are our tour guide today resplendant in the world rugby Museum

    And Stadium tours jacket first things first when you stand here what what Memories does it bring back oh very very no so I’m in matour jacket so obviously ready to do the job youch done my research incredible memories here um there’s the Golden Lion my dad obviously

    A huge inspiration for me to to make me want to do him proud and play play rubby he would get here ridiculously early if it was a 3:00 kickoff he’d be there probably like halfast 99 in the morning standing under that line just waiting

    For me to get here i’ I’d often make eye contact with him off the bus walking in here gets you the hairs on the back of your neck standing up and and sets the scene for for what special occasion it can be time for the Johnny may Magical

    Mystery Tour let’s go find Haskin as well lead on toour leader come on SO quite Pace to joh keeping up yeah we would we would come through here Jamie George would lead us through the fans would be going absolutely wild as you come down this tunnel now you can

    Look and history look upon history and just think wow look at all the great moment that have come before us is there an opportunity to make a special day of it today let’s have a little wander into the tunnel and this I think is the kind

    Of place where if you are an England fan you would pay pretty good money to be here come 4:45 on Saturday afternoon so this is where the two teams will line up and when you come back here now does it does it give you the tingle still no it

    Does it does a little bit for sure I mean we’ll go into the change room in a second but as you’re absolutely right before kickoff your friends and family are out there your fans are out there and this is the moment just where you’ve

    Got a take a deep breath and you go into the unknown really anything can happen anything can happen good or bad this is the most special bit of all should we go into the changing room itself let’s take you inside for the first time good bad

    And rugby viewers and go and find the other two clowns come on on the walls here we’ve got trophies that we’ve won um so there’s history on the wall here on the right this changes from time to time but we’ve obviously got current players up on the wall there sometimes

    We’ll have some team motos or some some mantras there um but yeah it definitely feels like it’s it’s the England change room as soon as you walk in have you still got the old metal bars they were kind of huge part of England rugby history I think these are original baths

    From the Chang room they’re they’re as old as the stadium what are those those are the ice baths so they’re a bit of a newer newer bit of Kit the showers are through there some feedback for the showers um they touch panel um the cycle could last a bit longer yeah and there’s

    No way of altering the temperature of the water I would like it I think it’s a common common sensus that we on your exit interview no I haven’t but maybe maybe we could get the temperature I would like a bit more flexibility with how long it runs for and the temperature

    It’s a little bit too little bit too cold all in the detail can you show us this bit around here as well cuz I’m always fascinated by this we’ve got a board with all of the England players on since English rugby began so all the way

    Back to 1870 where are you you’re took all three seconds to find Tims earlier cuz he said I was 2000 and he was third down the list there Michael J tendle where’s HK he is the four Michael Brown there James a I am going to be on the

    Next page here and I was there Jonathan J May thank you very much Johnny may tours you got a job when you finally hang up your boots World rby Museum Stadium tours cursy of Johnny may I think it’s time to record the Pod so welcome inside here we are in the inner

    Sanctum you all been there and done it for those of us who sit on the outside it’s quite exciting to be in the England CH it’s quite medicinal lots of red lots of white as you’d imagine a big anal screen at the back there bars and all

    Sorts around the backat there’s a big list with everyone’s debut dates on the side all the England players do have represented their country up there what were you going to say Johnny when I came in he said a he didn’t make any of the special boards you can’t see that in

    Each position there’s some notable people like Dylan Harley over there and tins and tins to inspire you if you’re playing for those who’ve gone before thought two missing off the top of my head is Hask and Rob Shaw yeah but then I want to know who writes who’s in Char

    It’s a very um who’s in charge of it yeah the list this this list is something that is inspiring for us before we play like you change with the so to people for people watching um or listening or both where we change there’s a list of like who’s been here

    Before you people who have been there before you the Legends have been there before you so you feel connected to the shirt and the history of the team and stuff does it genuinely inspire you but no it’s just something like it’s something you look at I used still quite

    Like it it is nice you just you you look at it every I don’t really know what’s going on in my head before I play not like too much not enough um but no it’s something that you you read yeah for sure and then you think like it’s you’re

    Part of that um thing so for me I’d have Ben Cohen on there Rory Underwood Rory Underwood um David duckham people like that from back oblinsky I I need to double like Jason Robinson of course um but then obviously tins is on there for the centers and then the back row no Rob

    Shaw Rob Shaw H but but good new in my Heather Fisher Maggie alony Richard Hill Georgia Stevens uh Tim robber Jame Tim robber Mike Teague obviously great players um octopus Gamblin what a name that is um I’m not actual name I didn’t make the C but it’s not personal or

    Anything but I begin to think it might be right well I told we’ll get you a marker pen and you can just add it Saturday what is it like for you being back in here so soon after saying as it were farewell um no it’s nice if it’s

    It’s I was grateful and lucky enough to leave on on how I felt was relatively positive um happy terms so this is a happy place for me um feels familiar still I think I the last time we were here I played we played obviously it

    Wasn’t the best um day we lost to Fiji before the World Cup and um we were in a bit of a spot of bother then as a team but we turned it around um but no it’s it’s a great place to be I love this Chang room it’s really interesting it’s

    A happy place because I imagine it brings back a lot of kind of emotions do you do you feel a bit of like a as you walk in not like excitement but that sort of anxiety was that all sort of gone no that’s i’ say I’d say that

    That’s quite nice what’s been it’s it’s nice to be here today without all that you just can be and like you said we can reflect on uh the history of the change room the people who have been here before us and just how cool it is like

    You said it’s a really cool space um the the the the list of all the players on on the far wall mail and female players who have all played in previous times their cap number which is a cool number I bet you know your number what is it

    1284 is that your PIN number no idea no don’t know what your number is no well we’ll find it on the board I’ve actually got a tattoo on the inside of my arm yeah just in case I you really yeah that came sort of a bit later when they start

    You’ll have one though we’ll find it yeah um well I think it could be my number it could be an order no bar what what about for you you know what I I I think the greatest privilege of of being a former freshman players being able to

    Come in to twickingham walk in here um go into the change room I love it the moment I walked through the door into this space I just when I I played here as an under 15 in the Continental schools cup and I fell in love with this

    Space the smell of the grass the smell of frying onions the excitement the smell of beer I just was like this is the best experience I’ve ever had the chance to go run out on that pitch and as a 15-year-old getting to be behind the scenes was amazing I obviously then

    Came to watch the England team play here then you know to make your debut in Wales at 21 and to get opportunities to play here till I was 35 in this change room in different guys it’s been refurbed under different managers they want to change the athletic they want to

    Fiddle around with but the core of the stadium stays the same and it is the best place on Earth I just walk in here I love it it’s exciting it’s fun it’s such an honor and you know the one Legacy I I have obviously looking like a massive neanthal meat head that’s quite

    Recognizable we can walk in and out the doors we get to go around the stadium and he still has that magic it’s still a privilege to walk through those doors out onto that amazing green pitch which is like no other and then when you walk out there there’s 85,000 people and it’s

    On a six nations day where it’s a little bit cold a little bit gray overcast all the flame cannons go and you’re lining up for the anthems it’s it’s the most addictive drug you can ever ever take so I I I I love it and I love this room and

    Look of all the tough moments you have in these change rooms this is still the best place on Earth and you know and I walk in here now and I think wow if I could actually physically run maybe I dust off the kit and have one more go I

    Wouldn’t get in the team but we could have a go doing it you know when you made your debut as a young bloke and you came into a changing room of some of the greats of certainly modern England do you remember how comfortable you felt with jonno and delalio and back and Hill

    And yeah because I done a bit of time so I did the whole no not when you like in your for your debut do you remember but but I’ve been there since 9 I’ve done all the World Cup camp in 9 I went out to the world there a huge difference

    Between a training camp and being right today you wear 13 still sitting in the with still you break those boundaries you but then I found it quite comforting being around those sort of guys but having Leonard there having lol there having uh jonno there having Hilda there

    Backy you know all names that just rolled off the tongue it was quite you know but then having buch there like my best mate who you know we could just spend the I spent the whole week with just chatting about how we’re going to deal with it I was more worried about my

    Song and making sure I nailed that afterwards I wasn’t worried about the rug beer that take care of itself I mean I was so lucky for for first four years I never lost here so walking through the doors when you know since 19 we’re obviously on for the Grand Slam in 99

    And we lost at Wembley yeah because that was a Wales home game we had we hadn’t lost since 99 at Twickenham till 200 I don’t when we first got beat after the World Cup here but so it was just like you came in and the atmosphere and

    Everything that day was people knew we were going to win and we believed that as well so you walking here changing room was very very different didn’t Lawrence thel and Bowen design the changing rooms dreams at the F at the first redo that was that was

    Post was I think yeah I remember being a junior reporter I mean the excitement that I had cuz the the media that’s why the big bass were exactly but the media sort of bunk where you all go do your post match interviews is in the tunnel

    To the right but I always remember it said just about the time you were making your debut it said just think who stood here here which I thought was a brilliant line and there were all the plaques of famous England winds on the wall around the visitors changing room

    So as they walked in they’d see great England days you spoke really eloquently about what it meant to be in here if you could go back and do one more it and it’s not necessarily the running it’s it’s the 90 seconds before the referee’s knock would you drink from that cup

    Again if you could yeah of course of course they are they’re the best I mean I love sitting in a changer room and looking at how each person reacts and how people got ready for it everyone is so indep so annoyingly bouncy and just wanted to walked around and ta people

    And noisy or just sort of energetic not necessarily just energetic really bouncing around dancing oh I was the it’s just it was torture I just was begging the gristle to start by the time we got out that I didn’t enjoy I wouldn’t have enjoyed the the like you

    Said the refere by that point I’m just ready to explode I need to get out there I need the whistle to blow it’s funny yeah it’s like Johnny Johnny was exactly the same he looked like he going will rather than me yeah I um do you you know

    When I cuz I was so studious about my like my craft I’d have my music on and my I’d be make C of notes or watching a highlight reel or doing something or maybe some like final prep but as I got towards later on in my career you know I

    Was watching Dave Chappelle on the bus on the way here staying light and I’d put my headphones on and my play my curated playlist would carry me through the the doors and I’d feel very upbeat and I’d sit there and I’d just be out on my shoulders just vibing smiling just

    Kind of really enjoying what I was doing yeah and I would and i’ just be I’ve kind of really upbeat about it and kind of it the days would be harder if you’d not slept particularly well say you’re a bit sore you you weren’t in form you

    Were coming into this you were like oh my legs are a bit heavy knowing that you have to go to battle for 80 minutes knowing that there’s going to be no excuses and nobody knows that you’re tired so those moments are quite hard where you’ve got to be like you’d say I

    Remember Paul ston Bobby buet the Rope You’ be like Bobby I need something you be like right mate right get di light in your mate get you know get your C C in your mate get your caffeine gun mate you know you ready to play mate and like you

    Know right here’s a couple supplements I’ve done your protein sh and you like try to get everything in stretching physio but like my back’s a bit sore right I need a jab I need like get me an anti-inflammatory jab I need to do this

    I got to put some an AET in my ankle all those kind of bits you genu yeah genu you would you come like I got back SP give me a um jab could put an anesthetic in my ankle today they be like Oh I’m not sure it’s

    Right but listen I [ __ ] need just need to do it get it and you be like and then you build up to the Walmart get going go out there do a warm up before the warm up get through it maybe come in here put the music back on you’d have a

    Moment you’d look around you think [ __ ] I’m struggling here a little bit and then go out and the anthems would carry you like right still or die now there’s no there’s no excuses you got to go and do it so then then some days you walk in

    Here you go out for a warmup you feel unbelievable you run you’re like [ __ ] me I’m fast I’m unbelievable like bounce off the floor high fiveing like you’re catching balls with one hand you catch them behind your back like this is Mega I did actually do yeah I I’ve

    Underplayed it I was actually wasn’t bad and you’d have those kind of those moments um and and and you’d feel really good about it and and that’s kind of the psychological mindset so I I would always be up B um but early on I was much more like bit quieter I never trash

    Talk people think cuz the amount of [ __ ] I talk now that I would ever do that I wasn’t you know I sort of I would talk L latly kind of make sensible points but you probably remember there some scrum halfs and people in teams you scream about like [ __ ] hitting people and

    You’re like Hugh have never hit anyone sh that was my next question is who is the one player that you played with where pregame you’re just like oh Joe Simpson skimo mate well first of all he’d skim all the top of the crumb off right so pre so pre like that what one

    Way to really [ __ ] unsettle the team is if you come in and they put a nice bit of like well say if you’re playing for was right they take you to a Travel Lodge or a Hilton so you got kind of you know scrambled eggs been there for 4

    Days you got all the kind of regurgitated food but you have a bit of crumb fruit crumble would be a highlight nice bit of custard skimo would just take the top of the crumble off so it’ just be fruit which is [ __ ] you know which can really really sort of unnerve

    A team and You’ come in here skimo would be bouncing foot to it screaming about you know we’re going to [ __ ] this we’re going to [ __ ] do this and you’re like Joe with all due respect mate you’re an unbelievable player but you’ve never hit anyone of your act of violence would not

    Be registered on any scale you I mean did that actually happen so um yeah Simo would be a big screamer lovely BL amazing player unbelievable but he would talk up for a game um it’s funny the like Lenny um yeah but not in a bad way

    He like when he sometimes he’s he’s done a brilliant job of that um I think with with the captains I’ve had in here like Owen and and dlan sometimes it’s nice for them for somebody else just to grab hold of it and Lenny some days like he

    Can talk so well um gets the forwards going and it like he can he can really get the boys going he’s done a good job of that a few times the best one I ever had in here was the England under 16s and there’s a guy called Hugo South Hall

    Not South well yeah and he started doing something from like Shakespeare and he was like this is the Second Battle of Ain kads wow and you look around my territory look at the guys like please shut the [ __ ] up what are you talking about I’ve had it when have got the forward coach

    Forward coach comes in he’s like maybe not feeling that opportunity right L right right get in get in the [ __ ] showers now you’ve instantly gone to one right his favorite line was right right do everything you’re doing but 6 Ines lower right that was it that was the

    That was you could always do anything everything better six in low like get that under there be more nuggety and he take you into showers and never forget like right I’m [ __ ] you know we need we need more from you and he pushed one of the lads who’s lent on the sensor and

    It’s just started spraying free in Cold War on the player but like right I’m like laughing nobody’s then but cuz he’s still cuz he’s still going like right [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] move and he’s just getting sprayed with cold right and he’s trying not to move the player is like

    Yeah yeah and he’s like grabbing by the shirt and then it’s got boiling scolding water and he’s getting scolded not saying all the rest of us like that he’s like right that’s it we’re going to [ __ ] go and beat him and we honestly walked out of here I’ve sat in my ring

    I’ve had to bury my face and shirt I can’t I can’t concentrate now bloke scolded looks like two face out [ __ ] Batman um so yeah moments like that you think [ __ ] you people trying to be really motivating they just really off put it oh I’ve had another one come you

    Know if you don’t play well when you know we’re going to pick someone else instead of you and I’m like well uh that’s really motivated me I thank you Psychology 101 but then you’ve had other moments where like Eddie’s taking to one side and someone said listen you know

    You’re [ __ ] great or they’ve done something special like I remember Paul gustard amazing coach real good man absolutely love him fantastic motivator you know he gave you these little um cases with like a you opened it and there was a picture of like Stuart Hooper and a mirror in the thing like

    Just a clever little device you like going here’s your opposite man here’s a mirror you know there’s no [ __ ] hiding are you going to turn up because only person you’re going against is you here’s here’s your Target and little bits will be little messages sometimes from your family so there’s some like

    Amazing amazing things here that you you’d have pre-match that maybe don’t people don’t know about they talk about just because we’re in here give us one blast of jonno pre-match uh yeah jonno was but jonno was didn’t say that much he had quite good emotive speakers in

    LOL back he would would pipe in as a defensive leader so jonno was always because he was so clever he was always more about the detail of what we’re going to do and what they’re going to bring and how we’re going to stop it and

    It you know he let the emotive stuff go and then it’s sort of the calm of look remember this bit of bit of big finger action and thorough brow and just stare at him and and then off he went you know he didn’t need he didn’t need the rasat

    Taz he his voice was grav T enough said it all without saying anything at all I’d say one of the most amazingly emotional um speech I ever saw was from Lawrence uh before one of the finals um and it was really interesting CU I was I

    Was I was obvious quite young there I think was like I know was like 21 22 or something at the time maybe or slightly old 24 whatever and he came in and spoke and I didn’t realize he’d obviously lost his sister in the Martian Nest disaster

    I didn’t know all about this kind of stuff and he talked about um you know the reasons you play rugby and and for a lot of people they’re quite abstract But ultimately they’re always to to make family proud to make yourself proud um and as a team for whatever period of

    Time you you’re always your your backup for each other and Trevor leot at the time had separated from his wife the kids had gone away he was kind of struggling there was lots of people struggling Lawrence obviously had his his kind of own demons about losing his

    Sister and why he wanted to make his um proud it was amazing the sort of the whole team just you could hear a pin drop boys are in tears Trevor in tears everyone’s like that just talking about kind of look the reason we play um is to

    Leave our opportunities out there is to stick together this is the moment we we’re we’re going to shine this is what we do this is why we do it and it’s to make people proud whatever the reasons are um and we’re here for each other and everyone just went out and played and

    Just was like I’ve never seen anything like it just grow men in tears but you know just bound together to to go and perform and he was by far in a way the best orator as well because you know big jaw big man you know just just it kind

    Of worked amazingly well and there’s been some moments where you’ve you don’t always need that churchillian speech but when you got 30 you know or or you know 23 Lads or 24 Lads what in coming into a change room who’ve all got their own stuff going on it’s very important to

    Get it all focus in for that one moment for a game and special captains can do that and sometimes you don’t need to do it you you get your Ben Young’s to do it you get other people to do it but sometimes you read a room and go [ __ ] me

    They need a little something and Lawrence was by far in way the best of that Owen Dylan Courtney no it’s it’s it’s it’s funny you asked me the question like oh what you me I actually it’s it’s I’m racking my I can’t really remember much of what’s gone on in here

    Before games now that you ask because that’s how you deal with those then I all I I can remember everything that’s happened out on the pitch really um absolutely everything but no I’ve got I’ve got like blurred blurred blurred memories of Team talks and captains and

    And but I just wanted to get out there I even the anthems like of course it’s amazing but I just want to get out there and play um but no I the the main memories for me that pitch is just such an amazing pitch to play at Twickenham

    Uh it’s just it’s it’s got to be the best pitch in the world for me to play on and and some of the memories I’ve had out there my memory you is that one that against New Zealand that your first touch of the ball just went around

    Everyone and scored in the corner it like was it com Smith in one more was is dag literally pulled the pants down scored in the corner everyone’s like oh my God so like Memories like that for from that my first try for England and then just recently when I played against

    Fiji like in front of Jackson my my son um and then like the the challenges I had getting into that World Cup team and and all that stuff and then to so I remember everything out there it’s funny we talk about it and here cuz I can’t really remember

    Much um I remember h i remember com for example with was you know this was this was a stadium that just we couldn’t lose in you know I me sadly the last time we got to the Premiership final we lost it ex to with that game that went on for

    116 minutes or whatever but up until that point we’d come here won Heineken we’d won Premiership we we know we we’d own the stadium for those those period of times coming here remember those moments where you’ve come in and um you know just that celebration especially going off to the dinner you

    Know the old kind of um the spirit of rugby having that chat and then coming back in here and just you know still sweeping up the grass and the mess and the bags and you’re sort of looking at each other going wow you know we’re we’ve just beaten you know Wales here I

    Remember walking here actually Chris robshaw being in tears um his first game under Eddie Jones against Wales burying the hatchet of That World Cup issue that was so unfairly dumped on his shoulder sitting next to him and seeing the emotion roll over him for that you know seeing people make their debut seeing

    Players play out their out their skins you know and also having moments where you know we’re under the pump and you’re coming at halim and we couldn’t have played any worse and how do you Salvage that and what do you do and also moments where you might have been playing well

    On the team hasn’t been hasn’t been going well how do you how do you balance it out so I think all the memories in here are just merg into one but there are some definitely some few key moments that you would run with yeah you are

    Very lucky men to have been in here and done what you’ve done obviously you know there’s a lot of hard work that goes in imagine what it would be like for those of you watching listening come about 4:00 on Saturday afternoon As England take on Wales in their first home game

    Of the 2024 Guinness 6 Nations let’s reflect on Italy England first of all you watched on the teley box was that quite a fun experience did you load up on crisps and no I was in Abu Dhabi watching it ababi watching it on my phone um it was a bit four hours ahead

    In Abu Dhabi so it is later um obviously unfortunately there’s obviously a new defensive system coming into play and we saw second half um it does create turnovers it does create mistakes um for the for the opposition and it’s going to be a weapon but there’s a couple of a

    Couple of tries great work from Italy but um system system nobody’s fault in particular new new defense system it was I could tell you whose fault it was well you can you can do that I don’t think I’m not going to say name but there’s like four I watched four Clips where

    It’s classic when you got blitzed defense if you man watch which is what you do the thing is we don’t we don’t know what they’re being we don’t know theyve been taught we don’t I I don’t know what they’re saying but if I would say on this with Felix Jones if you

    Remember going back to when he started with South Africa they got ripped apart a lot at the start it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s come in and said Lads like for now there is no like there’s there’s two ways there sort of broadly speaking two ways to defend you can go

    Aggressively off the line and shut them down if you think you’ve got the advantage or if you’re under pressure you can ease off a little bit it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s comeing and said right there is no easing off until it didn’t look like it yeah it wouldn’t

    Honestly if if we’re if we’re two against five we and it might be that’s his process we are going to go and go and go until we get so good at it and then we might then we might bring in a little bit of EAS and off but there was

    A couple of system errors or or or or defensive errors where ity score tries great play from them we got to give them credit um but to give them especially the first try it’s going to they’re going to grow an arm and a leg then I

    Think if you look at that first half and take away those two in my opinion soft tries that we could have been in control of and stopped it could have been a very different game um but then it turned turned into a bit of like all of a

    Sudden it’s like bloody hell um we’re under a bit of pressure here um but they did a great job of we there was some good attacking stuff in the first half um and there’s just a couple so there’s lots of positives but it turned into a

    Game that it I don’t feel it it didn’t necessarily it need to be um unfortunately because a couple of a couple of I think soft tries first opening round win for England in five I think I’m right saying so that in itself what did you like originally I

    Was quite disappointed being out there watching it live but then when I watched it back uh there were there were positives in there I think I still think their attacks really limited I think they’re not only are they narrow on defense they’re very narrow on attack

    And how they set their forwards up their forwards never tip they either carry themselves into a brick wall or they put it behind for the for the back to play a bit wider and I just feel there’s a variety see with Island where the forwards will the outside forward hold a

    Bit of depth and then you can play around with it and they pop him through or you know people just pick lines because they want to it’s very very still very structured and there’s no freeness within that what percentage of what this England team are playing and

    I’m asking you because you just come out of it is based on numbers relative to based on what you see um no we we’d Pro I’d probably say we like from from from where where I left it once we’re when we’re inside our 22 we want to get out

    Get out and stay out um but there is only one way that they get out it’s through a box as of the weekend but maybe like Wiggy Wiggy smart attack coach he could look at that we could look at like of of that we could bring in some decision making completely agree

    With that that could develop um as the tournament goes on and it’s in it’s funny I bet you I I don’t I don’t remember it specifically but with the try they scored with the brumes uh the ref round that that was off a kick return so I bet you all the practice

    That England have done um going into that game they wouldn’t like those kicks if it’s a long kick it probably should have gone off so then all of a sudden like so it’s weird because in the stand as soon as he passed as soon as the 10

    Passed that ball and got on his bite around the corner I was like you’ve got to hold off and everyone just went in and you just completely uh I think it slady dived in and then because of the width that was set by Elliot he could

    Never dive in to get that guy and but you could you know you can sort with the with the limited time they had they probably if if if we’re just building some principles inside our 22 let’s get the ball out and and get to a set piece for whatever reason Mitch has kicked

    Brilliantly all game that kick goes stays in field then all of a sudden we’re like oh do you know what I mean we haven’t practiced the scenario so then all of a sudden our forwards are tight our backs so that’s probably how that’s unfolded once we’re outside the 22 with

    It from 22 to halfway line we’re looking at maybe two two or three two phases of momentum to then a contestable kicking game and that’s where I thought Elliott was brilliant it’s not the fancy stuff but he got round the net or the glove which is basically um the defensive team

    Would have in in any game in defending a BX you have like your nine your Winger you have to put a bit of a shield to protect your catcher Elliot did such a brilliant job of getting around that he got maybe two or three balls back so

    Steve’s massive is and and Tommy Chase kicks well as well so we’re looking at that contestable kicking game um but then on on the um on tin’s point I think once we got into their half we didn’t necessarily well we did score one lovely try with um Tommy going through hit a

    Nice he he’s always hit a brilliant line Tommy when he shifted before the pass as well which was good yeah um so he’s drifting round so the guy’s drifting then he’s but he’s he’s he’s always hit that line lovely inside shoulders line and then he puts Elliott in but I feel

    Like there was some like yeah obviously with the England like you said Ireland are just the blueprint for how they into play but that’s the thing I was going to say with ins that’s one thing so we said this on last week’s show about what you

    Want see offloading if you look at most of the tries that were scored in all they involved one offload yeah we England have four offloads in the whole game Italy had double of which two of them they scored off so you they have to up that game and there’s a couple ones

    Where they made great line bu like great line carries and they’re rolling on the floor and there’s an option to pop off the floor or they or some and they don’t and then someone runs past which then exposes you as a breakdown because if you’ve made that good dominant carry and

    You get through the back of it and you don’t pop it off or you miss it then you’ve got to wait an extra second for that clear out to come and someone else who’s coming from across the pitch can get on that ball way quicker so I think

    But there were bits in there that can be I think they’ just have to loosen that and and predict that that offload a little bit more and they they’ they’d score a bundle more tell what we’ll do should we do our ba high flyer of the

    Week segment which is brought to you by our good friends at British Airways and for the six we’re doing something a little bit different I’m sure some of you will have seen it on our socials because instead of us picking we have asked you the fans to select your

    British Airways highfly of the week via our Instagram the short list was made up of player of the match Ethan Roots Six Nations debutant Tommy Freeman and Maro atoe who was extremely busy throughout who would you who would you tip and then I’ll reveal who the fans have gone with

    What did you make of Ethan Roots actually too much I I thought um he’s he’s a big unit when he carried always got over the gain line Mo you know majority of the time I thought he looked quite powerful actually in those respects obviously put himself away in

    In um around the defense I thought um C him South as well was was great he’s obviously looks like a hell of an a I didn’t realize how big he how what a big unit they’re talking of him as the new Courtney iSell of yeah which is massive

    But I think Roots will definitely add a a dimension I just think with tin’s point you know if you got him coming to line you know and you got different options and also Stu the back and they inter playing tipping you know him coming on a speed and say say Earl tips

    Him you know against a soft shoulder you saw how much Ireland did that against France you know Ty burn going in under the post you know the fact that um there’s a great clip that the BBC show Ty burn comes around just shows his hands so looks like he’s an option that

    Attention DET the ball goes across him to somebody else that’s how you make defenses read with England often they were a little bit static right they’re quite bunched together very predictable and it’s quite easy to read I just think the only way you’re going to defenses

    The part is you have to make and make decisions cuz otherwise there’s 14 men on their feet and and everybody knows what they’re doing and especially everyone knows that setup now where someone’s behind so there has to be a little bit of play it’s funny that like

    Every every team does the same things like the same like the the the tribe for Scotland with the what do you want to call it hit the 12 hit the 12 the short like Brighton Diamond whatever you want to call it but like every like be lovely

    To see Ding and and I can see them running that really well how long have we run a brumes ity SC bues everybody has a set of free forwards a 10 out the back and then two so it’s just who can do these things better difference with

    That that the Italy play looking at the plays that work really well across the weekend everybody fulfilled their role everyone had the space everyone had the dynamism and everyone delivered what they’re supposed to do and I I think at the moment why attack looks flat with England just don’t have those kind of

    Bits at a point in time but they will come that was my is it coming can you see this as a foundation it’s funny that I I’m sitting in Abid dby watching the game on my iPhone so I haven’t got the best view and Tin has mentioned there be

    Lacking wi I can see on my iPhone if we’re lacking wi but what to talk about yeah two people two people like obviously I I I’m biased towards my Wingers but I thought Elliott was brilliant I thought Tommy freem tommmy Freeman was brilliant I thought Elliott was obviously communicating well getting

    The ball out the back of stuff moving things Tommy Freeman also coming out the back of things getting his hands on the ball hungry for work making DSE beating Defenders and we’re talking about getting gain line and DSE on an edge and offload so if these guys are so busy in

    The middle we want them to get their hands on the ball why don’t we get people like Ethan roots and Ben on an edge all of a sudden we’re creating gaps opportunities beating Defenders and these Ben ‘s rapid on like rapid on the edge eth Roots I you don’t want as a

    Winger as a defending Winger you do not want to have to deal with Ethan Roots BM like bumping off see what I mean and and so just give these guys a bit of time to find ba High Flyers so I would say with the ba High Flyers I

    I I think that uh Freeman will have been this one he was congratulations Michael Tommy frean was fantastic job but I think you know people will be excited about what they saw from Tommy fre yeah and everyone a come as well Johnny’s exactly right and and this is are we further backwards

    From where we were in the World Cup no I think we’re actually a slight step forward because I quite liked some of the stuff out there into interesting individuals but I think there’s more to be done I don’t think we did a an actual phase strike that went wide so I thought

    Was funny then when F woso came on they were move he moved numerous positions each time from wherever they were setting up their scrum by the way ridiculous decision to go for the scrum absolutely ridiculous they hadn’t won a scr they hadn’t won a scrum they’ just been pinged before why

    Go for a scrum where you bring the referee into it just Madness there’ be better taking a tap was either a quick tap or you put it back you’ve just lost they’ve just lost a forward you put it in the corner um anyway um but he he

    Started on the wing then they moved to Center on one of them then he would moved to the blinds side wing on so they were obviously trying to look at getting him involved obviously they they’ve done that brilliant he’s loing on short sides he’s obviously told to get his hand on

    The ball because he beats people and runs over people so I think the excitement is there is a new group that are going in there and they show some good stuff on the weekend and I think like Johnny said you’ve got to give them

    A bit of time to a settle into a new defensive structure and then B find their feet as a unit uh of how they’re going to play offloading is offloading one i’ I’d like to see a bit more balance on exit but you know they got

    The win I know that people will always judge them on because it’s Italy but let’s not forget that last year Italy could have beaten France they could have be they put irand to the sword for a little bit well not to the sword they took irand on for 60 Minutes of their

    Their game last year they beat you know they beat Wales the other year they could have you know if anyone’s watched the Netflix documentary they were in all of their games so um let’s let’s come a bit like I said as well at at the start

    Like to give Bally that first score um off off a a defensive system era it just that changes the whole dynamic of that game away from I still relied on offload a good one though yeah no it’s great Play From Italy but for them if we that

    First score away in a six nations with Italy at home all of a sudden you’re playing a different Beast um and it makes it so so credit to the team to get through and find the way to win well done Tommy Freeman who is our ba high

    Flyer of the week and a reminder that British Airways are connecting people to over 190 destinations across the world to feel inspired for your next adventure head over to well done to Tommy to Ethan and to marrow should we have a quick reflection on the other games who put

    Your hand up if you had Arland with a bonus Point win in Marseilles I didn’t no I I I thought uh I thought France were going to Edge it mainly because of being in Marseilles which is sort of their spiritual home very hostile actually you but they just

    They weren’t clinical what happened I thought I thought because of when we weighed up when we did our live show at the underbelly we talked about the loss of dupon versus the loss of seon I thought the loss of seon would be would be too detrimental turns out no not at

    All I thought I I I I I wrongly I mean turns out much I know wrongly back France to Wi the Six Nations that Irish display and just the level of detail the interplay the the the the intention the smoothness the I mean they look like they never completely different side

    They are they going to win the six that Gibson part first first try where they bust they bust them then Bund Yaki that offload back on the inside under his arm that was you know still a s meter offload they the question was is who was

    Going to hit the ground running in terms of where they were and you know obviously dupon is more of a Miss I thought Luca just got whether they were playing like he they thought he was dupon because they busted him so many times before he got the ball away at

    Rucks uh and breakdowns and you know France just weren’t clinical whereas Ireland were unbelievably clinical I thought as well you know France just in terms of their ability to compete for the ball I mean Ireland’s Ruck speed under two seconds ac across the board which is incredible with still

    Offloading and playing and into play so it’s proved that a team can do it if they know what they’re doing and everyone knows their roles and and a completely waxed on that on that I thought France didn’t compete particularly well or at all at the breakdowns and their physicality in

    Defense was just completely odd for them very OD for them CU normally they’re just they just all Jackal they monsters at turnovers and I think sh like I you know Shan I thought was very articulate in his interview but [ __ ] me I would not like to be you know him analyzing

    Because the more he looks at that the more he’s going to see that guys’s got over the gain line consistently broken tackles I know Dante because of the way Ty bur ran ran that line and the way they got exposed and he had decisions to make but still you know that’s not a

    French team that we know and I I actually thought and I’m going to say this now it’s like caveat cuz I I know nothing snap you Wen in snapshot mode SN I I did this is my little snapshot and I say is that if they don’t bounce back

    From this and this indication Scotland in murfield that’s not an easy bounce back if they don’t bounce back from this and they don’t show profession I wonder whether the Six Nations at the end of it whether whether it won’t all just blow up dissipate but I I I just cuz I get

    That feeling you love a little consp conspiracy theor I don’t I don’t castr you just I just wonder because I and it was it was literally what like watching two teams completely differently for who’ recovered from a World Cup and irand would just I couldn’t believe it I

    Was like this is unbelievable you’ve mentioned this game at the principality try and sum that up Wales could have should have would I mean game of two half completely absolute Madness but enthralling to watch we got back into the green room and got and just sat and

    You know you compare the two games in terms of people you know just chaning their arm T taking risks I mean in that first half way I mean it’s easiest halftime speech ever because they could whatever they touched her to [ __ ] in that first half if they if they caught

    It they dropped it as they hit the floor they couldn’t hit a line out you know no literally nothing was going right for them and then you know I think Jo Jiffy Davis was saying that because they brought the young kids on but they everything just started to stuck and it

    Went the other way around and you know we’ve talked about principality and when the momentum shifts and they start actually believing and how it how it went I mean you know Aaron Wayne Wright obviously performed exceptionally well in that second half but everyone did half Tomas Thomas lifted the pace and

    Then they were inside outside balls the options were coming from everywhere everyone sort of believ Rio di I thought was very good again um you know and I I it’s it is funny how momentum and they all they kept talking about the m and when momentum’s with you and it shifts

    And you win every moment it it it’s it’s a hard thing to stop Scotland would be going mental at that like they stopped competing at every single Rock first first half Wales got no quick ball second did but then but then but then but when they did try to chance arm they

    Gave a penalty away in that game when you got no momentum everybody then forces themselves to try to fix it because you can’t help it you got 15 Lads out there maybe not playing well the frustration momentum you can’t get into the game you’re like I’m going to

    Fix this like don’t [ __ ] touch the ball they will be livid because Scotland you know as as good as Wales were in the second half Scotland were just didn’t fire just didn’t fire a shot the discipline was awful that that of side is is worrying and I think it’s such an

    Anomaly you you won’t see the likes of that very often because it’s just such a complete one team completely sto the discipline fell through a window and one team just got better and better and better and actually when you look at International Rugby it always comes down to positive and negative and compounding

    Errors if you can link positives together you’re you’re always going to go forward if you for every good thing you do do a Bad Thing straight away like for example you score a tribe you drop a kickoff and then you they lose the scrum and then you don’t get make touch it’s

    Just that that’s the chart if you followed it Scotland the first went like that Wales wouldn’t have go anywhere second half Wales would have gone up Scotland would have just gone straight into the to and that’s all that’s all the map of positive negatives would have done that’s amazing that yeah Scotland

    16 penalties and most of those would have been in that second half I think 14 n the pen counts in the second half to against which which you just can’t then when you talk about like inter playay and bad when you look at it you can’t

    You cannot possibly ever win a game or get anywhere without that compounding of Errors okay good I did what I did want to say is um Alex man who scored Wales fourth did the vone Lions Legacy with us in uh b a couple years ago yeah he was

    Under 20’s Captain well done Alex man great to him making his debut and scoring so let’s pick out our Continental Tires showstopper moment of the weekend I’m going to give you a couple of choices Jack Crowley’s assist for Ty burn to lose you see how good he was forget the

    Six forget the six forget the Six Nations D 10 you think they’re regretting letting him go like do you think he’ll be back in the in the mix I would start him at 10 I’d start him at 10 for France he was unbelievable he paid nine and 10 probably himself

    D passes two dupon do you think he’s going to play 10 in the sevens well yeah yeah he could do with the way he played there the way he himself yeah way he did way I I thought I miss mistook him as a player I what is that guy doing looks

    Just like the who then did pul a Crossfield kick yeah out of his ass to the to the Winger who then ran and scored I was like this guy could do everything absolutely everything cool he’s not on my short list for the content show the week from the Six

    Nations but we’re going to Chuck in Jack Crowley who actually fair play to him I mean it’s not often that a player comes in into the shadow of Johnny ston and owns it quite like he did converted all five tries as well impressive he didn’t try it wasn’t like

    He was trying to fill those boots it was like he was just everyone around him also I think what raised their game if you know what I mean yeah you when it sort of reminded me of when New Zealand used to send people their most important players on a sabatical somewhere and

    Someone had fit in and everyone around him had raised their game to allow him to be able to just ease his way in felt a little bit like that that’s what’s so impressive about that Island team you said about who’s going to be more influential loss sexon or deont but like

    Anybody of those anybody within that team could come out and somebody could just fit straight back in because that’s why they are just they are hands down the best team they bring everybody in that team brings the best out of one another is it’s so impressive how they’re playing brilliant line from

    Shane Hogan who said they all know their own lines but they also know everyone else’s lines as well that that well that was the difference as I talking about that’s the attention to detail uh and talking of Ireland we’re going to throw and Joe McCarthy as well who had an

    Absolute Stormer but also was a lovely moment at the end where he handed his player of the match medal to his brother Andrew who’s got down syndrome a huge rise for Big Joe um and congratulations on his performance apparently he was playing fourth team rugby in the Junior

    Cup at school it’s like flamon it yeah he was fourth team at lbo playing Center I think and now he’s France you playing fourth team at still playing tommmy Allen’s try some Adventures end way still time there’s still time Tommy Allen’s try following the brilliant strike move for the

    Italians and Vander Mur second on the 42nd minute can we talk about like I I know he scored that try tooking him right but when he when he cut through and Finn Russell gave it to him and he went around I was like oh my God he’s

    Actually going to go around there’s no way to beig oh my God he scored like that is a big amount of muscle to move like to do a guy on the outside and score was mental I didn’t think he was going to get there wheels wheels as well

    I v I vote I liked his try did I love it yeah you could see it couldn’t you I actually unfortunately didn’t make the list but I thought um Ireland’s first try with that offload from Baki okay well Chuck in Bak is offload as well it is allel it should think do ab

    And shirt was slightly too short so it’s Absolute Tan pip think an accident I I don’t think it was an accident I think that’s the word with the Kitman slightly smaller pipes were out tanned like absolute military ha what is it 27 tries 32 games really so what’s the

    Answer D Dwayne MW D DNE MW who’s our Continental Tires showstopper moment of weekend he gets a tire gets love get one cool hats hat he gets a cool cool hat from Continental Tires he doesn’t really get TI does he no he doesn’t get get uh your rugby this weekend just before we

    Do we got quite a fun little section to bring you actually rugby this weekend you’ve made up on those crap games that no one understands we’re we’re going to bin off next week on the teley box Saturday afternoon Scotland V France 2:15 bbc1 and Virgin Media 1 pick us a winner 10

    Seconds that is a hell of a game hard this is a hard game to but I I agree well I’ve got to pick Scotland I want Scotland to win I want Scotland to win now that France are Scotland can win and then they can have their best game

    This weekend and then England can go beat them the following following if Scotland win this week then it’s all to play for it this day year so I’m going to with Scotland right love that back France and they let me we need Scotland to win just so we can go is this their

    Year is this their year we need to get all the way to the Grand s then lose it England v Wales 445 ITV and RTE England up and running with a win Wales came from nowhere to salvage something I think it’s always a close game but England have got a win England

    Have got a win I’m going for England purely on home I’m going to go with England because I think they’re going to change some of the team do you hello yeah got some inside knowledge no no no I just think there’s a couple of people if when I looked at the stats this

    Morning a couple of people who made some massive glaring errors that I don’t think are going to be in the week or or would be too risky to put but obviously uh we should do our job of mentioning obviously England Wales but Barry John the great Barry John the king passing

    Away very sad indeed a legend of a bloke though that era of Welshman just obviously they’re old men but they were just love they’re lovely old men Sara Barry John I never got to meet him yeah sadly a lions winner the only 10 to have

    Led a Lions team to a series win in New Zealand retired at 27 because he couldn’t handle the agulation that was a lesson for you that would never happen that would not have happened what a man what a player and obviously he will bring so much emotion to Wales performance on

    Saturday rip to the King Island vle good luck the aouri but there’s only one winner there isn’t there I and that is on Sunday afternoon 3 p.m. ITV and Virgin Media 1 those are the details you need to know shall we do we’ve got one last section to get into before we wrap

    Up this week’s show and in fact actually we should just say we’ve actually got a gbr exclusive dinner here in the England changing we have exclusively for our lockin listeners tonight both of them listen we’ve got Johnny may on the lock in right we obviously the last show

    We did it was we talked about it at the end you said 2 and a half hours the show was 45 minutes as you can imagine a large amount of it was edited out but if you go to lock in And subscribe for3 a month or whatever it is Johnny’s told a

    Fantastic story that he originally told was cut out by overzealous editor but if you tune into lockin it’s an unbelievable story right I I think you’re presuming that Tom the editor is going to leave it in this it may just be a 15 second show no he will evolving a

    Big that’s all I’m going to say do you think do you think that the England Chang M has ever heard a story like that but would you think Bill Sweeney’s got like no I think back in the old days the old days few stories back in the old

    Days I re yeah re there like a Speak Easy in here like L Leonard like coming in step on in only one reason Jason went to steal that one of the baths as quick as he I re I re he got caught I thought he had to put

    It back apparently he was putting into the back of the van and the rfu President W past said where are you taking that he said uh I don’t know and the rfu president said well you can deliver that to my house yeah well it’s the Jason is the same way that in the

    Laundry brought his curtains in from home and got them and got them put through the England laundry didn’t the old the older England players when they went out for dinner on the they used to order bottles of wine to open them so they could take them Jason you go you

    Look to the bill and go this bill only 700 got a wine sell you know you know there’s a secret room at twick in the West St where just got some of the finest wines known to humanity you it’s I’ve had dinner in as well never don’t I

    Even got my name on the [ __ ] wall it’s like I never even played it it’s like I’m an awful memory I’m likeing really yeah it’s like and it’s got no windows you don’t even know it’s there millions my favorite kind of operation it’s a dungeon seedy little

    Room with lots of wine and her Windows now it’s time for our ha car six Nation selector time for sorry what what’s it time for Johnny it’s time for our ha car six Nation selector where we delve into the past and try and pick the greatest players to have played in The Six

    Nations since the year 2000 what year did you first start watching rugby um yeah before then good you’re in the game like our relationship with haar this game is all about great Partnerships so our picks have to be made in units so if we’re picking the bat row they’d

    All need to have played together for the same Nation hillback delalio being an example hcal ree Worley possibly did you play for England together as a Trier we did actually on your de yeah the first club team ever to do it actually record thank you there’s one final twist our

    Team must be represented by all six Nation sides and there are six positional to 2000 okay that was already in the earlier part of the read first year yeah so you may want to start thinking about about where you might pick your Italian and Scottish units who have never won a six nations

    Championship and are we doing this or is this so actually you could pick quite a good Italian front row with C A or is this for us to for us to do so we’re going to start this week with the centers got to do it now yeah you got to

    Do some work here are some juicy pairings for you so you can we got options Tindle and Greenwood one Championship as a partnership but only three starts together in that 2003 Grand Slam which I always find quite interesting because you Wasing that 2003 side was very settled but it was a snow

    Globe until you got to the World Cup yeah it it completely changed I don’t know whether that was Clive’s plan there were a few injuries at the same time but that yeah we used a lot of Charlie Hodson played 12 in a couple you could have far and Joseph which was actually

    Used across three championship teams the most in Six Nations history 2016 Grand Slam 2017 Championship 2020 Championship France Center pairings you can pick from would be Dante and fiku 2022 Grand Slam pairing and interestingly Friday night was their first six nations defeat as a center partnership in the Six Nations and you have

    Trianon 2004 Grand Slam that’s a nice little maybe not can I have my notepad back for this yeah in Ireland you can have Daran o Driscoll two championships 2009 Grand Slam 2014 championship as well 33 six Nation starts together that’s a pretty good and a 78% win R

    Ratio uh there have been Lots since then Aki Henshaw Aki ringrose moski ringrose Aki Farrell MOSI Aki and then you have Wales you have Roberts and Davis two championships 20202 Grand Slam in 2013 and 26 six Nation starts and Shanklin and Henson two Champion two Grands you

    Can see through what was sprayed his each week we’re going to do so the game is there are six units to fill front row second row back row half backs centers and back this week you’re allowed one per country so you can’t pick an irland front row and an island Center every

    Country has to be represented by by unit Okay so we are we haven’t got any Italy options or Scotland options this week but if you think about um where would you want to pick a back row from you England you back you go it’s probably going to

    Be why don’t we just think about the centers this week and get to it when we get to it because if you pick the wrong unit this week we can’t pick it again everyone’s got be it’s just news is it don’t worry tin I think most important

    Ship to pick is this then we’re not picking this is taking a lot longer than car hoping think France France Wingers back three France you you probably want yeah I think back three France I think we’re rushing ahead a little bital second row because you probably get Al Jones Wales

    Second row but Jon and K yeah but then you want in back row don’t you cuz that you know unit I think you got to go Ireland C Cent you got to what Darcy and drio achieved together in that many games starting together and how much

    They changed in the way they played to adapt and get better um you would say that you know any games that darc didn’t play drao wasn’t the same as he he was with him and vice versa and they did pioneer that Center Partnerships well the ability to tackle compete bounce you

    Know that kind of interplay I did that well you did that yeah with with yeah but you know what I mean that that was kind of one inque featur as well defensively they just got better at it as well so we are playing Daran o Driscoll in our ha car Six Nations dream

    Team that is our Island card played as well they are locked in no go back going back now no sex to the marry that means for our fly half combination F I can live with that okay you can live with that that’s why I think I think I would

    Go I’d go with Phillips and maybe um Ste stes maybe or no Wilco and dwson no we can’t do England again you didn’t listen to the rules yes hav play England yet pick sitting in the back row because you could go you could go wton fatow and Dan you can’t you can’t we’ve

    Established we’re doing an England back road you know wton more sixtion Champions six three forwards and yeah it does work out okay I hope you enjoyed that haart that was um money well spent money well spent that is exactly what you get with us let me try sble that was a sponsored sble

    The last game of the Six Nations Johnny and has going have a fight outside thank you H car for that bickering from the four of us selecting from H just imagine what we’re going to get Tindle this is the re but just imagine what we’re going to get from the

    Our listeners and how much AB we going to get on there here we contribution to our ha car Six Nations team of the week that would be great with it I don’t understand what there in there the whole team cuz you’re not in the Six Nations it doesn’t make

    It matter we’re the best at all times everywhere all selecting a car from ha car is a much easier process than the shambles we have just been through it says here pre preempting how this was expected to go they only have the best quality Check used vehicles and you can buy directly

    Online online or in person through one of their trusted retailers buy your next car the feel-good way with haar does that Rectify I don’t think does go have a look at ha car and leave the squabbles to us what page as the audition read through just improvise joh just improvised I’ve lost

    I’ve lost the page just a quick note from nordvpn who are back and offering the good bad rugby list an exclusive deal did you know if you’re abroad during the Six Nations you can switch your virtual location to back home so you can access your streaming

    Services to watch the game uh Johnny you you watched your because he used it he did you watched I went to the mosque came back to my hotel used my nordvpn app so then I could access the channels that I can’t use without a VPN when I’m

    Abroad exactly you L it it well done to nor VPN for sorting joining out uh on his holidays to get the best discount off your nordvpn plan go to good bad rugby our link can give you four extra months on the 2-year plan plus a little bonus gift apparently the

    Link is in the podcast episode description box um little black eye of the week and in fact I’m going to give it out this week because as you know black ey is all about riding the storms and celebrating the sunshine uh every week a bottle goes to someone who we

    Celebrate for alternative reasons within the game of Rugby Union or someone who need to pick me up and this week we’re going to give a bottle to Harvey Mills who sent us an email to say that he went to see gbr our live show in Birmingham he’d been diagnosed at the point with

    Throat cancer he’d lost his voice the boys wished him well that’s good of us including Hask he says which is why I get side thing is if I wouldn’t ad help the guy he might sound like he came to the meat and greet I remember yeah that’s that’s why that’s why guy from

    You told him he might sound like Joe pascali after the operation but he just wanted to let us know the operation had gone well all the signs of cancer had gone he said thank you very much indeed lots of love from Harvey so we’re going to send Harvey

    Black as well he technically I’m a leader we’ll put on our phone line where you can ring and we will he ask will touch your throat or touch you and you’ll heal Hallelujah Sexual Chocolate uh in the meantime black ey Jin is available from Amazon selected sainsbury

    Is a master of malt it has Botanicals from every major rugby playing Nation 150 from every bottle goes into the blacke rugby fun which is up and running and which is already being um used to good effect yeah we’ve used it we’ve popped a pound in the pot of Gary Street

    Who we hope is making a swift recovery from his challenges we’re looking to a million pound a year and if you’re watching the rugby this weekend get yourselves online get yourselves a bottle of black eye and the rugby will appear even better than it does already

    Go a on it for a bit I had a black eye posted about it I had the rugby on one hand then I had i s AG on the other so my daughter who was drinking milk could watch Ice Age don’t mudle them up don’t mudle them up well we should sleep

    Better um and I was watching rugby with the black eyy just get through the intensity of the well Scotland game a reminder that lockin is available as well for you on Apple podcast and Spotify we’ve also had a lovely email in from Anna thank you Anna who says hello

    Dream Team I recently discovered gbr and I love it I had to write in to let you know that laam isn’t your only lockin subscriber if you don’t know what we’re talking about I think on Spotify we only have one subscriber called laam uh I

    Think we’ve raised three in 2 and a half years on Spotify but Apple seems to be get slightly better Anna says though she’s a big fan it’s hilariously good fun I’m not a typical listener being one female and two a newcomer to rugby my interest sparked during the World Cup in

    Your podcast which I discovered before Christmas is solely responsible for that development into something I feel a genuine enthusiasm and excitement for as I’ve worked my way through the catalog I’ve Loved reliving the World Cup through the gbr lens and getting to know some of the big characters of the sport

    Past and present can I see if I can read the next paragraph Yes Johnny please take I was thinking you are spectacular at reading but let me carry on with um what was her name again Anna Anna yes I am new and Casual fan but who cares I am

    Very slowly learning more and loving it I will be at the England Wales game at tck them next week my first International game of any sport I couldn’t get tickets for the gbr player Lounge to meet you but I’ll be at the Lock um and I could be more I couldn’t

    Be more excited thanks to you um thanks for bringing rubby to my life in such a super accessible and fun way it’s been a blast turns turns out you can go to Long Le to see a rhino hn kiss um what suit yeah no that’s I bet you it’s

    Harder than you think you I I I mean I could pretty much do it better than that standing my [ __ ] head in the dark why is she talking about longly because did we talk about that on a show talking about animals didn’t we you were go for

    Or something we I was a tiger well can we get her tickets what I took from that bit is that she can’t get lock tickets can we get lock tickets she she we were sold out for the GB andr Lounge so she couldn’t get those tickets so she’s

    Going to the lock the lock is the thing in the other stand we’re in the live room she won’t get access to us but she’ll get still come to game why did she why did she come to a live show we’ll send Anna some tickets to live

    Show for such a lovely email Anna needs to be vett she could be a serial killer that’s how I would get involved if I was going to iil maybe get a ticket guess what we’re we’re upgrading aren’t we we’re going crossport we’re going to badminton so maybe we get get to Bon as

    Long as she’s been CBR checked and searched for weapons okay cuz you know we I don’t need and CU she be you know she could be after mic you know the raw connection so Anna you’re welcome from a distance just very quickly before we finish because we’re in such a special

    Place give us just a little flavor of the last 2 minutes before Saturday just just just for those of us still so normally the co who what why coach the coach will come in and we’ll say his last part and then he’ll pass over the captain they stand out the way

    Everyone will the physio go out the players gather around there’s that moment of intake of breath you’re looking uh each other the captain will said the final words what we’re going to do you then form up out and you kind of high-fiving each other going this is the

    [ __ ] moment this is what we’re going to do you go and line up in the tunnel that’s a little bit of nervous energy you got the people like tins bouncing foot to you got Johnny trying to remember where he is and what he’s doing and why he’s here and I can’t understand

    Why he’s got boots on and then he remembers he’s a ro player I’m you know solely focus I’m looking at my opposition thinking right where am I going to hit you when I get the opportunity this is my Dave ATS fing his nails Dave ATS fing his nails I remember

    That the referee will go 5 or and you run out smugwood you run out and the flame cannons go and you’re just there it’s amazing bounce onto the field line up for the anthems gather around look at to see if you can find your parents see

    If you can find your friends and family just the bond the shirt next to you the power the intensity and then the music starts you [ __ ] belt it God Save the Queen or the king depending on which part of time it was and you shove it up

    And and then they sing their Anthem which goes on droning and we then ready to [ __ ] go into it and that’s it and you’re ready to to put your body on the line for your country you’re lucky boys well done been there and done it and it’s a

    Realated yeah exactly what are we doing between now and we haven’t finished the show yet so we’re wrapping up the show uh we’ve got people to come and have dinner with us and then we will see next week this has been the good the band The rugby from the England changing rooms

    What a privilege it’s been to be in here thank you to our friends as always at Continental Tires who support us stats and facts have been provided by oval insights we’re a folding pocket production and this episode was produced by Tom Edwards enjoy all the rugby this

    Weekend we’ll see you next week for more of the same but from all of us bye for now bye-bye Bye


    1. I remember your first loss in HQ aftet 2003. It was a huge boost for Ireland and Ireland were never beaten by Eng while youse held the WC! Niw if we could only grt past a qf ourselves 😢

    2. Jonny May is fucking brilliant in this line of work and he doesn’t really know it. Which makes it so organic. Awesome listening to him and Haskell. Top show this.

    3. Great chat guys, Jonny adds a really good dynamic and insight into the conversation. I cant wait for the week 2 fixtures. I think Scotland v France is going to be an epic. I'm also really looking forward to Eng v Wal – it will be fascinating to see if first half or second half Wales show up. Here is my breakdown of the two teams

    4. I always felt as a player that when a teammate started shouting its more to get themselves up for the game rather than anyone else, never found someone shouting 'lets make big hits' very persuasive. If you're before kick off and you have to convince people of that its nearly too late

    5. 100% Paul me similar with parents, sisters and brothers. They GOP don't have souls, they are lost in a mire of excrement 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪

    6. Tins needs to get off his phone. He looks like a Tool snubbing the rest of the Pod. Unless there is a right Royal Disaster he needs to stop doing it. And don't say he's reading notes relating to the show because he's always the one who barely scrapes through off the cup. Great bloke and great player though 🙂

    7. You Could pick Gawd o Driscoll in the Greatest Center Pairing of all time with Da Beard Darcy , what they failed to mention was he was a full back first The Beard and Gawd was a scrum half , they didn’t grow until 17 or 18 that’s why they were so skilled, and won the Heineken Cup on three occasions, against the toughest opposition, when England and French teams had 4 times the wage bill as Leinster and Munster Irish teams 2009, 2011 and 2012,He was also involved in Irelands back-to-back Six Nations Titles in 2014 and 2015, which back then was way harder too , these two were the two best back in the world, the All Blacks feared these guys the most that how good they were , so the real question is Who you take in the greatest Center Duo of All Time , Gawd & Da Beard v Ma'a Nonu& Conrad Smith????

      Fantastic Podcast as a Rugby Freak living in NYC I’m starved of this Sports Media sick of the wankers on Sports Tv here, fooookin Clownss!!

    8. As a woman I love watching watching/listening to GBR it’s very entertaining and the three of you get on well and I love the guests u bring could u do stationary of GBR pks

    9. The West Stand Vault is named Project X by its creator Tony Hallett the then secretary of the RFU. All the Nations that play at Twickenham keep a few cases of their favourite wine for consumption on match day. Entry is by invitation only. I've been lucky enough to be invited three times and its memorable

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