Tune into our webinar to get the lowdown on our epic gravel tours in Slovenia and Croatia. We’re talking the best routes for self-guided and guided gravel tours, pro tips and the coolest spots for gravel biking.
    Gear up for an adventure on two wheels.

    Going to talk about cycling in two neighboring countries in Slovenia where our agency is based and in our neighboring country of Croatia which is just to the south of us for the very beginning just a very short introduction of ourselves uh you have already met Matia

    Or matiz as we call him in the team he is on the photo on the right side and you can see myself on the left photo we both have uh quite a lot of experience in guiding because we were all we were both active as guides uh talking about

    Uh bike tours hiking tours um ordinary let’s say tourist tours we are also passionate hikers bikers Trail runners in our free time mati is also active in caving and rock climbing a professional we both come from this field which has to do something with the maps so he is

    GE geodesist I am geographer so we are responsible for the maps uh and we have let’s say good cover of the surroundings uh the orientation in in the space so we are able to pre provide you good maps for your tours uh mati is also co-founder of the agent

    And I am the one who is let’s say responsible for the coordination of the guides which is important especially for the guided tours uh which we offer okay I will continue from there thanks Andre for the introduction uh just few words about our agency about the tour operator that will help you to

    Enjoy your cycling FAL days whether you decide if you decide to come and Jo join us uh our name visit good place maybe gives a pretty good idea what we are trying to achieve we really want to have you the impression that the place are going to visit is definitely good so we

    Really work hard on this so um we are local driven Boutique and responsible to operator so to speak uh really committed to sustainability uh we we have several sustainability certificates like travel life or Slovenia green and the one we are most pride of proud of is the borp

    Uh certificate actually we are the first borp certified company in Slovenia uh it’s not only on paper uh we also do it in real life so to speak just for example in the last season in the 2023 we managed to compensate the C carbon footprint of all our guests on

    All the tours in Slovenia and Croatia meaning for everyone from the point of arriving on the destination taking into the account all the accommodations overnight food inner transportation and so on and we did that by helping replanting by foresting the area of harst in Slovenia which was heavily

    Damaged in uh heavy let’s say very big fire forest fire two years ago uh lots of our tours actually run through this area not not only because of that reason but that was also one of them that we chose to to help rebuild or renew Revitalize this area otherwise we are

    Like uh so far Five star rated on different platforms like Trip Advisor Google and Facebook which means us a lot because this is really recognition from you from our guests uh besides that we also got quite some recognition in the world renowned media uh actually since

    The year of 2020 and until the current year 2024 our tours have been chosen between the top products uh by National Geographic Clon Planet guardian and similar actually if you browse through the through our web page uh when looking at specific tour you can actually find

    The um the reference to the media and the article where the specific tour was was uh presented so let us start with a brief overview of our database what you can see here on the left it’s a huge uh Network actually from a distance ah just a

    Second just let let me see because I see one of our Andre is taking care okay I see one one of you has problems with a microphone I hope it is solved uh so yeah what you can see here on the left side it’s a huge extended network

    Of uh tracks which are the bases from which we build or design our tours all those thin red lines uh are actually in our database by physically te taking them or tracing them on the terrain we regularly maintain them as well so Al together gives us over 10,000

    Kilometers over huge Network and yeah you can imagine this this is quite some um quite some information we are very proud uh we managed to do this because that actually gives us the opportunity to design several tours different tools to make them custom or tailored to

    Specific needs and so on so far we can offer six touring programs five mountain bike four gravel two hiking and one is a bit special a bit different to others this is a wildlife watching tour which takes place in the southern region of svenia in the vast Forest of Co region

    For all the tours of course you can find more detailed information on our web page as well as you can download PDF brochures from our page with even more detailed information so what do we offer as I mentioned these stores these different stores can be organized either either us

    Guided or self-guided or even tailor made or custom made for specific needs of our guests taking a guided stour of course is the best way to totally enjoy to relax not to have to care about anything because our guides will do it instead of you you only have to come to the

    Destination you rent the bike if you don’t have your loan we take care for for everything else for booking for your accommodations we really try to find local places in nice regions uh we also take care about the luggage transfer in between the stages and of course the

    Fing transfer after you finish the tour to the starting point uh I mentioned bike rentals we have quite a huge Fleet of bikes over 80 bikes already of different types covering all the segments like touring bikes uh ebikes mostly for touring gravel bikes of course mountain bikes regular PL

    Tails full suspension bikes and simar so uh we really try to maintain them regularly we change our Fleet uh in the two or three years time so you always get the opportunity to write fairly almost new or very almost new bikes which are really let’s say reliable and uh this can give

    You uh all the all the necessary enjoyment you need on the in safety of course on your biking tour uh regarding support uh besides the mentioned luggage transfers and so on we also take care for the self-guided tour in case of any um emergency which might occur of course it’s an outdoor

    Sport anything can happen but yeah usually people or guest on the guiders are quite capable of taking care about some basic repairments and so on but when something Ser something serious happens of course it’s us who jumps in and try and uh help you as soon as

    Possible uh for the self guided tours we offer an extended navigational pack which is quite let’s say very well accept it actually in the last few years especially in the last season when we started using the ru GPS application uh also the feedback uh went much higher it

    Was already high before but we were uh donation the navigation pack was rated as something something really exceptional uh there are several um n let’s say navigation apps of course right GPS being us made it’s may be more familiar to the guests coming from States but also it’s gaining quite uh

    Wider and wider recognition in European and other countries as well although in Europe there are still maybe some other apps which are also quite popular like kumut aor active and similar but as mentioned we decid we decided for D GPS it’s hard to say which one is really

    Best or better than others both all of them have some advantages and maybe some fults but it’s something that we really find is useful it suits our needs and uh we are very happy with it as well our guests because through the r GPS we can provide you really precise GPS data uh

    For which we do we take care uh and the whole tour experience with very extensive guide or let’s say booklet everything can be downloaded offline to your mobile devices and you can use either the free mobile application for navigation or you can download the navigational files and

    Use them with any other specific uh instrument for navigation like Garmin Wu or similar uh mentioning the offline content that includes also maps of course which are download this to your um device so in case of any let’s say poorer internet connection or reception which can occur

    Now and then very rarely but it can in this case you are on the safe side because you actually don’t need internet connection to navigate um okay now we are at our topic uh of tonight’s talk for today’s talk we will talk about cycling in Slovenia and

    Croatia and we will talk about gravel tours among those we will briefly present all of our gravel tours with some special emphasis on the new one the adventure Croatia gravel and we will try to compare it a little bit with another gravel bestseller we have the best of

    Slovenia gravel tour so you will see uh we will present them through the maps and through some photo and video materials and hopefully by the end of this presentation you will have quite a good impression of what to expect when coming on a gravel bike tour with our agency

    Yes thanks matit Let’s uh let me share you with um with you some Impressions About Slovenia and Croatia and why those two countries are actually so attractive so good to come here and take time for cycling holidays here um both countries are undeniably small Slovenia for example

    Is let’s say approximately the size of Massachusetts in the states and Croatia is just let’s say twice as big but both together they make for let’s say magical destination especially because of the meeting point of very different Landscapes we are here in the southern central part of Europe where the Alps

    Meet the Mediterranean and both of them also meet panonian planes in Central Europe and in between you have let’s say Mysterious World of dinic Alps which is in other hands in other words a car region full of underground caves underground rivers and other other very typical attractions so let’s move to our

    Homeland to Slovenia for the beginning uh the country is um I can say spectacular but not because I’m living here but because I I really love it diversity and it’s Greenery you see looking at those photos that um we have a lot of forests we have a lot of

    Greenery and this is a good idea also for the cyclists because even in the hot summer you find enough shade to um let’s say take some relaxing right following the gravel roads which are uh very good very well maintained and then you you uh let’s say approach um the foothills of

    The of the mountains as you can see here on this video clip um there are high mountain plateaus which turn into ski Fields uh in wintertime ski resorts and in summertime they are populated by herdsmen by large flocks of cows or sheep or goats and people there produce

    Delicious cheese and other milk products which you can also taste following such gravel lines as you can can see them here uh on on this photo or video clip but Slovenia is not just the cyclist Paradise there are also other opportunities in our especially Outdoors uh it’s a magnificent destination for

    Hiking from the highest peaks which almost re reach 3,000 M of altitude down to the Adriatic Coastline and in between you have a let’s say huge network of um walking path which are well maintained and sign posted we have glacial lakes and beautiful uh Crystal Clear uh Rivers

    Where you can swim in summertime it’s a very good choice especially let’s say Lake bled which you can see here on the bottom right photo with the famous island in the middle the temperature of this water uh reaches 25 degrees centigrade in summertime and it’s also very popular for swimming together with

    The neighboring Lake bohim just couple of kilometers away or on the other hand you have Slovenia slice of the Adriatic Coastline you can see the town walls of pan on the bottom left photo where where uh you face the Adriatic Sea couple of meters below and it’s also a very

    Pleasant place to to swim or to do some sseeing in the town of pan Which is shown on this video clip those of you who may prefer some fly fishing which is also very popular you will find the kind of paradise for these activities in Slovenia because our rivers are also

    Very rich on different species of fish and since we are talking about fish let’s move to the let’s say uh food field uh everyone who does some sports becomes hungry sooner or later and being hungry in Slovenia is a very good opportunity to meet our Cuisine which is

    Also a kind of um Melting Pot of different culinary traditions in Central Europe because we have succeeded to or not we but our chefs our our inke keepers have succeeded to to mix the influences from Central Europe like Austria and Germany with those coming from Mediterranean Italy is just across

    The border Italian food is we all agree I guess one of the best in the world and then you have some central European influences and influences from the Balkans and all together makes for a very good and interesting mixture of of different types of food which is

    Nowadays served let’s say on Modern ways using modern approaches and some of the restaurants are very very successful very good if you want to reach the Stars literally you can also visit some of the uh restaurants or goas as we call them in Slovenian language which were recently a

    Uh let’s say awarded by michan stars and it’s a similar situation in neighboring Croatia I believe everyone has already heard about Croatia’s Coastline which is one of the most dramatic one of the most spectacular at least in Europe but I would say also also in wider frame but

    It’s not just the coast Croatia has something else to offer and our gravel uh tours will take you to these places which represent the mentioned something else uh there are the mountains immediately behind the coastline there is a stunning backdrop of the mountains there are U not many rivers in Croatia

    Because Croatia is quite a dry country but those rivers that they have are really dramatic you can see some examples here on the top photos many of those rivers are let’s say included in Croatia’s national parks and are a kind of a secret to be discovered all over the place you are

    Going to visit you will you will encounter many uh beautiful viewpoints uh from where you will have stunning views down to the Adriatic Shore or across the rivers and and mountains such one one of such viewpoints is on the top on the bottom left photo this is the river zmana uh

    Close to the Adriatic Coastline but hidden and we can say off the beat track because many people don’t don’t know about it although they are sun bathing just couple of kilometers away on the coastline Croatia is also famous for restaurants maybe there is a slight difference between Slovenian and

    Croatian food more or less because Croatia’s Coastline um let’s say brings the richness of seafood and seafood is definitely number one what you can taste in in Croatia but again using modern approach and and um still keeping some traditions which uh live for centuries let’s just have a look about

    About uh how the gravel cycling looks like in Croatia this is one of the climbs just above the Adriatic Coast which you can see in the background it is the carner gulf and this uh moonlike landscape in the background is actually the island of Kirk the biggest island in

    Croatia um it’s it’s a kind of very different landscape very Barren but spectacular to cross and yeah you will have a choice to do it thank you Andre now I’m taking over again uh now we will go and present the actual gravel tours which uh we offer uh

    Here is just an overview map but let me go a little bit to more uh detailed presentation just to give you the impression of where where we are probably those coming from Europe know everything about the location for those from uh further away yeah Slovenia directly in the center of European

    Continent and Croatia neighboring country one of them just going a little bit down south along the Adriatic Coast being actually the northern most Bay of the Mediterranean Sea uh Slovenia encircled by Italy Austria and Hungary on the other parts is actually a small country but uh we really like to say or

    We really like to emphasize the fact that although being a small country we are very diverse or let’s say the country itself the landscape is really really diverse so in a small region or let’s say in a short tour taking one week or so you can experience really many different types

    Of landscape of weather characteristics of local Cuisine local language spoken for example uh of course foreign languages are widely spoken English mainly everywhere in Slovenia and Croatia especially in the touristic places otherwise also Germany the north parts of Slovenia or Italian in the west and similar with Italian and Croatia as

    Well um these are the four tours we are going to briefly represent today with some more let’s say details about the southern one the poaa in Croatia but firstly we will start with the one of our best selling GR grael tour so far does best Slovenia gravel Bike Tour

    Which goes from North from the Alps down to the Adriatic and touches the EA Peninsula a little bit in Croatia as well then we will just briefly mention the mentioned around Trio National Park gravel tour which actually sh actually shares the first few stages with the or almost shares those first stages with

    West of Slovenia gravel but then it goes all around the uh the famous Trio National Park which covers most of the Alpine region in Slovenia then we will present a new tour we just let’s say put on the website actually um few weeks ago we could say this is the Slovenia Back

    Country gravel Bike Tour which travels from east to west from maribor being the second largest city in Slovenia apart Liana the capital and then travels through very different regions compared to the first two tours towards the trio National Park so a few more words later

    On and then at the end we will talk mostly about the new adventure crotia gravel Bike Tour which as you can see starts by the sea or close to the coastline touches the coastline so it gives you the opportunity to have the impression of this most characteristic or famous Slovenian Place uh sorry

    Catian places but then it goes Inland Into the Wilderness of the vbit national park crosses the valit massive goes down again to the island of Park and follows the Long Island all the way to the zmana River Canyon which was presented already in few photos and it gives you

    Opportunity of another epic Loop over the southern babit mountains on the last day so that would be actually the content of the tours we’re going to present right now now I will just go back to the slides and we will continue with some photo presentations for each tour first few general information about

    The gravel tours we offer about uh their duration length elevation difficulty highlights you can experience along the way and similar so as you can see all of our tours are most s to n days long and they can offer you slight different but still enjoyable similar gravel

    Experience uh all of the stages are fairly long so it will take you like a whole day of cycling but still there are in between always stages with like a half day cycling or similar which gives you an opportunity to rest a bit to to also do a lot of sightseing at

    This end or the beginning of the stage and similar all of the T are suitable for gravel bikes which we offer in our rental program as well and of course they are doable with different bikes as well for those preferring e bikes we have also touring ebikes which are also

    Suitable for that kind of Tours or even mountain bikes like hot tail are also okay depending on the tour as you can see the fitness level for all the tours is somehow from medium to high uh there are no Tech no really big technical difficulties it’s it’s a gravel surface

    But I have to point it out that uh understanding under the word of gravel let’s say it might be understand quite differently what it means uh this is not always just a fine smooth gravel with little Stones uh where you can ride fast with your gravel bike or even road bike

    So to speak there are some stages and some sections which are quite challenging mostly because of the very let’s say hilly terrain the tourist cross uh there are lots of elevations up and down up and down um and sometimes the surface can be also a bit of a loose

    Gravel which which requires even more effort when climbing or more uh more you have to be even more careful when descending and similar but still there are somehow in this range of medium to high Fitness level and with of course medium technical difficulty along the way you we already presented some and we

    Will present some more the highlights uh the Landscapes the tour go through are really really uh very spectacular and uh you have the opportunity to to to ride through remoteness and to visit some very interesting historical towns and similar first the best of Slovenia graor

    It it is seven stages long a bit more than 400 kilometers and you have to overcome likly less than 8,000 M of elevation uh you can see the basic characteristics here let me just point out the biggest one in those seven days you will cycle from the Julian Alps

    Actually across the massive of Julian Alps over the ver pass then through the SOA Valley over the gorisha Berta region very prominent wine region crossing the Via a little bit and Diving deep into the CST region which is again totally different spacular and then arriving to the istria firstly in Slovenian istria

    And then the last day the last stage even going over the national border which is now open of course to Croatia and doing another loop in the Croatian istria so very diverse and uh very interesting in just seven days again the map presentation in the western part of Slovenia the Alpine

    Region the tour starting in the Austria actually on the northern part side of the Caravan massive in the small town of port cler or arnoldstein in German language crossing the Caravan to the Sava Valley in Slovenia staying in the kagor resort and also visiting some very interesting Glacier valleys and then

    Continuing over the Alps over the verich pass being the highest mountain pass in Slovenia where the road can take you over and then following the soer River SOA being one of the most beautiful rivers in this part of Europe or Europe itself as you can see here on the right

    Side this is actually the typical Emerald color of the SOA River and you follow it and you cycle above above the SOA River all the way cross the gisha Region C full of caves and other phenomena and then reaching the Adriatic coast and this is the last day also

    Going Inland to the estria Peninsula on the Croatian side just for the comparison the first stages here are similar with the around Trio National Park but after the three days the trio National Park oh sorry after four days the trio National Park tour goes towards East and encircles the

    Whole massive of the Julian ABS here in Slovenia or actually goes as the name says around the whole Trio National Park just for the idea of what to expect some typical characteristics of those two tours uh in the first days the Julian ales these are the typical views

    You can experience when cycling there uh for example this bottom left picture shows an Old mulera Road it’s actually a trail going uphill it’s not too steep but sometimes you see it’s this is not really a gravel road it’s actually a trail but it’s totally doable by gravel

    Bike but you have have to overcome in one go almost eight almost 900 meters of elevation so it it requires quite some effort but the views on the other side are really spectacular and on the other side you descend down via the asort road into the valley of the SOA River SOA

    Valley was mentioned before being one of the niist river I know actually and also the others who come here can confirm it because uh lots of people come to the western part of Slovenia just because of the SOA Valley and the SOA River uh below the river you cycle high up and

    See it from the heights you cross the River on the suspension bridges you cycle directly on the river bat and another Bridge etc etc it gives you also the opportunity to stop by to enjoy even swimming if you don’t mind cold water uh just for example the SOA River in this

    Upper part is Al the quite a Big R it’s not really a huge River but it’s not a small stream but it’s still crystal crystal clear and it’s also drink so to speak so you don’t have to worry about this at all then the best of Slovenia gra to

    Goes down south through the gisha bord and K region where the landscape changes drastically you will cross big areas of Vineyards uh open mows old historical towns and of course the cuisine will change typical pruto on C goes perfectly well with the Teran wine uh red wine rich in flavor rich in

    Taste it’s really good combination so yeah you will have opportunity to to to to try many many other local delicious as well and in the last day you reach the Slovenian Coast in the small Venetian time uh town of pan this is actually the final day on the trans tour and the next

    Day we’ll do we’ll offer you another loop to go Inland to Croatia estria to experience some more gravel roads some more historic towns with another type or different type of local Cuisine based on Truffles and different malvasia Vine wine for example and similar so it’s really it’s really it’s really diverse

    To rep up this uh long and interesting tour the new one I mentioned the beginning the Slovenia Back Country gravel Bike Tour that’s the one which takes place along the northern border of Slovenia close to Austria it’s similar seven stages a bit shorter than the Epic

    One or the best of Slovenia gravel tour but as you can see even more elevation to my opinion and I can I share it with all my colleagues this is actually one of the most gravel like and sque tours we can offer in Slovenia uh because it’s really

    Wild it’s really uh something special you know because you cycle through some very remote Forest areas open Windows um where there is literally nothing or nobody you can meet for the C Day the stages are nicely like designed so you have enough time at the beginning and at

    The end of the stage but still the remoteness in between and the stunning nature all around gives the the real uh let’s say impression of this tour which is something something something definitely special this is this is what the start of the tour looks like directly from the

    Town of maribor cycling close to the draa river you start climbing up over the hills with Vineyards looking down back on the city but then going up to the forests of the poor Plateau with some sections of open views but still the green high Lins everywhere around

    You and uh definitely very remote and very quiet and uh enjoyable sections to ride next part of the tour goes close or even around the cic savinia Alps which will give you the opportunity to see totally different views like this uh with some remote Farm stays with the big Bounty walls behind

    Then descending on the other side of the house and climbing back to the Caravan massive this is the others the other landscape again on the upper two pictures and all together is wrapped up when descending and continuing to the very and close to the entrance point or

    Actually you do enter to the trio national park at the famous blade Lake those images is maybe most famous or similar images like this blade lake with Black Island and the castle above and mountains behind so this is definitely the place to finish the tour uh in style

    Moreover after those seven days uh even even when you have the opportunity to experience all these diversity you can still decide and continue deep inside the trio National Park we can make a custom tour for yourselves to to to prolong it over the puka plau to follow

    The sa River to CR kagor town to go and visit bohen Lake as well so all can be done once you reach the blade Lake you can either finish the tour or enjoy it even more on the on the bike few days more and here is the newborn child as well

    The one which stretches in the Croatia uh it’s actually part of the transar route or kind of shares few stages with transar which we are creating as well Andre will give you a few more details at the end just some brief information about it but uh for now just let me say

    You see it’s similar seven state tour a bit shorter than the previous two also a bit less of elevation but still there are some stretches of cycling which will require quite some efforts uh because to achieve the best views from the vit mountains over the islands one has to

    Climb and to paddle quite high but uh it’s worth doing it and the end you are rewarded with really spectacular views uh the the the biggest characteristics are that you will actually tried and it’s ride over the Inland the valit the national park and also the

    Islands on the other side or let’s say at the bottom of the foothill of the Val mountains and at the end you will have the opportunity to go to visit and explore the standing zman river which you have already seen in a few pictures at the beginning but we’ll show you a

    Little bit more about it now I will just show you a bit more details on the map so this is the adventure CTI gravel Bike Tour it is divided in stages like this just to present you the main segments of the tour it starts here close to the Rea

    City which has good connections with several close by international airports it starts actually in the small town of T and then continues directly above the Adriatic post and then it actually goes down to the Adriatic in the city of triven so the first stage being an easy

    One relax just gives you the opportunity to somehow warm up to enjoy the coast as well and all the benefits it brings but then the very next day we’ll start with some hard climbs going high above the Adriatic Coast but with the views down to the islands those of you could see on

    The movie the video clip at the beginning and not to get too tired to go back to the coast to enjoy it a bit more but the following stages are epic ones because you will deep you will dive deep into the valit national park here you will climb over

    1,00 meters in one stage to the small and remote Village of crno and on the following day into the National Park area and you will cross the massive these are some very remote and beautiful gravel roads which will gradually start descending on asphal road with a M

    Really spectacular views to the L to the islands directly down on the coast with a ferry across the channel and on the island of p p this uh stage is pretty long it’s really epic but luckily half of it of course descends down towards the sea

    Level the next stage is all about Island of P you will actually cycle across the whole island in one go at the end you even cross the bridge and go back to the fand and then the last stage or the one before the last will take you past the

    Zia River Canyon to the waterfalls of Zia and the last the very last day another loop over to the southern part of the valit with some very nice gravel climbs and descend and spectacular views again from the Val mountains down to the area of um of uh of islands and the the the

    Flats below the r SE first few days above the Quire Gulf was mentioned uh more relaxing not to heart but still you will be able to fetch some nice views uh from a little bit higher above over the islands and over to the EA Peninsula on the other

    Side the Quire Bay this is the image from the town of sen the second day the second stage uh end point a nice small uh fishing Fisherman’s town with a good restaurants with nice Cuisine and good place to relax because the next day you

    Will go up high to the valit this is the typical valit landscape lots of rocks it’s uh very those pictures for example were taken out from the forest where you have some views but you also have to cross lots of forest area and for example this

    Is the image or the following day on the island of Park as you can see no V vegetation why is it so actually this vit massive which stretches way over th000 met B sea level is guilty for that because the famous Bora wind is boring up on The Ridges of valit mountains and

    Then it blows down towards the Adriatic coast and it actually swipes away all the vegetation on the islands for example it’s a bit of exaggeration yes but uh it’s quite close to the actual truth so these are some images from very nice Rocky sections uh for your information particularly here there was

    The setting for the one of the V 2 movies which was filmed here in Croatia also on the above the canyon of Zia in the later Days Later stages so also some interesting places from this point of view uh another typical image of Park Island and the bridge which connects the island

    With the continent and again another one which just take you over the narrow sea Passage and close to the zeria canyon this is the one you will have to do a short detour very short to see it uh to be honest if you stay on the route on

    The road which takes you from Park to zman you won’t even know about the canyon but uh we designed the tour in a way that you will go directly to this Viewpoint and have the opportunity to see this uh deep and interesting Canyon the end of the tour

    Actually happens in this place you can see on the upper pictures these are the waterfalls of zeria river it’s a perfect spot for relaxation and for enjoyment after the tour you take two night overnights here at the zman waterfalls because you will go and do another loop

    Uh to the southern vit which is also quite spectacular and it will require some last efforts and some more energy but again returning down to the Zia River uh with the possibility of relaxing of swimming and having a good restaurant around it’s quite a way to

    Finish your tour in style so yeah from the Adriatic Coast up to the valit mountains and back down to the islands and to the coast and to the Inland zman River these are let’s say the main characteristics full of gravel experience and uh maybe one more thing I

    Need to point out some of the sections on this tour are really remote in a terms of uh of let’s say quite a difficult support in case anything happens so a bit different compared to other tours but on this one one has to be especially on the self-guided tour of

    Course has to be capable of taking care uh of the navigation of some BAS physic bus bicycle maintenance having some spare parts which we of course provide at the beginning of the tour and similar because the remoteness and Wilderness is really uh nice and beautiful but of

    Course that means also the ne necessity of being self-sufficient for in case of any any anything happens uh yeah some bigger things of course we are there to help and to assist um okay so this is actually the end of the overview and now I will give the word back

    To Andre just to give you some main characteristics about the tour organization well thanks a lot mati for this extensive presentation of those tours I’m hardly waiting for summertime to to do some biking myself because when I see these photos I’m always happy and imagine myself somewhere there I would

    Just like to steal you two or three more minutes for some technical data and then we will conclude our uh meeting with some questions and answers first of all some uh technicalities uh I’m sure you are interested in the prices for these tours the general price are set on our web

    Page and are let’s say different because it’s not the same if you do the self-guided tour or if you decide for joining us on one of the prescheduled guided tours so I suggest you to check our website for some of those tours and check the prices and if you will have

    Some more questions feel free to write us to contact us and you will get more specific information about pricing or maybe if you have some special wishes to to let’s say to tailor uh the the tour according to your wishes you will also get this this pricing

    Separately the best times to visit are of course important to set you have seen in this uh hour that Landscapes we are going to cross on these tours are different from highest Slovenian mountains on one side down to the Adriatic Coastline on the other side and

    Of course the weather is not the same in this parts of Slovenia and Croatia and this of course also also affects the best possible timings for for the visit I would say in general the season is of course a little bit shorter uh in higher mountains so in the north of Slovenia

    Where our our tours are set the season is mostly between let’s say June and uh late September or October because typically the weather in in last years in recent years is changing a little bit and we may have a little bit longer Winters which uh let’s say Wing their

    Tails uh down to April or even beginning of May and then the good weather starts and it lasts not just to the end of September but mostly relatively deep into into October so I would say that closer to the Sea the best time is uh on shoulder Seasons which means May and and

    June or on the other hand September and octob oober because the the the peak season in summer may be too hot for for recycling the famous wind bua or Bora which was mentioned couple of minutes ago uh shouldn’t scare you because this wind which affects Croatian Islands so

    Much and turns them into into moonlike landscape is is typical for winter time not for summer times here in this uh table you can see some of the schedule tours which are going to be guided Slovenian tours you can see one of them um being organized so the best of

    Slovenia gravel tour will be organized in the first week of July and Slovenia Back Country tour will will be organized at the end of May the field for adventure Croatia so for this last tour which was presented to you by matit is still empty uh we haven’t set the the

    Date yet but we will um sched it according to to your wishes if you are going to contact us and we will see where when the interests are let say the highest the self-guided or tailor made tours as mentioned are are the best between May and down to let’s say

    September or even even deeper into October and just a couple of more words about we what we also offer apart from gravel tours our program is also reach on touring cycling and mountain bike tours in Slovenia and in Croatia some of them were also presented in the webinars

    Couple of days ago you will also be able to to see these uh recorded we webinars uh on our YouTube channel very soon uh we also offer some hiking tours uh like walk of peace and back best of Slovenia hiking walk of Peace following the traces of World War I and

    Fortifications left by this battles in Western Slovenia and as mati has mentioned Wildlife watching if you want to meet some brown beares in person and talk to them nicely you can join one of one of our wild wildlife watching tours which are also let’s say kind of Attraction trans Dinara was also

    Mentioned it is the work in progress and we are close to the end of it because in summer this year it will be presented uh I’m sure you’ve heard about dinic Alps it’s a geographic feature connecting Slovenia with several countries down all the way down to the Balkans like Croatia

    Bosnia Montenegro Albania Macedonia and so on Serbia also uh if you will if you will decide for a Croatian gravel tour you will actually see the introduction into trans dinar rout but if you will decide to to do some progress further down south you will get into this wild

    Area which is one one of let’s say last European Wilderness still remained quite untouched and spectacular gravel and local asphalt roads will take you through this landscape of uh tremendous natural beauties and very friendly people Rich tradition i s history and so on it is a project co-founded by by United States

    USA funds but also several European countries like Germany Sweden Switzerland cooperate here with Investments and this tour although not open yet officially uh was also already recognized by several important media you can see some of them placed at the bottom of of this slide chosen for best

    Exper one of the best experiences in 2024 or Adventures to to see and do in 2024 so uh we are excited to offer it to you uh just wait uh three four more months and this let’s say big project is going to be to be presented yeah um at this

    Point I would like uh to thank you for for joining us today I hope that we were interesting enough with presenting our our offer our tours different types of Tours in Slovenia and Croatia

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