In this video, I go over my 3 day bikepacking gear list.

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    Welcome to Live hello Big M Riders and welcome back to Life’s of gym today we have an exciting video for you all as we dive into the world of bike packing gear in a couple of days joa friend and I will be going on an epic bike packing trip so

    I’ve decided to share with you everything that we will be bringing on this trip I’ve created a list to make everything a little more organized and I’ve divided everything everything into six different categories so let’s go through them and then I’ll show you everything category number one we have

    Clothes this includes on and off the bike clothes we have bike stuff that includes everything from tools and cargo bags and all that category number three is toiletries category number four is food and cooking category number five is camera gear maybe this doesn’t apply to you unless you’re a content creator but

    Since we will be recording the adventure we’re bringing all of our camera stuff category number six is sleep and shelter plus other camping accessories all right let’s get started it’s hot in here let me show you what I have packed so this is everything that I will be bringing

    Clothing wise on and off the bike for the 3 days that we will be bike packing first off we have a cycling kit this is a brand new one this one’s from Jordana and the Christopher Brock collection actually Joe and Brandon will be wearing the same kit in a different color so we

    Will all be matching it’s going to be pretty cool the B are awesome because they have back pockets so that will add a little bit more storage for us they do not have leg Pockets which bumps me out a little bit because I really like having my phone there or a couple of

    Snacks but that’s okay we’ll work with that we have Sun Sleeves obviously my helmet cycling cap to protect my face from the Sun sports bras two pairs of socks gloves my cycling shoes of course two lightweight bandanas these are great because you can wet them and put them

    Around your neck they’re super absorbent they also double up up as towels or cleaning racks when you’re cooking and stuff like that so they’re pretty awesome for off the bike I have just a regular you know pair of running shorts um a tank top and some sandals and my

    Regular cap it is going to be 3 days so I’m going to be a bit of a dirt bag and wear the same kit every day but I’m just going to you know rinse it off and dry it out and then I’ll probably do the

    Same thing for a pair of socks or I don’t know maybe just wear the same dirty socks I don’t care it’s only 3 days come on it’ll be fine so this is everything that I have for clothing this is the bike stuff so anything that will

    Be attached to the bike like cargo bags hydration packs GPS devices normal saddle bag with tools Etc we have two seed packs the or Leaf waterproof for me and the revet designs for Joe a laign bar Caddy two hydration packs the green Osprey is a hip bag and the deer is just

    A regular hydration pack we have a little feedback from Isador which by the way I don’t recommend storing your phone in it without cinching it because little spoiler for those of you who didn’t watch episode 2 that’s how I lost my phone and my insta 360 a small saddle bag containing all

    Our tools such as Allen Keys spare tubes extra sealant and such things and this little bag will go in Joe’s revelate seat pack here we have our Hammerhead GPS devices and finally a revet designs tangle frame bag for food and other items that need to be accessed quickly

    These are the toiletries that we will be bringing we have toothpaste toothbrushes and floss I don’t really like sharing deodorant with Joe but since we are trying to limit our weight I’ll have to sacrifice my pits and share with Joe this is actually his scent and I I don’t

    Know I’m more of a lavender pachuli kind of gal I have a half used bag of Baby Wipes we both wear contact so I pack I packed the cases plus extra contacts just in case one flies out of our eye in the middle of a descent or something and

    Of course contact solution I also have a little Dr Broner soap container for hand face and dishwashing and a face moisturizer this one is from aitali we also have sunscreen and earplugs I’m not sure if these are considered a toilet tree but I always put them in with my toiletries so

    Some shammy cream with which will all be for Joe because I don’t particularly like using it and then I usually put everything in just a Ziploc bag we’ve been reusing this one for ages as you can tell so I’m just going to throw everything in there for category number four we have

    Food and cooking we will be having breakfast before we start writing on day number one so that’s why I brought a bunch of bananas day number two and three will consist of oats for breakfast and I have also packed a little baggie with sugar and raisins that we can add

    To our oats to give it more flavor for lunch and dinner we’ll have a bunch of noodles and ramen as well as some Indian flatbread and beans if we find that this is not enough we will be stopping at a store which will be 20 mi into our

    Second day and that’s why I have packed a bag with a bunch of spices like salt pepper onion powder garlic powder paprika basil and chili flakes and we can add that to maybe some pasta that we buy at the store or anything else that needs to be flavored down here we have

    All of our cycling food and also right here these three are Joe’s he’s already packed them into the three different different days and mine’s kind of scattered all over the place because I don’t know what I want to eat but I make sure to bring enough just so that I have

    Variety and also if I don’t end up eating everything I can use the rest of the stuff for snacking when I’m at the campsite or if I don’t like the stuff that we find at the store then I can supplement with whatever I have left

    Over I also have our little stove here a pot some gas a lighter and then we have a little Spork here that we’re going to share and that is all for our food and cooking all right so for category number five we have camera gear but since it

    Probably doesn’t pertain to a lot of I’m not going to record it and I’m also using some of the camera gear right now so I’m not going to record that part but I’ll just read you the list of the things that I’ll I’ll be bringing just in case you’re interested we have two

    GoPros one will be like a selfie GoPro and the other one will be mounted our mics a drone insta 360 some batteries a USBC and lightning cable and then an outlet plugin that is it for electronics and Camera stuff oh and obviously our phones we’ve made it to our camping gear

    Sleep and shelter category and I have to give a little disclaimer here we’re not officially bike packing because we’re not going to need sleeping pads or a tent I know we are kind of cheating at this whole bike packing thing and that’s because we will be staying in two

    Different Yurts and the Yurts come with I think a bunk bed and a single bed so all we need really is just our sleeping bags let’s head over to what we actually will be bringing for the camping gear and shelter category Tri let’s go we have two sleeping bags two pillows a

    Lightweight towel our head lamps super useful when you’re around the campsite we also have water filter and that’s all we need really I might be forgetting some stuff but for now this is what we have that covers all of our bike packing gear for this trip aside from not

    Bringing the sleeping pads and the tent everything else that was mentioned from the cooking to sleeping toiletries bags everything that was covered should should give you a general idea of what to bring on your next bike packing trip that would consist of maybe 2 to 3 days

    But remember that the type of gear that you choose should best fit your needs depending on what type of terrain and the duration of your trip I always recommend to prioritize lightweight and compact options that won’t slow you down while you’re writing but aside from that

    I hope that this video provided you with some valuable insight and inspiration as to what to bring on your next bike packing Adventure if you like this video and found it helpful please give it a thumbs up consider subscribing share it like if you have any suggestions or

    Questions please leave them in the comments down below and until next time happy bike packing stay happy stay focused ride your bike and I’ll see you all on the next one bye Everyone


    1. Lasik is my suggestion. Ditch all the contact stuff and the issues that come with it. I did it years ago and it's the best money I ever spent.

    2. Feed bags are great for loosing stuff. I lost bear spray, micro tool, all sorts of food, 2 tooth brushes when I did the Tour Divide. Cinch top is not a great design, but it is convenient. I need to create a feed bag that is auto closing, and/or only fully open or closed. No half way closed bags for me.

    3. Thanks for sharing. Although I won’t be bike CAMPING, I will be riding multi day rides and might have to camp if I’m too tired to ride through to a motel or hotel. My goal is to do several multi-day trips in USA before I go back to the Philippines and do the same there.

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