On the 24th and 25th of April, the first race of the UCI World Cup E-MTB took place in the mountains of Monaco. In this video I take you along my trip from last week.

    In the first race I finished 11th, in the second race I finished 9th thanks to my American Eagle x Bafang E-MTB.

    Check my socials for extra info and content:

    Check the following links for more info about my bike:

    Above by Limujii https://soundcloud.com/limujii
    Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
    Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/39PgR3a
    Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/cUWU_T9KBk8

    Welcome and thanks for watching a new video this time i’m doing it in english this is because we have an international race coming up the first world cup e-mountain bike of the season in monaco right now i am on the racetrack or exactly actually at the

    Team area it’s friday so there’s not so much going on at the moment but before i came here i had to do a lot of things like getting the bikes getting the pcr test traveling towards monaco so here are flashback to what happened before i’m at surface course look it’s the big truck

    And i just picked up my two race bikes for the weekends they’re all checked by the mechanic and ready to go it’s wednesday morning sunny day here and i’m on my way to david to do a pcr test i need this test to get into france and i also need a test for

    Picking up my racing numbers for the weekend it’s not that easy these days to get into different european countries with all the covert rules but i’m happy that the team takes a lot of task away from me by arranging uh all like invitation letters and other required documents

    So if everything is good i can go on my way to luxembourg tonight and then to france tomorrow morning so the van is packed we have three bikes two e-bikes and my cross-country brake with me and a lot of stuff and we’re ready to go to monaco

    Good morning it’s seven o’clock and we are in luxembourg we stay here in the in this hotel close to the highway maybe you can hear it on the background uh this is because there’s a lockdown in france and we cannot go earlier than six o’clock into france and

    We have to be in the hotel at seven o’clock at the night and it’s a 15 hour drive so we couldn’t make it in one so that’s why we stopped here in luxembourg and now we’re ready to go we fill up the truck because the gasoline and the diesel is very

    Cheap here and we’re ready to go Yes we’ve made it to not to monaco actually but to france we are close to monaco in a village called drop we’re exploring the mountains a bit doing a nice spin up the climb and maybe take some gravel down to the village again just to get used to the bike and the

    Conditions here after our evening ride it’s time for dinner now and usually i’m the i’m the cook but this time it has been my mom who has been in the kitchen made us some couscous and i just chopped the avocado and the mango to finish it off so

    That are you enthusiasts for some yeah i’m really hungry so uh okay let’s go it’s friday morning and we are on our way to the course uh officially there is no training yet but the schedule for the weekend is very tight there’s a lot of things to do

    We have to do training qualify and then the race and we have to do that on sunday again all right ready for the course check i’ve got a map here as you can see this is race one it’s a two kilometer track with 198 altimeter so it’s going up down and a

    Little up in a short loop on saturday we have to do six laps in a total of 1200 climbing meters and race two which i also will do a training on the track today it’s a 2.3 kilometer track 170 climbing meters and just above 1100 meters of climbing in six laps as well

    So also here is one big climate one down here all right just back from the course practice it’s a very difficult and hard track you just cannot compare it with the cross country race not at all it’s more like enduro style after the course practice or actually the training uh

    We needed to get some lunch and of course when you’re in france you need a baguette if i’m right i’m not sure but at least we have uh lunch now who knows what this is it’s called hachoslav and in english it’s kind like sprinkles it looks a bit weird maybe even like cake

    But this is a typical dutch delicatesse i think at least i like it it’s the night before the race i usually make a kind of a planning which i write down here i think it’s hard to see but it says when i have to wake up when i have to go

    To the course when i need to have my food when it’s my qualification etc etc i’m really looking forward to to go racing again racing on the e-bike first time for me on the american eagle with the bafang engine and battery i’m racing a m-500 engine with a 95 newton meter torque

    And a 600 watt hour battery uh which should be more than enough uh for the course tomorrow we are on the venue ready for race day one you just saw on the video they do check the wheel size and if that’s all okay i got some stickers to put on the wheel

    On the rear wheel on the engine i know my spare wheel just so it’s an extra check that there’s no cheating going on if you finish into the top five the bike goes into like an extra check where they also check the software and all other

    Things so uh as you all know this is the first round of the uci gmt cross country world cup for 2021. we have two circuits that are different we have one for today and a different one for tomorrow the format is you now have a circuit check of one hour free practice

    Then at 12 o’clock you have a one lap time Trial plays for me it was very hard especially the uphill the bike has so much power and with the technical obstacles which are in the climb it doesn’t make it easy so i hit it already 186 maximum heart rate uh the downhills were smooth we’re good

    Um so i’m good to go based on the qualification time i can choose the start position so i’m the eighth guy who has to go to the start line at 3 30 we have everything we put into place at the start you have six laps it’s race time [Applause] Whoa first world cup em-to-be of the season of a hard one at the start these those guys it looked like they were motorcycles or something elbow to elbow but a bit too hard actually so i had to dig deep in the first climb then i was around e5 to b10 somewhere like that

    Because the pace was just so high i couldn’t keep up with those guys in the climbs and then in the first downhill i had some technical problems this was a pity so i fell back even more places from there and i tried to catch up again i gained some places

    But then in the last lap i flattered my tire luckily i had fbp entire noodle in so i just finished the race i lost one place there so i think just out of top 10. new chances tomorrow good morning it’s race day 2 sorry for my sleepy hat it’s what it is

    But i just wanted to share with you there’s no better thing than getting new socks out of the package freshly new socks race day number two and today we have a little different circuit than yesterday the climb is the same but now we have a different downhill looking forward to

    A new chance today i’m excited also the the first big nerfs are away after the seasonal opener yesterday so i’m very excited to hit the gas again i just had the qualification finished sixth fell a bit better on the bike everything went a bit more smooth especially on this

    Rocky surface sixth place means first starting row which is a good thing because yesterday in the start it was a big mess so hopefully now on the first row i can have a little bit more space into the first corner so happy with this result and now focusing on

    The race let’s fill up some bottles in this case we have the carbo fuel from cadence i’m using four bottles today one for my warm up and before the start then i have three bottles for the feedback so if there are someone who is saying emtb is for

    Uh uh i’m totally shocked it’s so exhausted especially climbing up on those uh technical uphills and then downhill enduro style was a hard one today finished top 10 in my second emtb world cup finishing on position 9. i just gave it all today i couldn’t go any faster i was on the limit

    All the time it was a very very nice weekend so looking forward to the next race trying to uh train a little bit more on technical skills uh doing some more inter if intense effort and then we’re going uh off to i do think second round is italy

    So after a hard race we are back in the apartment and because it’s the last night we have pizza And also some fresh vegetables and uh a piece of salmon so we’re gonna enjoy this meal otherwise the pizzas will be cold and i’ll check in with you later ciao good morning boys and girls this is uh monday it’s the day after the second race and it’s also the end of

    This video i’m going to close the door here with the vlog is also finished i go for easy spin now and then we are heading home to holland thanks for watching did you like the video give me a thumbs up and let me know in the comments

    If you want more of these vlogs and what subjects would you like to have in those vlogs once again thanks for watching and see you around ciao you


    1. Leuke video! Wat meer race footage zou leuk zijn, maar ik snap dat dat geen prioriteit heeft als je met wedstrijden bezig bent, dus dat zal lastig zijn.

    2. Erg leuke video. Ik ben wel benieuwd wat er allemaal bij komt kijken, kwa training e.d.
      Zodat we zien dat het niet alleen die E-Bike is die het doet.

    3. Congrats with top 10 place, very good given you just got there and had to get used to the track that looks pretty rough. Note: it's 'motor', not 'engine' with electric motors.

    4. He Jeroen, kun je iets vertellen over hoe de e-bikes begrensd zijn? Is dat bijvoorbeeld op snelheid (ondersteuning tot.. km/h ofzo?) en/of op maximaal vermogen? Heel benieuwd waar ze die grens trekken en vooral of je ook tegen die grens aanloopt waarna je benen ‘t volledig over moeten nemen, net als op een gewone 25km/h e-bike.

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