After Eddie seeing one of my older videos with William and myself heading down the cycle track with the rods tied to my bike. Eddie wanted to get in on the action.

    Fun day out of fishing, cycling, chaos and lost of lost tackle.

    Check out my blog:

    Mistral Baits –

    Music clips are from Pixabay

    What do you want to say we’re going to go fishing at the cycle track for a couple of hours or minutes oh wa yeah whose choice is this I don’t know who made who made the call that we’re going to go out and cycle and go

    Fishing at the same time me me what are you going to fish for um eels eels yeah well going bait yeah I do what do you have a a yeah so but not not them well I bought some little packs of a pack of uh these little jelly

    Worms and and I didn’t even know they turned up someone had opened my mail and helped himself to them and I found them under his bed don’t go opening them up there’s hooks in there don’t I know don’t we got a red one and we got a barbed hook right

    There so we’re going to go in the bikes and see if we can’t um catch some fish with a little per or two with my rod with your Rod is it oh yeah yeah right you’re squashing the rubber seals in between the go you’re going to just end

    Up cutting them in half it’s the green ones the green you just rammed your fingers into the hook what what are you doing use your eyes man there you go right does that look like you’ve sealed that properly in the edge or you trying to cut it off

    Um I’m not good with them what do you mean you’re not good with them just use your eyes look what you’re doing okay watch this one’s sticking out so you push it back in oh I remember wow that’s an amazing idea I remember some videos when you were cycling to the cycle track

    With William you were recording as well when you were cycling well we done one on the bikes do we yes we recording well for stuff like this I need to sort of charge the batteries on the cameras and I haven’t done it since last time we went out fishing

    Um usually takes about 3 or 4 days yes yesterday you were recording to charge all the batteries yesterday you were recording as well yes I know I was recording I I took an opportunist chance and the battery was full so I had to go

    Um we’re can go out for an hour is it yeah all right like an hour or four see you after I’ve got changed maybe bre my yeah I just went in the bath and we’re off bike loaded with rods and there’s them to down there like naughty little boys arguing and squabbling

    Already all right let’s go on the and like you know and do something there’s people behind us boys yeah pull to one side pull to one side William use your brain all right don’t listen to a word I say though so as with everything this bike I bought second

    Hand off I think it was Facebook Marketplace back break keeps sticking on it but uh yeah that was quite a nice breik here we go H to stop filing they’ve left me behind to what cycling one handed on a bike where the gears are set to something really high it’s not fun oh

    Here they are you ready here they are stop squabbling up with me if anyone’s squabbling when we get to any water they can go and sit a way out of here shot this is why people have like a a GoPro strap over here somewhere in there there’s me cycling one-handed through a death

    Trap oh God look At oh it’s you God I’m so unhealthy and here’s the other boy wonder head catch up everything everything everything’s different sir oh someone’s ripped it out already oh look at look very unlikely that we’re going to catch anything why let’s have a look at it so we have

    Got about three 3 in of water to fish in yes here we are Ed we tried this one AR we yeah no luck no luck First cast in the tree second CL cast F let it sink right down to the bottom stuck in and then got stuck in a log so there was

    Going to be a rule if you lose a lure 20 minutes sit down rather than waste all my tackle Ed you should have like four oh he he was G for it he was trying to lose everything first count to many how much tackle we got and then work out how

    Many cast he’s got don’t run with your and here we go here’s here’s spot number two we’re going to try yeah theit take my rod down there okay just have a quick pan round uh so oh that’s Eddie casting Oh I thought it was going to be a fish showing itself

    But uh the water level is hell of a lot lower than I’ve ever ever seen it um I tell a lie I used to come down here when I was a kid uh this whole lake dried out completely back in the end of the ‘ 80s

    When we had a full uh Heat Wave and drought but uh let’s put my back down comfortably on a pile of gor that’s going to be fun to pick up later yes so the water level is right down so look exactly where my rod is [Applause] there that’s where the water level

    Usually is around here that tree usually looks like an island so they are effectively fishing in a tiny little puddle next you got a really fast Ed right no come on hey can we come on surprise me catch something from this Baron pool I’m catching weed oh you got some

    Weed did you yeah natur cat the drug you even going to try and cast head will you know that’s a tried tried and tested method that one is you felt the bite then dear I felt a bite oh are we’re going to catch a bite live are

    We catch a bite don’t we just you can let your sink for a couple of seconds well and then reel it in good how that’s right over the tree that’s last de so muddy what is it I can’t see it oh and it’s saved congratulations that I would have said that was 100%

    Lost when you on the fend Ro he was Trucking it and God his water and then just reeling it clean back out 100% iida lost that oh PW out of the 365 days I got stuck in tree oh that’s I got it back then We going to St flake or [Applause] What you have cast what’s the point I don’t my we’ll put on your when we get there what we doing now dad you let your record Ina so add over there it’s uh bit too low to even get a tidy camera short I don’t want to catch somebody

    Else’s registration so we’re on the spot number three we’re on to number four now um we’ve moved a couple of times um I don’t think it’s the best conditions um and Eddie shouted at me saiding why didn’t you tell me it was going to be good conditions but uh yes we’re waiting

    For William to come along William come in oh he had a he insisted on doing a lap of the pump track but uh there he is hi right we’re going to head down to death Lake probably cash a but we’ll see what we do when we get there right bye have some live Music a couple of years ago that used to be HT outlet with a scream and now it’s Rambles and trees and now yes and the other side is just the aftermath of rain it’s white and cloudy so I’m not going to even try that

    St what was going to be a mile trip is turning into about 5 and 1 half miles boys have cut me up about five times so I’m not as Nimble on a bike as I used to be and and this thing isn’t uh I realize why I had it on wish for so

    Cheap the braks aren’t exactly perfect and these boys just sort of speed up and slow down as and when they feel like off he goes again here we go go to The Ponds over there lots of people [Applause] the King William here hi having to go my

    Rod re we’re not going to catch anything there’s no fish in here no I do think there’s fish in here but it’s not hungry are they could be the wrong time of year wrong weather patterns what might be able to mass out a little perch I think there’s some

    Little little trout in here been in here since hundreds of years I say hundreds of years I doubt the pool’s that old let’s go see brother’s doing much bigger platform of your head I said I want come that is that the tree you managed to uh get the rod stuck in yeah it’s

    Like it’s about 40t above your air dead see 20 there was bubbling right there it was Fizz was it yeah was bubling right there and right there my lure went over it nothing backed what did we find out last time we let the lure sink all the

    Way down you found do sticks and stuff on the bottom didn’t we I stand you and watch you cast is it happy that one are you there like a dive bomb into the middle of Lake mhm I going to do a better oh there he is she do hook my years

    Off oh there we are that’s right over the branch up there dear God it’s over four branches head how how do you why are you cting up really in as fast as you can right on again Pon SK comes and get it Frozen don’t go throw any lure at her head stop well you could you could try and save his life so he can die of hypothermia Eddie’s been truthful to himself fishing for the full time um lost about three of the little IGS in the tree like you do um let some

    Kids play on his with his Rod William decided he was going to cycle home and then train his M and came back and then when he came back he realized his phone had fallen out his pocket to had to cyle back and find luy luckily he found it yeah wait wait for

    Proof oh my gosh it’s my phone yes William got the best wallpaper potentially could have cost us a couple hundred pound just just to be out fishing with a few lures cuz William would have lost his phone like an idiot I have the best wallpaper so you going

    Home or you staying here stay right we’re going to be here for another 10 minutes 10 yes it’s been unsuccessful little day in it Ed Stop casting above your head I’m not letting you have any more lures dad as soon as you say that massive um troat just bites the baits

    Well anything anything we’ll do now I’m going to try and catch are you going to try and well that wasn’t that didn’t go as well as we’d hoped um yes everything’s packed up rods are tied back on my bike nice that the boys allow me to carry everything for

    Them yes couple of see we we’ve seen fish jump in that’s the thing and I know there’s a couple of small trout in here so those little jelly L should have been like a should have been a good trout but then we were on here for like well not

    Even an hour but we give it a go don’t we head there he is there he is don’t put your bike next to the lake cuz it’ll fall in and he hasn’t listened and now he’s struggling oh and there’s the boy that give up hi right hi we’re going to hit

    The cycle track and um make our way home we’ll catch you guys next we’re on the bank Out


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