For 2 Years I Didn’t Know My Wife Was Cheating On Me I Got Revenge Reddit Cheating Story Audio Book

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    Our Work Process:
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    Based on the book:

    I was at the Hilton Hotel in Downtown Albany not far from the Capitol building it was about 9:00 on a Thursday night and I was there not as a guest but to look for my wife she was there with her boyfriend she didn’t know that I knew

    She had a boyfriend but I did I had known about it for some time and it was gnawing at me every day a little bit at a time and I was going to do something about it I thought long and hard about what I should do a man can only take

    What he can take for months I looked the other way hoping her affair would end but it didn’t end Diana continued her affair with Darren Ranger all the while pretending to be a faithful and caring wife to me we talked about our future plans and what we wanted to do it was

    All a load of crap she didn’t mean any of it I was trying to figure out what I had done to make her run to another man and want to have sex with him obviously I was missing something I obviously wasn’t doing it for her anymore at least

    Not in the quantity or as often as she wanted I tried to think of ways to let her have her fun for now and then get her back to being a faithful wife but it was all just nonsense on my part once she got a taste for other men it would

    Be hard for her to come back to me I waited a few months but she gave no sign that she was going to change her ways then I decided it was better to just end it I have to admit that it took me a while to come to terms with this

    Decision I work very long hours often 18 hours a day for several days in a row was this the reason my wife turned her attention to another man to fulfill her needs was I uncons iously ignoring her I didn’t think so but obviously something was wrong but if I wasn’t meeting her

    Needs why not talk to me about it why not just say I need to move on and be done with it why have a boyfriend behind my back and yet say useless things like I love you to my face why not do the mature thing and tell me you want to

    Break up and get a divorce too many questions and not enough answers so I came up with a plan maybe not a perfect one but one that I can live with I wasn’t at the hotel to be violent hell it wasn’t worth it at that moment I

    Wasn’t going to do something stupid and beat the crap out of her boyfriend no my lawyer had warned me against it and told me it would end badly I’d end up in jail and get a criminal record no I was just there to end it to put her out of her

    Misery and maybe give her a few minutes of misery you want to know a little bit about me don’t you so my name is David Walters I’m 31 years old born and raised in the Albany area and I work as a physician I’m an emergency room physician and I practice at the main

    Hospital in town or at least I used to practice I have a mother father and brother all of whom live nearby I also have a wife I recently applied for a leave of absence to recuperate I’m burned out I admit it I haven’t told my wife about it because she doesn’t care

    My own doctor advised me to do this so I could properly recuperate and not die of stress early I’ve been burning the proverbial candle at both ends and sometimes in the middle I desperately need rest after finding out that my wife was having fun with other men I finally

    Decided to take a break my wife’s name is Diane Walters nay Stapleton she’s 30 years old and she works for a National Bank in the city we live in a pretty nice two-bedroom apartment near the hospital and we don’t have children thank goodness for that Diane’s height

    Is about 5′ 8 in she has long thick brunette hair that comes down below her shoulders and she is very good-looking she attracts men’s attention very easily too easily she’s easy to look at we met at University I liked her from the very beginning I met her in an English class

    I was taking in my second year science students had to be able to read not only technical literature but also to understand it my main focus in that class was Diane I asked her out and as they say the rest was history until today after University Dian and I lived

    Together for almost 2 years and got married right after I finished medical school I managed to graduate without the huge debts that that most medical students face I was financed by Mom and Dad’s bank yeah I know what you’re thinking a poor little rich kid complaining and crying about his great

    Misfortune that’s a load of crap while I was in school I worked damn hard every summer to earn as much as I could my family helped me out by making me promise to pay my parents back when I graduated high school and started making money now my family is Living Well my

    Father has a construction and contracting business and he is doing very well he has over 100 employees in a warehouse full of materials and equipment that he uses in his business I worked for him as a laborer during the summer earning minimum wage to pay for

    Tuition for the next year so I know a thing or two about hard work now I work 18-hour shifts at the hospital and I’m on call on my off days but you don’t care about that do you you want to know what’s going on with my wife at the

    Hilton you want to know what I’m going to do with her well that’s about to happen I’ve said before that I’ve known about her having a boyfriend for some time now now why haven’t I done anything about it yet well that’s a fair question I have to say that I went through

    Several stages of grieving the loss of my marriage before I decided what to do yes at first I was stunned to realize that Diane was cheating on me after all I thought we were a team I thought we had the same desires aspirations and plans and then I find out she’s hooking

    Up with this Darren guy what the hell we talked about starting a family we talked about what kind of kids we wanted we even started thinking about names for them names for boys and girls and we even looked at houses in the suburbs for crying out loud we talked about her

    Taking maternity leave at work once we had a baby in our family we discussed the pros and cons of her becoming a stay-at-home mom and taking full care of the kids her own mother did the same for her her brother and sister we had already opened a savings account to put

    A down payment on the house and pay for baby expenses my salary at the hospital was growing rapidly last year they paid me $100 $20,000 I paid my taxes and paid my parents back almost $10,000 Diane was paid well at the bank and was making about $80,000 we were in great financial shape

    And my job as an ER doctor had great earning potential I would likely be making almost $600,000 a year in 5 years we shared dreams we made plans we told each other every day that we loved the other person I loved my wife and she

    Loved me at least I thought she loved me now not so much what happened I found out about Diana’s Affair quite by accident a nurse from the emergency room was at a downtown restaurant on a date with her husband she had met Diane the year before at a Christmas party at the

    Hospital and being good with faces and names remembered that she was my wife she also recognized the guy she was with we’ll come back to him I watched as Diane and her boyfriend walked through the hotel lobby and headed for the elevators they entered one of them and

    He turned to press the button for the floor he was renting a room on I watched as the indicator light above the elevator stopped at the number 12 I sat down looked at my watch and considered my plan one more time in the back of my

    Mind I knew that this was what I needed to do to make things right in my life I can only tolerate so much disrespect and today I will write this little Injustice today I’m going to stir the pot we’ll see what happens I walked up to the

    Front desk and asked to call the room occupied by Mr Darren Ranger Mr Ranger is the owner of a local business business that does landscaping and Property Maintenance Mr Ranger lives very well for himself his wife and two sons so well in fact that he has found

    It necessary to have an affair with the loan officer of the bank with which he does business that loan officer happens to be my wife Darren and Diane had been enjoying each other’s attention for almost two full years yes I couldn’t believe it when I found out the extent of her

    Infidelity I found out quite by accident when one of the nurses in the emergency room was working the same shift as me and happened to mention that she had seen Diane and her friend Darren at a restaurant downtown the nurse had been there with her husband and friends the

    Previous weekend that same weekend I was working an 18-hour shift to deal with the shootings and stabbings we see all too often when alcohol and drugs are in full swing she knew Darren because his company did retaining Wallwork for her husband in the backyard there you go so

    The cat was let out of the bag when I was home a few days later I casually mentioned to Diane that Rhonda had spotted her at a rest restur last week with a friend I didn’t mention that I knew it was Darren’s but I asked about

    The menu and the quality of the food and maybe we should go there sometime the pale expression on Diane’s face quickly recovered and she said that’s fine and left it at that the following week I did a few things I talked to my father about

    What I could or should do if I suspected my wife was unfaithful he was shocked that Dian could do something like that I know he really liked her and expected us to have children soon from our coners ation I derived a basic plan of action to protect myself we had a long

    Heart-to-heart talk and at the end we agreed that he would not share information with my mother I went to my supervisor at the hospital and shared the information with her as well she agreed that I needed a vacation to deal with my she was familiar with my

    Wife and I could tell by the look on her face that she was disappointed that Diane might have done something like this but she also realized that it happened too often we agreed that I could take a 3-month vacation and then we would review my work assignment I

    Even met with the in-house psychiatrist to talk with him and she agreed that the stress of my family situation required some time off to recuperate my next assignment was to contact the investigative agency and have them find out what Diana had been up to it only

    Took them a week of digging and they put together a clear picture of what she and Mr Ranger were doing where they were doing it and how long they had been doing it the hotels kept records and for a reasonable monetary fee paid to a willing Clerk would make those records

    Available to anyone interested not that there is a great Statewide law about the confidentiality of Hotel records a $100 bill handed to the porter known to the investigator led to a history of Mr Rangers business at the hotel for the past two years it seems he had rented a

    Room there almost every week regularly like clockwork and almost always with the same woman the clerk recognized the woman in the photograph as the one who had accompanied Mr Ranger the woman in the photograph was Diane the next thing I did was go to the bank interestingly

    Enough not the one my wife worked at and withdraw every dime I could without closing the account I had there I have my own credit card so I didn’t have to do anything so armed with the knowledge that my loving wife is a cheating I decided it was time to do something

    About it I knew Diane would meet her boyfriend after work have dinner and spend a few hours in a hotel room she thought I had a long shift at the emergency room that day and night he needed to get home to his family so he didn’t have to stay up late that morning

    As soon as she left for work I packed up all the things I planned to take with me and then went down to the garage and started loading up the bike I loaded a few things into my car my used trusty Subaru Outback and asked my dad to pick

    It up later that day and leave it at his house I wasn’t taking much but I had everything I figured I would need for the next few months on the road the rest of the day was spent sorting out the little things I wanted to take or get

    Rid of it was a strange day there seemed to be a death in my family in fact it was the death of my marriage my bike is a 2016 Honda Africa twin equipped with racks fog lights heated grips navigation system crash bar bar and a few other items that make it

    Perfect for longdistance travel all I needed to take with me was a few changes of clothes a toothbrush rain gear and an iPad I planed to stay off the freeways and see the countryside I decided that I would stay overnight in small budget hotels motels bed and breakfasts and eat

    At local establishments off the beaten path I will will make occasional rest stops in places where there is plenty to see and do my father always told me that change is sometimes as good as rest well if ever there was a time for change this

    Was that time my plan was to make one lap of North America I mapped out a route that would take me along the New England coast to Maine then into Canada to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia then by ferry to New Finland with a landing at

    PTO Basque I would tour the island and leave via Argenta and then return via New Brunswick to Quebec Ontario and then West through the Prairies and Rocky Mountains to British Columbia from British Columbia I plan to take the Coastal Highway South to San Diego and then take a route through the mountains

    To the Midwest and make my way back through the Midwest to Albany I figured it would take me 3 months maybe four and by then I would be able to exercise the demons enough to move on with my life and get back to work I seriously considered taking a job with Doctors

    Without Borders for a year or two just for a change of scenery I figured there had to be better places to do good work than an ER in Albany on a Saturday night the GSW and stabbings were starting to get tiresome one can only tolerate so much stupidity right now first things

    First I had a cheating wife to deal with I walked up to the counter and asked to speak to Darren Ranger the attendant picked up the phone and called his number after a few rings he answered I took the phone from the clerk I exhaled just like that may I speak to Diane

    Walters please he faltered ah there’s no one here by that name you must have the wrong number just tell her there’s been a death in her family what a I continued raising my voice just tell her that her husband died he died today tell her David Walters died today there were

    No voices in the receiver but I could hear noise in the background and muffled speech I repeated raising my voice a little just tell her her husband is dead and then I hung up when I handed her the phone receiver the receptionist looked at me wide-eyed I looked at her smil

    Smiled and thanked her then turned and walked out of the hotel my motorcycle was parked out front I put on my gear and helmet and waited for a few minutes Diana ran out of the hotel into the street it was dark enough that she didn’t see me or the motorcycle as she

    Hurried out of there she quickly got into a cab I figured she was headed to our apartment her apartment now I on the other hand was headed for Freedom Diana oh my God someone called and told Darren that David was dead what the hell I needed to get home right

    Away I got dressed as fast as I could and ran for the elevator a few seconds later I was outside and took a cab home I got to the apartment building and ran inside the elevator took forever to get to our floor as soon as the door started

    To open I ran down the hallway and struggled to put the key in the lock I ran inside and called out to Davids I searched all the rooms but he wasn’t there I sat down at the table to catch my breath and I felt my heart pounding

    I rummaged through my bag for a cell phone to call his father and then I saw an envelope on the table my name was printed on the front I picked it up and opened it it contained a single piece of paper and David’s wedding ring he

    Knows I unfolded the piece of paper and read it Diana you can consider me dead our marriage by all accounts has been dead for a long time and that’s why I left I took what I wanted the rest is yours and you can do what you want with

    It I have notified the management company that I will no longer be living here so you can decide whether you want to stay here or move the choice is yours don’t look for me I’m on the road for a break from work life and your fun with

    Darren Ranger it’s clear to me that you’re no longer interested in being married to me enjoy your life and I wish you all the best David one last thing my attorney will contact you shortly and provide you with information that you may or may not use that’s your choice

    Too oh what am I going to do now I never thought David would find out about Darren there was nothing serious about the relationship with Darren it was just fun David works atrociously hard and even when we do get to spend time together it seems like a

    Lot of things get in the way of our intimacy honestly I was lonely for a man’s touch I knew that David would slow down at work and when we had a predictable schedule we would pick ourselves up and be just like every other married couple I thought that

    Eventually we would have a couple kids buy a house and become a normal family that plan went to hell Darren is a very Charming guy and it was easy to get infatuated with him the more I thought about him the easier it was to imagine

    That I could have him once or twice a week and it wouldn’t interfere with my marriage I tried to call David on his cell phone but found that his number was no longer in service I called his mother and father and pounced on them his father refused to talk to me saying only

    That David had left and I could go to hell I I looked around the apartment again and saw that most of David’s things were gone the furniture was still there but I noticed that his closet was empty a few books from the Shelf in the spare bedroom were gone and there were a

    Couple of black garbage bags in the kitchen opening them I saw that they were David’s things that he had obviously decided he didn’t need I had no idea what to do I was sitting at my desk and it felt like my life had evaporated before my eyes I’d screwed up

    Big time I decided I would go to his family tomorrow and try to figure out what I’d gotten myself into I tried calling a few of his friends but got nowhere all they could tell me was that they thought he was busy at the hospital and that they hadn’t seen him in weeks

    No one at his brother’s house answered and I didn’t have any of their cell phone numbers damn I went to the refrigerator found half a bottle of wine and poured it into a glass I sat at the table staring at the note in my husband’s wedding ring thinking about

    How stupid I was and trying to think of a way to fix this whatever the fix was it wouldn’t come without pain on my part I screwed up big time David that first night I hadn’t traveled very far it was almost 10 p.m. when I saw my wife run

    Out of the Hilton Hotel and into a cab she thought I was at work in the emergency room and would be there until tomorrow she figured she would have plenty of time to spend with her boyfriend and then come home and clean up I engaged the starter and the bike

    Immediately came to life the Africa twin is a DCT that means it has a programmable six-speed automatic trans Mission it also means there is much less Rider fatigue on Long rides the 1,000cc bike is a beast it can go for days at high speed and carry me and all my gear

    I have no Death Wish so I’m always very careful when I ride looking at everything around me and anticipating what the cars and trucks will do situational awareness is really important for safe riding I’ve seen a lot of kids brought to the emergency room who were going too fast on a crotch

    Rocket and generally weren’t good Riders initially this usually leads to a crash I’ve seen kids killed because of stupid actions on a motorcycle and many others permanently crippled not a pleasant ending the destination was only a few minutes away it was east of the river at the Holiday Inn Express just off the

    Highway I was exhausted physically and mentally I wanted to eat take a hot shower and get a good night’s sleep I was checked into a room and I realized that the hotel was where my marriage ended now I was at the hotel starting my new adventure how appropriate how ironic

    Diana leaving the apartment early I drove to David’s parents house and rang the doorbell I noticed that David’s car was parked in front of the garage so maybe he was here Miriam his mother came to the door and when she opened it and saw it was me she immediately closed it

    In my face I pressed the doorbell button again and waited I kept pressing the button until a few minutes later the door opened and this time it was John David’s father he was just a wonderful man what the hell do you want please John I need to talk to David please I

    Need to see him ask him to come out JN frowned you’re too late he left Albany last night I don’t know where he is and frankly if I did I wouldn’t tell you John I need to talk to him and explain everything if he just listens to me I

    Know we can work through this what the hell you’ve had a long-term affair with another man and you expect your husband to just say oh don’t worry honey it’s okay like he will get your cheating ass off my doorstep and we don’t want to see you here anymore with those words he

    Slam the door shut I sat on the step for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do I rang the doorbell again I kept ringing until John opened it before he could say anything I blurted out please give him a message from me tell him I’m

    Desperate to talk to him just ask him to call me please I turned and walked back to the car and sat for a few minutes hoping Jon would tell me how to contact David or if he was in the house come out but he didn’t he closed the door and

    That was the end of it nothing more I returned to the apartment and found a letter taped to the door it was a letter from David’s attorney Leanne Collins informing me that I had been dropped from David’s health insurance policy and all Financial assets had been divided equally and David’s portion withdrawn

    From all bank accounts in addition the life insurance policies have been amended so that the beneficiaries are now his parents the letter also advised that David Walters did not wish to have any further contact with Diane Walters and therefore any correspondence that Diane Walters may wish to send to David

    Walters should be in writing and sent to his attorney any correspondence will be held until such time as David Walters indicates that he wishes to receive it the letter went on to say that under New York State family law Diane Walters has the right to sue for dissolution of

    Marriage on the grounds of Abandonment after one year which will be 365 days from this date if Diane Walters wishes to file for dissolution of marriage at any time have her representative contact Leanne Collins any necessary motions or pleadings on behalf of David Walters will be filed at

    That time have a good day so it became clear that my husband was done we had been together for almost 8 years married for almost four of them and that was the end of it I had already pooped in my own bed and now I had to lie in it I spent

    The entire weekend trying to reach David’s brother his friends his co-workers at the hospital I even went to the hospital to try to find someone there who could tell me where David might be I met an emergency room nurse there her name is Rhonda she told me

    That she couldn’t talk to me because she was very busy but I could come see her the next day and we could talk I thanked her and left the next day I went to the address she gave me and she actually let me in to talk she offered me a drink I

    Asked for ice water I needed to clear my head she told me that she had shared with David that she had seen me at the restaurant with Darren she said he was interested to know more about this Darren Rhonda said she told him everything she knew about him which

    Wasn’t n much but he was married had a family and his company did landscaping in her backyard there wasn’t much more to tell she looked at me with a mixture of amazement and pity I’m sure she thought I was a stupid idiot and had ruined my marriage to a married man no

    Less as we talked her kids ran in and out of the kitchen she shouted at them every now and then and returned her attention to me after asking a few more questions I thanked her for her time and got up to leave as I walked out the door

    She mentioned that it was widely known at the hospital that David wouldn’t be returning to work for a while she stared after me as I got in my car and drove away a month later David newfinland is a beautiful Province it has Majestic scenery and very nice people I was on

    The island for over a week traveled many roads and really enjoyed the scenery people and food when I got to the Avalon Peninsula I was confronted by a moose that decided to come out onto the road to see who I was I managed to avoid the

    Giant and stopped to watch him for a few minutes while he decided that maybe the Ro wasn’t the right place for him good for him and good for any unlucky motorist who might have run into him I had been warned that there were a lot of

    Moose along the highway so I only drove during the day I was in a place called Petty Harbor eating ice cream after visiting the eastern most part of North America Cape Spear and I got a flat tire on my bike four different people offered to help me you don’t see that in Albany

    I called the auto club CAA in Canada and they sent a truck to load my bike on it and take me to a repair shop the repair shop was in St John’s s a fairly large city with a good selection of places to stay and great restaurants I got a room

    In a small hotel in the center of town and went for a walk around town while my bike was being repaired and tuned up it was a good place to take a break from riding do laundry and recharge my batteries the hotel room was clean and

    Comfortable and it even had a small bar and restaurant I stopped by the motorcycle repair shop again to have them do a modification for me and while I was there I happened to meet a woman who was was also traveling across the country on a motorcycle she was from

    Germany and was on her way to Morocco she had traveled through Canada and was now heading to Africa to begin her journey around the continent she was preparing her motorcycle for shipment from St John’s in a shipping container she would fly to Casablanca via Lisbon

    And pick up the bike as soon as she arrived it should have taken about a week to get the bike to Morocco her name was Emma fiser she was originally from Berlin and worked for a travel company she was dressed in riding gear and although it wasn’t the most flattering

    Outfit I immediately knew she was gorgeous in my opinion she was about 30 35 years old and about the same height as me my height is 5’11 and I stand Barefoot she looks like that British actress who does the Mission Impossible movies only with a sexy German accent

    After talking some more about traveling by motorcycle and some of the things she had encountered on her journey across Canada I asked when she was leaving and it turned out to be only in 3 days then I asked her out to to dinner she said yes we were staying in hotels fairly

    Close to each other and agreed to meet at a restaurant called The Salty Cod wow an establishment by that name in New Finland we ate drank got to know each other and the next morning I woke up in my hotel bed with a hand on my chest and

    A Mane of dark hair spread across the pillows she was gorgeous I felt well it’s hard to find the words to convey how good I felt it was the best night I’d had in a while for the first time in a long time I felt good we spent the

    Whole next day together talking a lot about traveling and how exciting it was to travel the world on a motorcycle her smile her voice and her eyes attracted me I was immediately drawn to her I got an erection at the mere sight of her I was overcome with lust after I shared my

    Story with her and she shared hers we talked about what we each had planned for the next few months my plans of course included driving across North America she had already driven almost 40,000 km and planned to drive another 20,000 before heading home to Germany her plan was to drive around the coast

    Of Africa I thought it would be a much more interesting trip than the one I had planned all the next day while I spent time with Emma I thought about the pros and cons of changing my plan I even called my father and talked to him to

    Let him know that I was thinking about going to Africa I figured he might think I was out of my mind if I just texted him and my mom that I was going to Africa and would see them later we talked for almost an hour at the end of

    The conversation both he and mom said that I should do whatever I want this is my life and I should make my own decisions about the path it will take when I was a kid my father used to tell me that fathers are where their children’s dreams go to die I didn’t

    Realize this until I grew up and then I always thought it was a humorous but sadly realistic phrase my father used to say to me and my brother yes I have a brother he’s 2 years older than me and married with three kids he works with my

    Dad at a construction company Paul loves to build he works very hard for his family and his wife shows him respect for his hard work Marcy quit her job to raise her children at home and I have to tell you I think it is paid off for them

    She is a wonderful mother and my parents love her to death their children are spoiled by their grandparents but I digress let’s get back to my plan the next night I asked Emma if she wanted some company on her journey through Africa I didn’t know if she had a

    Boyfriend husband or soulmate she was going to meet but I decided to play a little game and asked anyway he who dares wins she looked at me with a smile and asked are you saying you want to come to Africa she says bluntly yes it is what

    Happened to your plan to travel North America well you’ve opened my eyes a little bit and I think Africa might be a more interesting place to visit it’s a little out of my comfort zone but I think I need to challenge myself and see what happens maybe I’ll do well or maybe

    It will be terrible right now I don’t really know but I think I’d like to find out I’m still too close to Albany I need some some distance from my old life you have an immediate problem your motorcycle is here and needs to get to Africa I quickly called the store and

    Asked if there was room in the shipping container for another motorcycle the store owner called me back an hour later and said that if I could get there now and sign some paperwork he could have my bike ready to ship the next morning the logistics of shipping a motorcycle are

    Pretty simple but all it takes is enough money two days later I boarded a flight from St John’s to Toronto with Emma from there we flew to Paris and then after a short weight to Lisbon and Casablanca Emma fer when David talked about wanting to join me on the African

    Part of my trip I decided I needed to find out more about him before agreeing I made a couple calls to a friend from the office I work in back home in Berlin her husband works for the German police and she asked if he could make some inquiries about one David Walters from

    Albany New York and confirmed that what he had told me about himself was true my friend called me back very quickly and informed me that he was as they say the real deal he worked as a physician in the emergency room at Albany General Hospital and was on sabatical leave for

    3 months with a possible extension to 6 months he comes from a prominent family in Albany and is currently divorced from his wife of nearly 4 years it appears she was having an affair with a married man he graduated from Medical School among the top of his class and has no

    Children it’s amazing what the police can dig up without much effort I even got a picture of him to make sure it was indeed the David Walters I was asking about it was him all right withholding this information I was glad to be traveling with David the fact that he

    Was a doctor was good to know in case we had an accident and needed medical attention but at the same time I knew that he must be suffering greatly from his wife’s infidelity to leave for such a long period of time and travel alone I

    Had a long-term partner a man and I can tell you that being cheated on by your partner is not something that can be tolerated for long I ended my relationship by throwing all his stuff on the balcony of our apartment he got the message I can tell you that

    Traveling alone is different you can go wherever you want and whenever you want but it can also be lonely I have been on this journey for a few months now and have traveled over 30,000 kilm I plan to write a book about motorcycle travel from the perspective of a woman

    Traveling alone I’ve been taking photos and videos of every part of this journey as well as keeping a detailed written diary and it will probably take me a few months to edit it all and make it into something I can sell I may be interested

    In doing all this but it has to be interesting enough for others to pay money to read about my Adventures I have a friend back home who suggests I put some of my videos online Maybe on YouTube or some other social networking site David has a lot to learn about

    Hardcore long-distance motorcycle travel and the first task is to supply him with the best gear he has I called a motorcycle store in Casablanca and they have almost everything he needs and they know of other stores and Outfitters in the area that can provide more things he’ll need it will be interesting to

    Travel with Dr dve David I hope I can be a good tour guide Diana David’s mother and father have made it clear that they want nothing more to do with me they refuse to talk to me and won’t tell me where David is I don’t know what to do

    About my marriage it’s becoming obvious that David and I are over so what should I do he hasn’t started the divorce yet and I’m not sure if I want to be the first to file for divorce what if he comes back and changes his mind and

    Wants to try to repair our marriage what will I do if he gives me another chance what will I do then will he be able to trust me again I felt very lonely after Darren told me that we couldn’t see each other anymore his wife started to

    Suspect something and he was afraid that she might have hired an investigator to get evidence of his affair with me that she could use to punish him in the divorce so that was over and done with besides he was afraid that David might have told his wife that he was having

    Fun with me my social life is very modest almost non-existent but I can’t take it anymore I need to get out of the house I need to see people and socialize people at work often meet on Fridays after work I’m going to start walking with them the walls of the apartment are

    Starting to cramp me I really need a change of scenery David Casablanca is an amazing Place Casablanca Arabic for aldar albaa or Dar albaa is Morocco’s main Port located on the North African coast of the Atlantic Ocean the city is home to about 4 million people and is an

    Interesting mix of very old and very new and modern I got us an inexpensive hotel room to stay in while we waited for the ship to arrive with our bikes Emma drove me to a few places to purchase the necessary gear and we played tourist walking around the city eating food and

    Learning about the history and culture we learned that the ship was delayed 2 days due to bad weather in the Atlantic and we ended up staying in Casablanca for eight nights some of those nights were the best nights of my life the others kept up Diana almost two months

    And no word from David I need to start figuring out what to do it looked like he was serious about getting rid of me what did I do that was so wrong I mean he was never there for me this damn hospital was the only thing he cared

    About he has me alone and he should have been there to take care of my needs too I love him but with his schedule and my schedule we had very little time together I have needs too Darren actually stopped by the bank yesterday to see me he figures his wife is no

    Longer suspicious of what he does when he’s not in the office and we can start seeing each other again when I told him that my husband left me all he replied was that we could save on Hotel bills by using my apartment I need to get a man

    In me again soon or I’m going to go crazy I was hoping it would be David but without him I may have to make do with Darren damn it David I can’t believe the beauty of Morocco I also can’t believe the beauty of Emma the more I learn

    About her the more I like her not only is she physically beautiful but she’s also very smart resourceful drives a motorcycle beautifully has tons of Common Sense and is not afraid to use it she taught me a lot about real Adventure writing she told me that she has a

    Longtime boyfriend referred to at home as a common law husband and she has no children her boyfriend decided he wanted to live with another woman and announced in a very correct manner that their relationship was over she threw his crap over the railing of the apartment

    Balcony and moved on with her life in Casablanca I bought a bunch of new equipment I needed to survive in these conditions I now have a supply of gasoline and oil for my motorcycle plenty of water for me tools for repairs like fixing a flat tire or a broken

    Chain my bike has metal covers on the underside of the engine and extra LED headlights I also have a battery and cables for recharging since none of our bikes have a Kickstarter I have a new GPS system that detects even off-road routes and connects via satellites rather than cell phone signals I have

    The best riding gear a sleeping bag and an inflatable pillow to sleep on for those nights when we stay in campgrounds away from towns and Villages I also have a small gas stove to heat water and food I can even make coffee which is a big

    Deal we plan to stay in small bed and breakfast ins as often as possible and eat local food this proved to be interesting when we arrived in Morocco my North American gut wasn’t quite ready for the change in diet and for the first few days I had to stay close to the

    Restroom Emma found this very amusing as she was used to eating from all sorts of places I bought some pills to help with my bowel movements my med school training had taken its toll and I remembered that dehydration is not your friend I drank more water and all was

    Well I received a letter from my attorney to let me know that nothing was going on with Diane she has been quiet and hasn’t tried to send me anything I guess she realized it was over between us or was trying to figure out what her options were and what she was going to

    Do I didn’t care at all what she was doing I only knew that what I was doing now was what I wanted I didn’t want a wife who wanted to spend time with another man hell if she wanted another guy why not just tell me that and we

    Could go our separate ways but no she couldn’t be honest with me she was supposed to be having fun with that Landscaping guy she had to pretend she still cared about me what a load of crap that was after leaving Casablanca we drove South towards maresh it’s about

    250 km on the main Highway the A3 but we decided to take a more indirect route through the port city of elh hadida it was a hot day but it was a great ride and we enjoyed getting there on Less Direct roads the town of eljadida was

    Very beautiful we spent one night there and then traveled to El baduza a town on the coast because it is so close to the water the temperature there was a little cooler than Inland so I was able to acclimatize to that kind of terrain Emma

    Had never been here before so it was a time for both of us to discover the region Emma knows several languages German English French Spanish and a little Arabic in the short time we’d been in North Africa she’d managed to use them them all God I love her German

    Accent it’s sexy as hell the journey from Casablanca to Mar took us 5 days and over 1,300 km it was without a doubt the best trip of my life Safi and esao were on our itinerary and then we traveled East Inland to the big city Mar

    Is a city of about a million people it is an amazing place again combining old and new since neither of us had been there I convinced Emma that we should stay for 3 days and play tourist so we did I was able to find an inexpensive hotel in town that had secure parking

    For our bikes I didn’t want them to be stripped of everything or stolen we checked the bikes every day and everything was fine Emma rode a bmwf 800gs and it was equipped with everything BMW can think of to make longdistance travel easier I may come up

    With some of that later but for now the Africa twin was doing just fine here in Africa Diana it’s been over two months now and I haven’t heard from David or anyone he knows I tried several more times to talk to his family but each

    Time I got a door slammed in my face I called his attorney but all she asked was if I was starting divorce proceedings or if I had a letter I wanted him to receive at some point I didn’t write a letter and what the hell

    Was I supposed to put in it I wasn’t going to get a divorce yet I still wanted to talk to David and see if he was okay with staying married to me after all he’s a great husband and I know he’ll be a great father when we

    Have kids if we have kids but right now it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen I’ve had several different guys in my apartment for one night does that make me a bad person probably yes but maybe not after all my husband left me and went God knows where no call no text

    No email to tell me what he’s doing and when he’ll be back it would be nice to hear from him David Africa is so different from anything I grew up with the culture the language the terrain the food the weather everything but at the same time it is remarkably similar to

    Home the people here are pretty much the same people want to take care of their families and homes they want to make sure they have food on the table and a roof over their heads just basic survival parents want a better life for their children they want peace and

    Security not every country on this continent has a stable government whose goal is the welfare of the people in Morocco the situation is better than in many other countries traveling with Emma was very educational she is a real woman with an extraordinary sense of adventure she is clearly unhappy unless she is

    Challenged I on the other hand am being challenged to give up my own fears of different things places and environments I grew up in fairly safe New York state in a very stable family with a mother father and brother I went to a good school and came home to a cozy and safe

    Home not every family in the world can boast such luxury one thing I have realized since I went on sabatical is that people all over the world depend on their families and friends and take pride in the place where they live no matter how humble it may be Africa is a learning experience

    Traveling is a learning experience my eyes are being opened in ways I never imagined and I am experiencing it with a remarkable woman Emma is a wonderful companion and lover she is passionate caring wild and loves living on the edge that doesn’t mean she’s stupid just the

    Opposite she has a lot of common sense and is not afraid to use it I’m overcome with lust lust for Emma and travel lust for a new way of life I don’t think I can go back to the lifestyle I had in Albany Emma fiser I really enjoy being

    With Dr David on this Africa trip he is such a pleasure to be around he is constantly amazed at the difference in things in life in Africa compared to his upbringing in the US he has worked so hard to do the right things his whole life University Medical School family

    And wife and all of this led to his disappointment with the one person he thought would be with him forever he thought his wife would support him in his profession and in the choices they made to together but she lost her way somewhere I don’t know her and my

    Mission is not to take her husband away from her but from the looks of it she did a good job of leaving him and all by herself we’ve only been together for a few weeks but I can tell that if things continue the way they are now we’re

    Going to have a hard time breaking up when he has to go back to work at the hospital I have a plan that I made before I started my adventure and I have to see it through I have committed to a Publishing House back home to write a

    Guide book for women who want to see the world on a motorcycle I doubt I’ll make much money from it but I’m enjoying it it’s something I enjoy doing and I think I’m good at it David we are on our way from Mar to Lun it’s

    About 900 km and we are driving mostly on the coastal route There is almost nothing on the long stretches just dust and Wide Open Spaces the beauty is breathtaking and awe inspiring at the same time a green horn like me has to respect the environment and pay

    Attention to what’s going on around me my American passport doesn’t entitle me to much here a passport issued by an EU member country is well recognized here border guards are often perplexed as to why an American is in a place like this and riding around on a motorcycle

    Getting dirty one Customs officer asked me why I left America and came here I smiled and pointed to Emma he laughed nodding his head he knows why men do that on the way to elun we camped for two nights we made sure we were far from

    The road and would not be an easy target for night thieves I must say that the first night I hardly slept at all every noise kept me awake and on high alert on the second night fatigue set in and I started sleeping more in the morning after some ablutions had been performed

    And coffee brewed on the stove I felt much better motorcycle gasoline water and food were a priority for us so we never passed a place to fill up and buy food we always paid cash and never put down more than what the gas and groceries cost it’s best not to make a

    Target of yourself not to say that West Africa is a dangerous place no more dangerous than some parts of the US but it never hurts to be aware of your surroundings and realize that two people on expensive motorcycles must have some money on them so they are

    Immediately a target for a thief looking to make an easy Buck my equipment protects me from Falls but it is no match for a gun or knife I know full well the damage a tiny gun can do I’ve seen it too many times in the ER at my

    House great entertainment the trip South through Western Sahara and morania was unlike anything I’d ever seen or experienced in my life the landscape was like the moon must have been it was dry Dusty brutal and beautiful all at the same time as we drove we were able to

    Talk to each other through Bluetooth helmet communication devices Emma kept telling me about the region as if she had lived here for years she was the editor of a travel magazine and had researched the area very well before leaving home it was all amazing to me I

    Loved it but at the same time I was scared to death scared because it was so foreign to my white American upbringing did I mention that Emma talked nonstop her voice was mesmerizing I could listen to that woman read the Berlin phone book I swear I Got a Boner while I was riding

    My bike all because of her voice our goal after leaving Lun was to get to darar in Sagal it was over 1,800 km this meant 4 days of pretty intense driving I had managed to increase the distance but now had to cover it in the Heat and dust

    Dust everywhere Emma reminds me to drink water about 10 times a day I have a Camelback flask that holds 4 lers of water and I empty it every day plus more when we finish a few times I’ve had to stop to empty my bladder on the side of

    The road but it makes me laugh when Emma has to do the same I tried to take a picture of her squatting to pee it didn’t work She chased after me and snatched the phone out of my hands I was laughing so hard I was having trouble

    Breathing I could tell you about the trip through Western Sahara and morania but that would be repeating the same thing four times lots of Wide Open Spaces with absolutely nothing on them I’ve mentioned before that we never once passed a place to buy gasoline we both

    Carried an extra 10 L of fuel on our motorcycles and we had to use it a couple of times my motorcycle is a little bigger in engine displacement so it uses a little more gasoline than Emma’s BMW I’m going to buy an extra gas tank to attach to the bike we had a

    Breakdown and had to repair on the side of the road it cost us about 3 hours but that’s the price PR you pay we spent three nights in the tent and it’s just amazing how you can be intimate with a woman when you haven’t had a chance to

    Shower beforehand the smell of human body odor when it had been hot and sweaty all day was something I was used to making love to Emma in a tiny tent in the desert after several such long days with no water to take a bath was different but it was still amazing

    Neither of us went near certain parts of the others body with our mouths but our hands were there I know it sounds gross but that’s life and said sex and maybe the beginning of love we did a little bit of washing a little water and soap

    On a washcloth to wash all the necessary body parts and we used a cup of water each to brush our teeth cleanliness is well you get the picture we crossed the sagales border at dama the crossing at raso is much more complicated and requires paying money to just about

    Everyone who has any control over the crossing to get to the other side of the river we learned from other bikers that there is a bridge at diama and Crossing it is less costly not too far from the bridge is the city of St Louis this is

    Not the St Louis you are most likely familiar with it’s very different I knew from research beforehand that the city is divided into different parts some of which are on Islands when we arrived in the city it looked like something I had only seen in movies the poverty was

    Astounding however as we drove over the bridge we saw another part of the city that clearly had money we found a nice and inexpensive hotel hotel de Laos secured our bikes and cleaned up the hotel was next to a large government building so there was always a police

    Presence nearby this meant there was much less crime in the area good for us I told Emma that I needed some rest after crossing the desert she laughed her infectious smile and agreed that we could both use a decent bed to sleep in we spent the next two days in that bed

    At times we got very little sleep we went out for food a few times and swam in the hotel pool the hotel even has a laundry room so we got our clothes in order I know what you’re thinking a rich guy from the US can buy anything he

    Wants in Africa well most of the big houses in this part of St Louis are owned by sagales not westerners so park your outrage also everything is a little cheaper in this part of the world than in the US $50 a night for a nice hotel

    Room that would cost 200 in the states is not uncommon I usually checked my email when I had a good Wi-Fi connection I wanted to see if my family had sent me anything and if my lawyer wanted to pass anything on to me it was mostly my mom

    And dad asking where I was if everything was okay and if I was having a good time this time the lawyer gave me an update it seems Diane had written a letter asking where I was and when I would be back in Albany I asked my parents not to

    Report my whereabouts and my attorney was under strict orders to do the same she told me that Diane had not yet initiated any divorce action I figured she would file for divorce soon after all she was the one who needed sex outside of our marriage and she had already been having fun with

    Her boyfriend for 2 years 2 years what I was doing now was none of her damn business as far as I was concerned it was over between us finished I planned that if Diane didn’t file for divorce before I got home from my trip I would I

    Wanted to move on I was having the best time of my life right now Emma is a wonderful woman I don’t know what the future holds for us she has plans and they don’t necessarily include me but that’s okay our meeting in Canada happened completely by chance but it’s a wonderful accident

    Nonetheless Emma fer after a wonderful 2 days at the hotel in St Louis we had to hit the road again our goal was to car which was only 300 km away at the exit of the city our plans quickly changed a big problem loomed ahead a bus had

    Overturned on the road right in front of us it looked like a scooter with a family of five and a propane tank on the side had hit a huge pothole and flipped over in front of the bus the bus veered sharply but that’s when the driver hit

    The truck and the whole thing flipped on its side after a momentary oh we pulled the bikes to the curb and took off our helmets David ran to the front of the bus and started looking for the family on the scooter what he discovered was horrifying to most of us the family

    Had been thrown from the scooter and the father was pinned under the wreckage of the bus the children were all bleeding and the mother was lying unconscious on the ground the damn Pro propane tank was jammed underneath her as it appeared that she and the tank had rolled over

    Several times David quickly set to work on the mother as it appeared she had the most trauma David started yelling to me to help with the kids and then to a few other people to go check to see if the father was alive or dead I took our

    First aid kits off the bike and handed them to David he was very calm and focused working on the mother and her children the father was barely moving and it was obvious that he was going to need a lot more strength than we could give him to get him out from under the

    Defender of the bus finally the police showed up but they did little except direct traffic David yelled for them to call an ambulance but they looked at him like he had two heads an ambulance here there were thankfully only a few people on the bus and they slowly made their

    Way out with cuts and bumps the bus driver was bleeding from a head wound he would need a few Stitches the policeman finally moved and with the help of an iron bar tried to lift the bus a little so that the father could be pulled out

    When they got him out he was in a bad way David was preoccupied with him and kept asking if an ambulance was coming finally two ambulances showed up and the mother and father and three children were loaded into the car and taken to the hospital David and I were sitting on

    The side of the road drinking water David was looking at the cuts and bruises the people on the bus had received one of the police cars had taken the bus driver away probably to the hospital we didn’t know for sure but it wasn’t our problem one of the

    Policemen with a lot of rank under his belt came over to talk to David he spoke fairly good English he asked David a few questions with a lot of hand gesturing and nodding I couldn’t hear what the conversation was about but I soon found out the policeman wanted to know why

    David was giving first aid to the wounded when David explained that he was a doctor the officer stepped back and spoke on his cell phone he nodded his head for another long time and then turned back to David and asked if he could follow him the hospital asked that

    David stop and tell them a little about the family’s injuries on the scooter the hospital didn’t seem to have a doctor at the moment and all they had were a few nurses who were very busy at the moment we got on our bikes and followed the police car to the hospital

    It certainly wasn’t the kind of hospital I was used to seeing in Europe but it wasn’t horrible either the building was old and in need of updating but it looked clean enough and there was no trash in the hallways the nurse David was talking to waved her hands and told

    Him that they didn’t have the capacity to take on another patient David looked around and found everything he needed to stitch up some cuts on the children and then asked me to help him I had no idea what to do but he was very good at

    Explaining to me what I needed to do to help him stitching is very easy the hardest part is getting the curved needle through the skin once you do it a couple times it’s no problem I helped David for what seemed like a very long time but I know it only lasted a couple

    Hours the sight of blood was unfamiliar to me but it’s amazing what you can do when you need it David was amazing I couldn’t believe what he had done I had almost forg for gotten he was a doctor until he ran up to the scene of the accident and started shouting

    Instructions to people when danger arises most people run from it David ran towards itoh my God we spent another 3 days in St Louis David spent most of that time at the hospital where he saw several patients both from the scooter and bus accident and many others who had

    Been brought to the hospital I learned from a nurse that rumors of a doctor seeing patients at the hospital spread quickly this means that many of those who do not see a doctor doctor may get the opportunity to have their problem brought to their attention the man

    Worked for over 30 hours without a break I went back to the hotel to get some rest and clean up David needed another night to rest and get ready for the road when we left town we were a little sad because we knew that now the people

    There would not have a regular doctor they could count on for help David the return South brought new adventures our plan stop was darar I had read a bit about it on Wikipedia and was eager to see the city daar is the capital of the Republic of senagal and is home to about

    4 million people I was struck by the contrasts of the city there was a lot of obvious wealth in the city but there were also areas of rampant poverty it seemed strange to see expensive mercedes-benzes and shabby scooters in the same traffic but they seemed to coexist without much open hostility

    People were in the business of surviving families had to be fed and housed and for that you had to go to work that was life it was no different than any other place I had seen since leaving Albany it was just that now my eyes were open and

    Very much so perhaps I had Diane to thank for that maybe her inability to keep her legs closed to other men was the impetus that allowed me to see a whole new world one that had been foreign to me before every day I was getting a better understanding of what

    Was involved with Emma as my guide and partner I insisted that we get a hotel on the beach so far we’d been splitting the cost of the hotels and lodgings we’d stayed in but I knew Emma’s finances were limited at least that was the impression I got from our conversations

    So I told her I needed a vacation after my experience in St Louis I had the money and at that point I wasn’t worried about the cost so we stayed for 3 Days played tourist and spent some time at the beach it was wonderful Emma told me

    That traveling with me made her very happy I told her that she was quietly saving my life giving me a new life but then reality intervened I checked my email and got this from Chief administrator Albany General Hospital two Dr David Walters David we hope you enjoyed your leave from your hospital

    Duties and that you are rested and ready to return to work we have agreed on 3 months with the possibility of extending it to 6 months but only if we and you mutually agree unfortunately I have to inform you that you must return here as soon as possible but at the latest by

    The first of next month your coworker is sick so the emergency room needs you back at work I can cover the shortage of doctors for a few weeks but suffice it to say we need you back here as soon as possible let me know if you have any

    Problems and I will do my best to help call me when you receive this please David I’m sorry to disrupt your plans but we really need you so wherever you are please get your ass home Laura Dr Laura Johnson Chief administrator well all good things come to an end

    Sometime and this adventure was another victim of reality rearing its ugly head and biting me in the ass I decided I could ignore the email for a few days and continue the trip so that’s what I did Emma Fisher the journey South was going to be very difficult and frankly

    Much more dangerous especially since David told me that he had been told to go back to the United States and return to his work at the hospital we talked about me going home to Germany when he needed to go home I then suggested that we ride a little further south to

    Namibia and ride from wind hook to Cape Town we contacted a bike store in car that had contacts to ship our bike bikes by air and arranged to have them loaded on a cargo plane in 2 days that’s what we did the flight to wind Hook was memorable because the airplane was old

    And the pilot and co-pilot looked like nothing more than teenagers the weather during the flight was very windy we were glad to get down on the ground at the windhook airport and see our motorcycles we sorted out the equipment paid the curators so nothing was accidentally lost and hit the road the

    Trip South to Cape Town took only 5 days we both knew that the end of our time together was approaching fast so we tried to make the most of that time the sex with David was fantastic I fell in love with him he’s the hero of my books

    I didn’t want to part with my hero but I had to get back to work I needed to start writing a book and editing hundreds of hours of video the publisher was anxious to see some progress and the money they’d given me was running out I

    Needed to go home and do things there David arranged for us both to fly to Frankfurt and there we parted ways he would fly to JFK Airport in New York and I would take the train to Berlin there was a direct train from the airport to Berlin which takes about 5 hours David

    Planned to take the subway from JFK Airport to the city and then take the train from Penn Station to Albany he would take a cab to the hotel on the day of our last night we turned in our bikes to a bike store mine was sent to storage

    And David’s was sent back to the US it was a sad day for me and I could see that David didn’t want to go home at the Frankfurt airport we were very quiet I looked at him and he looked so sad his eyes spoke for themselves I kissed him

    And told him he had to catch the next flight he returned the kiss and whispered in my ear that he loved me I realized that this was not the last time I would see this wonderful man Albany New York Dave Dave it was my brother

    Paul yelling to me I was standing in the hotel lobby looking around trying to figure out where he was it was my second day back in the US after leaving Africa holy bro you’re looking good where the hell have you been overseas hey how did you know I was here

    No I have a client meeting here in a few minutes Dad and Mom said you were taking a break from work and your wife they never told me or Marcy where you went what the hell is going on with Diane it’s a long story so you’re coming to my

    House for dinner tonight and you’re going to tell me what the hell is going on and what you’ve been up to I didn’t argue with him I guess it was time to get back to life here at home okay thanks a good home-cooked meal would be

    Great we chatted some more and then I told him I had to go to the hospital to see my boss Paul pulled out his cell phone and I’m sure called Marcy to tell her I was coming over for dinner next on his list would be mom and dad I hadn’t

    Asked him not to call Diane but I was pretty sure he wouldn’t it was a short walk from the hotel to the hospital and it was a beautiful morning strangely on the way to the hospital I passed the building where Diana worked the hospital administrator Dr Johnson was happy to to

    See me and even told me that she had received a strange letter from the sagales government through the US state department thanking me for the services rendered by an American doctor coming to St Louis she was very curious as to what this was all about and I told her the

    Story of the family on the scooter father mother three children and a propane tank she thought it was all very strange I guess the letter was their way of thanking me for my help at the hospital the ambulance Chief briefed me on what was going on and then put me on

    The schedule I’ll start tomorrow and work 12-hour shifts for the next 6 days that’s great those 12-hour shifts easily turn into 18-hour shifts when there’s a traffic accident or something stupid like that tonight I was going to visit my brother and his wife eat all the food

    They would put in front of me play with their three kids and maybe even have a beer or three I knew there would be a lot of questions but I was ready Marcy hugged me tightly as I walked through the front door and grabbed my coat David

    How are you we’ve all missed you well I’m fine thanks for asking the kids after I handed out small gifts to them went to play in the family room now let’s get down to Serious Business Marcy went straight to the main question what the hell happened between you and Diane

    Why did you leave gosh Marcy it’s good to see you too I wouldn’t mind a beer if you guys happen to have one in the fridge Paul looked at Marcy as if to say I told you so he went to the kitchen and came back with three bottles of beer I

    Sipped from a bottle under the stairs of my sister-in-law and brother I began so I guess you want to know what’s going on with me what did Mom and Dad tell you Marcy looked at me with some disdain for my evasiveness they haven’t said anything I even tried talking to Diana

    But she won’t say anything she wanted information from me and of course I had nothing all we knew was that you took a break from work and went off somewhere by yourself so what the hell is going on she put a fine point on the matter I

    Spent the next half hour telling them about the last five months in reader digest format I even went into some of the finer details of what I knew Diana was doing I spared them the details of the investigator’s report that revealed the extent of her entertainment I omitted many details that they really

    Didn’t need to know besides now that her Affair had been revealed it wouldn’t bother them as much anymore no matter we had dinner and more beer and there were lots of questions about what I was doing on the road and especially in Africa I shared a few stories about my travels I

    Told them about Emma I also told them that she was back in Berlin working and I was now back in Albany working so our lives will continue after dinner I told them that I was going to look for a place to live for a while until I sorted

    Out my divorce and figured out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life the trip with Emma had opened my eyes to life and I didn’t think I could go back to living in a hospital and pretending to be happy returning to Albany reminded

    Me of the collapse of my marriage and how I had failed as a husband how easily IL Diane had left me for any available guy I didn’t say this to Paul and Marcy but thinking about Diana made me feel like a complete wimp she had deceived me

    So easily and for so long I resolved never to allow myself to do such a thing again that was one of the many conclusions I came to while traveling on my motorcycle through Africa another conclusion was that there are many good women in the world women with morals and

    Integrity women who will be honest with you and if you don’t suit them will tell you so we’ll talk to you not just have fun behind your back if Diane didn’t want to be married to me why the hell didn’t she just say so and we could have

    Divorced and moved on but no she had to hide what she wanted she had to lie to me I took an Uber back to the hotel and got a good night’s sleep tomorrow I had to look for accommodation Diana a person I work with informed me that David was

    Back in town they knew someone who was at the hospital and had seen him I tried to call his mother and father but predictably I got the same answer I had gotten every time I called after David left back off I was desperate and decided to stake out the entrance to the

    Emergency hospital in the hope of seeing him I spent four nights parked outside the hospital in a place where I could watch the entrance from my goodness how many people come and go in and out of that place I didn’t realize how busy it was it seemed like every night there

    Were ambulances constantly arriving here bringing in the sick and injured I got bored so I took a book with me to read and a snack unfortunately on the second night I felt like going to the bathroom so I got out of the car and went inside

    To find a restroom I walked around until the security guy asked if I needed directions I decided to just ask David I was told that doctor names are withheld unless you have an appointment and then you have to go to the main entrance I thanked him and left on the fourth night

    I got the gold he was there he was walking from the doctor’s parking lot to the entrance my heartbeat quickened and I almost jumped out of the car and called his name but I was too late he disappeared inside the building I got what I came for I knew he was back in

    Town my next step was to try to talk to him and convince him to come home David it took a few days of searching but I managed to find a nice apartment near the hospital it was a few blocks away from where I lived it was a pretty tiny

    One-bedroom apartment but it was furnished and all I had to do was buy Linens and towels and stock up on food I wanted a furnished apartment since I didn’t want to buy furniture I hadn’t decided how long I was going to be here so there was no point in buying a bunch

    Of stuff that I would have to get rid of later there was underground parking for my car and I saw that the building had security though no doorman it didn’t take me long to get back to work in the emergency room gunshot victims came in Daily accidents and stabbings kept me

    Busy heart attacks and strokes were commonplace because Americans were obsessed with the concept of obesity why people want to be overweight Africans are almost never obese because they have much better nutrition they have to eat less and they realize they have to be as healthy as they can be because Medical

    Care is so scarce that’s fine all those ambulance clients and their insurance companies were paying my salary two weeks after I returned to Albany I called my attorney and asked for a meeting 3 days later she and I discussed the details of the divorce from Diane there wasn’t much property or money to

    Divide and I told her that Diane could keep all the things we had in the apartment we shared with her I told Diane this as I was leaving Leanne had thought ahead and had already prepared a petition to dissolve the marriage I told her to take action I was

    Very surprised that Diane had not initiated the divorce I assumed that she was anxious to move on with her life and disengage with me after discussing the details I left and went home to my apartment once there I realized that my life outside the hospital would be

    Lonely I needed a hobby I called and found out that my motorcycle would not be delivered to me for a few more months so I decided to look for another one I spent some time on the internet comparing motorcycles and decided to go look at KTM we have two stores outside

    Of town that sell KTM Motorcycles I stopped by both on my day off looked at what they had in stock and settled on the 890 Adventure R I asked them to bring a few accessories to outfit it for longdistance riding racks extra headlights a quick shift adapter and a

    Few other little things all made the bike great for riding on both paved and dirt roads it wasn’t cheap but what what the hell else was I going to spend my money on Diana I got home and there was a guy in a suit standing outside the

    Building as I approached the entrance he looked at his phone and then asked me Diane Walters yes who are you he handed me a large envelope you have been served before I could say anything he stepped back and took a picture of me on his cell phone holding the envelope and then

    Quickly turned around and walked to his car I knew this would happen David So a quick guide to New York state divorce law you can file for a no fault divorce in New York if you and your spouse have lived together for at least a year or if the marriage has broken

    Down irretrievably for at least 6 months my attorney sent an email saying that Diane had been served with divorce papers Leanne expected to hear something from Diane’s attorney in a week or so until then there was nothing that could be done if Diane stalled Leanne would

    File a petition with the court and get it granted after a year so in this case Diane’s prolonged Affair represents an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage if she objects to the divorce the lack of living together for the last 6 months means that we must live apart for

    Another 6 months in which case the requirements of the law would be met either way the divorce will be final in about 6 months easy and simple and then my doorbell rang Diana okay I did something I probably shouldn’t have done I followed David when he left the hospital at the end of

    His shift 2 days ago I followed him to the apartment apartment building where I assume he now lives it’s only a few blocks from our apartment well mine I guess now that I knew where he was the only thing I lacked was the courage to

    Go to him I waited a few more days to work up the courage to change into an outfit I knew David liked he always told me I looked good it was skinny jeans with high heels and a white sleeveless blouse I put my hair up in a ponytail

    Just like he liked simple but elegant if things went the way I wanted them to the jeans and blouse could be removed quickly I went to the store and bought a beer that I knew he liked it was something called an IPA I don’t know

    What that means but I know he likes it or liked it I also brought a bottle of white wine for myself a California Chardonnay taking a deep breath I pressed the call button for his apartment on the panel in the entryway after a few rings he answered hi David

    Is that you who’s that it’s me Diane your wife silence can I come up more silence I’d like to talk talk to you silence again after what seemed like an eternity the buzzer sounded and I grabbed the door before he could change his mind I took the elevator to his

    Floor and on unsteady legs I walked to the door of his apartment I knocked David I was not surprised when the intercom informed me that someone was calling at my apartment there are always people in apartments Girl Guides selling cookies Mormons selling Jesus in Salvation politicians selling getting

    Elected or reelected but this was unexpected it was probably a big mistake but I let her in when I heard a knock on the door I waited a few seconds before opening it I needed to take a deep breath and gather my thoughts and emotions in the few minutes between her

    Call and the knock a hundred thoughts ran through my head they were questions I was asking and anger I wanted to vent before opening the door I reminded myself that I had moved on with my life I am in a better place now than I was 6

    Months ago I opened the door and there she was the look on her face was well she looked good she looked tired but good the woman who was my wife Hell she’s still my wife she was just standing there outside the door I opened the door all the way and invited her in

    Hi Diane what brings you here tonight hi David I wanted to talk to you you’ve been hard to talk to lately and even harder to find I turned and walked down the short hallway to the kitchen I saw that she had a bottle of wine in her

    Shopping bag I brought her a wine glass and set it on the counter she handed me the bottle I had intended to pull the cork but noticed it had a screw cap so I opened it and poured her some she pulled a can of IPA beer out of the bag and

    Handed it to me over the counter I wasn’t sure if alcohol was good for me right now so I told her no thanks I’m on hospital duty tonight I grabbed a glass with ice and poured some Diet Coke I pointed to the table for us to sit down

    I decided that what we needed to talk about would be better discussed at the table rather than pretending we were all having friendly and informal conversations in the living room now was as good a time as any to finalize this marriage and we could get busy signing

    The papers and our lawyers could have the judge stamp them and be done with it Diana David got straight to the point no preliminary how are you or it’s good to see you after all these months no he looked more serious than I’d ever seen him my stomach tied itself into a knot

    When I started you scared the hell out of me when you called the hotel and had Darren tell me you were dead he didn’t know who was calling and of course he didn’t recognize your voice I was shocked when I got home and found your note and wedding ring I pulled his gold

    Wedding ring out of my bag and slowly placed it on the table he just stared at it not touching it he wasn’t going to go near it it was poison to him I tried to talk to your family but none of them wanted to take the time to talk to me

    Your father told me repeatedly to go to hell I guess I deserved it ever since you left I’ve been in some kind of Hell David hastened to reply what did you expect me to do I found out you’ve been having fun with Darren Ranger for a

    While now and you thought I shouldn’t do anything about it what kind of idiot do you take me for never mind I know what kind of idiot you think I am it wasn’t like that how the hell was that I was lonely you were always in the hospital

    You were never home and when you were home you were always exhausted and you never had time for me so that meant it was okay to go and have fun with another man it was okay to ignore our marriage it was okay why the hell couldn’t you at

    Least talk to me and tell me you wanted to end our marriage why deceive me for so long David stared at the table and refused to look at me I couldn’t blame him could I he took a drink then asked did you sign the divorce papers no I

    Don’t want a divorce I want us to be a complete family again I am still your wife and I want to be your wife and the mother of your children David laughed you’ve got to be kidding it was a statement not a question are you complet completely delusional no I still love

    You very much I’m still your wife and I’m not going to do anything else that would jeopardize that I want you and me to live together again I want us to be lovers again I want to be the mother of your children he looked at me wide-eyed Jesus woman you’re delusional I’m not

    Going to be your husband a day longer than I have to be my lawyer is ready to go to court and file the divorce without you you know that in New York it’s enough for that to happen if we’ve lived apart for a year or 6 months if it’s

    Proven that our marriage is irretrievably broken you’ve done a good job of making it irretrievably broken now I’ve done my part it’s over realize that you started all of this by entertaining your girlfriend for almost 2 years I’m just finishing it honey what does it take to get over a divorce and

    Become a couple again I don’t want to be married to you Diana you broke us we’re going our separate ways now I’ve had an amazing experience since leaving Albany and I’m not going back to my old life David we can be good together I know no we can’t you enjoy spreading your legs

    Too much in front of other men for there to be any kind of relationship between us this water has been poisoned it’s time for us to move on Diana it’s over it’s over you can go back to doing what you like David stood up to tell me that

    Our conversation was over I finished the wine from my glass set it down stood up and moved toward him to kiss him if he’ll only let me touch him maybe we have a chance if he remembers what it feels like for me to be around him maybe

    He’ll want me again I walked right up to him took his hand and pulled him to me I kissed him on the lips I stayed as close to him as I could until he pulled away it was only a second but I realized it was the beginning the last thing he said

    To me was don’t forget to take this with you he pointed to his wedding ring on the table I took it put it in my bag and left his apartment that’s when I realized we were done David was over he and I would never have a life together I

    Loved the man and I’d cast him aside for something that wasn’t worth the price I had to pay Darren wasn’t a prize when you think about it he got what he wanted and all it cost me was a husband I didn’t really want to lose I’m so stupid

    I deserved what I got I need to sign the papers and get it done I need to let him go David that crazy woman tried to kiss me on the way out of my apartment I don’t want anything to do with her now she wants us to pretend like nothing

    Happened so we can be a again and have kids ah she’s not right in the head that’s not going to happen the only thing that can happen at least on my end is that my lawyer will file a divorce and I can move on with my life I needed

    A long hot shower to wash the stink off me so I did and then I had a beer Emma Fisher I’ve been very busy here in Berlin editing hundreds of hours of video and putting it into context the dubbing has been a challenge I’m doing everything in English and a second

    Version in German doing closed captioning is fun it’s a lot of work the last month has flown by and I didn’t notice how the time flew by I sent David a few emails with short videos and a few pictures taken on his Honda while we were in Africa he looks good in the

    Videos even in the one where he threw his motorcycle we both laughed a lot I asked my friend to help me her husband works for the government and has access to information about people she was able to get me some information about David before we traveled to Africa together

    You’ll remember that I wanted to find out if he was really who he said he was and not an impostor or serial killer I was glad to hear that he was really who he said he was so I asked ingred to ask her husband Nick if he could give me an

    Update on David I know it was a little mean but I needed to know what was going on without asking David directly I had my reasons for doing so it took about a week but she gave me what her husband was able to get it seems David is back

    Working in the emergency room and his lawyer has filed a dissolution of marriage as it’s called in America with the court that means divorce the application was registered with the court a few weeks ago so according to American divorce laws he will be officially divorced very soon that’s

    Good because I have some important news for him but before I tell him I have to make sure some other things get done first business in America I sincerely hope my news will please him David yay I’m divorced it’s official today I have the paper in my hand thank God

    Now I feel like I can move on with my life and do some of the things I want to do I have a few things to figure out first Emma calls and writes me letters all the time with news about her book and videos she has sent me several

    Videos mostly showing me doing stupid things like throwing my bike or me almost running into a small herd of cows on the road because I was looking at the SES and not paying attention to what was ahead the cows in the bike weren’t hurt but my riding partner was laughing

    Really hard I told her about what was going on in my my life we talked on the phone several times I told her about the visit Diane had paid me and how she hoped I would forgive forget and take her back the disrespect with which Diane

    Had treated me for so long was the deciding factor for me I made my decision immediately after learning the extent of her Affair there was no going back it seemed to me it was what made me want to take a break from Life Emma listened to my rant and I realized she

    Was sick of my problems she wanted to tell me something she said she had to go but she would send me an email in a day or so Emma mentioned that she had an announcement for me in a couple weeks but until then I would have to wait I

    Figured it was about her book Emma I need to tell David the news but I’m not going to do it when he’s still mad at his ex-wife I need him to focus on me maybe a little more time but not much more time David it’s been a week since

    The divorce was finalized and I’m at the Albany airport where I’m about to board a flight to O’Hare in Chicago then Heathrow and finally Berlin it will be about a 15-hour flight and I will arrive there tomorrow around noon I need to see Emma it’s been almost 2

    Months I need to talk to her I need to find out if there’s anything left between us after our time together in Africa if not I’ll go back to my life and figure out what I want to do Doctors Without Borders is recruiting for hospitals and looking for doctors to

    Work in different parts of the world the pay isn’t great and I’ll have to see how badly my family wants me to pay off the student loans they gave me but I’ll figure it all out somehow I landed at Berlin Brandenburg airport went through customs picked up my bag at the Carousel

    And went outside to hail a cab I booked a room at the Park viiew Hotel located right in the center of the city in the Alexander plats District it’s a very nice hotel with all the modern amenities of a high-end Hotel not at all like the

    Little diners Emma and I had stayed in while in Africa after I checked in showered and grabbed a bite to eat my task was to find the building where Emma worked I knew it was in the center of town but I had no idea how to get there

    Of course I turned to Google to figure out where to go I saved a map of downtown and went for a walk it was almost 4 p.m. when I got to her building I decided that if Emma didn’t want to visit me I would play tourist for the

    Remainder of my flight home to the United States I tried to deal with my own expectations about how I would react if I showed up on her doorstep unannounced so to speak surprisingly the building was only a few blocks away and the road took about a 15-minute walk I

    Went inside and found the company’s office in the directory in the lobby I took the elevator to the floor and stepped out into the lobby I approached the very attractive young woman behind the counter she greeted me in German I smiled at her and asked if Emma Fischer

    Was here and if I could see her please the young lady was surprised to see me her eyes opened wide and her carefully sculpted eyebrows raised noticeably the American was asking for Emma she grabbed her phone and made a call after a few seconds of very quick conversation she

    Looked at me and said Emma or someone else should be here in a minute if you’d like you can sit here and wait for her she gestured to the soft leather chairs when I sat down she picked up the phone again and started talking this time quietly almost in a whisper but very

    Quickly in German to whoever she was calling I thought I heard the word American a couple times she looked at me with the corners of her eyes in the few minutes I sat there several women who passed by looked me over from head to toe I didn’t realize what was going on I

    Was definitely under scrutiny do they really do this to every visitor are there really so few visitors here another very attractive woman came up to me doct Walters I didn’t have time to think yes follow me please it wasn’t hard to follow her slender backside covered by a very tight short skirt and

    The way her high heeled shoes clicked on the polished Granite floor it was then that I realized I had told the receptionist that I was David Walters not Dr Walters hm I guess they know more about me than I realized we walked down corridors through fancy glass and steel

    Offices a lot of women threw glances at me I wasn’t sure if it was because I looked out of place or because my fly was unzipped I discreetly checked it it wasn’t was there an announcement over the public address system that a strange American was roaming the hallways M

    After a long walk that seemed like it should have ended in the lobby I saw Emma coming out from around the corner a smile was shining on her face she ran the last few steps to me hugged me very tightly and kissed me on the lips there

    Were a lot of people watching us now my goodness David when did you make it to Berlin a few hours ago I went to the hotel and cleaned myself up before coming here I didn’t want to show up here looking like a vagrant I figured if

    I did the security people would throw me out on the street I figured she’d ask why I was here it would let me know if we were back to the status of acquaintance that the hot nights we’d spent together in Africa were behind us shelved as beautiful memories and our real lives

    Were ahead of us on their own separate Emma spoke and the audience watched and listened she took my hand and we turned and headed to the editing room where she was working she wanted to show me what she was doing with the video she shot during her travels Emma was wearing a

    Very nice long and flowing black skirt a long sleeved white blouse and shoes with heels but not as high as many of the other women from their gate and appearance you would have thought there was a fashion show going on her clothes were a far cry from the motorcycle gear

    I was used to seeing her in and she was naked naked was my favorite part my best memories were split between being with a naked Emma and seeing a part of the world that had been a mystery since I was a small child I like the naked part

    Best I’m a man I decided to just go with the flow and see how things went over the next few hours we talked about her work on the book and the videos that will be part of it some of the videos will be on YouTube and most will be on

    The Publishers website people will pay for a subscription to watch them do you have time to have dinner with me I’d like to know what’s going on with you beyond your book and I’d like to share some things with you about what’s going on with me how long can you stay well I

    Can stay for a few days my return flight is in 3 days but I can easily change it if I need to what do you have in mind I didn’t know where Emma was going with this whether she was asking to stay longer or figuring out when she could

    Get rid of me I don’t want to be like the remains of a fish dish get rid of it quickly so it doesn’t stink I’d had enough of women who seem to care about me so I was on my guard I want you to meet my family I’ve told them a lot

    About you and they are looking forward to meeting you you could knock me down with that answer oh well I suppose I can do that I need to eat first and I’d really like to try a good German beer I can leave and meet you after you’re off

    Work no you won’t I’m leaving now along with you it’s been months since I’ve seen you and I have important news after your news as we walked out people’s heads turned to watch us go by Emma held on to my hand we walked back to my hotel on the way I

    Asked her where she lived she said in an apartment nearby I wondered briefly if she had a husband she hadn’t told me about the last thing I wanted was to be the other person it would have been easy enough to hide that kind of information when we were traveling in Africa but

    When she got home things would get very fast and serious reality bites you in the ass very quickly I realized that I didn’t know as much about Emma as I wanted or needed to know I might want to meet her family we got to the hotel and

    Went into my room Emma grabbed me and we immediately started kissing with a heat that I hadn’t felt in in Forever our clothes dissolved in a flash of hand and foot movements in a Flash we were naked on the bed my mouth and hands were reacquainting themselves with the woman

    Who was magic to me she seemed familiar and new to me at the same time I missed her Touch without realizing it for the last few months since returning to Albany I’d been holding my breath and didn’t even realize it now I could breathe again she seemed perfect to me I

    Couldn’t believe that just a few days ago I’d been through a nightmare marriage and here I was already with a woman who made me feel human I didn’t want it to end it was almost 9:00 when we surface to shower and eat we didn’t go far for food the hotel had a good

    Restaurant and it was hard not to get good beer in Germany Emma ordered a Diet Coke which was strange because she likes beer so why does your family want to meet me I told them about you and our travels together in Africa they are very eager to meet you since you come from

    The United States I told them about my travels in Canada my parents have been to the United States several times to visit my aunt in Florida she lives there part of the year I think near Tampa there are a lot of retirees there the weather is nice especially if you have

    Arthritis Emma laughed I think she has it and she loves the beach she took a sip of coke we can go to my parents house tomorrow if you want we’d have to take the train will it take about 6 hours where do they live in in the South

    My father worked as an engineer at Volkswagen he developed production systems I found it all very boring but he could talk about it for hours I’ll let him tell you all about it my mom is an accountant but she’s retired now as is my dad I’ll call them and tell them

    We’re here for a visit I decided it was better to go with the flow at least for now the conversation turned to me so you’re now officially a free man I smiled broadly yes it is and I have the paperwork to prove it I reached into my

    Pocket and pulled out a piece of paper folded several times I placed it on the table I am a free man Emma turned it around and looked at it I’ve never seen one of these before congratulations how does it feel that’s good it was inevitable from the moment I

    Found out she’d been having sex with her boyfriend for almost 2 years she didn’t want to be with me if she wanted to she wouldn’t have done what she did for as long as she did I Shrugged and sipped my beer she asked what do you want to do

    Now there was a definite motive behind This Woman’s questions she was dragging me several hundred miles to introduce me to her family I was being tried to be evaluated for months we had a level of intimacy that is common among couples who are deeply committed to each other I

    Thought perhaps it was a German trait to quickly become sexually involved after getting to know each other but no it was something else entirely I don’t know until the end I’m not sure how much longer I want to stay in Albany they want me at the hospital and will pay me

    Well but there’s too much history there and I need to find another part of the world to explore you’ve instilled in me the urge to travel you know it’s mostly your fault I grinned at those words Emma smiled back we spent the night in in my

    Hotel room and in the morning we went to Emma’s apartment so she could pack she made a few phone calls and then we took a cab to the train station I like the trains in Europe they run on time they are easy to get to and there is much

    Less of the paranoid security found in airports we found our seats and settled into them when we arrived in M we were met by a couple in their 60s and I immediately noticed that Emma looked a lot like her mother same eyes and hair but she had her father’s smile we met in

    Went looking for her father’s car a Passat station wagon in Europe cars like that are called Estates their house was old but an excellent condition the inside had been thoroughly renovated not so long ago with all the modern appliances and conveniences I complimented her father Carl telling him that my father was a

    Builder and would have very much approved of the work he had done Carl seemed to grow even taller at this compliment I was offered a beer and Emma went to get drinks for everyone as we sat down the looks I was getting just screamed tell us all about yourself but

    They started with so you’re American where in America I was going to try to exude as much charm as I could they say that first impressions make a lasting impression so I used all the manners my mother and father had taught me Albany New York north of New York City about 2

    And a half hours away many nodded in response thank goodness Emma returned with the drinks beer for Carl and me red wine for her mother and a glass of ice water for her self I started connecting the dots so we sat in the living room and as the silence became a little

    Uncomfortable and her parents eyes made laser holes in my head I decided that if I wanted to survive the next hour I needed to start a conversation the best way to start a conversation is to ask people about themselves so that’s what I did I knew they wanted to know

    Everything about me but I shifted my focus to them and use the little Emma had told me to get them talking about me it didn’t take Carl long to start the conversation he went on and on about the excellent quity of Engineering in Volkswagens and the other wonderful cars they make

    Emma’s Mother Maria was much more modest she had worked for a large accounting firm for many years doing mostly auditing she retired when Carl retired and they planned to travel especially to warmer climbs when they were older they want to buy a vacation home in Spain or

    Greece somewhere on the water where it’s warm in winter in Germany it’s too cold for them in Winter they deserve a vacation from the cold they have friends who do the same so they can find a place nearby they would see it was like my own family amazingly similar my parents had

    Bought a huge van with a big diesel engine and they planned to see the country they also wanted to spoil their grandchildren I know they thought I would add to their number in addition to my brother and his brood but it didn’t work out it did a large dinner was being

    Prepared in the kitchen Carl continued his review of the advantages of German engineer Ing and German beer and Emma watched me closely as I watched her Carl did not fail to inform me that he was the reason Emma got into motorcycling in the first place he has owned motorcycles

    For most of his adult life and still has a BMW 1200 in his garage he also has a smaller motorcycle for local trips but the big BMW is for long-distance travel Maria often rides with her husband and they spend several days at a time traveling not as long as they used to

    But they still enjoy traveling long distances tomorrow he will proudly show me his motorcycles tonight we’re having dinner I felt like I was being scrutinized to get some sort of stamp of approval almost like a job interview what are my goals in life where do I see

    Myself in 10 years that sort of thing I was expecting to be given a different bedroom to Emma’s but was a little surprised to find that Maria had put fresh towels for both of us in the same bedroom when we got into bed I decided that there would be no special intimacy

    So I even left my underwear on when I got into bed why are you doing that said Emma pointing at my boxers well because we’re at your parents house and I don’t think it would be right to get naked in their house she laughed they’ve slept together naked all their lives take that

    Off I haven’t been around you for quite a few months and I want you to be around me all of it I whispered in her ear how long Emma didn’t move from her seat how long yes and for how long how much time for what how many weeks you do remember

    That I’m a doctor right I know what a pregnant woman looks and acts like I’m pretty sure you’re pregnant there’s a little bump starting to appear on your belly so I’m guessing about three maybe 3 and a half months oh my God I counted and dotted the dots the

    Dots spoke no scream to me I’m going to be a father the woman on the bed next to me smiled at me and got up from the bed to get her bag she pulled out a plastic test and held it out to me two blue stripes my world changed in an instant I

    Did the math and it turned out the place was somewhere in St Louis or maybe Dar car about 3 months I saw a doctor in Berlin about a month ago I have an ultrasound appointment in a week I was ready to accept that Emma and I would

    Move on but not as lovers but as friends I know what time and distance due to relationships what was once hot crazy cools down in the light of day in reality but a big part of me wanted there to still be a connection between us that wasn’t broken for it to be

    Rekindled again and it did just a minute I crawled off the bed went to my bag and fumbled for something I had brought with me I took this just in case I took it in my hand and went back to bed Emma sat up she was still naked I opened a small box

    And pulled out a ring will you marry me her face immediately brightened and her eyes widened yes yes yes I hugged Emma as tightly as I could until I remembered that there might be others who wanted to hear the news I got up dressed Dred quickly and opened the door to see two

    Very surprised people standing in the hallway we’ll be right out Emma dressed quickly and we all went into the living room to share the news of course Maria knew her daughter was pregnant mothers always know these things Carl surprisingly was not upset to learn that his daughter was going to marry an

    American what can I say Emma two days later David and I returned to Berlin by train we had a lot to do and I wanted him to be with me at my doctor’s appointment for the ultrasound David spent some time on the phone with the hospital where he works and of course

    His family to share our news his mother and father shouted over the noise of his brother his wife and their children I heard words like David is getting married to that German girl he spent all that time in Africa with they were Overjoyed at the news and especially at

    The fact that I was pregnant I was the next one to take a Hiatus but told the publisher I would work from home on the book part and do as much as I could with video when we went in for the ultrasound we were given the real shocking news the

    Doctor was running a wand over my abdomen to look for a heartbeat it took a few seconds and David stared at the monitor I saw the look on his face and then a smile I knew right away that all was well my doctor made a few buzzing

    Noises and finally let us listen to the heartbeat but here we were in for a surprise I heard David say oh wow and that surprised me I had heard the machine make heartbeat sounds but they were very fast David looked at me we having twins the doctor smiled I cried

    David we were married in Berlin Maria and Carl a few of her friends and a few people from the Publishing House were present about 30 people in all it seems that the day I showed up at the office words spread like wildfire through the women that the American Emma had talked

    So much about was here they all had to actually see the doctor riding around on a motorcycle there were a lot of decisions to make we decided to go to Albany and look for a place to live for the time being that way we would would

    Be closer to my family and we would have a place for Mary and Carl to visit as often as they wanted I talked to the hospital and agreed to a shorter shift cycle in exchange for Less pay I was fine with that I had a pregnant wife

    With whom I wanted to spend every spare minute the next few months were hectic Emma Grew Older we found a nice four-bedroom house that would be a great place to raise children it was only a short drive from my brother’s house Marcy and Emma were already busy decorating the house and planning what

    We would do when the family got bigger my wife Emma Maria Fisher Walters gave birth to beautiful twin girls weighing almost 6 lb each our life became a constant feeding dirty diapers and more feeding I forgotten what sleep was like Maria and my mom are in a fierce

    Competition to be the best grandma my dad and Carl are also competing to see who can outdo who in design and construction they have grand plans to renovate and expand my house I can’t keep up with them and I’m not going to try David just when you think life has

    Kicked you in the balls something good comes out of it all I lost my wife because of her need to have sex with other men a woman I loved and thought she loved me but she wasn’t and she lost respect for me in our marriage she hid

    Her infidelity from me for a long time and eventually it meant the end of our marriage I felt guilty but she made the decision to date another man I don’t think she realized that her actions had consequences meeting Emma was purely by chance if I hadn’t gotten a flat tire in

    New Finland while ice cream I probably never would have met her and where would I be today who knows but I do know that meeting her was the best thing that could have happened to me I have a new life a wonderful wife two children and a

    Future to look forward to this is the life I wanted Emma I got the last words shortly after moving to America I was walking with my sister-in-law Marcy we were shopping for children’s furniture at an Ikea store one woman was looking very intently at Marcy she she obviously

    Knew who she was Marcy turned and spoke to her hi Diane that was it no how are you short and the point I knew who Diane was of course but no one had ever shown me a picture of her I knew she was David’s ex-wife the same one David had

    Been having an affair with for a long time until David discovered it hey Marcy how’s it going I turned around and my huge pregnant belly was in full view I wanted to see what she looked like and no wonder she was quite pretty Marcy looked at Diane and said in a tone that

    Spoke for itself Diane this is Emma she’s David’s wife we’re shopping for baby furniture it left no doubt that she wanted Diana to know exactly what she was throwing away she’s having twins with those words Marcy turned gently took my hand and we walked away Marcy said quietly under her breath we

    Picked up the purchases from the warehouse and helped Marcy and Paul load them into the truck we had a snack and I got the full story from Marcy about Diane and how stupid she was much of this I already knew but it was helpful to learn about it from a

    Different perspective the David’s family never talked about her she was old news best forgotten that night when David came home we made love I love being naked with him and it always has the same effect on him I dreamed of us riding motorcycles and traveling I’m not

    Sure that’s going to happen anytime soon David’s father and mother have a huge motor home and they have offered to lend it to us if we want to travel with the little ones the motorcycles will probably gather dust for now I’ll think about it it could be fun

    Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it so subscribe to my channel and watch the next video


    1. Yes, you will have children soon! But they will Not be your children! She will commit paternity fraud like the majority of wives do!
      Stats show that over 50 percent of births are Not the husbands!

    2. Most women choose to cheat instead of having open communication with their husbands

      The funny in it is that they don't do exactly the same thing they complain about

    3. Been together for 8 years, married almost 4 of them. CHEATED half your marriage and she is confused that he walked away? How stupid is she and is still allowed to work in a bank?
      He works 18-hour shifts. That means by any state law he gets every other day off. But his work got in the way of intimacy. What a cop-out. She should have been home at lunch banging him and right after work on his days off if she was craving a man's touch. She was not trying. Her husband would have been there any time she asked. I know I was when I worked two 8-hour jobs and had 4 hours between shifts. work me into a form of chronic fatigue and yet still gave my GF an hour or two a day. I gave her more on my half days off. Because she made time for me.

    4. 1:40:18
      Who would've suspected that you'd met your future spouse like this?

      From my perspective, this kinda seemed like Marci and Emma were rubbing it into Diana's face about what she could've had, but chosen to throw away by cheating on David. Nor saying that Diana didn't deserve it, but she'd made her bed and she now has to sleep in it.
      I honestly can't understand how she could have been so delusional enough to think that David would've taken her back after she'd cheated on him for the past two years and that everything would be okay. Seriously, what kind of messed up logic do people have to think that they can cheat on their significant other and after they'd been caught, think they'd be able to fix the relationship afterwards?

    5. Revenge, retaliation, and disrespect. We live in an age of division and deceit. My wife has kicked me out because I had a brief emotional affair which I ended. But her church and counselor have treated me like I was a serial adulterer and no hope for reconciliation. I plan to live by myself now and not date ever again. I quit attending church and have no hope for the future of this country. To this guy: 18 hour shifts may be a clue…

    6. As usual she justifies her bad behavior and as usual blames her husband for her bad behavior, so typical!
      Modern women have little self control, they've always said men are dogs, i think women have always cheated more than men, everyone protects women…

    7. She left because marriage is a two way street, and if you are spending 12+ hour days at work, forsaking your wife… she will stray…. like the parable of the pastors wife leaving, he was so busy every day with other families, he neglected his own. But Diane should have left a long time ago instead of cheating for two years.

    8. What his wife is saying about their marriage does not justify her sleeping with another man. There is a vow she made and she broke that vow when she had s€x with another man. There is no longer a marriage, trust have been broken…

    9. This story is Great..I think that both the doctor and the wife/ex-wife are both wrong. What the doctor should have known that the wife has needs that only the husband should have been doing from Jump Street, which is getting busy with the wife has much as possible. If he would have been Hitting That as much as possible, She wouldn't have to have found it elsewhere like she had. Pretty much All women have that side to them that needs it. Not saying what she did was Right, but where one won't do, another one Will.

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