A terrible true crime story about a girl who wanted to divorce her drug-addict husband, but he began terrorizing her entire family. The police were too busy to deal with the matter. In the end, something terrible happened!

    Dragon and Toast by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

    #truecrime #crime #truecrimedocumentary #crimestory

    Hello my name is Jeremy and this is the true crime Chronicles channel the bond between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law frequently fails to be positive yet within the Lynch household the situation was unique the parents cherished their daughter’s spouse but this was solely before the couple cohabited today’s narrative unfolds in

    Essex England where Jennifer Cronin and her daughter Susan resided Jennifer was fiercely dedicated to her family and Offspring she was an engaging friendly and compassionate woman who shared an exceptionally tight bond with her daughter Susan they held each other in high regard from a young age the girl

    Observed the dynamic between her parents and aspired to someday establish her own family with children and a spouse who would gaze upon her with equally affectionate eyes in 1990 Susan introduced Kieran Lynch a young man she was dating at that time she she was an apprentice hairdresser known for her Unique Style

    Her boyfriend a brick layer by profession worked on various construction projects and was 3 years her senior Susan appreciated the way Kieran treated her even her friends remarked that he appeared willing to worship the ground she walked on their idilic relationship naturally led to marriage in 1994 it mattered greatly to

    Susan that her new husband mesh well with her parents and indeed he did the son-in-law and mother-in-law quickly established a rapport the couple later welcomed two daughters Matilda and Molly who were exceedingly fond of their grandparents visiting them no less than twice a week the youngsters would excitedly run to Jennifer upon

    Recognizing her gentle voice while they were young they saw their father as the Pinnacle of virtue the most giving and magnificent man Kieran devoted all his leisure time to his daughters not withstanding his extensive work hours yet there was another aspect to his personality he possessed possessed a keen competitive Spirit Kieran was

    Always determined to excel in all Endeavors and harbored an intense urge to dominate and craft the image of an ideal family he diligently worked to support his wife and two daughters yet the pressure mounted and at times he found it challenging to manage this stress and channel his feelings constructively consequently his

    Frustration often manifested in outbursts of Rage during which Kieran would damage objects and cause chaos As Time passed the situation deteriorated his Outburst became more intense and aggressive particularly when alcohol was a factor the daughters perceptions of their father shifted they vividly recalled incidents of their intoxicated father initially shouting seeking any

    Pretext for criticism then progressing to hurl plates against walls slam doors and overturn Furniture in such moments the girls would seek Refuge hiding from their irate father’s view until he slept they moved silently within the home careful not to Rouse him following these fits of anger he exhibited remorse

    Mending what he had destroyed the prior day and attempting to rationalize his actions he earnestly apologized to his wife and daughters promising such incidents would not recur yet inevitably the cycle resumed like many individuals facing domestic violence Susan was engulfed in shame and discomfort concealing the turmoil within her household despite

    Striving to project strength before her daughters she was consumed by Tears in the Solitude of night puzzled by the transformation of a once affectionate man into a domestic oppressor on evenings Kiran returned home agitated Susan and her daughters would ensure the windows were sealed preventing Neighbors From overhearing the tumult of his

    Outbursts the slightest provocation could ignite a storm delays in Susan’s return from work prompted Kieran to scour the town in search as the girls matured they began to confront their father in defense of their mother initially causing him to retract his demeanor would swiftly shift reverting to the affectionate partner and parent

    However a grave incident occurred when Kiron engulfed by Fury nearly struck his daughter who intervened to Shield Susan despite the family’s efforts to Veil their Strife from external scrutiny the Grim reality gradually surfaced in 2015 those close to Kiran began to observe unsettling transformations in him a friend of

    Susan’s residing in a different city was taken back by Lynch’s altered appearance having not seen him for several months she hardly recognized him during an unexpected meeting in the city he had significantly slimmed down appeared gaunt and had a distant contemplative demeanor the cause Behind these changes

    Soon came to light while doing laundry Susan found a packet of white powder and a slender tube in her husband’s work attire after emptying out the pockets of Forgotten change and various items she instantly connected this discovery to kiran’s erratic Behavior which filled her with fear she confronted her husband

    Via text lamenting his choices and prioritizing them over his family yet Kieran offered no excuses merely pleading with her not to disclose anything to their daughters as substantial amounts of money started Vanishing from their credit card Susan attempted to confront Kieran who responded with defensiveness and aggression the atmosphere at home grew

    Increasingly tense and perilous on one occasion in the absence of their daughters Kieran menaced Susan with a knife to her throat threatening her life and his own another instance saw him preparing a noose in the Attic such terrifying incidents became more common Susan recognized that without intervention the situation might

    Escalate disastrously despite the difficulty she felt unable to confide in her own mother Jennifer wishing to spare her distress nonetheless despite her desire to reverse their circumstances Susan acknowledged the necessity for resolute action in November 2016 following in 24 years of wedlock the Lynch couple agreed to part ways Kieran bravely chose to

    Exit the family residence and move back in with his parents it was a challenging decision yet Susan recognized that their daughters were mature enough and shouldn’t be exposed to endless disputes and upros additionally her primary worry was their well-being the lady was comforted by the fact that the separation transpired with minimal

    Conflict she even held herself accountable for not acting sooner Susan was unaware that her ex-spouse had no intention of giving up when Kieran departed a congenial Ambiance finally pervaded the home The Strain diminished and everything started to amarate gradually for the first time in a long stretch Susan experienced Joy

    She and her daughters were able to engage in conversations peacefully enjoy films together share laughter and relish life the need to anticipate and decipher their father’s mood upon his return from work was no longer present Susan sensed that she still attracted male attention and she blossomed more with each day

    Friends noted that Kiran appeared to have resumed a typical lifestyle Susan was pleased that someone once dear to her had at last made a wise decision and abandoned his detrimental behaviors even though they were no longer together Kiran remained the father of her children following an exceedingly stressful and challenging Family Life

    Susan was cautious about entering new relationships until she encountered Mike their relationship evolved gradually embodying the adage Once Bitten Twice Shy having endured significant challenges previously she was now exceedingly prudent gradually Mike became significantly integrated into her life Susan even confided in him about her former spouse the difficulties she

    Endured and the complexities of her past relationships to fully detach from Kiron and progress securing an official divorce was essential Susan felt hesitant knowing Lynch’s erratic and unpredictable nature yet she opted to text her former spouse proposing a cafe Meetup for discussion to her astonishment the encounter unfolded without a hitch Kieran appeared

    To accept the news of her wish to initiate divorce proceedings positively for once they conversed as friends who had shared significant experiences following the meeting the ex- partners even shared brief texts Lynch expressed his happiness for her Newfound relationship and Susan voiced her hope that Kieran would find fortune in love

    Soon as well it’s seemed like a Triumph she believed until she received multiple messages from her ex the following day Lynch’s attitude towards the divorce shifted dramatically from the previous day he claimed indifference towards his ex-wife and demanded $60,000 for his agreement to sign the divorce documents

    Arguing that he had already left her the house and all its contents and refused to passively watch another man occupy his space furthermore he expressed a disturbing preference for her demise more alone alarmingly Kiran escalated Beyond textual threats manifesting in the yard wielding a hammer at this

    Juncture Susan was home alone with her pet she promptly dialed for emergency assistance by the time law enforcement arrived Lynch had damaged several flower Poots and outdoor ornaments the police reached the scene shortly after he vanished two officers entered the premises to whom Susan presented the menacing messages as they recorded her

    Account Kieran returned vociferously proclaiming his intent to confront his wife and asserting that no one could protect her the responding officers arrested Kieran Lynch for disrupting the peace yet even in handcuffs his Zeal remained undiminished he persisted in throwing insults at his ex-wife subsequently he faced charges on three counts

    Life-threatening Behavior carrying a dangerous weapon and causing property damage on January 29th 2018 at the magistrates Court Kiran refuted all allegations he was slated for a court appearance on March 29th and was granted bail with a strict directive to avoid any contact with Susan or to come near

    Her residence the decision left Susan and her daughters feeling vulnerable and incredulous at their home dismayed by the Law’s leniency and doubting the police’s commitment to their safety ignoring the bail stipulations Kieran continued to breach the no contact order he incessantly phoned Susan and even appeared at her residence escalating her

    Fear for her safety he deceitfully told mutual friends that Susan’s new partner was taunting him with messages Kiran also targeted his daughter’s phones aware that they would relay everything back to their mother the situation forced Susan into a state of constant vigilance fearful of leaving her children unattended due to kiran’s

    Relentless calls which could reach up to 80 times daily and his continuous threats of showing up due to his failure to adhere to the bail conditions Susan once again reached out to the authorities concurrently Lynch made an unsettling call to Emergency Services confessing an aborted suicide attempt due to lack of Courage a

    Squad comprising psychologists and police officers was dispatched to engage with him upon their arrival Kiran assured them he was in good condition leading to the recommendation that he consult with his general practitioner observationally he didn’t seem to necessitate further mental health assistance concluding that intervention nevertheless his barrage of calls and

    Messages persisted unabated on multiple occasions Kiran trespassed near the residence engaging in Trivial but menacing acts to display his proximity he disrupted the power supply by infiltrating the garage tampered with the garden hose at Susan’s mother’s home and occasionally skulked beneath the house windows his actions now instilled

    Fear not only in his ex-wife and daughters but also in his aging mother-in-law the persecution of his former spouse escalated with Susan’s appeals to law enforcement yielding no outcomes the police regarded it as mere verbal harassment thus dismissing the woman’s grievances each time they arrived recorded statements and vowed to

    Make an arrest yet nothing evolved the authorities viewed the situation as a standard domestic dispute between former partners and failed to recognize the severity of the circumstances particularly since The Offspring were grown and in the detective’s view Lynch was not deemed a threat nevertheless Le Kiran contacted his eldest daughter

    Issuing a threat of sexual assault upon discovering this Susan was appalled law enforcement initiated a search for Lynch at his Abode but the officers did not locate him hence advising the women to seek Refuge with acquaintances or family members to steer clear of being in the domicile unaccompanied Matilda sought Refuge at a

    Pal’s place while the oldest daughter visited her grandmother who resided alone following her husband’s demise Jennifer and her granddaughter spent the evening watching TV sipping tea conversing and momentarily forgetting about Kiran and his menacing Behavior yet the moment they retired for the night the telephone chimed upon Jennifer answering there was sheer silence

    Assuming it was a mistaken call yet the phone persisted in ringing multiple times both Susan and Molly were restless due to the unnerving calls Molly sensed the presence of someone lurking in the garden against the shadowy backdrop outside a silhouette appeared to be present they barricaded themselves with

    Jennifer in the washroom and contacted law enforcement it was around 2 a.m. concurrently Susan’s phone was inundated with calls and texts prompting her to reach out to the police as well regrettably with limited law enforcement resources constant surveillance for the harasser was unfeasible leading to advice on turning off the mobile and

    Ensuring all entry points were securely locked over the previous 24 hours the police were summoned six times yet despite the menac in Communications the officials declared a shortage of staff to send a patrol on March 13th 2018 as the granddaughter Departed the residence Susan decided to visit her mother to

    Offer support and reassurance she assured the senior that she would not stand by while her family was tormented and intimidated by an individual who simply could not come to terms with their separation at 72 Jennifer found solace in the daylight venturing into the garden with her Canine Companion

    While Susan observed them from indoors as she prepared tea a smile crossed her face watching her mother engage with her dog at that moment she attempted to contact her former spouse’s employer to ascertain his whereabouts but he hadn’t shown up there for several days unbeknownst to Susan he would soon be

    Alarmingly close abruptly a disturbance was heard from outside and at 10:48 a.m. Lynch charged into the garden wielding a container of combustible fluid he vociferously yelled swore and hurled insults at his mother-in-law the man approached Jennifer and began to soak her head face and back with the fluid

    The elderly lady shrank and shrieked yet Kieran persisted in drenching her Susan called Emergency Services pleading for assistance the operator instructed her to flee to the street to dodge Kieran a suggestion the frightened woman promptly followed she sprinted to the Street’s end looked back and saw no one pursuing

    Her recalling her mother was still in the backyard Susan hastened her return at that juncture Lynch doused himself with the remaining fluid and lit it using a lighter Flames immediately engulfed both individuals situated in a Serene deadend Street adjacent to the Ben Fleet Golf Course Jennifer’s residence quickly became the focus of

    Police firefighters and Medical Response teams including an air ambulance helicopter that descended onto the golf course upon Susan’s return to her mother’s Garden she was met with a ghastly sight two grotesquely altered bodies Jennifer’s Hair eyebrows and eyelashes were utterly scorched her face rened by Burns and her skin charred

    Amidst her excruciating pain Jennifer conveyed to her daughter her deep love and that she and her granddaughters were her entire universe despite her dire State she maintained her maternal Instinct reassuring her daughter that all would be well Kiran too was Gravely injured with Burns across his entire

    Body he was found seated leaning against a wall heavily breathing and still smoldering overwhelmed by emotion Susan berated him for his actions she struggled to comprehend how she could have once been married to a man who now inflicted such harm on her beloved mother whom she deeply cherished and

    Shielded from any harm she never envisioned such a tragic culmination Kieran was apprehended under the suspicion of attempting to murder Jennifer Cronin both he and the senior lady were rushed to the hospital in a grave State a couple of hours following the assault Susan was summoned for an

    Interview to piece together the events chronology Mr Lynch had saturated himself and Mrs Cronin with an inflammable substance and ignited them in the rear Garden the 50-year-old was navigating through a contentious divorce from his spouse Susan his former partner had persistently alerted the officials about kieran’s hostile actions

    Exacerbated by illicit drug use yet a shortfall in police resources and misjudgment in handling the situation culminated in dire outcomes this incident swiftly caught the attention of the press and the law enforcement’s lack of action faced harsh scrutiny medical personnel notified Susan that kieran’s prognosis was Grim with burn injuries

    Covering 97% of his body this news dealt another harsh blow to the daughters who recollected their father as a devoted and affectionate figure one daughter expressed a desire to visit Kieran for a final farewell the only recognizable feature was the tip of his nose now blackened and burnt she expressed her

    Love to her father and lamented the tragic turn of events whether Kieran was aware of his daughter’s last expressions of Love Remains uncertain he succumbed to his injuries that evening the toxicology report uncovered that his system had traces of both alcohol and illicit drugs meanwhile Jennifer Cronin was fighting for her

    Life in the Intensive Care Unit with Burns covering 33% of her body mainly on her upper body and head she under went surgical procedures yet the prognosis for Recovery was Grim due to the extent and severity of her injuries Susan made frequent visits to the hospital witnessing firsthand the

    Agony her mother endured ready to accept the inevitable Susan was prepared to let her mother pass longing for her to be in the comfort of her late husband’s presence as the sight of her mother in such torment was unbearable Jennifer persevered for 17 days but sadly succumbed to her injuries

    On March 30th 2018 at 13 32 with her family by her side her expression was peaceful she was aware that her time was drawing to a close Susan clasped her mother’s hand solemnly observing as her journey in this world concluded and she Drew her final breath upon realizing that his former

    Spouse was beginning to move forward with her life Kieran Lynch was consumed by an uncontrollable sense of possession and overwhelming jealousy further exacerbated by his dependence on illegal drugs and alcohol he had been cly observing his wife for a year but the moment she started to contemplate her

    Own future it triggered a drastic change in him by assaulting a vulnerable elderly woman his aim was to inflict pain on her daughter fully understanding the deep bond between them on Monday January 21st 2019 an in-depth week-long inquiry commenced at County Hall Chelmsford focusing on unraveling the events leading to the deaths of

    72-year-old Jennifer Cronin and 50-year-old Kieran Lynch Susan deeply impacted Ed by these losses initially harbored anger towards her ex-husband however as details emerged about the inadequate response from law enforcement her frustration shifted entirely towards them she had been familiar with her husband’s escalating aggression with each communication witnessing how his

    Hostility expanded from her to those close to her Jennifer Mike and even his daughters creating an impression that Lynch was determined to ruin the lives of his ex-wife and her loved ones through verbal abuse threats nocturnal phone calls and unlawful entries Susan recognized kieran’s psychological instability but could

    Never foresee it leading to harm against her family she publicly voiced her family’s dissatisfaction with the outcomes criticizing the police for their lack of serious engagement and unfulfilled promises kieran’s failure to be arrested for breaching bail conditions was highlighted as a contributing factor to Jennifer cronin’s demise Susan aspired for the authorities

    To draw lessons from this heart-rending incident hoping it might prevent future tragedies despite it not being able to bring her mother back she emphasized the police’s fundamental duty to protect and serve the community a service she felt was grossly neglected in her family’s case following the revelation of the family’s plight detective superintendent

    Steven Jenkins took the initiative to personally meet with the Cronin family extending an apology for the tragedy they endured if you like this story subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss new videos don’t forget to like and share your opinion in the comments this is Jeremy see you in the next video


    1. The thing in common with these happenings is they blame the cops and the law,truth is by the time they are called in its too late! Sad truth is they can save nobody,the kitten is by that time a Tiger!

    2. Obviously her mother had money, why she didn't get her daughter and grandchildren somewhere he couldn't find them is insane. They knew he was nuts and go outside like everything is fine was dumb to boot. Her lawyer could have filed a emergency restraining order and contempt charges, where was her new boyfriend?

    3. How can a man be so evil and cruel to burn his mother-in-law alive in front of his wife? What do you think of the police’s handling of the case? Do you think they could have prevented this tragedy?

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