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    This is how we enter Greece from Turkey from India😍 India to Europe on Motorcycle | Ep. 03

    This was my first time to enterany European country through land border on a a motorcycle and i was so happy with this achievement.
    You can watch complete series in Playlist.
    India to Europe and Middle East Ride.

    #Indiatoeuropeonmotorcycle #internationalride

    Mom, Dad, your son has come from India to Europe with his motorcycle and I have entered Greece. They say that international travel is not easy, so it is very annoying if the matter of money gets stuck in the middle. Now you know how to use this card, thank you so much.

    So you can see all this stuff, this is all my stuff that has to be loaded in my bike and this is the way to the exit and the door is still closed, so the stuff cannot be loaded on the bike until the door opens.

    Sweating to bring all the stuff down from the second floor. Hello everyone, how are you? This is Ankit and welcome back to the channel once again. So guys, as you know that we are having an international ride, in which I am going to cover 24 countries, it will

    Take 120 to 130 days, we are going to ride our bikes for about 25 to 30,000 km. And these bikes we have ordered from Turkey, from India, we have ordered by air, all the details are related to this hotel, how we came here, how many charges we have given to

    Ship the bike, I have given all the details in the previous vlog. Today’s plan is that today we are leaving from here, the European country which is Greece, this is basically going to be our first country, I am not saying Turkey is the

    First country because now we have to come back to Turkey and then we will explore Turkey completely. So now we are leaving from here, Thessaloniki, this is a place in Greece, today our stay is going to be there, it will take about 6 to 7 hours, it is about 500 to 550 km.

    Today we are also going to cross an international border, for which I am very excited because by road, if I remove Nepal, then this by road will be my first international border crossing, that too by road, for which I am very excited. First of all, let’s have our breakfast and then leave from

    Here, let’s start our ride today. So our breakfast has arrived here and this is the same breakfast that we had yesterday, we got this omelette, cheese, cottage cheese and salad, juice and bread. We are fully loaded with riding gears, one bike is ready

    And this is my proper setup, it is a little higher than I expected, it is standing on the slope because the bike was standing down, so the balance was not right. Bye my dear friend, bye. So now we are leaving from here and our journey to Greece

    Will start from here and I hope everything goes as planned. So let’s start today’s ride in the name of God, Jai Mata di, Mata Rani Raksha karna. And I think it will take some time for me to get used to it, because I pay more attention to this side, when I don’t

    Have to ride a bike here, I have to ride a bike on this side, I feel that if I ride all day today, then my mindset will be exactly the same. Sometimes I used to watch videos on YouTube, so I used to

    Think that it shouldn’t be so difficult, if I am driving a car, if not here, then I will drive here, I am telling you, I had thought like this many times. But today when I am driving myself, I am realizing that yes, it was my mistake, it seems easy, but it is not.

    So the name of this place is CilalIye, it is in Turkey and the first thing we have to do is fill petrol in the bike, there is no petrol in the bike at all at the moment, it is said that there is not even a little petrol in the bike, so

    First we will fill petrol and then we will go to a European country, Greece. It got 12 liters in the tank. Now we will give slip here and after taking the slip, we have to sign the card here and the payment is done. 37 Turkish Lira, multiply it by 3.5.

    The price of this is almost equal to that of Turkey and now the little expensive part will be in Europe and I have no idea, it may be Rs. 160 or Rs. 170, I have no idea. And one more thing I will tell you that I will not shoot

    Much of this part of Turkey, when I reach somewhere near the border or if I see something in the middle, then I will turn on the camera again because I have to come to Turkey again after about 1 to 1.5 months, I will have at least 12

    To 15 days to explore Turkey, then I will show you Turkey properly and I will see it myself. I forgot one thing, how bad the earthquake was in Turkey for 5 to 6 months from today, everything is terrible, not everything, but how much was coming on TV and news that how

    Bad the situation in Turkey is, but I think they have recovered to a great extent, they have recovered to a great extent, or there may still be a lot of buildings like this, which will be in the interior area, this is the highway

    Area, this is not a residential area, this one is more. So I don’t know much. So the police stopped us here, stop at the signal, so we thought that we were not over speeding, so that we don’t make a mistake, because it is very difficult to make a

    Mistake in a foreign country, and there is no small mistake, but then they saw that this is a foreign bike and they are proper riders, so they let us go, so they stopped us. This is the border, I thought it would be a toll this is our passport.

    Done, thank you, thank you, so now our entry is going to be in Greece, our exit to Turkey has been stamped on it, now the immigration of Greece will be done, I don’t know, customs will be checked, now whatever process it is, it will be a little time taking here.

    Obviously, when you exit a country, their process is very fast, they exit in 5 minutes, but the problem is that the country where you are entering, they check everything properly, then they give you entry to your country. Welcome to Greece, yeah, welcome to Greece, now they have

    Not checked anything, immigration will come ahead, everything has to happen now, I have no idea, maybe what they have stamped is what it is. We came from India, then we will be covering Balkan countries, then heading back to Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, then Egypt

    And back to India. We have 4 months, 4 to 5 months, yeah. Where are you coming from? We are only 3 weeks in Turkey, we are from Austria, we are going to Austria, yeah, we are going to Austria. So it’s been 30 to 45 minutes, we have not reached the

    Immigration center of Greece yet, there is so much traffic here, now our number will come very soon and we will show all our documents and everything will be done quickly. Yeah Thank you so very much Welcome to Greece Greece Welcome to Greece is done, now we are in Greece.

    It took us atleast 45 minutes to cross this line There was so much traffic, so much traffic So today is a very happy day for me Because it is said that if we dream of something and it comes true Then we feel a different happiness So today I feel the same happiness

    It will be a little difficult for me to express in words Because if you look behind me, it is written Greece Greece is a European country And now I have come to Europe And that too on my motorcycle With which I do a lot of adventures in India

    I have done a lot of extreme and difficult rides On my Charlie And today with this I have come to Greece And I have come to Greece And I have a plan to travel to about 12-13 European countries That too on my motorcycle I am feeling very happy

    It will be a little difficult for me to express those feelings in words But yes, a very proud moment for me But I wish, I hope As I am getting your love and blessings So this ride as I have planned It will happen very well So now we have to go very far

    Our next hotel is about 3.5 to 4 hours away from here It’s about 2.30 now I don’t think we will reach before 8 o’clock Because we will stop a little and go What is the hurry So very proud moment The board at the back, clicked so many photos Spent so much time

    At least it happened We were standing near that board for half an hour Taking photos There will be many such boards in the future It’s not that there will be no boards But there are memories This lifetime that I have done for me The entry I did in Europe

    That will be very memorable for me For many people, Ladakh, Skardungla, Umlingla One is that it is my dream Ladakh, Zanskar Spiti It was never my dream I knew that I can achieve it anytime I can go there anytime But my dream was

    I wanted to ride my own motorcycle in a foreign country Many people messaged me That you have spent a lot of money It would have been better if you had rented a bike there And then you would have traveled Traveling was secondary for me The primary thing for me was

    I wanted to travel internationally on my motorcycle In future, I will definitely rent It is possible that I will travel on a rented bike But from my heart I want to travel on my motorcycle All over the world I will try my best until Charlie supports me I will take care of it

    But because it is a machine Do whatever you want There will be any bike in the future I will try to travel on my bike The feeling of happiness of your bike When you take photos with your bike It can’t be compared to anything It can’t be compared to anything

    The real struggle begins When it comes to money We have just filled petrol in our bikes And the rate of petrol has come 2 Euros per litre We have filled petrol for 190-180 rupees per litre So my petrol came according to 22 Euros But now the biggest problem is

    All the cards of sir are declining We don’t understand the reason We have just gave toll We have just gave toll Sir doesn’t have one card He has 4-5 cards You have tried 3-4 cards You have tried 3-4 cards All 3 cards have declined I didn’t apply for a card

    I had Euros So I gave Euros directly When you travel internationally You should have cash We had a little problem in Turkey The hotel where we stayed They didn’t have a card facility The hotel where we stayed They didn’t have a card facility They asked us to give dollars

    We didn’t have Turkish Lira These are the small things Which I understand now You should have the cash of that country Sir doesn’t have cash He has cash But still we don’t understand Why the card is not working Because all the transactions Most probably there is a problem with the machine

    Because Sir called his son He said there is no problem Everything is fine We gave toll 10 minutes ago We gave toll 10 minutes ago Don’t you have any other machine? Don’t you have any other machine? There is a problem with the machine There is a problem with the machine

    So 4 cards have declined They say international travel is not easy They say international travel is not easy But it is not like that If there is a money problem I have seen Uttarakhand, Himachal, Sikkim, Arunachal Nepal, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir Nepal, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir In South India In Kerala But now

    I am seeing a world I have never seen I have never seen So I am feeling good So far our average speed is 85 We are cruising at 95-100 kmph very easily And it doesn’t feel like I am riding at 95 or 100 kmph when

    I am riding at 90 plus I don’t feel like I am riding at 95 or 100 kmph I am riding at 95 kmph right now so I don’t feel like I am riding at 80-85 kmph The bike is riding so smoothly The roads are so beautiful so beautiful

    Sir is disappearing like a bullet I can’t see him from far Sir is fully enjoying because he likes cruising 100, 110, 120, he usually cruises a lot but because of me he is stuck at 80, 85, 90 because I don’t like riding above 90 I get bored

    But now I am riding at 95 and 100 I didn’t feel anything I feel like I am riding at 80 and Sir is disappearing like a bullet Today’s distance is 334 km We have to go for another 3 hours and 20 minutes

    On an average it shows that you can ride a bike at 100 kmph It is such a beautiful road And now I have a habit of riding a bike Now we don’t ride on the left we ride on the right The road on the left is overtaking It is a fast lane

    No one honks If you are there they will keep following you They will think that you will come back after 2 minutes So this is my forex card which has multi currency It has dollars and euros Euros get deducted at the time of euros and dollars get deducted at the time of dollars

    So whenever you travel internationally this is the only forex card You have to carry a forex card It’s done? I don’t know One moment Take your time Done? Thank you so much Where are you going? We are going to Thessaloniki Yeah Where are you from? India Bye, have a nice day

    Okay I can use my card Thank God How much? 60 cents 60? 70 70 Thank you so much Bye This is a mountainous area and there are small villages here and there are small villages here and there are small villages here and there are small villages here and there

    Are small villages here and there are small villages here There are small villages in the mountains And there are small tunnels in every nook and cranny Very small tunnels Not even 100-200 meters Not even 100-200 meters Not more than that But there are tunnels in every nook and cranny

    And there are small villages in every nook and cranny If I talk about traffic, there is no traffic This is an empty road You can drive at speeds of 90, 100, 110, 120 kmph No problem at all I don’t know if you can see it or not But mosquitoes have attacked us

    There are a lot of mosquitoes coming A lot of mosquitoes Even if my helmet’s visor is open It is almost impossible to ride a bike Almost impossible My helmet is completely covered in mosquitoes I wish no one died on GoPro I don’t know why all the footage gets spoiled

    Let me show you the effect of Denali lights This is a stock light Look at it Wow The view in front of me is okay This is an okay report Look at it The bike won’t run in this condition We have come to the city area

    And the driver told me to turn off the lights Maybe it is not allowed in the city The names that I am reading Chalki, Dikdi And all the names on the board I am able to recall all of them Because when I used to make itinerary What all happened

    All these names are coming to my mind I have heard this name I have heard this name But I am not able to pronounce it My brain is not working Because still I can’t tell you I am not able to recall all the names It will take me 2-3 days

    I will be back to normal I haven’t got any problem I haven’t got any disease But I am not able to recall all the names It will take me 2-3 days Okay We are taking a right from here We have come to the city area

    I think it will be 20-25 km from here It will be 20-25 km from here It is our today’s destination We have come back to the streets of Ratlam We haven’t come to the streets We are looking for our hotel And hopefully What is the time now? It is 9 pm

    According to India It will be 10-11 pm It will be 12 pm In the night It is 9 pm We have 5 minutes left Limani This is our hotel Limani Comfort The hotel is good The parking is public Public parking means You can park your car here It is free parking

    The parking of hotels in Europe Is very expensive They charge 20-30 Euros for parking This is public free parking It will be their own Okay So this is our Today’s destination Nice Let’s go First of all Let me tell you the time It is 10.30 pm We have reached our destination

    We left our hotel at 9.30 am We reached here at 9.30 pm It took us 12 hours In which we have crossed the border It was a very good process Everything happened easily If I remove Nepal It will be my first It will be my first Land border Which I crossed

    From one country to another It was a very good experience We booked this hotel yesterday Our main priority The first thing is To get a safe parking Parking is in front of the hotel The second priority is Wi-Fi Because a lot of things You have to give updates on YouTube

    And Talking about food We didn’t feel like eating But we made some rice Because we were very hungry On the way So we ate some rice And we will rest after eating Today’s day It was a very long day From A point to B point We had to come to Haral

    And from tomorrow Our exploration will start We will do 200-250 km Not more than that We will reach that place And try to explore that place As of now, this was our plan From start to end We will do as much as we can On the first day And after that

    We will slowly explore I will see myself and show you So this was the update I gave you Sir, how many charges did we pay? Rs.4500 So this room cost us Rs.4500 Is breakfast included in this? There is no breakfast here Usually breakfast is also included

    But there was no breakfast facility in this hotel But it doesn’t matter to us Because we will arrange Tea and coffee here Anyways If you liked this video Then you know what to do If you are new to the channel, then subscribe Now I will meet you in the next vlog

    Ride hard, ride safe This is me, Dream Chaser, signing off Bye Bye


    1. भाई Ankit मैंने आपका चैनल आज ही Subscribe किया है और शुरु से यहां तक आज देख चुका हूं 👍

    2. Many many congratulations dream chaser ankit dada love from india west bengal. scroll youtube then notice ur international trip with bike & seeing your video im fan of you.. best wishes dada

    3. Ankit you are pride of India. Doing a great job not only fulfilling your ambition your dream but carrying message of India to the world. God bless. ❤

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