can the lads get 3 points at the riverside stadium in this un interupted live match commentary

    Undoubtedly a talent uh comes from the Clark Huggins school if you like cuz both of them were at one time at leads um and you know if the judgment is correct those two were good signings uh let’s hope yelder is yes indeed um again

    It’s a big ask we don’t know how fit he is um it’s okay playing 21’s football but when you’ve been thrown into first team football are you still using gole temp to um really last of 90 minutes I don’t think so getting that understanding with his teammates he’s only had two or three

    With with um the team um understanding how to play getting that sort of partnership with maybe Jack Clark on this left hand side we all know that you know when cirin was playing as a left back we you know he he he loved to drive forward make them overlaps and um get

    Into the box so it’ be interesting to see how yela fits in um we all know that our record here at Middlesboro is not very good um I think first of all fantastic performance last week it was great to see the lights are bar the question is and again burto scoring the

    Question is can we do it again and and it’s that’s what we talk about consistency you say burto scoring he scored I mean he’s not scoring he’s scored scored in the singular um one’s going to hope that funny enough is the start I was talking to one of my

    Colleagues just downstairs and um he show me some stats and the amount of players whove actually played as a striker the shots which they’ve had and the goals which they’ve scored and it’s only two and I imagine a lot of shots and we’ve had maybe eight nine players who’s played as a so-called

    Striker so it just goes to show you where the problem is and you look at the way midb have set up for um the launchtime kickoff they’re going to play without a striker so-call but most probably they’ll be looking at obviously Sam green or Greenwood is a very very

    Good player clever player and it’s something which we need to sort out very early doors um this left back situation I got a hint we’ll hear from Michael Beal before kickoff today um because he talks about Helder he talks about Callum Styles as well and he talked about both

    Of them as left backs and he’s clearly got an issue in mind of of Trey Hume going across and playing on the left hand side um so that is something he’s addressed today he’s thrown yelder straight in and I think when you think about that decision and and his comments

    About Callum Stars playing at left back when we you you’ve spoken about watching him more as a midfielder and we heard from Andy Giddings at Radio Sheffield who sees him as a number 10 in the midfielder suddenly Michael Beal sees him on the left back clearly in Michael

    Beal’s mind left back is his major issue at the moment sides from the striker in that case um I’m thinking back to the game against Stoke City last week and if you remember rightly Stoke could have scored two or three before sundland scored first because they exploited the

    Right hand side yeah just exploited the right hand side but also the question is do you think well okay we’ve brought a left back was that our our major shall we say position where we needed to bring the player in and why I say that is that

    What’s going to happen to the lights of cirin when he comes back um see when he comes back as well he’s a left well in Fair cin is pretty much out for the season isn’t he well but Lesly where’s he going to fit in and and and you’re

    Thinking well yes Trey hum played at left back he can do a job there you know is yela okay it mostly gives a lot better balance on that side but for me is an unknown um again to a big lad I mean s him when arrived and he came out

    You can see why he can play center back as well I I remember I played against Mickey droy he was a big lad you know he was 6’5 but that doesn’t mean that you know he’s he’s going to be a good player you know it’s a it’s a big ass for him

    Um you know so fingers crossed that he does well but okay he gives us that balance on that left hand side he’ll slot in on that left hand side but it’s the other side which we need to be talking about going forward you know again you know we still haven’t sold

    That Striker’s position yet no but I’ve been I’ve been impressed with bar the last few weeks yes I’ve been impressed with bar he coming on he’s developing but again the big word which we keep using week and week out is consistency you just you just don’t know what you’re

    Going to get now if you could say hands on heart that Bar’s going to perform today could you say that no no exactly but that’s what so I’m think that’s probably a truism of most of the players in the team that’s but that’s what we’re talking about you know teams what are

    Doing well who are playing up at the top challenging you’re talking about consistency they’re the ones who are going there and players are performing week in week out you know what you’re going to get Sunderland you come I think every single week we don’t know we we don’t know

    Which sunland’s going to turn up we don’t know which Jack Clark’s going to turn up we don’t know which Bar’s going to turn up we don’t know again okay we talk about BTO he’s right Gary surprised he’s not like a man last week he did well he played further

    Forward knew that okay get the ball to the liks of Daniel we know what he’s going do he can open up doors get the ball out to Clark but not get the ball out to B he’ll get to the Bine he put balls into the box Striker knows the

    Balls coming to come into the box they can make the Run they can get on the end of things they don’t know what’s happening we don’t know what’s happening you know we’ll be sat here at lunch time thinking well how are we going to go about it and then we’re hoping we’re hoping

    For the likes of Jack Clark when you thinking well yes get Jack Clark get him on the ball he’ll make things happen but if that’s canceled out have we got another option indeed just a reminder helel is the one changed for sundland today he comes in for seel who’s on the bench

    Three changes for middles but Luke alen comes in at right back Finn aiz who you may remember was on loan at Plymouth AR the first half of the Season scored seven goals there he’s on loan from Aston Villa he’ll play the number 10 and Sam Greenwood the former sundland

    Youngster well now he’s 22 uh he’s on loan from leads he’s playing up front for Middlesboro this afternoon BBC Radio Newcastle for commentary at 12:00 uh by word for consistency is Rob Mason Sunderland Club historian good morning good morning and when I say consistency I’m going to

    Give you a little test now I think Ben knows I think Ben knows the answer to this cuz I I mentioned it on Friday night on total sport you may have been listening the last the well the last Sunderland win at Middlesboro can you remember yeah when that was we’ve got a

    Shocking record at middlesbor Nick the last Sun Win was 20112 in the FA Cup indeed uh the last League win was 20056 uh since Brian K scored obviously an ex middlesbor player and middlesbor born player since Brian K scored a winner there at middlesbury in 1961 62 we’ve only won three out of

    33 21 of them so it’s a it’s a shocking record and we it’s a shocking record isn’t it I you know I I was thinking about this and it’s funny how teams there are some grounds they go to that have this incredible record they win every tie or they don’t don’t lose many

    And the flip side of that is the record like sundland at Middlesboro and there’s no real explanation for it I can’t there’s no feasible explanation for it over over the uh over the entire history of the club sunderland’s record is far superior to middlesborough but over the

    Last 60 or so years in terms of trips to ason park and um and subsequently since 1995 the Riverside a record there’s been really bad and as I say it was 61 62 we had that win under with Brian K scoring the winner and since then just the three

    Wins in 33 visits but it was just the the season after cluffy win the 6263 season which was the last time we scored more than two goals there and even then we didn’t win it was a 3-3 draw so you’ve got to go back to 6263 for the

    Last time St managed to score more than two goals on on tside and um as you know Nick I’m a big believer in the law of averages and the reason I’m quoting these is is that I think in me a feel in me borns the Sunland a long overdue a

    Good result in Middlesboro and keep me fingers crossed this afternoon the time particularly if unlike in the first game we can keep 11 players on the pitch because another interesting St when you look at Sunland Middlesboro games and I looked this one up after Dan Neil was

    Was uh was sent off when the score was nil nil at the stadium of light earlier in the season Sunland have had more G more players sent off in history against middlesburo than they have against Newcastle and I think we all know that there some of the Newcastle matches

    Have a higher intensity than any game including Sun V Middlesboro but there’s been three more players sent off in Sun Middlesboro d three more sundland players this is sent off in Sunland middlesbury Derby and has Inland Newcastle Derby so we need to keep 11 men on the pitch for STS indeed I mean

    In fairness that Dan Neel sending off was ludicrous wasn’t it I mean incredible I mean that still stagger that that one now you know and it changed the game but we all we all have seen seen many games uh including Premier League games on matches the day

    With the same referee um seeing players sure descent and there’s been no cards inside certainly not red cards but you know that’s just the way it went well the the referee this afternoon is Darren England uh and the last time he took charge of a sundland game I mean

    Remarkably it was four years ago it was in August 2019 at Burnley in the second round of the League Cup when sundland won there 3-1 but we’ve not seen Darren England since then I mean he he’s a Premier League referee isn’t he so it’ll be inter to see what he’s like this

    Afternoon because we’ve had this debate about Premier League referees Championship I’ve seen some some very poor performances by Premier League referees who have come down to the championship but but In fairness the last two or three times we had Premier League referees com down they’ve actually been very

    Good and hopefully Darren England will be somebody who at the end of the game people are saying Darren who because won have noticed him which is always as we all know the sign of the good referee um I will reply the chat that record again

    I mean those those three wins in 33 I mean you mentioned it’s not just here at the Riverside it’s as Park and funny enough we were walking around from the the car park at the back of the Riverside here beside the dock and um just talking about ASM Park I never I

    Never visited as part I never I’ve never done a game there never did a game there but Benner you you played there I mean is it what was it about nothing particularly different was it about Aon par compared to anywhere else it was cold cold was that

    Is that the reason the record here is so poor cuz it’s cold it’s just it’s just it’s just one of them grounds it’s you know it’s shall I say anytime we went there we just I I don’t know what it was it was just something which we just couldn’t perform

    Couldn’t get a result yeah many many many poor and disappointing games at as part and one of the things about as and parnick was in the days before grounds were all seat this as Park was unusual in the behind the goal at the end where the visiting supporters went it was

    Seated behind the goal and those seats were usually if not always middlesbor supporters but then there were two big open corners and the Souther supporters tended to get the two big open corners and I remember sometimes sometimes the seats I remember being in the seats

    Sometime in that end but it was a bit funny in that the sort of a way support was split into the two corners usually and um as I say many and many a game there you know would be we typically lose 2-1 or two or two nil and or maybe

    If we’re looking get a one-1 draw but rare would be occasion where we’d actually put up a um you know we’d get a victory I never saw us win at as Park I mean I was there many many games but I was only about three in 1961 62 when

    That Brian K win and that was our last victory at as Park um before you go um couple of things to mention one was disappointment on Friday night the fa youth cup Sunderland losing to Swindon I mean they went one down after about 20 seconds didn’t they two down two down after

    However of a minutes yeah but um the the the first goal that Swindon scored was only about 1 second out of being the quickest goal ever scored at the stadium of Light which was a first team game when Daryl Murphy scored against Plymouth around about 2005 in a game

    That we went on to lose but yeah the swind were two n up within about 10 minutes and though Sunland came back and and to a large extent dominated the game had chances to to get back ultimately they went out all credit to Swindon they’ knocked out Manchester United in

    The previous round I think there way to either Bristol City or Burnley it might be in the next round and good luck to them but it was sunderland’s furthest amount of progress in the in the FAU cup since 2017 uh there’s some good young players I saw

    Them I watched the the uh the game against um swinden on uh on TV on YouTube um last weekend before the first in game I was over at the the under 18s watching the under 18s play against mastle which was a 22 draw very good game that I think Sun deserved to win

    Both goalkeepers had an outstanding game but some good young players coming through with Sunderland obviously Chris rig is the one that gets all of the attention on TV quiet the first you remember Nick had a brief T of the first team last season home to field but he’s another one coming through the

    Pipeline for people to look out for a talented good Lo local player and we talked about talented players coming through the the youth and development Sid I’m interested to see Kaden Kelly is is on the bench this afternoon yeah and he scored recently against Nottingham forest reserves away so

    Hopefully you know he’ll get a chance sooner or later another good talented attacking Midfield player I’m I’m I’m asking you about the under ratings cuz I know you watched them Fair bit and I just thought the way that they’ve been playing of late and of course they beat

    Manchester City earlier in the season um that this is a it’s a good young team as you say with a lot of prospects I thought this is a real opportunity this year in the fa youth cup to uh to to do really well and go a long way so I was a

    Bit surpris I was surprised at that defeat but then again you know we don’t know just how I we just assume because swind and play in League 2 that you know they they and that doesn’t reflect does it in theem and the way that these players are brought on all credit swind

    In the first half particularly swind played very very well and as I say you know everybody should have been aware of the danger SED by the Manchester United the most successful team in the history of the FA Cup 11 times winners they not get United in the I’m not nervous I’m excited

    Take or didn’t take of one they did take from the the young Belgian international well yeah they didn’t just beat Man City deserve City abely had they won on Friday night it would have been the furthest been in the youth cup since about 2007 when they got

    The semi-finals when they had a team that was was led by Jord Henderson waghorn who went on to have and still are having very very good careers in in in profession lot of because that was an exceptional team and this current te a number of good young players in in fin

    Lther very good coaches bringing through and the pipeline of young players come through sundland continues to be outstanding and that’s all credit to the people at the academy uh and finally I mentioned a couple of things um your thoughts on the three players that have come in we’re not going to see Callum

    Stars for a few weeks yet mundle on the bench today and Helder STS see I mean I was listening just before I came on I was listen you and Gary talking about Helder coming in at left back he’s a bit I’m slightly surprised he’s come in soon

    I thought they would stick with the 11 they had last week and leave to a hum at left back um but we’ll see what he’s got to offer um you know let’s let’s hope that he’s another young player who comes in with a point to prove a hungry young

    Player with a bit of talent um but he’s certainly in at the deep end being thr into a a game live on TV a wait the local rivals in Middlesboro we see mundle you know we we’ve all read bit about the the pluses and minuses of his

    Game as a as a young player uh he’s he’s got the potential to be an exciting talent talent Styles obviously we know a little bit more about and once he fit it’ll be a solid addition to the squad I’ve no doubt Rob pleasure thank you as always

    We’ll chat with Rob at the stadium light next Saturday Plymouth AR at home one change to Sun this afternoon Leo H comes in at left back yes is on the bench T will play right back we talk about transfers there let hear sporting director Christian watching just ask about were

    The were you or or were you in for other Strikers as well yeah the nine position is very similar to all the rest of them which is you have three or four targets that that obviously you have to try to prioritize and I think um forward

    Position is always in there you want to try to strengthen and improve if you can um we went right down to the wire on three or four of them um and then at the end of it we know it wasn’t to be for various reasons availability and then

    Ultimately choice you know I think sometimes coming ultimately you always got choice if you want to go and spend more and more but there also comes a point where you have to evaluate that against the value and and and obviously um you know on this occasion that didn’t

    That didn’t for it’s not something that was sitting around in huge frustration if I’m quite Frank with you we’re really happy we improve the forward line you know remain joining us um and ultimately we know we’ve got three players in the building that we believe in you know

    Want to make sure they can have the opportun welcome welcome are you comfortable because you feel that with the attacking players you’ve got in the squad now and the way that Michael be has been talking it you you can create more chances for those Strikers that are

    Still in the building to start scoring goals yeah well I think for the vast majority of the Season chances has not been an issue for us for time we’ve been right up there the year the various STS look at it’s been around converting those opportunities um you know I think

    There a lot of talk around you he’s been itching at me contacted I was League leag really aware of that what it looks like need team different goals SC different as he b as he B to come on rubb see had AAL e and what was you thinking in letting

    Mayanda go out on loan I think one is around providing opportunity for the players and there’s two types of opportunity there’s the opportunity out there within other environments that are comparable we think that for him and neck to go into hips for example I think is similar culture similar leagues not

    Too far the road um I think there’s some real positives around how align those two environments are ultimately players in the building you want to feel like you’ve got an opportunity to get in the team and I think by having a you know an inflated and a larger Squad players can

    Feel a little bit further away from getting into the into the group and I don’t think that helps any of the players we made a choice based on the attributes that we had to to keep Sam in and Sam had loads of opportunities to go

    Out and I think it’s a real good marker for US around you know how much interest in those players outside of the building that I think really should Point towards how talented they are and we’ve got to try to bring those boys through and um Eliza’s got a great opportunity to go to

    Hibs and we wish him the best with that bit of a gamble because Dan Ballard’s on nine yellow cards Luke’s on eight um was it just a bit or something like depth of cover in in the center half position are you happy for them to go yeah look I think that was a

    Conversation I think we had on every day for about 20 days because we’re all aware of those factors and that was obviously you know bringing Leo in was a was a part of that decision bringing Callum in was a part of that decision and there’s a there’s always a area of

    Risk with any of those decisions and ultimately we then have to be accountable make C cly feel that we’ve got enough enough depth enough strength in the group ultimately we need to make sure that obviously you know ideally we don’t get two of those out at the same

    Time but that could happen Squad in those moments has to step up get two injuries things can happen you know players opportun players will get an opportunity because I think real say over course of time before those cards geted somebody’s going to somebody’s probably going to

    Miss a game and and look that’s what our squad’s all about and we’ve got to be be looking at as a positive um as regards rain and Callum I mean how far away are both of them them from featuring in the the team now because I think [ __ ] deal

    Was on then it was off and it was back on again and remains not actually played a lot of football um no rain’s not played a lot of football in terms of uh starting appearances um but obviously has been fully fit training um came in did his Fitness testing so we know

    Exactly where he’s at um he’ll be technically available for selection at the weekend that’ll be up to the coach to obviously pick the team um with regards to Callum yeah look Callum situation is slightly unique we had an agreement all in principle on Callum and then fortunately you had to go for what

    Probably classes emergency surgery but it’s obviously fairly fairly Min nowadays and you know the the medical team and the doctors do incredible job on that type of thing so he’s just got to just get himself back on his feet and and imminently should be sort of over

    The next 10 to 14 days back out on the grass and available for selection and that was part of our decision making do we stick with that do you choose something else um but we felt that was the right decision for us and we were prepared to full go probably the next

    Game maybe two games to make sure that he was going to be part of the rest of the games and finally for me the the Pritchard situation resolved itself with him going to Birmingham when you look back in hindsight though it’s probably a situation that he could have probably

    Avoided do you think and and you know it sort of uh um look I think I’ve said in these conversation before like these guys are not robots you know there’s loads of things that affect them they’re just like you and I we’ve got home life friends family thoughts Ambitions

    Etc I think in the end look Alex has made probably a an incorrect decision um which he probably in reflection probably maybe thinks he probably shouldn’t have done and look we all make mistakes in life do you know what I mean I think the first and foremost Alex is you know we

    Brought Alex in because we knew he could be a real compliment to what we were trying to achieve and I think that was a Justified decision he’s become a fan favorite on the pitch delivered on numerous occasions for our football club to get us promoted so from that side of

    It we were delighted um in the end it was just a sensible Sensible conversations around what’s the next best move and you know I think he’s happy with the outcome you know I wouldn’t necessarily say we’re happy with the outcome because you know we were sort of in a position where we to

    Make we had to put the best interest of the club first and um you I think like I said we move forward we’ve got a really really strong Squad we’ve got other players in his position that have played in front of him this year and and and

    He’s played in front of them at time so you know that’s uh that’s as it is total sport Northeast BBC Radio Newcastle Christian Speedman talking about the transfer window we’ll hear from Michael Beal and Mason burto before kickoff at 3:00 just to recap the teams one change for Sunland Leo helda starts

    At left back this afternoon Patterson in goal Hume balard o9 and helda Neil EA bar joob Clark and burto the bench is Bishop pmell hir Roberts mundle rusen seal aish and Kaden Kelly is uh on the bench as well middles make three changes alen Aziz and Greenwood all come in this

    Afternoon Luke aing on loan from leads of course as is Greenwood aiz is on loan from Aston Villa right the lot’s been happening yesterday there’s a lot more to happen today Sunderland women play at 12:00 as well they’re playing at reading and uh rounding everything up everything

    Is Dominic James thanks to Nick and gar will back to the Riverside shortly to continue buildup to Middlesboro versus Sunderland as bonsi says Lots going on this weekend just a quick reminder of the champ ship results yesterday Queens Park Rangers winning away Blackburn 21i winners over Sheffield Wednesday

    Hull one- n winners over mil Norwich beating centry 2-1 Preston 3-2 winners over ipswitch rotheram losing at home Southampton winning 2- n there Leicester going away to stoken winning 5 nil Plymouth winning on the road as well one nil winners over swans Cardiff winning on the road two one0 winners over

    Watford and West Brum beat Tony M’s Birmingham city 1 nil Sunland ninth in the table then after the results yesterday but a win today would take them back up to six then into those playoff places in the Premier League we had our other commentary game yesterday here on BBC Radio Newcastle Newcastle 44

    Draw with luten town at St James’s Park United coming back after being 4-2 down at one point here’s the mag pai’s head coach Eddie how we’re disappointed we’re frustrated we feel especially the way we started the game that we could go on and win the game um really stamp our

    Authority in the match and we didn’t do that and Luton kept coming back at us and um showed why they’re in a very good run of form themselves I thought it was a very good game it was very open both teams trying to sort of take the initiative to each other yeah ultimately

    We’re disappointed not to win but also probably grateful not to lose as being 4-2 down as well and we needed some inspiration that came from various players I think they all stood up easy for us when you look back throughout from losing position so that’s a big step forward there speaking

    To Matthew rck after newcastle’s four four draw interview is available on BBC SS 2 also yesterday in the Premier League Everton drawn 22 with Tottenham Brighton beating Crystal Palace 4-1 Burnley in fham drawing 22 Aston Villa going away to Sheffield United and winning 5 nil meanwhile today at 2:00 it’s Bournemouth

    Versus Nottingham for Chelsea man against West 4poles as Nick mentioned before in the Women’s Championship today Sunland are away to reading at 12:00 kickoff there Durham meanwhile at Maiden Castle are at home to Sheffield United in the National League today newcastle’s women take on Wolves at Kingston Park at 2 o00 kickoff

    There non- League wise yesterday Gat said beat South End 1 n away from him here’s the gates head manager Rob Elliot he spoke to us on our local football round up last night fantastic tremendous to be honest with you so makes the long journey worth it said to the lads I was

    Like if you going to put all this effort in you know sacrifice all the time and the journey in and everything you know left at eight got to the hotel at six yesterday whil we because we trained them the way down let’s make it worth it

    And you know I thought we was excellent from from start till about the minute we have to accept the South putting balls in the box and we defended brilliantly well Ro our luck with with a ball hitting the bar but overall I thought we were um I thought we were really good

    For the win to keep a clean sheet South End I don’t think many do that GED manager Rob Elliott there meanwhile the national leag nor way to herid South Shield drawing 1-1 away to scarra athletic a good point on the road for them meanwhile in the Northern premier league Premier Division

    Morpi losing 43 away to Aon in the East Division a couple of local Derbies for us yesterday Heaven beaten coner 3-1 and Dunston running out 4-1 winners over ashington Rugby Union there was no Falcons this week weekend is the Six Nations weekend began of course on Friday Ireland beat France at 38 points

    To 17 and yesterday England were in Rome to take on Italy a close game there but England winning 2724 and afterwards the England head coach Steve bwick spoke to our reporter Sarah Orchard it’s pleasing to start with the first game with a win obviously I think we’ll building through this

    Tournament I think we’ll get better as a team as you start looking now we uh it was almost a contrast today you’ve got playing against the Italian side that was dominated by traviso players play together weekend we got sitting second in USC and you see an England team with

    Five debutants um so we knew it was going to be a challenge it really was um pleased we came through the challenge plenty to work upon but pleased we came through the challenge are you frustrated with the decision making it at the end you could have got away with a 13-point

    Win it’s a three-point win and we’ll have back the players to making decisions and and you know so the the the decisions the execution would be so we’ll work on that and we’ll make sure it’s better um the the certain experiences you you go through and you

    You make sure you learn from we we will make sure we debrief this game thoroughly and there’s plenty of lessons in it for us England head coach Steve B there speaking after England’s 2724 win over Italy and Rome yesterday in Cardiff Wales a narrow defeat for them losing

    2726 to Scotland very close match to Cricket then and in the day three of the second test between India and England India were bulled out for two 255 runs in their second Innings and have set England 399 runs to win England have made good just simul

    67 in as a night Watchman so England going good in there second end we’ll see how that pans out tomorrow on day four basketball in the Eagles will I’ll ruce they take the Phoenix this evening it’s a 6 p.m tip off later in the W Championship last night sorry the

    Newcastle Eagles lost 83 68 according to that Reb it’s got by gos lost to Michael vano in the round of 16 last night he lost 10 legs 24 in the cycle across World Championships in the Czech Republic this weekend uh yesterday in the women’s Elite race gate at Ana K

    Was in action the only Brit in the women’s uh race actually should finish 17th got today in the men’s R men’s Elite race at 130 we have Thomas M of GED also uh also the only Brit in the race to starts at 13 you can watch those races

    Back on the on the BBC I player to to Snooker then and at the German Masters last night uh Newcastle Sam CRA lost his I think four teams keep 11 on thech to continue buildid Bailey at breakfast Facebook has turned 20 years old today so I want to

    Know what’s the most annoying thing that people do on Facebook an you’ve got one haven’t you yes I do when you see a post and it’s of some poor little dog that’s got on the other side of the world and you see that Karen from farington here has shared

    Farington call off the search car got cover that dog in a little town in Australia it’s sorted somebody in Far B who’ seen it Matt Bailey at breakfast back Monday morning from 6 BBC Radio Newcastle total sport Northeast Nick Barnes and Gary Bennett MBE BBC Radio Newcastle we’ll hear from Michael be in

    A moment but the Walkers we were talking about them earlier on Chris Beanie has organized this walk from The Stadium of Light they left at 700 last night to the Riverside here today for the game at 12 all in Aid of Chris Woods who’s in a wheelchair he’s sitting in his

    Wheelchair right down in front of us at the end of the tunnel now because those walkers have made it they’ve raised over 20,000 grisan has just been interviewed by a name a familiar name that might be uh many sundland fans might remember John used to do the PA at stadium of

    Life does the PA here now at the the Riverside but John has just been interviewing the uh the organizer Chris Beanie he’s a Sunderland fan Chris Woods is a middlesbor fan just to recap Chris Woods is in a wheelchair had a stroke um he needs physio he’s not been able to

    Get it on a daily basis the money’s being raised for him to be able to have 5 days a week treatment in a in a bid to I it was chat him last night his whole right side is basically paralyzed but he’s getting some movement back in his

    Right arm and hand now now and the the hope is that they might be able to get movement back in that right side and in the long run hopefully get him back on his feet again but um that might be a long way off indeed and it’s great isn’t

    It how football brings supporters together you know we’re talking we’re talking about the game today what it means about the game today but also what it means to the supporters you know bringing two sets of supporters and you know the colors go out of the window you

    Know and again you know we’re talking about the support which we we’re trying to obviously raise as much funds as we can uh on another note a very sad note as well here’s someone who who will be known by many loved by all and that’s John snake from The cery Tavern suddenly

    S sadly uh not so suddenly sadly passed away at the end of the week uh our condolences and our love go to Theresa his wife and all the family um they will be known by many people um and uh yeah very very sad and I’m sure that uh

    John’s funeral will be well attended I think that goes without saying it’s going to be a very busy day and our condolences I say to Theresa and uh the family so our thoughts are with you Theresa um yeah not an easy time um but there you go here today 12:00 kickoff

    One change shelder comes in uh let’s hear firstly now uh we’ll hear from again before kickoff we’ll also hear from Mason bur but let’s hear the first few minutes of Michael Beal Michael first your take on the transfer window I suspect you’ve not had a huge amount of

    Involvement in it this week but you’ve got three players in a few have left what’s your mood what’s your making of it all three really good players that come in that were targets for the the club I know the I know the players well so Jack Diamond he

    La coming he had the most time with the group I think he’s a a player that I saw break through in Scotland originally and obviously got GL legs like well he’s had a nice loan at Mar is highly thought of in his International setup as well and

    He gives us real good balance left the footed Defenders center backs who can play fullback are hard to to find so we think we’ve we’ve signed a really good player there at the right moment rain obviously uh had a really excellent academy uh Journey with Spurs before

    Going over to standardly age and he’s a player that’s been on the club’s radar for a while he comes in gives us good versatility in wide areas and Callum Styles is I think it’s an excellent football player that will will really benefit the club obviously played number of times

    For his national team hungry will go to the Euros as a Midfield can also play as back in terms of the end really positive and the boys that have gone out I feel that it was part of their plan ultimately to go out and play more in

    The second half of the season and certainly in nectar and and Ellie’s situation I feel that they’re players that we really got high hopes for for the future in terms of Jay he’s just missed a lot of football and could do with play and so all in all it was busy

    Um and yeah positive we we now move forward um Christian was quite relaxed about not getting a nine in a striker in um I’m bearing in mind you know your thoughts over the last few weeks about the the three that you’ve got here now how how relaxed are you about that well

    Relaxed is a big word for managers when you’re chasing and the expectation of getting in the playoffs and and then pushing on from there so look the Mason played ever so well last last week and and and scored a goal NZ has done well I

    Think Naz also can play off the left if you asked him maybe what his main position is he he’d probably say as a left forward coming inside scored a couple of goals there for uh the second team earlier in the week as well so look we’ll keep working SoMo is a player that

    I think we should have high hopes for in the future is obviously adjusting to the country and he had a couple of um Fitness issues recently in terms of carrying one or two knocks that we’ve had to be careful with hence way he didn’t play in the in the B Team game

    Against leads but he’s a player we got high hopes for and it’s a collective thing you know the team score goals and at the weekend we had three different goal scorers so that’s a good sign for us all um because there’s no number nine coming in and these three now know that

    That’s the case it’s up to them to stake their claim that could actually be a positive for them couldn’t it now that they know they’re the ones that the burden rests on their shoulders yes that’s a pressure but it’s also a good pressure yeah and listen we like for

    Them of course that it’s great for them on a personal level now they’ve got her own it and the team has but you know Pat’s back in training will’ll help us in that area as well Abdullah bar we brought rain in so I’m I’m comfortable with our options it’s it’s the team the

    Team need to step up I think sometimes being a stri of for suland has been difficult do we cross the ball enough you know at times do we try to score the perfect goal a lot of intricate play and and so it’s important we feed the number

    Nine regardless of who’s in there and who’s got the shirt it’s important they get good service and get people playing close to them and I thought last week was a step in the right direction for sure I mean there’s a sense of uh I think in the game against Stoke that

    Maybe a few more shots from outside the box a bit more of the old fashioned Wing play trying to get the ball in to those players is that something you’ve worked on or you’ve had the opportunity to work on that because you’ve not got the midweek games yeah for sure we wanted to

    Be a little bit quicker in the final third play a little bit higher up the pitch with our forwards as well as and press higher up the pitch and I thought it was a it was pleasing aspect of last week’s game for sure total sport Northeast on the station with Newcastle and Sunderland

    Commentary exclusively live BBC Radio Newcastle we’ll he more from Michael Beal before kickoff what time’s that now just past quarter to 12 uh we’re here from Mason bur in a moment as well one thing to alert you to remind you of in case you’ve missed it uh we do a

    Sundland podcast every week uh this week’s edition uh was Martin Emerson’s remake of a documentary he put together 20 years ago of uh the 73 Cup winning team but Bob stoko because Bob stoko 20th anniversary of his death I think this week uh Martin’s re-edited and remade the documentary he’s remixed it

    As they he DJ he remixed it and he got some press stuff he got a couple I know he hasn’t that’s why that’s why it’s a remix yeah a remix rather than than an original new record it’s Martin’s remix rather than Martin’s new record anyway that’s the sundland podcast this week

    It’s very good listen uh and that you can find on the BBC sounds rail BBC sounds if you’ve got that app or wherever you get your this is what you meant to say didn’t it wherever you get your podcast from you know this is an age a world Beyond me but the me

    Wherever you get your podcast from wherever that might be off the off the uh I don’t know off the milman I’m not sure sure where where did you get them from anyway uh have a troll for that it’s it’s a very good listen week before we spoke to gram Anderson formerly of

    The suland EO that’s a good listen as well next week I’ll be chatting with Simon Pride to Frankie Francis so that will be late in the week the Sunderland AFC podcast We Love to Get You On One get interes what would we talk what talk about our Journeys yeah that would be a

    Good one about we cover a lot we could yes there’s a lot of there’s a lot to cover there the night we the afternoon we broke down on the way to Southampton I’m hoping tempting fate again CU we’re going down there again in a I think supporters don’t realize what we go

    Through no they don’t they don’t no they don’t well that’s a good we don’t compl to get there I’m going to pencil you in that’s it Ben’s on the podcast in a few weeks time so you can look forward to that last weekend Mason burto scored his first goal for Sunderland he starts

    Again this afternoon I caugh up with after the 3-1 win that must B off doing I’m okay too yeah work in the training ground players of how frustrating is the last four your teams it’s been frustrating not being on the score sheet but you know I just got

    To keep working day and day out and eventually it’ll come in today has hello I heard my I heard my mention so so much looking forward to it and you know the promise that held for you here and then to find yourself sort of pulled out of the team and wondering perhaps when

    You’re going to get back in the team the the the confidence you exuded after scoring that goal you can almost see that way your shoulders yeah yeah it’s um Alan how you doing it’s been it’s been frustrating coming out the team obviously um I want to play every week

    Um but there’s other nines that need to play as well um and we’re all working very hard to to get in in the team and to score so it’s been healthy competition um and today’s been my chance Michael bill has just been saying how much you work on the training pitch

    How you stay behind after and work on your finishing has there been a real determination to to try and crack it and get back in yeah definitely um not many of the finishing drawers are headers from three Ys out but but it’s um yeah it’s been a it’s

    Been a we off my shoulders definitely I mean you’ll take them anywhere they come won’t you get the first exactly massively so hopefully they just keep um coming there um what’s the mood been like over the last couple of weeks I mean it’s a young team you’re a young

    Player you’re away from home away from Chelsea I mean there must be times you’re thinking you know maybe I’m better off going going home has it been difficult to try and keep yourself going no so since I come I’ve been focused on sundland um getting into the playoffs

    And that that’s been my main focus um Chelsea keep um encouraging me to keep going uh I’ve been encouraging myself and S family and friends Etc so uh yeah it’s just about getting points here and kicking on and presumably I mean Chelsea mentioned I did they did they keep a

    Close eye on you do you are you in regular contact with them about how it’s going yeah I’m in contact um they encourage me the best they can they send me clips and stuff of my games so it’s it’s regular contact but it’s just about kicking on here um helping the boys out

    Here and stepping up to the challenge so it must have seemed in a lot of ways on channel you’ve been at a bit of a basket case of a club because of everything that’s that’s gone on I mean how have you sort of factored that in and dealt

    With that or or everything that’s happen since Tony Mo left yeah there’s been a lot of uh change uh obviously a different gaffa um Chang in tactics and and mood r a camp but we just focus we just focus day and day out on the training ground and in games best we can

    Uh wees away from kick off and he focuses a lot on us and there’s a lot of communication going on so we just need to keep working every game and you must feel like today the win your goal maybe it feels a little bit like a fresh start

    For the final games of the season yeah I think it’s 17 17 games left now um and we’re going to work hard to get into those playoff spots and and kick on and try to get promoted so everyone needs to step up uh we got a week until the next

    Game uh we’ll be back on the training training pitch working as hard as we can you set yourself a Target uh I haven’t fallback yet I’m just going to enjoy enjoy enjoy today enjoy the three points and the goal total sport Northeast BBC Radio Newcastle Mason berso who starts this afternoon up

    Front you had this um you had this statistic you were talking about it earlier I think they’ve um show it on TV as well is it nine different Strikers since um where they last had a striker of playing up front Sunderland and two goals return and I don’t are countless

    Chances well again ni that could be the talking point for the rest of the season is it a gamble that we’ve gone through the window without bringing a striker in we’ve had this conversation shall we say for the last 18 months really um I think the big question is you know about

    Getting that experienced um striker in funny enough I was just was talking to um Don Goodman and um Don we just was having conf and he said he learned his trade I mentioned I played against an lad who was at Bradford City his name was Bobby Campbell and he was

    The right character and Don said you know what I was 16 I played alongside him and the amount of information I learned from playing alongside him was unbelievable you know and and that’s what happens you got to understand or learn or play alongside maybe experienced players and you look

    At the team you look at our team fantastic young players but you still need that little bit of guidance and that experienced player on the pitch to point you in the right direction sometimes well talked about experience uh Grant Lea played for both of course he’s up here on the Gantry

    He’s a coach now at Middlesboro he was at the stadium of like you got a bit carried away he was sat in front of us wasn’t he he was getting a bit carried away actually so it’s probably a good thing he’s about 100 yards away from us

    I wonder afternoon who who is he supporting uh well he’s wearing he’s wearing middleb colors um yes this afternoon so uh that’s possibly where it is today um right we’re not far away from kickoff let’s hear from again the Sunderland head coach Michael Beal good G weekend OB with with bar and

    Being just down the road um I mean what are your thoughts on them and and how you approached the game yeah it’s an it’s a excellent game it’s a really you know if you look at the last six games in the league and the form we’re fifth

    They’re six so in the last six games it’s it’s obviously two teams with the same amount of points and are riding high and have got the same ambition we know what happened in the home game so there’s certainly an element of that we want to perform well we’ll need to as

    The away team against middlesbor I think a good team I think Michael Carrick has started his management career well um in the last month at home they’ve played Aston Villa and narrowly lost and played Chelsea and won a game so I think that that’s a a warning for how strong they

    Are at home but I’ve seen areas of them that we can EXP it as well we’ll need to be at our best I mean I think the fans and the players are still stung by that 4-n game is it something you can use very much in the dressing room going

    Into the game yeah each game’s different new some new players will be involved in this game and we’re living in a different have got to turn at some point know never it comes down to the Penalty boxes as we’ve seen you know in other games this year where we’ve been quite

    Ruthless in games and scored goals and you might say last weekend was a little bit like that didn’t and maybe in that game it wasn’t a fair run of how the game was actually played between the boxes but certainly want to show a better performance this weekend in terms of the final outcome

    Had a nice Pizza Saturday as well and I’ve had a good I’ve had a good sleep I’ve had a good sleep I actually had a dream Jackie White Market I became the manager so took him eight games or seven or eight games to get that ninth book in

    So uh nice if we could go that long again but know with him and and l two away I think the emergence of Jensen’s been really really positive I do apologize now is playing regular in the seconds he pick up his moment minutes when he when he’s not playing for us

    Leo’s come in and gives us that flexibility obviously the reason that callums was delayed a little bit was obviously he had appendicitis and that’s knocked it back but we expect him back in a couple of weeks as well so uh look as we found with with the injury

    Injuries we’ had Jensen’s come in and I think the last you know actually every time he’s played but certainly the the last couple I think Jensen’s been excellent so he he is a center back so at some point in the next couple of games we’re going to see him there when

    That booking finally comes and finally for me you obviously relieved as well that nobody was sold in the window and that’s important going forward isn’t it yeah look we always every Club wants to keep their best players but I never I never felt at any moment that we was

    Going to lose anybody the boys all seemed really engaged and and in um into what we’re doing and you know the big one was obviously there was some noise around Clark but every single day Jack chains ever so well and he’s focused and he’s not confident if you’re honest

    Total sport Northeast Nick Barnes and Gary Bennett MBE BBC Radio Newcastle teams out on the pitch just uh introducing themselves to one another other s will be all in yellow this afternoon at the moment they’re wearing and they’re just about to discard their red and orange track suit tops piling

    Them up in front of Steven aiz the Kitman the yellow shirts with blue sleeves yellow shorts yellow socks as Dan Neil peels away and goes across with the sundland fans on the far side in the corner the one Chang Leo helda number 33 a shock of dyed blond hair so he stands

    Out uh he plays left back this afternoon just h of the conversation quick exchange of words with Dan Neil shaking the hands and uh with Dan balard Dan balard of course on the nine yellow cards Dan has got to somehow reach or go through the next seven games without a

    Yellow card it’s probably a big ass but he could do it he could do it um and as we mentioned just before with Michael Beal Luc o Nan on eight yellow cards at the moment um there’s so much sort of uh we mentioned Grant leiter playing both for

    Sundland and middles wor middlesbor now Jonathan wood gates down below he’s on the coaching staff from the Newcastle as well uh there’s so much interchange with these two teams isn’t there over the years I mean even you worked at middles yeah I worked at midb as well in the

    Academy you know the amount of players that you know we just mentioned Sam Greenwood you know his journey as well started off at Sunland um he’s at middle present moment very very good player so yeah it’s uh there’s a lot a lot of links you know they mentioned the lik of

    Steve got who your AR you know the list is going on and on and on they’ve just shown a shot of Jack Clark on the television with a statistic that 11 of his 13 goals this season have come from away from home which remarkable really isn’t it it is indeed so fingers crossed

    Can add to that tally this afternoon here at the Riverside uh are we in afternoon yet y we are about to get underway this afternoon Daren England all in black is the referee the 38-year-old who’s a premier league referee last in charge of a sundland

    Game in 2019 in August of that year that was in the leag cup at Burnley and it was an away win for sundland 3 particular night so it’s a cloudy dry chilly day but it’s a great day for football and Thomas and Darren England’s about to get us underway does so middles

    For kickoff immediately trying to break through the middle is Hayden Hackney it’s pushed back to Dan Bassa former Newcastle Midfield as sign from rotheram of course and Back Again Into the Heart of Defense where um a break possibly for bar after the ball broke on the left

    Side of the middle spr Midfield and eventually put out by Vandenberg for a throw for sundland after a Pursuit by Abdul laar that was encouraging though it was positive vandenberg’s pushed into the middle because uh Luke aing is coming at right back for middles spra who are all

    In red here’s bar again on the right side of the penalty area eers with him bar again looking for job who’s a little bit slow to react it comes back to balard now9 who hooks it high in the air down the right wing bar would have been

    Offside burto is making a breakdown down to the touch line but the ball is bounced out for a throw quickly back to goalkeeper Tom Glover sen dang still injured so the 26y old Australian’s in goal he’s in black and gray he’s played it to Dale fry and then it’s back to the

    Goalkeeper flanked by the center half Sor if I’m looking at the replay and can you tell me the difference between the replays what you can see now on the screen in front of you and to the team playing it’s back to front isn’t it a which could be quite

    Discombobulating that’s a that’s a foul on bar 25 Ys out I’m now you now you’ve alerted me to that I’m trying to look at both I’m I’m going to get myself in all sorts of a mess here I’m going to stick to the pitch stick to the reality and

    Not watch the game on the Telly in front of me but again positive by bar picking the ball up one th a free kick what maybe 25 28 yard yards actually isn’t it but uh a free kick nonetheless and a good opportunity for sundland EA and Clark in conversation over the ball at

    The moment kneel to their left Trey Hume left on guard Duty in the center circle Anthony PS in light blue all light blue this afternoon just standing behind the center circle at the moment and um referee waving his arms either side to warn the players off a

    Bit of pushing at the edge of the penalty area and here’s uh EA with his left foot just over the bar with that free kick goal kick then to middles for early doors we’re in the third minute nil nil it’s strange I’ve just been looking at the program and uh

    You’re looking at the players on the pitch and you got yela got number 33 he’s not even on the list oh it’s some fresh fresh blood as they say here’s uh middles for on the right with fry playing it back under pressure from burto to Glover out wide on the

    Left hand side looking for Engle the Dane who plays it back into uh Vandenburg who’s playing left side of the two center backs played out wide now on the right and swept forward by Luke aing on loan from leads it comes all the way way through to Anthony Patterson and Patterson

    Strolls and then rolls the ball to Luc oan Michael Beal putting a Overcoat on as the ball’s headed down by Dale fry and put back by hon to goalkeeper Tom Glover head of his penalty area pushes it out to the Dutchman Vandenburg the 19-year-old he’s 6′ three plays it out

    Wide eventually through fry to aing and back to fry again and then just into basa and basa Waits on as hon looks to get it wide now to Hackney Hayden Hackney on his right wing over the halfway line job goes behind him it’s pushed through the middle now as e looking for Greenwood

    And Greenwood shot is blocked by Hume was a swift move out of Defense by Middlesboro they come through but the end product was a a tame shot in in the end with a block by Hume and it’s dropped back into the hands of Anthony Patterson Greenwood Sam Greenwood the

    Sundland lad who went to Arsenal then to leads he’s on Lone leads now he’s playing as the middle number nine I’m not sure that might actually be playing with aiz alongside of him they certainly got aiz and Greenwood up there foul on LC o9 by Lucas by Marcus Force so free

    Kick wide on the left here in the Sunderland half helda back to down Neil just in front of the D to balard alongside him balard bringing this forwards turns and has to play this back to Dan Neil Neil yelda makes a run forwards inside of Clark trying to get

    There now down the left wing but flying across comes Del fry and drives the ball out for a throw to sundland on the left in the sixth minute nil nil live on BBC Radio Newcastle here’s yelder the throw back down to Luc o n from in front of

    Michael Beal it’s played across to Ballard again in the middle of the sundland half and out wide to try Hume back to Ballard Ballard across to 09 again 9 fors to job job back to Ballard and Ballard brings it up to halfway looking for bar just in front of

    The center circle trying to get away from Vandenburg it’s played into the penalty area from the right but behind by Al for a corner a fantastic ball got to get somebody to attack it ball swung in from the touch line by H and Clark goes down to the corner to

    Take this on the left Bar’s gone with him short corner to bar bar now the left edge of the penalty area plays it back into the middle EA trying to tea up a shot closed down by Greenwood and the that was a corner it’s got to be quicker Ricochet deflected up off Greenwood

    Behind for sunderland’s second Corner in the seventh minute and Clark going across to the right hand side to take this on top of the discombobulation of the TV pictures there 5 seconds behind as well yeah it’s not helping things take keep your eyes on the pitch keep your eyes on the ball

    Clark from the right hand side he’s driven this in helela trying to get on the end of it it could get connect on he’s caught the defender um Engel who’s quickly back up on his feet he was going to have a little bit of a roll he was trying to

    Swing that he was going to roll over yelder was going to swing his right foot through it but he caught the defender here’s Fry on the right side of the penalty bringing this out into midfield for Middlesboro forced Hayden Hackney out aing on the right side in

    Front of Michael beel tries to swing it through the middle for Greenwood but it’s broken for Ballard he finds AA lays it off now to Hume on the far side and Humes bringing this down the right wing still going down that right hand side slips it inside straight though to

    Vandenberg he plays it out now to Greenwood but he’s tackled by Neil looking for bar on the right wing on the touch line it stayed in bar plays it back to balard and balard to O and on9 to Helder on this left hand side still in the sundland half a longer ball forwards

    Over the head of job burto inside but Hon’s got it back to fry fry inside to vandenbberg and Vandenberg and his blue boots plays it over to the sort of leafy green boots of Engle who plays it down into the path of Greenwood in the

    Penalty area a slight tug back on him he goes to the SE puts it over the bar got away with one there I think m carrick’s feeling that there should have been maybe a penalty what was pson doing he’s he’s did you think he should have

    Come out for that he should have done probably come out sooner he stopped didn’t he just he did and greenw man’s well Greenwood there was a slight tug on his shirt and then he went over the goalkeeper I think Michael Carrick trying to should have pan should have

    Been how he should have been sweeping that but again one Ball’s got got behind us they near got caught there as helda brings this away to job and out to CLK CLK and Clark he’s tackled the ball goes out for a throw to middles on the right inside the Sund and

    Half um a wake up [Applause] call so nil nil in these early stages sundon have had the better of the opening nearly 10 minutes but that was an alarm Bell for them you got to say middles had the best chance yeah that was the best chance [Applause] as the ball breaks again for

    Sunderland down the left hand side arguably fiz should have done better with the uh followup as well ball is back with Tom Glover the former Tottenham goalkeeper signed from Melbourne City the Australian where he spent the last four years in the summer burto slips over at the edge of the penalty

    Area it’s play out to the left wing angle back Tober vandenbberg to fry Clark nearly caught him but he’s passed it out the goalkeeper to vandenbberg back to fry out wide to Luke aing again on the right wing he’s taking this down to the halfway line job’s gone with him aing

    Holds him off it’s played just behind him to Hackney then played out off Neil for a throw to middles who start the day or they would have done before yesterday’s game in 11th place and sundland technically work in seventh place they’ve dropped down as a result of yesterday’s games but here’s basa

    Wins it in the middle trying to find Engle hope Hume will beat him to it but engle’s got in front of Hume gets the ball back to the goalkeeper and it’s passed out to Vandenburg fourth official having words still with Michael Carrick is still not happy clearly by the way that he’s

    Pointing to the Penalty area with that break from Greenwood fry to Vandenberg out wide again to Engle and back again to Vandenberg quickly through to Fin aiz and Aziz trying to get away down the left is tackled it’s a throw to Middlesboro on the left hand side fiz 23

    Years old on loan from Aston Villa he was spent the first half of the Season Plymouth ARG scored seven goals there and here’s hon back in his own half leaves it for Dan balasa balassa behind the center circle plays it out wide to aing on halfway and aing down the touch

    Line trying to get Force Through On’s got with him gets in front of the Finnish International who pushes o9 over and it’s a free kick with a bit of follow through from force and now he’s actually checking to see that On’s all right the referee is going to

    Have a quiet word I think with Marcus force and it’ll be a free kick taken by Anthony Patterson in the left [Applause] Corner players on this near side the kick down the left wing up goes Dale fry heads onto the halfway line and Dan Neil Dale fry middlesbor Center half now here’s hughe on halfway on the right of the center circle he’s got bar wide he finds bar on

    The touch line Engle goes to close him down Humes carried on his run Bar’s cut inside and finds in the middle job job closed down by house but he turns him job he’s done well he gets the ball to Clark at the corner of the penalty area

    On the left going past aen Clark still going tried to put it in between the keeper and the post but the keeper gets a hand to it and just knocks it out for a corner obvious Clark knows alien don’t he from his leads days and I would imagine Clark fances himself against him

    You’ve just seen there he’s gone P then and he F himself against the keeper as well trying to squeeze it in at the post I think he was assuming the keeper would make the Assumption he was going to cross it into the six-yard box Clark with his corner on the left it’s

    Sunderland’s third referees having a word with the players that are lined up around the penalty spot and Clark will have to wait a moment bars 10 yards from him down the touch line burto is in the sixy box and it’s like a a Rugby scrum on the penalty spot which

    Suddenly breaks the ball curled in and caught by Tom Glover comfortably at the far post and rolled out here to H on the left hand side Greenwood’s continued his run EA’s got to be aware of this it’s down the left wing to Greenwood Hume goes to cover takes both the ball and

    Greenwood out and a yellow card for Hume [Applause] 14th minute Humes shown the yellow card is sixth of the season free kick which down Bassa will take on the left touch line yeah and he delivers quality Bing Bassa I think at times middles are finally too easy SLI

    The balls down the sides are making some good runs middle but they getting behind Sunderland which is causing the problem sundland holding their line at the edge of the penalty area and basa then swings this in should be Patterson’s ball which it is take and uh he took that well claimed

    It nil nil still live on BBC Radio Newcastle the ball rolled here to o09 o9 wide then to helda helda down the touch line it will be headed Away by aing looking for barassa who finds H but gives the ball away to EA on the halfway line he rolls

    It out to bar on the right bar now he’s got options EA ahead of him he plays it back to Hume he tries to side put this in from 22 yds palmed Away by the goalkeeper and now looking to break Hackney and Neil is with him and Hackney

    Gets away tries to find Greenwood it’s blocked by o9 the ball spinning on the halfway line on the touch line and Neil gets it to Clark Clark now down this left hand side into the penalty area on the left still going on his left to the

    Goal line checks brings it back and now he needs some support he’s got job out to the left of him he pokes it right back to Ballard just in front of the center circle he finds humee to his right and Hume looks to sweep up for burto headed away though by basa from

    The edge of the penalty area and um then headed away again by aing and picked up by Hume again just inside his half back to balard balard to o9 o9 back to his right to balard B Ard up towards the halfway line on the right he’s got Hume on the touch line

    Aiz goes to close him down slipped inside to bar and now down the right again to Hume BTO trying to make a run into the box but it goes over him and Fry drops for aing and uh now he tries to pass it out it’ll come straight to

    Helda and inside to job and in again to EA forwards trying to find burto um but it’s cleared by fry right back up the other end to Anthony Patterson and that’s one of the problems they’ve got did well got behind him put the ball in

    Only one person in the Box yeah and that was the issue and that’s been a continuing issue here’s yelda Clark on the left getting it forwards down the left wing again to Helder and helda has got ailing on his shley breaks from him swings the ball across the penalty area

    Hume should run onto this at the corner of the box and uh he’s just got it at his feet plays it to EA closed down by barassa slips it to bar bar back to Dan Neil Neil’s cross into the penalty area straight to the goalkeeper straight at him and

    Uh nil nil in the 18th minute and um the ball I don’t think he going to end up n nil Nick yeah I think you’re right there’s going to be a goal in it somewhere hon is in the middle of his half leaves it for venburg who plays it back to

    Barassa fry to his right back to Dan baser in the middle of the middle half hon again at the edge of the center circle little flick on by force looking for Greenwood but cut out it’s for job job looking for the Run of burto tried to push it past fry but fry intercepts

    And plays it back to globber the goalkeeper what Mur doing Bas is dropping back in and making a three up three center backs and the two fullbacks are pushed on his wing backs yeah they start off as a back four but he goes in and makes that extra person as a as one

    Of the center backs vandenbberg back to Glover we look down from the main stand looking across the uh Port of tside out to see Glover down away to our left here’s baster in the middle again through the center for Greenwood Greenwood looking for the Run of fours and O’s had to go

    With him Force into the penalty area o blocks it and it’s the first middles forur corner of the game that comes in the 20th minute yeah they’ve got to be wary of that cuz baso is just dropping in there and he’s the one who’s picking out the passes so a first set

    Piece for sundland defend if you discount that Bassa free kick which was wide on the left touch line they’ve got to get somebody else out to him two out in Midfield Hackney and angle Hon’s back plenty of red shirts in the penalty area and it’s swept in to

    The back of the area Hela lets it drop over his shoulder Engle puts it back in and Over the Bar for a goal kick didn’t quite come off for Middlesboro but the worry is he was on his own it was on his own and he was given a bit of [Applause]

    Time nil nil then in the uh 21st minute now almost halfway through the first half here ball back with balard Michael Beal vigorously pushing his left hand out players in the Sunderland half trying to break out here 09 forwards to Joe back to on Hackney’s with him o9

    Trying to take him on finds yelda forwards of him forc is trying to tap it away and he has to um Aziz looking for Hackney in the penalty area could break for greenw whipped off his feet by Hume and Joe takes it off Hume nearly knocks

    Him out of the game in the process but Hume quickly picks himself up to his feet yeah sudden are causing themselves their own problems Yer yes he likes to get forward you know you look at his starting positions that time he’s sort of playing in Midfield but when it

    Breaks down that’s where we’ve got the problem I think from what Michael Beeler said he wants to see the left backs cutting inside to support Jack Clark but here’s Dan Neil bringing this out again for Sunderland something Hume does well but hum’s back up right back now and

    Here coming forward is bar taking on Engle needs some help e was behind him but nobody inside of him he plays it back to EA and EA now just on halfway really finds Ballard just behind him Taps it again to EA his right arm his right wrist is bandaged Pierre EA

    Forwards to job job back to balard just right at the center circle forwards to bar back here to Dan Neil in the center circle and Neil out to helda on the left hand side just in the lead the middles spra half the former leads Defender who

    Again alien will know all about as Force Cuts one out Greenwood back to hon and uh then a foul on Johnny hon free kick to Middlesboro sha inside to Dan balassa a dummy’s bar gets the ball out to Engel on the left wing who takes this into the Sunderland half back to Vandenberg

    Hon and back again to Dale fry fry to vandenbberg wide to Engle back back to Vandenburg the Dutchman and he looks for the Run of Hayden Hackney headed down by o9 though and whipped Away by balard to EA to bar bar has burto ahead of him but it’s the angles aren’t right

    And he’s fouled by Vandenburg just inside the middlesbor half in the 23rd minute goalless still o9 Helder wide Clark ahead of him back to Elder back again to Patterson Patterson there Ballard at the edge of the penalty area O’s further out and he passes it to LC o LC o getting away if

    He can from Greenwood chased by Hackney on still going Onan now up towards the edge of the penalty area placed out to Clark on the left stays in the penalty area o Clark tries to curl one through gets a corner slightest of deflections must have been a slight very

    Very slight excellent run excellent run by 09 yeah from one end of the field one edge of the penalty area to the other Clark across to take this fourth Sunderland corner and Hume in the center circle burto in the sixy box that Rugby scrum just inside the penalty area it’s taken short

    To bar the corner back to Clark Clark in Midfield on the right Clips this in with his left foot drops towards job who the side puts it outside of his foot offside anyway into the hands of the goalkeeper nil nil in the 25th minute here on BBC Radio Newcastle

    Don’t forget total sport back tomorrow night 6:00 when we’ll be looking back at newcastle’s game with Luton yesterday this game as well Sund women are playing reading women at the moment here’s hon back to Vandenburg and hon venburg and played out wide on the left

    To Engle back inside to Hon up to the halfway line wide again to Van to Engle had to stretch a bit to get it but he’s got it plays it back inside to basa and basa now finds PNE out to aing in front of Michael Beal and now in front of

    Carrick plays it down to to force inside to Hackney and Hackney out to aing aing looking to cut inside flicking it down the right the penalty area Hackney a call for hand ball on yelda basa plays on Force crosses it blocked by EA and cleared out to fry strong appeals for

    Hamul but the referee was yards away and there weren’t any appeals really Beyond a short shot one from a couple of players the ball com through offside balard whips the ball off him free kick to Sunderland yeah you know I just think that you know but butas he’s the one who’s pulling the

    Strings we got to get tighter to him yeah they’re trying to find him aren’t they they’re looking for him he’s the one who’s he’s the one who’s pulling the strings in there I’ve just watched the replay it rolls down off fela’s arm his arm was down by his side naturally his

    Upper arm when I heard that debate in the Newcastle game yesterday with Razer and Ando it’s Durham women two Sheffield United women nil they two kicked off at 12:00 it was upper arm it rolled off him it h wasn’t intentional here’s 09 to Neil it’s nil

    Nil still here’s yelda back to o09 in the 27th minute now across to Ballard on the right Ballard a reminder that sundland in their yellow blue sleeves this afternoon middlesbor of course in there all red here’s Ballard back to Luke o and O swings it across to the

    Right wing looking for Hume and he goes up with Engle it drops for bar who nods it down to Hume looking for Bar’s run down the right nearly gets pushed in the backat by angle still has it though bar almost on the goal line trying to

    Dribble in being forced out by aiz he’s at the corner of the penalty and just lays it back off to Hume on the right Hume into EA and EA back behind him bar bar back out wide to EA he swings across in now looking for

    Clark at the far post it’s put behind by force for another Corner great balling bya Clark looking to try and head it back Marcus Force coming in and heading it out on this left hand side then this fifth Sunderland corner and you can hear the suland p over that far corner

    Clarkk bars coming across again onto this left wing Engle comes with him again they set themselves up as though they’re going to mck down for a scrum here the ball is swept in by Clark Ballard’s header comes off burto and Joe out to EA who’s trying to put it back in

    The box and there’s a foul by 09 on Force there’s bargees forcing the back free kick to middles spro middles for nil sundland nil and yeah not a lot between the two uh Bright Start by sundland but middlesbor certainly grown into the game yeah they have and and they are a threat

    You know there’s a couple of times that have got behind us just final passes let them down and again there’s balasa on the ball at home one six drawn two lost six so they go for it by the looks of things here’s job he’s been closed down by hon and now

    He’s caught by Hackney Hackney has Force to his right he shoots Patterson had it covered it’s wide of the right post can’t afford to lose it in the middle of the part Nick and they sweep forward don’t they that three forc Greenwood and aiz are a threat Hayden Hackney the 21y old from

    Red cut winning that ball trying his luck nil nil balard brings the ball out balard to Neil Hume wide Hume back to Dan Neil wide and he’s played it inside to Dan Ballard Ballard now in the middle of the suland har to job just ahead of him back to

    09 looking for burstow and now he’s won it in the end actually because bass has slipped over it’s back to Hume and now bass gets up and cuts the ball out to EA so bass’s got the ball at his feet and finds H in the center circle through the

    Middle Greenwood he’s found PNE quick Ball but he’s given it to Helder and Helder as greenw will picks himself up off the grass yelda bringing it up towards the halfway line um looking for an option he’s got Clark W he’s gone back and he’s gone back again

    He’s trying to cut inside but plays it back to lucon n who plays it back to Patterson Patterson then with the kick out wide to Hume Hume just keeps it in does he yes flag stays down H’s got bar ahead of him and bar now down that Right Touch line he’s got

    Engle to come round and he gets round him into the penalty on his left foot into the hands of Tom Glover well done it’s on target that coming in the 31st minute so nil nil [Applause] on the right hon on to halfway for to Hackney looking for the Run of Greenwood

    Out comes Patterson flags up and um what’s the referee indicating here the free kick for visit yeah was it offside or was it a foul by green with could have been either well again that intricate passing in there Nick every time they cutting open they’re going to get one right yeah it’s a

    Warning here’s uh balasa balad short pass through the middle to EA EA blocked by Hackney it falls fortunately for Hume forwards the bar inside to EA basa goes to close him down EA knocks it out knocks it off him in front of bar a throw to middles spr 32nd minute taken

    By Engle back to Vandenberg into the middle to fry just behind the center circle get on the ball alassa will want want it he’s in the center circle front the played it to his left to venberg out wide to Engle back to Hon venberg basa well he directing operations in halfway

    On halfway fry behind him and back to the goalkeeper and bar and Clark looking to press as is burto but it’s driven through the middle by Glover man handling going on between force and o9 Ballard TI his up back to Patterson he’s closed down by Greenwood swings the ball

    Out to Helder on the left wing Helder flicks it back inside but straight here to Hackney who’s trying to L Patterson it’s a weak effort straight back to the goalkeeper who catches it on the left and drops it at the feet of Dan balard 33rd minute it and

    Balab now in this s the last 5 10 minutes it’s sundland struggling to get out of their half ball played to 09 job ahead of him danneil Dan Neil to helda helda back again to O and across to balard balard wide again to Bar as they try and find

    An opening here sundland hug plays it back but it’s straight to Hayden Hackney theyve given it away now middle spr to bar but Engle pushes bar over Engle is furious apoplectic with the assist that he and I think he could get a yellow card for that he’s being ushered over to the

    Referee his reaction was yeah it’s going to be a card for angle that there’s no way he’s going to get away with that um it was Furious the way he uh reacted and it was a clear push from the Dane really see what his anger is all

    About free kick then wide here on the right for sundland halfway inside the middleb half Trey Hume I think bar got take it I think bar picked a yellow up as well did he for waving didn’t he I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt there the way the cameras yeah he

    Did yeah he did yeah he was waving the card just joury yeah that’s he can’t do that no it’s just stupid isn’t it you know plenty of time to consider your actions after the event there and silly a bar not then wider scheme of things it’ll

    Just be a fine that hurts him not the yellow card itself as it’s spreaded through here to Bar in the penalty area on the right hand side he tries to take it on his right into the side meting he had Jo behind him he’s Lent over like almost why didn’t you just

    Pass it back to me but bar decided to take it on his own put it on his right and drove it in drove it into the uh side netting on the angle do you know what you put that down to over confidence in experience yeah oh well nil

    Nil he did have options behind him ball play through the middle by basa headed Away by 09 onto halfway Aziz now looking for Hackney out to aing on the right wing aing yelder goes to close him down slipped inside here at the edge of the penalty area to force who’s got 09

    With him Hackney oh straight at the head of Ballard who uh didn’t know a great deal about it sort of smacked him on the forehead and cleared hon puts it back in again down the left hand side now for Aziz he’s gone wide hum’s gone with him

    The cross is still made and Hela heads it out and burto wins it in front of basa leaves it for job trying to get it through now to Clark Clark in the middle of his own half rolls it back to Hume and pause to take stock and Hume plays

    It Wide to Bar Bar Engles on his shoulder bar plays it back here to Ballard at the edge of the area closed down by Greenwood and Greenwood manages to get a foot to it and put it behind for a goal kick they applaud his perseverance and tenacity but it’s a goal kick to

    Sunderland it’s nil nil still we’re in the 36th minute I think we all felt there wouldn’t be a great deal between these two yeah I I just think we I need we need a little bit more from the likes of EA here’s Hackney won it down the right and a foul on

    Onan I just think EA the liks of job needs to get into the game yeah as you say basa is winning that battle in the middle he is he’s he’s pulling the strings in there Nick Patterson’s going to take the uh that o9 does just Taps it to to

    Patterson alone in his penalty area pretty much he plays out to the left to on on bringing this forward down the left hand Ling it off to kelder as a late challenge by Greenwood on9 and n’s had a word with the referee he’s having he saying how many times

    Yeah referee Darren England comes back on the shoulder of Luc o9 having a word with him and little conversation is one-sided actually does that count as a conversation or a monologue we talking yourself yeah I suspect that’s how oan seen it he takes the free kick swings it

    Out wide on the right looking for Hume who gets his head to it Bar’s going to try and beat Vandenberg to it gets in front of the Dutchman down into the corner and both tumble over the touch line and it’s a throw to Middlesboro I thinken Dan Neil now he’s

    Trying to Orchestra things in Midfield we need a little bit more from banningham we need a little bit more from EA they need to up the tempo little bit throw then will be taken by Lucas Angel 25y Old Dan son from silberg in the summer EA’s won it here

    But he’s been tackled it’s a throw to middles again still deep in the middleb half on the left hand side and still goalless here at the Riverside as it’s headed back by eward into the path of Neil Neil trying to get through to the edge of the area into the

    Penalty area blocked then Hackney wins it for vandenbberg and then Engel pushing it out on that left hand side to Aziz and back to Engel on the touch line and the longer ball forwards for Force to chase but headed away on Halfway by 09 back from Hume to Ballard inside to

    Job and job now in the center circle yelda going with him on his shoulder and out to the left to Clark Clark aing in front of him cuts inside jack Clark and still has it he’s closed down by NE and now trying to get it away from Greenwood

    Finds Ballard balard bringing this into the middle spra half down the right hand side he’s pushed was he by force and it’s a free kick on the right of Midfield to Sunderland again word having a quick word with Marcus Force balard gets to his feet and just

    Taps the ball back to Neil forwards to EA back to Neil and out wide to Hume Hume on the touch line bar just ahead of him inside to EA EA clips one in looking for job the keep’s caught it above job’s head and they roll it into the path of

    Hon hon through Straight to Neil now job in the penalty area on the left hand side Clark making a run inside job trying to get to the goal line and dribble away from there passing it into Clark in front of the keeper Clark teeing up bar saved on the line by the

    Feet of Vanden how did bar Miss 40th minute bar had effectively an open goal and venburg blocked it on the line three yards out that looked to me like it was going to be the opener great work by Clark it should have been the opener it should have been the

    Opener as away comes Hackney in the center circle leaving it for Aziz Aziz now needs support Force has made a run through he’s played it to his right to aing aing inside again to Aziz tries to drive it into the box oh n heads it out

    And we are still nil nil remarkably I thought Jack Clark was going to finish it but credit to we give it to far on a plate all you have to do is Smash It smash it man oh that was an opportunity now here’s Clark it’s beaten to it by fry

    Plays it through to Greenwood Greenwood now to Hackney Hackney back straight to EA Greenwood’s picking himself off the floor again EA plays it straight through to fry now with basa in the center circle basa coming forwards 42nd minute Aziz and he’s got angle on the left of

    The penalty area aiz still going with it himself tries to drive it through here for Hackney comes off the ankle of felda it was heading for the bottom corner but it comes off the Norwegian and out to bar on the right now taking on balassa balasa slides in it’s a throw to [Applause] Sunderland ah ske slowly jogs down to take the throw for Sunland on the right and you know we we talked about bar before the game Nick in regards of consistency you know making the right decisions he’s had two great opportunities oh on my notes it goes

    As you look down vertically ba ba ba blah blah blah there’s a song to that there is there is a he’s had three opportunities far three and one of them is superb here is Hackney he’s got Greenwood and Aziz and force forward it’s come back again

    Though on the left Engle to Hackney back to Engle on the left wing and EA goes to close him down aiz Ballard behind him Ballard’s penalized and uh there’s a lot of pointing going on from the referee back at um Engle as well so they could have I

    Think what he saying given two free kicks 31,700 proach halim so nil nil lined up on the edge of the penalty area Sunland inside to Engle the free kick 09 heads it away a Chase for Dan Neil to get there before aing and he hooks it out for a throw down the right

    Side alien waiting for the ball to come back down to him he’ll take the throw for middles spr this is when you concentrate Nick you know you’re right on the edge off half time yeah yeah you don’t want to switch off now here’s barassa in the middle you got

    To get out to him venburg to his left out to angle on the left in the 44th minute it goes out for a throw to Middlesboro Chase to get the ball it’s taken from uh almost on the advertising board by Engle H in the center circle to

    His left Bassa out again to Engle back to Vandenberg Vandenberg to fry in the center and he pushes it to barassa on halfway on the left and burto goes to close him down he gets it wide again to Engle Engle forced back by bar inside to aiz behind him is venberg venberg back

    Deep into his own half and uh bases to the left of him in support he goes right to fry closed down by Clark back to Vandenberg burst still on his shoulder gives Chase but Glover will just push it out again with his right foot to the

    Dutchman and out wide to the Dane angle down the line on that Far Side to Greenwood who’s wide and he comes back all the way to the corner of his own penalty area to vandenbberg out to Hon in the middle in the last minute of the first half through onto halfway and Aziz

    Out to the left wing and Engle forwards to Greenwood on that side and Humes on his shoulder trying to get it off him and finds EA but Engle intercepts in front of bar and gets it back here to Glover who’s come way out of his penalty

    Area and just Taps it to venburg through the middle here trying to get Hackney away Hackney’s fouled by Neil and again there going to be one minute of added time there could have been two free kicks there it’s pulled back to the initial one and Harrison tries to take

    It quickly once it’s going to be taken again and another half time added time sponsored uh here’s barassa wide again to Engle looking for Hackney lets it run through it’ll come through though to Patterson Patterson just leans over with his right hand Scoops it up and he got

    25 seconds left of the first half of the additional minute it’s goalless the players head towards this near touch line and uh by that that also means the tunnel positioning themselves to make a quick Escape in the next few seconds as’s the ball here with Clark breaks for Aziz

    Behind him is balassa an Up and Under down the right wing on9 watches to drop over his shoulder uh forc trying to win it off him onine out to the almost to the corner flag and then he’s pushed over and a free kick he’s got to get B

    Hone he’s got three you know that’s about the third time well the referees being halted in his tracks by Hume at the corner of the penalty he’s blown the halftime whistle but I’m waiting to to see what he does here Greenwood’s making sure he’s wide at the pitch as he strolls back

    Towards the tunnel it’s goal us at halim shouldn’t be really cuz bar had a perfect opportunity onan’s limping interesting to see uh Michael Beal’s out on the pitch with bar and EA I’m not sure what that’s all about um he needs to wake up as well

    EA you know had times I think it’s so he to so too casual at times you know even going into tackles got to close down people a little bit quicker well be is um covering his mouth with the cameras on him as he talks to EA luc’s hobbling off

    Here with the fys on his shoulder um heading down towards the tunnel yeah first half where could have scored after eight minutes when he was through P made a BL tried to squeeze one in at the near post we had H 22 yards bar bar and bar but Bar’s best chance

    Three yards out 40th minute smash one should have hit it harder somehow venberg on the line sort of caught up under his feet but he got it clear the better opportunities and what I mean by that is that you know you look at the one what clar tried to squeeze in

    Near post far wrong decisions try to squeeze in near post and then the one where Jack Clark done tremendous he could have took the shot himself he’s laid far up you’ve got to put your foot through it and score as simple as that you um have mentioned

    It and Michael beel is obviously aware of it the reason he pulled Pierre EA as they walking off the pitch yeah and again you know in the chat with do things quicker don’t he you know he seems to just to go through the motions you know in everything he does

    You know he controls the ball there’s you guys ready for the socials you know there’s no tempo for him to close down couple of things then to address in the second half or in the halim interval for sun ahead of the second half but it is goess at the break

    We’ve got the full second half of course to come on BBC Radio Newcastle time midddle for Sunderland n when you’re listening to your favorite show on the radio abely terrible and Scott says with more smart speakers you can ask BBC SS to pause rewind andart live radio so you

    Never miss a single moment get more from your smart speaker to get started just sayc domic James back in the BBC Newcastle Studio middle at half time a couple of good chances some says I don’t know why back to short then for second and just a reminder then on the

    Championship results yesterday QPR beat blackb 2 on Huddersfield 4 winners over Sheffield Wednesday Hull 1 nil uh beat Hull beat milw 1 nil Norwich uh two1 winners over centry Preston three two winners over ips switch Southampton way went and won away to rotheram 2- nil Leicester winning 5 nil away at Stoke

    Plymouth winning on the roads too they were cardi also winning on the road one nil winners over Watford West Brum beat b Tony Mo Birmingham 1 nil Sunderland could go watching AB Premier League we had our other game yesterday here on BBC Radio Newcastle newcastle’s 44 draw with luten

    At St James as Park United coming back after being 42 down at 1 Point here’s the magp head coach Eddie how we’re disappointed we’re frustrated we feel especially the way we started the game that we could go on and win the game um really stamp our Authority in the match

    And we didn’t do that and Luton kept coming back at us and um showed why they’re in a very good run of form themselves I thought it was a very good game it was very open both teams trying to sort of take the initiative to each other yeah ultimately we’re disappointed

    Not to win but also probably grateful not to lose as being 4-2 down as well and we needed some inspiration that came from various players I think all stood up certainly uh not an easy moment for us and I think when you look back throughout the season we haven’t come

    Back enough from losing positions so that’s a big step forward Edie what a moment for Harvey Barnes to score what proved to be The Equalizer a crucial goal for you after a really tough timeout with injury what do you think that meant to him well it would meant a

    Huge amount to him I think when he came to the football club his determination was to try and score a lot of goals win us matches um Carry On the form that he showed for Leicester last year and it was a a big blow for all of us when he

    Got injured and Serious injury that it was but to come back like he did today with that finish I mean what a goal off his wrong foot to find the corner from that range um wasn’t lost on me it was a magnificent strike and he came on at

    Halftime in a double change uh one of the players going off was um anthy Gordon who we’ve seen has left the stadium uh with a protective boot on can you tell us more about the injury there yeah unknown really I think he twisted his an says opportun continue so we made

    The change says got the temp Ur positions he hello how you doing out for any length of time with the fullview BC sounds also yday in Prem leag Drew 22 with draw Fulham andley United losing 5 nil at home though as with the visitors there Chef United 5 n meanwhile against Nottingham Forest

    Chelsea are against wolves Manchester United at all 2:00 kickoffs there and at 4:30 what’s happened with Eddie like yesterday EMES today in the Women’s Championship women our way to reading still goess there at halim Luis Griffith uh being sent off for sunl though after 35 minutes Durham are against Sheffield

    United at Maiden Castle it’s 22 there Amy Andrews and Beth heel with the goals for durman in the in the Women’s National League today at 2:00 Newcastle are against wolves at Kingston Park and on League wise yesterday Gates head went away to South End and won one nil the

    Gates head manager Rob Elliot spoke to us on our local football round up last night fantastic win Lads were tremendous to be honest with you so makes the long journey worth it said to the lads I was like if you can put all this effort in

    You know sacrifice all the time and the journey in and everything you know left at 8 got to the hotel at 6 yesterday whil we because we trained on the way down I thought we was excellent from from start till about the 75th minute when you know we have to accept that

    South End we putting balls in the box and we defended brilliantly well Ro our luck with with a ball hitting the bar but overall I thought we were um I thought we were really good for the win Marcus Danga as well because he’s scored in Cup competitions but that was his

    First League goal since September and like all Strikers their confidence comes from scoring goals that’s a that could be a big goal for him today yeah I think so we had a good chat in the week about a bit more intent wanting to running behind wanting to attach the goal um and

    I think he made the goal you know we went in on the second third attempt but I think he made it with his uh with his desire mentality and he still scored I think I might be right but I’m sure pretty certainly scored 18 goals this

    Season so you know these you can’t just score every week if he could it’d be fantastic and he definitely would be with us still so Marcus is still a working work in progress but when you you’ve got someone who can sort of take occupy three three defenders in one go

    And he allows us to do other things so when he doesn’t score against bar it I thought he was absolutely outstanding he doesn’t get his goal and he gets his goal today um so new signing very positive I’m really pleased with the team because to keep a clean she people

    Do that that’s the gate head manager Rob Elliot speaking after their one- nil win away to south end yesterday in the National League in the National League North BL Spartans lost 52 way to herid South Shields picked up a good draw uh away to scarber athletic finish one one

    There here is the shields head coach thanks for every being and sticking with me commentary at a horrible height the wind was blown down towards our goal so I thought we we actually did did well first off uh maybe he’s not played as as as fluently as we as we want but you

    Know we we stuck together you know real good solid team performance scored a really good goal black he scoring again which is which is fantastic for him so yeah you know in terms of football wise yeah it wasn’t as as as good as as at

    Times as what it was um midweek or like it was second half so you know second half we played played some good stuff dominate the game I felt um probably standing here feeling a little bit hard done by that we probably should have come more away with with more than a a

    One-1 draw which is you know it’s a really difficult place to come and and get a result to be fair so you know we in a in a way we’re pleased that you know we didn’t lose the game but you know in there we all feel like

    We C you always to give the opposition a little bit of credit you know they made difficult at times they had a good shape and made you know made it hard for us to to play sort of through definitely in the sort in the final third but you know

    I just felt we dominated the ball and I thought we used the ball well and I think you know just a a little bit more can around the Box some of our decision making you know um just tid you up when we get into critical areas you know um whether

    We should cross it whether we should try to work it in you know just little things like that and also just just a little bit more movement but hey that’s on that that’s on me that’s for me to and the rest of the staff for us to to

    Help the players with and for us to to just repeat the question I just the back something like what we done today where it’s uh it’s you know it’s hard to break down but hey not taking any anything away from the players you know we’ve had we’ve had a trip to herin week

    You know we’re fantastic we come here which is a difficult place to come you know and like I say I’m standing here feeling as as we all are that we probably deserve more from the game that is the South Shields speaking after that get a athletic yesterday mean division lost

    43 away to Aon in the East Division we had a couple of derbies heav 31 dunon beating Washington 41 in Rugby Union there was no Newcastle Falcons this weekend with it been in the opening weekend of the Six Nations on Friday Ireland beat France 38 SC

    De no I’m not going to be a big because I mean we had mer if we’re not going to take our chances weah to start with the first game with a win obviously this tourn as you start looking now we uh was almost a contrast today you got playing

    Against an Italian side that was dominated players play together weekend we got sitting second in USC and you see an England team with five debutants um so we knew it was going to be a challenge it really was um pleased we came through the challenge T he does what on what

    Time frustrated with the decision making it at the end you could have got away with a 13-point win it’s a three-point win and we’ll have back the players to makeing decisions and and you know certain the the the decisions the execution would be so we’ll work on that

    And we’ll make sure it’s better um the there certain experiences you you go through and you you make sure you 10 10 15 minutes make sure we thoroughly there’s plenty of lessons in just lastly on the deuts eth I would say know soon changes especially see our

    New guys I think are going to go on to have brilliant England careers and and to be here at the start you I’m so happy for them Ethan in particular I thought he was tremendous and he’s been tremendous the camp um and every interaction I’ve had with him has just

    Been excellent that is England head coach Steve B there speaking after the England’s win over Italy yesterday in the rugby unions Six Nations elsewhere Scotland beat Wales 2726 in cariff a very close match that one as well in cricket though day three of the second test between India and

    India were bowled out for 255 runs in their second Innings and SE England 399 win England closed today on 6741 so require 3 uh 32 more runs to Win Ben Ducket was the one to lose his Wicket 28 off 27 he got Z Crawley is currently not out on 29 night Watchman when

    You moving on to some basketball in the BBL championship Newcastle Eagles be looking to bounce back after their defeat on Friday they lost uh 105 to 87 to the London Lions they played the chesh at Phoenix tonight it’s a 6:00 tip off in the WWE Championship last night

    The Newcastle Eagles lost at home to the Essex Rebels Essex winning 8368 there in the darts and Milton kings in the Masters last night Chris Doby lost to Michael vanen in the round of 16 lost 10 legs to four and in the cyclocross world championship in the Czech Republic this

    Weekend yesterday ged’s Ana K was in action in the women’s Elite race she finished 17th out of a field of 32 and then today in the men’s Elite which gets underway at 1:30 Thomas M also of gate head is is the only Britain in the men’s

    Race uh he is in action there you can watch those races back on the BBC last lost in the semi-final to Jud Trump six frames to two time then to head back to the Riverside for second half commentary take a point the company of Nick Barnes and Gary Bennett total

    Sport Northeast Nick Barnes and Gary Bennett MBA BBC Radio Newcastle well timely return as sundland emerge first from the tunnel then Johnny hon emerges leading his middle team out sundon all in yellow blue sleeves middleb all in red nil nil at halime and no changes made the second half it could go either way um I still think it’s going to be if

    It goes either way looks like the sort of game says he tempting fate here only one game in it you’re right and referee Darren England head out into the middle all in black on way to our left M stand looking out to see and midd to our right avoiding the screen I’m avoiding

    The screen cuz it’s back to front I asked this question to it will get me into all sorts of trouble if I start trying to follow it on two fronts you guys canar comes back to helela over on that left hand side down that touch line to Jack clar inside to

    Job who’s tackled by H but job trying to win it back he’s fouled by h and yeah quickly get on with it job does he finds EA who lays it off to balard on the right here and out wide to Hume who’s given the ball away to barassa gets it

    Behind into aiz on halfway on the left back behind him to Engle and into fry eventually the bur team Glover and goal aen Vandenberg fry and Engle hon Bassa force aiz hatney and Greenwood the sundland as the flood lights suddenly seemed to got brighter then or was that

    Just me no it’s the flood lights they did didn’t they they just they came on P in goal Hume balard o9 and helda and Hackney’s on the break here but 09’s got it covered as he he over in the corner and gets the ball inside to job to helda

    Back to 09 who tries to dig this out and gets it up towards halfway it’s headed on by basa Neil EA bar Joe clar and burto Jack clar pursuing the ball to the goalkeeper is outside his area who does just get it to balassa and out wide here

    Now to Engle Engle into the sundland half and the ball cut out by o9 because running through the center was Hackney and he would have been on to it wouldn’t he excellent touch so alarm Bell as Neil brings it out for helela inside to Clark H on his shoulder

    We’re on the touch line with Clark again it’s put out by force uh delay before the assistant finally flags for a sundland throw 10 15 yards inside of that the middlesbor half next up for Middlesboro it’s a home game against Bristol City next weekend as EA tries to block one

    One B by middlesbor though Aziz a bit of shirt pull by bar but it’s out wide on the right aing inside to Hackney Hackney back to Luke aing on the right wing on known from leads of course tries to find force down the right side of the penal

    Pulls it back here now aen blocked by Hume on the six yd line aen just trying to thread it through a shot but blocked and Ballard’s fouled and a free kick foul by force in both senses and it’s a free kick on the left side I think of

    Midfield I’m just looking at Joe Bingham he it’s like he’s got a long strike trying to close down it’s like he doesn’t cover the ground quickly does he doesn’t get across quickly he Lopes he Lopes yes he does not going to close somebody down he’s

    Just here’s on N from the free kick back to Patterson who’s in light blue down to our left out to balard again Greenwood gives Chase Greenwood’s playing as the number nine for middlesbor this afternoon the Sunderland born Striker he’s not really but a striker and out to helda fors the Clark

    Back behind helda has to come back to the corner of his penalty and just helped it on his way to Patterson Patterson Pass it again to Helder the left corner of the Sunderland penalty a and he swings it over to the right wing here Hume oh is driven it out really

    Didn’t give Hugh much hope of getting that Engle will take the throw for middleb back to Vandenberg on the halfway line into hon burer goes to close him down here’s hon again from fry back to fry fry out to vandenbberg and wide on the left to Engle

    Engle back to Vandenburg and now Aziz fin aiz to Engle back on the halfway line to vandenbberg EA goes to close him down gives him a nudge just to make him aware he’s there it comes back to Dale fry burto in front of him basa through

    To Hon tackled by job gets the ball now now here to Bar he’s got a lot of work to do on his own here needs some support hum is behind him and now EA back again to balad balard to o9 o9 out wide to the left Clark just in the middle Spar comes

    Back into the sundland half behind him is yelda helda into on and on to balard balard out wide again to Hume Hume closed down by Engle looks for bar big shoulder on him from vandenbberg they win the ball back here’s Greenwood in the middle just trying to lift it across

    To the right wing forc and helda go shoulder-to-shoulder the Norwegian against the Finn the Norwegian wins it finds Neil now job job trying to get away from Greenwood and Greenwood still sticking with job on the touch line job turns inside and plays it into the middle to Dan Ballard Ballard out to

    Hume Hume looks up looking for the Run of Joe but it’s headed back by aing to goalkeeper Tom Glover nil nil still we’re in the 51st minute here at the Riverside Glover bows this out the goalkeeper in his black and gray goalkeeping kit out on the left

    Wing Engle inside in the middle hon burto on his shoulder quick push on H but he’s got the ball to fry and uh then to Hackney just in front of him and then barast on halfway Hackney again cut out by EA one back though by Aziz who gets

    It to out to the left here Hume tries to make a block the ball put out by Engle the throw to Sunderland on the right and You’ SE you’ve seen in the second half EO is a little bit more livel is he yeah bit more energy about it

    Yeah here’s bar back to Hume inside to EA out oh he’s passed it out here for a throw to middles spr bit too much energy Engle back to venur down the line again to Engle inside to balassa Engle into the middle again to hon hon wide on the

    Right is ailing in ACR of space but they’ve kept it in the middle here and H’s got to be aware of him over there baser again and balassa he’s taking it left this time to aiz an angle on the overlap but a block by Hugh but it’s one

    Back by aiz in front of bar he just rolls it into the penalty area cut out by Neil for a throw to middles on the left here halfway inside the Sunderland half angle quickly back to Vandenberg into hon in the center circle burer closes him down back to fry

    Behind him fors to barassa barasa is’s fouled by burto we just got to pick it up a little bit Nick venburg out to Engle they’ seem to be controlling the game at the present moment middles bro yeah they are aren’t they I mean it’s hard to keep hold of the ball easy

    It through to Greenwood is offside offside flag is up midb fans but the flag is up yeah we’ve said that two or three occasions Greenwood’s just been a little bit unlucky he’s going a bit early in he he’s been caught two or three times offside he’s just playing on the

    Shoulder he’s good they’re going to get one of them right at the moment they might because they’re getting they are controlling it you say they’re winning every second ball Bassa in there is just playing things simple when they lose it balls too easy to cut through US Helder

    Looking for Clark down the left wing heads it on burto is not going to get there fry gets it Aon back to the goalkeeper Glover comes outside of his penalty area through the middle as you say to basa basa again and uh he will play it away to the right now looking

    For Hackney and aing down the line aing down the Right Touch line Force wants it played in front of him aling’s looking up and now checking and will play it behind him to Hackney inside to Hon back to aing on the right and he pulls it

    Into the penalty area cleared by o9 and wins it ahead of EA H now Hackney through to force back whing at the corner of the penalty area on his left and he’s uh played his left foot curling shot well wide for a kick we need to get old of

    This game you need to say you know what I would say EIP go on Bassa stop him that’s all you got to do press will’ll waste the player stop him he’s pulling all the strings 54th minute middle nil Sunderland nil live on BBC Radio Newcastle total sport back tomorrow

    Night 6:00 with pridey Marco look at this to burto heads it straight to Engle and Engle back to fry fry that’s where EA should be on balas where to balasa but they’re not burto reacts finally but it’s with pry again out to aing on the

    Right Touch line the now 32y old on loan from leads inside to hen back to fry aling’s very very highly thought of at leads isn’t he I think they were disappointed to see him go but uh here’s Dale fry pushing it on to Hackney Hayden Hackney out to H and

    Wi to aing blocked by Helder leaves it for Clark Clark trying to Weave Away now from aing gets away from him now goes through the middle trying to find burto burto loses it at the edge of the penalty area Aziz will knock it out looking for the Run of Greenwood flag will go

    Up and who made the pass balasa balasa made the pass and interestingly I mean the flag came up there was no contact on the ball but they decided obviously it was going to greenw was going to get to it and just flag for the offside late 09 with a free kick to Ballard

    Foron Neil back to o09 09 to balard Ballard calling players to him out to Hume on the right wing cut out by Engle throw to Sunland a rare foray into the middle for a half here but can they put something together as burto is trying to

    Get the ball away comes back here to Neil in the center circle burto picks himself up is yelder Helder has force in front of him leaves it for o in the middle and O now and greena goes to closing down with hatney and force Neil

    To EA the edge of the center circle and he leaves it for Ballard on this right hand side down the right wing to Hume back to Ballard EA Ballard and EA again on in the 57th minute oh and job given it to balard but it was a bad ball and

    Balard want it back then Hackney wins it and it bounces off in Back to the goalkeeper Anthony Patterson pne’s lying on the floor the referee above him just looks down cursory glance at him then blows to stop play nil nil in the 57th minute and just that Stark statistic

    Sort of sitting above me in my mind of only three wins and 33 at midlesboro you know all I would be saying is that when we haven’t got a ball EA look where baser is pick him up that’s all he got to do when we’ve got ball then you make yourself

    Available down bass at the gates head born former Newcastle midfielder sign from rotheram in the summer after three years there and what an astute signing here’s Jo tackled but the ball goes to kelda and rolls down the touch line past Clark an ailing back to the goalkeeper

    Clover pushing it out to Vandenburg to his right is basa and sorry fry in front of him was basa down to aing on the right wing aing now looking for the Run of fource swept past him 9 will get in front of the fin and plays it back to Patterson he’s

    Closed down here and he’s in trouble but Force put it behind Greenwood and force between them just crowded in on Patterson and he lost the ball and it bounced off force and went behind how lucky are you very lucky very lucky you could say that could have gone anywhere could have

    Done very lucky that it went the other side of the side of the post yeah yeah we lost the ball again and it’s with balasa with fry and balasa now to [Applause] Vandenburg back here to vandenbberg [Applause] fry Hackney cross to Vandenburg to [Applause] Engel back to fry [Applause] back eventually to the goalkeeper Glover tries to clear it down the right goes out for a throw to middlesbor yelder nearly up to the hour mark well done danil that’s it just look where

    Balasa is just stop him he now Neil standing on the shoulder of balasa alien’s going to take the throw on the far side no the ball picked up by hon he’s got support on the left angle here Hume has to come AC across back inside now to Aziz trying to roll in force

    Cleared by Helder and now Neil trying to get away from well Neil pulls down Greenwood and a free kick awarded to middlesbor Neil arguing with the referee we need to get old of the game Nick he’s drifting away from us half an hour to play just about

    Free kick to middlesbro on the right side of central Midfield Patrick Roberts is it and he’s warming up Patrick Roberts suggests that Michael Beal’s thinking about the change we need something Nick something different yeah and um barer of course will take the free kick for middlesbor bar stands alongside

    Greenwood referee is having a word with alien and ea uh Alien just stares at the floor has a few words back then hugs EA that’s nice wouldn’t have happened in your day probably punched it that Daylights out he um free kick then well now referee having a word with Dale fry and Luc

    Oan and pointing back at um EA and alien said now those two have made up and had a nice conversation you two do the same now be good boys here’s the free kick just defend it from basa from the right just passes it short to hatney and he just Taps it down to

    Aziz and now forth smashes it in the bottom corner that was a very well workor free kick Marcus Force g Middle for the lead yeah good finish you got to give him that great finish but you could you could feel you know we talked about the game drifting away from

    Us they worked that very well sundland didn’t get a grip of it at all played into the penalty area from 12 yards Marcus Force his fifth goal of the season Hamed it low pass Patterson into the corner was brought down well on the half volley by

    Force and he got to give him credit for the way he finished that great great yeah great great first touch with his left finish it with his right but look at look at look at B now full of energy now Sun got a lot to do now they’ve got time

    Though but they’ve got to address this issue as you’ve been saying you know the goal I think you’ve been pretty much saying it’s been on it it’s been coming from middles spr now they’ve got their noses in front sundland trying to get forwards Hume but it’s balasa who

    Clears forwards to Aziz now into the middle to PNE and behind him is hon leaves it for fry Vandenberg out to Engle on the left hand side again fors to aiz back to Engle and Engle back to venberg fors to Aziz on the right on the left sorry looking to try and get

    Force through again through the middle Helder heads it back to Patterson uh rusin’s warming up now as well for sundland Patrick Roberts and rusin o9 at the edge of his own penalty Area he’s needing help really and Clark wide of him now still deep in the Sunderland half ailing on his shoulder Clark pushing it straight at Hayden Hackney comes off him for a throw I think you just knocked it on there then Nick he’s about availability people who are showing for the

    Ball we haven’t got many options have we I’m wondering if um rusin’s going to come on for burto and Roberts for bar I mean that would be obvious too easy again here’s haing winning it now on the right looking to try and get force in goes

    Down picks himself up the referee had a long look at it hela’s tackle he’s got it clear helela and it’s put out by first out for a throw to Middlesboro middlesbor leading 1-0 in the minut Robertson is going to come on and watching Rus in as well whether

    He’s going to I think the pair of them are going to come [Applause] on sundland need to get a grip of the game in the second half one down and the moment’s all middle [Applause] throw shelder over on the left side 18 yards from the corner down the line

    Looking for Clark headed Away by Luke aing up to Hayden Hackney heads it down to helela a block by force comes out to Neil Neil looking to get it forward to bar but the foot stabbed in by angle it will break for job and job trying to get

    It through the burst though comes under his legs Gets behind him and comes through here to Engle and um Engle turns it back to Vandenberg through the middle to Hon Bassa fry wide to aing aing now on the halfway line on the touch line forwards down the right Hayden haing a

    Little flick through to force who tries a little back heal himself but Ballard drives it against it breaks though for Middlesboro Aziz in the middle trying to get away from Neil eventually it’s Joe puts a foot to it but straight back to to middlesbor player and now out to

    Baser on the left here plays it back behind into angle out to basser on the left again balassa back to Engel Engle back to venburg and vandenbberg into the center circle almost on the center spot D Bry wide to Luke aing Clark goes to close him down Marcus Force trying to

    Get it Clark’s got it now through the middle Neil Neil to EA EA behind him is balard balard to EA again and EA now through the center trying to get it to BTO thought he was fouled the referee doesn’t now back with Greenwood Greenwood wi To the Left Behind angle

    Who keeps it in and angle now trying to drive it into the path of Greenwood in the penalty area and he tries to flick it with his left foot under PS and puts it wide on the right post Greenwood getting in again ex too wide again he made some great runs he

    Yeah so bar coming off Roberts coming on 67th minute and um surely it’ll be burto [Applause] yeah so double switch [Applause] rusin goes up front Roberts on the right it’s a straightforward swap I think there must be Ren’s family away to our left here clapping him and the kick over the halfway line and headed on by fry comes back to helda helda right back to Patterson and

    His light blue forwards to 09 09 wide on the left CLA is going out throw to Middlesboro who lead 1- [Applause] nil this 20 yards inside the Sunderland half aing will take [Applause] it I don’t know what it is Nick but we’ve struggled in this second half have

    Not really struggle big time here they come again aiz is blocked no free kick says Daren England here’s balab for to EA balas is all over him manages to get it to Neil Neil is tackled and fouled by force and Neil quickly takes the free kick gets it

    To job on the left job out to Clark Clark now trying to come in from aing aen sticking with him Clark trying to lose him and force gets it down the left wing to job and job inside to Neil Neil looking well Ren didn’t make the Run

    Soon enough and alien will deal with this holds off the Ukrainian on the goal line who’s trying to win it back give him his due he’s persistent and rusin’s not letting aing off the hook he’s now fouling pre kick to Middlesboro well done Rass smile on L face in front of the sundland

    Fans obviously uh having some banter with a in it seems to be enjoying the whole Affair um Force went down for a moment he been helped up the referee having a word with Luke aing he’s still got a massive smile on his face and pointing back to the incident on the goal line

    With rusin talking about his being elbowed interesting I mean rin’s not going to understand a word that Darren England’s saying to him but uh free kick awarded to Middle spr the goalkeeper going to take this and middle for lead in the 70th minute 1-0 rusen trying to win it on halfway

    With fry behind him Falls for aing again aing back to Vandenburg out to Engle on this left hand side Michael Beal’s in conversation with Mike dods discussion in the back of the technical area as Glover kicks this down the right and it will drop over the

    Shoulder of on9 for helda to deal with he manages to pass it straight to Luke aing on the right wing down the line again to force back to aing and closed down by EA eventually out for a throw to middles for off EA deep in the Sunderland half on the

    Right hand side they need something different Sunderland I mean Roberts hasn’t seen it yet he hasn’t seen it to be fair we’ve been non-existent in this second half Nick yeah alien then with the throw for middles spra in there red drops to Bassa aing gets another throw on that far side

    Bur leading by that fource goal in the 62nd minute aing with this throw again for the home team as hatney and Joe Josel jockey for position and now it’s down the line almost in the corner to force keld is on his shoulder and uh in the end keld a throw

    Yeah down in the left corner [Applause] yelda then couple of yards from the corner flag down the line headed out again by [Applause] hon kelder will take the throw again and basa coming across to try and cut out the ball to job but it’s won by aiz

    And aiz he’s got plenty of time and space here he plays it back to Elga Engel sorry on the um halfway line to fry out to aen who keeps it in on halfway on the right what a ball to Greenwood and no but I say that it

    Bounced a bit awkwardly up and away from him and he’s P something yeah he’s not comfortable Greenwood he’s flexing his left knee the throw taken by Hume and then balard puts it out that would have been a that would have been a pass if that had reached him I think Greenwood

    Is struggling they got make they would make a substitution I think he’s struggling to be fair he’s worked hard H he yeah he has and he’s just tapped it out again for another throw to Sunderland in fact I thought that came off from Greenwood’s foot but it’s a middles for

    Throw no complaints from the players so Engle will take the throw for middlesbor who lead one nil this down in the left corner flick back to him by Aziz caras on the left trying to find aiz plays it back behind to Engle Engle to hon hon now to Engle again and come

    What may here Sunderland cannot afford to concede a second goal as Robert spes angle uh how Hackney um it’s been you know hard enough them to get back in the game to score one let alone going two down they’ve got to really find a way of getting back into

    This game yeah they’ve got to defend this cross again again who’s on it balasa you know he’s the one who’s the quality on the ball passing it’s been fantastic Bassa then from the left 27y old there white boots there five six yards in from touch curls it in with his right foot headed

    Away by Ballard almost into the path on the far side of a middle for a player but it’s cleared by 09 in the end it was fry who was coming in I think on that right right side but Sunland get the ball away and then side side put from

    Tom Glover shakes spruing off and the ball played down the left and Hume should get this back down to balard who’s under pressure from greenard who push green push now he going to Greenwood’s going to get a card here Greenwood shown a Yellow I think that’s l on accumulation that one yeah it’s in the 75th minute the player down for isn’t it it’s been struggling a bit actually the last 10 minutes or so thing is Nick you know you’re looking at the the team at the present moment

    And you may be thinking is he anything different are we any better have we turned the corner yes we got a result against sto City but yeah we had a couple of good opportunities in the first half where we could have goals changed games I think yeah they’re making a

    Change here yeah is it curn Josh Coburn’s coming on yeah the young lad that was at sundland as a youngster then moved on there going to be a double switch because Sami Silvera is coming on as well so middles were looking to freshen things up might be triple I think looks

    Like a triple yeah I’m assuming that Greenwood’s probably going to come off there’s a third O’s online online from Nottingham Forest is got Riley McGee coming on is it I’m not sure no he’s in Australia isn’t he is he in Australia this is O’Brien um force is coming

    Off there three coming on it’s as you say it’s a triple substitution it’ll be Coburn Silvera and obrian coming on uh Force having to wait on the touch line he’s coming off and it’s Coburn who’s replacing him and Silvera well Silvera sprinted on in place of him um silvera’s coming on of Greenwood and O’Brien will come on for balasa finally coming on with the8 Le O’Brien so leis O’Brien the former Huddersfield midfielder who’s on loan now from Nottingham Forest having spent the first half of the Season at DC United so three changes for Middlesboro rusen having a shirt change cuz I think

    He in that exchange with aing he’s cut his mouth so it must be a blood check and he’s got a new shirt on now rusin the ball is at the feet of balard for the free kick which will eventually get taken after the foul by Greenwood we’re

    In the 78th minute I think we’ll have a couple of minutes for that added on at the end of the game I you got to wait 30 seconds as well before he can come on o o clearing this up field alen will let this run out for a throw to

    Middlesbor in Greenwood’s heading what’s that all about 30 seconds what’s that you know know I know come on it’s a nonsense isn’t it still waiting to come on r now he’s allowed on by Lee Dy the fourth official offside against Josh cin five goals this season actually the

    21y old yeah he’ll put himself about yeah you’ll know that you’re in a game 6′ three now he spent last season on loan at Bristol Rovers Roberts finally getting on the ball Rin back to Roberts rusin on his knees Roberts getting the ball across to Neil on the left hand side

    Down the left to helda it’s played back behind Neil but it’ll roll to o9 now to Neil wide on the left Silvera on his shoulder plays it to EA in the center circle fors to job job now in the middle trying to find a way through leaves it

    For Neil to his left and out to Clark ELD is making a dash down the left and a trip on Clark by aing he’s going to get a yellow card that and free kick wide on the left in the 79th minute now for Sunderland some 11 minutes plus left

    Good quality ball he want in spray applied in front of Sami Sila middles for holding their line on the 18 yd line Jack Clark stepping back now to the touch line right arm briefly raised whips this in here B header oh just past the post flick it close with his head just

    Wide of the right hand post’s first chance in the 8th if that was on target it was a goal keeper was struggling there he was so one n still to middles in the Women’s Championship as Clark weaves back into his own half plays the ball across to the right Roberts it’s uh Durham

    Women two Sheffield United women four and it’s nil nil in the game between reading and Sunderland women at reading here’s Clark down the left here to Neil Neil slipping it inside to EA EA tackled the ball will break though for rusin rusin plays it behind it to 09 on the

    Shoulder of Coburn and it comes across to Ballard balard now down the right wing to Roberts Roberts trying to dribble in goes past aiz gets into the middle curls a left foot ball in towards helo’s offside couldn’t get on the end of it anyway so it’s a goal kick to

    Middlesboro leading with that Marcus Force 62nd minute goal on BBC Radio Newcastle Glover the goalkeeper with this goal kit from the right side of the sixy box and the ball picked up by Roberts tackled by his uh by an advantage played after Brian was just uh caught but it’s

    Played out to svera on the right hand side and Sila makes a run squares the ball into the box 09 sticks a foot out clears it but it’ll come back to aing and now Silvera again and back to aing forwards again to Hackney Sila inside to Hackney corner of the penalty area balam

    Will somehow manag to get it off his knee onto the head of helda and uh lost by job but Finn gives it to rusin and helda passes it out for a [Applause] throw so One n still to Middlesboro the referee urging aen to get on with things halfway inside the

    Sunderland half in the 82nd minute another change imminent for Middlesboro as the ball comes back to Engle on the halfway line he has to chase it back reading one Sunderland women nil now in that game which also kicked off at 12:00 today as the ball comes back here from

    O’Brien to Engle back to Engle on the left he’s opened up a bit of space here to cross and it’s flick past Ballard 09 and Helder but come out to Clark and now Neil looking to get it down the left for Clark to sprint on to aling is chasing

    Him H’s come back to as well Clark now trying to cut in the middle looking for Ren in near a bit of space Ren on his right oh just found the corner on the right pass Glover and SU equalized in the 83rd minute he took his opportunity Rustin

    Lovely finish stra ball in from Clark and it’s level middlesbor one sundland one well done ruing excellent and again playing in in the reserves midweek got a couple of goals he’s had one touch in that and a good finish tell you what I think he’s a surprise as the rest of us

    Engles coming off forid Luc Thomas is coming on Luke Thomas well what a response in Sunderland they’ve got themselves back in the game now they got to try and make sure they don’t throw it away 83rd minute tell you what good play by well it lovely one to alien he left

    Alien trailing there did but again awareness confident switch to play Good Touch by rusen good Finish Well lovely finish with Glover feel he should have done better yeah I think he’s caught him by surprise Nick I think he was we were so you know I I didn’t expect that

    I saw rusen get it I thought he was going to take it on I didn’t expect him to shoot well what a lovely shot it was into that bottom corner oh he’s G it the wrong what doing refere overall The Well Done given Su the throw in front of

    Michael Beal who will be actually if this ends 1-1 delighted because Sunderland have been second best for much of the second half they have indeed Nick and you’ve got to say that was what maybe our first or second only the second ATT in in in the in this in the

    Second half minute header was the first here’s Aziz trying to get through for middlesbor tackled by Hume Neil bringing it through the middle looking for Clarks run again on the left can Clark take it on here again taking on Fry taking on aen into the penalty area still Clark

    Clark now blocked by aing at the moment he’s got job behind him job on his right his shot is blocked by hon comes out to Hume leaves it for EA back to balab and it’s suddenly on on9 and sundland who look like the likelier to score Clark back to

    Kelda back again to o9 squares it to balard 5 minutes to the 90 remain balard looking for rusen again cut out by fry out to Aziz and uh Aziz twists in front of fume and Aziz forced back by H well done good pressure play it to the

    Goalkeeper passing it to fry closed down by job up to the halfway line helda brings it down knocks it past Silvera finds Clark Clark looking for the Run of job down the left to the Penalty area fry gets in front of him and the ball is shephered behind for the goal kick to

    Middle one all 86th minute Nazar rusin with his second goal of the Season they’re on they’re firing all cylinders now the strikers can’t stop scoring huh oh just can’t stop scoring burto last week Roose in this week who will it be next week here’s Glover with the kick hit right

    Through the middle looking for Coburn headed back by n to Ballard middles fans think kovam was fouled play goes on ball goes out throw to midp on halfway which The Substitute Luke Thomas will take and he tries to find Aziz but balard whips it away from him to Neil in the

    Middle Neil now to Clark aing in front of him is aing aing cuz Clark’s taking him on again and Clark in the end a little touch from aing but it’s back with clar and he’s fouled then by Silvera and it’s a free kick wide on the left for

    Sunderland did he say he was aging alen oh he is aging as Well but as it turns out the changes that middlesbor made have probably helped sundland haven’t they well one thing for sure is that they would been glad to see the back off basa basa Clark then with the free kick from the left Humes left good quity listening to what Michael Beal

    Shouting at him as Clark puts this in too deep and it bounces behind for a goal kick to Middlesboro I mean yeah it would be great to see Sunderland go on and snatch a winner here but on the balance of play they wouldn’t deserve it they’ve got to

    Be thankful they could get a point from this game actually that wonderful goal from rusen here he is on the left he’s busy he gets himself about puts himself around his EA EA through to Helder lets it run through now little flick through to Clark Clark

    Into the penalty area trying to take on H squaring it oh it’s lost by the goalkeeper and hooked away they got a by Vandenburg and now it’s sundland throwing everything at Middlesboro saying they could snatch it here’s yelda finding EA on the left here now he crosses looking for Rus can’t get

    Underneath it and it bounces to the goalkeeper he kicks Coburn is the Target 09’s on his shoulder tugging shirts the pair of them it drops for cin he slips it inside to Hackney and Hackney now finds cin again but he’s tackled by o9 to Neil Neil gives it away to Hon trying

    To win it back hon gets it to Sila but hon penalized for a foul on’ Neil and a free kick on the halfway line on the left of the center circle to Sunderland yeah it’s changed and it the changed the tempo’s changed Sunderland have changed they’ve got a little bit

    More belief now 89th minute middle for one Sunderland one comes back here to 09 now to balard Hume on the right Hume looking for job trying to flick it on past vandenbberg brings it down to O’Brien but job persistant gets the ball back tries to find rusin rusin finds job

    Job in the middle gets out to the left to Clark Clark now taking on aen cuts inside of him gets it through to job in the penalty area on the corner and job now Eis just behind him he plays it back behind him to helda and now to EA and

    Helda well the ball played inside to Clark into the penalty a blocked by aen could BR run for Ren and now Clark across the sixy box and Thomas R put it in his own net put it past the post but I mean I think even he he thought he

    Might have scored himself then first corner of the second half that could have gone either side of the post who looks nervous now Middlesboro W this is a turnaround in the last 10 minutes I think they want the whistle corner from the right first corner of

    The second half Roberts is going to take it Sunland trying to snatch Victory here’s six minutes of time being added on the ball yeah put the ball in minimum of minutes time minimum of minutes time middle will be thinking oh no Corner have to be taken again the

    Referee’s gone into the scrum he we need a scrum half he’s acting as a scrum half the referee four yellow against five red and they break now and the cross from the right the corner headed Away by venberg back down the left balard scrambling oh

    Ren scrambling to keep it in but he has tries to cross off the back of a Defender comes to Clark Clark now pulls it right back to Hume in the center circle middlesbor urged to pull out and sundland urged to push on Neil out to Roberts on the right wing trying to cut

    Inside Thomas weaving away from him trying to turn him and he does and now getting away from Thomas corner of the penalty area Robert still going trying to find EA oh it bubbles around in front of everybody and eventually EA trying to clip it over to carus

    Offside and a free kick on the right of the penalty area to middlesbro who push it out quickly aien to Silvera Silvera now tackled and fouled by EA and EA is going to get a yellow card so now we are in the 92nd minute and EA is booked free kick to uh

    Middlesboro fans just come up yeah what’s un believable what are you doing it’s all going on everything’s happening here right free kick from the right 92nd minute middleb one sundl one it’s taken short down the right to aen aen inside now to O’Brian nobody’s closed him down his shots gone over the

    Bar and goal kick to Sunderland should they be happy with a point should they go for the win here settle for the point Nick yeah slow things down just make sure you don’t you’ve got to say it’s only the last 10 minutes 15 minutes up this

    Second half we’ve come to life or had that belief that we can go and win yeah oh n’s kick long up towards job headed Away by fry EA gets underneath it rusin on the shoulder of venberg down the left of the middlesbor penalty area down towards the corner tries to cross

    Into the box it comes into the goalkeeper we’re in the third minute of the six being added on kicked right down the left wing and out for a throw to Sun you can really see the height coin’s height he a big lad isn’t he yeah Ballard rolling it back to

    Patterson cin goes to close him down out to Neil Ballard up to the halfway line Thomas underneath it to Hon vandenbberg drives it straight at Hume lifting it over the top if he can for job to try and run onto this the keeper comes out did he

    Catch it outside the area no he’s done well thereo very lucky play to fry out to hon hon now out wide to Thomas Thomas looking to play it down the left wing to O’Brien but balar gets in front of him passes it back to Patterson who kicks it

    Out up to halfway hon nods it down alien will get get to it before Neil then goes Jo in again and gets it to EO heads it on to Hugh Hume gets it down from Thomas’s header and Ballard out on the right now to Roberts in front of Michael Carrick 94th

    Minute tackled by Thomas stuck a foot out onto halfway Hackney comes back to rusen rusen thought he was fouled the referee doesn’t and aen now on the break on the right hand side for middles halfway inside the Sund and half he’s looking for Coburn who gets his head on

    It but over the bar with balard on his shoulder both are on the floor of heads and uh we’ve only got less than two minutes of the six minutes left but there’ll be more now because of these two Ballard still down coin’s getting himself to his feet balard is on his

    Back one one firsts up I you know how many times I’ve been asked what do I think the score would be this week I said 1-1 and I think I’d take it and we said both I think before the game take one we take a draw take a point

    Definitely and and um on the basis of the second half when they didn’t look like they were going to get back in the game 1 nil they looked like they were second best they’ve done well to get back in and again actually looked like

    The team who could go on to win it to be fair substitutions have worked in both they’ve worked in both senses yeah sundland have worked because rusin’s come on and scored and actually burs have worked against them in favor of sundland rusin’s down and the whistles

    Blown we’re in the uh we’re in the last minute technically now but I think we’ll get a bit more more free kick for middleb uh just back inside their half the referees picked the ball up um he’s going on CU heeld is down now as well heeld is back up on his

    Feet I thought he was going with the ball I’m taking my ball home now I’ve had enough that’s SI is being spoken to uh few words I mean Darren England could have saved his breath there couldn’t he really I mean he 96th minute come on I’ve got to say I’ve been impressed with

    Yela he’s done well for his first game drop ball likes to get forward he’s got a little bit about him to O’Brien we’re nearly up 6 minutes but I think they’ll be playing on a little bit further they’re looking for cin Bard’s getting in front of him comes away to the right

    Here Bard pushed over by Cobin much the anger of the home form fans who those that are still here and a free kick to Sunderland on the right wing Bard’s down again and making the most of it clutching his neck um back of his head Hume crouched

    Over down balard is lying on the touch line um referee bent over balard uh who’s still got both hands up to his throat here Dan balad on the side of the pitch not quite sure what’s happened there is it his shoulder right shoulder I think his shoulder’s gone isn’t it yeah that’s

    What he was he his left his left shoulder has gone um tell he has hope he about a major blow he’s uh he’s obviously in pain and we we thought we’ve been talking about the nine yellow cars never even thought about the prospect of injury but he’s in pain here

    I think balard hope it’s not being knocked out the place it’s um he’s in pain he’s in pain I’ve got a horrible feeling it might have been dislocated it is this is uh this is not good news for Sunderland it’s not good news for Dan Ballard but um he’s clearly in pain he’s

    Clutching his left shoulder he’s been helped off the pitch literally just picked up and lifted off and Seal’s going to come on and they um well I wonder what the diagnosis is for Dan balab You’ got to hope there’s nothing serious and just bruised it or just

    Jarred it when he fell but he’s off now and seal is on the 97th minute creeping up to nearly um 98 minutes played now about the referee’s going to blow there you know what that’s a good point that’s a good point I’ll take that I’ll take that seal barely got

    On you’re talking what 5 seconds he knows by the time he kicks that ball he was going to blow his Miss why didn’t he just blow it while while he was I do agree with that I do maybe there’s a protocol Beno maybe there’s a protocol

    Like waiting for 30 from we’re going to get anything uh who knows who knows but the sun fans are definitely two asard is walking slowly down thank you everyone foring supporting Channel click on the sub button if you have yeah I take that point all day long second um One n

    Middle having basically dominated the second halfs don’t speak I the whole not and that actually the game yeah we talked about he was the strings money you know they took him off which we was glad to see the KN off and you got to say all of a sudden midd maybe lost away

    Which allowed to get back into the game and R you’ve got to say excellent finish hopefully he can go on from there fascinating game because sundland could have had two or three in the first half they could have been well in front by half time but just couldn’t finish bar

    From three yards one cleared off the line but then that second half as you say Bassa driving everything for middles middles just had sundland Camp back in their own half and they couldn’t find a way out basic couldn’t find a way out in terms of a tactic which actually break

    The game again and give them get let them back in if you like yeah yeah and and again you just think that you know the lights EA you know by you know demanding a little bit more effort from him you know because at times I think they’re just strolling through through

    The game thanks for tuning in you’re welcome for his goal thank you on the training pitch striking top yeah that’s not the best honestly I didn’t see that coming from Rin I thought he was going to take the ball on and take it in and that I think

    That shows a little bit of confidence what he’s got yeah you know to take a shot like that excellent caught the caught the keeper out caugh me out because when he looked back out I think the keeper should have gotten to it I thought the keeper he would have thought

    He should have done better so good point on the road for Sunderland still hav won here uh for a long time three wins to4 good point to build on ahead of next week’s home game against pouth are to tomorrow night 6 o00 we look back at this game with Marco and pride it’s

    Finished here midd sundland W in front of 3176 at the Rivers think we could have done with Bard just defend looks like an injury and would have served his suspension the right it short toy and he just tapped it down to a now a hard ear Point corner

    That was a very well work free kick Marcus Force gives middle for the lead Clark now trying to cut in the middle looking for R in near a bit of space Ren on his right you’re welcome on the right pass Glover and Sunderland equalized in the 83r yeah

    Some more some more some more here we go happy with the draw took his opportunity lovely finish St ball in from CL and it’s level great bit Vision froming doesn’t matter ifal sport on the station with Newcastle and Sunland commentary exclusively live BBC Radio Newcastle a lot of People Point BBC sounds out on your SM speaker play BBC Radio Newcastle and on your radio the sound of the Northeast is BBC Radio Newcastle we looked at the first of milit in second half we need to our on police in London are offering a reward of £20,000 for information that could lead

    To the arrest of a man suspected of attacking a woman with a corrosive substance Abdul Shakur 25 minutes abely after the attack on Wednesday night a woman known to him suffered injuries thought to be life-changing Allison hodkinson Brown latest police appeal for information leading to Abdul Shakur A’s arrest investigators believe there are

    People who know where he is but have not come forward Mr aadii was last seen coming out of Tower Hill station at around half 9 on Wednesday night 2 hours after the attack there’s one more one more comment lad one more comment last 25 minutes was absolutely what we should

    Inspire to play like for 0 minutes 30 minutes from abolutely or sod socials the mother of the murdered teenager Brianna ji from Warrington says she doesn’t hold any hate for her daughter’s Killers Scara jenkinson and Eddie Radcliffe who are both 16 were given life sentences last

    Week Esther ji also told the BBC that she was open to speaking to the mother of scarlet jenkinson and that she felt compassion for her when I think of their emotions and how they’re feeling it just brings back how I felt um when all this happened in February um because

    Yeah she does she looks completely broken really and and rightly so she’s she’s going through an absolutely horrific time a woman in S6 has died after being attacked by two dogs she was found seriously injured in jaywick near Clapton yesterday evening a 39-year-old man has been arrested police say the

    Breed of the dog is currently being investigated the for I will end the stream now guys uh keep an ey for me mat reviews more videos coming night the US and the UK launched another wave of air strikes on yen in response to attack by the group on shipping vessels thanks for

    Tuning in see you later

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