On June 17, 2016, authorities in King County, Washington, received a report about the disappearance of Jamie Haggard. The father of Jamie informed the police that Jamie had not been in contact with any family members, which was highly unusual. He emphasized that Jamie regularly communicated with her mother via phone every other day, and their attempts to reach Jamie through calls and texts had been unsuccessful. Expressing concern, Jamie’s father suggested that Jamie might be in danger, pointing to the people she associated with. Interrogation Files Presents: The Case of David Haggard

    On June 17th 2016 authorities in King County Washington received a report about The Disappearance of jimie haggard the father of jaim informed the police that Jaime had not been in contact with any family members which was highly unusual he emphasized that Jaimie regularly communicated with her mother

    Via phone every other day and their attempts to reach Jaime through calls and texts had been unsuccessful expressing concern Jaime’s father suggested that Jaime might be in danger pointing to the people she associated with interestingly Jaime had recently become a victim of assault by her ex-boyfriend Jason just a week before

    Her disappearance Jason had been arrested and spent 15 days in jail for the assault in a telephone conversation with the police Jason disclosed that he had been staying at Jaime’s residence in Kenmore along with David Haggard Jaime’s brother before going to jail Jason had excavated a sizable hole in the backyard

    With a backhoe in intending to construct a pond upon his release on June 25th he discovered that David had filled in the hole with dirt and was in the process of seeding the lawn Jason expressed fear of David and raised the possibility that Jaime might be buried in the filled-in

    Hole prompting him to request a thorough search of the backyard armed with this new information the police obtained search warrants for the residents and brought in David Haggard for questioning the initial step involved the polygraph test to assess David’s truthfulness in response to the detective’s inquiries while the video footage of the polygraph

    Itself couldn’t be obtained due to state law restrictions subsequent events were captured on video explore the unfolding events in interrogation files the case of David Haggard so detectors are going to join us here for a minute so um I went through my my church you didn’t pass your test today

    Okay um this is what my computer algorithms tell me okay um what does this mean that means probable deception indicated meaning that there’s indications that you’ve not been truthful with us okay um how do you read this how do you read it I don’t understand well you really the only

    Thing you really need to focus it on is this which say probable decep indicated that’s the computer out what’s this line here that’s just where I want to be um yeah I would expect to see you down over on this side if you were being truthful with me okay in the middle was

    More of the just totally oute fi yeah so you didn’t pass your test so what that leads me to believe is that there’s some information that you’ve not told us about that we need to try to get covered up here or get cleared up all right obviously um the police are out here

    Digging into this saying we’re doing everything we can to to you know get your sister found um you haven’t conclusively passed your test that’s a concern to us concern of mind at the begin with so okay yeah well and why was it such a big concern to you soz I told

    You I already felt guilty I car to guilt dreaming that that I’m guilty whatever happened to her is my fault and and whatnot so you okay well these questions that’s specifically why I didn’t ask you are you responsible for her disappearance because you told me that

    You felt responsible for it I didn’t go that route okay she also said that that this this I as very I asked very specific questions do you know where she’s currently located have you lied to the police regarding your disappearance well that’s not what your body’s telling us your body’s telling us something

    Completely different okay and so what we have to do is is rely on on what we’re seeing here what your body is providing to us a mouth can say one thing the body tells the truth and that’s the way that I so I I feel very comfortably that

    There’s more to the story there’s something that you’re concerned about that you’re not disclosing at this point um and you know we’re here we’re here to try to get this thing resolved obviously okay you’re down here for a reason um you know there’s been some suspicious

    Things that have gone on you know since her disappearance um I think that there’s a lot more to it that that you’re holding back on at this point but this isn’t the time to do that this is the time to to to deal with it let’s get

    Your sister back um let’s move forward with this investigation let’s bring her home you know despite what everybody in her social world thinks it’s her family that matters including you including your father whatever his relationship with you or her are they have a right to get their daughter back whether her life was

    Up if you she Pi fou play i’ Go Scott I don’t know anything else I told you guys that I don’t know anything like I said if I was given a test about Jam’s disappearance having no involvement whatsoever I would have completely passed the test you

    Don’t even know Jimmy so you would have passed just like the green R killer guy he didn’t they asked him the wrong questions or some and he just cuz he didn’t know any that’s why he passed his first test don’t believe what you see I’m not gonna

    Go through this with you guys I didn’t do anything to my sister I haven’t done anything to my sister I don’t know where she’s at if I did I would tell you bottom line bottom line my life is pretty up and that’s why I didn’t

    Want to take this test to begin with but other than that I wouldn’t hurt my sister I wouldn’t hurt her I wouldn’t hurt her or my children you can ask any of my my my family his I got a lot of family you can ask them all about me

    Plenty of men tell me that they wouldn’t hurt somebody and they didn’t but they ended up being involved in disposing of the body I didn’t dispose of no bodies either sir I’m not that way what we doing burning all the stuff out in your yard for the last couple weeks we’ve

    Been burning freaking uh I mean just I’m not accusing you just tell me what it was what were you burning uh The Mulch and there’s all kinds of around the property we burning trash all kinds of crap there’s all kinds of crap in that house we’ve been trying to me and Carly

    Been trying to get our leg up so we’re just trying to I mean Jason we thought we’re going to be gone we thought Jason was going to be gone for a minute so we’re going to freaking try to get in with good with the owner that was it yeah

    And what was reburied in the hole anything garbage anything there’s garbage there’s all kinds of there’s and that hole property he buried uh there’s axles there’s all kinds of in that property he had a stupid ass pump I mean not a pump but Pawn that he’s going to

    Put in was dumb yeah you knowbody wants a pawn and it didn’t just get very or covered up in one night it’s over a duration of time okay bunch of garbage Burns in that hole I mean it’s bu of wood yeah so if she’s found and if she’s

    Found fairly quickly and she’s deceased the medical examiner will absolutely be able to tell us how she died still whether it was an overdose or violence or whatever whether she’s found in your backyard or whether she’s found very out in Big Fin Hill Park or in Lake Washington she’s found quickly we’ll be

    Able to see it and I’ll say it man her lifestyle absolutely leads to the suspicion that she ODed and people freaked out and didn’t know to do and yes that can be family members yes that can cause a failure of a polygraph or a non-passing of a poly polygraph rather

    Yeah I don’t know your you I don’t know her but I know men in your position that have been under suspicion due to circumstances they denied and denied and denied and then but in the TR in the end truth comes out one way or the other and

    I haven’t done anything you know let’s just face the legal side of this thing what’s the crime of of disposing of a woman that ODS I have no idea it’sing gross misdemeanor I have no idea sir so I’m telling you that because I don’t want you or anybody else overly freaked

    Out about an OD death and guys panicked and got rid of the body because it’s Fu gross mror at worse if anybody even gets charged so I just want to make sure that’s clear we’re not investigating you know some felony crime if if in fact she just died through her

    Lifestyle OD she’s got a history of that clearly you guys keep saying she’s dead you guys know something that I don’t know like I don’t know that she’s dead well we do know a lot of things about her behaviors issues that lead us to believe that she’s no

    Longer with us I hope the hell she calls her mother right now says mom I have been I have been out I’ve been in and Rehab of course that’s not true either she’s well past the blackout periods of being rehab so in my gut I believe that uh

    She’s dead either by somebody else’s hand or she o and now it’s a recovery in fact that’s why we’re all out at your house today you know we don’t we’re not convinced she’s out there sure as hell are going to check it we’re going to be checking with heavy equipment we’re

    Going to be doing with the cab dogs we’re going to be we’re going to be covering That Base today 100% And if she is found out there somebody’s got some explaining to do and that explanation if true that g can better come out without a lot of

    Pressure from the police I just come out so we can then believe it they for example six months let’s say let’s say body is found 6 months from now and the medical examiner can’t determine her cause of death right away ultim will but and then 6 months from now you say

    Okay well back in July I uh was scared to admit that she died of an OD it’s going to be very tough to prove it was an OD at that point if she died from some up reason or you know any other cause that happened around that home and somebody panicked

    And got rid of her and put it out there let’s get her back home let the medical examiner look at her I have nothing to do with any disapperance or anything has happened to my sister none then you should have passed this poph I should have passed this absolutely and guilty

    Knowledge or or excuse me guilty feelings about Lifestyles doesn’t affect po it’s a black and white issue no it isn’t Jason hey it is we been do this years a specific question you bring it in court of law if it was no it’s not not even going to go through this man I

    Have nothing to do with my sister nothing to do with her disappearing whatsoever man I love her to death where the I don’t know where she’s at I don’t know where she’s at I don’t know what the last six months of Lifestyle she’s taking on with all these brown people I

    Don’t know the Mexicans that she’s been hanging out with I don’t know any of that the last two months I cut her off pretty much there’s a purse in your house no is your phone at your house no no the cops know that I was on I was

    On her I’m on her voicemail because I had her phone when when when uh the cops to call the cops on Jason when they arrested Jason the big the big officer was there today he even knows he told my dad that you know he had his he had her phone I

    Was walking around with her phone for like two hours she have no voicemail so I put one on there for me that H there on there for her um what is at your house that belongs to her right now all of her clothes and a lot of

    Stuff in that carport it’s in the carport and uh a few things throughout the house I guess I don’t know whatever’s in Jason’s room I’m sorry I’m going to communicate with my partner out of your house right now when was the last time let may be very formal I know you’ve been asked

    This question before but I haven’t heard St from you who was the last time you physically saw her uh the morning as she came back was like Thursday I guess the 9th 8th 9th MH and did you then talk to her on the phone after that yeah I July what

    Time and is that the same time frame that uh what’s his name was it daily supposed to come back to your house from jail no he was coming the next day or something and the understanding was if I got it right tell me if I’m wrong she

    Was supposed to go pick him up she was pick him up yeah okay and and do you believe that ever happened no he showed up no he showed up that morning how did he get there uh somebody picked him up did you say specifically who picked him up

    No was he in a car or yeah he was in like a uh SUV type car I guess was he pass that she didn’t show up or did he mention it or uh yeah he was just like well that’s weird because I thought she’d pick me up and

    Then uh he asked to borrow a bicycle I said I didn’t have one for him to borrow and he uh I said what about you’re right he goes oh they have to go to work or some and then he didn’t show then he took off and we didn’t heard from

    Him at all for like five days six days he just showed up at my house asking where Jam was at and I told him I thought she’s with you just SW that you know she’s with him or with whoever else do brown with I don’t even know any of those

    People but he says uh I’ve been stuck no phone no ride no Nothing was it legit did you did you believe that she wasn’t with him did he seem genuine no I don’t no and where is he today I have no idea you know he’s got a bunch of warrants out for him I’m sure he does he’s a

    Bard so where do you think you might be cuz I mean I as well just snag up everybody I can we’re doing this I have no idea he hangs out with Jay dog and I have no idea sir what do you do with Scott I don’t think I don’t know are

    They are they tight no idea no I really don’t know so on the day she’s missing she has her own cell phone right yeah and you got your own individual cell phone right yeah so I didn’t have a phone today’s you don’t have a phone at

    All I didn’t have a phone at the time why not my phone was broken or out or something I mean I had a phone but it was just out of minutes something so whether a phone’s out of minutes or not you know it communicates with cell towers all around right give us GPS

    Coordinates one of the things that we’re doing today is uh we survey um search warrants on a variety of phone companies including your phone including Jamie’s phone including some other people’s phones and to me I’m a tech guy so this is just Why the reason

    I say this thing is going to be done today and all today it’s CU we’re going to know where she’s at today we’re going to know who took her there and we’re going to find her they alive and it’s all it’s all going to come from technology her phones are going to tell

    Us exactly her phone records are going to tell us exactly where she moveed but most importantly we’re going to compare her phone’s movements with the movements of everybody else’s phones and it’s not going to be too difficult to see the path it’s lotted on a Google Earth map

    Which phones moved together between the 8th 9th and 10th well my phone probably was at the house the whole time well so maybe maybe that’s the case I have a phone was working so car with and secondarily the phone doesn’t just talk to his cell tower in the area the phone

    Talks to whoever’s f a Wi-Fi connection right the router at your house the router at your neighbor’s house maybe if tries to connect the rou at Starbucks so nowadays law enforcement hasn’t managing just nailing down the position of funds way better than we did a couple years ago so those paths are

    Going to tell us a lot about her and who was with her and I I don’t have those records yet I voted when we were having a meeting yesterday about this case I voted to hold off on hitting your house with the search bar until we have those

    Records but you know resources are resources and we needed to do it today that’s right we had the back today we ready so since I can only assume you’re not being completely honest about things because of the um holograph that you did not pass it’s not a personal but I just

    I believe you’re holding something back I know you’re holding something back and these things are all going to come out later no matter what you say Today if you’re not being honest with us right now you’re putting yourself in a hole because I’m afraid later on you’re going to have to backtrack and kind of say well okay this is really the truth a month or two or a week or a year from now and it’s going to be

    Unbelievable you know if you’re caught in a lie you’re caught in a lie and you can’t backtrack from that later on I came home when I got home there was a fire outside the sler grass door it was it wasn’t it was put out it wasn’t totally put out there smoke on I

    Seen it that rais some suspicion to me I didn’t know what that was about I’ve been thinking about that ever since this investigation started taking off what was about other than that I don’t know anything else why is that relevant why you think that’s relevant cuz it was

    Just CU you guys keep asking for about that backyard and about why we buried or you know buried uh what we buried and burned there you know just it’s weird I don’t know it just it just seemed seems like something I should say to you well most

    Guys would have a standard burn pile right yeah burn next to the house yeah you’re not going to burn next to the house so you saying this is something different yeah I just said yeah was weird it was just weird I was totally fiber gasted it

    Was in the it was in the hole that we had for for the the septic has been messed up there so we we dug out of trench line that’s how that whole yard got tore up to begin with because the septic was up septic or sewer

    Sewer s up pment up so we had so we got uh children come in with a little mini and we we deated a little line you know and stuff and fix the piping and whatever but there were still issues with the draining or something so they had a

    Little hole was outside the the uh outside the window you know the slider there that was and then the pond was over there so I don’t know what he was doing my man Jason still you know he had this Pond do and then he saying something about the SE was messed up or

    Whatever but when I got there I I got there like I said there was just it was weird Cari showed up right after me and I I even said something to her you know like this what she burning right next to the house for you know just kind

    Of pissed me off you know didn’t think anything though whose fire was it I thought it was James I thought Jam left fire what day was that that day yeah the day the last time you saw her yeah yeah did you confront her on it or did

    You not see her after that no I didn’t see her she wasn’t there no that’s why I was I was pissed off about the house was wide open here’s this half fire you know like I said it wasn’t a fire but it was smoking you know smokering still was

    That the only time fire had been at that particular location yeah yeah why would there be one there this ping issue like like I mean just because somebody digs a hole doesn’t mean you put a fire there you know so I don’t know I’m just trying to

    Wck my head or anything else that I can be withholding from you and that’s the only thing that comes to mind well you didn’t pass the test for some reason you’re the only one that knows that and gu I can’t emphasize enough that you this isn’t going to end obviously

    This isn’t going to go away I understand it’s not going to go away sir you know until the time that she calls her mother which I at this point I I think we’re done with that we’re we’re in a recovery phase you know the judge authorized a a

    Search warrant for a body and evidence of murder or death and so till it’s proven different M right if it proves that she like so many women and young men have’ been oding lately around Seattle and so be it Jesus man last year we found two fuing people in suitcases because their

    Friends panicked didn’t know what the to do with bodies and folded these chicks in both cases folded the chicks up in suitcases and dumped them one seac or SE K like Jesus Christ just call us and say sheing got too high and you know what I’m saying just deal

    With it you don’t uh sweep it under a rug you don’t sweep a loved one’s body under the rug and pretend like she’s just vanished because we’re going to prove whether she’s just vanished on her own or Not there’s a certain point where people are going to understand that that those with knowledge of James’s disappearance it’s sort of natural for them to deny it and freak out for a while but after a certain point it goes from a natural denial to a kind of an evil intent or

    Trying to protect themselves because of allegations of crime well if for example David you tell me right now that oh I know where she’s at and you go and recover her to day the things that we would be telling from the family most importantly her mother and

    Father would be that uh in the end Dave help solve his case he was scared he freaked out but Dave help solve the case compare that to 3 months from now when we find what’s left over remains and the question remains in the air for mother and father

    I mean this is family Dynamics here they’re going to suspect you and so it’s almost like get out in front of this thing stke me already my dad does well so I don’t know the Dynamics there in that family sounds like you got some issues with your your

    Father closer any of the kids than he ever was yeah I didn’t do so whether you whether you whether there’s respect there or not they have a right as parents yeah they do yeah they do we all have right I’d like to know too yeah so D this thing’s just going to move

    Forward no matter what I understand that sir I don’t know anything you know something you didn’t pass your polygraph that every one of us in this room should have passed it which TR been know doesn’t matter that you’re related to it doesn’t matter that you’re guilty about a lifestyle those questions were so

    Specific that’s why I love polygraph tests regarding cases like this is because they’re nothing but specific Jason wants to ask me in a pre-employment polygraph whether I stole something when I was a kid I don’t really care if he asked me that because I don’t think that’s going to be

    Accurate and valid in my opinion when he ask me was I did I dispose of Jam’s body I’m going to say no I’m gonna pass that test no you didn’t want to take the PO ass the first time I came here because it was under maath I mean it’s it’s all

    Kinds of D dyamics in there I’m telling you right now I don’t know where my sister is if I did I would tell you I would tell you if she o in front of me I would tell you I don’t know I don’t know

    Did you get into a fight with her on the last time you saw her the the no the the the day before we were fighting turn physical no not any more than no well what does that mean I mean I mean yeah I mean it freaking it was

    Physical at first but I mean I was just into the truth of the matter I mean I was just I was you know on top of her but it was nothing there was no violence or anything the cops came there I know that and the cops checked her out and I

    Was cleared I didn’t do anything to her 24 hours later though 24 hours later she wasn’t at home she was gone all night she was gone all night I guess we’ll find that out when we get the phone WS today yeah well she yeah you will you’ll find that

    Out she’s gone all night she didn’t come in until the next morning so a couple things are obviously going to be dealt with here’s I’ll just tell you our job when I see your phone records and I see her phone records um I suspect that I’m going to see some travel

    Together I think there’s a good chance of that I think that’s going to prove that you’re not telling the truth right by yourself and we’re going have to do this all over again um I’m a little late to this case to know why the you’re painting your truck and completely P your truck

    Out when we have the Washington State Crime Lab out searching the truck in about an hour believe me I’ve had cases where people have hosed their truck out scrubbed with stone masonary cleaner in their truck in this crime lab still found blad CU guys don’t get where they should really be

    Clean so all these things are happening today because we can’t figure out what to do with you so prove him right or prove him wrong that’s our job isn’t it it’s what you can pay us for and by God we’re going to do it on this case I

    Don’t care what her lifestyle look like nobody has a right to be disposed of improperly or killed in a fight and then dumped up in Easter Monroe or wherever the is at remember your phone doesn’t have to make a phone call to be talking to the town what right I’m a

    Lawyer or charge me of something I haven’t done anything wrong you look at my phone records you check my truck is it going to clear in yeah we’re doing that too D don’t forget our job is to clear people yeah we’re certainly not going to Wrangle into somebody time whatever what

    Are you or suspect suspect in your eyes well you’re you’re something in our Eyes you know you’re not under arrest right I haven’t done anything to my sister do you understand you’re not under arrest I’m a lawyer okay well what’s got I hope you’re right d I wasn’t there but in the end if she’s um somewhere because she ODed I would

    Assume that at this point you’ve got the message and you need to tell us you should di under other circumstances it will come out so we’re going to take you back to the house you can’t go back to the inside the house until we’re done we’re

    Going to be there pretty much all day is there someplace else you’d like to go no can we get my wallet or yeah D like say you’re not under arrest I know this is uncomfortable where’s Scott at we got other teams doing other things listen you’ve mentioned Scott a

    Couple times but you also just talked about a lawyer you want to tell me the story about Scott no I told you the story about Scott well Scott needs be check you’re suspicious of Scott particular reason because he’s like aded that he’s done something to tell me that

    Story again now driving in the backseat of my car is a little difficult he said when Jason came home Jason came home out of jail he was with Scott Scott picked him up they went and did some brown together Natasha is a girl that just got

    Out of out of feds she’s in an Oxford House or something in Seattle I guess somewhere in Seattle uh they had picked her up too I guess Jason says it was him Natasha and Scott in his truck and Jason said what the’s going on in my house does Jason comeing

    Home he’s like tripping out like you know what’s all this stuff you know Jamie’s missing supposed toly what’s going on mhm Scott says shut up dude you’re going to get me in trouble don’t worry about it she’s not at your house she been taken care of he says this specifically to

    Specifically to Jason and and Natasha Jason told you about that yes and he brought up again last yesterday what was yesterday yesterday we just he just he said dude I think Scott did something with your sister man I’m just said that yeah because honestly I don’t think I

    Don’t think you’ve done anything Dave I think Jason’s got I mean I think Scott’s done something with your sister though I know you’re trying to be positive and optimistic but I’m telling you man I think Scott done something with your sister have you spoken to Scott yourself

    Face to face not about it no what’s the story about rolling her sister up or something well yeah that was when he first started coming back around you know like he said he was arrested you know we checked that not to be true uh I mean it’s just like

    He just weird he started coming around like the day before Jason got out and then and then talked you know I mean Jim’s already gone right yeah Jim’s been gone and and he starts talking like uh he says that uh he’ been in contact with she called him which we don’t think is

    True you know we we’re like you know why would you call him and it just doesn’t seem it doesn’t doesn’t add up but I know Jamie was definitely afraid of him when he came in and got his cut and he kept asking for his cut and he kept

    Asking for his boots cut of cash or cut of is his his uh his leather his his uh his biker yeah yeah he had his there he needed his cut um brought up that it was valuable you know uh she could have got money for it you know Jamie could have

    Got money for it whatever you know Carly didn’t think that was you know what was up with that back no he stopped asking for it and Jason said it’s not there Ian it’s in Jason’s room supposedly you know I never seen it you know I’ve seen it one

    Time when Jason or when yeah when Jason was wearing it but other than that I never seen it you know but Jamie came out of the room saying you know he took his cut they’re coming dude the Bandidos are coming and that’s when I you know

    Was telling you or telling you guys in the car that I just was taking half of what she said with a grain of salt and rest of the half just chucked up his you know Jamie it’s not even Bandidos it’s Hell’s Angels these claims you know I

    Mean that was I didn’t think anything of it was he upset that she kept a cut in the room or kept a cut for him no he he says that he never took cutter he wouldn’t be asking about it but he was asking about it when he first

    Started coming around he started asking hey can I get my can I get my leather and he calls it cut can I get my cut and uh it’s be in Jason’s room I said hey D gota wait for Jason to come out we’re trying to figure out what’s going on

    With Jason I go we don’t want off it’s his room you know was leave it alone until he came back Jason got out he came he asked for it like I said once more time one more time and in the last few times he’s been over I haven’t heard

    A goddamn thing about it and that’s what we brought up yesterday it was like why doesn’t he ask him for cut anymore J’s like right you know I don’t know so you what about this comment you made about rolling rolling somebody up he just said that he said you know I

    Thought you might like get out the parket I was like no I’d roll you up before I roll any my you know it’s my his little sister dude what are you talking about he’s like just kind of implying that maybe you something to your sister what’s that he’s implying

    He’s implying like I wanted something to be done with my sister is what I took is you know he was like yeah he was like implying like well I thought you were kind serious dog you know and like yeah I mean I mean before few days three or four days

    Before any of this that happened Jason and Jamie were in it in a fight an argument um Jason was like I can’t handle this dog you know I can’t she’s got to go and I’m saying well I get her out you know and Scott’s saying I think it’s only right that the you

    Know family member takes care of it or I’ll take care of it you know and I I mean just these things if I reflect on back you know on reflect back on our conversation doesn’t mean much at the time CU we’re just all are is hyp you

    Know amped up but I think about it then you know like what the hell were you talking about dude you know like the whole time the guy was talking like you know getting rid of her and Jason says she swears to God that she has a he

    Has a hatred towards women you know and he just your guy doesn’t have very much longer to live and just what you uh supposed to be Medical issues he’s got some really bad medical issues he’s telling you that yeah he’s told yeah yeah he’s don’t do that you don’t

    Know if it’s true though don’t know anything no know he has bad Brown problem and this is the dude I showed you a picture of him yep yep and he’s the dude that was supposedly was locked up from like that day that night that night he came over that

    Night got 60 bucks for me and supposed to we got arrested that night meaning what the night that Jamie’s was no longer around disappeared the ninth or whatever yeah the day Jason went to jail the same day Jason went to jail he supposed toly went to jail according to himself for yeah for

    Domestic bonness yeah against his ex he he was a b uh Redman I guess I’m sorry does he have a a wife and a boy I saw some pictures on Facebook yeah he has a son and his ex-wife was he sleeping with Jamie at any point not that we know who’s been

    Sleeping with Jamie I don’t know hate to ask a question but I gotta ask a question don’t know supposedly she wasn’t even sleeping with Jason have they been dating yeah supposedly they’ve been dating and she hadn’t been giv reaction or whatever that was one of the things we thought

    About that day that that the cops all came I suppose we had her tied up because she was claiming that Jason came in you know that Jason took it from her that night you know she’s just I mean I couldn’t believe half the words to you

    Save you know so I didn’t take it you know all I know is that Jason was playing games and Jamie all this brown it’s all tends to be Brown when I take choc up these guys are they don’t care about anything but themselves and it’s all just this brown you know sh Jason

    Said he was going to quit work and he was going to come home we’re going to deal with this cuz I was telling my girlfriend you know he’s playing games babe I don’t know who to believe you know Jamie I tend to believe my sister

    Because in the In the Heat of the Moment when I look her in the eye and I drill her you know tell me what’s going on here James I can trust and believe that my sister’s telling me the truth she points to him Jason it’s all Jason so

    That’s you know then I confronted Jason and he was going to come home and deal with it but then then you know Jamie flipped the the whole script around instead of me being pissed off at Jason and was going to deal with Jason she’s plays she’s going to take a bunch of

    Pills you know and that’s when the whole the whole picture came out you know I had her in in the and then Jason’s popped theight of the ninth or the day of the nth is that right no Jason’s popped that night he comes home that night yeah cuz the cops the cops come

    And uh this time I’m dealing with my sister she’s in the bathtub the whole time I’m thinking that she’s taking a bunch of pills and I know she I don’t know what pills she takes but I know she gets some gnarly stuff so I’m not sure you know I went from Rage

    Sty here and I’m and and and and I’m an addict so of course they didn’t call a cops sh all the CPL and I get her to throw up or I’m threatening to stick a I want to stick my finger down cuz my little sister should bite my finger off

    So she’s mad at me you know I’m thinking uh I get a spatula she said no I’ll throw up you know I was going stick a wooden handle or something down there and she said no I’ll throw up so she’s actly like she’s throwing up I take her

    To shower I get her in the shower uh I’m on the phone with Carly uh dealing with her going back and forth um I’m on the phone with Carly and King County Shariff or the sheriff are walking up and I say Sheriff are walking up and and at this

    Time and she you know I’m talking to Carly and then they’re walking up and so I go to back to the bathroom and at this time the bathroom door is not open anymore it’s it’s partially shut you know a little bit and uh and and you

    Know like I said I’m just I’m thinking back on it and I’m tripping on it because of just how the layout was I didn’t think about much of it at the time but I I opened up the door and this now here’s this girl that was supposed to be took a bunch of

    Pills um was laying in there uh inent her fully clothed um at one point the tub was filling up and I had and I realized that the the uh you know the little stopper that stops the water was up and I you know I I put it down and I

    You know slapped on arm said not on my watch James you know you you better stay with me you know what the you know to deal with that to to going in here to tell her that the sheriffs are here this girl is like fully undressed in in a in

    A towel getting out of the shower like she’s just was taking a shower healthy like like taking a shower like yeah kind of like a little bit maybe gry you know or you still playing a part but I’m like the cops are here I’m was tripping

    On you know and and and tripping on her and she’s like well just go in your room and and continue your sleeping I’ll tell him I was in the shower and I said at that point I said no no I I have no want I have no wants or warrants seeon get arrested

    So when they came in they they they asked me you know uh we step outside sir put your hands up we got a called that there’s woman being held against her will here tied up I said immedately they said we got an anonymous call that Anonymous person received the text

    Message the only one I sent the text message to was Jason and I said that’s Jason that’s playing it backs up my theory that they’re playing games here he’s playing games he’s a manipulator here they talked to Jamie they come back out that’s when the One Cop says look

    Dude are you are you are you a doctor G to med school no next time your sister takes a bunch of pills call you know what they said to me and I understood that I mean I’m an addict but you know I get it I get the Rights and Wrongs and

    Didn’t want to get my sister in trouble or anything you know and I didn’t want to get I mean just that’s you knowbody get some trouble for you know that’s what I I mean it’s just you know I told the cop I understand yeah I would I mean

    Naturally if she was you know in a if it was life or death I really felt like life or death I would called the cop but I didn’t I felt like we had under control at the time apparently coming out of shower like she just took a

    Shower so it seems like she’s under control they said who’s Jason and I said Jason you know and I knew he had a felony War so I’m looking like an and they’re like come on man you live here you say you live here you don’t know your’s last name you know

    I just look like an and I’m like they’re like yeah you’re protecting him because he has FY warrant like whatever you know they’re like this is how it’s going to go down we’re going to be waiting for Jason you know he’s going to be coming home we suggest that you find something

    Else to do if he comes to this door and you get in a physical altercation with them you will go to jail we’re telling you that right now because we’ve been out here already and you know the situation that’s going on if he comes home and you get into physical conation

    With him you will go to jail your best bet is to leave here we can’t tell you to leave your house but we suggest that you leave here and call us when he comes here and we’ll be him and that’s what happened okay so they F him at the house

    Later then yeah Jam’s still alive and well yeah and she took off his C and so U he’s been out of the pictures from what till the 25th or something he was in for like 20 days less than that 15 less yeah something like that y yep and then Scott was like

    SE an action like the whole time it really weird really weird how we reflect back on things and you just try to put piece together and he like Okay so let’s talk about that hole for a second so he digs a hole to fix the Sue has some story

    About making a water feature to to the land owner the lady owns the place even snap some pictures yeah you know so we know there’s a hole there yeah now of course the place looks really nice who filled in the hole I know you’ve been through this before

    With Detective barl uh me and Carly pretty much yeah that’s a so I do a shitload of landscape kind of side job know I saw the pictures of the hole when it was a hole that’s a shitload of dirt to have to put back compacted correctly

    And all no it wasn’t no n was done correctly looks pretty flat how how was it done how physically was it done a shovel and rakes how long did it take uh the whole time you got done to Dave I got done to Dave J that

    Up bit at a time or one a little bit at a time and what did you put in a hole specifically uh brush and trash brush things decomposed or trash like in metal objects no there’s yeah there’s trash there’s a big ass TV got busted up in there TV yeah big one those

    Schuck what made you want to thr in the hole not Jason what was a hurry to BU back in there wasn’t a hurry there wasn’t a hurry it just that I thought the pal we thought the Palm I thought the pal was stupid from the beginning and uh we

    Wanted hope wanted to from our understanding Jason had that place for the next three years to work on and I had already done we had already done helped him with the plumbing uh we’ve already done helped him with a lot of stuff and I figured you know

    Why me and Carly figured why let this this house go why let somebody else get it when we could do the work we to I just did remodel for my boss that I was just at so it wasn’t like anything new MH you know so the only thing that you

    Put in the hole were some household garbage and TV anything else no there just uh not just just wood debris there’s all kinds of wood debris and Sh it’s not it’s not compacted I mean if you go to dig it up there’ be Hol H and

    Is that is that primary hole right above the sewer line or off the side or no it’s off the side um east side or west side maybe the East Side yes you’re looking out the back door be off to that side where where the was at

    And east of the uh sewer line yeah sewer Line’s right there real close yeah so the two line got fixed right you guys did that business yeah it’s got half fixed what fixed yes and the burn pile the primary burn pile for the backyard is what in that

    Circular there a little circular thing yeah yeah that’s what we made yeah they had the burn pile was on top of that slab or something I guess okay and then this other burn pile you talked about or the other burn site that you talked about right out front of the was right

    Outside the slider dude was right next to the house like how much we talk it’s just uh it’s just wood debr just right right there yeah it’s stupid like dangerous stupid yeah like like the house fire yeah that make no sense at all why would you me do that has she

    Ever started the fire that’s exactly what my question was that’s what I was bitching about like why the would I mean at this time we’re not does Jamie do work you know what I’m saying would she even does Jamie do work yeah Jamie was a nurse well do does she go and

    Clean house clean debris she’s or she lazy she’s kind of lazy I mean she’s yeah I mean like all her characteristics over the last 6 months have been really not Jimmy so you know I I I can’t believe that she’d be calling me for everything under the sun and be over at

    My dad’s telling him that I’m I’m beaten on her well she did I don’t know why she did I know I can’t and I can’t wrap my head around it my girlfriend can’t wrap her head around it I mean did car and Jimmy get along somewhat for the most part I mean

    They they do I mean you I guess a week before a week before uh just all went down I guess Jason had Hur her or something and Jamie I mean I guess probably took some pictures for Jamie on her phone what pictures of her you know bruised back or something because of

    What Jason did yeah Jason doing Jason looks like Jason no Jason has a rap she beat the out with it was really really bad and her and Jason were together briefly yeah somewhat I thought they were together but supposedly they weren’t together and she’s with this other dude Chris and

    Supposed she’s with this dude puppy Okay so to be crude about it who do you think she was sleeping with in the last two months I think she was sleeping with Jason at the house to be honest yeah because she loves him or some dop benefit or something benefit the house

    Benefit just a place to live place to crash that’s that’s when she pay rent she gets a lot of pills from the pharmacy supposedly legitimately she selling those out to pay just have spend night mhm did she end up getting her Supply and so I don’t really know anymore sir

    Think no we’re not the dope hey she’s F if she calls her mother 10 minutes from now we pack up our and go home nobody’s going to be investigating anything anything other than whether she’s alive or dead so I don’t give a sh she’s selling her P pills it

    Clearly is relevant if she’s been murdered or is missing so do you know if she ended up even getting her pill supply for June I have no idea do you have any pills that belong to her in in the house is there a stash

    Of was a vik in is that what she gets uh she gets viin morphine why what idea I have no idea no idea sir I just found out that she was on pych Med too just got prescription too so in your personal space in the house is there

    Going to be any of that type of medication I’m not talking about like one pill you might have picked up here or there in my personal stuff yeah no or I don’t pills Carly I don’t know who Carly is no no Carli just had a friend that just

    Died off Brown yeah they really just frown against it what about Jason’s you Jason Brown oh yeah but that’s not your thing no we don’t do pills okay so will there be any pills in your person’s space at the house no how about Brown no lot of guys

    Don’t want to admit the brown I get it no no no there should be you’ve admit the m so to me it’s like what the yeah yeah yeah no right exactly but no I mean have done Brown I think I told Jason here brown one time uh I don’t

    Know sounds stupid coming out my mouth but you got to have a certain respect for drugs I guess you know you got know chees your poison I guess in other words you know you chees or poison and I when I was going through the divorce when I was through separation with my

    Wife and and stuff I you know was using meth and heroin like I’ve been doing it for years and I think it was because I want to you know want to go away or something I felt like I don’t know but I was doing

    Like 50 60 WS just shooting it up like I was a rock star and it lasted for about five weeks and I knew that got kids that wanted me around and I didn’t want to go that way so I detox took like two weeks just pain torture you

    Know horrible you know I trying to relate that to Jamie you know it’s not good Brown is not good sucks you in meth sucks you in is bad too but so what I hope to do is when we get your phone records and we’ll do our business

    With the records that we need to do um there’ll come a time when I’m probably going to want to sit back down with you and go over the phone records with you no matter how they look whether they’re damning looking or justold phone records a GU would have when he’s in his

    House so I don’t want us to end here as as enemies I mean it’s your sister we’re going to work for you is the way I look at it until we determine that you know we’re going against some person who killed her or she died on her own so be

    It but until that’s proven uh we’re all in the same boat but if you put yourself in our position you see exactly what we have to do we have to clear the people around her from suspicion you’re unfortunately very difficult to clear uh some people are easy we’ve

    Already cleared a few people just based on they were in gym me like him or not easy to quit right yeah yeah okay that’s a d deal even though he looks like a suspect you know for a lot of other reasons yeah yeah no he try to say

    His Pro Officer says he’s suspect but as see well it’s the physics but I mean it’s just you know like Jason keeps saying it’s almost like Scott it’s almost like Scott thinks like he wanted him to do something or I wanted him to do something well would scary would

    Scott have taken her on his own to be like hey dude I took care of your problem might as well have or might might have you know I mean that’s Jason now I’m thinking about our conversation which me and Jason had yesterday and he’s convinced Scott did something with

    Her I’m trying to be more of the positive you know will positive you know and my sister’s going call her mom up any minute you know I want be her I do too but I we all hope that she does it but we got to be realistic and it’s time

    To be real realistic on this it’s been well over a month and young women Scott’s been somewhere he’s been doing and he hasn’t been accounted for it and so is Chris hadn’t been accounted for is Scott’s phone number in your uh in your phone yeah under under what name Scott just play

    With Scott you don’t want Scott in your phone uh yeah I think so is your phone with you or is it back the house no it’s at the house or no you guys got my phone you guys got my phone she’s had my phone since the day I came

    Here yeah yeah can I get that back to you oh wait she’s trying to copy it yeah she can get it back to that was a deal right you were to copy it back to talking about that to me what Scott when in there have you ever confronted Scott face to face what

    The what did you do something like his sister no do you feel comfortable doing that uh I put you on a wire would you uh no offense no offense I’m going to jam up when I see him well if I put a wire on you and and put you two together in a

    Restaurant or a bar yeah I going to be jamming them up yeah Will you’re willing to go to that sort of find out where okay you know and then Jason keeps saying that Scott keeps asking uh this let’s go fishing and and and Jason doesn’t understand why he keeps asking that Jason

    Fish you don’t know but but he made references of taking somebody down the River Road he hasn’t gone down the River Road in a long time or some you know and just how stupid by River Road you think he’s talking about River Road or I have

    No idea say I haven’t got another River Road in a long time I don’t know I have to sh I heard this guy say I thought was full now and now probably been stupid the whole time your sister sell Scott pills you know they did Brown together I don’t know she sing

    Pills I know of uh Danny she sold pills too and uh I think uh CH son’s grandma he a he’s Tom Tom so kills the Tom I don’t know who so P to where’s Jacob at girlfriend um talking to the Texans somewhere else okay she

    So um we are not the dope detectives I think we made that pretty damn clear right yeah um it’s my understanding that Jamie did leave some pills behind is that correct uh there were some pills there but did you sell a couple of them too I

    Don’t care to who I’m not look yeah we did sell some pills but I mean there there’s yeah what’s happen there uh think they’re per 30s or something okay anything else no did you sell anything else in Jam no there were some other pills that we found that was in her possession we

    Going to sell but we didn’t there there so where specifically one the pills that she left behind uh they’re in her they’re in her in the carport now the pill still they’re in a they’re in a they’re not in her name though they’re in a dog’s name like

    Dog like somebody just put them in there like she put them in there yeah are those part of the prescriptions that she gets herself I have no idea I know I knew only thing I knew she took that she got was uh was Viking but I know that

    She’s progressed to uh supposedly she’s getting morphine and and uh and volume or something you know why do you why do you feel comfortable selling her pills uh I don’t know just fig what you done to us I just kind of Lifestyle isue going yeah yeah she would sell on us

    Yeah yeah how much did you get you think total uh I don’t remember something sign 300 bucks no 100 bucks 200 bucks I think okay couple hundred bucks pills are gone yeah except for some that it might be left well there’s some other kind of pills too that that

    We didn’t think about later on but we were TR out do you know what they were they’re they’re in the no they’re in the mix with those dark pills J I think we asked you before is her purse at the house I don’t know you

    Said no before well no yeah I don’t know so honest go truth I don’t know I haven’t seen there her first or her phone was not there we haven’t seen it around we’ve clean up the house the property I mean we haven’t seen it around either

    One of those okay the the pillow thing is is uh like I said the other pillows they’re all in a dog’s name like uh one of the people that lived there before had a dog and they’re they’re but they’re you know they’re jous pills I guess are there something that people

    Would want to buy yeah I guess whatever they are yeah and like I said we they just been outside our mind actually I forgot about those cuz we don’t really do CL you know I just know somebody down the street that actually his girlfriend is a big

    His new girlfriend is a big pop popper so it just kind of came just kind of red so opportunity rolled up and you just took the opportunity yeah yeah that’s it understand that where specifically were the pills that you sold in the kitchen she would just leave

    The out like that I’m guessing that whole house is full of people that don’t trust each other in a in a sense so why the would you leave them all out in the kitchen um it’s pretty stupid but I don’t know if we don’t totally not trust each other or we I mean

    It’s I don’t know if that’s the right word to use it’s not like we don’t really trust each other but it’s not like we trust each other I don’t know I’m going gu you guys don’t trust each other because you’re lifestyle it’s up the closest family members rip off each

    Other even though they love each other I mean happens all the time when there’s you know when pills and bu and W that’s just that’s more normal than not I guess one option to you know I got to think of the bad side here is that you

    Sell you sell or allow her pills to be sold because you know goddamn well she’s not coming back I.E she’s already gone so it keeps coming back how can we clear you from suspicion I think your phone records will go quite a ways to do go one way or the [Applause] Other and either one of those things you got to break to clear me so I I haven’t done anything and I will keep repeat myself I haven’t done anything here’s what I think I mean it’s really only two scenarios you somewhere most likely the house some somebody freaked out had to

    Get rid of her or uh somebody uh probably beat the out of her and killed her and I doubt she was stabbed or shot I guess that she was probably thumped to death massive head and then she obiously had to get rid of it whether that happened to your

    House or not I don’t know but the crime lab’s going to figure out yeah in in the end I D just you’re not passing the polygraph the simplest holograph we could design for a man like you in your position one that you absolutely should pass if you can you read those specific question

    I don’t care I want to lawyer I don’t want to talk about po anymore okay if you be done it’s let I’ll help you talk to Scott okay because we still need to team up on this we’re going to find your sister right yeah I want to be enemies

    With you yeah well I’m not the guy but you got to know where I’m you got to know all the thoughts in my head stuff that I’m thinking you got to know every scenario that we’re going to consider and rule in and rule out and this is

    Uncomfortable for you I’m sure you don’t have to like us or whatever but we’re going to do it together and the step of the polygraph was so important to us that we that’s why we kept wanting to do it with you so let me end this with kind of the

    Overall reaching statement David is there anything that you haven’t told us yet you think is significant in this case no damn well is significant that you’ve chosen to keep to yourself no except for where is Scott and where is Chris the whole time trying to dat yeah you know like

    Are they Pals what’s their story no I don’t think so I don’t know though you know I mean they both deep Brown I don’t know who’s friends in that in that social they do know the same people though you know they know this Jay dog

    Dude I don’t even know who he is where where in Redmond is Scott he just moved he just moved to uh J facility I guess uh you know one of those facilities that you got to like you got to have money to live in or yeah yeah he got an

    Inheritance he’s got he’s got some kind of trust and and supposedly that’s how his wife is involved his ex-wife like he’s gotten he’s beat out her whatever uh you know they’re no longer together they’re divorced from my understanding but before they got divorced he got an inheritance and somehow they ruled her

    As the power the the uh the uh executive basically yeah of all his findings or his money or something so she gives him an allowance or something oh that sort of scenario even though she’s his wife yeah she’s her ex-wife now yeah yeah but so they live together because she has

    Power over all of it and so she they’re still living together just not as men yeah yeah in sou somewhere yeah like Out The Avenue I have no idea Jason knows is she uh she on the brown too uh no not not that I know of as far as I

    Know is that she was a uh Church going girl that he met years ago and made her his wife she do much any day but you don’t know for a fact whether Jamie was sleeping with him I no Noe would it be surprising if she

    Was did he want to she’s good I it would be surprising for my sister a lot of people that my sister has has gone for lately has has been a big surprise so I guess no it wouldn’t be a surprise it would be a surprise but it wouldn’t

    Be I just I don’t see her but but so you don’t know she manipulated yo Scott I mean she broke down she manipulated one of my buddies and got a vehicle from him and and broke down out out in Carnation or some and we called

    Scott to go help her out and it’s got with Mia so we’re still trying to think of if he actually hooked up with her that night you know we don’t know uh Jason’s convinced that that’s the reason why he was anching because he was with her you know he claims that she wasn’t

    Because they just left my buddy’s car on the side of the road on the opposite side of the the traffic so it get you know so cop would drive by and go what the that right there you know and then you get impounded you know did it get impounded ultimately

    Yeah so sh that was what’s the time frame of that incident that was like months before I guess CP couple months before before she was missing yeah yeah this when she first just met Jason is there a place you want to go today it’s going to be like get my wallet And restaurant or something Have guy go to a movie or something for I’ll figure out something okay I think we can manage to get the water so again you can’t leave it you can’t leave this with something that we’re going to find the answer to and impr prove you’re

    Lying about any even small aspects at this point right that’s why I told you about the little fire that’s why yeah so before we is there anything else that you know damn well we’re going to figure out that you might as well talk about right now regarding your sister’s

    Behavior somebody else’s Behavior your behavior no okay man everything everything you say I want to take it face value very difficult time though I guess because of the polygraph you don’t want to talk about that anymore I understand but I actually came in here having every

    Faith that you were going to have a past polygraph we move on me you thinking I would pass you I knew it so Story of My Life why um so my partner just texted me this uh picture of a um note that you on the garage for your girlfriend my reading of

    It said I don’t want to talk anymore okay but here’s my only question I don’t need to dig into your emotional head I know the cops talked to you about that the other day the patrol cops went up and talked to you about Su and they

    Didn’t they did not do a involuntary uh there was nothing yeah exactly so I guess my only question was that note written when was that note posted like this morning right before we show up no that was that was during that time okay so that note’s a few days old at least

    So there nothing new forget about it yeah okay do you still feel that way right now no feel no okay things I’m required to ask we see the note today we didn’t see the note before obviously does Carly think you had something to do with Jamie disapp

    No okay cuz I in the note it almost looks like you’re that you didn’t have anything to do with it didn’t do anything so I just wonder does she doubt you no she doesn’t doubt me okay I got to go to the bathroom we’ll get going okay leave here for a

    Second you guys can [Applause] sh as the profanity Laden interrogation concluded coupled with the failed polygraph detectives honed in on David harboring strong suspicions that he played a role in Jaime’s disappearance the revelation of his deception during the polygraph was compounded by the unsettling discovery that David had been

    Using Jaime’s Facebook account sending messages masquerading as her with warrants in hand authorities commenced the excavation at the property shared by Jamie and David the search extended to the garage revealing clothing Furniture documents and a prescription pill bottle bearing Jaimie Haggard’s name kadaver dogs scoured the yard during the

    Excavation delving deep into the Earth despite reaching several feet below the surface with an excavator the search yielded only miscellaneous garbage in Wood fragments with a distinct diesel gas odor emanating from the burned wood pieces the fire pit yielded no evidentiary value prompting detectives to extend the search North and slightly

    Eastward digging down further investigators uncovered bags of garbage containing personal items including new clothing with tags but no trace of jimie was found the exhaustive search left detectives back at square one despite sporadic reports of Jaimie being spotted in other states all of which were ruled

    Out by her family nearly 2 years after her disappearance a Snohomish County Publix work crew stumbled upon a suitcase containing remains and a red bed sheet along Downs Road near Maltby lab test confirmed the identity as Jaimie Katherine Haggard who left behind two daughters the red bed sheet was

    Traced back to the Haggard’s housemate while GPS data implicated David Haggard showing him driving near the discovery site days after the confrontation further Revelations unfolded as detectives learned of David’s sexual relationship with his younger half-sister marked by a contentious Dynamic Jaimie had expressed fear of her half brother sharing

    Concerns with friends that he might harm her in October 2019 King County Prosecutors charged a David Haggard with second deegree murder alleging that he not only killed his own sister but also went to Great Lengths to conceal the crime by dismembering burning and disposing of her in a suitcase by the

    Roadside following a month-long trial in King County Superior Court a jury convicted David Haggard of second degree murder and he was sentenced to 15 years in prison the prosecution emphasized that David had maintained a charade of concern for Jaime’s whereabouts while actively concealing the Grim truth about her fate from their own family


    1. He’s asked for a lawyer 3 times and yet the questions keep coming this guy should’ve walked the first time they told him he wasn’t under arrest if you’re guilty the last thing you want to do is answer questions!

    2. I am just tired of hearing about this polygraph test when everybody knows that it doesn’t mean that you failed it really unless you really failed it like big time and they’re not admissible invisible in court. I really really really don’t feel well so maybe someone could say I’m not being fair, but I don’t like it when people keep repeating the same words over and over and over again it makes me think of a Karen.

    3. Your phone doesn’t need a phone call to be talkin’ to the towers right?😍

      Also, the dude asked for a lawyer tree times.. they continued their interrogation. That could be difficult later in court😮

    4. It’s like he decided to fill the hole because he knew they would naturally focus on the big hole that was filled in and where she actually was wouldn’t be discovered

    5. The idea that this brother has no problem killing his sister is very unsettling. What has happened to the family dynamics? Its tragic at best to believe what now days has become of the world we live in and how badly the relationships within the family units have managed to become nonexistent. 😢

    6. If polygraphs could prove anything other than stress, then they would be admissible in court. They can't so they are not. Your criminals are so thick, they see wires and coloured lights and think it is really able to detect their guilt. Being accused of something you did not do is a clear stress inducer. Some companies demand polygraph tests for future employees, you couldn't make this up.

    7. Reading the comments before I learned the outcome. The part where he gets angry and professes he’s clueless, I almost bought it. I can’t see his teeth but from the angle of the interrogation he looks muscular. I didn’t suspect meth. Very sad. There is no family or friends when it comes to drugs.people are demons in meth.

    8. He asked for a lawyer 3 times.
      Strictly talking civil rights, everything he says after that should be thrown out, period.

      I didn’t finish the video, but either way, he was very clear with his multiple requests and every decent lawyer would work this angle and get it all thrown out..

    9. No Brain I’m thinking damn you look like a douche maybe workout a little bit and quit scamming people on your FREE workshop Jesus fn Christ these adds are out of control with these idiots

    10. What did the detective mean when he was asking about the ex-wife of their friend and asked “is she on the brown too?” When he replied “as far as I know she’s a church going girl” etc. At the beginning the suspect said that his sister was hanging around with effing Mexicans. 🤔 Sounded weird to me.

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