Join us for an in-depth exploration of another Kettering driving test route, led by our experienced instructor, Richard, from ‘R’ Drive School of Motoring! 🚗

    In this video, we’ll accompany you on a thorough journey along this Kettering test route, providing valuable insights and tips to help you prepare for your upcoming driving test. We’ll take you through crucial areas, including the A14, Kettering town center, and the picturesque surroundings of Warkton.

    Richard’s extensive expertise will serve as your guide throughout the entire route, sharing invaluable advice and knowledge to enhance your driving skills and boost your confidence. Whether you’re a new learner or seeking a refresher, this video is a goldmine of information to ensure your success.

    Remember to show your support by hitting the ‘Like’ button, sharing this video with fellow learners, and subscribing to our channel for a wealth of informative driving content. Prepare to excel in your driving test with ‘R’ Drive School of Motoring!”

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    R Drive School of Motoring become a safe and confident driver welcome to the r Drive School of Motoring Channel please like And subscribe our videos uh that’ be really appreciative if you can do that now we’re doing a test route here and we’re doing it by board signs this is a Ry way

    All tests will come out of here if it’s clear on the left like it is here you’re probably asked to pull in and move off so nice little pull in there The Examiner will be explaining that you’re falling the fallowing the board signs when it’s safe to do so move Off so move off when it’s safe to do so remember to do that blind spot check over your right shoulder before moving off it’s very easy to forget that especially when we start the test we a bit nervous now this corner here is very sharp this is an industrial estate so

    You get quite a lot of Lo coming around they’re going to take a wide birth if they’ve got a trailer just be very cautious around here the saav does actually say turn right if you got the saav route let’s actually just follow the road around so every driving test will come

    Up to this roundabout you’re either going second exit over the roundabout or third exit right to Pyle and straight into a rural road we’re going ahead on the second exit following the road to all through route so left hand side do a nice slow until you can go approach cars

    Can come around quite quickly gem don’t signal that well just be very cautious you know exactly what all the other Road users are doing so following road ahead McDonald’s ahead so just be careful of pedestrians that cross quickly then the lights on this pedestrian Crossing do change very quickly so just be cautious

    Of people approaching pressing the button watch out for cars flying out of McDonald’s and also there’s a good sentance of the Tesco on the right be nice and cautious here coming to the roundabout we’re following to all three routes always left hand side here uh

    Left hand side to go first exit left to the Town Center or third exit up to the a 14 now occasionally you’re asked to take the second exit and you pop into the pub over there and maybe doing a Ford Bay Park so we’re going to follow

    This see where this car is going on the left hand side again be very careful here cars come flying out of tesos which is your immediate Junction to the right cars also come around you see the bushes and trees in the front it’s very hard to

    See what is coming down the hill so cars present themselves very late thing is once you’re committed here get a move on get across to the island clear that first exit so you don’t hold people up once you can go go for it don’t Dole Dole you’re doomed on these roundabouts

    Following around looking into the second X see if there’s any traffic there little left signal off following the road ahead now again be careful of these pedestrian crossings they change very quickly now there’s not really a board sign on this one so exam just tell you

    To take the second exit follow the road ahead and then may say after that roundabout you’re going to go fifth exit follow the signs the A14 which is the fifth exit right again be careful on the right the cinar entrance is the third exit cars can come quite quickly and it’s quite

    Close to the right so coming around here we know Midlands looking at at the sign is fifth exit right check your mirrors show your intention before you move coming across to the right hand side and then cancel that signal and then a new signal for the fifth exit

    Ride if you’re looking nice and early you can see what is round the roundabout that is not round it’s oval cuz it stretches over the A14 if you look early you can have a good heads up of what’s coming and maybe time your approach to the giveaway accordingly the signal will cancel

    Around here cuz it’s oval make sure you pop that signal back on following around count your exits as well this is the coming up here is the third exit we’re taking a fifth exit cuz you counted it on the board signs looking across nothing there check your left hand side

    Cars can come very quickly for WRA signal it’s safe to do so coming down you got two options here left or right hand side I would highly recommend that you take the left hand side that side just told us the left side is merging to

    Its own lane the one on the right very short slip Road straight the A14 it’s it’s very easy to get caught out by the traffic that comes down the comes down the DU Carriage Way so we’re following the signs to the railway station now it’s a good idea to learn these signs so

    You got where the heads up on test day now the railway station is one Junction the other alternative might be followed the signs to the hospital which is Junction 7 that was Junction nine that we came from from the test center so we’re only going to go one Junction

    We’re following the row down if you got something slow do overtake always make sure what is cleared down your right hand side so if you do need to move out especially there’s a service station down here on the left uh you know you can come out overtake anything coming

    Off the slip road coming out of the service station which is a very short slip Road and cars tend to come down here and just push themselves out don’t get caught up by that so if you don’t know the area you’re looking for the signs of the

    Railway Station and further up here here it is there’s a board sign on the left that says railway station next Junction effectively so we’re looking for the signs for the railway Junction there’s the sign it says Hospital Junction 7 so that’s the information you got to be taking there

    Quite early if you told that sign we’re following Suns the railway station looking for more information off those planning boards just moving on down three bars coming in so we just make sure we check all the mirrors all around two bars pop on that signal and one bar get your

    Speed set now looking ahead in the far distance the railway sign is pointing out to the right so we know we’re going to go third exit right so there’s quite a lot of information to take in there so if you know you’re going third exit right what we’re doing here coming to

    The right hand lane it says having to come across so third exit right checking around should be putting your signal on now have a good look to the right see if there’s any traffic coming from the right now this Junction here is particularly tight it doesn’t really

    Open so effectively treat this like a stop line you only can see if it’s clear here you be so close to the line you should be in first gear and once again once you made a decision act on it get up to speed get yourself moving so we’re just waiting for our

    Opportunity cars come very because their ovals not round cars come straight down the hill from kering come around very quickly get your timing there over to the right hand side that’s the first exit here comes the second so we’re looking across checking a mirrors to the left hand side signal left come across

    At the earliest opportunity over to the left hand side signal still on left and we just roll it around now the uh we slightly came across here a bit too much for my liking there so may have given a minor there for slightly laying discipline coming across we’re still

    Following the signs to the railway station come is ran about the signs says it’s a second exit following the road ARA tells us that so there that that 12:00 will people talk about would be wrong if you went to the right hand side lane on the left hand side there

    Slow it down we meant to fit two cars on here and not on the cobbles keep very close to the left if you straighten this roundabout you’re going to get Lane disciplin problems really tucked in there that’s run really nicely and again watch out for this pedestrian Crossing

    They change very quickly now you noticed weent into a 30 mph Zone make good notice of that it’s quite easy to speed down this road it’s quite W wide and 30 feels quite slow when a speed limit uh kind of feels slow an actual fact if

    Your safe speed could be faster than the speed limit it’s very easy to go speeding unless you take heed of the speed limit change we following the road down we still following the road to the uh railway station you might be asked to pull up on

    The left hand side of the road here this is normally a lot busier than this if you are asked to pull up on the left hand side of the road and you’re holding up cars and there cars coming the other way when you’re asked to move off just

    Signal and move off because you are the hazard if it’s safe to clear clear clear at the earliest opportunity bit of a Sharp Bend here around to the right be careful the car’s cutting across and be careful of your Lan discipline here it’s quite easy to cut the corner and go into

    That uh slip Road there to turn right that would not going to work out too well watch out for school times as well again more pedestrian Crossings because you’re going downhill it’s going to take you longer to stop be extra vigilant of that now the board signs are now changed

    To follow the signs to the town center this is the double round of out and people get a little bit excited about this but very simply you got three exits left second up the hill right towards the railway station and it splits into three lanes left middle and right you

    Take the one accordingly we’re going up the hill it’s kind of like the second way out of the complex take the Middle Lane get in the lane stick in the lane follow the paint you have to give R to cars on the right of the course now

    Looking to the right the cars on their left are going to go under the bridge the cars on their right are going to go past us we’ve also got an opportunity of blockers coming around from the right so don’t just stare to the right look for

    The blockers and then we can move so we’re looking for a gap or a block well that car’s coming through there well look there’s the block for the next one remove round staying in this Lan do not cut that corner yes you are sort of going right

    But you’re doing it from the left lane don’t signal at this point but only signal now left to go under here watch out for more pedestrian crossings they change extremely quickly now going up the hill here you’ll probably being Third Gear 30 mph and we’ve got the

    Sharp thisle turn right turn left with yet another pedestrian Crossing now my advice here as you come up the hill you’ll see the traffic light warning sign on the left the triangle uh traffic light sign just time it so you just come off the gas as you reach the triangle

    Sign and just drop it down into second gear no breaking required the hill will do that for you and just bring it around nice and calmly third gear hasn’t quite got enough power to keep control of the car it starts getting sluggish and look it’s gone red that changed quickly

    Didn’t it uh so we’re stopping there now some test routes go to the next right here and you have to get tuck yourself right into that slip road if you are going ask to take the next right be very careful take it slowly so you get the

    Whole of your car into the slip Road at the earliest opportunity we’re going round to the left we’re following the road round this is balding Green Road and it goes up to this little complex at London Road at the top little left right pedestrian Crossings we’re asked to

    Follow the signs here to Corby and Stanford have a look at the planning board very carefully Corby and Stanford is right and then left so you know when you’ve turned right you’re going to have to be on the left hand side that gives you a clue of where you’re going to put

    The car on the way so we signaling right to come across here still on green so we know the next one’s going to be the next left so as you come round we got choice of two lanes pull over on the left hand side there we go into the left

    Area showing it there the lights on green but there is a filter light that comes on for the left that overrides a red light if the red light is on so watch out for that as well this is St Mary’s road new road new mirrors of call

    Every road you enter just check your mirrors reset the picture establish what the speed limit is again it’s a very wide Road it’s a 30 mph still it’s downhill it is very easy to speed watch out for the bicycle lane on the left hand side you can see it’s a solid line

    You can’t go into that bicycle lane if you’re waiting for cars to turn right if you accidentally encroach into it you’re going to have a serious fault for disobeying Road markings or Signs Now down St Mar’s Road there are quite a few Junctions on the left and on the right

    Just keep an eye out for those cars tend to pull out quite quickly down here this is downhill quite a lot just be careful of your speed it’s very easy to start dipping over be in third gear never be above third gear for a 30 if you go

    Slightly over 30 engine will moan a bit it will keep it in check be careful of this left and right here you may be asked to pull over the left hand side near these trees on the left here a hill start be very careful there be particularly careful with your

    Blind s check we’re moving off because there could be cards coming out those Junctions up we go we’re following the signs to Corby and Stamford still um there’s the board signs it’s telling us up on the left now this mini Rabat we’re coming up to looks innocent enough

    But the angle on the right from the junction coming from the right exit is very sharp look early now look across it’s you have to really crane your neck if you leave it until you get to the giveway you can look across judge it accordingly if there’s lots of traffic

    Coming from the right you may be looking for blockers coming around from the left to stop those cars coming out that will be your opportunity now 30 mph still down here uh windmill Avenue lots of Junctions on the left now be very careful here there’s some pedestrian

    Crossings up here and just before it there’s a junction on the left which is a oneway street with cars emerging uh if you stop and pull over that Junction there if you don’t realize what happens if you’re falling too closely you could be blocking that entrance if the car

    Wants to come out and you’re blocking their progress well that’s going to be a serious fa to be very careful here we’re coming up to the roundabout here we’re still going to Corby and Stamford it is the second exit right we’re on the right hand side of the road be careful with

    Your signal here don’t go too early because look across to the right there’s a little Junction just before it that could be misleading so we’re looking across to the right cars on their right we’re going past us cars on the left should be going into the junction we’ve just come

    From nice and clear through we go do not signal left off here see where that car’s gone it’s just a mini roundabout no need to Signal off it anyway so we’re coming around here do not put a left signal that could be very confusing following the road

    Down so we’re driving down here again be very careful for potential hazards there’s lots of opportunities the car cars to reverse out from the left here or from the right there hidden Junctions there’s pestan Crossings it’s quite a lot of potential it looks innocent enough it looks all nice and leafy but

    Cars can come from any angle if you’re just looking ahead it’s not good enough look to your left to your right behind you spot any potential hazards notice there’s traffic Islands there there could be people crossing as well yet more pedestrian Crossings again these change very

    Quickly is that car going to stay there that’s fine there’s any on the driveway anyway bu stop if he wants to move out let the bus pull out they have priority over you the highway code tells us that as well so so not a lot here at the

    Moment it’s pretty open more pedestrian Crossings looking out for more potential hazards we’re driving down this way and very soon you’ll be asked to go to wton which is going to a little bit of a rural route so we’re following the road down again more pedestrian Crossings more Junctions and more potential

    Hazards so we’re about halfway or so into the driving test at the moment notice the change of speed it’s now 40 make sure you check your mirrors for acceler right away if it’s safe to do so get up to 40 now falling signs the wton Plenty board here tells us it’s the next

    Right uh we’re looking ahead to take the opportunity and when we are turning right here you’ll notice there will be a slip Road watch out for cars coming across there they do tend to Dart across uh come into the slip Road here get yourself in there tucked in nice and

    Early even earlier than that and don’t go past the point of turn should be stopping here otherwise you may start Swan necking in so uh the candidate here has gone a little bit faster point of turn just enough to save it bit of hesitation there cuz they came

    A bit too quickly fumbled around realized they’re in second gear and I would give a mark there for hesitation because they could have made easily could have moved across there so coming around there as you’ll see look it’s a little bit Swan necky slightly past the point of turn notice the change

    Of speed to National speed limit if you don’t pick on that you just go down to SL 30 you’re going to get marked for not making program so around about now the examiner say that is the end of the independent section and from now on just follow the

    Road ahead and less Road markings tell you otherwise I will give you directions and turn left to right and I’ll do so in plenty of time so end of independent section back to the examiner now he’s going to take you for the second half of your driving test back to the test

    Center so looking up ahead here we’ve got narrowing here who’s got priority well no one there’s no priority signed here so whoever gets their first so approach nice and slowly making sure that no one else is going to enter the bridge from the other side before you

    Enter your side only enough room there for one car into the lovely little village of wton quite a little concealed entrances here it’s quite tight and windy quite a lot of agricultural stuff comes down here so you’ve got an act you’ve got a tractor that’s pulling anything it may

    Be on your side of the road be a little bit cautious here quite tight quite hilly Meandering away up through the village you see there that’s that’s the car and it’s nearly taking up the full side of the other side of the road bit of an aing here we’ve got the priority just

    Make sure cars are slowing down for you we’re coming through Here that’s see making way quite steep this maybe a to pull on the left hand side and move off again to do a hill start and uh again it’s all very quiet today what’s it saying slow for in the road well it’s probably a concealed entrance

    Here down on the right as you can see so take notice of the warnings they give you if it says slow it’s been written on there for a good reason now we’re going to be taking the next R this is quite concealed so the examiner should tell

    You we’re taking the next right it’s just up near that tree line or something similar like that and it’s quite easy to miss this one so you need a little bit of a heads up turning right notice we were back in National speed limit so it’s nice and

    Clear that’s the first time we’ve done a proper Rural Road lovely straight road get a move on put your foot down get up to 60 if you can if it’s safe to do so show you can make progress it’s quite popular cyclist this row so when we come to the corners here

    Just going to obviously ease off the Speed always ensuring you can stop in the distance you can see ahead sure enough there’s a cyclist now around this corner here there’s also a caravan Park entrance depending on the time of year more cyclist you see and um it’s quite

    Concealed and sometimes people who tow forget the towing might pull out there might be a caravan behind them when they’re turnning they might forget the pulling a caravan so rule number one of Towing is remember your Towing and we’re going to make a way down here so just be

    A little bit cautious around there we’re following the road we’re heading back towards karing we haven’t got long to go now yeah so let’s keep proceeding on this country road making progress where we can easing off for the corners just showing a very responsible driver that you

    Are making good progress slow it says in the road why is that cuz the concealed entrance here some tests turn right there and go off to do a pull over the right hand side or parallel park starting to look see notice the lines have got longer now so it means there’s

    A hazard coming so you should just be easy off the Speed more signs of yes there’s more signs of houses it’s going to be going back to a 30 sure enough there it is roundabout second exit follow the road still down wton Lane clear on the right nice

    Roundabout this is a new one Al it’s nice and open following the road keeping over the left hand side looking up for pedestrians of course got Garden Center on the left here cars can come out there and there’s a few cons a few concealed entrances on the right Junctions on the left

    Driveways of course usual sort of observations you need to be making for this type of residential area so we just make our way around nothing too exciting down here really it’s just your standard old 30 mph Road through a town for a residential area again more concealed

    More Ines on the right few bends coming up and it’s just a matter of looking out anticipating bit like you Hazard perception video onwards we go slow itting in the road well it’s written there it’s quite a sharp B also there’s a junction on the left cars can fly out there they they’ve

    Stopped for us that’s good it’s probably a good reason why it’s been written on the road there few more driveways and we’re heading up to the traffic lights and at the traffic lights we’re going to turn left and then we’re going to follow the road ahead now not normally you’re not normally

    Told to follow the road ahead you just assume it but when you turn left here it goes straight into two lanes and you need to pick up on the painter which side you follow the road ahead is cu normally follow the road ahead you’d assume it’s the left hand side we’re

    Going into the left hand side to turn left and you will notice there are four light options the top three are your standard ones at the bottom one you can see will be a filter light who’s it going to be filtering probably us so I’m keeping an eye on that that’s probably

    Going to override that red stoplight so you’re only look at the red stoplight you might miss it you notice here as well there is Advanced stop lines that’s for bicycles so if you can’t stop safely at the first line if you’re an Amber on you and you

    Can stop at the second line you should be expected to stop at the second line if you want to look that up that’s rule 178 of the highway code so the cars are turning right on goes the filter like you see off we go turning in looking to

    Follow the road ahead and looking at the paint it’s the right hand side so we come across there on green we proceed we’re following the road ahead notice how the lines is merging to the left so you got to have a left mirror check down there don’t just come

    Across make sure I got good observations down your left hand side cases cars coming out that new state on the left hand side following the road ahead still you won’t be told to follow the road ahead because that was the instruction for the exam follow the road ahead at

    All times CL planning board on the left there it’s like a left turn and straight on so it’s got to be the right hand side signals on red watch out for stuff coming out that garage turning or turning out so clearly over the right hand side to follow the road ahead the

    Clue is in the planning board and paint on the floor as well so we’re just waiting for a turn we haven’t got long to go now we’re only going to go down to the dral carriageway and come back to the test center now I didn’t do a maneuver on

    This uh mock test because that wasn’t the purpose uh I just wanted to show this test route uh got the student to drive the test route we just done Maneuvers before and a bit limited on time so I wasn’t going to add an extra 5 10 minutes into this but of course at

    Some point there will be a maneuver either the fora Bay Park or reverse Bay Park parallel park with a pull over the right hand side of the road following the road ahead got some traffic lights up here warning signs telling us that uh it’s very simply slowing down until it turns

    Green so we’re coming nice and slowly it might change it’s so much easier to move off if you’re still on the roll again one of those stop lines there and watch out for that secondary pedestrian Crossing up ahead now the examiner it’s a bit difficult this one it’s a bit

    Awkward you’re told to take the second exit follow the rad but the examiner should tell you to go on to the right hand side because after the first roundabout we’re taking the third exit right to the A14 heading towards the Midlands so he’s trying to help you what

    To do come to the right hand side treat it as a straight on really uh follow it round this has been putting for a new station on the left hand side you still see it’s still being built stay in your lane roll it round signal if it benefits anyone

    Approaching now otherwise wouldn’t just roll into the right hand side we’re now signaling right to go to the A14 looking across this isn’t controlled by traffic lights we just have to judge it accordingly so we just slow down for that car didn’t like that he should have

    Slow down a bit earlier there I gave markdown for that um should have held down a little bit earlier should have anticipated that car coming around it’s a bit of a fault there from the student it’s on green I’ll be really careful here it’s very faint paint if you go

    Around hugging the curve the line you you’ll go back to King look see where the paint is it comes out and rolls in to the left hand side of that roundabout at this point at the island be very careful at cars that red car cut the

    Corner a lot of cars cut the corner have good observations on the left a lot of people sometimes go to the right hand side realize it and panic and just move across to the left without without checking the down left hand side end of test no observations if you do go into

    The lane accidentally you can’t come across we’ll just go around again and have another go there’s nothing wrong you won’t get marked down for going in the wrong direction as long as you do it safely and with the usual mirrors observations Lane discipline etc etc now we’re going back onto the

    A14 we’ve been out for quite a while now we a nice long slip Road here so you can get up to a really good speed it opens up so there’s no reason to hold back put your foot down a bit we’re looking for a Target vehicle and exam

    There probably say we’re not going very far and that’s his way without directly tell you to say you’re only coming off at the next Junction don’t bother overtaking if that’s the case just keep up with the traffic unless it’s something really slow like a tractor or a bicycle um that

    They can Mo the overtake but like that car’s done overtake don’t do that because we’re coming in here we’re coming back on the left hand side a half a mile to go when you see the planning board don’t bother of any more overtaking your only 30 seconds away

    From The Junction at 60 MPH we’re just following this car in we’ got looking for The Bard markers to do a Bard marker references only half a miles those ball markings should be there very very shortly that three bars we check all round should we checking anyway at two

    Bars pop on that signal left and at one bar sort out your speed for the slip rad you might be speeding up to get off the road do not break in the ja carriageway unless you have to that’s what the slip road is for they’re coming down here and

    The instruction is to take the fourth exit right to ketering that road marking say straight on but the exam will say fourth exit right so you got two options here we’re coming across to the right hand side which is probably a bit easier and just watch out for the 40

    Here slowing it down so you got two options you can go left around the roundabout all the way around the outside or you can come across to the right hand side go across to the right lane and then signal left and come across for the fourth exit we’re

    Choosing to go go to the right hand side if you go on the left hand side you got to be super quick because cars coming around from the right will be cutting across you to go down the A14 or to Pyle so you have to really get a move on any

    Doling you’re going to have problems here so coming in here wait for your opportunity and once you’re committed commit get up to speed so we got our right signal on we’re coming around there’s your first Junction there’s your second exit looking across into the third checking the left hand side cuz cars

    Could come around from very quickly if it’s safe to do so signal come across if you can’t come across go around the roundabout again don’t go too fast into this have a good look to the left down there what’s coming around because we got to merge in we’re coming around here

    We’re canceling a signal I want to be on the left hand lane we’re going back to the test center mirrors Center and left signal come across if it’s safe to do so at the next roundabout second exit just following the road just come down here slow it down take your time

    Take your time rolling it around let gravity take you down the hill now don’t go too fast around here it’s quite sharp it’s quite easy to drift out as the candidate nearly did there if you saw that don’t don’t he was worrying about the signal don’t worry

    About the signal just get your lane discipline then take the signal off at this roundabout we’re back to the uh test center roundabout aren’t we so second exit follow the road ahead look early over to the right you see cars coming round from kering direction or

    From uh the hotel Direction on the right hand side there we can time it accordingly be careful of that pestan Crossing there’s only room for a couple of cars afterwards it’s quite easy to stop over the crossing if you’re coming in looking and not looking around you

    Coming tucked into the left here very nice nice pathway through there watch out for McDonald’s again coming from this way and The Pedestrian Crossings we’re nearly home second exit follow the road ahead at the roundabout just be careful of goods vehicles on the left as well look across watch out for skateball

    Know what those things called scooters yes they’ve rued a test or two keeping it tucked in nicely left in there we go now you may be asked to pull over on the right on the left hand side one more time or we’re just going to go around to

    The test center we’re going to be very careful of the corner here it’s very sharp and again if a Loy with a trailer comes around that trailer is going to be dragging on your side of the road take your time not only that the double yellow lines stop only just after this

    Junction cars can be parted legitimately just around this corner here do not go too quickly I think the candidate was going a little bit quickly there got away with it cuz there’s nothing there lots of L parked up around here waiting to be unloaded just be careful of cars

    Coming around very quickly there is a screw fix over here um just open not so long ago so it tends to have a lot of Trades when come flying around and forgotten something during the day they don’t hang around be very very careful then back into the test center job done

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