In this little episode of Marika & Me, we show you some of the back streets of Kato Paphos and some of the improvements that are going on, roadworks, pavements and some new features that are taking place.. So if you like what you see, why not click the like and then subscribe and come and join us for some more of our madness, and if you would like to support the channel, why not click through to our about page and press the Buy Me a Coffee ☕ Icon and let us know, or join us as a Superstar member on a monthly basis for only 10 Euro’s per month, thanks very much for your kindness and your support ❤️..

    The birds the birds the birds are screaming to us singing to us it means the spring is somewhere here it is indeed the birds and the bees in downtown K paos well hello and welcome back and thanks for coming back we’re deep in downtown ker pathos we’ve got an Indian

    Restaurant just over there let’s feature that that’s called the delegate and rumor has it that that could be the best place to get yourself an onion Bari or two and perhaps a little bit of lenal soup but we’ll go and check that out and of course we’ll ask that man known as

    Shady Tree and his Shady girl in downtown Norwich now without further Ado I’m going to introduce you to the most beautiful woman in the world and of course course her name is Missin gra hello everybody how nice to see you again and again I remember this Shady

    Tree and Shady man that we met somewhere here they were sitting were when we were passing and doing our lovely videos and they were enjoying the food in delegate restaurant hello Shady the tree woman we really missing you and the Shady Tre men as well yes indeed Mike and Liz big big

    Shout out to you and hopefully you’re going to come down to pafor again and you never know we might catch you in the delegate or one of the other Indian restaurants because we understand that you do like an Indian meal or two and talking about being invited to go out

    For an Indian meal well there’s a guy all the way in downtown South Wales and he’s one of our biggest biggest fans and we love him to bits you call him the Mountain Man and of course I call him Lord Lee and he is going to take us for

    An Indian meal but he wants to know which is the best where’ you think well well we have to prepare our stomachs well for that very day because they really like uh the spicy food very chili as well and uh I think this will do you think it could be all the Curry

    House perhaps will do and Lady Victoria does she like it well apparently they do apparently they do and you know I remember from the early days uh the uh the movies uh the luxury movies Indian movies we used to watch they used to uh eat it with a hands like

    That P bread something like that dough non bread isn’t it I think it’s C they were eating it with a lovely fingers and enjoy yeah so when you come to town we’ll take you up on that offer and we’ll go and hunt it down and find out which is the

    Best Indian restaurant in the H of papos and of course we’ll be enlisting the help of Shady Tree and of course his Shady girl and I’m pretty sure that they say that this one over Yonder could be the best receiving how did you say that one J Gian inur restaurant that’s

    Another great restaurant in downtown ker paos anyway we’re now going to take you on a little walk and show you a little section that to be honest doesn’t get featured that often and at the moment there’s big diggering going on so stick with us as we wiggle and we waggle to

    The rear of the big church in the center of kathos there it is and there’s a lot of big diggering going on and I keep telling you all that all around kathos is slowly but surely going to become a oneway system even though us locals are not going to like it very very

    Much uh to be honest this all uh dick dicks and uh roads di di digs dick on dicks on road no not dicks on road digs in the road digging digging digging digging digging I mean uh forgive my uh International pronunciation you have to be very loyal

    To me Mr Paul because you know only one language and I know seven well yes that’s quite correct if you’re new to the channel misin Grail is fluent in seven languages and believe it or not English is the worst and I mean that in the nicest possible way see let’s have a

    Look what’s going on over there should we sne over there yeah we’re going to follow your rear end that’s what we’re going to do here we are we’re dancing and we’re prancing and we’re going to the rear of the church just over Yonder is the bub bub no buzz it’s called Buzz

    Although at the moment there’s not that much buing going on Paul even you do uh tongue twisting uh motions and what about me people feel sorry about me he sliding his glasses all the time all the time about my pronunciation what about you Mr y my pronunciation is absolutely

    Sherlock Holmes and again if you’re new to channel and you’re pondering why do they now and again say shock Holmes well one day we made a little video on the other side of of path force and what happened was I couldn’t get my tongue around something and that beauty over

    There improvised with the words instead of saying sh h t she said sherock Holmes and from that moment on it’s stuck so when something’s not very good we say sherock homes that’s because that very moment the all all words I did know in English came to my brain it

    Was Sherlock Holmes poor Sherlock Holmes how he suffering all his life through uh he was suffering and then uh because he was asking someone to be or not to be and then oh Noire that was Shakespeare in English and that’s even worse than sherock Holmes and then we’ve got Jeffrey Cher

    Oh my godness you my godness you’ll never get your tongue around that English and we have Charles Dickens yeah that’s pretty bad as well it’s pretty bad as well now now can I ask you to do us a favor yeah you see this bit of concrete here and that bit of concrete

    Over there yeah could you Pace how far it is between the two how far yes 4 M long so it’s around about 4 M so for those of you that doubt that this is going to become slightly but surely a oneway system ask yourself a question

    See as most cars are approximately 2 m wide how are two cars going to pass on this particular stretch of road because that’s where the paving is going to be and that’s where the paving is being when I’m saying Paving I mean the roadside curbs and then they are going

    To be putting a bit of black stuff so they’re going to make some rather nice Pavements for us as pedestrians to be able to walk around yep oneway Road and they are going to limit the ability of you to drive up and down in a car car

    Which is a good thing isn’t it but of course there’s actually an ulterior motive and that’s to get us to pay for parking because they’re going to be putting in parking Bays like along here and then they’re going to be putting up a little sign that tells you if you want

    To park there get on that smart app and cop up € EUR for an hour there’s no doubt about it it’s going to be oneway road because I measured with all my legs and I’ve got two uh that going to be 4 M uh long

    Pathway uh and it’s enough as I know for one car uh unless the car is 50 cm wild well let is a toy car yes so there it is in all of its Glory that is the buzz PB Marios is not open at the moment but he’ll be open up towards the evening

    Time and of course kicking up into life when the spring and the summer season comes Buzz Pub or Buzz bar to give it correct title one of the most popular and one of the most famous bars in this part of pathos next all to that is the grat seat restaurant and that’s taken

    The opportunity to have a refurb as well because they understand that there’s not much business going on at this time of year or of course when you can’t get to your business because they’ve dug all the Pavements up so that’s the gry it’s having a complete makeover and it’ll be

    Coming back especially for our lady Maggie very very soon indeed I remember in one of our earliest videos it was two bicycles standing in around this uh beautiful place and I remember as I said crazy restaurant it was not crazy it was gra it was indeed meant

    Thank you it was we used to call it the crazy restaurant and then of course we were corrected by our superstar in downtown Essex what’s your we the light mag drop in the comments and let us know gry restaurant having a full makeover and of course it’s going to be ready for

    The spring sign for all of our Superstars when they jet into pafor As We join this little road let’s give you a bearing of Where We Are Over Yonder is an archaeological site and it’s the Paul’s pillar area just up there look at that white building over there perhaps

    If you name is Lady Tracy and there’s a guy in your life called Sir Justin and of course it’s your wedding an anniversary coming up that is the sophiana resort and spa and it is waiting especially for you so that’s the bearing well uh there’s no doubt about

    This is going to be a very unusual Center and beautiful areas and Pathways for all the guest of the island and yes the people trying that huge uh of them in order to provide the best of the best to the people who will arrive to this island we’re looking

    Forward yes indeed K PA force is slowly but surely coming back to life and of course the spring season is coming all of the workmen are working very very hard indeed and they’re even working on Saturday and Sundays because they understand there’s an awful lot of work

    To do there’s some new seating areas going in this is all going to be beautified that’s going to be a museum this is downtown K paos on a truly truly spectal of a day indeed there is the focal point the church very very popular indeed lots of people like to come and

    Take a Pew and perhaps leave a scent or two as they have a chat with the almighty one and of course what better thing to do c Booth is checking her reflection in these black tints TS there we go tints oh okay because in my uh Hearing in my uh this

    Uh you know in my ear is always a translation to what I want to yes we understand what you thought I was saying boof is checking out her yes yeah there we go if you want some fun and games and you want to well find know what’s going on in down the pathos

    Perhaps Mar and me could be that special special channel for you don’t forget to come back for the next episode because we’re going to go that away and show you one or two of the improvements that going on and of course we’re going to take you for a view to the blue blue

    Blue blue Mediterranean Sea if you like what you see hit the like click that subscribe don’t forget to keep coming back for a little bit more of our complete and utter Madness and of course while you’re at it why not hunt us down on the buy me a coffee platform where

    You could gift us that virtual coffee or two as a thank you as a gesture of Goodwill and if you have never been to this island I would like to tell you the best news anyway you can walk around you will observe the Mandarin tree where you can

    Happily pick and eat yes indeed go on Grail Bo I would say that’s a bit dangerous going down there but there we are Grail Bo is going to add danger to her title she’s going to become danger woman as well as the most beautiful woman in the world I think all the low

    Life dying fruits have been already well stolen grai can you reach it I will gra boof is going to give us a wiggle of a rear end as she steals a mandarin especially for you look at the air that’s going in there there we are she doesn’t monkey about this

    Girl that’s it she’s got one especially for you I have never ever tried such a tasteful uh fruit as I did in in Cyprus because in our country we used to buy it as a in the very early beginning in a communist time we used to see it in our dreams

    Then slowly it came uh out into the country from Morocco I remember and then it was very very expensive and then I found it here just for free can you imagine um there you go history lessons from Ming and yes it’s hard to believe that she’s old enough to remember communist

    Times hrid hybrid hybrid hybrid from uh Mandarin and uh ah I see what you mean crossbreed I thought you were talking about fuel economy then there we are I thought we going to get myselfself a Toyota hybrid maybe not this year maybe next year come on get it open look at it

    Small ball of uh of the don’t slide it’s very small is it there we are she’s apparently saying it’s a very small ball-shaped thing but there we go and uh honestly I um I’ve never seen anything what were missing in Soviet Union times growing just for free around the streets

    It’s a hybrid in your mouth there we go thanks for watching we’ll see you again very very soon somewhere in downtown pathos particularly in the G of Pathos prominade and Harbor area if we don’t get arrested for stealing bits and Bobs on our travels


    1. Hello you two, thanks for keeping up the entertainment again this year. What was that in the road!! 🥱. Without any doubt the best Indian restaurant is the Delhi Gate look no further. Cheers and all the best.

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