This bike is who I am. by RustedOutEyes Bicycle Bike Fixed Gear Fixed Gear Bicycle Fixed Gear Bike Single Speed Cycles
[deleted] on February 7, 2023 1:41 pm You deserve better than those brake levers and that bar tape job.
haywire on February 8, 2023 10:17 am Stupid question but can you get headlamps that mount like this nowadays? What are they called? I am running out of space on my bars.
You deserve better than those brake levers and that bar tape job.
Sweet and lugged?
A dirty old man?
Rat Fink approved!
Your biography would make an interesting read
Stupid question but can you get headlamps that mount like this nowadays? What are they called? I am running out of space on my bars.
Do you have a pack of cigs rolled up your shirt sleeve?
This bike is definitely a sleeper build.