Sensibles ou Hyper-sensibles en quête de sens, vous vous êtes toujours sentis différents..
    Quel type de passeur êtes-vous? Quelle est votre mission de vie ?
    Valérie J’espère, coach et thérapeute en techniques énergétiques et ancestrales, nous aide à y voir plus clair lors de cet échange.
    Cette interview apportera peut-être quelques réponses à vos questions?

    A très vite.

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    Valérie J’espère – Bienvenue

    Chapitres et contenu de la vidéo:
    00:00 Introduction
    00:33 Découverte de l’auteure
    04:07 Le pourquoi du livre ?
    10:50 La notion du “Plaisir”
    11:29 Livre : les “pistes” proposées
    11:58 Le syndrome du “Sauveur”
    12:34 Polarité “Enfant”
    14:25 Polarité “Adulte”
    15:34 Le Perfectionniste
    16:15 Polarité “féminine”
    17:05 Caractéristiques des “Passeurs”
    19:19 Les passeurs et le verbe
    21:52 Le langage des oiseaux
    25:31 Le “H”
    26:58 Année Universelle “8”
    29:28 Livre: Les outils proposés
    31:13 Les formations proposées
    37:44 Les jeu Oracle
    40:18 Tirage : La carte de l’année
    50:53 Un dernier mot
    53:00 Conclusion

    Good morning to everyone and welcome . I am happy to welcome you today since you may have all asked yourself the question, at least once: “Am I a smuggler of souls? What is my life mission?” Now today, I am accompanied by a young woman who will probably help you answer

    These questions and who has a rather special and hopeful name. It’s Valérie I hope -Hello Valérie! – Hello – I am very happy to see you again. – Yes me too. Maybe you ‘ll ask me about this I hope? – Come on ! I’ll ask you! Since we must ask you this

    Thousands of times I suppose?! Actually that’s my real name. It’s not an assumed name but then there you go… I always start from the principle of accepting what life offers… message of hope, of hope I don’t know, but in any case message of

    How I live my life with the most pleasure possible and how I honor being there in consciousness; – So precisely for people who don’t know you yet, first of all you wrote a book among other things, you created an oracle but before getting to

    That your personal life journey, what is it? or spiritual also because the two are grafted into each other. – To make a long story short, because I now have a few years of experience, we will say that I had a very, very classic career path. Quite young I always

    Had premonitions, well in any case very strong intuitions and it’s something that scared me extremely at the time and then there wasn’t all the literature that has today , all the knowledge to which one can have access, so I cut

    All that quite young and I went on an extremely classic course. I like to say that I see a good psycho-rigid side, it’s something that brought me security, with very traditional studies in marketing and finance. At the time I went to study abroad in Germany and had a background in financial auditing and

    Human resources. Anyway from the start there has always been a fascination with understanding what a human being was and the fact of working obviously confronts us in everyday life, with all the issues that there can be and the different jobs that I have held have allowed me

    To see what could be going on and how all these power games manifest themselves. I felt that I wanted to do things my way and I took the risk, I dared to take the plunge to be able to start transmitting, to be in the field of

    Training. At the beginning in a very very classic way but my desire was really : how can we change the system in companies? How can we take humans much more into account? I trained a lot on lots of techniques with personal development and it allowed me to understand human beings in many

    Different layers. I started with classic things more on a mental level initially with everything that is NLP, transactional analysis, hypnosis.. – Personal development in general. – That’s it and I said to myself: “No, it’s not enough”, because here we are on the

    Mental level so afterwards I went more into the emotional side, into the physical side and I trained myself in the osteopathy, a whole Essene initiatory tradition in Egyptian-Essene care. Each time it was to go deeper and then there is the moment

    When, in fact, who says “personal development” is still centered on the “me” and I needed to move on to a slightly more spiritual and that’s where I met the good people. Which allowed me to go to India for several years and work on another level, to really study different initiatory traditions.

    It got me where I am today, which allows me to continue to offer training and seminars that are experiential to understand how consciousness works and why it’s great to work on consciousness. – What a journey! So, the question you ask in your book: “And if you were a

    Soul-smuggler or soul-smuggler”… Why this subject? – This subject because it is obviously a subject that affects me closely, because I spent a lot of time trying to understand who I am? Will I ever have the answer? That I don’t know, I think it’s until the last

    Breath of life. In any case in this quest, this inner search to understand how it works, but above all to experiment, and having also had a therapy practice for years, I met a lot of people and the question of soul families came up again. because, whatever

    I was going to say, the branch by which we take things, there are always morpho-types but also types of behavior etc. that we can find in many different studies, that whether in human design, whether in enagrams, in numerology, in Astro… and I could see that, and that’s normal, it’s

    The law of vibration, I still didn’t attract a lot of people also resonated with what I vibrated. It made me understand a certain number of mechanisms that I investigated myself and I said to myself that it could be a good way in any

    Case to provide avenues for investigating at the level of consciousness. Knowing that I had a fear from the start, and that’s why I was reluctant to write this, is that I especially didn’t want to put labels and lock people in… to say: “here it is I

    Am that!” We are in a global way but the will through that there were two things which seemed essential to me: The first is that we are experiencing an unprecedented passage in this shift of the era of Aquarius and then, I am not going to go over everything we

    Know today at the quantum level etc., we are really in a shift which is important with important choices, a responsibility to take and the smugglers par excellence are people who support the different passages. So it’s a bit normal that they are put forward a little more than others, not in the sense that

    “It’s our turn”, that has nothing to do with that, But the more people are many to accept their responsibility, to help everyone in the system, to be able to make this update, and the better. To be able to do this work it is extremely important to know yourself well,

    Hence all the ideas I have tried to give. At the level of personal work, what is really important to investigate? What are the drawbacks? How to recognize yourself through this? This is by no means the absolute truth. It’s not like this or like that

    – Yes, Yes. The frame is wide. What is interesting is that this book is first of all very easy to read, in the sense that it is small, it is pleasant, it fits well in the hand, it is not a big book. There is the essential and in almost each chapter you make

    Some sort of little summaries, points of reference, “Good to know”, little inserts which summarize a little , which clarify. When you talk about a ferryman of souls it is important for me to define and also say that there is not only the passage between the living and the… between the material and

    The immaterial, the ‘beyond. It is not this passage that we are talking about, because we often have this idea of ​​saying: the soul ferryman takes souls from… – Yes to the other side. In any case there is this support… It’s true that that’s the

    Basic definition I was going to say and it was indeed very important for me to shed another light and to explain that in A passer-by is someone who accompanies the different passages of life. First passage: birth how we welcome into matter and then after

    That are all the passages. All the major passages of life. Whether it’s going from infancy to childhood, from childhood to adolescence is a milestone, and then into adulthood…Afterwards, these are all the milestones of life. So, if we take for example whether it is Astro or

    Numerology, there are still cycles… of 7, of 9… these are each time passages of consciousness and milestones in self-questioning and how we move forward. Which has obviously been popularized a lot, which has been very fashionable,

    Between Ikigai and what is my life mission? and get out of this. That is to say that the mission of life is not a profession, but it is: “What are the learnings and how do I truly accept to go to meet my own? To go and see precisely what are my shadows or

    My unaccomplished things to accomplish? That’s the real work, this inner work. And life , daily life, is our reality test on the outside, to see how we confront that, and what is the congruence between the values ​​that we carry or

    That we are in the process of defining and how to the end in the matter I carry this and I convey it through experience. It’s not just right” being connected, capturing things ” … – Knowledge is not enough. – And you see as you pointed out, one of the characteristics

    It also seems to me of smugglers, and it is a common point and I think that it is very important in the passage that we are currently experiencing because we have really moved from an era in

    This era of fish where it was still the apogee of dogmas with the fact of following a master, a religion… where in this passage, what is asked of us is to become mature and take our responsibilities, therefore to be involved in our own

    Development and to truly be born into ourselves. So we are “co-born” and therefore make this transition. One of the characteristics of smugglers very often is that they are people who are generally quite pragmatic, that is to say that Yes! There are

    Subtle abilities. Yes ! There is the ability to work with other planes but it nevertheless remains very important to be in present life, in the anchoring and to be able, for example, to popularize knowledge but also to transmit it and

    Live it, experience it. So there is this very pragmatic side, that is to say it is not just to assign “truths”, because a truth can change from one moment to the next but: how concretely it vibrates and it is experienced in daily life. It is not a detached spirituality where we advocate lots

    Of great values ​​and then in the matter something completely different happens! There, the objective was also to restore meaning to certain practices and what that can lead to and to also bring people to self-knowledge to know how to take care

    Of their bodies for example but not just to say : “I take care of my bodies because hypothetically at one point I will reveal myself I will have an enlightenment”. No ! It’s common sense. In fact it is how I take care of this life, how I honor it and how

    I learn to simply love in this life. – At the end of your book you give a sort of “toolbox” and you talk about the work that we have to do on ourselves, which is for me the first step I would say, the first step, before being able

    To ‘take care of others and you are also talking about this notion of pleasure and I think that it is very important because we often connect the fact of being spiritual with a kind of detachment that you were talking about earlier. that is to say the material goes on one side and the

    Spiritual on the other and if I am spiritual I completely detach myself from everything that is material and concrete – Exactly. – Now, you said that we must learn to love ourselves! – Yes, it’s not to exclude yourself from life. In spiritual terms…

    I will take the side of the smugglers but I am not concerned with that… well I do not only work with smugglers but on the contrary with all types of people and that is true that the tracks that I give and the practical exercises are for

    Everyone. It is “How I develop my consciousness or in any case how I am involved”. There, on this notion of polarities in the ferryman in particular there is a problem because often there is still the little side of “Savior” and “Sacrifice”

    Which is very present – The Savior syndrome, yes. – There you have it and there is a difficulty and the challenge is precisely to shed light on the smugglers. It is not to forget the passers who are there to open energy fields and allow people to pass through

    Vibrational doors and it is not to forget themselves in the process and for them too to make this passage. and to dare to reveal themselves, to dare to affirm who they are without being afraid of being taken for crazy! So in the issues at the level of polarities, we will therefore find

    In the child polarity the difficulty to really take pleasure in all levels, in all one’s bodies, to allow oneself, in one’s own life to nourish oneself correctly but to nourish oneself on all plans and not all the time be helping others

    , listening to others… So also learning not to constantly become a therapist. Confusing your profession as a therapist in your relationships, learning to understand that if there is no demand, there is no demand, and that it is just being yourself and being

    Loved for who you are and not for what he does, that is also the problem of the Savior. In the child polarity, it is the “P” in the passer of “Pleasure” which plays a role and to be able

    To switch into this “P” to in fact find his capacity for wonder which is very present, because when we capture on other planes but it’s just wonderful! When we do soul readings or things like that, because it will bring a lot of insight and it’s very

    Nourishing but it also means taking pleasure in everyday life. One of the ways to develop this in child polarity is to return to this notion of wonder: how I vibrate in this life and not how I am always in other worlds rather than

    Being here and now. So it will be about developing this wonder and for a passerby to return to an anchor and to the present moment. How I cultivate this on a daily basis. Because the passer has this ability to be outside time or outside

    Space-time to go to other spaces precisely and this is how I live fully with all my bodies in this presence and how I taste, I smell, I vibrate life in myself and I don’t forget to experiment. In the polarities

    We will find in the adult side, among the smugglers there is a very very serious side which takes responsibilities which are not its own so it is finding and knowing how to set fair limits and therefore working on respect for self; it goes

    Through “How do I love myself?” Knowing how to set limits is not… I always pay attention in the distinction because we have heard a lot in personal development “I set my sovereignty of being, it’s me, it’s still me, me , me…. in fact it’s still the “I”. It’s not I impose

    Or anything but it’s truly how I accompany myself, how I cherish myself, how I honor life and the experience that I can do every day. It is learning, for a smuggler, to count on oneself. Not to ensure that everyone always counts

    On us, but rather how I can also count “on me” and how I can count “with” others and not “for” others. How I take my responsibilities, how I set limits and for the passer so this is how I learn respect and self-respect This is how

    I’m going to be able to respect others in the end. The voice that goes with that and that we also find in the more masculine polarity is the “P” in “Perfectionism”. I often take this pairing Perfectionist and Procrastination because these are people who are speeding and can often be

    Overwhelmed and then have moments where there is nothing happening anymore because they have used up a lot of energy. It’s learning, and that’s also knowing how to love yourself, it’s learning to take the time, to stop playing against time, to do everything all the time

    And we also come to “all or nothing”. .. Stop being in these extremes, because that’s how they feel really alive with all this adrenaline, and to be much more benevolent and to go into feminine polarity, into temperance to welcome also moments of solitude where we can recharge our batteries, where we can

    Nourish ourselves deeply, and accept not to be in too much time with others or all the time in the service of others. If I take the feminine polarity side, it’s learning the… as there are subtle abilities that are generally there , an ability to perceive, to listen to what is happening, the difficulty

    Of the Passer is to learn to listen to yourself. To take this time: “But what is happening? What is happening at the level of my emotional body? What is happening at the level of my physical body? is this happening at the level of my mental body? Also listening

    To the memories of the present life, but also perhaps others, what does that say about me? – Besides it’s very surprising, because when we read your book obviously… well I speak for myself, not necessarily for everyone else, but we recognize ourselves while reading I say to myself: “Ah yes! Oh yes!

    Somehow sometimes it puts you in front of a truth by saying: “Well I have to make an effort on this level. – It’s true that I’ve already been asked the question, they say, but everyone can ultimately recognize themselves inside because you’re talking about hypersensitive people, you’re talking about

    Multi-potentials, even HP or HPI, so it’s true that but at the same time there are still characteristics , I was going to say basic, that I described at the vibrational level, physical level also on problems or small things which

    Are quite recurrent. I was talking about the pleasure zones in particular at the bottom and this problem of anchoring in the passer who must regularly return there; The kidneys and then here is the third coronal eye also where there can be difficulties. Difficulties at the skin level

    Too, in relation to one’s own image and in the image is also: how do I love myself? How do I take care of myself ? since it is the contact with the outside of the skin, and in the characteristics we still find quite a few similarities in childhood where it is

    Often quite complicated, where already from the start there is really a real first job to be had. do because very quickly, we realize, which is the case practically for everyone, since we are all in memory of each other in a certain way, with a little

    Heavy nonetheless at the transgenerational level. We still very often end up in dysfunctional families and so we become adults very early and it’s a little bit as if the childhood box was still quite reduced because right away there are responsibilities. That’s why I insisted on returning

    A lot to one’s child polarity and rediscovering the pleasure of doing things, of taking one’s time – Develop one’s inner child, rediscover – That’s it and therefore develop one’s creativity – Who n was not able to flourish when he should have. – Exactly. So cultivate this taste for living, this joy of living!

    – What I also particularly appreciated about you and your book is the pleasure you have in playing with words, in fact we heard it a little earlier when you were talking about Co- Naître, the Idea AL for example there are lots of puns which are very very pleasant

    Because it is very fine. – This could also be characteristic of smugglers. The smugglers also have an affinity with the word and the awareness that everything is vibration. So the verb somewhere it is the manifestation of thought, which will make it possible to manifest already

    In matter. It’s not for nothing that we talk about magic formulas or things like that so it’s important to be truly aligned with the vibration and also to be responsible for what we are going to emit. The verb whatever the languages…. if we

    Just take the mantras, the vibration will be charged by the pronunciation of a word… It impulses something, it will impulse on us, on our different bodies, in an atmosphere.. It’s this whole vibrational side which is very important among the smugglers and in the language,

    There we actually speak French, it is for me also a whole part of what I teach which seems extremely important to me. .. it’s also doing this work on all the letters and the alphabet itself is a journey. I often say the alphabet is

    All the “letters of being” in itself. When we arrive we are named, we have a first name, a last name. This identity will give us particular vibrations and it is also a way of getting to know ourselves since each letter will bring, in its dual side, more and less, so

    It is to see how it dances. Just by studying one’s last name and first name one can already see the memories that are present, the gifts, the talents… – Are you saying that simply from the point of view of the sound of the word, not necessarily based on numerology? – Sound

    Of the word but also, when you know the letters well, see their symbolism because it’s like in the tarot, it’s like in everything, there are all the archetypes. Each letter brings something and that’s why I dissected the ferryman in particular

    With the different octaves on which he could vibrate once he crosses his shadows and goes to work, how can it vibrate? and the word is obviously a source of healing. Just through the word, and this is the job of many therapists, in the transmission of being able to allow people to

    Reappropriate their word, to be able to realign themselves… it is not for nothing that there are lots of rituals, lots of prayers to be able to realign at the cellular level inside. – When you talk about vibration and sound obviously that

    Brings me to something that you know well, the “language of birds”. On the back cover of the book it says that you use your knowledge of the language of birds – Yes, that’s it; – So what is bird language? – This is what I was talking about previously. It’s listening

    To the vibration of the word. We will say that we use words which have a container and a meaning which normally gives a definition to define an object, finally something , but there is the vibration that we can listen to an example of a word in the

    Best known ” Illness” = “Wrong to say”. It’s listening beyond the word, beyond the first meaning and how the word will vibrate inside. This is how, for example, in certain therapies we will use what we call notions which raise the vibration of the person. When

    We talk about… I call them cosmic words, in the sense that when we talk about great concepts or great virtue, when we talk about peace, when we talk about kindness, gratitude, interiority is something that elevates within. What will be linked behind this word and this vibration is a whole archetype,

    A whole thought form which leads to this concept. .. plus all the people who have thought about it for millennia . This is what allows us to open in the vibrational field and on the different bodies like keys. In fact, they are really keys that open for

    Expansion, for an opening and opening of consciousness. Bird language has been used for a very, very long time. The best known are the alchemists who used a lot of hidden keys, coded keys. It was much more complex, because already

    At the time to transmit knowledge it was done in a hidden way for all the work of the great work but, for example through the best known is the tapestry of Diane de Poitiers where on it are hidden lots of symbols to give here is part of the

    Formula, to transform lead into gold. With Diane de Poitiers, so Poitière with the shields, silver moon so we know that money is needed… so it was a way of bringing this language to other spaces of wisdom. We could also see this language of birds since time immemorial if for example I just take

    From the Egyptians, when we look at the cartridges where the symbols there were the first symbols which defined the thing, but there were many others octaves which were like truly magical formulas, so a symbol led to other symbols and the more

    Open we were at the level of consciousness the more it led to more important vibrational keys, I was going to say, of initiation. At the time, for example, sometimes we were given a word and that was life-long today, fortunately we can move forward much more quickly, but if we take it

    Through Sanskrit, the mantras which have been loaded for centuries millennia and even if we don’t understand the word, vibrationally it brings something something. So it’s understanding what vibration is behind it. As long as we’re at it, it’s still better to know what we’re talking about, what it says, and

    I like to pass that on because it’s good to be able to use wisely and create your own verbs. Its own verbs, that is to say it is not taking ready- made words or ready-made visualizations, but created according to who we are and

    What speaks to us and to fully understand what is there. has behind each letter. I’m going to take one at random…what comes to me spontaneously is the letter “H”, the H of “Humanité”. This big letter “H” which is still in perfect symmetry.

    At the level of the four polarities we can clearly see that it symbolizes the 4. It’s the same at the top and the bottom, there is this question of duality and at the same time everything is linked. – Stability too.

    – Stability and I was going to say from a point of view for example on a first level, psychological level, it’s how the “little me” tries for a long time to be up to par

    . It’s the “H” of being “Height” and the goal is, ultimately, to let go of this desire to be good enough but simply to accept being what we are; So when we do that we start

    By going through a first octave which is the H of “Humility”, in the process we learn the H of “Humour”, that is to say we know how to detach ourselves from ourselves and from agree to take a little distance from yourself, to laugh at yourself, which is just enormous and then it will

    Go through periods of a little Humidity” because you will have to detach yourself from a lot of little things which are sometimes difficult but it will encourage us to take the “H” of “Hero” along the way . The hero in us accepts to go and lead his own quest and to meet himself.

    I take the letter “H” because it’s the 8th letter of the alphabet if I don’t say stupid things – Yes. – On the 8th, I wanted to talk about it because we are arriving in universal year 8. This 8 you see that it is the infinite which rises, which returns to its verticality.

    We also find this notion of duality but at the same time linked and it will be the invitation to become each and every one, for the whole of humanity, how I become my own hero, that is to say I take my part and I will move towards this

    Responsibility. I’m talking about 8 because 2024 is a universal year when we add all the numbers it gives us this 8, it’s also a year which is highly karmic. That is to say that the number 4 is also linked to karma but in matter and with

    The 8 there is a notion of more, that’s why I took Humanity, that’s because it It is also a collective karma. That’s really interesting because it leads to a year where, already in 2023 we have been extremely upset, it’s as if….well as

    Soon as there is awareness…Hop! There is something else coming. It’s as if we had been put in the washing machine and in terms of relationships it’s been huge this year. So updates to do, grieving to do, breakups.. – Yes, lots of upheavals.

    – Yes, Intense and very hard and then with this economic crisis that we are experiencing, that really raises questions and that brings us to this year 8 therefore 2024 because 8 is also the financial number. What is my relationship to money and beyond money? – Generosity.

    – That’s all. This is how we do things together, this is how we also perhaps invent other systems. In the 8 there is also the notion of a collective which is beginning to be put in place which will be in the 9 in the following year but we know… well many

    Talk about it at the astrological level, we know that until ‘in 2025 we will end a cycle and we are still in a crucial moment at the level of humanity, to know in which direction we are going. What do we all decide together? We cannot be all alone, individual

    In our own corner. What is it like, all together, to agree to do the job? In this letter “H” there is all that, it’s how I truly become a “Man” in the sense of Human, I don’t make gender. This “H”

    Accompanies us so that we can discover our side too and draw on the level of our spirituality to arrive in this “OM” without the “H” and how we become peace. – A very beautiful mantra indeed. – All done. – You make the link with the conclusion of your book,

    Since you give, as I said earlier, it is a toolbox, mudras, mantras , exercises to do… – The work that I proposes is to make this knowledge available and to act with soul and conscience based on the knowledge. It’s not just

    To be “I get it and I have understood everything”.. On what I base myself factually and concretely to understand how things work. Already understanding your bodies is not nothing, understanding your energy centers is not nothing, understanding how the soul works

    Is important, understanding karma, dharma, not in the development side I was going to say personal, but understand the issues what is behind it and then, beyond that, also understand the laws that govern us because there are real laws at the level of

    The universe that we have known since the dawn of time. It’s not so simple to understand them, there is an understanding, I was going to say intellectual, but it’s above all how I experience it through and through and how I learn and that’s all. challenge of

    The Age of Aquarius: it is how I learn not intellectually with this advanced mind but how I experience through the heart. How do I have this understanding but through the heart, that is to say where it really opens, it does not come through… I

    Can understand very well how awakening and enlightenment work but that does not does not mean that I live it. I can invent the fact that I am experiencing it, that is not a problem, many do it, but that does not mean that this is what I am experiencing.

    I can talk for 10 years but as long as we don’t experiment we are talking in a vacuum. – Exactly, what is it? When you say practical that is to say? – On one of the training courses where I provide support over 9 months, we meet three times in person, three

    Times for 5 days for example, where we will learn how to do soul readings. There are some who call it Akashic readings, well so there too we could procrastinate on a lot of terms, the goal is not to go into that. Why do soul

    Readings and what is it for? It is to develop one’s subtle or psychic abilities. It’s already understanding how it works in a clear, physiological way… but to do that and to do soul readings, we understand very quickly that to be able to read correctly and develop that, our channels must be clean.

    There is a whole process to do this cleaning layer by layer and the work is not only to be able, at the end, to do readings but also to have done during these 9 months all this cleaning, body subtle by subtle body, to appropriate it

    And to have the tools for, as I said earlier, a real knowledge of how it works. During the face-to-face sessions we will do this work with soul readings with a lot of creativity. I go through a lot of techniques since I had the chance to be trained in many

    Different things: Kundalini Yoga, in creativity, in sound therapy… I use a lot of different techniques, the goal is that it can tilt in all directions , that we clean the bodies and that people can appropriate it as they go. On the first module we are more about

    The “Ego”, going to release that and understand who I am, what is my inner map. On the second we are going to focus a lot on going in a much more subtle way to learn in this deep listening and to be able to do readings which are much finer with

    The “Word” so there is a whole module I was going to say finally in the experimentation on the language of birds and understanding the alphabet and all the interactions and on the third level it is how I come to stabilize myself in the “Self”. How I return to readings that are of

    Daily life where I can read about everything that is happening, through my senses but also physical senses. Have this ability with a zoom this time on the “Vibration”, on the numbers, the figures and the rays and understand how they intervene in

    Life. The goal is to leave with your own consciousness work map. I am going to work in Mandala graphotherapy finally there are lots of techniques and the 9 months with a module each month which gives knowledge. I started more from initiatory knowledge, on which I rely, but each

    Time I try to shed light on the different traditions, so that the person can choose what speaks to them best in the moment, but that she can, when she hears terms, when we talk about awakening, when we talk about the soul, what are we talking about and that she can really

    Also be able to ask the real questions and not just accept as that while saying to yourself: “Yes, that looks good, that’s it”. No it’s how I really learn things in depth myself and I’m going to get on with it. – While you were speaking I was

    Obviously thinking about something, saying to myself is everyone finally reaching the objective that you set for this workshop for example and the fact that you say that you touch a little to everything, that you use different tools, partly answered my question because

    Ultimately, if this technique does not work with one, maybe this other technique will work.. – The goal is that, it is to offer as wide a range as possible. I try to provide a lot of tools if only to know how to work on your body, to know how to

    Diagnose when there is, for example, a chakra which can noticeably function a little less well, and what type of exercise, exercise physical but also exercise for the emotional body, for the mental body, for the spiritual body, so that people can themselves be involved

    In their spiritual practices and not take practices that have been imposed on us. It’s always how I restore meaning and I can do that for a moment and then change, to bring this variety, this liveliness, that is to say that a practice

    Should not be something confining but This does not prevent you from having discipline anyway and to keep a focus; – Yes, that’s exactly what I like about you. You leave me free will to choose, to model, to appropriate my method and that’s what

    I like; You don’t impose. – We are all different… but it’s at least having this enormous toolbox, whether it’s just because we’re not all moving forward at the same pace, we’re not all in the same periods… if I just refer

    To numerology, we are not all in the same vibrational years… and then it also depends on our development cycle so it is so that at each moment we can go and come back to concepts… everyone at their own pace. The goal is that, yes there is face-to-face training

    And this transformation for 9 months, knowing that the groups are never made at random because there are also, at the collective level, things that we will work on more particularly so I will also adapt depending on what happens and work together on that. The goal is that sometimes when we do internships like

    That there is no intermediary… – That is to say? – That is to say that I do an internship and then afterwards, either I am alone, or possibly there is a second internship, but not much happens

    And the goal is that the person does not does not let go of the focus at the level of one’s consciousness and can be nourished, so we meet every month to work on ourselves, on specific points, or on what is happening at the moment. It’s also important that it’s not just

    My vision, so I also try to bring … For example, we do a live every month with an expert on a particular technique, whether it’s communication animal, whether it be family constellations… so that people can really be with an expert,

    So that they can ask all the questions they have in relation to that, because I am not an expert on everything and there are people who do things very, very well and so much the better… so that they can form their own idea and know if it is perhaps

    Something in which they want to investigate, go further and allow the fields to be opened up as much as possible. – It’s exciting, exciting! It makes you want… to develop! In addition to the book you had the idea of ​​creating an oracle: “The Oracle of the Doors of

    Consciousness”. What pushed you? Was it an additional tool that you wanted to offer? Was it an inspiration, an intuition? How did you come up with this idea? – In fact, it is really the result of a personal journey through what I have

    Been able to experience. My idea was to be able to provide as many people as possible with a working basis to investigate consciousness and unlike other oracles, where we generally consult to get answers, this oracle comes to ask questions and it

    Helps us to hold the question internally for meditations and to go and investigate. So it’s a proposal so that… I feel that at this moment perhaps there are things… or I don’t really know what to work on or what to meditate on… well… it’s the act

    Of pulling, obviously of asking oneself internally and voluntarily I don’t impose anything: you have to do this or that… it’s really going into his interiority. What is happening to my soul right now? What is she asking me to focus on? The fact of drawing

    A card will go to one of the notions. I took the notions which seemed essential to me to work at the level of consciousness which I sorted by elements, because each element is still also linked to a subtle body. . Each time I tried to

    Design the card to already bring a vision… what are we talking about when we talk about kindness? When we talk about intention? When we talk about the spiritual ego? What does this notion of shedding a little more philosophical light on

    The concept mean and then what is the invitation that this card offers? Then I tried to give a tool for experimentation, things to do or which are possible to do and then finally a last part which asks the questions, which questions us

    In more depth. The goal is also to keep it as a journal of conscience but the goal was to give keys, smuggler’s keys in a certain way but these are keys that are valid regardless of the person. I said to myself I would like to offer something

    That could allow people individually but also to all those who are therapists, coaches, facilitators…or who also support collective intelligence to each time say: What is the key fundamental and what is happening there, there in the moment? What is the notion that is being worked on by either

    All of the souls or the person? It can close a session, it can be the subject of a session…. – What I wanted eventually was to suggest that you draw a card, to talk to us about it, to perhaps draw the beginning of this year 2024? So, I still insist on

    The fact that for this type of work it is of course not a predictive draw. We can quite simply ask what is the way? What is the invitation to start this year in a completely aligned way? – Which one is it ? – It makes me

    Smile, it’s = “Control and let go”; – The number? – 43. I show you “Control and let go”. In relation to these cards, you were talking about it earlier, it is linked to the four elements

    And the goal was above all not to overload with a drawing which can lead and which can make the body react either emotionally or mental. The goal there was, we talked about it earlier in the language of birds, to put three words in vibration which are linked to the

    Concept which is proposed and secondly, each time, there is a symbol which is a vibrational key, that is to say that we can really work with it. I had requested work so that the card would be holographic, through the prism of light so that it

    Could act on all bodies and therefore just the fact of concentrating on the card already allows one to vibrate and align. There is also this “duel” side, which shows the 8 between control and letting go. I remind you that control means being in the opposite role and this

    Famous letting go, of which we hear about in all sauces, it is to be listened to in the sense of… I would prefer to say… how I abandon myself and the step towards abandonment is how I detach myself from drama, how I detach myself from my personality… Control is accepting to go

    Into this relaxation, into this letting go and it is acceptance. One of the terms that is going to be very, very important on this. How do I follow the flow of life? How do I stop planning everything and sticking to what I know to keep me safe? To accept

    What life offers me, the basic rule, I was going to say at the level of cosmic laws, is the fruit of what I asked and it is the effect of causes or in any case of decisions that were made. So already saying “No”

    Is nonsense. So that’s it, this acceptance and it’s going to be accepting this year for year 8 to be in a kind of immediacy. That is to say, as soon as we feel internally that it is slowing down, that it doesn’t want to… it’s just observing. “Hey, there’s tension…” Ok. What is life

    Offering me? What’s holding me back and what don’t I want to see? How do I accept letting myself go through this? There is something else that comes to me there, in the moment… this letting go is also letting go and accepting that when there are emotions

    That are there, whether they are emotions of anger or joy or excitement but to go completely into it! To agree to let go… “I am not going to give in to anger! No! No! I have decided that I am peace” or “I love him all the same, I am

    In unconditional love”! Stop getting confused by all that and accept that there is something that is there. There is the body and the bodies that are saying something… and OK ! I let myself live So in anger, everything is relative but…. Ok. There is this tension, it needs to be

    Released so, yes I welcome it completely. That doesn’t mean that I don’t I’m not spiritual. – Accept your emotions…Agree to live your emotions! – Live your emotions and take responsibility for them . That’s all! That doesn’t stop you from saying things under pressure

    . anger, to be completely aware that it was perhaps not appropriate, not fair… That doesn’t mean that I say everything I think and then afterwards I come and apologize! it’s not going in that direction either, but this is how I place my conscience on it each time

    And that’s what loving oneself is, it’s welcoming everything that trembles, everything that is vulnerable inside. It’s pretty cool at the start of the year because it’s card 43 which gives us a number “7”. – Yes, I had calculated it. – It’s funny in a way, since at the

    Start of the year when we move into year 8 we have a card that comes from 7. The “7” is also meditation. It is the number of the divine and it therefore brings us into this year 8 by the 4 and the 3 and then

    Plus “1” and the 1 is you, it is your unit. What are you going to put inside this. The invitation therefore by the 4 and the 3, is how I put the structure of the 4, the concrete, and how, from this base, I will put my creativity and my expression of what

    I am. . How I will accept to reveal myself in this year 8 and the invitation is to use one’s power of conscience by practicing more acceptance. When it’s the “past” in reverse it sounds like “it’s not”. It’s no more ! So by accepting that everything is transformed and

    This is what is a law of nature, we are in agreement with the natural order of things. Above all, you must not waste your energy fighting. Acceptance frees you from all emotions and allows you to change your point of view. So to accept is to grow in humility in the

    Awareness that we do not control everything. Accepting, I also remind you, does not mean experiencing or approving, accepting a situation does not mean remaining inactive, resigning or submitting. If someone, for example, has disrespected us, if we have been mistreated, the goal of accepting is just

    To accept that it happened but that does not mean that we condone the behavior of the person who did it. that or what caused that. Striving towards acceptance helps fight against destructive thoughts that fuel suffering. Action is reoriented by

    Rediscovered self-esteem and love. It is also learning to welcome what is there and learning to receive and receiving in the language of birds means “seeing yourself again”, RE – SEEING YOURSELF, therefore accepting to be completely there. Accepting brings calm and appeasement and accepting means recognizing one’s

    Limits with indulgence and sincerity and opening oneself to more authentic, deep and healthy relationships. Afterwards, through the oracle and the map I offer application exercises. It’s thinking about whether today you are not in too many external obligations or taking too many responsibilities on your shoulders and just revisiting perhaps what are the

    Burdens ultimately that do not fall to you or that you have taken and which may no longer be necessary; To perhaps also see internally if you have not accepted all that because there is an ideal behind being a good person or this or that, rather than accepting

    To be what you are there in the world. moment: a totally imperfect person and that’s good too. – Why are you looking at me ? – I also speak for myself…. Another question that this card asks is: “Are you truly open to collaboration, to delegation and cooperation? Are you truly ready to trust

    Each other? Are you truly ready to trust life? and then finally it can be interesting to question oneself about one’s own capacity and therefore to ask for help, and that is not so easy…. overcoming pride, accepting not to take charge of everything , dare to ask

    And therefore admit that we cannot manage everything, that we do not know everything, that we cannot do everything and that, and above all perhaps also, of not knowing. So ! – Wow! So many questions! How much time did you spend creating this oracle

    ? There are 50 cards I think, right? – There are 44 cards because precisely for me it was important to arrive at the number 8, that is to say this 2 x 4, two halves like two mirrors, to arrive at this infinity which is stands up. It was the objective

    Of the oracle to allow the person, through the visit of each of the cards, to be able to internally make this passage into maturity, therefore to take responsibility and become their own master. As I like to say, being one’s own master means loving being, and how I deeply love being and how I

    Let love pass through me in fact; So. – It’s a pleasure to hear from you! These puns , this work I really like! I was talking about the book, it is extremely well constructed, each card is really worked in depth, it is not at all a book

    That can accompany certain oracles where there are three lines, it is really a job, a job! It’s true that it is quite substantial because for each card there is really a work and with the editions there was still the question, because at the

    Beginning it could have simply been a book, but the goal was was to also put it in the form of a tool, that’s why we chose this format. To do this I worked very simply in channeling, also internally.

    In the fruit of my experiences that I had worked at the initiatory level on each of the concepts, to bring together, to synthesize the different knowledge of the traditions and then to feel. I really did intensive work over 3 months where I really

    Dedicated myself to this for each day, because each card, also living it internally, to see the different impacts, to find the right words, to see on each body how it affected the way of working. Afterwards, just put it to use – How did it go with the illustrator? Did you

    Have the idea? Was she the one who proposed to you? The text came before the maps or the maps….? – I wrote all the texts before. Afterwards, I had a very precise idea because , as I said, I wanted vibrational keys, I wanted symbols and

    Each time this trilogy of words: body-heart-head. With Aurélie, who did all the illustrations, we talked. We just had an exchange, she understood immediately… she did an absolutely extraordinary job because she understood well… I explained to her the different keys that I wanted and how and

    So she told me made the proposal; I had already made the first drawings, but then she formalized it with her talent to put it into shape. -I’m going to test it and get back to you. This time it’s a promise – Thank you. – Do you have any advice for…

    The coming year, for the people who are listening to us… A little word like that. – I simply want to share with you that we are experiencing something that is absolutely extraordinary. That we are in an unprecedented moment. We are lucky enough

    To be incarnated at this moment, in any case in this space-time, and that for this year it is really to give you a real gift, to give you the gift of going to the discovery of who you really are and how you want to reveal yourself this year, and I

    Remind you that revealing yourself is the “WINGED DREAM”, it is how you want to deploy your wings. I also say it pragmatically, that is to say it is not, I often say that also during training, it is not in the ululations “How I free my wings…How I become free “…etc…that’s

    Very good but it’s also, concretely, right to ask yourself two questions: The first question is: What is really essential for you? What is it that in this life, in the heart of your heart, what is essential and that you can achieve to

    Feel fully fulfilled and that you can say to yourself: “How can I honor life? and how there I feel and that I am completely in harmony with nature and that I honor the sacred that is in me”. So. I don’t know if I’m clear. – Very clear. What do you want me

    To answer? Your questions are so broad! This will give me food for thought… – Yes, what is really important? In truth, in this year, in this year 8 which will still require a lot of perseverance from us, a lot of humor about ourselves, there will be this call

    And this commitment from you to you: to which I say yes, to which I say no. That is to say what your commitment is, but you must clearly state your intentions, that is to say: “this is what I

    Want and I am putting all my energy into it”! And not to give yourself lots of excuses like: “It’s not possible” etc. It’s completely legitimate to have fears but there is a time when

    You have to be bold and dare to go there anyway! – Yes, it’s going to be a pivotal year, a revealing year! – Really . – You can feel it…. But we’re still going to end this interview

    On a positive note! We’re not going to start…. We’ll have the whole year to talk about it!! I am delighted, delighted, really very very happy with this exchange and that you kindly agreed to lend yourself to the game. – It’s me who thanks you and you see,

    When we were talking about smugglers earlier we were also discussed on the side for me it’s something that is really close to my heart. You asked me if I still had a practice, and part of my job today in the different activities that I have

    Is also to put people in a network. To ensure that there are projects that can be born. Which is extremely important for me, and that’s also why I want to thank you, because the work that you do, of making knowledge available, of also transmitting in this way, of

    Allowing, because that you do a lot of in-depth work on different subjects, that for me is really the work of a conduit. In this aspect too, because somewhere you engage your responsibility each time you receive people, because somewhere it also means that you endorse the work that is done, so you also place

    Your responsibility – Yes, that is why I choose! I am lucky enough to be able to choose the people I invite and… – And that for me is essential so I really thank you for all the work you do to allow as many people as possible to have access too

    To knowledge. So really thank you! THANKS ! – THANKS ; I thank you too for listening to this interview and I hope that it interested you as much as it interested and fascinated me. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to read Valérie’s book “And if

    You were a ferryman of souls” and perhaps why not offer or treat yourself to this pretty Oracle which I hope will allow you to know more a little more and to work on yourself and especially to answer the questions that Valérie asked you earlier!! I’ll see you soon

    For another interview and then see you very soon! – I wish you an excellent new year 2024


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