Conclusion of the 2023 Tre Valli Varesine race.

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    That gotcha shuts the Gap again Mass happy and look at the Gap that’s starting to open up now is relaying now within Rick mass as pogacho continues to shut this Gap karapas and mouse clearly riding very well and it does look like it’s Mike Woods there Mike Woods is the Canadian

    There for the Israel Premier Tech Team UMass are caught by pogacha in the yellow Jersey that is indeed Michael Woods and it is philippozana of jaycar Lula who’s trying his best to make it onto the back here it’s hard isn’t it to go very deep there Rob to get back on

    And look at the distance look at the Gap that these rods have already opened up the young Belgian as you said decides to go through to keep that momentum well this could be interesting O’Connor knows that this is a dangerous man too and decides to attack across the gap

    Fresh Off very recently his first professional victory tour of Germany didn’t he kind of goes the biggest names are waiting behind they’re playing a game this one because in because in Wilderness gifted as he is he’s not a rod lips yet he’s not a pogacha he isn’t

    A mass he’s not a cut a palace the Olympic champ it’s Woods who’s going to chase whilst the biggest names watch each other really attacked see the way attacked into the into The Hairpin there took the long way around to carry that speed and it’s really attacking the

    Final part of this country to try and build himself a lead as we get over the top good good move here by Elan van welder tell you what Ben O’Connor couldn’t respond to that started to close the gap but it’s had to sit back a little bit let’s look at

    Ezekiel at the back of this group I think that’s Carlos Rodriguez Rodriguez in the Chase he was the writer from inios who we saw only 22 as I said his first Pro victory game last month in Germany took a stage in the overall there the Deutschland tour

    Last year or so in the shadow always gifted now being given his opportunities 20 seconds on the main group behind what’s his gap on those who’s with a moment ago well he’s absolutely flying here clearly confident just the way that he hit the bottom of the Steep part they

    Just attacked it he didn’t just ride up but he really went full gas he’s a lighter figure now on the front Wood’s just behind him there’s a rider that’s well that was carrot pass I thought it’s a little trick Rudder but of course it’s the Ecuadorian Champions Jersey

    And although they’re in full flight now Quick Step we’re looking for answers who are looking for some Joy here after all of the stress off the bike just looking up the road to find out the extent of the Gap and that’s it they can see him this is a special gifted Rider strongs

    He looks around has The Descent to come here for a few kilometers and then the half climb if you like up to the line in Valencia with a final three or four 100 meters that are downhill it’s a climb that you can carry a lot of momentum the steepest sections are done

    Now so this is a great move as we head onto the outskirts of Valencia saw the sun on the right hand side well what are they going to do the thing is you’ve got all these Superstars behind but um when you’ve got so much you have so many stars all in one place

    They’re not just gonna ride together they’re going to want to try and jump across this Gap themselves try and force a split um this is looking good for Van Builder and it doesn’t appear that anybody in this group importantly Robert’s got a teammate so they’re all riding in a

    Disparate way all riding for themselves here and that makes a difference so there’s not one Rider that you can use to sacrifice and commit to shut this down so this isn’t just a smart move what isn’t just a strong move by Van Builder it’s a it’s a real strong one as well

    So intellect strength combined that’s the ultimate race willing formula energy in full flight 100 committed but behind they are not 100 committed there’s no real cohesion no trust the 2019 winner primar glitch who launched the last Pursuit again broke away with a couple of riders it’s compatriot for gacha was there Ben

    O’Connor is as well mascara Paz Woods Zana what’s the back here but they’re all chasing illof on Wilder who’s still 15 seconds ahead off to the left-hand side of the picture and looking in fine petal yes now if any of these Riders had a teammate

    Um they would be tasked just get on the front and bring this man back but right now although they are working together we’ve got Carlos Rodriguez and just at the back of this group he was one of the last men on no surprise that he’s not doing any riding here but it’s holding

    Steady six K’s to go but it is a fast approach although we’ve still got part of that drag to go uh Rob it’s not there’s nothing really really hard there’s nothing hard or steep to give traction to the group behind to try and attack quick s negativity around the worry they’ve

    Got an opportunity to take a huge win and beat some of the best in the world at their own game that’s our defending Champion rides at the front and Chase it 15 seconds still to close down or the meantime in awful Wilder one of the top Belgian talents in the world it’s racing

    To the final climb he has an opportunity of recent history the last Belgian to win this race there’s none other than Eddie Maddox 1968. wow that’s some record that it potentially could break this bounded on a second 16 seconds five cases to go we’ve got that nasty little drag to come

    Wilder is 4.7 kilometers from beating this list of riders to Victory something he will have dreamed about roglitch pogacha Mas karapas Rodriguez glass of O’Connor all there trying to get him we know he’s a talent we know he’s a big Rider but he’s been LED off

    The leash he’s free he’s looking for his own chance and he’s riding away to Glory right now question is Matt can he stand it up himself on the climb little opportunity to rest getting into that nice Aero Tuck take a few deep breaths just clear that that’s clear the

    Lactate from his legs before getting on the power again for this last little section he looks around and at this sort of speed with this 16 second time Gap he won’t be able to see the Riders behind and conversely they won’t be able to see

    Him as well but it is only a slender lead all it needs is them to fade on this last climb it’s a big attacks to come he could be brought back but with three kilometers to go with 3.6 it is looking very good this is an amazing win

    I mean this could be an amazing win should I say it hasn’t quite happened yet but there’s still no cohesion behind it’s just attacks in ones and twos everybody looking at each other and we’ve talked about this race being hard but also because of the parkour it’s far

    More open and anybody willing to try and take and anticipate as we said before as it has a chance and that is what’s ended up well that’s what ended up being the case now well good is away 16 seconds and it’s Paul gacha trying to defend his

    Title from the front he has wrong itch on the wheel third wheel is mass for gacha’s getting help now from his compatriot Primos rognich himself a former winner four years ago Mass has been up here in this race before and it’s informed cut up as the Olympic champion and

    Current national champion of Ecuador sits behind but it’s still the 23 year old Belgian Elon Wilder in the last few months has talked about wanting his own chances not just being a neighbor pulled domestic since then it’s all kicked off off the bike hasn’t it questions around the future of sudal quickstep the

    Immediate future here could be a trip to the podium upon Wilder he’s away they’re chasing they’ve got a second back at the minute they need more yep they certainly do especially when the road starts to flatten remember the last kilometer or so or the last shall I

    Say 800 meters is flat and then ever so slightly down here now that will tilt in his favor kalapaz now moves to the front they’re not hanging around here but they’re not fully committed and the Gap has stabilized still 15 seconds to go the other group are out of it he’s on

    The small ring giving you an indication that this climb is a hard one but he’s maintaining a lot of momentum here and he’s found another second with two and a half K’s to go if he does pull this off this will be absolutely sensational a reminder that the climb tops out with

    Half a kilometer to go it is then downhill to the Finish as he’s on a short rest period here if we can just see it kicking up again downhill for the final 400 meters if he gets there and he has this Gap it’s his and behind a little bit ahead of

    Hasn’t tried to get close to 18 seconds 19. this is his to throw away now still looking very good just just the way he wrote that when he attacked and attacked into that steep section says to me he’s got great legs 20 seconds Rodriguez on the front he looks around

    Again he backs off rublitz just on the wheel isn’t going to come through just yet two k’s to go this is looking very bright for the young man in front he took the opportunity he went at it 100 committed and it looks like he’s going to pull off a famous famous Victory and

    An historic one at that two different riders in the shots from Wilder looks busier looks like he’s moving this lot yes are working but I think they’re starting to look at each other for the podium and let’s find unless something strange happens if I’m building there with 21

    Seconds only 1700 meters to go he’s going to pull this one off still the road continues to rise but there’s nothing we haven’t even seen a rider attack here there was that tentative move from Carlos Rodriguez but now everybody here is going to be looking at

    Each other the final two steps at the podium what a coup this is 23 seconds now 1500 meters to go Mass was out the back there you could see him pulling faces he’s right off the back and the cohesion disappears from the group behind they ride through they look

    Together there’s a Shaker the head from Tom Wilder it’ll be disbelief maybe when he gets there but he better believe it because he is on his way to a very big result The rest but none of them today able to compete with on world and there it is there’s a look around that’s that this race is going the way a 23 year old illopong Wilder who is a kilometer now from winning his first ever one-day race

    As a Pro bike rider and what a race no it’s not World Tour yes it is one of the best start lists you’ve ever seen pogachos here as we said roglich there’s catapas the Olympic champion and many more and talking to the Olympic champ it’s he who makes a move

    Goes on the left-hand side but with 900 meters let’s go despite the best efforts of carapace is not going to bridge that sort of Gap play but garappa is absolutely flying over the top teleport gacha is the man trying to bring him back this is a stinging move by calipaz

    This is very very aggressive from Richard karapas the style we’re used to from him with from Wilder it’s continuing to ride he’s 700 meters from the line 300 meters further back on the road Richard karapas goes he moves the time Gap is reducing I can tell you it’s not

    Updating on the screen yet but you’re looking at karapas flying away there from Moses with this is absolutely on the rivet here he’s opened up a gap it looks like he’s gonna be able to secure a second place here 500 meters ago where is the finish

    Line that is what this man is going to be saying to himself now over that little lumpy goes around the corner 300 meters from the line Quick Step forget the fusion this is what they do best under disappear remember this what a team what a history one day

    Racing classic that’s what they’re all about and it’s the new man they put on the scene who’s done it the first Belgian since Eddie Merks to win questions off the bike answers on the road from a team that have done it throughout their history so now Quick

    Step take a popular win and look at the fight for second place who does it and completing the podium will be Alexander blassov fantastically full frantic and fraught towards the end but Wilder has pulled up a very special Victory beating the best in the world at their own game

    And remind even if it’s just for one last time but this is what they are about what a ride that was the group behind being led homelessy just leading in the chase is there but what well you could say was that opportunistic but it’s just a strength that they’ve been powered away

    From the club he thought about it he’s clearly had good legs just laid off the back of that group it was a perfectly timed attack but it wasn’t attacked from suddenly just rolling the dice he had the strength to back it up and beat the best riders in the world he’s from Jets

    Now tell you what he rode like one today


    1. Masterclass attack! The strong guys didn't expect Van Wilder to attack that early and was too late to realize their error. Chapeau Van Wilder, you deserve this win.

    2. Pogacar what i think is done for this year. He will not win this II Lombardia. He's lazy and scared to attack. I miss the young-Pogacar back in the old days with no fear just enjoying his bike. 😒

    3. Fantastic ride by Van Wilder. Super strong and smart. The timing of his attack could be studied by psychologists, the level of the group behind him was stellar but no work horses.

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