Taken a while to put this together BUT – Glasgow to London Mega Cycle is here. My first real-deal multi-day Cycle camp tester trip. Much learnt e.g. – too much stuff (the most common mistake known to humanity).
    Great trip though, hope you enjoy!

    It was time to go for the big one Glasgow to London it was the tail end of summer 2022 and I found myself with 2 weeks until the next job a perfect opportunity to go for a big multi-day L researching potential routs I came across the Second City divide

    What if I just extend Ed that to London as well after planning the route all I had to do was get to Glasgow in my mind on a compy train looking out the window but there was strikes all over the place so I had to get a plane instead which

    Surprisingly cost about the same anyway go figure mattress tow stove tent sleeping bag as the journey up at B by plane I had to pack everything away in a box and get it to the the airport after dragging the Box half a mile to check in I finally got through

    Security 2 hours thunderstorms well I guess I missed out on the good weather of course at Cruise altitude I had to have my obligatory LTE then a quick descent down to Landing welcome to Glasgow time to open it up and set it up didn’t take too long to get the bike

    Ready to go then it was just a matter of cycling to the hotel around about 10 Mi of flat roads welcome to Glasgow Airport just left going to the hotel then I’ll go get some food bits for the commencements of the big one tomorrow going to take it going to take it

    Take so I checked into the hotel then went downtown to get some food all got a bunch of stuff charging here water bottles on all filled up heaps of food tent there this time this is going to be all the tool stuff in here drony stuff will all be in here

    Last meal before the big ride I wonder what the weather’s like oh time to go here I am in Glasgow just got to get to the center of town and get on the trail and start moving And So It Begins off into the unknown 65

    Mi with lots of hills first on the cards though was determining the start Point okay I’ll make this a start point my first task was to get out of town 6 miles in going up a hill don’t know what to expect that’s glass go there I thing in the distance Farm’s over

    Here apparently there’s a cafe here so let’s have a look are cloes I’m not waiting for an hour to get a coffee first test of the stove So I think we threw the first bit of hilly stuff onto the next bit I guess good God the sun is almost out there is a b col oh there goes another one although I’d seen working dogs at work before in o as a kid I’d never seen Border Collies in their natural

    Habitat cut down a bit of forest to put these in eh very green time for lunch he bit of hak there’s a turn off coming up there’s a little flat spot there I think I’m going to call it I don’t know maybe not as it was downhill to the next town

    I thought maybe I’d give that a go good it was the end of a good day a great warm up for the days to come with Rolling Hills and country views and only a little bit of off pieced action towards the end it was time to get some

    Food a shower and hit the sack it’s our day two morning around about 5:30 I’m going to get up you know pack my stuff have a bit of food and uh get rolling although it was cloudy and windy it wasn’t raining and it wasn’t cold after

    Breakfast it was time to roll 44 miles to go for today uh rain’s meant to come in about 1 so I’m going to try and beat That go big ass Hill well it looks nice and it’s very very s what are these all I see you till my Out up in the clouds now So the downhill it’s just as stupid as the uphill so you can’t even cash in 4 miles of this at least it’s faster but pretty windy think I got another Mountain bit but I should charge up with some food it’s going to go with steak and veg and some to tears although it

    Was a nice recharge it was windy as hell see that little line up ahead going up the hill I dare say that’s what we’re doing yep nice view there [ __ ] it you can see it there’s waterf well that’s more like it ha that is a pretty epic light it’s a

    Dam what is this place Cafe open Don’t Mind If I Do oh yeah we’ come from where we going this is better but yeah well that’s the last one I think of the day so let’s do it eh in the forest now I think we’re at the highest point for the rest of

    It the rest of it was wet downhill gravel all the way to toui L In hello where are you thanks very much guys you were most kind highly recommend tushy La in day three was on to kill the lake via a bunch of logging trails that got a little bit hairy at times geeses nice and calm no excuses this time Logan Trails everywhere there’s a

    Weird place on the uh kot map that I don’t trust so I’m going around a bit where I can see a trail on the map this would prove to be a mistake I think I found it there’s a tiny little Trail going up in there although it was marked on the map

    It was almost a kilm and pretty heavy going too so before I got too far in I thought I’d give the other one a go here we go ow a where’s the trail looks like a few trees have been blown down all right trying to be a bit

    Careful here eh [ __ ] me okay how am I going to get this bad board down turns out the kute map was right although it was a bit tricky getting back down to the road okay that’s done after all the trail commotion it was time for l [Applause] bit of a road coming up

    Soon 20 mil on a [ __ ] aoad with a big ass head I really don’t like this see what I mean [ __ ] nuts well that was horrible about 5 mies down a road into a headwind not much room not very pleasant says that there’s a bridge works up ahead so Road Clos

    Diversion but hopefully it still means I can get across with a bike otherwise I’m sort of [ __ ] although I had images of waiting the Rapids with my bike above my head it turned out much easier well that was easy said than done yeah I’m through it wasn’t much further

    Before I came across a castle Hermitage Castle apparently originally built in 1240 by Nicholas Desi big ass Castle it was then pimped by Sir William Douglas in the mid1 13th century talking to this chap down at the castle asked me where I was going k a

    Lake I believed and he said going up the roads is fine and it goes up the valley so it isn’t too steep did a bit of Bush bashing today I think I burnt it there it is s mil hey mate you are oh the upcoming part is very beautiful yeah you come

    Down from ker Lake up there yeah yeah so lovely chap from just outside Frankfurt he’s off North to go all the way around the coast ending up in Edinburgh so he’s on a bit of a mish he said this Valley is beautiful coming up so um something

    To look forward to and good to know that other Riders have been on the road as well well I guess this is it hello welcome to England Super worm Trail what on Earth just over 50 I guess that’s acceptable Gilder well least it’s well signposted I hope they got facilities you could do

    With the shower okay I tried setting up in a spot tucked away but had to adapt to the circumstances oh get [ __ ] so here we are at the campsite trying to make a little wind break there yeah okay now get cleaned up and I found the

    Pub going to chill here for a bit head back eat some dinner and then uh see what the go is rained quite a bit last night going to go a different route now cuz I got to get back to London much quicker and also the trains aren’t working for Manchester

    So there’s no point going there and um this doesn’t really work so well I was going to treat myself to a coffee but um the midies came out they’re pretty nasty now I’ve had a midy experience I’m going to try pure commute cycle touring route back down to

    London now I’ll try and get down there in six days so this is my attempt from now on the trip will be pure cycle touring which should get me a little bit more mileage each day kill the lake 9 and 1/2 miles in okay that’s way quicker than usual today’s forecast for

    Rain so I guess this is it Riz moodiness got these bad boys on everything else is pretty much sealed up let’s see how we go nice I’m just walking through oh dear well as you can see and probably here it’s pissing it down now keep on moving I just got to keep

    Moving that’s it Ching right no drone shots today 33 mil in I reck I go about 30 to go it’s qu 10 so if we can make 45 by 11:30 can we’re doing all right joining up with 72 little mini road that’ll be so cool if like all the major cities were

    Connected with these [ __ ] no need to wor about traffic just Bliss o they must come down here fast I can going down this National byway thing don’t know what town this is virus made it way iners oh it really think these are pen IRS or something anyway we’re opening up

    Some rly Poley Hills It’s unbelievable as it is sun has come At well we’re 52 mi in and I think we’ got to go down there and then up over that other Hill Muggles we don’t know what that thing is woohoo get lost no way I’m getting up that with this gear little B WS go outside hanging around everything we quite a Head all right guys I’m just coming [Applause] through bit off piece stuff so might not get there to a fire who knows fire up so that’s what I’ve come down got 500 M to go into a road I think let’s have a look time for a nice sleep in a bed Cy time

    In nice looking day so about 60 Mi on this one and then there’s a campsite at the end bits deep 22 [ __ ] quid but we’ll see how we uh Go steep getting out of these valleys tell you what oh well looks like all the hills are at the beginning though big ones Anyway Turns out that cycling along the tops of hills with a bit of wind in the morning is a little bit chilly good dogs in some nice little town I’ll put the name up on the screen um just cycling through having a look for a shop

    But it is Sunday it’s only 9:00 in the morning so I doubt anything’s open that’s one hell of a house it is 24 in and we’re off the road little bit squishy but not too bad here we go do one of these they must is taken a while to

    Build I got to admit I admire the stone work and the sun wasn’t too bad either should eat something now or in a bit morning morning oh good one can you smell food yes smells anything don’t no oh you yeah you go thank you you lucky

    Dog no more that’s all that’s all you’re done now see you later come on we go home bre when we get let find treat let’s go find some treats come on onwards that was indeed the town of Richmond it’s like a prison or an army base or something so bad

    Time for a snack and a beer [ __ ] it 24 miles to go booked the campsite so um 3 hours something like that but today is lovely thank God for that W look at here we of a landslide thing isn’t that’s how they do it ehy here we go our gate 10 on home

    Stretch this place crazy little town let have look down the Gas River so the campsite about 2 and 1/2 mil away this will turn out to be my first experience of a big ass UK Holiday Park well I’ve had a bear and some dinner it’s time to [ __ ] chill out and it’s

    Only4 6 yes I got up nice and early cuz it was going to be another pretty big one today it’ be from Harrow gate to Mansfield no camping at Mansfield though nice here we go 4 miles in you feel like it come sou and get R cycle Network’s not too bad when you

    Get off the roads check it out will good all the way to the time for a quick stop up at the garage if this route is like this you should be able to make a fair bit of a distance glad we could make it out here ter think see him More 18 m in road closure but I can go around it in your face road closure it’s pretty good Advantage being on the bike onwards I should drone it but I mean got get move on what to expect and that’s thank you taking the pack for a walk eh hey there

    Fellas massive Warehouse that’s going to be like 10 stories tall looks like a bit of canal work coming up I know it’s not classy but [ __ ] it I’m getting a coffee [ __ ] it really wanted to see that I think it’s time for some Arty shots the further south I went the less

    Countryside there was however there were lots of little bike trails about the place yeah I think this is Shield or something my mistake we’re in rotheram leaving rotheram now a big Steep Hill I think there’s another one after this then in 13 Mi I think we hit destination

    Ping him or something the Caravan park there but I want to see if I can push on well another little town on a Hilltop I think I got a bit of downhill and then a bit of flat to come and then I’ll decide whether to continue or

    Not apparently got 8 miles to go but tomorrow I’ll try and push it a little bit extra so that the following day is not stupid well how about that so that um Caravan Park doesn’t do tents so [ __ ] there’s nothing nothing else anywhere near so I’m just going to Mansfield

    Travel Lodge it’s a bit steep whether want to be able to charge everything up and then maybe um I’ll find a better place to camp tomorrow now well at least we got this beautiful Lake what the hell is this thing oh it’s a cable water ski thing oh no

    Oh no another one okay turns out that a vast majority of what have been riding on it’s called the trans penine Trail so I’ll uh have to check it out when I get back and uh give my thoughts see how this guys oh well I guess I’ll be climbing that

    You got gas Castle up the top I’ll zoom in in post and you’ll get a low resolution picture once again the hill got a bit too Steep and I had to walk it think I’m at the top of the hill beautiful view but rains are coming indeed it did

    Bucketing it down all the way to the Travel Lodge oh man my legs are [ __ ] fried well I couldn’t find any camp sites any closer but one great thing got a tooth brush I’ve been using this bit of foam it does the job but man this is going to be good okay time

    To get some food here we are in lovely mans build I think it’s day s um 72 M to go today down to Peterborough so yeah let’s get cracking this is how it’s going to roll today folks to this [ __ ] it’s pretty Misty pretty muggy cuz it rained last night apparently not

    Raining the rest of the day on the way to notingham waiting baby waiting ring I’m ring I’m ruin I’m ruin my baby I believe we’re coming through Notingham my baby is waiting yeah I’m rolling I’m rolling I’m rolling I’m rning my baby is waiting my baby yeah I’m rolling rolling no shoulder nothing I’m rolling I’m R we’re down here my baby isting yeah my baby up up up yeah pushing again there’s been a few

    Not as insane as up in Scotland though looking forward to the last day to be honest nothing else to do but to keep on pedling narrow though the path sometimes was okay we’re 52 m in so we’re about 20 M from the destination so we’re past 2/3

    I’m going to go for another 10 m find a place to have a b bit of a chill relax and then do the last 10 miles maybe in this town this we do for a little spot of lunch je well that was a nice little town very picturesque 12 mil to go

    Now mental note for dream property WS like that around the whole goddamn thing yep last night on the road let’s get this [ __ ] [Applause] inside okay morning day eight going to have a coffee and then get rolling today would be 73 Mi to my nephews at standad mon Fair chur

    And as luck would have it there’d be a droneable lake just around the corner no excuses this time well that’s Peterburg onwards to Cambridge this section to Cambridge turned out to be pretty flat so I just have to grind away and pedal along idea 20 Mes in about 25 to go to

    Sisters oh would you look at that he there we go so 22 to Cambridge be light storm looking [ __ ] my guess is that river goes to Cambridge 32 m in I decided to have a weed coffee Break it’s little town AA 15 mil nice flat cycling only there’s a big Wetlands to the right there bit hard to see get in there covid-19 maintain distance what a weird time that was he good how’s it going don’t hug me I’m disgusting no I’m just looking at your bike

    See you sis see you here we are in a little town called ickleton yeah not long now At Last Day N was pissing it down and having done the route before I knew that it was a whole bunch of bumpy Canal parts that wouldn’t Fair too well under

    This downpour so I decided to get the train down to Liverpool Street from there it was only a short ride back though 7 miles well that’s sheated back in London crossing over the Tims that’s it back home job done okay dpack upload all the rest of it in the

    End it took me 9 days to travel about 530 Mi a great length and difficulty level to test things out with some Scenic Landscapes as well things for next time though a more calculated and specific amount of food a small rack and sturdier bottle cages up

    Front a roll bag mounted on top of the rear rack instead of paniers Dynamo lights so I don’t have to think about them a bigger and more snugly fit frame bag a sneakily fit tool bag behind the seat post Les spare V straps cable tires and inner tubes the lowest gears I could

    Possibly install on this bike and finally all my bags in Olive grabed so I look like I’m going on a mission also your Dynamo USB charge converter doesn’t have enough juice to charge up a 20 a backup battery it will just about keep your iPhone going with full GPS but not

    Quite that’s why it’s better to get Standalone GPS and iPhone is back up all in all it was a great trip though plenty of great scenery air bit of exercise although not too tough and a great learning experience for future Adventures anyhow thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it and see you next Time

    1 Comment

    1. Really enjoyed watching the trip Dave!! The drone shots were amazing and I liked the summary at the end. Scotland looked beautiful. Can’t wait for the next trip.

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