Oh poo, is another doping scandal on the horizon? Be warned this one is even more strange than worm blood doping. Si and Dan discuss the possibility of using faecal transplants to increase cycling performance. In cycling shorts, Mark Cavendish’s cycling training for the season and excitement is building to the cyclocross world championships.

    In association with @precisionfandh

    Enter the competition 👉 https://gcn.eu/GCNPrecisionFHComp

    00:00 Intro
    02:25 Feacal transplant cycling doping
    11:56 Cycling shorts
    17:07 UCI Cyclocross World Championships
    19:07 Hack/Bodge
    24:20 Caption competition
    27:08 Precision Fuel and Hydration competition 👉 @precisionfandh
    32:32 Coming up on GCN

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    Welcome to the gcn show welcome to the gcn show coming up this week bear with us our poo transplants the next big performance enhancer cuz studies suggest they could turn a donkey into a racehorse which means there is hope for as yet s we have also got the latest top

    Name XPR to take on the gravel World Mark cendes adopting Zone 2 training and a look at the brand new 12-speed bromton plus we have got an exclusive give way for you so stay tuned for That this week in the world of cycling we learned that Emil Herzog of Bora hgar crossed the Finish Line first at the trao Palmer last week unfortunately for a meal there was still two laps to go after his exuberant celebration do you know what though I would still put that

    Photo on the wall if that was me hands in the air big Grace well I was thinking you should have done it on the shz of as you finished 164th in the tour to France shouldn’t you really that would been amazing that would have been good and

    Now we learned as well that even olle Bridgewood who normally leaves no stone unturned when it comes to Performance gains would not wear that new pock Arrow Road helmet should we quote Ollie yeah go on he said you’ve got to preserve the aesthetic of the sport somewhere that’s

    The same ole Bridgewood by the way that was seen in public using knee high socks and an AO chest fairing wasn’t it yeah I mean in defensive oy this is a bit of a worrying Trend in the world of road racing isn’t it those new helmets from

    CK the one that covers your ears and then this Pock one which kind of defies explanation really doesn’t it they’re not the most Pleasant to look at no I mean like a cloud cyclist let’s face it we have never been the Cool Kids on the Block but it does feel like things are

    Perhaps going a little far doesn’t it particularly if olle thinks that do you know what next everyone’s going to be wearing big oversized Shades aren’t they well I mean if everyone does they may not become quite as cool but there’s certainly no need anymore no with those Arrow helmets with the visor integrated

    Advisor absolutely yeah I mean for me those Lids look a little bit like something that might be worn by a model for an inline skating ad in Los Angeles in like 1992 you know what do you know the kind of thing I mean yeah it’s that

    Kind of thing right now moving on we also learned recently that there could be a new doping practice on the horizon quite frankly it’s literally literally feal transplants otherwise known as po doing and before you laugh this could actually be a thing by the sounds of it we should

    Try to explain without being too graphic just here so medical situations its use is widespread to treat chronic seed diff infections and the idea around potential fecal transplants in humans is to improve the health and volume of your gut bacteria or microbiome yeah now this is a Hot Topic

    In health circles right now the more research that done the more scientists are realizing the incredible importance of our microbiome to General well-being and health so in a healthy person the healthy bacteria in your body can weigh about the same as your brain which is incredible isn’t it well it is in fact

    You have 10 times more microorganisms in your body then you have actual cells that make up your bodyc that’s mindblowing isn’t it yeah these mic organisms have a multitude of functions and amongst them it’s food digestion regulation of our immune system protection against other bacteria that cause disease and production of vitamins

    But they have been linked to your mood and emotions as well multitude of functions yeah so the health of your microbiome is partly genetic we think but largely influenced by your diet as well so to simplify things massively the more Whole Foods vegetables and fermented foods you eat the the fewer

    Processed foods as well actually which can be detrimental then the better your microbiome is going to be yes so if you want to improve your gut microbiome and you should let’s be honest then you can by improving your diet however it might still not be as good as somebody else’s

    In which case you can take some through their feal matter M that sounds absolutely rank doesn’t it now studies in humans are limited at the moment but there are plenty involving mice okay um so here’s some food for thought in a Harvard University study in 2019 2019 like we’re late to the party

    With this one how we only stumbled upon it now well I know I mean who would have thought cuz we we are renowned as having our fingers on the pulse of scientific research um anyway researchers took 15 stool samples from Boston marathon runners and then compared them with 10

    Sedentary people and found that elevated levels of certain bacteria in the marathon runners when mice were then injected with those identified bacteria they then displayed increased levels of endurance and lower susceptibility to inflammation however doctors have since pointed out that the risks of humans trying something similar are there

    Aren’t they you might acquire some good microbes but you could also acquire some that you don’t really want that said now there are also risks with storing your blood in a fridge and re-injecting it at a later date but that did not seem to put off some pro cyclist it didn’t did

    It I can already see a huge Scandal on the horizon actually police sees hundreds of poos all in bags with names of riders pets on them that be stor well it be crap for the sport wouldn’t it can we squeeze any more pun in at this point well number one I can’t think

    Of anymore from this store and number two oh I see I see what you did there yeah right anyway let’s not waste any more time show right going back to the studies there was another one conducted back in 2017 time we really are very late to

    This party well we are yeah we are better late than never though um that one looked at the gut microbiome of elite cyclist amateur cyclist and non cyclist right so super relevant to us a microbe called prella was found in just 10% of the non-cyclists it was found in

    Half of the amateur cyclist but get this it was found in all of the elite cyclist amazing the study was conducted by Lauren peton a research scientist the Jackson laboratory for genomic medicine in Connecticut who said that she had given herself a feal transplant oh God

    How uh well I’m going to quote what she said which was not fun but it’s pretty basic oh God she did it at home on our own apparently yes well I mean if I was going to do it at home I think I would

    Be on my own I don’t think I want anyone else to see no supervision whatsoever anyway she did it to treat a number of symptoms that she’d been experiencing since she contracted limes disease when she was a child so transplant apparently completely cured all those systems that

    She’d had from limes disease and not only that she said that she went from struggling to find the energy to go out and train on her bike to winning bike races wow I mean okay well that does raise the point would you would you do it I don’t know obviously that is just

    One isolated data point but it certainly makes you think does it make think do we know why non-cyclists had 10% of prev tell and why Amed cyclist had 50% do we know do we know that difference is it something that you get from I don’t know like spray off the

    Road on wet days like from C or something I’m no scientist as you know so I’m not sure on the answer to that but potentially the reason why 100% of Pros have it is maybe it’s an essential component of Elite Performance maybe well yeah I suppose that is then go

    Imagine that the kind of the Hidden the hidden like Talent is actually your microbiome I guess our microbiome must be crap mustn’t it I guess the other question then right and the important question is would poo doping poo trans be unethical would wer move to ban it if it became a thing well

    Maybe it is a thing we just don’t know about it how would you even test for it you think it’s possible to test for poo transplant I don’t know you’d have to have some like poo biot transplant the biotransplant bio passport I mean like the blood passport but see any radical

    Differences from one week to the next it is a really interesting question though isn’t it but I guess it would be construed as unethical because you’re effectively injecting something that enhances your performance aren’t you which is generally what we see as doping well yeah but you’re not injecting with

    A needle are you I think I think it’s like a suppository isn’t it it goes well it goes up and in doesn’t it I mean I know there are plenty of suppositories that are on band list already but it feels like it’s more of a gray area than

    Like a hypodermic needle doesn’t it well at the same time there’s lots of stuff that you eat which is also bad isn’t it don’t need a poo transpant me no no no more importantly than this though we’ve also been talking about the potential performance enhancement at Elite level but the example of Lauren

    That we spoke about just a few minutes ago shows that it could really help people that are suffering from various ailments to just sort of feel normal and healthy again as well as helping normal people live more energetic active lives yeah I mean we should throw this out to

    You lot shouldn’t we really would you consider a feal transplant to enhance your health your performance and then also B would you consider it to be cheating in a professional sporting context yeah you can let us know in the comments section down below the one thing I’ve just thought about is you

    Know this is our podcast yeah maybe we should have been a bit more descriptive in this lead story no I think people might be thanking their lucky STS um would you do it for health yeah would you well I think like we said at the start there

    Been limited human study so I’d want more of them to be published before in case there’s any danger because have we mentioned it might be that there’s harmful microbiome that puts into your body which you obviously don’t want but if it’s proven effective why not gives you more energy yeah is it

    Unethical for sport yeah I don’t I mean we started thinking about this 3 hours ago that’s not long enough for me to make a decision what’ you reckon ah I mean I think it probably is if the if the advantages from getting a like turbocharged microbiome are as big as people think they

    Are and you can’t get it simply through manipulating your diet then yeah I think it is unethical but I suppose what we don’t know at the minute is how much of your microbiome is genetic we think some of it genetic we don’t know that that

    Much of it is is genetic and so I think if you start manipulating with you know inherited things that’s when you get into yeah hot water but otherwise I mean when when I think about diet like from you know 20 years ago when I started racing I kind of think

    Like don’t yeah you know it wasn’t terrible but it definitely wasn’t good yeah I’ve changed my diet quite a lot recently based on microbiome and your performance is rocked is it yes it has the other thing I was thinking about was how did you get a hold of Mach

    Fols I can just envisage people following his camper van from the side race and waiting for the driver to to empty the tank somewhere I mean I am a big fan of mat van but even I draw the line somewhere would you go for Pacha

    Well no we’re talking i’ go for Boss G yeah good point actually yeah longevity as well anyway and now it’s time for cycling short shorts right then should we turn the page so to speak from that lot uh we are going to start cycling shorts now with some science still uh this more

    Science more more science science this is peer-reviewed science published in the European Journal of Public Health no less Sara alaat at Al have added yet more evidence to the everg grown pile that active travel I cyc to work is incredibly beneficial for your health interestingly though they looked at a

    Different Market of Health inflammation which we spoke about earlier on yeah but not in relation to TDs no specifically circulating C reactive proteins which have been linked to Major illnesses such as cardiovascular disease yeah now we know from prior research that regular cyclists benefit from lower CRP levels

    But in this case the researchers looked at 6,28 working adults in Finland and found that those who walked or cycled to work for more than 45 minutes in total each day had on average 16.8% lower levels of CRP however that benefit disappeared for those whose commutes were less than 29

    Minutes per day when you account for other factors like diet and what they do in their Leisure Time yeah that’s quite interesting isn’t it 45 minutes to 29 minutes and there’s that significant difference um anyway let’s just sum up shall we if you do one new thing this

    Year folks cycle to work yes yeah is it 1330 was just about there was isn’t it not 2 con only did 29 minutes is 29 minutes 55 seconds yeah Conor right now speaking of Leisure Time despite retiring at the end of 2023 Greg vanav hasn’t been enjoying much of it he has

    Already in fact signed up for Unbound gravel next year and we think he means business bet he does he’s the latest and now long line of XPR roades for having a popet gravel racing and of all of them I reckon he’s the one that’s got the best

    CV I think he does yeah we’ve also got some Insider gossip on Greg okay so Connor took him to Peru back in November to go bike packing it was quite extreme by backing as well anyway Connor said that Greg was still insanely fit and still mildly obsessed with maintaining

    That Fitness to the point on the day they arrived after a 20 hour flight or whatever at altitude in kusco Greg was like uh do you mind if I go for a 15K run and and off he went yeah so there you go well now we know why he was still

    So motivated retirement indeed yeah sticking with veteran pro cyclist keeping fit King of the Sprints Mark Cavendish is according to his coach at estana in an interview with beachy Pro turning to Zone 2 training in his bid for a record-breaking 35th tour the France stage win this summer yeah I mean

    Technically we’ve said zone two haven’t we his coach said low intensity aerobic training done at altitude in Colombia which I thought was interesting um more interesting though not much high intensity in there and no gym work he’s quite old school isn’t I guess now he’s

    38 he should know what works for him by now but equally quite surprised he’s not hitting the gym to try and maintain that muscle mass because he’s getting to an age where it sort of just disappears isn’t it speaking from experience speak from experience as you speaking for

    Experience here as well you know didn’t have much to go but it’s going um now some tech news now and the iconic folding bike brand Brompton have just introduced new 12sp speed Brompton they have achieved by four geared cassettes paired with a three-speed Hub gear yeah

    Now the promo photo uh which I saw on the GCM website I noticed is taken on a street actually just down the road from where I live called Veil Street in Bristol it’s rumored to be one of if not the steepest residential streets in I don’t know where West Bristol well

    Basically yeah no the world oh oh it’s so steep in fact I can’t help but wonder if the model on the Brompton is actually just about to over like overbalanced backwards it’s borderline it certainly is borderline what we what you mean to say is you’d like to see

    What happened next after the photo I want to see the outtakes from that bromton photo shoot basically um now sticking with tech there’s also some mouthwatering new stuff coming from campolo they have a new addition to their Bora wheel line it’s been for over 30 years now boras I think I think read

    That anyway um don’t quote me they are even lighter than the previous generations but the biggest news is the wider rimed at 23 mm to improve the aerodynamics specifically at the tire rim interface uh they are available in 35 45 and 60 mil depths and we’ll have a

    Closer look coming very soon on this channel indeed uh now the world cyc cross championships are coming up this weekend both the current world champions Fen vano and matu vandero do look don’t they to be odds on favorites to retain their title that you talk about

    Dominance vanle has won 15 from 17 races that she started this season and vunder paol 12 from 30 wowers now if that sounds boring to you lot I don’t think it is these are Riders at the top of their game frankly I think I could watch footage of them out training they are

    That good um and I would still be transfixed there something about seen people that good isn’t there like watching you get beaten up by vineard and cussed the other day they were in their recovery zones that will long be a highlight for me if only i’ got some of

    Their micro biome after that shooter oh if only you’d thought about it first you could have like hung around them a bit bit longer knocked on the door can I come in uh plus going back to psych chross yeah it’s never 100% nailed on I mean they are the outright favorites of

    Course but you look at that benador world cut from last weekend vandol hit a poll didn’t he and crashed with 500 me to go and then jumped back on a bike that had no saddle on it just the rails it’s going to a long time to live that

    Down isn’t it not that anything happened to him but just he just didn’t seem to feel anything no Cy um anyway what we’re saying is the world champion weekend should be an absolute cracking weekend of racing shouldn’t we um it will also be farewell to a bit of a pro cycling

    Legend when Zen stear so he has carried on racing in order for his last Pro Race to be at his home World Championships that’s it toour in the Czech Republic It’s a race he won in 2010 so that’s kind of a cool little comeback type Vibe isn’t it but we would like to

    Wish him well not only for the tour world champions but also for the future as well yeah yeah he’s a cool guy I really lik and he’s been a fixture on our Radars for a long old time is he it’s been a long time you see the Jersey

    He wore at the World Cup yesterday Sunday uh it was just a white skin suit but he had thank you written in multiple languages no way yeah very cool oh that is super cool isn’t it next up hack SL bodge of of the week don’t forget it is upload. global

    Cycling network.com if you would like to submit us your hacks and or budges our first one this week comes in from Mike in West Sussex who said I was fed up with getting off the bike to change track or to tie whilst on my indoor trainer look no further than the Garmin

    Mounted keyboard music track changer and touchpad uh Garmin Mount adap to his 4 quid sticky pads 50 PS worth used uh if that’s I can’t understand the last bit if that Mini keyboard is $9.99 basically seems pretty cheap can it yeah I mean that under 15 quid in

    Total I think that’s quite good I do I do find it hard to type whilst zwifting like some people they just seem to be like they just seem to write stuff all the time I’m incredibly impressed with their proliferation so on my uh 1330 on Saturday evening I was pretty quick but

    I do have to be sort of out out of the bars at the time just with my phone which will get a bit old in the end I don’t know what the next solution would be to it well I know pretty neat is you need like dictation don’t you really little

    Headset what you need is a set of Arrow bars with this so you’re literally just down here typing yeah I mean this I prefer to my phone because as as you know I I sweat a lot and uh my touchcreen stops working after about 24 seconds so that does look better I’m

    Going to say that’s a hack yeah I’m saying that’s a hack as well I a neat job as well yeah I I yeah would agree um nice work then Mike uh right getting us off to a good start next we got David from Whitley Bay uh I should have

    Googled where whitly Bay was it’s in the UK is in the UK is it no idea you you read it out I’ll read it out you find out I think it might be like West Coast Australia or something anyway uh I have converted a used CO2 cartridge into a

    Storage container for my tire plug spares and patches I cut the bottom end off the cartridge and plugged it with an old bar end this all fits into a pump handle along with a full cartridge and plug tool so I have all my tire needs in

    One place now that is amazing that is the work of Genius that is super cool how did you even work out it’s you know that um God is an Instagram thing things that fit where it’s just like stuff that fits perfectly into other stuff could be

    Anything but how you found that a CO2 cartridge fits into the bottom of your uh pump unless I suppose it’s designed to go in there probably yeah but I think that’s amazing product yeah now that looks fantastic it’s a hack from me yeah oh a hack from me 100% And do we know

    Where he lives uh yes uh whitly bay is near Newcastle the East Coast north of the UK and is there a whitly bay on the West Coast of Australia as well I don’t know I don’t get you know Google assumed I was looking for the closest one okay

    And we shall assume it was the closest one yeah please give us a uh give us a country as well and a surname might help too when you’re uploading stuff so we can give a proper shout out uh next up this one came in from Roberts uh who

    Says he is at home there you go robt yeah surname and location please Robert refence living in a household with several people biking I need to find solutions to keep our cycling stuff for the family’s Garmin breed I just used a piece of scrapwood Garmin holder inserts

    I got from AliExpress with basically no money and mounted them to our helmet shelf they’re giving stuff away on AliExpress that’s amazing uh that is super neat actually I’ve got to say yeah I’m jealous of said level of neatness I know yeah that is amazing I feel like I need that in my

    Life um yes I mean that’s just a hack isn’t it yeah it’s a hack from me as well I mean having a helmet shelf to start with is a hack having a helmet shelf is a hack having a a Garin or a wahoo storage shelf is also I me that’s

    Just brilliant isn’t it what you need is some sort of multi-charger thing so you can charge them all at the same time once back from rides a that’ be dreaming to it but yeah I think it’s a hack from sence it’s a hack from me as well last

    One comes in from Dan who’s in St Charles Illinois I built a hanging light using an old wheel with a 10-speed Hub and left over parts from a pendant light project a pendant light project who are these people that have pendant light project Dan I’m impressed um that looks

    Kind of cool doesn’t it like the jewry’s out a little bit on on wheel lights but uh I I like the uh the way you’ve taken that picture I think that’s pretty cool isn’t it well it does the job and it’s py related um also so it looks like

    Quite a compact ratio cassette there um so just a reminder that we do still have several campolo 11p speed cassettes we from 11 to 23 straight up block isn’t it yeah 11 I think I might have an 1121 somewhere really straight up you were quite strong back then yeah what can you

    Do 21 minimal change of cadence per gear change with that it’s no wonder you got such an enormously muscly legs isn’t it um there we go H I don’t know whether to say hack for that one I’m like I’m really impressed but it’s not a hack is

    It it’s just kind of cool I think we should just say budge because all the others today were hack yeah fair enough ah bad luck Dan that’s a tough call right okay remember use the uploader like Dan said um there is a link also in the description um so yeah get involved we

    Love seeing your hacks and bodges uh more and more of you uploading to the uploader as well so thank you very much for that it’s time now for caption competition that part of the show where you get a chance to get your hands on a coveted gcn C Cel back water

    Bottle still no news on when it’s going to they’re definitely on a boat again aren’t they ah probably yeah but still coveted more coveted than ever actually now the fact that it’s still not quite with us yet but um anyway all you got to do is put a witty caption in

    The comment section down below uh we’ll pick a winner next week um the caption of course needs to relate to a photo we’ll give you that one shortly um if you’re listening to this as a podcast there’s not much you can do is it apart from well we’re trying to be descriptive

    With the f photo shall we well you still need to enter on YouTube don’t you work in work in progress that one well you can listen to it and then think about your caption all the way home or whatever you’re doing and then log into YouTube and leave your witty caption

    Yeah jobs are good in last week’s photo was this one of Jonathan nay sat in the back of a van at the toil under with an nice vest that has sort of 16 compartments to it our winner this week is Toby mob face who’s given a suggestion as to what you should have

    Said in reply to my caption go then uh Dan says 16 pack and Sai should have said I see what you did there I see what you did there I see I see what you did there thanks I’m not entirely sure how I feel about Toby mob face winning by

    Basically suggesting that I should have been funnier at that moment yeah well I think as a world is a Camelback water bottle all right Toby mob face get get in touch and we will get your Camelback water bottle out to you um I mean it is

    Quite funny but still right this week we have an image of who is that that is the winner of the cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race Lawrence piy with cadel Evans on the podium there it is yeah and and that they are literally just stood on the podium holding a sharks fin trophy

    Oh I hope it’s not that that won’t go with my caption it to got hey Lawrence did you see cadel Evans at The Great Ocean Road Race yeah and he gave me a wave oh I see what you mean the trophy actually isn’t a sharks V it’s a wave I

    Think so well I hope so otherwise doesn’t work at all it’s not great anyway it’s not very good at all yeah well the fact that it’s indistinguishable between a shark fin and a wave I mean it’s a nice trophy but uh but anyway there we go um it’s too

    Curvy for a sharks then is it I don’t know anyway leave your captions in the comments section down below it’s not curvy enough to be a wave though is it it’s like it’s quite sh it’s quite well a wave at a certain point surely looks that

    Shape I don’t know mate I mean what do you want the tunnel at the surface go through basically yeah I want a bit more of a bit more of a barrel that’s just a round thing uh anyway a camel back water bottle is not the only thing that you

    Can win this week we’ve also got a giveaway courtesy of our new uh nutrition Partners Precision hydration uh three gift cards of $250 value grabs wow that’s pretty good isn’t it um okay uh so if you haven’t seen it yet check out the uh the video that we put up on

    YouTube on Saturday uh where basically we all got schooled on the importance of of salt basically of sodium uh we were all tested sweat tested to find out how salty our sweat is because it varies dramatically doesn’t it from person to person it does well I found my results from when I did

    This test in 2012 uh and mine was 580 and yours was 1,000 well don’t get the game away Dan oh has it not come out yet well I no it has but the question is which gcn presenter that has the saltiest sweat that saltiest sweat not highest volume

    Of sweat cuz I think there’s probably not much of a question there is that really is the highest volume of sweat on gcn um but there you go yeah so win one of three $250 gift cards to Precision Fuel and hydration yeah we will leave a link to that competition in the

    Description below but I should point out there are some restrictions on there so you’re only able to enter if you’re in the UK Europe the USA Canada Australia or newal Zealand so entries will close at 10:00 GMT on Friday the 9th of February at least New Zealand can enter

    This time having having excluded New Zealand cycling fans for many a year uh we can now that’s it yeah those days we now just excluded everyone shut it down oh yeah okay um also perhaps whilst you’re there entering the competition you could also help to explain why on

    Earth Connor was wearing a bucket hat for the entire video so uh no one quite knows here at GCM meab base why that is the case uh but yeah there we go right should we get on to what’s coming up Dan and some comments well I going to say

    Before we get on to what’s coming up of course our favorite comments from last week a few from under the show last week biane 1984 put love that the G show is a podcast now it helps me a lot I have work to do or long drives or even longer

    Rides where I shouldn’t be looking at videos uh because it could kill or injure others yeah don’t watch YouTube videos whil as driving I can now download the gcn podcast and listen to it instead and miles 9995 but thank you for making it a podcast you inly made my

    2hour drive to work a little bit better oh miles we can keep going couldn’t we we could easily drag this out for a couple of hours yeah brilliant oh we do just edited down heavily yes good point right underneath uh how not to be um AED

    An idiot on a part ride uh Michael mappin 4425 said nobody is better at launching snot Rockets onto myself than me which I liked very much Ranger Smith uh being ready to go at the appointed time doesn’t mean pulling up in your car needing to pump up your ties get shoes

    On etc etc at the departure time it means being ready to go yeah that’s a good one I’m always late I know you are yeah always always always terrible uh whilst TR Quattro put that throw and catch between s and Connor is one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen at

    Gcn should we ever look at it again now uh I think we should yeah well you know was what was even more impressive was that it was literally the first time did it yeah just like casually lobbed it across the entire Road Connor casually caught it what was what was embarrassing

    Is that we said okay well we better get that again from another angle so Conor threw it back across the road where promly I dropped it and then when I tried to throw it back to Connor I missed wildly so uh so yeah it it was

    Basically we got it right first time and then could never repeat it first time lucky never been more at statement than First Time Lucky for cool isn’t it Conor actually for professional cyclist can catch very well he’s quite Adept at other sports he’s kind of well you might

    Imagine he was very good at basketball uh and he’s also regular swimming too uh whereas I was incapable of doing anything other than bicycl riding that does not surprise me uh meanwhile under how does that the menstrual cycle affect your cycling uh Mark Lam Morin put every

    Man needs to watch this as well Cy or not thank you for normalizing man on the gcnt whilst run forest to run but this is amazing I’m so proud of you all for putting this together normalizing natural biological processes are very important in both Sport and Society in

    General yeah that’s cool that isn’t it underneath midlevel bike versus crit race uh tofu 521 said that high pitched look Mom I’m on TV is gold TV and then Mr Gary cow said crit racing is no joke seriously good numbers Rupert love the bike and he goes to show

    How much a good engine matters yeah uh underneath Conor Beach race the tin usn L 834 what first sending Connor aerodynamic as a buz done to the Netherlands for the headwin Championships and now sending him to a beach race is some top British banter he’s a GL for punishment it’s Connor

    Isn’t he he is he is loves it though doesn’t he he does indeed yeah right coming up on the channel this week then on Wednesday uh we have got some stuff about interval training last minut I’m not clued up on what this is no how to get start on interval training uh so

    What war going to go out on Wednesday this week is going to go out on Wednesday next week instead I think uh Thursday Thursday we can’t tell you very much about that it’s a top secret new Tech release that you are not going to want to miss Fair that’s literally all

    You can say is it oh yeah it’s top secret can’t even say it’s from a top Spanish brand well it’s not from a top Spanish brand is it oh I see what you mean oh you throwing people off the C oh nice work no it’s not from a top Spanish

    Brand um yeah Friday we can tell people what’s happening on Friday okay yeah it’s the 30 in 30 summary basically and looks at whether cross training works or not that’s right Connor has been diving into the science uh of whether or not other sports can help your cycling uh

    Connor was also diving into swimming pool so there is a warning that he might be wearing speedos in some of that video yes maybe made that one a podcast you know what I sent this text uh a few hours after recording this show last week because I was very pleased I

    Did a 7 minute 17c walk uh that’s on walk out of 3K so I was dead pleased with that yeah yeah uh talking about cross training if you’re wondering why that relates I can totally imagine you becoming like a veteran world champion in speed walking do you know the world

    Record you’ve got the physique for it the world record for 5 km speed walk is exactly the same as my PB for a 5K run is that right can you imagine doing the park run at full gas and there’s somebody speed walking next to you the whole way around it’s crazy isn’t it

    Well frustrating that would be I mean speed walking is one of those things where I’m sure it’s incredibly impressive and you got to be unbelievable athlete to be the best in the world at it but there is always that question of why why not just break into

    A run and go because they’re not they’re not the best runners in the world so you got to find something it’s like triathletes isn’t it not the best Runners swimmers or cyclists that makes a lot of sense that combines all three right okay um haven’t just offended uh race Walkers and triathletes

    Let’s move on uh Saturday uh when olle and Hank were out in Tucson Arizona Before Christmas they tackled the legendary shootout which is uh supposedly the world’s toughest Bunch ride so like not officially a race it’s definitely not a race it’s a ride but it’s just full gas a very very fast

    Gloves off yeah and they we think it’s the fastest ever so did they survive that um good question got better tune in on Saturday to find out and and then on Sunday Alex hooked up with valter botas and Tiffany Cromwell for a bike ride we are all Mega jealous of the the fact

    That he’s riding with Formula 1 royalty like that I mean I think we mentioned this last week he wasn’t half busy on his Australian trip was I’m surprised had any time to uh to sleep well there’s more so cuz he he did uh the inaugura round of the UCR grav oh it wasn’t

    Gravel world so rattle gravel right that’s not UCI section that’s just a cool gravel event he did a full-blown gravel event and that video is coming out the weekend after so he was super busy what have you been up to Dan speed walking uh I did a gravel ride yesterday

    Well yeah and you got beaten by y SP and SE cast which is quite that too but you know I’ve done a gravel ride now so I’m one step close to their level I would assume there you go mate that’s impressive thank you very much all right

    That brings us to the end of this week’s GN show a gra a medal if you’ve got this far A triathlete or a walker not a chance athlete left at the end of this mate sorry guys


    1. fecal matter transplants, 1) would I: yes 2) is it doping: no …why? We're talking about naturally occuring flora which inhabit your gut. Under the right circumstances anyone might have access to these. If it turned out that the African Hedgehog Lily was a race winner, would you deny it to athetes from the UK if it wasn't part of their indigenous diet? (not that I'm suggesting anyone should ingest Massonia depressa)

    2. Excellent show as always, always informative and entertaining, an opportunity to have a laugh. However with this topic on transplants you have taken the show to poofection😊

    3. Low cadence (<65 rpm) with highest resistance without raising the HR out of Zone 2. Constant pressure. Indoors – only possible indoors. Do this for hours. In subsequent tests, I've developed 4 Watts/ kg averaging HR Zone 2. For Christ's sake I'm 63 years old. Stuff busting a gut. 1% of HIT is all that's needed.

    4. Faecal transplant? Sounds like a hot mess.

      If you have C. diff? Fine. If you don't have C. diff. Ride on.

      This sounds like cleaning and lubing your bike with WD40 tbh…

    5. Funny other scientific sources state totally the opposite ! Pity that those who have the power to reach masses don't do the homework correctly and spread half trues or lies. But hey, this is what YouTube is all about, fun not facts.

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