Nayer Fardows
    Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Pakistan
    Daud Nayer
    Strathclyde University Glasgow, UK
    Agnes Nayer
    Christian Educational Endowment Trust Lahore
    Sarah Nayer Jaffar
    Coventry University, Coventry, UK

    Title: Enhancing quality assurance in higher education through strategic endowment fund management: Case studies and best practices

    8th International Conference on Globalisation, Entrepreneurship, and Emerging Economies (ICGEEE)-2023

    About CBER
    Centre for Business & Economic Research (CBER) was founded in London in 2006 with the aim of inspiring, recognizing and supporting excellence in business and Economic research Currently, the Centre has three main areas of endeavour: organizing an annual cycle of international academic conferences, producing academic journals, and offering bespoke consultancy projects both in the United Kingdom and further afield.

    CBER works assiduously to facilitate international collaboration, providing an independent and credible source of advice, as well as contributing to academic debate and research. The Centre is fortunate to have a truly international following and is committed to encouraging knowledge sharing, foresight planning and greater interaction between academics, policy makers, thought leaders and those engaged in diverse commercial activities. Through both its own researchers and a network of specialists internationally it is well placed to provide targeted consultancy work aimed at providing fresh insight and understanding that is underpinned by creditable research methods and a thorough and objective approach.
    #Conference #Journal #Management

    Last presentation must be tiring I’m not going to take much time I’m Dr ner I represent Forman Christian College University uh laor and that is in Pakistan in fact uh uh this paper that uh revolves around three things and that is endowment fund management quality insurance and higher education

    Institutions in fact these are the three things which around which this whole paper that revolves uh with me there are number of authors one from the University uh sethite University Glasgow UK one from DAR hikmat High School laar and the third one from centry University lahor I just wanted to tell you one

    Thing and that is that uh I I’m I am managing four universities in par Pakistan it is uh Forman Christian College University that’s one of the biggest university I’m one of the owner of the university and represents Presbyterian Church USA in Pakistan the second one Edwards College Pisha in fact

    Again I was the vice Chancellor of that University for five years and I also represents as the one of the owner from church Mission Society UK third one is Garden College I’m the attorney of that uh uh College in Pakistan from Presbyterian Church USA the fourth one is canade College canade

    College is another another University and I am their chairman uh of their Board of Governors and board of directors what it happened that in 19 2014 once I was being interviewed for the position of Vice Chancellor of one of the university the governor of uh uh that that Province

    He asked me one question and he said we don’t have any money in the University we don’t have any money in the university to pay to the employees you just have 3 million rupe and you need to pay 10 million every month what you would do that was a very tricky and

    A very difficult question for me but I told him that we require to manage the finances and then I started telling my strategy towards managing the finances and this was what it happened that I was selected as the vice Chancellor of that University now I left that University in

    2019 I was given 3 million and I left 1,000 million now this is what I wanted to tell you that how we generated 1,000 million in that University in the span of five years and why it was necessary in fact there are three things one that you need to

    Manage your finances as an head of the institution second the best strategy you need to provide to the to those resources which you gather the third thing is that from where you get these resources these are the three things the bottom line is you need to make your

    Friends you need to generate your money and those friends are the friends which are available everywhere in the world now today at this moment I have 1,000 friends they are all around the world I have friends Forman friends of for mons in USA there’s a proper team of

    100 people they generate funds they try to make out they try to reach out those people who can give money and people they don’t give money they give you money because things if the things are are totally transparent now I gave you one the example of Edwards college now

    Edwards college is one of the University those from Pakistan may be knowing that it is it is 150 years old University that is in the northern in the area one day I went to the to the governor and I asked him that sir I want

    I want to generate some uh funds and uh I want that there there should be few students who should be given scholarship he said okay go ahead so I went back and I started generating money for the for the scholarship and after about one year

    Once I went to the same governor and I said sir I have generated some money he said how from where I said I got money from you he said how I said I came to you 3 month back and I asked you that you give gave me about some money so

    That I can I can give scholarship to to the people of tribal area and you said okay so you gave me that money you gave me about 7 million rupee and I I put that money into the Endor fund and the money and the profit which I’m getting

    From the endowment I’m just giving to the those students and now this these students will be given scholarship forever he got surprised and he was so happy that he said okay take 10 more million from me so you need to get you need to generate money from people now we

    Target target is a sorry Target is a hard word we we we go to those individuals who are 90 plus we just tell them that this is what it is you want to do something in your life just do it and we give them certain strategies and you

    Know there are 190 Plus from USA they had given lot of money to the Forman Christian College to the Edwards College to the Christian educational endowment trust and to the canade college to the Garden college and there we invite them we ask them to come back to that

    University and they come back 90 plus donors they come back to our system and they they they stay with us they see what we are doing the transparency which we show them is the actual in fact strategy which we generate we tell them and we we we that that makes us so successful

    That Things become very easy for this study I have just taken six universities three from the Western world three from the I’m just deviating from my slides in fact it is what all what I have done and what all my my practical experience which I’m sharing with you Harvard University 40 billion

    Endor and they are the world best university the second University which which I have taken is the Cambridge University again 36 billion third University is the Oxford University 6 billion so these are the best universities I think they have the best practices what is behind them that they

    Have generated this much money in fact their donors their friends their illumini they have got full confidence on them and they pay them and they don’t know that whatever we are paying them that is going to be in the safe hands on the other hand in the in the

    Developed countries I have taken my country and there we we since I was on a very very higher position in those univers for which I have generated this funds we kept this thing in our mind that we are going to keep total transparency we are going to involve

    Those donors into our universities and we will ask them where do we spend this money there’s one gentleman he made he he he gave us the money and he said that okay you make building that was billions and of and billions of rupe I mean it makes a

    Millions of US dollar so we put that money in the endowment we never spent the whole money for that building we put that money into the endomen and that was for a longer term and we only use the profit of that endom and that is the reason

    That today the whole money saved and the profit forever we are constru not only constructed that building but also for the mainous cost you’re taking that money from that those uh that endowment uh fund I I have studied many endowments many bad and many good practices and I’ve seen Endor being

    Spoiled because of poor management and that poor management is because sometime money keeping in view that um uh stock marketing put in that uh in that market and that the whole money was lost that was the bad practice remember we need to put money into that

    Uh fund where money is safe the donors those who give that money they always are worried for that money and they want that their money should not be spoiled and once they see the money is in the safe hands they give you more money and that is the reason

    Today if we see Harvard if we see Cambridge if we see Oxford they are they you can you can see if 100 pandm covid-19 type of things comes they will survive but those who do not have money they cannot survive because they don’t have anything in their Kitty to spend so

    This is the main criteria which I must let everyone know that my practices says that we we we need to generate the friends we need to activate our illumini we need to get resources from uh many friends and then we need to put money in the long-term strategic plans and get

    The get the profit and then use the profit not the actual money so this is what all I have to say and my complete comprehensive paper will let you know the complete strategies and all the best practice which we use generating these types of money but

    Here I may like to take your question so that we can maximum uh utilize my time if that is left towards ask in the interactive session please thank you yes thank you very much no that was a and I think you’re I particularly drawing attention to the

    Governance uh of this uh is is very well made uh it’s such an interesting area uh and again it’s it’s quite a specialized area of uh fund management good it’s not a it’s not just like anything else it has quite a a special thing and not not

    All fund managers do it uh now do we have some questions on that sure please sorry I couldn’t get you please last name have yes this is very interesting now you want to see that these four okay now the first one name is my name I was the voice Chancellor of that

    Um I mean one of the University where endowment fund was Generator the second one my son da n he did his PhD and he did his PhD on the same same lines in fact in the covid-19 once all the all the uh private sector U organizations

    They were all almost dying so he he he he tried to do a PhD and find out way for them so I took him with me and his PhD is based on that the third one is now uh Agnes n now there is a big uh a

    Big school chain in Pakistan that is theik school chain and she represents and she’s head of those chains and uh uh this chain has already developed a fund and that fund is with the help of Christian educational endowment trust sorry same family but heading in one of the one of the separate

    Organization and working for the establishment of their funds the fourth one SAR n she was she was uh she was lecturer in Edwards college but now she she moved to centry now this is not their first uh paper in fact we before moved to uh and we we go around the

    World and we present our different papers in various part of the world and they all represent different universities fortunately or unfortunately from the same family but heading all the four all the four now moving on from uh know F family dynasties yes exactly do we have any other questions all four representing and

    Heading four different organizations same purpose

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