#sunderland #stealthcamping #wildcamping #stealthcampingalliance #wildcampinguk #adventure #stealth #stealthurbancamping #secretcamping #stealthcampinguk

    Here’s the link for the BLOT OUTDOORS SHOW online merch shop 👍

    Here’s the link for Brown’s Biltong 😋

    Back out on another Saturday night Stealth cam guys you not make sense Rightso so welcome back to the blood Outdoor Show mandingos yes it’s a rainy Saturday night in the city of sundland I’m in the henden area I’ve come down here once before with little Mick when we were doing the one behind the old Gas Works a little bit further along not too

    Far away from there I’ve had me eye on a spot for a while and when I was driving past the day I noticed there was a gap in the fence so before the fence gets fixed I thought I’ll take this chance now to do a stealth camp in that area it’s like

    Wasteland where there used to be buildings or factories I think there was a building there called a little woods like a little woods call center it’s been shut down for years but anyway it’s just Wasteland now there’s nothing there apart from rubble and other shite yes I don’t know where

    I’m going to find I’m kicking me fingers crossed I can get a good spot it was raining heavy not so long ago but it’s AED off now just a fine drizzle I hope it stays off cuz I’ve only got me bivy I’ve brought me top just in case and I’ve got me waterproof

    On and I’ve got wasy to warm the old chest up plenty food to cook Lords of sh to talk you know the score on the blood outdo sh guys anyway I’m going to get over this busy road and it’s just another minute walk along there where I’ll get through the

    Hall in the fence so bring you Legends back when I’m making me way onto the West Land you better believe I will How he’s all part of the WT land here guys but we need to walk further along and find the hall in the old fence dingo mingles is the SE in the south of France sure sure it’s long here he’s the cup oh oh there you go guys through the Gap

    Let’s get over here 4 anyone spot us that’s it guys I’m on the wtel land there’s already been people driving past shouting Mandingo out the car windows and then the circle round and drove by again turn this light off so I was just getting a bit paranoid

    Thinking they’re going to come past for a third time looking for us that’s the last thing we want don’t get me wrong the probably kind of youngans you know that obviously watch my channel but I don’t want people coming down to rumble us when I’m trying to Camp tall concrete concrete ground

    So there’s nowh to put any 10 pegs or anything right over there next to the fence that’s grass but it’s on a bank and the wall you know the Wall’s only that high so anyone walking past they’re going to see us they’re going to hear us

    If it was more bushy you know I could get in the bushes and get one meter from public like my good friend Cowboy Chris but it’s just not possible here let’s make our way further over sorry guys I know it’s dark like I said it’s all Rubble as you can

    See right I’m going to turn the camera off and I’ll bring you back in a winnet I’m going to make me way over there cuz I can’t see anywhere with this light on I’ll bring you back when I found a good spot Rices oh nearly fall

    Over bit of a sketchy place to come [Applause] guys and hand and where I am now if you’re not from the city of sundland and you don’t know anything about the place it’s renowned for being one of the roughest Estates in Sunderland or even the northeast of

    England that’s not me seeing that I’ve known quite a few people from Hendon over the years I’ve worked with people and there’ve been great Lads I’ve work with absolute salt to Earth but um yeah like every city like every rough neighborhood you’ve got a lot of good

    People but you’ve also got aot sh you’ve got a lot of [ __ ] bags as well guys and I’m hoping that non- turn up tonight anyway this is where I’m going to this is where I’m going to call home tonight I’m going to get the old bag D

    Off and get me bivy laid out and Gan cuz I’ve got a right thirst on you know what I’m talk about mandingos there you go folks that’s my dodgy looking top for tonight like I said earlier on impossible to get the pegs in the ground here so I’ve just had

    To make do with the best I’ve got and it does look a bit suspect but it’ll ding- dang do for this man dingo you better believe it will I’m going to leave me outside and S out here for as long as I can but we are we forecast for some more R oh

    Yes right guys I’ve wasted enough time doing that I’m going to get me bivy set up under the top get all me SLA and bag and everything put in the bivy cuz I am absolutely choking now for a can it’s like4 to 9 it’s a very late one tonight I’ve been really busy

    Today rushing about I’ll not boy with that I’ll bring you Legends back when I’m sitting down and I’m having a nice cold cingo yes that’s the plingo mandingos you better believe it is lice spil me Lord oh made from oh just what I needed lock 10 lock jar jar born jar

    Born lock jar American IPA batch number 14 just the cheap [ __ ] from aldi1 a can or9 5.5% or placenta as my m is oh yes and that is really nice really really nice I’m going to show you all my [ __ ] very soon first I just want to sit and enjoy

    A can I like you see I’ve been running about all over today and that’s how it’s late we only go back from holiday yesterday and you know what it’s like when you get back you’re getting things back in the house trying to get all your your clothes washed and pour

    Away getting all a shite out the car oh hi and then today me and Mrs blot been trying to get things straightened up because we’ve got painter and decorators coming on Monday just the normal stuff guys just the normal stuff that you absolute Legends do but um nothing exciting but I

    Just a mad rush and then I was like right I need there find a camping spot I had a couple of ideas in mind but there was one I was really really thinking about doing with a forecast of rain it stopped now typical it stopped

    Now but I thought no I can’t Camp there I’m not going to tell you what it is I’ll save it for another week I thought I can’t Camp there when it’s raining cuz I was only going to use the little bivy and I won’t even be able to use the top on that

    One so I had a bit drive around had a bit walk around with the dog and then I was just driving back past here and I noticed the Gap in the fence and I thought Champion that’s where I’m going to come tonight so without even coming in I knew

    I knew it would be like a concrete ground where you couldn’t get the pegs in so I thought i’ put the bivy down try and get the top over and I knew there’d be loads of bits of rubble and bricks and things like that so but it’s been right F on getting

    Setup I’m not really one for like setting tops up I’m not an expert I don’t claim to be one I’m just watching a car going down that little lean down there I so that was a bit of a fart on for me but it’s sorted now

    Guys right I’m going to turn the camera off I’m going to turn the torch off cuz like I see early on there was a car circled around twice and the yes they were bra were being friendly shouting manding but there’s a little rod down there and there’s a car just came down

    And I can’t see where it’s gone bring you Legends back in a winet is here than my fan sexuals time to show you my setup for tonight as you can see my very dodgy looking top set up with B underneath why I’m some te Outdoors spitter Jew rubinet there you go guys

    The bugs under there you know it’s still going to serve it purpose if it starts lashing down a r at least me bag is going to be dry there’s me bivvy I’m not sure you’re inside the usual stuff guys I’ve got me foil mark down me sleeping pod Four Season sleeping bag

    I’ve got in me bag there I’ve got some d down slippers down trousers down jackets warm hat gloves all me electricals you know like me power bank and wires and other bits of [ __ ] okay then let’s have a look at my food and drink see what we’ve got for my M mail

    Tonight I’ve got some King prawns with garlic chili and coriander a tinner sliced mushrooms the labels came off and with that I’m having some rostic rostic roasted garlic lyses that’s been kindly given to me from my good friend you know who oh yes Uncle beny beats International Playboy Bunny bar

    Insurance a British gas price far too high in lifetime CH watch of the Rich and Famous Afterparty P house of love shock baby shark attack and Bondi Beach in Australia football club biscuits are really nice mingles oh yes you better believe they are and you know makes sense okay

    Then drinks what have I got I have got a nice little bottle of red wine I’ve got two cans of this left you better believe I have American IP year rights and I’ve got some lovely Irish wasy just less than half a bottle lamb beer Irish wasy kindly give to me

    From a legend by the name of car at the minute my mind he sir names it’s slipped out me mind trying to remember that Uncle bky thing when I do the review I will say a proper thank you to you car I’ll remember your s your surname

    Then whatever else whatever else he God Chris get your words out Mingle what else have I got I have got a chicken balty video nasty some Browns Bill Tong Kevin and Perry flavor remember to use your code Mandingo when you click the link I’ll leave the link guys in the

    Description of this video use the code Mandingo for your discount I’ve also got some biscuits some nice biscuits they’re not called nice the called nice I whatever mate I see the called nice if I see the called nice the called nice you you know make sense and I’ve also got

    This some Spanish ham dingo okay then guys it’s time for me to have a little snack I’m going to have some Spanish H and I’m going to wash that down with a nice Spanish bottle of red wine so while we’re talking Spanish guys I’m going to

    See a rea diry just for a couple of minutes and I’ll bring you Legends back very soon mice cheese Ming go oh yes third and final cingo mandingos and it’s just starting to spit on the rain so now I’m glad I’ve put that top

    Up I I first I was thinking should I put the top under the bivvy cuz it’s not raining now and then I thought no not no my look if I do that it’ll start and piss down later on the wind’s getting up as well so I’m hoping all them bits of rubble and

    Brick hauled out I’m hoping the top doesn’t pull out from underneath if you know what I’m talking about guys who shh just put this and torch down guys sorry [ __ ] sorry for the language Ming goes someone’s walking the dog on the rubber Over The Far Side from over there looking over here

    It’ll be pitch black but like a [ __ ] I’m sit with this torch on so you guys can see us all all he’s walk away he’s walking away I’ve been looking at a car over there for a while and he’s walking into that car so I don’t know how I don’t know how

    Long he’s been walking around here he could he could have been looking at me for all an he could have been avoiding us like the plague thinking I’m not going over there next that weirdo but he’s getting in his car now with the dog it’s cuz it’s raining he’s probably

    Sing right that’s it I’m a way home I know it’s nothing and more you’re probably sitting watching thinking what’s the big deal when you’re sitting by yourself in the pitch Block in a dodgy place cuz this is like the kind of place you would expect some crackheads to come hanging out pardon

    Me when you see someone in the dark you do just for a second you think whoa who’s that that’s why I like have a few drinks from I’m camping settles the nerves anyway while I’m already talking shite might as well answer a little question and probably is one of the most

    If not the most popular question I’ve had over the last year or so since the channel started doing well and I’ve always like avoided it the question is how the hell Mandingo have you managed to pull Mrs blot an ugly bastard sorry for the language an ugly booger like you how

    Have you managed to pull such a beautiful woman like Mrs blood well yes Mrs BL is a beautiful woman and I know I’m not the best looking guy in the world but when we first met I think we were about 27 year old you know I wasn’t a bad looking lad

    I was at the gym three or four times a week just before I met Mrs blot you know I was a we I was a away abroad on holder with the lads two or three times a year going away on weekends on the Lash with

    The lads I was right on the scene if you know what I’m talking about manding was and um Mrs blot was actually the one that kind of like asked me out cool long story short someone I know like a friend of the time he come over and said

    Oh there’s two lasses just walk past and um one of them just said she really fansing yeah I was thinking oh please make it the Blondie which was Mrs blood I say oh send her around for a big crack on anywhere she came around and it

    Was my wife Amanda obviously not me wife at the time and um we swap numbers I left the two or three days you know before I give a a phone call cuz I’m proper smooth you know I was a proper I was a proper Smooth Criminal

    About in the dayer manding course no no you know you just want to play a cool don’t you you don’t want to fall straight away after just the CMD the next day so I left the two or three days got in touch with her

    And then um we met up and we just hear it off straight away sometimes things just click don’t they things just click um I I’m not special I’m just a normal guy but obviously she must have liked something about us it’s not all about being the best looking lad in the

    World I see myself as a good laugh kind of a funny guy and Mrs BL must have liked that I’ve got no doubt at the time there have been loads of people want to go out with her cuz she was a single L when Amira she had two daughters broken and

    Demi if you’re watching broen Demi I love you and she had two daughters like eight nine year old so I nor every lad could just make L and take two kids on only like a rail man rail man dingo can do something like that but then the woman

    Is got to trust the man as well you know you don’t just want to let some pervert or some nons into your life when you’ve got two kitties you’ve got to be a trustworthy guy like me hard worker I’m blow me on trumping now AR there not you know what I’m talking

    About and um I would just clicked and we’ve been together like 18 19 year now something like that we’ve been married for 16 years so yeah when people see how do you manag to pull Mrs blot Mrs blood pulled me you better believe she did she’s the

    One that made the move on me I wouldn’t have dared try and pull M blood do you know what I mean guys I would look her back in the day when we were only like 27 cuz she’s a good-look woman now still but when we first

    Met yeah she was some girl and um yeah I would have looked at her and I would have thought yeah I’m not even going to see anything rude you know what I mean guys but you know what I’m talking about IID look out and think Shield Ding Dang do for this

    Maning go but I wouldn’t have dared as her out cuz I would have just expected that to see you like on your bike you know but um all right Mrs blot was the one that funed me can you blame her can you blame her can you blame Mrs blood for fancying this

    Manding I’m only joking guys Jesus I’m nothing special I’m just I’m just a normal BL that works in a factory as I’ve said a million times before and this is my buz camping having a few beers and a few wys talking to you guys talking lords of

    Shite to you absolute Legends there you go I’ve waffled enough shite for now Jesus Christ I’ll be sitting watching this on Sunday night with Mrs BL and she’ll be looking at us thinking what the hell are you talking about but that’s why she’s with us cuz I talk a

    Load of shines and I make her laugh anyway guys I’m going to finish my beer off and then I’m going to have a nice little wasy to warm the the old chest around you up and it’s starting to rain heavier so I think I might have to jump on the top soon

    Ponsky bring you about a winner right welcome back to Camp crackhead the old TP is still holding up the wind’s picking up oh yes I think it’s time for a little wasky very soon Mandingo you know makes absolute total sense dice oh maton the glove of self love time for a little chess

    Warmer yeah a matron ch called Don M very much appreciated Mara oh yes right oh yes M bingos time for another Irish wasy lamb beer Irish wasy I’ve just came under the top it’s not raining or anything it did start to spit on not so long ago but then it stopped

    So I’ve just been sitting out there camera off just relaxing with a wasky and now it’s time for another one and I’m just in the mood for a little snack oh yes I’m going to have some of this Browns Bill Tong Perry Perry flavor very nice like I’ve said guys for

    Me Bill Tong any kind of Bill Tong is the perfect snack for camping but this is my favorite Rounds oh yes oh perfect Town sh can you hear that rain how nice ises that sound sitting here in a pretty minging Place only the top with the rein SP on Bild Tong was I’ve got you absolute Legends for company cuz all one by myself like I said before guys

    I never feel like I’m buy me some with all your Legends joining me tremendous I love this I absolutely love it well while I’m sitting there here CH I’m going to address something nothing serious cuz like I see nothing gets to me everything’s water for du back to this

    MinGa you know what I’m talking about guys but you know every Video every video when I do the little bit where it’s normally when I’m eating me food and I thank everyone for supporting the blood they door show this last week and I always say there’s your names down there and down there guys thank you so much for supporting the blood door

    Show you always get a couple of [ __ ] you always get a couple of paper i’ see a things like you know in the comment section they’ll see a things like mandinga or Chris you disgrace you would disg asking people for money you shouldn’t be asking people for money when times are so

    Hard I don’t know what they don’t understand I never ever ask for money that’s not what this chall’s about I never ever and I never have ask for money most YouTube channs are starting to do really well I’ve noticed to do like a is it called patreon or patreon thing

    I’ve got no problem with the p doing that if that’s what you want to do crack on guys but no on this channel nor on my watch any videos up out everything’s free I know people say I know but it’s extra things isn’t it you’re saying extra things that’s

    What you’re paying for the extra things no I used to do one video a week not too long ago and then I started doing two videos a week and I thought I’m not going to charge me subscribers cuz I’m doing two videos a week no chance pgy puns um I just think

    Just you guys watching that’s enough for me if I put two videos out a week on next year cuz I’m definitely going fulltime with YouTube at some point in the new year and I’m going to do like three videos a week I’m going to do as well as the Food

    Review in the stealth Camp I’m going to do a wild camping video every Wednesday wild count Wednesday hope you guys support me for that but I’m not going to charge people no chance I’m not going to say oh well join my patreon or patreon thing and you’ll see me extra

    Video no my videos is free for anyone that wants to watch so go on back to the thing where people are saying you shouldn’t be asking extra like asking for money I’m not asking for money every video every video I do guys in the comment section you know if you got to

    Comment on YouTube and you got to leave us a comment the first comment you’ll see is something that I’ve wrote and it’s a link for buy me a coffee so in that link you can buy me a coffee if you want and then I also leave a link

    For PayPal cuz a lot of people don’t want to use buy me a coffee they would prefer to go through PayPal cuz I think everyone’s got PayPal now haven’t they but that’s just there if you want to do it if you don’t want to do it if you

    Can’t afford to do it if it’s just something like you’re not interested in it doesn’t matter as long as you’re watching my videos I’m over the moon with that and I will never ask for any money so for for anyone that’s seeing you shouldn’t be asking for money

    Maning War I never have I never will and I will never ask for any money for extra videos like patreon my videos are free forever you want to watch you know what I’m talking about manding was you know what makes total sense there you go that’s the best way I can explain that

    Guys this channel is free for everyone always will be no matter how many videos I put out it’s free in the buy me a coffee link that’s there if anyone wants to use it and every week I’ll put people’s names on the screen well I am loving this sitting where normally crackheads

    Would hang out with some Bill tongue and wasy under a TP Tau you Legend life does not get much better jeez guys you know makes total sense for oh it’s pissing down now guys absolutely pissing down come on let’s get back under the top bring you back in a second

    Rles it’s getting chilly now guys you old warm Jack on and the Trappers heart oh sorry turn this light off I’m blinding you you know what time it is wasy time and this is what we’ve got this week guys lamb beer Irish wasy kindly given to me from a legend by

    The name of car Donley Chase car my man friend it is very much appreciated I’ve got the old famous CB Dingle here ready oh yes not much left as usual and let’s get that popped in there yes anyway let’s get the old bakeron out right there’s a few spices in there

    Guys I’ve got to be honest I am struggling a bit I’m coming down the bit flu again no the Wonder camping out in this cold weather but I’m not I’m not one for sitting in the house guys feeling sorry for myself so I’m going to try my

    Best yes I am getting a flute I’m getting the flu spices that makes sense doesn’t it I’m getting a flu spice P es I’m getting like a little bit orange pale there you know like a zesty orange pale apart from that I’m struggling a few spices a few orange

    Pales anyway that’s enough of the sniffing let’s get on with the tting rights oh no see me no is blocked like I see I’m coming down with cold man flow so I’m struggling up the old nose dingo man dingo is the see and the do don’t but the tasts M straighten the tongue

    Yes I’m find that a bit easier now I’m getting there a little tingle few spices not too much just a perfect amount so if you don’t like things too spicy but you want to feel a little tingle on the old Tong dingo Mingos this could be the perfect one for you also getting

    Yeah oh some like apples and maybe a little bit of a a strawberry thing going on there guys very nice indeed o wow yeah I know you see I’m cheating but anyone can look at the bottle anyone can look on Amazon and see what it tastes like

    Now that says it’s got a peppery thing going on and it has like I said A tingle on the old Tong Dingle Tong Dingle oh it doesn’t seem much else apart from that I’m getting some floral notes like a nice lovely cracked almond taste now I love almonds if you’ve watched my videos

    Long enough guys you’ll have heard me say that a few times before yes a lovely almond thing going on oh and it just goes down so smooth and so creamy like a nice thick cream going down the throat oh maton oh yes seriously though guys it’s absolute top little drop of wasy and

    I’ve got to be honest you know I don’t cl to be some expert I love a wasy but I’m no whiskey connoisseur lamb wasy I have heard of it but I’ve never had it before that’s the first time I’ve had it so thank you so much to car Donley for treat meate of

    That so kind of you my man friend and he’s a local lad as well so Chase M yeah like a nice fruity apple and strawberry thing going on like I said peppery I’ve cheated there it’s not like I’m hiding it from you I I had a look there on camera

    There was nothing on the bottle I told us where it said apart from it’s it said like a like a peppery kick I’d already said A tingle on the old tongue dingo but it has got like a lovely Armond thing going on as well Down the Hatch Guys wow and so smooth I’ve just took a massive gulp there that’s gone down so smooth it hasn’t burnt your mouth it hasn’t done like what a lot of whiskies do where you get a drink and you go so nice so smooth very good I’m going to give that lamb beer Irish

    Wasy I’m so impressed from a whiskey that I’ve never even heard of before wait I have heard of it but I’ve never tried it yes I’m going to give it a big fat juicy 99.2 out of 10 dingo bandingo oh yes you better believe I am

    And you know what I’m talking about this is serious stealth cing yes right for up okay then guys that’s the king prawns and mushrooms bubbling away let’s get the old uncle bkis in roasted garlic lyses I’m going to mix that round now I’m going to have to turn the camera off cuz

    I don’t want to knock the pan sexual over the old panexual pan seexual bring it back in a couple of seconds nice oh yes guys time to do some munching glad back under the top it’s getting very cold I’m going to eat this and I’m going to get straight to me sleeping

    Bag and get some sleep but look at that a thing of beauty garlic lice sliced mushrooms and King prawns with garlic chili and coriander oh wow a nice hot mail fit for zingo and that is hot wow I tell you what when I first turned

    Up after a stressful day cuz I it was just one of them days where I was thinking to myself I’m not really looking forward to coming today cuz I was that busy rushing about just got back from holiday yesterday oh look at that King prawns Mushrooms piping H normally when I’m having a a bit of a [ __ ] time and I get them coming straight away I’m like yes this will do for me Ming go oh God that’s red H yeah when I first came out the deer it took us a while to get into it I

    Don’t know why I think it was because I came in an area you couldn’t get your pegs into the ground are you had me little bivy it was spitting on the rain I was having to try and put me top up with rocks and Bricks where normally even if it’s

    Raining I can just put my tent up cuz I’m quite happy no matter where I am I’m not bothered if it’s pissing it down the rain if I get me little tent up I can s inside I can syrup like this so yeah it was kind of a bummer

    When I first arrived but like every come and trip once I get settled and I start having a big crack on WE you absolute Legends I just love it I absolutely love it and I’m loving it now guys I’m absolutely loving it now How can you not love this sitting under the top in the wind eating King prawns mushrooms garlic lice look at that yes this is the life of me guys and this is the we the we of zingle is the SE in the deepest Forest start

    Again this is the we is the sea in the deepest Forest of the Congo took two times see that but who Cares the deepest Forest of the Congo is where you’ll find the best lyses with King bronze and garlic well guys obviously I’m sitting here talking an absolute Lord of shite as usual the deepest Forest of the Congo where have I getting that from well I’m going to take this chance now to to

    See a massive thank you to all you absolute Legends who have supported the BR out door show this last week I really appreciate guys more than anything in the world like I was saying earlier on you so kind definitely you know at the minute where everyone’s struggling everyone’s struggling even people who have got money I haven’t to tight the bells at

    The minute and be a bit more careful so for you guys to go out you we and buy me a coffee well that is absolutely unbelievable and I’m so happy and I’m so grateful so guys there’s your names down there and down there thank you so much you absolute bunch of

    Legend don’t worry man ding was if your name is not there remember I am now a wicke so this video that you’re watching now I recorded last weekend so if you were expecting to see your names there don’t worry my man friends and woman friend dingos I haven’t forgotten about you your names

    Will 100% % be on next weekend’s video you better believe the wheel yeah one more time guys thank you so much each and every one of is is absolute Legend you better believe you are and you know makes total sense well guys not much left of this k por lice with mushroom

    Skis I’m going to finish it off car quick slash qu and I’ll bring you absolute Legends back when I’m in the bivvy and I’m ready to see bonjour in good night Vienna at exactly the same time nice okay guys a right tight squeeze in the Biv it’s a bit of a

    Nightmare I definitely prefer the tent it’s half 2 iny Morgan yes I’ve had a great night it’s been fantastic I’ve just had a nice hot meal so my tummy is well full of nice hot lice and King prawns my body C is red hot I’m in me sleeping

    Bag it’s time to get some sh I I will see you Legends festing in the morning at coffee time and I’ve got some nice biscuits as well they’re not called nice they’re called nice you better believe Ming goes see you in the morning you know make sense right am good morning guys qu

    Slept like a baby tops done the old job dingo perfect the m mandingos is the SE in the do doing it’s been windy during the night oh a been raining as well just a few minutes ago when I was just lying there cuzz I was just lying there with me eyes

    Shut it was it was reing then but as you can see it’s stopped so I think it’s a good time to get up now get a quick slash Gordon get packed away before it starts raining again right guys [ __ ] he’s the police right I’m going to get up get a

    Quick pee bring your Legends back in a win m so that’s may all packed away guys the old bag dad is ready to PR your back bin Diesel with all me shite as you can see there’s too much rubbish lying around absolutely shitloads if there’s

    Only a couple of bits and pieces I don’t mind bugging them up and taking them with his but there’s no point picking a couple of pieces up here this is where I had the the top and so as you can see guys I’ve left nus nus Ro from this

    Manding well guys that’s the direction we’re going to be heading back up through the hole in the fence and back along the main road I’ll bring you Legends back when we making a move forward and we’re getting out at DOD City here will go my f sexuals that’s it

    Well that’s it folks that’s the end of this week’s stealth coming video I hope you’ve enjoyed it I’ve had a great time as usual if you have enjoyed it guys please give me a thumbs up leave a comment I do read everyone and I’ll try and get back to as many people as

    Possible spread the word about the blood Outdoor Show tell people let’s try and get this channel really going nearly at 50k Subs now guys so thank you so much for that it is very much appreciated manding was that’s it please join me next week for another foodie Friday

    Video and obviously I’ll be back out camping next weekend you know make sense Right


    1. Chris, me and my partner love you, we anxiously wait for our 3 month baby to fall asleep so we can watch your videos undisturbed Mandingo you know what I'm talking about 😂

    2. Chomping on some beef, wind rattling tarp saying mmm mmm I love it 😂 made me really lol
      Ur vids have humour, top man. Hi from Holland 🇳🇱

    3. So glad to here your channel is giving you the opportunity to follow your passion Chris. Don't give any though to the nay sayers or keyboard warriors. You keep making videos I'll keep watching . Good luck.

    4. Hello from Canada I love camping n drink lol love the show I just came across it yesterday been binging on it good laugh n I think u n Smick r pretty funny guys keep up the good work coffee Comming ur way soon cheers boys .

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