Join us for a family bike trip in Basque Country, French side !
    Enjoy :))


    “Cuba” by the Gibson Brothers, no copyright infringement intended

    Today we Embark upon a journey to the fast Country Pines and we’re supposed to be biking today but we all feel quite sick so we’re taking it easy and may end up training with our bikes we’ll see what are you looking forward to on this family bike

    Trip what are you looking forward to Jonah oh my God the nice Silence of biking and what are you least looking forward to on this bike trip biking all righty right here first shout out to our beautiful little cottage here in the PES uh near pal FR look at these roses

    My God magnificent and you can see they continue on down there we are we picked out our bikes we’ve loaded up the piers and we are waiting to go Jonah how are you feeling feeling bad I’m not feeling bad how are you feeling Father what how are you feeling good great how are you feeling about the bik trip awesome so we got some mixed emotions no mixs no mixed emotions over here just positive over here um and yeah we’re just we have a lot of things to do before we hit the

    Road but it’s only 2 hours of biking today and today is the longest day of biking so I don’t think so oh I think there’s a 4H hour day there’s a 4H hour day 4 hours longest day not that bad our parents have disappeared we don’t know where they

    Went you got some beverages in the meantime some more specul no we are rationing and it’s very hot honestly now I’m like I totally wear my dress if I wanted to totally no one is having fun I’m having a blast so we’re about to head off the PES

    Turn it back on me um we have our paneers here load it up a little mount for our phone helmet for safety and we’re about to hit the road these bikes are extremely heavy and I’m a little bit worried but I don’t know how to bike Jonah doesn’t know how to bike

    So that might be a problem but I’m just going to let you figure it out B yeah little bike don’t film her without confirmation you might get sued all right I don’t out a bike and I’m really scared and these are the view wow it was cool pretty

    Cool so yeah we’re out here finally literally 6 hours later probably spent 6 hours in barretts waiting around what do you think Jonah it’s all right it’s all right I’m glad I haven’t fallen yet yeah well within the first 2 seconds father dropped the jar of cheah fish on

    The ground and showered it so yep we’re vibing Not sure where we are But I bet you see more frch listening to American Music than fren mus what I bet you more French I bet you SE more French listening to American music and French music I don’t understand wait these houses where are we what is the name of this city no idea look at these buildings this song is not that good well get your own Music south of France my friends you dance to the music like nobody does the first time I saw you I knew it was Love my heart is on fire we’re in the middle of farm country just went up on a big hill waiting for the others gorgeous out here gorgeous just went through this little town that was all white buildings with red shutters very beautiful okay what are we doing today

    Uh I don’t know what are we doing we’re going on another bike ride okay where we’re going to let me consult the app yes good how do you switch it’s too bright how do you change go up closer to it little closer W um today we’re going to where we are now

    To S we’re going over the Spanish border really I have to turn my cell service off cuz free mobile sucks down with free mobile your GoPro is only on 39% uh-oh that’s okay 39 will get us through the day but that’s long enough you can stop it all right Jesus so this

    Is a PA Apparently one of the most beautiful cities in France to me it looks like all the other ones but it is beautiful I will say that of course how can you deny but this is beautiful so far today has been hilly and mountainous like that beautiful I’ve been out

    Vaded sure is strong more strong more strong you like to be honest being honest where are we now now we are still in France I think this gu’s wearing a b but um going to cross Spanish B this beautiful little town arrived in the village of witches and look at this cool Church

    What how are you guys feeling good tired tired beautiful let’s explore outfit of the day turn around today okay yeah you can tell us this is what I’m biking behind all day long okay today I got on these old sneakers waffle ones Nike shoes y those look horrible I got some socks

    Underneath there um I got theid pants these are father’s old pants cool um some underwear from Target okay um personal a plain black shirt okay I got this in France and a CDG sweatshirt okay and a helmet and my bike looking like a shroom all right let me do

    Mine today I’m wearing my A6 running shoes with my um gold Gold Toe pink socks and my TJ Max oh you’re wearing gold toes too mhm me too W my TJ Max uh serpent leggings I’m wearing no it’s okay it’s just past minute my um um what t-shirt is

    This oh yeah this is a team repping UVM C track and field this is my Jackson Wyoming sweatshirt and my Corsica cap jewelry from Kazakhstan and yeah International girl okay turn it off on some bling our window sir yes sir please step away from the window sir please step away I’m going to

    Have to call security okay I’m going to shut the window now please step away from the window I’m calling security I’m calling security oh oh sorry Jonah time just unlock ow Karma get getting ready to go biking today this is a horrible angle oh my God horrible

    And we have a short bike ride Today still all a little bit sick but then we get to our hotel we’re getting into Beach Country so that’ll be fun and Yeah yes you are By look at all these dogs one 2 3 4 You Track eight over there nine and there’s some these kennels over here my goodness smile for the Vlog are you happy I’m not happy I’m sad where’s the see that tree right there what of you what of you what of you what

    Let me pi you what of you what of you here we are in bass country France still on our way down the mountain woohoo need some water A Classic Shell Playa we have one more leg of the trip tomorrow but it’s very chill and we went

    In the water and now we’re looking to get a haircut somewhere then we’re going to have dinner and it is beautiful today wella’s still little sick un Fortunately ooh get all waiting for the folks to catch up this is insane so beautiful this is our final day of our bike trip and we have a ways to go but she’ll be there soon so Gorge just had a wonderful time a Plage what was it

    Called what’s it called was it cold the beach what’s it called it was very hot okay well anyway it was very hot I don’t know what it was called but in our last Airbnb and it’s very nice here’s the view beautiful Jonah how are you feeling

    Sho is on okay and we’re going to go into town and get some dinner feeling very beached out and then tomorrow we go to Leo but we finished the bike ride so that’s very exciting and it’s a beautiful day the fast weather yet what they throw out these moldy shoes

    Not these other find to throw these ones are good moldy yeah these AR not The Moldy ones you want to see The Moldy ones yeah really where the moldy ones this is crazy moldy ones no you’re kidding oh my God Jonah what well I thought I did how did That you number one yes you Are Get


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