Hello, everyone! This video presents some notable historic events that happened on each day during the month of November.

    To learn more about each of the events mentioned in today’s video, please visit the calendar on our website: https://www.historyandheadlines.com/this-day-in-history/

    Authors: History and Headlines contributors

    Editor and Narrator: Dr. Zar

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    Hello everyone this video presents some notable historic events that happened on each day during the month of November on November 1st 1893 a small force of British soldiers defeated a much larger force of African Warriors at the Battle of bzi in theth of rodesia now Zimbabwe during the first metab war on November 1st 1896 a picture showing the unclad or bare breasts of a woman appeared in National Geographic

    Magazine for the first time in the publications’s long history on November 1st 1911 the first known dropping of a bomb from an airplane in combat took place ushering in one more way for human beings to kill each other on November 1st 19 1944 the first of what would end

    Up to be thousands of missions by the famous Boeing b29 super Fortress flew over Tokyo Japan on a reconnaissance mission the first Allied aircraft over Tokyo since the 1942 D little raid on November 1st 1951 the US military conducted operation Buster jangle in which US soldiers were exposed to Atomic

    Explosions in Nevada so that the effects could be studied on November 1st 1968 the Motion Picture Association of America MPAA introduced a system of rating Motion Pictures with a letter rating system to guide audiences in choosing which movies to see especially in so far as movies they deemed

    Appropriate for child age groups finally on November 1st Mexicans continue their 3-day celebrations known as The Day of the Dead which begins on October 3th 1st and concludes on November 2nd on November 2nd 1898 the day recognized as the birth of cheerleading University of Minnesota um student Johnny Campbell became the first cheerleader in history directing fans and cheering on the Golden Gophers football team on November 2nd 1900 Dr Jacob G Sherman 1854 to 1942 president of the first

    Philippine commission stated should our power by any fatality be withdrawn the commission believed that the government of the Philippines would speedily lapse into Anarchy which would excuse if it did not NE necessitate the intervent ition of other powers and the eventual division of the islands among them only through American occupation

    Therefore is the idea of a free self-governing and United Philippine Commonwealth at all conceivable and the indispensable need from the Filipino point of view of maintaining American sovereignty over the archipelago is recognized by all intelligent Philip inos and even by those insurgents who desire an American protectorate the latter it is

    True would take the revenues and leave us the responsibilities nevertheless they recognize the indubitable fact that the Filipinos cannot stand alone thus the welfare of the Filipinos coincides with the dictates of national honor in forbidding our abandonment of the archipelago we cannot form any point of view escape the responsibilities of

    Government which our sovereignty entails and the commission is strongly persuaded that the performance of our national Duty will prove the greatest blessing to the people of the Philippine Islands on November 2nd 1947 Ecentric airplane designer Howard Hughes performed the maiden and only flight of his Spruce Goose also known as the H4

    The Hercules the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built on November 2nd 1951 a single platoon of the Royal Canadian regiment fighting in the Korean War on behalf of the United Nations held off a persistent attack by an entire Chinese Battalion on no November 2nd 1957 the north Texas Prairie town of leveland

    Population around 10,000 at the time was the scene of one of the better documented UFO incidents on November 2nd 2004 the great grand nephew of artist Vincent Van go Theo van Go Age 47 was brutally murdered by an Islamic terrorist while cycling in Amsterdam finally on November 2nd 2017

    We answered reader requests to tell them about the Russian equivalent of the American Military headquarters building known as the Pentagon on November 3rd 1783 Highway Man John Austin became the last person to be publicly hanged at London’s tyburn Gallows on November 3rd 1911 one of the most iconic American companies was founded when Lou Chevrolet teamed up with former General Motors co-founder William Durant to form the Chevrolet Motorcar Company on November 3rd

    1954 Godzilla the giant fire spewing dinosaur likee dragon born of nuclear bomb tests emerged from the sea and onto the Silver Screen to ravage Japan on November 3rd 1957 before any chimpanzee any man any woman any Russian any American went into space the Soviet dog Leica became the first astronaut

    Cosmonaut in Soviet terms in history an indication of just how important dogs are to people on November 3rd 2014 America’s newest skyscraper opened on the site in New York City of the former World Trade Center Twin Towers that were destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11th

    2001 finally on November 3rd 2020 the 2020 United un States of America US presidential election was the 59th quadrennial US presidential Election on November 4th 1922 British archaeologist Howard Carter found the entrance to Pharaoh Tuton Common’s tomb in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings on November 4th 19 24 the citizens of Wyoming took the historic step of electing the first woman governor of any state in the United States on November

    4th 1955 Denton true Sai Young died leaving the Earth as the greatest major league baseball pitcher in history so great in fact that the annual award for the best pitcher in each major league is named in his honor on November 4th 1962 69,000 ft above John at to in the

    Pacific Ocean a nuclear armed Nike Hercules anti-aircraft missile was detonated in the last atmospheric nuclear test by the United States on November 4th 1979 a mob of angry Iranians stormed the US Embassy in tyan and took 90 people hostage on Tuesday November 4th 2008 Barack Hussein Obama became the first

    American of African descent elected president of the United United States or you could call him the first biracial president since his mother was of white European descent and his father was a black subaran African finally on November 4th 2014 voters in Cleveland Ohio had the opportunity to vote against

    One of the more orwellian aspects of modern society red light Cameras on November 5th 1530 the St Felix flood destroyed the city of ryers valal in the Netherlands and killed over a 100,000 people making it the fifth deadliest flood in human history on November 5th 1895 an unlikely candidate from Rochester New York became the first American to patent an automobile George

    Seldon was actually an attorney that l to dabble in his workshop on November 5th 1943 despite explicit orders from Allied in axis commanders four bombs from a bomber airplane were dropped on the Vatican on November 5th 2009 Fort Hood Texas became the scene of the worst Slaughter of US military personnel at an

    American installation when major nidol Malik Hassan an army psychiatrist of all people went on a murderous shooting spr that left 13 dead and 32 wounded on November 5th 2017 with President Donald J Trump Under Fire from all sides we took the opportunity to at least congratulate him on setting a fine

    Example to the Youth of America by neither smoking nor drinking alcohol tragically though on that same day November 5th 2017 Devin Patrick Kelly of new brunfels Texas went on a shooting rampage at the First Baptist Church in southernland Springs Texas killing 26 people and wounding another

    20 victims in what was the worst mass shooting in the history of the state of Texas yet also on November 5th 2017 US citizen and former NRA shooting instructor Steven Wilford stopped a mass murder in his tracks when Wilford employed his own AR-15 style rifle to

    Stop a gunman that had just shot and killed 26 people crime Thriller film fans who are also fear strong and fearless women were among the first in Cleveland Ohio to see the girl in The Spiders web a new Dragon Tattoo story on Monday November 5th 2018

    At 700 p.m. at Cinemark and Valley viw Ohio finally on Thursday November 5th 2020 at 7:30 p.m. for some lucky individuals looking for some needed relief and entertainment after the election Kim Moss PR hosted a virtual screening of Focus Features let him go starring Kevin cner and Diane Lane On November 6 1632 at the Battle of luten during the 30 Years War the swedes won but their King Gustavus Adolphus died in the Battle on November 6 1789 Pope pasus I 6 appointed Jesuit priest John Carroll as the first Catholic bishop in the United States although he had ear earlier been

    Excommunicated on November 6th 1935 the hucker hurricane the first modern British fighter plane made its first flight on November 6 1995 owner of the Cleveland Browns Art Modell made an announcement that broke the hearts of Cleveland football fans that he was moving the team to Baltimore finally on

    November 6 2017 we followed up our article from November 5th 2017 about presidents of the US and their smoking habits with an answer to a reader query about the status of women Visa smoking Through The Years on November 7th 1492 the same year that Christopher Columbus made his epic Voyage to the new world a large meteor fell in the town of enim elas Austria in what what is now France on November 7th 1775 an announcement known as dunmore’s Proclamation the first movement to free African-Americans From Slavery also

    Known as emancipation took place when the royal governor of Virginia offered freedom to any slave willing to fight for the British against the colonies in the American Revolution on November 7th 1907 Jesus Garcia saved the entire town of nakos AR de Garcia Sonora by driving a burning train full of dynamite 6 kilm

    Away before it could explode November 7th 1933 fiorello de lag Guardia was first elected mayor of the city of New York an office he would hold until December 31st 1945 on November 7th 1980 a supernatural horror film titled the boogeyman was released to theaters in the United

    States of America on November 7 2000 the US DEA made a drug bust of one of the largest illegal LSD labs in the United States finally on November 7th 2018 movie fans in the United States had only two more days to wait for the next movie and The Girl with the Dragon tatto

    Cinematic Series this time the girl in The Spiders web on November 8th 1520 the Stockholm bloodbath began an event which followed the successful invasion of Sweden by Danish forces that resulted in the execution of around 100 people on November 8th 1837 Mary lion founded Mount Holio female Seminary which later became Mount

    Holio College in South Hadley Massachusetts on November 8th 1901 people once again prove that human beings are willing to Riot over just about anything this time it happened in Greece and was precipitated by the publication of the Gospel of Matthew in a translation from Latin into the modern

    Greek vernacular demonic Greek known as black Thursday November 8th 1901 was the climax of The Gospel riots and eight of the riers were killed on November 8th 1895 German phys pH IST vilhelm Rotan discovered what has become known as x-rays November 8th 1923 a World War I decorated disaffected and discontented

    German veteran LED his Nazi party followers in an unsuccessful coup against the German viar government an event known to history as the Munich Beer Hall PCH the failure of this attempted coup resulted in Adolf Hitler being convicted of treason and sentenced to prison where he wrote his his Nazi Bible

    Minec on November 8th 1950 early in the Korean War a US Lockheed f80 shooting star America’s first operational jet fighter flown by US Air Force Lieutenant Russell Brown shot down a soviet-built MIG 15 piloted by a North Korean pilot in the first air-to-air combat between jet planes and aviation history on

    November 8th 1973 the severed right ear of John Getty III was delivered to a newspaper with a ransom note demanding $3.2 million in return for the kidnapped eror to the Getty fortune on November 8th 2016 the 58th quadrennial American presidential election was held on November 8th 2018 we took a look at the

    Evolution of gambling in the United States with the ultimate result of the Advent of online casino gambling finally on November 8 201 19 a big really big war movie about one of the most pivotal battles of World War II hit the big screens across the United States when Midway made its

    Debut on November 9th 694 the 17th Council of Toledo opened a third round ordered by eeda King of the vizigot in Spain a council of Bishops of the Christian Church November 9th 1913 the Great Lake storm of 1913 the most destructive natural disaster ever to hit the North American Lakes destroyed 19

    Ships and killed more than 250 people November 9th 1918 in the face of catastrophic defeat after 4 years of debilitating War Kaiser vilhelm II of Germany abdicated his throne and went into Exile in the Netherlands on November 9th 1965 22-year-old American Roger Allen leaport a former Catholic seminarian sat

    Down calmly poured gasoline over himself and burned himself to death in front of the United Nations in New York in a protest of the Vietnam War on November 9th 1979 the computers that served the North American Aerospace Defense command NORAD the American and Canadian an anti-nuclear Defense Agency wrongly

    Reported that a massive Soviet nuclear strike was on the way triggering an alert that nearly caused the US to launch its own massive retaliatory Nuclear Strike November 9th 2016 Donald John Trump New York Real Estate Mogul and television star was verified as the winner of the 2016 US presidential

    Election on November 9th 2018 the new Blockbuster science fiction action adventure film Overlord made its Us opening in theaters across the country finally black and white Coming of Age comedy drama fans had the chance to be among the first in Cleveland Ohio to see Belfast on Tuesday November 9th 2021 at

    700 p.m. at Cedar Le theater in Cleveland Heights Ohio on November 10th 122 despite letters from Pope Innocent III forbidding it and threatening excommunication Catholic Crusaders on The Fourth Crusade began a Siege of the Catholic city of Zara now zadar Croatia on November 10th 1580 another chapter in

    The Long sorry story of the troubled relationship between the English and the Irish was written when the English army finished a three-day Siege of dun and or Fort of gold at ard neat Ireland by beheading 600 of the Defenders including members of a Papal Army contingent just

    One of a long history of atrocities committed by both sides on November 10th 1775 the finest fighting force in the history of the world was born when the United States Marine Corps was established in a Philadelphia Tavern by Samuel Nicholas on November 10th 1793 the government of revolutionary France

    Celebrated the Festival of reason as it rejected traditional religion mostly Catholicism in France and inserted a philosophy known as The Cult of reason as the national religion on November 10th 1865 the long sad Saga of the camp Sumpter prisoner of war camp located in Andersonville Georgia finally came to a

    Conclusion of sorts when the camp commandant Confederate major Henry WS was hanged for for the crimes of conspiracy and murder for his terrible treatment of Union Soldiers held captive at the camp popularly known as Andersonville on November 10th 1871 Welsh American journalist Henry Morton Stanley finally met the man he

    Had come so far to see the missionary Reverend David Livingstone prompting Stanley to blandly State Dr Livingston I presume November 10th 1898 marks the beginning of the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 the only instance of a municipal government being overthrown in United States history finally on November 10th 2006

    The 231st birthday of the United States Marine Corps President George W bush officially opened the national museum of the Marine Corps at quanico Virginia November 11th 1620 while anchored in Provincetown Harbor off Cape Cod the male passengers of the Mayflower wrote and signed a document known as the Mayflower Compact November 11th 1673 General Jan seski of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth successfully used military Rockets designed by kazmir’s simovic and the Second Battle

    Of ctin in the Ukraine helping to defeat ottoman forces on November 11th 1911 the Midwest region of the United States experien one of the weirdest weather days in American history when it was hit by the cold wave the great blue Norther on November 11th 1918 over a century ago Germany signed an Armistice

    Agreement with the allies and a railroad car in the forest of compan France officially ending the fighting of World War I at the 11th Hour of the 11th day in the 11th month but all fighting did not actually end at that exact time and nor did the war finally on November 11th

    1993 a sculpture honoring the women that served in the Vietnam War was dedicated at the site of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC November 12th 1933 Hugh gray took the first known photos of the Loch Ness Monster on November 12th 1944 the Royal Air Force RAF used its heavy bomber the Avro

    Lancaster to drop tall boy bombs on the last German battleship the tpet on November 12th 1970 the people along the Pacific coast of Oregon found out the answer to to the question how many state highway department employees does it take to blow up a whale on November 12th 1985 fans of mixed martial

    Arts fighting got an early Christmas present when the little girl that would grow up to become the most famous ring girl in MMA was born Penelope Lopez Marquez was born appropriately in Las Vegas Nevada although you would know her better as arani Celeste finally on November 12th 1993

    Denver Colorado became the site of the first ever Ultimate Fighting Championship event titled UFC 1 what has become the premier promotion of mixed martial arts fighting November 130002 English king Eed II the unready ordered the killing of all Danes and in England known today as the St Bryce’s

    Day Massacre on November 13th 1901 a British Lifeboat crew answered the distress flares of a small ship in Peril off the coast of Norfolk England only to suffer terrible hardships in attempting to launch their Lifeboat from Shore to go to the sailors in Peril November 12th through 13th 1970 an Indian Ocean

    Cyclone with winds over 150 mph hit what is now Bangladesh then East Pakistan killing more than three times the number of people killed in the Adam Bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined on November 13th 1974 the real story of The Amityville Horror began when Ronald defo Jr

    Savagely murdered his entire family in the house featured in the popular Horror Story November 13 2013 a painting painted by Francis Bacon in 1969 called three studies of Lucian Freud sold for an incredible 142.5 million doar the most ever paid for a painting on the evening of 13 November

    2015 a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris France and its northern suburb santon on November 13th 2017 in the United States we celebrated the annual chance for unmarried Spencers to catch themselves a husband in the sad Hawkins day Race For Freedom on Monday November 13th 2017 at

    700 p.m. dark comedic drama fans had their chance to be among the first in Cleveland to see three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri at cerly theater in Cleveland Heights Ohio finally on November 13th 2019 we celebrated Lucky 13 by telling the history of the card game poker a game that enjoys widespread

    Popularity and comes in so many forms it would be difficult to explain all the different games on November 14th the Orthodox Church celebrates St Theodora who once spanked a man after he talked trash about his own wife on November 14th 1851 author Herman Melville published his

    Greatest book Moby Dick or the whale on November 14th 1889 American female journalist Nelly B began her trip around the world in a successful attempt to match the fictional story of filus fog who went around the World in 80 Days in the 1873 Jules Vern novel by the same

    Title on November 14th 1941 British royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal sunk after being torpedoed by a German uboat submarine the day before on November 14th 1967 physicist Theodore mman an American working for Hughes Research Laboratories was finally granted a patent for the optical merer microwave amplification by

    Stimulated emission of radiation device he called the laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation once the stuff of Science Fiction and now an everyday common electronic Vice on November 14th 1978 over 40 years ago today the number one song in the United States was the disco dance tune

    MacArthur Park by the queen of disco Donna Summer on November 14th 2013 Canadian law enforcement struck a major blow Against Child exploitation when the outcome of project spade a three-year operation which resulted in the International arrest of 348 criminals and the rescue of 3 83 exploited children and child sex slaves was

    Officially made public on the evening of 13 November 2015 a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris France and its northern suburb santon the attacks consisted of mass shooting suicide bombings bombings and hostage taking including bombings near the stad to France in Santan the deadliest attack

    Was at the bacan theater where attackers took hostages and engaged in a standoff with police until it was ended on 14 November 2015 on November 14th 2017 we took the opportunity to review the new film three Billboards outside ebbing Missouri that we had the chance to screen the previous

    Night in a full theater finally and also on Tuesday November 14th 2017 superhero fans had their chance to be among the first in Cleveland to see Justice League at 700 p.m. in Valley View Ohio November 15th 1280 St albertus Magnus died after having reportedly built an Android and discovered the philosopher stone but according to the faithful his body did not deteriorate and according to Mary Shelly his writings influenced mad scientist Victor Frankenstein on November 15th 1914 the pre-national football league professional football

    World was saddened by the death of a Season Pro Center Harry Turner of the Canton professionals now there is a catchy name of the Ohio league on November 15th 1942 the hle H 219 often called the U which is German for eagle owl made its first flight on November

    15th 1969 the Cold War and the icy waters of the barren sea became real when the US submarine USS G collided with the Soviet submarine k19 on November 15th 1971 a history changing event took place when Intel Corporation released their 404 microchip processor for sale allowing the manufacturer of small

    Computers on November 15th 2010 Manchester University press published a hard cover edition of Andrew Smith’s the ghost story 1840 to 1920 on November 15th 2018 we brought to you good news and bad news about screening the latest Harry Potter Universe major film fantastic Beast the crimes of Grindelwald on November 15th 2019 fans

    Of the 1976 to 1981 television franchise by the same name and the two feature films that continued the the story line Charlie’s Angels 2000 and Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle 2003 retreated to the latest iteration of the action adventure series when that Year’s version of Charlie’s Angels made its

    Debut across the United States finally on Monday November 15 2021 biographical drama fans had their chance to be among the first in Cleveland Ohio to see King Richard at 700 p.m. at Regal Crocker Park Stadium 16 and iMac in Westlake Ohio on November 16th 1871 the National Rifle Association

    Received its Charter from the state of New York starting a long and distinguished history as a major force and encouraging Marksmanship by Americans as preparation for possible military service and promoting the Shooting Sports on November 16th 1914 the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opened as a series of 12

    Banks serving 12 Federal Reserve Districts with each Bank tasked with implementing the monetary policy of the United States as set forth by the Federal Open Market Committee all being authorized by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 on November 16th 1938 the psychedelic drug lysergic acid diethylamide LSD that

    Has since become known as acid was first synthesized in basil Switzerland by scientist Albert Hoffman a genius not to be confused with 1960s American Social radical Abby Hoffman also on November 16th 1938 two young Mill workers from Halifax England were attacked by anus elusive blade wielding madman who became known as the Halifax

    Slasher on November 16th 1974 a radio signal was sent from Earth to the star cluster known as M13 in an attempt to communicate with whatever intelligent life forms may exist in that area of the universe finally on November 16th 2020 as the United States and the rest of the

    World continued to be ravaged by the covid-19 pandemic we looked back to a previous pandemic of enormously greater proportions the infamous Black Death of bubanic plague that ravaged much of the world in the 14th century on November 17th 1810 Sweden declared war on its Ally the United

    Kingdom to begin the Anglo Swedish War although no fighting ever took place and there were no casualties on November 17th 1858 Denver Colorado the town that builds itself as the mile high city because of its elevation of 5,280 ft above sea level exactly 1 US mile was founded November 17th 1871 the National

    Rifle Association NRA was first chartered in the state of New York by William Church the editor of the Army and Navy journal and General George wood Windgate November 17th 1894 the murderous career of HH Holmes one of the first modern documented serial killers came to an end when he was arrested in Boston

    Massachusetts on November 17th 1993 the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution establishing the nor North American Free Trade Agreement normally referred to as NAFTA a trade treaty between the United States Canada and Mexico that has generated bitter political debate ever since on November 17th 2005 the puppy that came to be

    Known as Giant George was born in Arizona a puppy that would become the tallest living dog in the world and as far as we know the tallest dog ever at that time November 17th 2017 the DC Comics inspired superhero action movie Justice League made its Nationwide Premiere in theaters across the

    USA on November 17th 2019 we celebrated another one of those madeup holidays actually all holidays or made up holidays National homemade bread day finally on Tuesday November 17th 2020 a limited number of you had a chance at watching a virtual screening of sound of metal at 7:30

    P.m. on November 18th 1307 Swiss Archer William Tell split an apple into two pieces on his son’s head with a well- aimed Arrow Contrary to Pat Robertson’s beliefs on November 18th 1803 Haitians won their independence not with the devil’s assistance but with their victory at the Battle of verier the last major battle of the Haitian revolution on November 18th 1963 Bell Telephone introduced a new way to dial a telephone something referred

    To as dual tone multifrequency DTMF technology or touchone know the trademark name dialing on November 18th 1982 5 days after a championship fight for the lightweight 135 PBS Crown Kim Duku of Korea died from a blow given by Ohio boxer Ray Boom Boon manini the defending champ on November 18th 1988

    President Ronald Reagan signed into law legislation the anti-drug Abuse Act of 1988 that made certain drug trafficking offenses punishable by the death penalty a sharp escalation of the War on Drugs on November 18th 1993 the US House of Representatives passed the North American free trade agreement that had been negotiated by

    President George HW Bush in 1992 on November 18th 2017 we celebrated the annual apple cider Day a National Day in the United States and in the United Kingdom on November 18th 2018 just after the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War I we looked back

    Over the past almost 62 years to take a look at things we find commonplace today that did not exist when major Dan was born in January of 1957 on November 18th 20120 learning history might be a passion for some people yet some kids and their moms and dads that were homeschooling children

    During the pandemic find this subject boring and difficult finally on Thursday November 18th 2021 biographical crime drama fans here was your chance to be among the first in Cleveland Ohio to see House of Gucci at 700 p.m. at Silverspot Cinema Pine Crest in Orange Village Ohio on November 19th 1703 one of history’s

    Most celebrated prisoners died while still in prison an unidentified Man known to us as the Man in the Iron Mask on November 19th 1911 the infamous Doom bar located at the mouth of the river camel in Cornwall England where it empties into the Celtic Sea claimed another pair of ships sinking both on

    November 19th 1941 hmas Sydney and hsk Coran sank each other off the coast of Western Australia with the loss of 645 Australians and about 77 Germans seamen on November 19th 1990 the pop singing Duo Millie vanil was stripped of the Grammy music award they had been given

    For Best New Artist on November 19th 1998 the uned United States House of Representatives began hearings on the Monica Lewinsky President Bill Clinton sex scandal that would result in Clinton being impeached for lying about the affair finally on November 19th 2004 the National Basketball Association reached perhaps its lowest point in its history

    When players and fans engaged in a rumble at the Palace of Auburn Hills outside Detroit Michigan on November 20th 1518 sir marmaduk Constable a tutor era English courtier and Soldier died in a most unusual way when he drank a glass of water and swallowed the frog that was

    In the water on August of 1819 The Nantucket whaling ship Essex set sail on a 2 and 1 half year wailing voyage that on November 20th 1820 turned into eternity on November 20th 1861 certain representatives of some Kentucky counties calling themselves the confederate government of Kentucky seceded from the Union of the United

    States of America on November 20th 1917 a combined Allied offensive British and French stepped off against the Germans at kre France on November 20th 19 1980 Texico the petroleum and gasoline company with the red star logo accidentally penetrated a salt mine as it drilled an oil well beneath the Louisiana Lake

    Causing the water to drain on November 20th 1998 a huge step in the history of space exploration took place when the zarus segment of the International Space Station ISS was launched the first part of the largest man-made object to orbit the Earth on Wednesday November 20th 2013 the cable network FX aired the

    Second episode of American Horror Story coven to feature Danny Houston as the X-Man of New Orleans the nickname given to a never identified serial killer responsible for at least eight unsolved murders finally on Monday November 20th 2017 biographical comedy drama fans had their chance to be among the first in

    Cleveland to see The Disaster Artist at 7:30 p.m. at Cedar Le theater in Cleveland Heights Ohio on November 21st 164 BC Judas macabus dedicated the second temple in Jerusalem a restoration of the temple first built by Solomon on Temple mount in 957 BC on November 21st

    1916 in the waters of the aian sea near the island of Kaa The British hospital ship HMHS bratanic the new and approved version of the Titanic struck a naval mine and sank becoming the largest vessel sunk during World War I on November 21st 1927 the grossly inappropriately named

    Serine Colorado failed to live up to its idolic name and was witness to a massacre of UN armed coal miners by the Colorado State militia an event usually called the Coline mine Massacre and alternatively called simply the Coline Massacre on November 21st 1959 music DJ and rock and roll legend

    Alan freed was fired by WABC in New York for refusing to sign a statement that he had never taken poola bribes from record companies to play and promote certain records on November 21st 1967 the American commander of US forces in Vietnam General William Westmorland made the assertion I am absolutely

    Certain that whereas in 1965 the enemy was winning today he is certainly losing finally on November 21st 1986 Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North a member of the National Security Council of the Ronald Reagan Administration was busy shredding documents destroying evidence of criminal activity of the Reagan Administration as part of the Iran

    Contra affair the 22nd of November is Indi be etched in the Public’s mind with the death of John F Kennedy in 1963 while pirate offici andado everywhere mourn the 1718 loss of one of the most colorful Pirates of all time Edward Teach better known as Blackbeard on November 22nd

    1896 George Washington Gale Ferris junor the inventor of the ferris wheel died in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania of typhoid fever November 22nd 1963 President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas in the aftermath Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed officer JD tippet a 39-year-old 11-year veteran of the police department

    On November 22nd 1986 boxer Mike Tyson won the heavyweight boxing championship at the record young age of 20 years old on November 22nd 1988 one of the most costly of the Cold War high technology weapons was revealed when the Prototype of the Northrup Grumman B2 Spirit stealth B was made public finally on

    November 22nd 2021 we took a look at the three major Motion Pictures based on the 1965 Frank Herbert science fiction novel Dune along with the television miniseries on the same topic on this date in 187 6 a public Cry For Justice was answered when WM Boss Tweed was turned over to Legal

    Authorities in New York City after having been captured in Spain on November 23rd 1889 the pet Royale Saloon in San Francisco became the home of the first public jukebox a coin operated contraption that played Records On Demand on November 23rd 1948 Lewis Robert Hack Wilson one of Major League

    Baseball’s greatest hitters and one-time highest paid player in the National League died penales and no one not even his own son would claim the body on November 23rd 1953 a United States Air Force f89c Interceptor fighter jet was scrambled to intercept an unknown radar contact over Lake Michigan on November 23rd

    1976 Frenchman jacqu mayal became the the first free diver No SCUBA or other source of air to reach the incredible depth of 100 m on November 23rd 1992 Society took another giant step forward with the introduction of the IBM Simon personal Communicator the world’s first smartphone finally on November 23rd 2009

    The Philippines were the scene of a travesty of failed democracy when in the town of pan in mandau Province on mindo 58 people were slaughtered while on their way to formally file for a candidate for governor including the wife and two sisters of the candidate fans of the film Braveheart

    May recall the heir to England’s Throne Future King Edward II having eyes for men rather than his French wife Isabella the She Wolf one of these men Hugh despencer first Lord dispenser lived Circa 1286 to November 24th 1326 became a victim of that vengeful woman in one of History’s all-time most

    Brutal executions because as they say well sort of Hell hath no fury like a shewolf scorned November 24th 1835 the Texas provincial government permanent Council authorized the creation of a Mounted paramilitary Police Force to enforce laws throughout the Republic of Texas and protect its borders on November 24th 1863 Union

    Forces under the command of future president of the United States ulyses S Grant captured Lookout Mountain as part of the campaign to relieve the siege of Chattanooga Tennessee by confederate general Braxton Bragg on November 24th 1971 a man known only as DB Cooper jumped with a parachute from a Boeing

    727 into history as the only unsolved airplane hijacker finally on November 24th 2017 we took a second look at the article we published the previous year on this date cop shooting epidemic why is it happening on November 25th 1120 a ship sailing from Normandy France to England hit a

    Rock and capsized quickly sinking and taking everyone aboard save one to their deaths on November 25th 1864 a group of Confederate Special Forces operatives attempted to burn down New York City by starting fires in a plot orchestrated by Jacob Thompson Inspector General of the Confederate States Army on November 25th

    1940 the feverish pace of developing improved war planes during World War II culminated in the first flight of two of the most iconic twin engine medium bombers of the War the British deavin mosquito and the American Martin b26 Marauder on November 25th 1947 the United States was in the glow of having

    Decisively won World War II and stepping up to become the major economic and military power in the world the only nation with nuclear bombs but the Soviet Union USSR had built a gigantic military force during World War II and proved to be a problematic Ally after the war by

    Scooping up as much territory and installing as many puppet governments as they could on November 25th 1970 Japanese author Yukio Mishima a nam de plume a man with multiple nominations for the Nobel Prize for literature attempted a couet t in Japan on November 25th 2009 almost 3 Ines of rain fell in

    Only 4 hours on the western Saudi Arabian city of Jetta located on the Red Sea finally on November 25th 2013 in an online article CLA sua discussed academic efforts to study the way women in interact with each other especially with regard to speaking okay so we know Abraham Lincoln

    Created the Thanksgiving holiday on this date in 1863 but what do wans have to be thankful for digging deeper we find Vlad tepish later referred to as Vlad the Impaler known to us more popularly as Dracula having declared his third reign as ruler of wakia modern Romania winning

    The battle that made him ruler for the third time on November 26 1883 at the age of 86 Sojourner Truth perhaps the greatest African-American woman advocate of civil rights died of natural causes ending one of if not the greatest life of fighting for African-American rights on November 26 6 1977 the people of

    Southern Britain were astonished to find their afternoon televisions hijacked by an entity claiming to be villan some television viewers reported the entity’s name to be Gillan or esteron on November 26th 1983 London’s Heathrow Airport was the scene of one of the most spectacular heists in crime history an incident referred to as the

    Brinks mat robbery on November 26 2015 we ran an article about guns the firearm Enthusiast might desperately want for a nice Christmas or Festivus or Quanza or Hanukkah or winter solstice present so on this holiday when thoughts of children are wandering to their Christmas and Hanukkah lists those Among

    Us that are Hunters Law Enforcement Officers military people recreational or competitive Shooters interested in self-defense and the preservation of Liberty or just into the history and Technology of Fire arms we presented to you our bucket list of guns we would like to own before we are too old to

    Enjoy them a November 26 2018 we once again Revisited a subject we have covered twice before Dear Santa I want a gun for Christmas and Dear Santa I want a gun for Christmas Redux finally on November 26 2020 we wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving November 27th 1095 Pope Urban II announced that the Council of Claremont in Claremont France before a mixed Council of clergy and lay people landholding Nobles a call to arms that would become known as the First Crusade a Catholic invasion of the Muslim world with the goal of liberating Jerusalem

    And the holy sites and putting them back in Christian hands on November 27th 1810 a Londoner named Theodore hook perpetrated one of the most effective hoaxes in history throwing a large part of the city into disarray and confusion all because of a bet and without spending much money at all on November

    27th 1835 two English men were hanged for the crime of sodomy section 15 offenses against the person Act of 1828 and a third man was convicted of being an accessory receiving a sentence of 14 years penal Transportation on November 27th 1942 the French navy under the direction of

    Admiral oon scuttled a large part of the French ships and submarines import it to La France in order to keep these valuable assets out of the hands of the German Navy known as the Cs Marine on November 27th 1968 the Kentucky Colonels of the American Basketball Association the ABA a major

    League basketball rival of the National Basketball Association the NBA put a woman on the Curt during a real basketball game making her the first and so far only woman to play on a men’s top professional American sports team on November 27th 1978 mayor George muscone and City supervisor Harvey mil were gunned down

    By an Irate for former supervisor on November 27th 2017 we celebrated Cyber Monday as we have on every Monday after Thanksgiving each year since 2005 finally on November 27th 2019 the Eagles of Ashland University namely the Women’s Basketball team was resting after another great win the day before

    Against a tough team from Walsh University with the Eagles prevailing by only eight points their lowest wining margin of the 2019 to 2020 season on November 28th 1893 the women of New Zealand became the first women in the world to vote in a national election on November 28th

    1895 the first American Auto race took place the Chicago Times Herald race a 54 mile event with a grand prize of $5,000 on November 28th 1925 a 1-hour barn dance radio show began in Nashville Tennessee broadcast on WSM that became known as the Grand old Opry on November

    28th 1942 in the middle of World War II the United States suffered Mass Carnage on the home front when the infamous Coconut Grove Fire took 492 lives on November 28th 1967 the number one song in the United States was Daydream Believer by the monkeys a made for television rock band

    With its own zany television show on November 28th 2002 Islamic terrorists struck at Israeli Targets in Mombasa a port city on the east coast of Africa Africa in the country of Kenya finally on November 28th 2019 Americans celebrated Thanksgiving a holiday about being thankful for everything and it

    Should be celebrated in a good way on November 29th 800 the Frankish King Charlamagne AK K Charles I traveled to Rome in the Vatican to investigate charges of adultery and perjury against Pope Leo i3d another soap opera in the long Saga of the papacy on November 29th

    1729 the Native American Naz people who had been living peacefully with their French colonist Neighbors in the area of what is now Naz Mississippi rose up and attacked the French killing 138 men 56 children children and 35 women at the French Fort Rosal on November 29th 1781 the zong an

    English slave ship formerly owned by the Dutch made Infamous even sickening history when the crew threw 142 African slaves overboard to their deaths because the ship had run low on Provisions due to misn avigation on November 29th 1961 the US space agency NASA launched Mercury Atlas

    5 the first mission to send an American into orbit around the Earth in space on November 29th 1963 in the wake of the assassination of President John F Kennedy president Lyndon B Johnson formed a committee under the direction of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Earl Warren to

    Investigate the assassination and related events on the happier side of History the November 29th 19 1972 release of atari’s video game pong spawned a whole new genre of entertainment on November 29th 1987 Korean Airlines flight 858 exploded over the Andaman sea Downing the jetliner and killing all 115 people aboard the plane

    Mostly people from South Korea finally on November 29th 2009 career criminal Maurice Clemens killed four Lakewood Washington police officers with shots to the head while they were sitting in a coffee shop on November 30th 10:16 Edmund Ironside also known as Edmund II or even Edmund iide in Old English was murdered

    On his throne stabbed to death as he attended to business on November 30th 1718 while Manning a Frontline trench in a battle in Norway the king of Sweden Charles I 12th was killed by either a musket ball or a grape shot ball right through his head on November 30th

    1786 Grand Duke Petro Leopoldo the of the grand duche of Tuscany initiated the first ban on capital punishment of any modern State on November 30th 1864 Confederate Lieutenant General John Bell Hood set what has to be a record for an American General for getting his subordinate generals killed and wounded

    After ordering an epic fail charge against Union forces led by Major General John M scoffield at the Battle of Franklin in Tennessee during the American Civil War on November 30th 1939 Soviet forces crossed the Finnish Border in several places and bombed h sinki and several other finnished cities

    Starting the winter war on November 30th 1954 an incredibly unlikely and rare instance of an object from space striking a living human in the United States occurred perhaps the only verified occurrence in American history when a grapefruit sized meteorite slammed through the roof of an Alabama

    House and struck a woman sleeping on her couch on November 30th 1982 Michael Jackson known as the King of Pop for good reason released his sixth solo album The Monster hit Thriller on November 30th 2001 a depraved serial killer known as the Green River Killer was finally arrested finally on November 30th

    2005 John sentamu was given the title 97th Archbishop of York making him the first black of subsaharan African origin Archbishop in the Church of England as a question for my students and subscribers which historic event that happened in November would you like to learn more about please let me know

    In the comments section below this video to learn more about each of the events mentioned in today’s video please visit the calendar on our website if you liked this video and would like to receive notification of new videos please feel welcome to subscribe to history and headlines and become one of our patrons

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