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    📺 Deutscher Glaubensfilm, der 2014 auf der Berlinale einen Silbernen Bären errang! In Kreuzweg erzählt Dietrich Brüggemann in 14 Stationen die Geschichte einer jungen Gläubigen, die ihr Leben zwischen Familie und Schulalltag ganz Jesus widmen möchte.

    KREUZWEG (2014)
    Originaltitel: Kreuzweg
    Mit: Lea van Acken, Franziska Weisz, Klaus Michael Kamp
    Regie: Dietrich Brüggemann
    FSK: Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren

    Die 14-jährige Maria (Lea van Acken) wächst in einer streng katholischen Familie auf und steht kurz vor ihrer Firmung. Ihr Glaube ist ein wichtiger Teil ihrer Persönlichkeit. Er richtet sich nach Grundsätzen, die Maria in der Messe vermittelt bekommt – und im Firmunterricht der Priesterbruderschaft, der die Familie angehört. Eine wichtige Rolle bei der Indoktrinierung Marias spielt Pfarrer Weber (Florian Stetter). Die Lehre des Geistlichen ist fundamentalistisch und ultra-konservativ; die Bruderschaft lehnt alles Moderne ab und sieht den Menschen vollständig im Dienst Gottes. Doch Marias Glaube steht im krassen Kontrast zu ihrem Schulalltag. Dort ist sie eine große Außenseiterin und wird von ihren Mitschülern belächelt. Nur ihr Klassenkamerad Christian (Moritz Knapp) ist fasziniert von der Konsequenz, mit der Maria ihren Glauben lebt. Doch der Zwiespalt wird für sie immer belastender…
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    Well then let’s take the sheets aside now we will come back to it at the end of the lesson but before that we want to put together everything we have learned in the last few weeks let’s start with a very simple question what will happen next Sunday

    Well this question is closed I will answer the easy ones myself next Sunday, the bishop will give you confirmation with every rebel, what is it, the company, there are of them the seven sacraments are graces that God of the people I would like someone to always list the seven sacraments

    Baptism example communion confirmation rather priest because last Unction what exactly happens when someone else is confirmed the Holy Spirit comes down Pentecost and finally what significance does confirmation have for your life what conversion are we really celebrating here and we want to look at this topic in a

    Little more detail today in this last lesson when we remember what started our life with birth wrong with conception exactly human life begins with the moment of conception but the life we ​​are talking about here is the spiritual life and therefore with what

    The spiritual life begins with baptism if through Baptism washes away original sin so that love for God can develop freely and with this begins which phase of life [music] which people go to school Childhood Confirmation marks the end of childhood Childhood begins with baptism

    And as the young person grows up The love for God also grows in his heart and then new challenges come to the growing person and in return he also receives new spiritual nourishment through receiving the Holy Eucharist and now that he is

    Growing up it is important that the flame of faith also becomes one There will be a big adult fire that shines out into the darkness of the world so that everyone can see this person is something very special, this person is not someone who

    Has sold his soul to the devil, this person is a soldier of Jesus Christ and the grace of confirmation and this helps you with this Grace can enable you to make great testimonies of faith.

    A few weeks ago we had a brother from Mexico as a guest at the Möckmühl seminary. He told us the story of the cristerus in the 1920s, the president who wanted to eradicate the church but who had Catholic families against the enemies of the faith among him were children

    And young people 12 13 14 years old they were the same age as you these children went into battle with their parents and they were captured with their parents martyred and killed these young people had the grace of confirmation received and the Holy Spirit gave them the courage

    To go into battle with their parents and let themselves be killed for their faith. They were soldiers for Jesus Christ and that is it that through confirmation you become soldiers of Jesus Christ but what does that mean for you Now when we go out here through Thuringia

    We see people cars houses but no enemies and no army and you think how am I supposed to be the soldier who has to fight the battle yes what did I mean at school at school yes in front of the television

    In ours Hearts right in our hearts there is a battle between good and evil raging in our hearts, tomorrow you will look at the reflection in the mirror with pleasure and think very well the other children in my class will admire me today what a beautiful,

    Tempting idea or will you lower your eyes and send a short prayer to Holy Mary or when a song with the rhythm is playing on the radio how seductive are these sounds they tell you come dance with me give yourself up to sin you are alive now have fun

    Do you give in or do you remember that bad music and will always only tempt you to do something bad, whether it is provocative clothing, obscene images on posters, satanic music or harmful films. Every day we are tempted 100 times and each time it is a small

    Battle between God and his adversary, Satan and us Are the soldiers in this battle and what do you think is the most important thing for a soldier in his sleep? He has his Kindle If you lose your bearings, you can no longer tell friend and enemy apart, you are lost

    Because our enemy appears in different disguises, fought under many flags and the forms of temptation, he even sneaks into our own hearts, but if we ask the Holy Spirit for help then we can Recognize him, Satan, that is our opponent

    And if we have now identified our opponent then we must also be able to say what we are actually fighting for. What do you think a soldier Sabine is fighting for, for his country, for his king, perhaps for his lover

    Because that is really a soldier fights for his king for his country and for his family and if we are the soldiers who is our king Jesus jesus said you should love God and your neighbor as yourself all people exactly our family that is potentially all people and even if they Standing on

    The other side and fighting under the flag of Satan, we have to try to save their souls because we are not just any soldiers, we are soldiers of charity, our neighbor, that is always the person who is standing in front of us, for whom we will fight

    One day We are facing the Last Judgment and Jesus will ask us how many souls have you saved? If there couldn’t have been a few more, choose the poor sinner who will burn in hell with him for all eternity. If you went to school, you

    Really have everything done to show him the right path Helene, how many people in your class read Bravo, some of them have you ever said that it is a harmful newspaper when your girlfriend listens to music with demonic rhythms, that you are brave and say

    Something about it, yes but That is exactly your task from now on, your parents are no longer always there, from now on you are solely responsible for your soul and for the souls of your fellow human beings and when we see God wrestling with the devil before our eyes then we must

    Not be ashamed of it Stand in the corner and look away. No, we have to be rude because we are soldiers. We are soul savers. If the house is on fire and the emergency call comes, then the fireman can’t say, oh, I’m sleeping just fine. Call again later.

    No, if the emergency call comes, then we have to immediately jump in the car and drive off because the last question is why is it so important today that we Jesus soldiers are Christians because there aren’t many of them left because most people who call themselves Catholic

    Go to the modern mass, take communion in their hand and state the are dead in the life of 2000 years of Catholic traditions, they celebrate the mass with their face to the people, the Latin has been abolished and they no longer want to believe that there is a

    Satan and there is hell. Peter said you are the rock on which I build my church wants and on this field the church stood for 2000 years like a fortress against the onslaught of evil but with the Second Vatican Council the enemies managed to make a breach in the wall

    And the devil himself entered the church and runs around and whispers his lies in people’s ears and the biggest lie is that he believes that the yellow him is not dead right now the battle like never before and that is why Archbishop before Gerard

    Founded the priestly brotherhood of ST Paul here the Catholic Church survives in its true form here Let’s keep the true faith and we will defend it with our lives if it is necessary because as Christians we are born for the battle and what is the name of the battle that

    You are more certain of the victory I want to ask you in the coming week before the feast of your confirmation Look carefully when there is a moment when you have to fight for God and then don’t be discouraged but go out with a smile

    Matthias, you know when you recognize a moment like that when you have to fight for God then I go out into battle like this Nobody is actually asking why I had you write these lists. We can now go back to that, Sabine. What does a soldier do when he doesn’t have to fight?

    What exactly does God want? God doesn’t want us to just fight all the time and at some point depletion Falling over God has prepared spiritual nourishment for us the prayer of this camente the sacrifice every rosary we pray strengthens our fighting spirit every time

    We receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist strengthens our fighting spirit and so that there is room for God in our hearts we need the sacrifice absolutely no space yes exactly so out with all the clutter in the Old Testament mutton and

    Goats were sacrificed what do you think what can we sacrifice today money and food clothes for books time yes very well Sabine we can give our time to another person or Jesus but Matthias and Helene, you are also right. Every time we consciously

    Decide against the cake and the beautiful dress and in favor of the sacrifice in such a moment, we make room for Jesus and we will feel how his love flows into our hearts and therefore has I let you write this list at the beginning

    With little things that bring you joy in everyday life. On my list there are, for example, chocolate bars, a cup of tea, a nice concert will be broadcast on the radio, all of these are things that bring me joy, but they are also possible sacrifices that you can make in everyday life

    When you go home afterwards, look at your list again and think about what things you can do without and you will notice how a wonderful energy flows directly into your heart that comes directly from God and that was my final word for today your blessed week additorium nostry

    Benediktat where it’s about potency Father philosperitus Santos Something on your mind something else someone who is sick, of course you can, but an illness is often a direct message from God, a test or even a punishment for our sins but if the person in question is still very small then it cannot

    Be a punishment for his sins we can never know what God has in mind for us, especially with children an illness can be a sign of a special grace the holy Pope Pius the tenth said that we give holy children and in fact there have always been children

    Who, even at a young age, had such a great love of God within them that transcends everything, especially delicate children who, due to illness, have a lot of time to talk to Jesus about their care and can be like divorce throwers

    Spreading the love of God, the blessed one of the geniuses, for example, had such a glow that people on the street turned to look at her and what if I just want to offer my whole life as a sacrifice, but that would be a very big sacrifice,

    But you also have other things Life sacrificed you can of course worship your life as a sacrifice to God but the decision is his and he needs us first the soldiers here on earth there are many ways in which you can give your life to God you can join a monastery

    For example or think of yours Name patron saint Mary she made the greatest sacrifice that one can imagine her own son was nailed to the cross no matter what you do as long as the path to heaven is cleared in your heart you will

    Carry a beauty within you that you can carry through I can’t make so much jewelry or no amount of make-up [music] what are you not doing well but you don’t look happy I’m fine you have to be careful that you don’t get sick again look I’m standing

    Here like a fat grandma with noise and Coat and you’re like a ballerina with your blouse, what are you doing? I sent a prayer of thanks to Jesus for the beautiful landscape, but you don’t have to be embarrassed if you are.

    This landscape is really very beautiful, do you think you can sacrifice it on sacrifices, do you think Sacrifice you know when you make a sacrifice for Jesus by not being chocolate or sleeping with other people ah 41 I would like to see this beautiful sight on Sacrifice how do you do that

    Look children what a beautiful view the walk was worth it out of luck view where is the view here yes down there you can do that without your telescope I ‘m sure we’ll see it even better we have the machine with us Maria johannes is four years old I have to

    Be held in my arms are you just getting your blouse dirty I was careful look at this I can wash the blouse why did you even take off your jacket it’s still warm here you’re already very blue lips you now put your jacket back on

    Then we’ll pose in front of the beautiful landscape and when he takes a family photo of us Thomas puts the paper away, it’s not paper but a telescope you take your mother says Maria you’re coming take the photo you should come here come here one two three [music] yes we have that now

    That Maria was bad but now she is very nice again the funny elephant the world is beautiful now it is beautiful now we are all looking at it Camera smile 1 2 3 Whiskey say Maria is looking at me Maria is looking strange Thomas now stop Maria you can’t even

    Make a normal face in a photo Mom just wants a nice photo for the relatives what happened now you’re offended again that you weren’t allowed to be in the picture with your blouse on, no matter how beautiful the day might be, Maria thinks it’s a reason to be in a bad mood,

    You have to work on it, you won’t come with me, I just didn’t want to think about what I look like, that’s why I didn’t want to be in the picture, but if you did want to look good, it’s not a sin, look at the photo

    Of Johannes here and yes, you smile very happily but not vainly, it’s nice that you say that, but unfortunately it’s not true. My thoughts often revolve around how I look and what I’m wearing, but that’s a bit normal, isn’t it You’re young I’m young you think about something like that

    Or you become religious how do you say exactly no it’s of course also a very nice thing do you still want to deal with such superficial things for me you might think I’d really rather be nice but I I just think about me all the time and can’t seem any better,

    I’m so stupid, you have to put your jacket back in, it’s cold [music] I’m coming , quadratic function , do you understand most of it and look, you can exclude the two here and shorten them No, you can only exclude when multiplying, not when adding , yes, but two

    At all for an invoice that was a text task a quad 80 members 20 in each voice group the singer because of the average 60 the singers 80 kilograms for a balanced distribution as follows 30% which is 27.24aan the stage for the next performances has a load capacity of 4,500 Kilograms calculate how

    Many singers from each vocal group the choir director can send on stage Mathematics in everyday life okay then imagine the stage can carry a maximum of 500 kg and the singer because of such an average 120 the singers 160

    Ung of gospel but they are still awake and you like that better I prefer Bach do you like it because of the beautiful music or because of the content both what kind of music do you have you don’t like music like electro or

    Charts or hip hop I don’t like hip hop either but sometimes I like it I rock, can you like rock and woke whimsy at the same time ? Rock music is mostly satanically influenced, sometimes there are backwards messages in it or yes, but all the music happens

    In our church service. My rock band played it, but I didn’t think it was that good in which congregation If you go, you don’t know Tanasius, you don’t have an altar boy, why not? Because women look like that could distract the believers from prayer. Look, girls

    Put on make-up and do nice hairstyles and want all the men to look at them. We can’t also have the boys distract the believers from prayer if all the women then look at them. Boys on the left don’t so into it Girls are by nature more of a special community brother

    , we are not a new form in it but we oh no matter what, yes yes, always crazy, everyone is crazy about it, it’s much more crazy, this is the Holy of Holies is touched with the hands, thank you very much,

    I hate that It’s best to go on the Internet. I don’t have to go on now. What’s your actual name? So I’m Christian Maria. What I was just thinking about before I look at your opinion on the Internet. I can just come with you.

    I’d have to ask my parents first For that you could also come with the choir every Thursday I often have to go to a little brother’s banquet on Thursdays sometimes four but he’s sick what’s wrong with him you don’t know he doesn’t learn to speak why did I say you don’t know music

    Yes in He’s always happy about the music, if you could take him with you to the call this Thursday would be good, we’re just starting a new piece, okay, let’s see , I have to go, I’ll be pretty late, sorry, I forgot the time [music] no, it is but I’m completely fine [music]

    You can’t sponsor anywhere anymore. You can park it very cheaply on the ring and then just take the bus. Well, it’s better for the environment if there are fewer cars, but that’s just the way it is There are people who are traveling with children. Probably no one has thought of that.

    With children you are undesirable these days anyway. We don’t look at everyone. Every doctor’s assistant thought she could give some advice to ask the neurologist before and then talk to him enough about it Neurologist said maybe autism he would like to do a few tests maybe John doesn’t need to be cured

    Maybe he is the way he is wanted by God you are now accusing me of taking my child from doctor to doctor no I just thought it Be a consolation, that should be a consolation, yes, thank you, my child, for this great consolation, I don’t know, sorry,

    We still have to buy a dress for your company , it’s already on Sunday , do you understand? go back then it was purple with pink stripes yes I thought it was really chic back then times are changing and then they say bake a cake for afterwards but

    After the mass there is still a celebration in the community hall but that is a surprise for the confirmation candidates Well, that’s it, so stop now, otherwise the whole surprise is gone, but then there’s anticipation. Have you already confessed? No, we have to accommodate that too.

    Thursday afternoon I’m going into town again. We could buy the dress and then after that Do you go to Father Weber’s confession on Thursday or maybe I wanted to sing along to a call and what kind of choir there is in the Don Bosco parish

    Of course the council church doesn’t have a choir, but what are the four Bach Kurier and a bit of a gospel son singing and you want to sing along and you expect me to allow you to do that or what is it that draws you into your so-called church choir,

    A friend of mine and that just asked me if I was what kind of friend she goes to my parallel class, but above all I want to but I’m going to say something now Gospel and Jazz Soul or Rock or Jazz or Pop it’s all the same you know exactly what kind of

    Dances to this music are organized and you also know that this music has bad influences You can’t have something that you can’t get rid of so easily, I know I don’t think that’s a good thing either, but they don’t dance at all, they just sing, well then just join

    In, but don’t wait for me to drive you there and I won’t pick you up again either I agreed with you [music] another such a cheeky answer and we’re canceling the whole confirmation if gospel and jazz are more important to you than God and healing your soul

    Then there’s no point in any of this anyway then you can get out now and walk home or Do you know what do you think then so-called church choir please get out and do what you want church choir or go to your friend

    Rebecca and go to the disco with her do what you want do you hear me do you want that do you want that no I don’t want to go to that at all Disco, I don’t want all that myself if you like choir music

    Then we’ll see if there’s a good choir somewhere that doesn’t sing gospel and jazz or, even better, we’ll ask partner Weber if he’d like to have a choir in our community, Schmidberger’s eldest daughter She’s studying music, she could be. Oh,

    Let’s do that on Thursday, we’ll go into town together, buy your dress and then you’ll go to confession and then we’ll ask Father Weber if he doesn’t want his own choir. God forgive me because I have one sinned my last confession was five weeks and three days ago these are my sins

    I was sometimes lazy and didn’t like helping around the house I was overindulgent and continued to eat even though I was full I hurried then worried about my appearance and sometimes was I haughty in what way did you I thought

    Our grandpa girl Bernadette was such an adult clever and I thought to myself later I’m like that too and then everyone will admire me we have to beware of every sin but only those who are dead can let go of God break away and fall into damnation

    I thought when my mother dealt with my little brother I sometimes had the feeling I could do it better than her. You know the fourth commandment, yes, what does it say that you should

    Honor your father and mother so that things are better for you and you If you live a long time on earth, there is more that you would like to confess. Have you always looked away from Hungarian pictures on billboards or in magazines? Yes

    , it can help you to go through the Ten Commandments in your mind. I lied , who did you lie to , my mother and why did you lied , did you lie to gain my personal advantage, no, did you lie because you enjoyed the deception, no, or did you lie

    To swap another message ? I lied to my mother and said that his friend of mine had invited me to sing with her in a choir but the truth was that it wasn’t a friend of mine but rather some measures of the parallel class and what is sung for it, music Vierbach Gorilla

    But also gospel and soul you know that these Music can be satanically influenced, the rhythms of the drums and the monotonous bass lines that try to tempt you into Hungarian actions and you told your mother about that, yes, but you replaced the boy with a girl in your lie. Yes,

    You told your mother about the music Apparently you want to hide from everything that there is a boy with whom you would like to sing in this choir. Maybe it’s not just your love of music that made you want to sing in a choir, but that there were other underlying desires,

    Too Maybe about other sins that you would like to confess. I had uncooked thoughts. I imagined Christian me going to the choir together and him secretly looking at me and finding me beautiful. Inequality is the central sin of our time, the sin from which many other sins arise.

    You have him I also wanted him physically. I imagined him putting his arm around me Did this idea awaken in you the desire for a physical union, I don’t know, have you often had such ideas in relation to one or the other boy? No,

    Have you looked at him in a way that could arouse non-cultish thoughts in him, I don’t know, yes, maybe you have and Otherwise, be on your guard and ensure that your soul remains pure. Yes, continue to be obvious that what seems beautiful and tempting to you is actually something that makes you careless.

    You know that adultery is a mortal sin and is a sexual union outside of marriage for God is exactly the same as adultery. Many young people today who grow up without the light of faith walk blindly in its condemnation and get

    Into a state of trouble at the age of 15 or 16, from which they can never find their way out again, but true love overcomes the carnal because the name jumped out in time you must now continue to ask God for help to help you resist the temptations of your age

    Do you have any further questions or sins that you would like to confess to Jesus Maria [Music] there is one more thing but I am not sure sure if this is such a sin

    I imagined how I would become holy, how I would become a saint out of great love for God, how I would be a sacrifice provider all my life and how he would accept my sacrifice, how God would choose me and say your love

    Is stronger and purer than any other me take you out of this world to me in heaven then I died and then a grave was laid and then my soul flew up from the grave higher and higher up into heaven

    There was your God he was allowed to wait for me then I was allowed to always be with me and those who love you the most have the most urgent needs great if you say God take me out of this world from the dirt and sin bring me to you

    In heaven then God will tell you I have things in mind for you in this world you still have to fight for me you can’t just cheat your way out the easy way out but if you think your love for God is greater than that of others then

    The sin of pride lurks after that God demands from the three of us Things we have to confess our sins, we have to repent and we have to make amends, you have confessed your sins as penance, you pray the rosary of pain three times and it is reparation,

    You put right what you have done as far as possible where you lied that tells the truth and where you gave a boy lustful looks then let him know that your heart belongs to God alone yes I regret that I did bad things and omitted good things but by I mean where

    Misereor TUI about the potency is known histories per you God the adviten Eterna Absolution in the etremissions pikators dorumne potency nostal Jesus Christ who cleanses would have ego authoritate ypsius the pseudo from around the vincolo excommunication is in the thick the quantum [music] on the table great exactly knife right fork left UPS

    And now bring Let’s take a look at the napkins, they’re lying over there. We need more. We still need to distribute a lot of them. Maria Göttler , hello, hello, how are you, I’m doing well too, that’s good, the

    One that comes with the consumption for me because the vision always comes out through 0, you are currently inconvenient we are having dinner right away can call again later Maria are you looking after John yes wait a minute how was the task a car driver wants to

    Drive a 600 km long route one car drives 80 km/h and consumes 9 liters per 100 km I couldn’t come with you today, that wasn’t possible, maybe next week I can’t either, so maybe I could, but I don’t want to because this music isn’t good,

    But we’re doing a lot of Bach right now and a little bit of Palestine is going to be there too I’m sure we’ll advertise to the other members that maybe we won’t just come along next week, maybe it’ll be cool for your new girlfriend

    Are you not talking to us anymore? That was Christian and who is Christian? He’s going to my parallel class Katharina Or you’re going to a boarding school run by the priests’ brotherhood. I lied to you. There’s no Rebecca, but it wasn’t Christian who was me invited me to go to a choir with him. I invented Rebecca because I was afraid that you would think that I

    Wanted something from him, but it’s not like that at all, I just wanted to arrive, I tell you all the time Maria lies and agrees I’m worried about her and you say I’m acting it all out, no, sorry, but I think Maria said he wasn’t angry, maybe she

    Just didn’t say it was a boy because she’s waiting a bit, I haven’t figured it out yet well-intentioned because Christian said that John could come along sometime and then we might also sing Gregorian corals well-intentioned now you’re repeating your own impudence, it’s still beautiful, of course, then you see

    A beautiful coral two or three times so you think it’s all in Okay, but the mentality of these people is completely different that you fall for something like that and Bernadette please stay out of it. I don’t want to know what your mother would have said

    If you suddenly liked a young man a bit when you were 14 years old our upbringing I know my daughter better than she does and this choir is obviously just a way for Maria to meet up with some young men, she does

    N’t know what she’s getting herself into and I won’t tolerate something like that, but what shocks me the most That’s the fact that you’re using a little sick brother as an excuse. Do you know what you’re doing, what are you doing today in confession or not then that probably didn’t help?

    You have no reason to cry here now if you lie to me and shirk your duties press then you can also listen to a shout-out, but I didn’t shirk my duties, who set the table today while the young lady

    Had to talk to her boyfriend on the phone if I tell you that you look after Johannes and should set the table then you have you please do that and not talk to any boys on the phone and if

    Your parents tell you that Fang and Soul is bad music then we do that with me a little older and more experienced that you and know where the dangers of this world are and then you have Don’t cry here or act like you’re being treated badly here.

    Come on children , I haven’t eaten anything, everything’s fine. Maria will bend right over again. We all do something wrong sometimes We’ll have a little something over dinner then you’ll feel better again here Maria [music] I don’t think I like doing that,

    For my sake we could just be a happy family and have dinner together [ music] 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight nine ten good and now we’re circling loosely taking up the whole room [music] the right arm circles forward [music]

    And we let the left arm reach forward [music] good and now the question with every step Legs apart and with your own tooth have been seen depot Maria everything is fine [music] you’re pretty pale I’m always so pale lately it’s noticeable you’re enough, yes

    I’m eating enough but I don’t want to move to this music They’re all Latin, but that’s never bothered me before, but now it doesn’t bother me. Time for sports, you have to talk, we should all do it now, my lower reaches Maria. Now you have to explain that to me in more detail.

    I’ve always liked music. I’ve never been bothered by it dared to say something against it , but now I say what do you really think, I would just play such devilish music here, I believe in God myself, I go to church again what a church

    In a Protestant community, that may not be a real church for you, but I can tell you with some certainty that this isn’t devilish music, yes, but that’s dangerous, it creeps in quite harmlessly and you don’t even notice it. You just keep going I would like

    To talk to your parents, you are welcome to do that, well my life without music Marvin, what’s going on, my religion forbids me from running in circles in a hall, I have to neutralize the message in the music, now everyone comes together , you can get it here

    I think I have to briefly explain the term tolerance to you. It would have been completely unfair just because Maria doesn’t like the music, we all can’t listen to it or something that has nothing to do with tolerance and Maria doesn’t have to be tolerant or like hey hey

    It’s also about religious freedom, oh, you have a crush, it’s really cute, he’s into Maria, she doesn’t have to participate in sports at all because of her religion and nobody has anything to do with that, because if their headscarf slips then they can’t see anything and they run straight into the wall

    Like we do Now make a compromise, we’ll take another CD without the satanic Maria, the Christian is into you but there’s no problem Marvin, that’s enough now you get the entry in the class register like that and now everyone relaxes in the cycle, let’s go Maria [music] [music ] hello hello, I wanted

    Everything to be okay with you, yes you weren’t like you either. I’m sorry that the others were so stupid to you because of me. Well, that’s just the way they are. I don’t think anyone should be forced to listen to music in gym class. I like

    It, that’s true If you said, are you in love with me ? If so, please get it out of your head now, okay, I’m all about this girl, I can just make out with someone like that. I’m not one of those boys either, but

    Shouldn’t we get to know each other first? I mean, we’re both still together still very young it means you don’t know exactly what you want no I mean please leave me alone I know exactly what I want what better do you want to do go

    Away I don’t believe you that you don’t want to see me pretty much Do you also think that we could both stand up for God? Oh God, and of the true faith, what do I have to do for that? Don’t you know, don’t you know? Come with me to

    Choir practice, no, we can do something normal again, eat ice cream or go to the cinema, or I ‘m not going to join my choir, I’m not going to eat ice cream with you and now

    Please leave me alone, go away, you look really sick, I’m not feeling well either, do you have a fever, please don’t touch me, I’m just worried, you don’t have to worry If you’re worried about me, it’s better to worry about yourself and your soul. All is well, you live in a world

    Of television and Facebook and people who have sold their souls and because those who remain alive know our world, live and believe that a little church service on Sunday makes some difference If you really want to, then go away, leave me alone and take care of your own soul.

    It might sound stupid now, but I would be happy if you would call me. Only God knows what kind of road lies ahead of you, whether you are going to distant lands and bring faith to the unbelieving whether you go through life as a teacher, musician or scientist,

    Whether you founded Christian families or whether you celebrate your life entirely to God, but if you always keep the Holy Spirit with you then each of these paths will be blessed by God Finally, I would like to say a word to the families and parents of these children in a

    World in which apostasy has caused terrible devastation. They are the children who keep the tradition of the true Church alive. They are the living stones of which our Church is made [ Music] makes people happy and even if it costs great heights and

    Many sacrifices to educate these children in the faith, they persevere from then on, the church always had to survive persecution and hostility and perhaps the hostilities of our time are the worst in the history of the Church, but remember they came from the world

    To carry on the light of faith in their families, they remain and all of them by the grace of our Lord, we take the holy Virgin Maya as an example remained faithful to our Lord until Golgotha, she stood under the cross, she never

    Left him, we ask everyone from the next Virgin Mary that we can follow her and thus her divine son until death, that the Holy Spirit is always with us and with us these children wherever they may be in their lives in nomine [music] [music] [music] [applause]

    And the floor despite his thank you [music] you were oh hello time to [music] me [music] [music] like that Let’s start the ceremony of the film by first renewing our baptismal vows together with the confirmed candidates, so I ask you again,

    Do you say the [music] satanic wickedness and as one of the values ​​you believe in God, the almighty creator of heaven and earth, we believe and Jesus Christ his begotten Son our Lord who was crucified for us and to the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church exhale

    Resurrection of the flesh and eternal life [music] [music] [music] [ music] [music] [music] [music]. OK, now we’re going to take some blood, put your hand into a fist and let it loosen up really tight, that’ll make a little difference. Attention , do you sometimes have nosebleeds, no, or attacks of weakness,

    That is, attacks that, for example, your eyes turn black when you get up quickly like that can you get dressed again [music] how are you at school Maria, can you hear me, she always has good grades, I didn’t ask her, but her daughter, do you like going to school? Yes,

    Do you have friends among your classmates? You may be teased like that sometimes, but you would have told us that your daughter has a slight fever and I hear slight noises in the brunches. That could

    Be the flu that has been carried over, but that can also affect the heart muscle. Love, I don’t want to paint the devil on the wall, but There have been people who haven’t woken up in the morning because of something like that, so in any case, bed rest until the fever

    Is completely gone and then I ask you to pay attention to your diet. Her daughter is underweight and has had such a growth spurt in the last year. She is a regular eater. My children eat her regularly Is it bordering on anorexia, oh yes, but anorexia is something different again. If I

    See a young patient who is obviously on the verge of malnutrition, then I am obliged to point this out to the parents. I have completely different suspicions. I suspect that theirs Daughter is confronted with bullying Maria I saw people when I was young because practicing was part of the game. Luckily the

    Circumstances are a little different in this country but her daughter reminds me a little of these unfortunate people. I don’t have to listen to the impudence. Luckily there are other doctors Wait very quietly, would you please take a seat? What else would you like to tell me? Nothing

    . I would like to give your daughter a light painkiller so that she can sleep first and prescribe her a restorative preparation. Please tell her about the bullying . Maybe it’s really time for Maria to take this school and go to a Catholic boarding school, it’s definitely not your fault if you’re sick,

    Swallow this, take it, it’s good for you, Maria, you’re now doing what the doctor says. Sorry, would you please leave me alone with your daughter for a moment I think you understood me. I’m not even thinking about leaving my daughter and Ina in the same room for a long time.

    Ms. Schneider, please come in for a moment So please let us both have a moment with her Daughter, your daughter also has something like a privacy and if I notice that she is constantly answering in her place and the patient

    Shows all the signs of abuse then I am obliged to investigate the matter Maria, you are not forced to do something you don’t want to do, we can take you to a hospital first, we can inform the youth welfare office, you didn’t like it here,

    Maria, come on, we’re going to see another doctor, stay outside, we’ve already got enough people, come in, please just want us leave alone with your daughter, no , well , an ambulance and call the children’s ward at the Evangelical Hospital.

    I’ll direct your daughter to the hospital, but I’d like to be asked first. Would you rather go to a Catholic hospital if you’re not rude? I’m still Maria Concern is legitimate and it is my right to know what diagnosis you are taking my daughter to the hospital with, that is right, you are

    Please refuse treatment for your sick daughter and take her home if that is your understanding of custody, I cannot take her there do you like to eat Maria you have to eat or drink a little bit come for hello Maria it’s okay if I tell you

    I just looked at your values ​​you’re a bit worried you have to make sure that you at least normalize your eating behavior a little bit because if If your body is as weakened as it is now then you had an easy infection.

    Come on, I would suggest you try eating something special in the evening or if you want something special then you let us know. So I do believe that there is something there, but I don’t believe in God in that sense you to God, yes , please leave us alone,

    You will definitely go to heaven discount you also actually know that I would like to be like you, you like to drive like me with my bad German and my big nose it was growing and lucky I am not very smart I also do a lot of stupid things

    You do everything right only God does everything right we humans do a lot of things wrong I do a lot of things wrong never as much as I do what do you think what’s it like when you go to heaven when you’re in your E -Mail comes

    Believe there is a very big light and then there is Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit and everyone is singing and you have a very big feeling of happiness in your heart but that still takes a very long time until you get to heaven

    Purgatory has to no, because you only live a long time, I’m so afraid, what are you afraid of, that I didn’t make my mother, she doesn’t love me anymore, I’ve already written to you about what I misled you about, my mother is contradicting me,

    I’m doing everything wrong, we’re doing everything a lot wrong even your mother sometimes does something wrong but no one does everything wrong that sees the hope has been given up that something will become of me I always rejected her love that kept giving me words and was evil

    And that was a dead one and now she loves I don’t like me anymore but your mother loves you very much, I’m a bad person, you’re not a bad person and your mother loves you very much. Can you say that again, you’re not a

    Bad person and your mother loves you very, very much ? Why do I have the feeling then? I’m all alone in the world, I’m here and what and Jesus is always there for you, Holy Mary too, yes, you can pray with me, now

    Let’s pray together one bigger than Mary, I pray in German and you in French, I don’t greet her, yes under the window Holy Mary Mother of God please for us now at the hour of our death may I take this with me yes why did you stop we must not stop

    You tell me that sometimes you really want to think of me but I won’t be there anymore what do you mean I offered my life to God so that John would get well. Mary, I only have one wish

    I would like to receive Holy Communion I would like to have Jesus with me when I go can you please call a couple about it and ask him to come to me Maria how good I like being with Teufen but I think it is better if you just eat something normal and

    Get well again why you don’t have the right to throw away your life only God can decide when we die but if God has accepted my sacrifice no God has not accepted your sacrifices you don’t need that communion but something to eat

    Holy Communion is the best food God doesn’t want you to stand now and if you do it against his will you are a sin. Now you can’t say Mary, I want to know Holy Communion this way. Please call Dad again, well, be careful,

    I’ll call the seesaw and then I’ll go out to the doctors and tell them that you want to die and that they should do something about it, that will save your life, maybe put you in the intensive care unit or something, don’t leave me alone [music] [music] we need

    Hello Do you hear me, what’s going on here, suddenly she stops breathing, says something got in the medication, no, she has a pet in her mouth, what’s the name of the patient Maria Göttler Maria Maria so we have to start rehab code I need to put on the board and adrenaline

    So I’m starting with chest compressions [ Music] 1 2 3 4 5 They also have something in white in white of course then take another folder this was last year and the 2005 or 6 it seems to me to be a lot of fun that’s a rather minimalist arrangement but we would also have that but it’s not white

    If you really want pure white pure white of course you should design everything the way you would like to remember it you find comfort in faith that’s good if the bereaved find comfort in faith it’s always It’s easier, I’ve had it for over a decade, of course everyone has their own beliefs

    And many ways to the top. No, there’s only one right way to go. No, people always make the mistake of thinking that religion is such a private matter, but it’s also possible, especially in religion So you understand the facts and the way the facts

    Are here there is no reason to be sad. Our daughter lived a holy life and there are indications that she died without sin. Her daughter was certainly a wonderful person It’s not possible Maria’s greatest wish was that her little brother learns to speak and at the

    Moment of her death he said his first word as if by a miracle – he had never spoken before – this is medically documented – the doctor has seen it before and after – he says it himself I can’t

    Explain how this happened, these are signs that you just have to be able to read. I’m almost certain that our daughter Maria hasn’t committed any significant sins in her life, she has most of them and I estimate the probability to be very high, which is why she is in a state

    Of complete repentance died, she also received communion at her deathbed. She wasn’t in my position to swallow, but according to canon law, the christi is still valid. Communion is valid as soon as it touches the Blessed Sacrament sinful and pure of heart

    To appear before the judgment seat of God everyone who meets is confused by this pure heart we will make sure that their memory is not forgotten and we will tell about this miracle and we will not stop until the blessed discussion process is initiated the main one The condition for a

    Soul refraction is a miracle. We have already overcome this hurdle. What do you disagree with me


    1. Religion halt Mord krieg Tod schlag.

      Welche Religion ist jetzt nochmals war

      Welche Kirche im Christentum

      Ne klar jeder sagt seines alles unglaubwürdig mist sein Leben unbewisser glauben Opfern

      Höchstens unwahrscheinlich das ausgerechnet dein glauben der einzige richtige ist

      Das meint jeder..


      Noch dazu stammt dass Universum von Urknall Evolution

      Das sind Naturwissenschaftlich Erkenntnisse

      Mehr weiß man nicht.

      Lieben religiösen.

      Und Unsichtbare übernatürliche Wesen lassen sich nicht nachprüfen ob die gibt kans genauso nicht geben würde ich vorsichtig sein .

    2. Sucht euch eine gute freie Gemeinde. Die haben nichts mit der Kirche (spektakel) zutun. Bitte Bekehrt euch ❤ Walter Veith macht sehr gute Aufklärung über Katholizismus, Papst, Vatikan und was es bis heute für uns bedeutet. Der Wahnsinn!!!

    3. Sehr guter Satz:"Wenn keine Überraschung dann ist die Vorfreude größer!"….ansonsten sind deutsche Produzenten echt grauenhaft, egal welch brisantes Thema sie ansprechen!🧐🧐🧐

    4. Ich werde euch mal etwas über das wahre Christentum erzählen.
      Die ganze Lehre der katholischen Kirche ist Götzenanbetung!!
      Es wird Wahrheit und Lüge vermischt.
      Und damit ist es Lüge!!!!
      Nur die Bibel, nur das Wort Gottes hat die Wahrheit das Leben und den Weg.
      Niemand kommt zum Vater als durch Jesus Christus.
      Der Herr segne und behüte euch!!

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