Poole Speedway presents the Poole ‘Pirates’ vs Edinburgh ‘Monarchs’ Championship match at Wimborne Road on 20/08/2023, originally live streamed by Pirates TV.

    POOLE ‘Pirates’
    1 : Richard LAWSON : 8.57
    2 : Kyle NEWMAN : 5.04
    3 : Ben COOK : 6.70
    4 : Zach COOK : 5.88
    5 : Steve WORRALL (C) : 8.00
    6 : Anders ROWE : 4.93
    7 : Joe THOMPSON : 3.67

    EDINBRUGH ‘Monarchs’
    1 : Rider REPLACEMENT : 8.94
    2 : Paco CASTAGNA : 5.18
    3 : Kye THOMSON : 5.98
    4 : Bastian BORKE : 5.00
    5 : Josh PICKERING : 8.35
    6 : Dayle WOOD : 2.00
    7 : Max CLEGG : 4.67
    TM : John CAMPBELL

    Referee : Wayne JARVIS

    Connect With The Pirates:


    Proudly Sponsored By:
    Wessex Marine: http://wessexmarine.co.uk
    Link Fabrications
    Morrish Homes: https://www.morrishhomes.co.uk
    Trethowans: https://www.trethowans.com
    M B Wilkes : https://www.mbwilkes.com
    County Crest Pallets
    Chateau La Briance : https://www.chateaulabriance.com

    Brought to you by Pirates TV:

    Pirates TV Crew:
    Main Camera : Rob Haywood
    Roaming Camera : Paul Hague
    Presenter/Commentator : Scott Mitchell
    Pits Reporter : Rob Dyer
    Stadium Presenter : Nigel Leahy
    Producer/Director : Andy Hague

    00:00:00 – Introduction with Scott Mitchell
    00:02:30 – Joe Thompson Interview
    00:03:57 – Josh Pickering Interview
    00:06:38 – Team Line-ups
    00:09:00 – Parade
    00:11:58 – Heat 1
    00:13:00 – Heat 1 ReRun
    00:15:54 – Heat 2
    00:18:37 – Heat 3
    00:21:36 – Heat 4
    00:25:21 – Joe Thompson Interview
    00:26:44 – Anders Rowe Interview
    00:27:08 – Heat 5
    00:30:30 – Heat 6
    00:31:59 – Heat 6 ReRun
    00:34:40 – Heat 7
    00:38:48 – Josh Pickering Interview
    00:42:53 – Heat 8
    00:44:39 – Heat 8 ReRun
    00:47:59 – Heat 9
    00:50:37 – Gate Stats & Team Scores
    00:51:37 – Richard Lawson Interview
    00:53:41 – Neil Middleditch Interview
    00:55:19 – John Campbell Interview
    00:57:43 – Heat 10
    01:00:34 – Gate Stats
    01:00:51 – Heat 11
    01:04:23 – Kyle Newman Interview
    01:05:41 – Heat 12
    01:08:16 – Heat 13
    01:11:59 – Heat 14
    01:15:52 – Heat 15
    01:18:45 – Joe Thompson Interview
    01:19:53 – Team Scores
    01:20:15 – Conclusion

    He went inside outside he W him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what the Finish [Applause] unbelievable this is good racing ladies and gentlemen Here the again for another po 51 good late afternoon early evening to you the Pirates TV viewers uh I’m Scott Mitchell your presenter and commentator and this afternoon this evening yes it’s one of those meetings it’s a Sunday here at wimbor Road very unusual but with the playoffs rapidly approaching these

    Meetings have got to be fixed in so here we are riding on a very unusual Sunday afternoon at wimborne Road and we bring you a meeting in the cab direct championship between the pool Pirates and the Edinburgh monarchs now what’s been happening since Wednesday we not lot’s happened from the Pirates since

    Wednesday because obviously they haven’t ridden but what they have done is signed Joe Thompson as a permanent at number seven Joe has come in for the injured Adam Ryan who has a broken shoulder braid in three places and looks to be out for the season now the aded monics

    What have they been doing well Friday night they had a meeting against the now top of the table Oxford cheaters at home and were beaten and beaten fairly convincingly so Oxford jumped pull up at the top of the table so tonight well Paul ride Edinburgh there is no bonus

    Point on offer because of the cancellation a few weeks back when Paul went to Edinburgh and uh there was that terrible incident involving the cameraman and and being hit by some uh Machinery so tonight Paul can’t go top but they need to win to stay in touch so

    Oxford lead the championship Paul are right behind them and they’re looking to get even closer let’s head over to the pits and get some reaction to tonight’s meeting so we’re here speaking with Joe Thompson of the pool Pirates wow that was sudden uh how does it feel to be a fully

    Fledged pirate yeah it feels great I’m really excited to get going um been without a team for a while now obviously due to injury and uh I’m excited to be coming back is there a thing about you know being outside of the Pirates looking in is it is is it a place that

    Riders want to be yeah definitely it’s a bit of a fortress to um away teams looking in uh I’ve been here before especially last year and it is a hard place to come to so it’s nice to be this side of the pits uh for a change and see

    What I can learn uh that helps them win pretty much every meeting here absolutely so with Adam rin’s injury it’s unfortunate for him but it’s one of those chances that you’ve just got to grab with both hands isn’t it yeah it’s a big opportunity for me um

    Obviously I’ve spent quite a while set out now through injury but I’m excited to be back and I think there’s a lot to learn here for myself and hopefully I can just keep improving uh lots of British guys in the team you know Steve Royal as the captain

    I’m sure he’s going to be giving you guidance and help yeah Steve was already trying to help me a lot last week and uh I’m very grateful for anyone that does tried to help me and uh I just keep listening and learning and um see if I

    Can put it into some results well we as pool fans now you’re one of the reserves that’s on the up and we look forward to seeing you tonight and and we hope you have a really good meeting yeah thank you I’m looking forward to it so we’re here with Josh picker in

    Josh always a difficult meeting coming away to the pirates for sure May they’re a strong outfit um it’s a it’s a tricky track as well it’s it’s one that’s very hard to be fast on around here especially when the home boys are dialed in but um we’re comeing here with every

    Intention to to win as many races as possible would it would it be fair to say that Edinburgh haven’t quite achieved this year to where you would thought you would be with the team you have yeah nowwhere near achieved to be honest I’m quite disappointing uh I was a part of that

    Disappointment I suppose I was injured for nine weeks and and miss lot of matches where they had to rely on guests and even though some of the guests at times they did fulfill the place of a number one um probably just the what do I sort of bring to the pits for the

    Whole team in a way that was missing and um I I sort of hold myself accountable for that in a way but also there was a lot of riders that have underachieved what they’re more than capable of doing um a part of a Speedway team you you

    Meant to do better than your average and I feel like the team that we’ve had at any given night can do better than their average but we have failed to do so against better competition I think I’m one of the ones that right at the very

    Start of the season when I saw your team I thought these guys are it would be a disaster for them not being a top four yeah exactly right they had every every chance to do so um one thing or another it just hasn’t worked out for us it

    Wasn’t for the the manag Management’s hard sake of trying or you know any of the boys it’s just some sometimes other Riders click and and they make a team um being completely honest like when you look at the team that P have at the start of the year I know they’re pretty

    Much the same team but to what we had at the start of the year I would consider ourself as strong to go home and away against the Pirates but um it hasn’t seemed to be this year yet and you know we can only do our best tonight and

    Another issue tonight no Craig cook for you tonight so R in his place yeah unfortunately for Craig there was a bit of an incident the other week in Edinburgh um yeah like no one deserves to go through what he sort of went through thankfully the photographers is

    Making a recovery but um it has other effects on on cookie since then and you know we can just wish him all the best he he is a big loss not having him in the pits uh he him on track as well mate like when Craig Cooks on it there’s not

    Many better so um it is a shame we wish him all the best and we would obviously much rather have him here but the same Tom he’s his own health is a lot more important than the speedway bike yeah most definitely and we we can only uh

    Wish him well and and hope for a speedy recover you we wish you a good evening tonight and we wish the team a good meeting tonight and uh let’s hope everybody comes home safe yeah nothing better Sunday evening Sun’s shining so I’m looking forward to get going thanks

    For speaking to us Josh thank you so here are tonight’s team lineups at number one for the Pirates is Richard Lawson Richard got fairly filled in in heat one last Wednesday he’ll be looking for a better start from heat one tonight in at number two is Kyle Newman

    Impressing since going up to number two from Reserve he’ll be looking for more of what he’s been doing in the last last few weeks at number three Ben Cook unfortunate engine failure in his last Heat on Wednesday but his Daredevil overtaking weekly is what we all remember at number four Zack cook he’s

    Another who never over turns down an overtaking move making him as exciting to watch as his brother when he’s here at wimbor Road at number five Steve warl some would say in the form of his life I’d say an appearance at the Grand Prix in a couple of weeks at Cardiff more

    Than backs that up at number six Anders row another pirate in the form of his life no more noticeable than the recent appearance for the under 21 team GB scoring 17 of the team’s 20 points and at number seven Joe Thompson guest here on Wednesday then signed his permanent

    Replacement for injured Adam ruyan who’s out with a broken shoulder blade for the rest of the season and ever present as always team manager is Neil middleditch so we move on to the Edinburgh monarchs Craig cook at number one unfortunately he’s absent for tonight’s meeting so the monx will operate Rider replacement for

    His rides at number two is Paco castania one of the championship Speedways characters but don’t let that for you cuz he can not ride a bit also at number three Kai Thompson the queenslander in his third season at British Speedway all with the monarchs but he’s seen recent

    Illness and now he’s only reded the team just last Friday at number four basan Bor the young Dane in his first championship campaign started at number two for the in the team now finds himself at number four at number five Jo Josh Pickering Captain’s the monets the

    Aussie exciting Rider to watch with his never give up attitude at number six Dale Wood the Aussie from wagger wagger in New South Wales in his first season in British Speedway and at number seven Max kle he started the season with scum slop and was replaced by Drew Kemp was

    Then quickly snapped up by the monarchs and the team manager for the monarchs is John Campbell all right number seven moves up to the championship racing after joining the monarchs Academy national development side in June it is Max CLE at number six enjoying his first year in the UK is Aussie appearing in

    Second and thir third tier racing in 2023 Dale Wood number five captain of the marks collected impressive win last time he was here at Winborn Road Josh Pickering number four a Dan 21y old making good progress since making his UK debut in June Bastian [Applause] B number three he’s been a reliable

    Contributor at number three now in his third year at Armadale K [Applause] Thompson and number two enjoy second season with the mons after a successful debut here from Italy pacco canga all right it’s time to meet the Pirates at number seven he arrives as our guest today but he’ll be taking his

    Place in the team permanently from next week welcome to Joe Thompson at number six congratulations a you he deservedly was handed the first reserved slot for the British gr PR at CIS next month Anders RO number five three big wins including two 51s on Wednesday showes the class of our captain Steve

    Warl number four classy performer very capable of his best works when the pressure is on Zach number three chosen as rer of the night the last two weeks on the banks that’s our Pocket Rocket Ben [Applause] Cook number two the spectacular four costum his final race on Wednesday after

    Dropping just two points Kyle [Applause] Newman and number one hit 51 with Captain Steve in heat 15 against the Bears sent the p to the top of the league BR La so we’ve got our two captains to come to the line Steve and Josh to spin the coin for gate

    Positions Morris has got uh he’s got a proper Penny Tails it is and Jos is saying one and three for the monarchs after successfully calling so here we go go here’s a lineup he one sponsored by ktie wardrobes in Gate one in yellow for the monarchs is

    Paco castania in Gate two in blue for the Pirates it’s Kyle Newman in gate three in white for the monarchs is Josh Pickering in gate four in red is Richard lawon for the Pirates so here we go then our start Marshall is ready and

    Away we go with heat one and it’s a good start from the outside from Lawson castania goes down on the inside the red lights are already on looks like he might have Twisted a knee or an ankle which is the last thing that the monarchs need at this particular Moment In Time

    Heat one sponsored by KD wardrobes in Gate one Packa castania in yellow for the mons in Gate two in blue it’s KL Newman for the Pirates in gate three in white is Josh Pickering for the monarchs in gate four is Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates to save the ride of

    Replacement save for Josh’s third or fourth ride the Pirates could be away and gone by then So move from the moock management a good one in my opinion can only do what’s right by the team this seems to be the right thing for heat one so we ask the second time of Asking our start Marshall is ready and away we go and it’s a better start for the monarchs this time round but it’s Lawson comes around the outside Packer castania coming up the inside leaves racing room for Lawson Lawson goes around the outside Josh pickering’s gone a little

    Bit wide and let Newman up the inside he was trying to take a tear off off at the same time and car Newman pounced it’s Richard Lawson out front having a look over his shoulder to see where his teammate is I’ll tell you where his teammate is he’s in third

    Place trying to be hunted down by Josh picker in he made a good initial start but I think he was hamered a little bit by packo down on the third and fourth turn on lap one and that me Pickering could not pick the line but now pickering’s

    Finding a way he’s got half a lap to have a go at Kyle Newman KY will stay tight Pio trying to come up the inside it’s not going to work it’s red yellow blue and white as they come over the line number one line in the

    Red 42 heat advantage to the Pirates and in shot is your winner the Rocket Man Richard Lawson up the three points for the Pirates in heat one fans favorite here at wimbor Road since becoming acquisition by the Pirates here’s the confirmation of the one result it’s a win for Richard Lawson

    In red for the Pirates in second was Paca castania in yellow for the monar and third was Kyle Newman in blue for the Pirates and fourth was Josh Pickering in white for the monarchs so the match score after one heat is four to the Pirates and two to the

    Monarchs here we go Heat 2 sponsored by compact lifting services and on the inside in red for the Pirates is Anders Row in Gate two in white is Dale Wood for the monarchs in gate three is Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates and in gate four is Mt C Max

    C and yellow for the Mons finds himself at Reserve just over four average T will go up on heat two and away we go again it’s a good start on the inside from Anders Road Joe Thompson going up the inside of Max C going into second place Thompson now chasing Anders row it’s Max CLE in yellow chasing Thompson the Pirates new boy really got into the M mix of it there on heat on Bend one and two and found his way through to second place it’s got a little bit stretched out this one with one lap to go but it’s Anders row he got to say is in the form

    Of his life in red he’s out front Joe Thompson still getting used to the track there in second being caught a little bit by Max CLE will he hold on to it to come home looks like he will so win for the rider in red followed by Blue followed by yellow followed by White and Jo Thomson for the Pates 51 Heat score in the advance to the advantage of the Pirates there’s your heat winner Anders row and coming round for his first Elation for the pool fans here’s the confirmation of The Heat 2 result it was a win for Anders Row in red our caption just says I’m quite the wrong way around there but it’s a win

    Brand is Row in red he picks up the three points in second in blue was Joe Thompson for the Pirates in third in yellow was Max CLE for the monarchs and at the back was Dale Wood in white for the mons there we go well done and so

    Heat to the score after heat two of the match is nine to the Pirates and three to the monarchs in Gate one in white is Kai Thompson for the monarchs in Gate two is Zach cook in blue for the Pirates in gate three in yellow is Bastian B and in

    Gate four in red is Ben cook for the Pirates here we go with race three Basan b basan b first in to go and takes her away it’s very even Jump but Zack Cook’s got there on the inside and brothers come around the outside in red and now the boys are Away K Thompson giving it a good go Zach Zach seems to have just got a couple of bike links on him in that lap Ben Cook’s gone out front he’s got his back wheels just in the dirt and he is absolutely flying like sat in his armchair really does look good here

    Glance over his shoulder to see where his brother is Bastian Sebastian B absolutely got filled in there by his partner K Thompson on the last lap but here we come it’s another 51 to the Pirates it’s red blue white yellow as they come over the Line Max another fight maximum Heat score to the Pirates second on the Bounce here come the Cook Brothers taking the flait winner there being Ben ler and red number three on his back here we go confirmation of the heat3 result it was a win for Ben Cook in red for the Pirates and second Zack cook in blue for the Pirates third was Kai Thompson for

    The monarchs and then fourth Bastian B there got filled in couldn’t see a lot so the match score after three Heats is 14 to the Pirates four to the monarchs here we go it looked a really even break at the start but Bastian Bor there Bastian Bor sorry he shut out

    There and that allowed Zach and Ben to have room to get around the outside of Kai Thompson on the inside gate in yellow is Max CLE in Gate two in blue is Joe Thompson for the Pirates in gate three in white he Josh Pickering for the

    Monarchs and then gate four in red is Steve warl for the Pirates the Pirates Captain being involved as GPS before as a reserve but didn’t get to ride with Mr warl so this time he will get to ride unless he does it Adam Ellis of course he gets injured in the practice

    What Adam did last year so here we go the H4 TS go up away we go it’s Pico and Stevie WHL but the grips all on the out side there early doors and War’s gone straight up to the dirt Jos picker in’s followed him Joe Thompson once again gets a good start

    And gets over Max CLE he’s learning to ride that grippy line now Joe Thompson Max CLE is closing in on him that looks to be where the action is picker in’s not give up at the front either Josh picker and is really closing up on Steve warl as

    Well it’s closing up and there’s getting by when you’re both almost as quick picker in is caught right up to the tail he’s got one lap to go he’s going high wide and handsome down there on the bottom Bend and cut back up the inside what an absolute Stony move from

    Pickering now warl is going to return the favor up the inside but he doesn’t make it great pass from Pickin it’s white red blue and yellow as they cross the Lineal you have to say what a Stony move from Jos Pickering that Was three all it’s a Heat score for Heat four there’s your winner coming round and I’m sure he’s going to get evation from the PO crowd how hard did he work there super ride from Josh pierin and here’s a confirmation of the heat for result it’s a win in white for Josh

    Pickering and how hard did he have to win for work for that for the monarchs in second was Steve barl in red for the Pirates in third was Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates doing his job and Max clay was at the back in yellow so

    The max score after heat four 17 to the Pirates and seven to the Monarchs here we go from the start and Stevie warl definitely had the jump he went on him and then clamp he got pico had one of his wheels on the inside on the grass because he had you know warl had cut across and then it looked like warl was

    Going to be away with it but you can see how far picko was back there Josh Pickering just really started to make long straights of it and get out in the dirt and you could see him just gra bik length back at a time and then you can see him come

    Around we were looking at the the race at the back because that was close as well well but then you could see Pickering just grabbing those bike lengths coming up the back straight we saw the presentation ear on from pan round you can see he’s right then on the

    Back wheel and watch him come into this turn goes in big and wide goes into the dirt straightens early warl was a little bit of No Man’s Land on pit turn there Joe if we could just have a very quick word on the live stream first of all congratulations and welcome to the

    Pirates uh good start for you today with uh paid Five Points already yeah I’ve changed a few things since the last Mee and uh and uh just making steps in the right direction generally uh yeah I’m just glad to be here and uh grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given and like

    All things making starts is a key part of Speedway and uh you didn’t look to be too bad off the blocks there no I I really struggled off the starts last week um so made some changes and uh I’m gradually getting there with my starts and not been been brilliant but they’ve

    Not been as bad as last week and how’s the injury I know you’ve come back in in the last couple of weeks after having some collarbone problems but presumably all okay now yeah I feel good and I don’t feel any pain anymore uh I’ve got my final X-ray tomorrow and then

    Hopefully I’m all clear and I can just keep racing and you joined the Pirates at a time that they’re heading towards the top of the table and looking at the playoffs and perhaps a championship for the third time it must be a great feeling to be on board with this club

    Yeah I’m definitely very grateful that they um came to pick me for the spot and uh I’ll do all I can to try and help out and score the points that uh that’ll help to another league title here great to have you on board Joe have a good

    Meeting as it continues thanks very much indeed and as just quickly there with uh his cap on and it’s good start gate one good race win yeah definitely it was um it was good track it was lovely so uh yeah congratulations on your nomination to go to Cardiff you must be delighted

    With that and looking forward to to it yeah definitely I can’t wait and um yeah it should be a good couple of days we’ll let you uh get your thoughts together as we go for the next round of heat gate number one in red for the

    Pirates is Ben Cook and gate number two in yellow is Paco castania for the monarchs in gate three in blue is Zack cook for the Pirates and in gate four in white the ride of placement ride is Kai Thompson for the joining on gate number two in yellow after Second 10 points the difference in the score Cook Brothers The Engine House of this Pirates team round again away we go and the Cook Brothers have made it the turn one Ben got caught up there on the inside I’m not really sure what happened but Packa gania took the chance to go

    Through Ben is now crashed out on turn three got out in the Deep stuff he’s got off the track Brothers out front that looked awfully messy big bit of grip coming off the turn there Zach’s just hit it as Well castania Thompson are in third and fourth But that took out Front that’s half a lap to go all the excitement was on lap one there it’s a win in blue for Z Cook followed by yellow followed by white it’s a three all Heat score here’s the result of heat five there’s your wa winner in shot Zach Cook brother Ben on that occasion got a bit squarely on the outside I think he was a little upset that he made the mistake but here’s the result confirmation the result of heat five it was a win for Zack cook in blue for the Pirates in second in yellow was Paco castania for

    The monarchs in third Kai Thompson filling in the minor placings and obviously our nonf finisher Ben Cook in red he gets adjudicated as fourth so the match score after five Heats is 20 to the Pirates 10 to the [Applause] monarchs you can see here great shot from the start two po boys out front and like I say Ben just drifted off the line and seemed to be spinning up in the middle of the corner and allow Paco to come by and then went a little

    Bit deep into the dirt then got filled in at the wrong moment and couldn’t see and the bike lifted gate one in white we have Jo Josh picker in for the monarchs he won last time out in Gate two is Richard Lawson in red he also won last time out for the

    Pirates in gate three is Dale Wood in yellow for the mons and in gate four in blue is Kyle Newman for the Pirates so it looks like pean’s going to be the last in rder and white on the inside for the monik the captain Mon’s only heat winner so Far aw makes a good start Newman’s coming right the outside I don’t know though there was contact there Kyle Newman believes there was he’s having to lay down like he’s on the the beach we’ll see it again was a good start on the inside from Lon and there was a gap around the

    Outside which Newman was coming to but it looked like Pickin was trying to get up there onto the dirt at the same time and Newman was half a bike link behind and there was a slight coming together Wonder white has been Excluded picker in there you can see in shot that’s a message so here we go heat 6 again MB wils are the sponsors of heat 6 No Rider in Gate one because of the exclusion in Gate two in red is Richard lawon for the Pirates in gate three the sole Monarch

    Is Dale Wood in yellow and in gate four in blue is Kyle Newman for the Pirates so here we go for the second time of asking on Pete six Newman got around the outside of wood Woodson had a really good start initially there Lawson made the start that we thought he would make and now it’s Kyle Newman chasing Richard Lawson dwood so Bonet at the back they are in his first year in British Speedway com through it a little bit

    Longer in the tooth than most of the odies come Over gain an experience with every turn of the wheel here in the UK but it’s Richard Lawson and Kyle Newman on for a 51 for the Pirates in with one lap to go unfortunately the race lost something when it lost just Pickering in this one came to the inevitable Conclusion there a win Kyle Newman just on the line over Richard Lawson and Dale Wood in yellow so it was blue red and yellow as they went over the line a 5-1 Heat score in the favor of the Pirates Here Comes Your race winner KL Newman picks himself off the floor for a

    Waste win so here’s the confirmation the heat six result was a win for KL Newman in blue for the Pirates in second was Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates in third in yellow was Dale Wood and of course Josh Pickin was excluded but he’s grounded fourth so after heat six the

    Match score is 25 to the Pirates 11 to the monarchs as the Pirates stretch their lead to 14 points in Gate one in heat 7 will be Steve warl in red in Gate two in white will be Kai Thompson for the monarchs in gate three in blue will be and his Row

    For the Pirates and in gate four in yellow will be basan B for the Monarch now so p s takes her up we underway away we go it’s a good one from World off the inside all a bit of bunching there was a bit of colliding going into turn one and

    The red lights are on again Ryder in yellow basan B got bulked a little bit there on the way in an unsatisfactory start pretty good tonight I think you’ll see from our camera just got a touch both Riders just touched on the way into the corner and

    Didn’t allow Bastian B to be a to turn seven sponsored by westex Marine in Gate one is Steve warl in red for the Pirates in Gate two in white is Kai Thompson for the monarchs in gate three in blue is Anders Row for the Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Bastian

    Bor for the monarchs Steve got past in the last lap by Pickering in his last Heat Here We Go Again second time of asking heat seven we’re away corl gets a good one and looks across for his partner around the outside is Kai Thompson of warl what a good move that is from

    Him he’s now gone out wide and he’s found a setup Kai Thompson hasn’t been back long just a few days from illness it doesn’t show there absolutely bled around the outside of the PO Pirates number five TI to are looking good out front for the monarchs to be able to

    Make a dent in this lead that the Pirates have the rider in the yellow basan Bor needs to come up and challenge the two Pirates Anders row has to look over his shoulder to be fair B looks better in this one he doesn’t quite look good enough to get the two in

    Front all that going on behind Kai Thompson he comes home with the win in wait for the Monarch follow Follow by Red followed by Blue followed by Yellow it’s a three or Heat score is the result of heat seven second race win for the monarchs tonight that was Kai Thompson and what a good pass that was over on the pit turn here’s the confirmation of your heat seven result it’s a win for Kai Thompson in white for

    The monarchs in second in red Steve WL for the Pirates in third was Anders Row in blue for the Pirates and in fourth with basan Bor in yellow for the monarchs taking the heat the match score after heat 7 to 28 to the Pirates 14 to the monarchs we can see from the

    Start few elbows there from row and Bastian built but while I was watching that Kai Thompson got in that dirt around the outside of turn two and pass warl whether the warl thought it was his partner on the outside of him I’m not sure cuz it’s was quite an Easy Pass

    Maybe he thought it was and his row there very quickly Josh sh on the live stream live stream and I’m I think that was a harsh decision from my point of view from you yeah look it is one of them things I don’t have mirrors in the

    Back of me head you know uh Richard like the way I look at it Richard he put me on the grass I changed my line tried to go around him it was a first Corner incident mate like there was nothing deliberate there’s no harm done Kyle

    Even knew himself he thought you know it was all four back um at the end of the day like that is the issue with this sport there’s that many referees and there is like there can be quite a few uh inconsistent calls but I can’t really

    Say I’ve ever been put out of a first Corner bunching like that um it was pretty embarrassing to be honest if I was a made a decision like that I’d hang me head in shame but um you know at the end of the day it’s realistically it’s

    It’s robbing the live stream and and robbing the the paying publicly to um put your put ourself up against the the best rers we can put towards the team yeah thanks for that honest opinion Josh it’s appreciated uh it’s been a tough year for hbur hasn’t it yourself as well

    At the start of the season coming into an injury and then uh having to wait a couple of months to actually get back on on track again and uh things haven’t really gone the Monarch’s way this time around and now poor old Craig suffering a little a little bit and you’ve got a

    Big uphill task to perform yeah look it’s the way it goes you can only do what you can do um I don’t really carry the weight of anyone in the team because at the end of the day we’re all seven individual riders that the reason we’re

    In this team is because we can pull our own weight uh there is a time where I have to do step up which I try to do that know you know every every other day of the week so um it is a bit of a situation we’re currently in um it has

    Been a tough season as you said it’s there’s no lies to that um we definitely don’t need to make it tougher making decisions like that but all I can do is wish cookie all the best um obviously was involved in an accident a couple of weeks ago at Edinburgh and it’s has

    Taken his toll in him a little bit and you know we can just send our love and support out to him as much as we possibly can and you know everyone with Edinburgh is behind him and um it is a shame that we can’t have him here with

    Us as well cuz in my opinion he’s one of the best riters not just in the league but in UK Speedway he um he’s unbelievable to have in the team and when cookie on there’s not not many other riders that can beat him so uh we

    Are missing that part of the team uh I feel like if if cookie was here today and he was at his best then we would definitely have a a good chance of taking some points away from P today but um look I don’t even really know what

    The score is right now I know I’ll be going out for a tactical at some stage um but yeah look at the end of the day I’ve just got to continue trying to win and and lift everyone’s spirits up and the boys can just go out and do what

    They can do again thanks for your honest opinion there Josh just one final question are playoffs out of the question for the mons this year oh mate I honestly I don’t know I every meeting I do um I understand we do a few different leagues throughout the league

    Like we have the cup and all the rest of it I don’t even know what meetings we’re racing in I just have me Diary where I am and what I’m doing um so Point systems wise I know I think we’re in sixth position I don’t again I’ve got no

    Idea what what we have to do to finalize their playoff um position it would be a tough ask but tell you what they Lo at with what we’ve been dealt with this year we deserve every right to to be there on Merit so um look we just got to

    Keep rocking up doing what we’re doing we’ve got two important meetings at home on Friday one against pool I think and the other with Birmingham so if we can try and win at least one of them two preferably and that would obviously put us in a good position but on the overall

    Scheme I don’t really know what what uh what we what’s required but one things for sure they can rely on you absolutely 100% of the time have hope the rest of the meeting pans out better for you than the first part’s done yeah it’s the way

    It goes I can only do what I can do there’s there’s no reason me to other than [ __ ] and WIS like I have I’ve made comment but I mean like me jumping up and down and getting cranky about it it’s not going to change his decision

    It’s only going to affect me for the rest of the night so I’ve got three maybe what have I got one two three yeah three maybe four races left um I just got to do what I can do in them okay well there goes the buzer thanks very much

    Josh here we go with heate sponsored by the ball beding Center in Gate one in blue is Joe Thompson for the Pirates he’s had a good night he’s had a good day afternoon evening so far in Gate two in yellow is Max CLE for the monarchs in gate three is Kyle Newman

    For the Pirates in red and in gate four in white Paco castania for the monarchs for number two packo a couple of second places to his name so far for His Four Points Newman’s also W Four Points he’s got a win and a third ma PL has just picked up the

    Solitary point in his first outing we know Joe Thompson got three plus two might we go Thompson has not made as good a one as Kyle and this time we’ got one stuck under the air fence on turn two that looked like Paco was going around the outside of Kyle a little roll

    Reversal there to Paco’s back on his feet got two tumbles tonight already it’s afternoon you can see Paco was around the outside in white picked up a bit of drive there went Ryan Newman and obviously the drive sent him straight here we go with heat eight once

    Again sponsored by bouth B in Center in Gate one Joe Thompson for the Pirates in blue in Gate two in yellow Max CLE for the monarchs in gate three is Kyle Newman in red for the Pirates and obviously no Rider in gate four with Paco excluded for being the cause of the

    Stoppage the sun’s coming round now causing a few problems for our camera Operators doing our best to get the lighting right and the Focus right for you to see rest of the racing here at wimbor Road this Evening the he eight is underway for the second time of ask it’s a better one off the inside from Joe Thompson Carl Newman made his start Thompson stayed down low Max C’s trying to come up the outside Newman’s hit a bump there and is Max CLE going to come between the two of

    Him he’s got round Thompson he’s making a good go of it Max Cay here the Monarch now he’s having a good look at Kyle Newman like change to set up for Max C picking up a bit of grip going wide and trying to come up the inside of

    Newman Newman shuts the door Joe Thompson’s not out of it either he’s right there with him in the mix he’s not being dropped away it’s Newman CLE Thompson to come round for the last Heat last lap sorry of heat eight Newman just about holding on

    There it’s a good ride from Max CLE to get B Thompson red yellow blue as they come over the Line 42 is the Heat score in the favor of the Pirates good pass there from Max CLE on Joe Thompson here comes your heat winner local lad Kyle Newman here’s the confirmation of that heat eight result it’s a win in red for KL Newman for the Pirates in second in yellow is Max kle for the monarchs in third was Joe Thompson another point to his tally in blue and in fourth obviously is Paco castania who was

    Excluded from the race so our match score after heat eight is 32 to the Pirates 6 to the Monarch as you can see from the start good start from the po boys there squeezed Max CLE but Max CLE went up into the dirt and got himself into a position there alongside Joe Thompson but he stayed patient he didn’t whack it right off he stayed patient and when the

    Opportunity arose in the room came he just went and got his Wheels on the edge of that dirt on the inside in Gate one is Zack cook for the Pirates in blue in Gate two is Josh Pian in white for the monarchs in gate three Ben Cook in red for the

    Pirates and in gate four in yellow is Dale Wood for the monarchs in an all Aussie Affair this heat nine Good Start Marshall awaits the Riders to come In backfire there from one of the Bikes here we go Heat n is underway and it’s a good one from Pico he’s gone wide to shut Ben off he knew that he would be coming wide on the turn on pit turn and he blocked the run good work there from Josh Pickering Ben Cook in second Zach in third

    And Delwood from wagger wagger is at the back out front Josh Pickering looking exceedingly Quick I see a bit of pent up aggression inside Josh from his exclusion earlier which we saw in his interview that with Rob that he felt that it wasn’t a fair thing but that stretched this race right out oh Delwood had an incident down in turn one and two it’s a win for

    Pickering in white followed by red and blue it’s a three all Heat score score looking wi quite literally leading them in the D in Heat number n w fell there he’s up and pushing his bike back but it’s a three old Heat score it’s the result of heat

    N Pickering choosing not to come around is the confirmation of the Heat n result it’s a win for Josh Pickering in white for the monarchs in second was Ben Cook in red for the Pirates in third was Dak cook in blue for the Pirates and in fourth failed to finish though Dale Wood

    Picks himself up off the floor down in turn two and the match score after heat nine is 35 to the Pirates and 19 to the mono once again inter in the outer Gates early doors favoring those Riders on them three wins from gate four three from gate three two from gate one and

    Just the one from gate one so once again the points coming from the outside two gate here’s a little flick through of who’s doing the scores here race wins for Lawson Newman cook cook herandez row on the other side two race wins for Josh Pickering for KY Thompson the points are where they are Thompson having a Gooding there four points that’s two bonus from the new pirate just what the management would be looking for okay well welcome back to pit Lane on the live stream with Richard Lawson with me and Richard heat one today was a

    Little bit different to heat one last Wednesday night you look a little bit cleaner yeah I managed to keep it a bit cleaner um that’s starts always important in the first one um the initial one I was really good start and then the next r one I almost didn’t get

    Cross him but uh managed to get it over the line yeah I said look you had to do it twice and the second time it looked a bit more difficult than the first always is that way um yeah but like I said we got we got it over the line and um yeah

    Nice to stay a bit cleaner this afternoon we’re running an afternoon into evening meeting does that affect you in any way or the setup of your equipment yeah slightly um the track’s riding a bit different so um yeah we’re just doing Minor Adjustments just not

    Exactly the norm but not not far off to be now uh between last Wednesday and today I know you’ve done a job for the uh brummies up at red car we PID 17 and that’s an amazing score on that track you were absolutely flying yeah it was

    It was a good meeting for me um the the track was prepared good and uh yeah um ex pirate Danny King I dropped my point to him we had a good battle but uh yeah I’m enjoying my racing at the minute and that red car track seems to be one that

    All the boys enjoy going to not only here at the Pirates but all the all the Riders around the country it is yeah it’s such a lovely shape and and prepared well it’s uh always brings good racing so uh the see RC on Sunday I’ll be um week today actually um that’s

    Going to be a tough one now uh between now and then of course Pirates have got a meeting to go to up at Edinburgh um after the sad events of what happened last time around up there important one for the Pirates because got to keep chipping away at those points to stay up

    The top of the league yeah 100% it’s kind of must must win all our meetings now to to to and finish top um if we if we can finish top it’s it’s a major advantage to to pick our opponent so um that’s what we’re looking to do well uh

    Going well today please keep doing it we’re looking forward to seeing the rest of your eyes this afternoon go well sir thank you cheers midow let’s just catch up with midow on the live stream and going going well so far yeah yeah it’s okay yeah it’s um it’s we’re doing what we were

    Expected to do really but uh but yeah you know p picko is putting on a show for us isn’t he tonight but yeah no the boys are all doing well um from a personal point of view I’ve looked at some of those refereeing decisions and um they they’re toss of the coin you

    Might like to just comment or you might like to say nothing I toss of the coin I think first one Paco I mean that was he just fell off on his own on the inside nobody near him and and and and in edinburgh’s favor and that one with with

    With with Pico and Carl I even Carl said it it’s F classic first Corner classic first corner I mean there was it was all four back all day long but you know okay it worked in our favor but it’s still a bit of a dubious decision shall we say

    Just looking at the league table as Oxford went to edur at the weekend and got a big win up there and Pirates go that way on Friday night with Javy in the chair I guess um I guess the message is going to be just keep doing what you

    Were doing Cu uh when the first running went the Pirates were in a good position need to be the same this time around yeah that’s right I mean it’s unfortunately that wasn’t obviously the incident that happened there but yeah I mean we just got to go down and do the

    Same but I mean obviously edmir will be giving him the chat don’t let this happen again so we’ve just got to you know I’m sure have your be all over the boys get get them fired up uh from your point of view do you think there’s any

    Chance that any of the top teams might make a last minute change as we go to the runin um I I don’t know I think everybody’s pretty happy with what they got I think I mean possibly it depends who’s around isn’t it there’s not many riders floating around but uh yeah I

    Mean if if there if somebody sees up like anybody like any team would if they see an advantage in changing a rider they’ll do it as long as the pennies are right yeah that’s right yeah keep it going Neil thanks for your time tonight okay back in the pit area I’ve

    Got John Campbell from the monarchs with me and John you told me earlier on it was an 8- hour drive to get to pool and uh at the end of it it looks like it’s going to be a very tough meeting for your boys yeah well even before we set

    Out it was going to be a tough meeting for us so uh we’ve got one or two of the guys going now and and we’ve had one or two or two decisions specifically going against us for sure um it would be nice if referees were consistent and uh I

    Suppose he’s consistently bad so that’s a plus for us um yeah we’ve had a tough season so uh we can’t come to the probably the best team in the league and and expect to do well when you’re missing your top man with no guest replacement and uh on a track that’s uh

    Requiring an immense amount of work here to to do what to I don’t know but Johnny at the start of the season if you look down the team sheets I’m certain a lot of people would have had Edinburgh up there as one of the potential playoff and title contenders

    But it seems to have fizzled away we haven’t had our team whole team outs since the 22nd of April we’ve had constant injuries from there on not not one guy that’s been out all the time but most of the guys have been out at sometime so it’s hard going to to make

    Anything of that it’s hard going to get guests particularly here today it’s it’s just impossible and it and it’s hasn’t gone well for us all season and I think you’re probably echoing what most promoters would be finding at the moment that guest Riders uh are scarce on the ground because of

    All the meetings that are now stacking up and that perhaps those that uh you do ask want to come and do it for a price that isn’t really reasonable um there’s always the right price for the job and and uh we’ll take guys on if we think the Price Is Right

    That hasn’t stopped Raiders coming here today though it’s all about they’re running too many meetings it’s uh there’s a couple of guys our own Josh Pickering has to an extent been complaining about um non-stop uh from today right through the whole of this week so it’s hard going for them I

    Accept that uh so all we can do is say well thanks for your time and putting the team together I know you’re trying to keep them going as best you possibly can to give the Pirates some action over the second half of the meeting it looks

    Like the tractor’s gone to bed so I’ll say thanks for your time John have a safe trip back all eight hours of it thanks very much here we go onto heat 10 and on the inside in Gate one in blue is Kyle Newman in Gate two in yellow is Bastian

    Bor for the mon in gate three in red is Richard lawon for the Pirates and in gate four in white is K Thompson for the monarchs and he looked very quick last time out we are counting down now there’s 9 seconds to the boys being ready to Start so our Riders Place take her up and away we go it’s a good one from the Poor Boys Lawson on the outside Newman on the inside hi Thompson’s got some work to do here if he’s going to get to the front Newman bouncing about all over the place

    But he’s hanging on like a bucking bronco there Newman now up the inside TI Thompson’s having a look Newman now shuts the door but goes wide he’s going into the deep stuff will it pick up it does but Newman keeps good control good drive as it comes

    Out there’s definitely two lines here an outside and an inside line after this track raid but it’s Richard Lawson out front he has no idea what’s going on in red and they’re all bunched up behind them but it’s Newman still holding the second place he tucks inside to hold Kai Thompson from

    Going around that inside and it’s a win for Richard Lawson in red blue white and yellow as they come over the line it’s a 51 heat advantage to the Pirates Richard there are your te Pirates came out of the traps and held on big evation here from the fans in the Grand St they like that [Applause] 5-1 here’s the confirmation of the heat 10 result it’s a win for Richard Lawson in red for the Pirates in second K new in blue for the Pirates in third was Kai Thompson uh in white for the monarchs and in fourth in yellow was basan B for the

    Monarchs so after he 10 the match score is 20 to the monarchs but it’s 40 to the Pirates they open up a 20po Lead here’s our gate stats changing slightly but gate one still looks a bit of a graveyard today it looks to be a long way to turn one from gate one but it’s Gates three and four still producing all the points here we go he 11 sponsored by

    Fabrication on the inside in Gate one we have basan B in Gate two in red we have Steve warl for the Pirates in gate three in yellow we have Paco CIA for the monarchs in gate four Anders Row in blue for the Pirates number one Riders are in at tape our start Marshall is Ready away we go it’s good start from Steve warer and then packed in by the monarchs coming around the outside of Bas buor is Anders row and he’s now going even daer going to try and get packo around the outside and he’s made it all around the outside

    What a small what a smooth move there from Anders row beautiful bit of passing here at wimborne Road from Anders row on three and four warl and row holding the 5-1 position and they’re starting to stretch away from castania he’s in third basan B Bastian B seemed to be

    Having a better run here in this one even though he’s at the back he looks a lot more comfortable on track had to shut the brakes on there to stop himself hitting Paco castania but the boys out front aren’t interested in that it’s a win for the

    Rider in red Steve warl followed by Blue followed by yellow followed by white number 11 Steve and another 5-1 Heat score to the Pirates it’s their f of the evening here’s your heat winner in red Stevie W coming around with his partner and this Row in Blue so confirmation of the heat 11 result it’s a win for Steve warl in red for the Pirates in second and as Row in blue for the Pirates in third Paco for the mons and in fourth basan ball for the monarchs so the match score after 11

    Heats is 45 to the Pirates 21 to the mons all the way around the outside and R here we go all action into the first turn and it looked like the mons had packed out the minor placings and then Anders row had different feel about it goes around the

    Outside goes in deep into turn three gets his wheels out in that dirt and you can see it lifting his front wheel and pulling him and it pulled him smooth as you like right around the outside of Paco castania the Pirates Duo were not headed from There quick comment four rides in and uh probably finished for the day how did it find it yeah um I was a bit gutted in me first one cuz obviously there was uh rer fell off and in the first race and got back in and then they made the start

    Typically you know what it’s like I i’ made the start in the first one so managed to get back up to Third and then unbeaten after that took a tumble myself in the fence and uh after the other day feeling a bit stiff and sore um you know

    It’s like you always land on the crashes but I think we’re cruising so um tracks a bit tricky but hey we’re we’re winning that’s the main thing funny old decision with u Pico and yourself there I think all four would have been the obvious call but referee saw it a different way

    Yeah I thought that but I was talking um one of one of the boys on our team um said it was because he went from like the inside to the outside kind of so aggressively um so potentially that’s what the referee seen and uh I didn’t I

    Didn’t I wasn’t focusing on him I was picking my own line and all of a sudden there was a bike there and I like had the front wheel taken away and uh yeah so uh got the rubber the green there um and um we’re just yeah

    Sometimes you got to take it you know there’s plenty of times where we we don’t get it there we go there’s Kyle’s view of what’s happened today thanks Kyle good work today sir thank you we’ll pass back to Scotty because the Riders are out on track yeah heat 12 sponsored by Fri

    Electrical on the inside in Gate one the attack Sub in yellow for the monarchs Josh picker in Gate two Ben Cook in red for the Pirates gate three in white is Kai Thompson for the monarchs in gate four is Joe Thompson in blue for the Pirates Monch will here be looking to put a little dent in the deficit few points behind trying everything they can and it’s Ben Cook gets over Josh picker in at the start and he will now get his head down and go KY Thompson in second place for the

    Monarchs as picker in in third will Kai Thompson hold picker in up picker in’s going high wide and handsome it’s Joe Thompson at the back for the Pirates but he’s not being left behind Pickin has a look over his shoulder Thomson’s one of those that keeps seems to be improving with every

    Turn of the wheel here but it’s Ben cook out front in red for the Pirates he made a lovely start from gate two got over the top of Pickering in Gate one and just got the elbows in front and it’s been a tapes to flag win for Ben cooking

    Red followed by white followed by yellow followed by Blue comforable again Heat number 12 belongs to Ben Cook it’s a three all Heat score is the result of heat 12 and there is your heat winner Ben Cook so here’s confirmation of the heat 12 result it was a win for Ben cook for the Pirates in red in second was Kai Thompson in white for the monarchs in third was Josh Pickering in yellow for the monarchs and in fourth was Joe Thompson in blue for the

    Pirates was a three or Heat score taking the match score after heat 12 to 48 to the Pirates 24 to the monarchs so here we go heat 13 sponsored by global heating gate one is Richard L for the Pirates in red in Gate two Paco castania he comes in as a rider

    Replacement in white for the monarchs in gate three Steve warl in blue for the Pirates and in gate four Josh Pickin in yellow for the monarchs on The this ising sixth ride of the even evening been a busy Boy Marshal lead and away we go it’s the Pirates boys out front and as I said picker in is going to find himself some drive on the outside not quite enough to get himself alongside Lawson Lawson’s had to shut off a little bit because he found a bit of

    Driving TV worlds out front they’re now doing a bit more of a team ride but Pico is going up the Gap what a move from Josh Pickering that is but he’s then gone too high and too wide he’s now coming back up the inside of Lawson this is some entertaining racing ladies and

    Gentlemen provided by Josh Pickering Lawson goes back round Pickering that’s the third pass in two and a half laps Pickin is not given up here I don’t know whether Steve War’s holding up l but Lawson’s had to go wide to try and stop picker and getting out onto that faster

    Line he’s learned his lesson this is five wide in play of the Pirates blue red yellow and white to come over the Line what an amazing race that was it’s a 51 Heat score in the advantage of the pirate in the favor of the Pirates [Applause] as you can hear R winner in shot proud appreciating that one and you have to take your heart off to Jo Josh picker in there for the entertainment he

    Provided here’s the confirmation of the heat 13 result it’s a win for Steve Warren in blue for the Pirates in second in red his partner in crime Richard Lawson the rocket man comes home in red in third was Josh picker in all action stuff from him and and it’s just a shame

    He only got a point for all his efforts there in yellow and in fourth was Paco castania uh the back so the match score after heat 13 is 53 to the Pirates 25 to the monarchs I have to say what an entertaining heat that was see the Pirates boys absolutely nail

    It from the start here packo tries to come back on the side picker in tries to grab some drive on the outside he still got lift coming off a turn two and he still didn’t shut it off and then picker in looks and sees he might be able to

    Get up the inside he then goes wide Lawson tries to team ride on the inside but that’s a slower route and that left the oh the minutest of gaps for picker in to go through under the outside he had to duck his shoulder to get under Lawson’s handlebars Lawson then comes

    Back up the inside picker and then passes Lawson one handed while taken a tear off off but that leaves him back on the mid track inside gate one for the monarchs in white is Bastian gor in Gate two Anders Row in blue for the Pirates in gate

    Three is Max plle for the monarchs and in gate four is Zack Cup in red for the Pirates when you speak to the former Danes that have been here at the Pirates they they will tell you that it’s important for for Riders to come and

    Ride in the UK to learn their craft to learn different tracks to learn different types of shell andan bu although he hasn’t troubled the scorers too much this evening I’m sure he’s learned an awful lot on his visit here to wior Road away we go the tapes are

    Up it’s a good one off the inside Manda row big bit of grip there for Zack cook at the back and he’s had to shut off to stop hitting the pit turn gate on pit two on turn two B yor now sat in second place with Max Cay in third and it’s

    Zack cook at the back now Zack Cook’s had a lap to gather himself and he’s now absolutely right on it and all over Max C Max C takes an inside run and it’s a big run around the outside all the action at the Back Z Cook get around the outside of Max PL in a smart move fair play to Bastian B he’s trying the outside Run for the first time this evening and he’s found a better setup and a smoother ride on this one but it’s a win for Anders row and blue followed

    By white followed by Red followed by yellow all 42 Heat score in the favor of the [Applause] Pirates big evation there for Anders row Bastian Bor comes around with his second place in his first point of the evening he wrode well there here’s a confirmation of the heat 14 result it’s a win in blue for Anders Row for the Pirates in second in white was Bastian B

    For the monarchs and in third with Zack cook good pass on Max CLE to get that third place in red and in fourth was Max CLE at the back so match score with one heat to go it’s 57 to the Pirates 27 to to the monarchs you can have a look

    Here good start from Anders r on the inside you see Zach goes wide and picks up there it was like a wheelie mid turn and he had he did all he could to stop himself heading through the bouncy castle and turn two Bastian B then went under Max Cay

    Found himself in second and he then went out there and started to find a bit of Drive took a lap for as you can see Zack cook to get back on terms with CLE we thought he was going to do it there on turn two but he grabbed another

    Handful of dirt there and had to shut off going round but found a lovely smooth run round three and four just go around the outside of Max PL on the inside in red for the Pirates we have Richard Lawson in Gate two in white for the monarchs we have Josh

    Pickering in gate three in blue we have Steve warl Pirates Captain for the Pirates and in gate four we have Kai Thompson in yellow for the Monarchs so our start Marshall calls the riders in for the last time on this Sunday afternoon stroke evening meeting with a good crowd emphatic victory for the Pirates the Riders points means money and away we go in heat 15 and Josh picker in away at the

    Front Lawson seems to have packed up at the back warl is in second place being chased by Kai Thompson it’s that man Pickering in white out front showing his class once again here at wimbor Road he has found a setup and he is absolutely gone Steve warl looking over

    His shoulder for the rider in yellow Kai Thompson Kai Thompson doesn’t seem to be able at this moment to make any impression RL goes a bit wider Thompson stays out wide on turn four and he really did make an impression then Le forward bike length after bike length

    But Pickering knows nothing about that he is just well over a bend and a half in front it’s Pickering takes the winning white followed by Blue followed by yellow an engine failure in red what an emphatic win for Pickering it’s a 4-2 Heat score the only heat advantage that the monarchs have had Today proud applaud Josh Pickering as he comes around is your heat winner in shot so confirmation of the Heat result heat 15 and the match result it’s a f it’s a win for Josh Pickin in white for the monarchs in second was Steve warl for the Pirates in

    Third was Kai Thompson in yellow for the monik and in fourth failed to finish was Richard Lawson so at the end of the match the match score is 59 to the Pirates 31 to the monarchs and it’s an emphatic win okay well and Center Green immediately after Heat number 15 I’ve

    Got Joe Thompson with me Joe a full pirate now and did you enjoy your evening here at the stadium yeah I think I definitely improved on last week and um that’s all I can keep asking of myself and uh yeah I enjoyed tonight and um I’m already looking forward to

    Wednesday as well yeah it was 4 plus two for you tonight I think on the score chart which is a absolutely adquate return for a reserve doing exactly what you needed to do but of course difficult because it’s only the second time on the track in recent weeks and it’s going to

    Take a few to adapt isn’t it yeah definitely um I slipped up a few times on a few things and uh uh just learn from them and hopefully put them right for next week and uh pick up some more points and just to confirm all the injuries are behind you now and you’re

    100% ready to go yeah I’m all good I’m just trying to enjoy racing again well I’m sure you’ll enjoy racing in the Pirates team which is doing so well at the moment congratulations welcome to Paul Joe Thompson everybody basking and Glory the Pirates fans as they leave with a match result

    With a 59 to the Pirates 31 to the monarchs 10 plus two there standout score and 12 for Steve warl on the pirat side and we knew Josh Pickin was going to be the danger man he picks up 11 plus one for the mons he’s the top scorer and Kai Tompson 9 plus one deserves a mention there

    Also so it’s thanks to us from Pirates TV crew our main camera Rob hyid roaman camera Paul hag present and commentator Me Pitch reporter Rob Dyer producer Andy ha and thanks to all of you for joining us once again here at wimbor Road he went inside outside he weighed

    Him up he looked for the Gap and he bur through it I think he’s not it what what a finish unbelievable

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