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    Uh it doesn’t fit i had poured some melon residues on here you can see how they sniffed around it good morning we survived last night we found us surrounded by white boars i mean we slept in the forest alex said what would you expect but to be honest

    We are quite close to the street and also to the next neighborhood and i honestly did not expect a horde of wild boars um and obviously they kept us awake for half of a few hours at least um And then when you’re kind of worried you start to imagine what kind of animals are out there and you hear all those different noises and it was kind of scary to be honest we didn’t really know what to do if it was a better idea to scare them away

    Or just wait for them to pass by but we could really hear that they were so close and we even left left our trash outside and i was very scared honestly but we survived um and now today we’re headed towards where we are going to sleep in a little

    Apartment which is really nice because we could wash some clothes and also wash the bikes because they really need it next mission on the hunt for some water that’s so nice actually that there’s always water everywhere let’s just see if the yep they’re running that’s great

    But i think there are also some others over there so just went to the supermarket got us some bread and hummus for lunch uh it was funny because it’s um 10 a.m it’s so early the spanish people are still sleeping apparently i mean oh they’re at work

    Also possible but i was the only one in the supermarket and i was waiting at the checkout for 10 minutes or so because there were no employees i was alone and i my spanish is so bad i didn’t really know what to say so i just shouted at some time and someone came Mountain since we were faced with some dangerous situations yesterday for the first time driving on the national road we decided to drive an alternative throughout today on the smaller streets through the villages which is really nice but that also means a lot of meters of altitude a lot of steep roads

    But nice views just realized today marks our one month on the road anniversary i’m getting eaten alive by mosquitoes so let’s go So So Very steep road but unfortunately with a lot of sand and split on it so we have to drive slowly now you witnessed how i fell it’s so steep that we cannot drive Uh oh this was so exhausting You


    1. I am so enjoying your videos. You capture some of the most idyllic places in the world, places that nobody even knows about. Beautiful scenery and you are right in the middle of it! I hope your viewership increases, because the work you put out needs to be seen. It's very inspirational. Enjoy the adventure. Onward!

    2. Congratulations Vanessa and Alex on your Anniversary, hip hip hurray. It's slightly better to be eaten by mosquitoes than wild boar, so I've been told. Oh, that is true love, when you give yourself the end two tomato slices and the yummy nice bits to Alex. There was some lovely scenery, that would have been better if we didn't have to listen to the grunts and moans of two people pushing their bikes up a hill. (sorry, bad kiwi humor) Excellent effort you two, I know my wife would have definitely taken a train home by now. Yes, onwards my friends, make these stories to show your families, and your children. Good luck, and take care.

    3. I lay awake half of a night in Finland in a tent listening to hunting dogs (at the time I was not sure what they were). It was for sure the scariest experience while wildcamping for me😱 So I can totally relate! What an adventure. Have never met wild boards but I am really scared of them😂🙈

    4. About wild boars – in such cases, before pitching a tent, you need to have dinner in another place 2-3 km away, so that the smell of wild boar remains there.

    5. You both make a great team.
      On my recent cycle tour wild camping in the mountains of Andalucia, wild dogs barking around my tent, woke me up during the night at around 2:30am. I lay in my sleeping bag terrified not moving a muscle not even breathing for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually they left and the barking faded into the distance. I was left alone on the mountainside with the wind gently flapping the sides of my tent, my heart beating wildly.

      The next day i was chased by twohuge Millanois sheep dogs and an Alsatian as I slowly pushed my bike up a very steep mountain road on my way to Granada. The dogs we prevented from reaching me by a flimsy looking wire fence at the end of their property.

      Dog attacks are one of my biggest worries whilst cycle touring as you are very vulnerable to salivating hound you are an easy meal.

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