Playing Carrer Mode in Tour de France 2022 on the hardest difficulty (Champion). Can’t choose legendary need more XP in the Game. Race: Les 3 Jours De Provence – Season 2

    O Oh is Hello and welcome to all the road followed by the riders today leaves little doubt about the scenario that will unfold in the absence of any major difficulty the Sprinter teams will chase down the barers who in turn will try to hold them off for as long as possible in

    Order to hope for a [Applause] Win the Riders have just set out and already there’s an Attack the stage isn’t difficult and everyone’s talking about a bunch finish guys watch out though the short climb 10 km from the Finish could shake up the peltin be alert to the wind as well it’s unlikely but it could confuse things immediate counter attack [Applause] behind watch out you’re not going to be

    Able to attack for much longer he’s got his teammates riding because he no doubt finds that the Breakaway is too big if you’re feeling strong attack to create a smaller group the others are fed up because you’re not making enough effort they’ll no doubt try and drop you

    It looks like you’ve got an exit slip from the peltin it’s riding quietly here’s a pure ruler make sure you don’t leave him alone up front will be difficult to catch him and it’s better for him to finish on his [Applause] own the pelan is starting to ride behind

    You it looks like he doesn’t want yet another Rider at the head of the [Applause] race he’s a good Sprinter often used as lead out Rider to drive Mass Sprints the Riders UPF front are widening the Gap but they’re not dangerous if you don’t take more relays you will disrupt the Breakaway and

    You’ll have no chance of going all the way it is important to relay a minimum during a break away so that everyone agrees to cooperate but be careful not to do too much in order to save some strength for the [Applause] Finish he can ride all day long on the

    Flat it would be hard to say that he’s in his element on short climbs or sprints [Applause] Virtually he takes the lead of the overall [Applause] standing the time gap between the pelaton and the Breakaway is decreasing [Applause] the time Gap with the head of the race is stable [Applause] I stop got [Applause] [Applause] It he burst upon the scene in the 2020 season with a stage Victory and several Podium places on the tour the France the Swiss Rider Mark hisi is now one of the punchers who can’t be taken for granted after a strong 2021 season that saw him

    Win the T D do and Paris camon Dorian godo is one of the young and talented French punches you’re the best placed on the overall standings and the [Applause] brid [Applause] [Applause] get on go go go it’s looking good you’ve got more than a minute’s lead on the [Applause] pelum he’s got his teammates riding because he no doubt finds that the Breakaway is too big if you’re feeling strong attack to create a smaller group h okay I’ll protect him he’s the best Sprinter in the group take his wheel if you want to score some

    Points you’ve got 1 minute 30 over the pelan it turned out to be a good move [Applause] the rid is up front of wiing the Gap but they’re not dangerous the pelan is starting to ride behind you it looks like he doesn’t want yet another Rider at the head of the

    Race go go go go [Applause] here [Applause] he doesn’t seem to want to let you have more of a lead and his teammates are pushing hard it’s going to be a game of cat and mouse you must constantly try to Shelter From The Wind so as not to consume energy

    This is what allows a rider to Edge clear at the end of the race puncture puncture no just kidding it was to wake up the mechanic your Breakaway companions look like they want to up the [Applause] pace the second intermediate Sprint of the day will soon be fought out the

    First will pocket 20 more points he’s the best Sprinter in the group take his wheel real if you want to score some points guys you’re 3 km from the intermediate [Applause] Sprint you didn’t make any friends today your attitude will encourage your opponents to attack new leader for the green joury watch out you’re not going to be able to attack for much longer [Applause] the Breakaway is upping the tempo at the head of the race it doesn’t intend to be

    Caught up that easily [Applause] the pelan is riding hard stay well placed the Gap is increasing we don’t need to ride for now there’s nobody dangerous for us in the Breakaway time difference between The Paton and the breakaways is steady I’ll make a big effort on the relay okay I’ll consume a feed

    Okay I’ll consume a feed okay I’ll protect him the Breakaway is holding off the pelaton but it’s going to be difficult the Riders up front still have something left they’re upping the pace to try to hold out till the end [Applause] Collective fall it may create gaps the Gap is decreasing guys the

    Peleton should be there for the stage win the first Riders are 2 km from the clim the head of the race is 1 and a half minutes lead on the pelaton I’ll make a big effort on the relay looks like the brakeway still has some gas left it’s still able to widen the

    Gap w I’ll go full out on the relay after montelimar the road is relatively open for about 10 km guys if there’s any wind you will have to be well positioned I’ll keep you posted it wasn’t expected but the wind is up guys watch out because the closing stretch could be hectic [Applause] [Applause] last time check with a breakway 1 minute he’s in trouble it’s not sure that he’ll be there for the Sprint he’s the new leader of the overall youth [Applause] standings that okay if the pace is too fast I won’t [Applause] insist it I’ll make a big effort on the

    Relay 20 km left and one last climb on the menu ranked as a fourth category climb there will be one point for the mountains classification okay if the pace is too fast I won’t insist the first Riders are 2 kilm from the clim [Applause] [Applause] another

    Go make he’ll be the new polka dot Jersey he can no longer be caught [Applause] today our Sprinter isn’t looking good he’s being left behind I’ll make a big effort on the relay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] go [Applause] you I’ll go full out on the relay okay I’m coming to protect

    You with 10 km to the finish the break weighs on Bor time with less than a minute lead over the pelaton it will be very hard for them to go all the way [Applause] the leader was in danger but he’s once again leading the overall [Applause] standings [Applause] 30 seconds lead for the head of the race I’ll go full out on the relay during the spr try to stick to the wheel in front for as long as possible to take advantage of the [Applause] slipstream okay I’m coming to protect you 5 km for the pelaton the sprinters

    Have got their team members riding to position themselves and avoid [Applause] attacks [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay I’ll protect [Applause] [Applause] Him [Applause] on [Applause] You put you come [Applause] from A few minutes ago he was first across the finishing line here is today’s stage [Applause] winner he found a way to master his rivals in order to raise his arms in Victory congratulations to him for this highflying performance he’s inspired paring form and you can clap him loudly here’s the yellow Jersey of this stage and ex good let’s hope for his sake that things

    Go as well in the future but for now he can relish the moments he’s amongst the leading Riders this year here’s the green jersey of this stage it’s a moment that he should not forget and which marks his career come on let’s applaud him once more he tops the standings and will

    Receive the traditional honors here’s the poker do Jersey of this [Applause] stage he will be able to hang this jersey in his trophy room let let’s hope for him that he can add more we can say that everything is going well for him at the moment here’s the white jersey of this [Applause]

    Stage he will be able to hang this jersey in his trophy room let’s hope for him that he can add [Applause] More we had no real Ambitions for the classification of this stage the least that can be said is you didn’t prove me [Applause] wrong [Applause] Oh It’s the final stage guys today’s route is hilly and a leg break perfect for attacking which should suit the punches this is our last chance to try and take the points classification mathematically it’s possible we must believe it even if the stage isn’t really within our scope you’ve got to

    Stay vigilant for the general classification good race to you [Applause] all N Hello everyone this stage ridden through the nce hinterland could prove to be eventful with difficulties all along the Route there will be numerous opportunities to go on the [Applause] [Applause] offensive [Applause] there’s a concentrated day of riding ahead of you Lads it’s a short stage but

    It’s rarely flat you’ll have to be on your guard all the time have a good stage [Applause] the Breakaway has 30 seconds [Applause] lead [Applause] his team is in Full Throttle they have no one at the [Applause] front time Gap stabiliz the first 15 to pass the intermediate

    Sprint score points towards the green [Applause] jersey you’re the best Sprinter in the Breakaway you should manage to win the intermediate [Applause] Sprint [Applause] you’re approaching the intermediate [Applause] Sprint here go I got I [Applause] got you’ve won the intermediate Sprint well done attack by the yellow Jersey you reckons that

    We’re going to let him ride away does he [Applause] h the pelan is riding hard stay well [Applause] placed you’ve got to ride guys if you want a chance of a Sprint Victory the Gap is decreasing the Pelon is not given up I’ll make a big effort on the

    Relay the race is on to the first climb of the day the code deance a first difficulty that should allow the men in front to widen the Gap understood stick to the wheels in whatever [Applause] happened [Applause] the breakway didn’t get far watch out for counter moves only the first four Riders to the top will score points in the mountain standings breakway over [Applause] Riders are already being dropped at the back of the pelan it won’t be a great day for them the pelan is 2 km from the top of the climb [Applause] [Applause] got sit down [Applause] got go go [Applause] [Applause] go here’s the positions over the last climb we’ve taken control of the PO Jersey well done Guys [Applause] [Applause] Contin [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Come okay I’ll protect him [Applause] here we pleas it pleas [Applause] it his teammates are already supplying the pace to finish on a Sprint the Breakaway is for Warned [Applause] a new difficulty is approaching the C the shut NF here again there will be five 3 2 and one points for the king of the mountains [Applause] Classification you must constantly try to Shelter From The Wind so as not to consume energy this is what allows a to Edge clear at the end of the [Applause] race guys don’t forget to protect our leader communication is important that’s why we have [Applause] teamc what CH for him in the mountains

    He may be young but he’s already proved that he can compete with the [Applause] Best his best chance of Victory is to try a break away from far [Applause] out change of leader in the overall you [Applause] standing you still have two kill M before you reach the summit watch out for him he’s the best puncher in the [Applause] Breakaway your Breakaway companions look like they want to up the pace [Applause] the peleton is 1 minute 30 behind you you’re over revving reduce the tempo or you’ll pay the price he seems interested in a stage win that must be why his teammates are riding

    Hard watch out for him if he gets away he can go all the way gap between the pelaton and the skaps is stable [Applause] [Applause] Bra Bravo [Applause] Ho [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] Got [Applause] [Applause] sit [Applause] there are just over 50 km left in the race with a code depay and the CZ we can say that the race is entering its closing phase and if anyone wants to try to blow the race apart they will be able to go on the attack from now

    [Applause] on the first six Riders at the top will pocket the points towards the poka dot Jersey there will be 10 8 6 4 2 and one point to be [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] gained [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] go King of the mountain Sprint in 2 kilometers for the Breakaway [Applause] [Applause] Group [Applause] For [Applause] [Applause] go go go go go go go go go teammate is beginning to lose [Applause] touch the first Riders are going over the summit of the coat depay and will head towards the second intermediate Sprint to the stage he will be fought out in the village of s Mar [Applause] [Applause]

    Dep the BR takeway is 3 km from the intermediate Sprint okay I’m coming to protect you he’s no longer virtual leader of the general classification the end of the stage is not far off stay awake it will soon start to move in the peltin attack watch out Lads this is dangerous for

    Us now a long descent will take the Riders to it’s the CZ the last pass of the day the head of the race is one and a half minutes lead on the pelaton the Breakaway is unlikely to go all the way guys watch shout for counter [Applause]

    Moves the Breakaway is managing to hold off The Paton the Gap seems to have stabilized yes this gu maintain the tempo watch him he must feel able to win the stage okay I’ll protect him last time check with a break away 1 minute I want inste watch out you’ll soon have no more

    Energy for an [Applause] attack 30 seconds lead for the head of the race a sight of many final stages especially in the form of a time trial the CES is a quasy inevitable climb for the Paris SS Riders such as Steven Ro Tony rominger or more recently Richie P have won

    There he’s been dropped the stage is too much for [Applause] him [Applause] For the Riders up front still have something left they’re upping the pace to try to hold out till the [Applause] end I’ll make a big effort on the [Applause] relay it’s ranked as a first category clim so there will be 10 8 6 4 two and one points up for [Applause]

    GR you almost look out of strength look after you self if you want to avoid a blow up break away over okay if the pace is too fast I won’t a teammate has just been dropped you can’t count on him any [Applause] longer okay I’ll consume a feed

    Our Sprinter isn’t looking good he’s being left behind King of the mountain Sprint in 2 km for the Breakaway [Applause] group [Applause] He takes the virtual lead of the overall Standing [Applause] no one has managed to get away on the C days we’ll no doubt see a small group of Riders fight at the Sprint on the [Applause] pro he’s trying to get out of the penaton watch [Applause] out [Applause] get you’re over reving reduce the tempo or you’ll pay the price [Applause]

    [Applause] do [Applause] spee he is all smiles as he climbs onto the podium applaud him here is today’s stage [Applause] winner he found a way to master his rivals in order to raise his arms in Victory congratulations to him for this highflying performance he’s in sparkling form and you can clap him

    Loudly here’s the yellow Jersey of this stage and Mak good you’re theer let’s hope for his sake that things go as well in the future but for now he can relish the moments we can say that everything is going well for him at the moment here’s the green jersey of this stage

    Let’s hope for his sake that things go as well in the future but for now he can relish the [Applause] moment he tops the standings and will receive the traditional honors here’s the poka dot Jersey of this stage it’s a moment that he should not forget and which marks his career come

    On let’s applaud him once more he’s amongst the leading Riders this year here’s the white jersey of this stage he will be able to hang this jersey in his trophy room let’s hope for him that he can add More we had no real Ambitions for the classification of this stage the least that can be said is you didn’t prove me wrong we finish with the polka dot Jersey it’s great congratulations to you all you fought well I’m proud of [Applause] you He He

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