So much fun descending from Saddle Peak. I take a detour into unfamiliar territory on the super steep and sandy lanes of Topanga. Never a dull moment blasting a road bike around here!


    Bike/Camera gear list:
    Wheels: Deluxe Cycles 45mm/35mm (
    Handlebar bag: Chrome (

    The day’s ride:

    Find me here:


    1. Lame! While blindly following every traffic sign and NEVER crossing a double yellow is not a given, he's not using his brain here. The chances he takes are just that, totally dependent on things beyond his control. But…at least he got clicks..🥱

    2. As dangerous as this can be, rode cyclists actually ride at this speed. It’s the treasure of rode riding. You grit your teeth through the uphill then have the reward of the downhill at the end. And yes, you do overtake a few cars and speed.
      Sure, this guy is lucky. But at least he’s not being too risky.

    3. I see so many comments about Safa blowing through stop signs and lights. We see the traffic well before it. It's a skill you actually have to learn. I've been hit twice by a car not because I did something wrong. It was because of an idiot driver. One was on her cellphone that I caught on Video at the time. She wasn't even paying attention. The other was me being on the far shoulder and the lady kept trying to run me off the road. The first time she gave me the finger. I tried to get away from her and she ran me off the road. I ended up breaking my clavicle from that.
      So….when some of us move like that, it's to get away from idiot drivers as fast as possible. I experience plenty of idiots driving even in my on vehicle. The majority of these idiots stay texting or surfing social media while driving! I see the mess everyday! The amount of cars purposely swirving into the bike lane while some screaming get off my road happens every week in certain cities I be in.
      The stop signs he blew through were all ones that required every side to stop. No one was there. That's the difference.

    4. I'm a 13 year old kid who rides a 20 year old mtb and even I'm more responsible than this man, I'm just surprised he even recorded this without embarresment

    5. funny how people complain about the stop signs.. I guess those people never rode a bike..

      there is a reason for those stop signs.. and the reason is that you cant see and hear shit when you sit in a 2 ton vehicle..

      on you bike you have so much more awareness that you just slow down a bit and you have plenty of time to check all directions.. I think it is much safer then coming to a full stop with a car.. because when you start your car again to continue your drive there could already be another car approaching that could hit you (and this happens all the time).. when you slow down on a bike to check all directions it is extremely unlikely that you missed somebody that could hit you

      usually when people get killed on their bikes it does not happens because a cyclist ran a stop light.. it usually happens when the cyclist has the right of way, like during a green light and the asshole car drivers just run them over because they dont know what is going on around them..

    6. This godamn moron is about half a second from turning into raspberry jam at any given moment. Don't pass on blind curves! A cyclist going 40 mph colliding with a car going the other way WILL DIE, helmet or not.

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