Mark Fellows, nicknamed ‘The Iceman’, was convicted of the killing of one of Manchester’s most notorious criminals in 2019.

    The hitman, who was caught after a GPS system gave him away, murdered Paul Massey in 2015 but wasn’t apprehended until 2018, by which time he had killed again.

    In July 2015, Fellows shot at Massey 18 times on contract for The A-Team gang. Massey, who was killed on his own driveway, tried to take cover behind his bins but died within minutes of the shooting.

    Fellows was caught after the GPS system on his Garmin sports watch put him at the scene of Massey’s murder.

    Massey is thought to have been made a target by The A Team after he, unsuccessfully, tried to act as a mediator during a fall out between rival Salford gangs.

    Massey’s associate and “mob enforcer” John Kinsella was murdered by Fellows three years later.

    This is the incredible story of how Fellows, a part time Sous chef, murdered two of the Manchester underworld’s biggest names.

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    About OCG TV • Videos that highlight stories that need to be told about organized crime gangs and the criminal underworld in UK and Europe. • Written, voiced, and produced by OCG TV

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    🔎RELEVANT HASHTAGS: #manchestercrime #truecrimecommunity #assasin #theateam #crimeinvestigation #britishcrime #irishcrime #murdercase #irelandcrime #costadelcrime #spaincrime #smuggling #johnkinsella #markfellows #michaelcarrol #gangland #hitman #costadelcrime #execution #assasin

    It all began with a petty incident in a Manchester nightclub when a drink was thrown by a criminal from one group over another the alleged cause of the Fallout was because one of their number bought a brightling watch from another which turned out to be a fake this incident

    Sent off a chain of events that resulted in 4 years of intense violence including two murders multiple shootings and a dangerous cycle of retaliatory attacks reminiscent of the notorious gun Chester era in the 1990s Mark fellows known as The Iceman due to his calm exterior was Central to

    This wave of violence and became one of only 70 individuals in England and Wales to receive a whole life sentence when he was found guilty of the brutal murders of his Gangland Rivals Paul Massie and John kinsella in July 2015 fellows used an Uzi submachine gun to unleash a hail of

    18 bullets upon Massi followed by the cold-blooded killing of Kella 3 years later these execution style murders sent shock waves through the criminal underworld of Northwest England Massi had gained notoriety for his involvement in the drug trade during Manchester’s Rave scene in the 1990s yet he remained a prominent figure in sford

    Canella similarly commanded both respect and fear he famously had intervened when gangster threatened to harm former England footballer Steven Gerard earning him a reputation as a formidable enforcer in merys side canella even served as a PO Bearer at massie’s funeral the unresolved murder of Massie and canella cast a dark shadow over the

    Greater Manchester police for 3 years with a list of 112 potential suspects consisting of key figures from the sford underworld detectives faced a daunting challenge as the public public remains silent fearing the consequences of speaking out you are watching ocg TV We are continuing to build our channel to

    Be the best version it can be we would truly appreciate it if you subscribe to the channel if you don’t already now let’s begin the first chapter chapter 1 Mr Big Paul Massi was a well-known figure in and around Manchester he had previously gained his nickname is salford’s Mr Big at an acrimonious

    Council meeting in 1992 when one counselor claimed that he was behind civil disturbances in the city for decades he wielded influence in parts of sford police were Keen to arrest him but he won admirers in some quarters for his hostility to heroin publicly expressed in stickers that went up on lamp posts

    Warning you smack and get smacked in April 2015 he denied rumors that that he had been asked by police to intervene as a mediator after a series of four violent incidents in February and March including two shootings and separate attacks with a machete and a grenade a

    Former associate of Massy claimed to a British media outlet that he was murdered after trying to mediate between the two groups when their Feud became increasingly violent police believe Massie was aligned to one of those groups nicknamed The A Team and the Rival group the anti-a team ordered the

    Hit at 7:23 p.m. on July 26th 2015 Paul Massie arrived at a Bargain Booze located on the outskirts of Manchester England and parked his silver BMW 5 series he had just arrived back from win Cup’s Holiday Camp situated on the Irish sea in North Wales however his getaway

    Did not provide the desired relaxation Massie found himself burdened with two mobile phones that incessantly buzzed as numerous individuals sought his assistance upon entering the store he requested his regular purchase a bottle of bicardi and 2 L of coke after leaving a tip for the cashier using the change

    He swiftly departed within a minute shortly after a mysterious individual trailed him only 17 seconds behind upon his return from vacation Massie dedicated his afternoon to spending time with two members of his gang he then proceeded to visit auki purchased bicardi and cokes and finally drove the

    Short distance back to his spacious red brick Colonial home which was set back from a bustling Road and guarded by RW iron gates unbeknown tamasi an attacker had been alerted by an individual who had been tailing him this as salant patiently waited nearby at precisely 7:27 p.m. as Massie

    Exited his vehicle a tall and athletic man swiftly crossed the road disguised with a fake beard and dressed in combat attire he swiftly Drew out an Uzi and commenced firing this marked the beginning of a scenario that Mr Big had long anticipated in fact during an

    Interview with the BBC in the late 1990s he had expressed his preparedness for such an event stating if it’s meant to happen it’s meant to happen I’m aware of the risks involved in the driveway Massie experienced a sudden and intense pain in his left shin the force of the impact

    Caused bone fragments to scatter onto the gravel in the midst of the chaos he accidentally dropped the bicardi bottle causing it to shatter as if things couldn’t get any worse a bullet struck three of his fingers on his right hand completely tearing off one of them despite these injuries Massie managed to

    Find cover behind some trash bins and quickly dialed 999 for help the asant confidently approached the bins and continued to shoot at Massi out of the 18 bullets fired from the gun one proved to be particularly devastating it pierced through massie’s fifth rib on his left side penetrated

    His chest cavity and inflicted severe damage to his heart lungs and back as massie’s chest filled with blood and the ground became stained the shooter swiftly crossed the street dashed through the graveyard of the Parish Church of St Anne and made his way towards a wooded area without wasting

    Any time he hopped onto a bicycle and rode away leaving the scene behind this audacious Escape by Mr Big’s assassin captivated the attention of British tabloids who couldn’t resist drawing comparisons to the thrilling dramas of peaky blinders or The Sopranos despite the police identifying over 100 individuals of Interest the

    Case remained unsolved in order to comprehend the Enigma surrounding the infamous assassination of a prominent individual it is imperative to grasp the essence of the sford code which can be succinctly summarized in two words within the context of this realm the principle is clear don’t grass chapter 2 killing

    Canella on the 5th of May 2018 father of two John Kella was strolling with his American Bulldogs on a Rural Road near Junction 7 of m62 at rain Hill accompanied by his pregnant partner Wendy Owen unexpectedly the couple was approached from behind by an individual wearing a mask and a high visibility

    Vest riding a mountain bike cleverly disguised this masked gunman shot Kella twice in the back causing him to collapse instantly Miss Owen recounted how she observed the Iceman calmly approach her injured partner and mercilessly fired two additional shots at close range into the back of his head during the

    Investigation into Kel’s shooting police discovered CCTV security footage that did not capture the actual murder but instead showed an unidentified man riding a bicycle towards kinsella’s Residence at approximately 5:00 a.m. although the man’s face was obscured he bore a striking resemblance to fellows consequently on May 30 2018 Authority’s apprehended fellows upon his

    Arrival at Manchester Airport from Amsterdam via an EasyJet flight suspecting him of being responsible for both murders despite their attempts to interview him at the police station fellows remained silent Mark fellows had spent the afternoon after the murder with his mother at the Trafford Center eating at zizzy restaurant and buying a trendy

    Pair of 165 Mallet trainers from TTI later he socialized with Pals in the pub and enjoyed a meal at KFC he flew out to Amsterdam on holiday a few days later if he had committed the murder he did not look spooked fellow was widely known to authorities for his affiliation with the

    Anti-a team his involvement with the group Drew attention when he was shot in the buttocks shortly after massie’s murder however he was never arrested despite having a criminal record consisting of five convictions for various offenses such as robbery and illegal possession of ammunition fellow’s past did not indicate any involvement in assassination

    Activities fellows had a distinctive appearance with a square jawline and a slender physique reminiscent of a runner rather than a professional killer as a native of sford he seemed to lead a quiet and unassuming life due to Childhood illness he wore a colostomy bag and was meticulous about his

    Personal hygiene and wellbeing he had two young children children and work night shifts as a SF specializing in Source preparation for a company that produced chilled and Frozen Foods the evidence against fellows was not conclusive however law enforcement did discover a dubious smartphone in his possession this device had been altered

    In a way that allowed it to enter an encrypted mode by simultaneously pressing the power button and a volume button this was by no means a crime in itself but it did sparked the interest of detectives who wondered why one would own an encrypted device unless trying to hide nefarious

    Activity specifically police were concerned that this was the type of device a Hitman would use to communicate with a spotter a short time later that suspected spotter was arrested Steven Bole prosecutors would allege was a friend and Associate of fellows he was suspected of trailing Massie in a car

    After the Bargain Booze pit stop back in 2015 and he was lying in wait in 2018 signaling the Iceman when canella and his dogs approached like fellows Bole at 35 had a Lany of small time convictions when he was arrested at a hotel outside of Manchester Bole opened his mouth I

    Haven’t murdered anybody but I probably know more things about it than I should while Bo’s teas was shocking it wasn’t enough police needed hard evidence to box him in that was the goal when they raided Mark fellow’s flat searching for anything that could link him to the murders they didn’t find the bicycle

    From the CCTV footage they didn’t find a murder weapon what they did find was a mundane piece of evidence that in concert with a Loos lipped gang member unspooled both cases a Garmin Forerunner 10 GPS watch fellows had a passion for long-distance running and relied on his

    Garmin Forerunner 10 GPS watch to track his progress recently he successfully completed the 10K segment of the great Manchester run finishing in an impressive 47 minutes official race photos captured him nearing the Finish Line with his hair disheveled and wearing a tank top over a long- sleeved running shirt while the Garmin watch

    Remained attached to his left wrist investigators extracted data from the device and discovered that fellows had utilized it to monitor not just his jogging sessions including the Manchester 10K but also a sequence of reconnaissance missions he had the foresight to refrain from using the watch while cycling to and from the actual

    Murders during one of these excursions 3 months prior to massie’s murder fellows had journeyed from his residence in sford to the field across the road from massie’s house the watch recorded speeds indicative of a person on a bicycle rather than on foot and indicated that the wearer had manually ceased recording

    His location while standing near the small Stone Church he spent a total of 8 minutes there having identified his position and Escape Route chapter 3 a betrayal the following trial was accompanied by an exceptionally high level of security surpassing any previous cases witnessed by the prosecutors the jury at Liverpool Crown

    Court was strictly prohibited from being photographed and the use of mobile phones was strictly forbidden during the 6 we trial the prosecution argued that fellows had been hired to carry out both murders with Bole assisting him on each occasion fellow’s defense attorney chose not to call any Witnesses while the

    Defense for Bo’s alleged role as a spotter called Bole himself to testify it was during this testimony that Bole shocked everyone once again he claimed that he had no involvement in the murder of Massie however in kinsella’s case he admitted to being present under the belief that it was a

    Drug deal it was then that fellows killed Kella and handed Bole a revolver concealed within a sock inside a backpack Bo’s defense was met with disdain by the prosecution who scoffed at it the jury at the very least remained unconvinced and did not believe his defense after 31 hours of careful

    Consideration and discussion the 12-person panel reached a verdict of guilty for Bo in canel’s Murder however he was cleared of any involvement in massie’s homicide due to a lack of evidence as a result Bole received a life sentence with the potential for parole after 33 years on the other hand fellows was

    Found guilty on both counts and received the same sentence but without the possibility of parole this was an exceptionally rare penalty in Great Britain ensuring that he would spend the rest of his life in prison during the reading of the sentences fellows displayed a smirk on his face as the

    Guards escorted him out of the courtroom it was reported that he made a throat slashing gesture directly towards his codefendant if Bo’s decision to turn on fellows was genuine and not the result of a scheme between them it makes him a marked man who can never return to sford


    1. The official narrative…sure if you look into Kinsella, you'll find out he pulled the trigger on D and o…(check the e-fit/mugshot? ). Everything after that takes on a different perspective, after you learn the D and o gun was used in Glasgow 13yrs ago,a gun that was should have been destroyed! You don't get whole life for shooting gangsters, you don't even get a WLT for shooting kids,not unless you're doing it for the Establishment? What gangster runs marathons? After the James Boyling affair,anything is possible, was Fellows undercover? The whole affair doesn't sit right!

    2. The Police think a guy they caught illegally possessing ammunition, been shot and is a known associate of an OCG doesn’t suggest he’s involved in violence. Awesome detective skills displayed by the filth as usual 😂😂😂

    3. His lousy poster should have said ; "SELL Smack & get smacked" instead USE Smack& get smacked" – after his mates have sold it to you. Nice! . Another thug posing as Robin Hood.
      If I had a £5 er for every time I heard "Duh….I don't shit on my own door-step" I'd be rich.

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