A cyclist in London confronted a furious motorist after they attempted to drive the wrong way down a road.

    Filmed on Tuesday (June 11), Mikey stepped in front of the Mercedes as the driver attempted to drive down the wrong side of the road near Regent’s Park.

    Mikey was then knocked off his feet as the driver tried to nudge the cyclist out of the way and after a few verbal exchanges, the motorist got out of his car.

    The driver attempted to remove Mikey’s helmet camera before retreating to his car saying: “Can you just get out of my way man? Get out of my way you f****** idiot!”

    Passing Metropolitan Police officers pulled over and ordered the motorist to move out of the way before questioning him.

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    Go to the poker you know what this is back go back you’re on the wrong side of the road go back go back don’t drive into me go back go back go back why are you hitting me go back go back go back go back why are you driving into me

    Get out of the way you know this is going on YouTube into the police right go back go back go back you’re gonna get a ticket no go back go back go back go back you just told me I’m gonna call the police hey Siri dial 999 please no you don’t go

    Back your body looking at go back please I’m calm you know come go back your number plate so today go back your eyes thank you mate we’re standing by so we have golf Victor 6 8 kilo Foxtrot x-ray and we have Bravo x-ray 6/8 JVG yeah just kept you drive into me not

    Very hard but a couple of times he forced me to fall into the bottom because you’re not my legs okay I’m a bit 7 myself this be fair you know I didn’t get out of the way when you we’re like this you know it doesn’t you do scars

    See what he was doing that year so do 100 all right I think I’m gonna report him on here by the mates online yeah we can do a better and now you might you do whatever you feel you need to I’m very happy with you guys thank you for coming

    Up sorry yeah oh definitely just join us over you


    1. I've seen this pedaling pillock loads of times. He seems to have unlimited time on his hands and spends hours loitering on this junction ambushing poor bloody motorists. I expect even the utterly useless police will have had enough of him by now, or perhaps he's moved on to Just Stop Oil (surely his spiritual home) where the numpties can take even better care of him.

    2. What a strange man, clearly on the wrong side of the road and blames anyone else but himself and threatens violence. How these people pass their tests is beyond me!

    3. The Mercedes driver chose to drive the wrong side of a traffic island to save a few seconds – because he was STUPID and BLIND.
      He didn't see the YouTuber ready to pounce and put himself in danger to get what; a dented bike or cuts and bruises, the upper hand, a moral victory or just a video to support his channel.
      Who is the bigger danger to themselves here?
      Sadly, there will always be drivers who try to get away with illegal manoeuvres and as long as there are such idiots, there will be people wanting to set things straight on YouTube.

      On another note – I liked the way the police officer put his cap on to fully identify himself as an officer of the law – as clearly the patrol car and blue flashing lights were not enough to make Mercedes man realise he was being a f wit.

    4. Cycling mikey… behave man this guys a tit. Hes the sort of guy that would see your car in a pub car park and report you for drink driving dont defend this nobead

    5. Lol cyclist has clearly never been in a fight or taken a punch before.

      *antagonizes driver who responds and gets out

      "Touch me and I'll sue !!"

      Absolute panzie!

    6. Mid 90’s was queuing on A13 to turn left into Blackwall Tunnel. Queue jumper tried forcing his way into left lane but a Police car was there and an officer instructed him to continue straight on A13. Driver ignored command and by the time I reached them could see him being put inside of Police car!

    7. What a weird footage. There’s the driver blatantly doing something illegal (to save time but still illegal), and there’s this pedestrian acting like a cocky crossroad white knight thinking he upholds the law and can do the job of police officers by stopping the car. Both are in the wrong imo, the car for going in the wrong lane, and the dude filming by doing the job of a public agent when he’s not one

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