Today we are joined by @MartiBlagborough as we take a look at Milliken Industrials Ltd, Beech Hill Plant, Gidlow Ln, Wigan WN6 8RN.

    We speak to staff about the place but things do not go too well.

    Google Maps Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Uh well I can’t actually give you permission okay well the drone’s going up in 10 minutes so I’ll leave it where are uh the Drone can’t go up without permission over here so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Wigan we’re still with Marty blackbar from our visit to my

    Rider to get his bike sorted out and we have found milikin the carpet man manufacturer now security seems to be quite good you cannot get any further than this well restricted AR there yeah we got a couple of traffic barriers and do we have an intercom at

    All yes there is an intercom just there so we’ll just let them know that we’re just outside for 20 minutes making a hello hello my friend um we’re just outside making a little video about the uh the car manufacturer right just going to fly the drone over get some shots just for the

    YouTube video right have you got have you got permission for that well we’ll be outside if you want to talk to us uh well I can’t actually give you permission okay well the drone’s going up in 10 minutes so I’ll leave it where are uh the Drone can’t go up without any

    Permission over here we’re right we’re outside mate if you want to talk about it right done got a minute thank you so as you heard there I’m not too keen on talking to intercoms but we do like to let them know and give them the opportunity to have their

    Say on the Drone issue you know the message that we’re trying to get across is filming and flying 249 drone perfectly lawful perfectly legal we don’t want to be hiding the fact that you have to do it you should just be able to do it and if we can educate as

    Many people as we can before those get confronted then job well done and also of course we want to have a look at the amazing carpet manufacturing plant because as you can see over there they call this the beach Hill plant so I guess we look um

    And fire few minutes Beach Hill your safety is our priority wow they count the numbers in hours here since L time injury but obviously the barriers seem quite old and the sign seems quite old and the flag has seen better days everything just feels a little bit old around

    Here so let’s see what the staff say when they come out are they going to be up to dat or are they going to have the old-fashioned view on drones let’s find out so the website says from a humble General Store in 1865 to the global manufacturing leader we are today so

    They’re calling themselves the global manufacturing leader that’s a big claim so for us to come and do some filming and get make a video of the place is not out of the ordinary really for a global leading company glob some more logos down there was it yourself we spoke to yeah I

    Just bought you then yeah I just B look you’re okay no it is the Drone can go over with no issues it for why would you want to watch it you’re here every day it’s not me it’s bosses you know the ter of mind their own

    Business but yeah said you just go for it so there you yeah no what is up is is this the global leader in carpet manufacturing certainly is how can you say that though there’s so many there’s so many other bigger ones is there no what you’re saying you’re the biggest in

    The world yeah we’re an American company so it’s it’s like multi-billion pound company but it looks really like look at the barriers look really old and everything looks dirty doesn’t it and you’re calling yourself the global leaders with this impression yep why is that are you filming me no yeah it’s on

    Yeah do you know when we make a video of the global leaders we’re showing people although the website says this this and this this is the reality right so when we fly over I don’t want me to be on video why not cuz I don’t I don’t want to be on video

    So take me off that I can’t take you off it how can I take you off it it’s it’s rolling now Conversation Over see you later excuse me bye so that’s the rude start of how you get treated when you come to Milan guys and this is a global leader really are

    You being serious mate just like that I’m sorry it ended that way but how rude we can film from public can’t we well that would an Abrupt ending one it as soon as he realized that he had a camera on him yeah mine sort of gives it

    A weir cuz I’ve got a flashing light on mine you can turn it off you know can you yeah see I tried to do this manage it I’ll do it for you do you want to do it now so what can you see really that impresses you from this view that tells

    You it’s a global leader because all I can see is Tatty old M everything’s dirty and like the most impressive thing I can see from here is that bird you will now be offered three options to speak with customer services please press one if you have you are through to the milikin

    Carpet customer service department you can now contact our team directly on 01942 61277 please hold while we transfer you to the next available associate she is craz off this and it hangs you up so the global leader the the world’s largest carpet manufacturer as soon as you dial their number and

    Choose an option they disconnect you I’ll try once more cuz I really want to give this company please press one if you have a sample request please press two to be connected to all other departments including credit please hold no they don’t like to answer the phone

    Here at all do they so it’s not good to be honest I do try and look for good in places but I’m really struggling here so anyway let’s get David up let’s see if we can see some good from the sky get David up and see what this place looks like from

    Above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all Milan let’s have a look at you then shall we Oh 35 DJ yeah I’m at 35 as well I’m right next to you let’s have a look I’m below you oh there you are found him oh brilliant hey da you’re right hello Humphrey so anyway let’s get a little bit lower than Marty make sure we’re not going to collide

    To the left we have the offices a small number of cars park there little bit bigger car park to the right and then we have the plant the manufacturing plant where they make carpet classing themselves as the world’s largest Goods inwards just down here and what do we

    Have rolls and rolls of yoan of some sort and then around the back this looks like to be waste but neatly stacked we’ll ignore the untiy containers when they look that bad surely you just paint them don’t you but anyway they the global leaders they should know it backs onto Railway

    Track then we have another canopy that’s all battled as well is it that’s been hit a few times on the corner of that obviously some sort of heat process happening down here look at the state of the roof yeah it’s an old building as long as it’s watertight I’m sure it serves its

    Purpose barrels of some sort down there at least they’re moved out the way of everything else some more storage tanks a chimney of some sort there nicely grass I must say an emergency exit down there and some more abins down here metal wood just a normal waste and there’s a forklift moving

    Around right now Forks are nice and low but are they tilting back don’t think so and it’s just going into that other unit there compact uh Turn Style gardeners are on site right now in the Vans there and then we come back to where we started down here so yeah the grounds

    Are the best thing really about this place and that’s probably cuz we’ve caught the gardeners on site right now the ambulance that was blocking the bus was just down there I think it did move a little bit Yeah but what’s in the local area well I shall show you right

    Now if you’re from Wigan you live nearby and you want to see what the area looks like I’ll go up as high as I can we’re currently up at 75 M but I have got a wind warning now so I won’t go any further there we go wig again

    Milan and the surrounding area let’s get David back and wrap this video up shall we and that does conclude the video from here at Milan there wasn’t much to see from the main entrance was there so we took the Drone open and got the scale of

    The site and it wasn’t too bad to be fair garders are doing a great job the location of the DJ aits keying is just there and we’ve showed you another company that claims to be the global leader in its field and the website makes it out to be

    Such an amazing place but when you come here it’s slightly different isn’t it so we’ll wrap this one up here guys if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one byebye for now


    1. DJ doesn't like talking over intercoms , must be horrible using your phone for phone calls lol 🤣🥸 DJ . Be honest you just want them to come out for your vlog fibber 😱

    2. Weird opposite effect as usually they kick off when they think they are not being filmed but that bloke seemed ok until he found out Marti was filming him LOL , some weird people around and that company looked run down for a so called Billion dollar company LMAO

    3. Awww Kool, I was the one who informed DJ couple months back that you can silence those blinking lights on your bwc lol , just like my ebike I'm sure one can get some ideas from my setup

    4. I am not shocked by it looking tatty, it is an American company and any improvements would need money being spent and that is not a thing they like to do, it is all about making as much as possible not spending it.

    5. To be fair, you often say that people shouldn't walk up to the camera if they don't want to be filmed, so walking away when they discover they are being recorded is the right thing to do. He could have been a bit politer though.

    6. He did right thing not rude he said dont want to be on film and walked away. Thats the right thing to do if you dont want to be filmed ???

    7. Of course they are the world's leader's their an AMERICAN company. lol. what the guy didn't say was world leaders in
      RUDNESS and Slums. Another idiot who don't want to be filmed but stands in front of a camera and staff who are too lazy to answer the phones. BEST IN THE WORLD ??? not.

    8. I can think of at least 2 carpet manufacturers who'd probably like a word about this one's claim.
      Never forget, there's a huge difference between being the largest and being the best!

    9. There’s an old military weapons and ammo storage underground bunker near there that used to store the produce from BAE Systems, it’s been brought back into service for some unknown reason, no flight restrictions either, in a village called Heapy, I can send you a pin if you want a nosey

    10. That was brilliant mate. Your guy with me makes me laugh so much as he says it how it is. Your last video made me laugh so much when he produced ID with Kermit Frog and a 007 on it 😂😂😂😂 comments were disabled on that so could not comment.
      By way, we have a CEMEX company for concrete near me in Leeds in its own industrial area…. Bet that would look great for an audit and I would love to do a flight over it. How about you and your mate popping to Leeds to do the Audit?

    11. One thing I've noticed is when one person has fair English talent and the other doesn't, the one that we can almost understand starts using more slang other than his almost understandable English. If you don't believe me listen to the phone conversation about the drone going up without permission.

    12. As soon as I seen the word global I knew it was garbage. Did you know that the word global can be attached to any company lie because the powers that be know that the globe does not exist other than decorative ornaments and thats why not one single real photo exists of the elusive imaginary globe.

    13. Millikan is among the top 3 carpet manufacturers in the world. Their home office is located in Blacksburg, South Carolina. Great video, I came to your page on a recommendation from JDE Media. Thanks for sharing buddy.

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