Welcome to The Global Adventures! In this video, “TOP 10 Things to do in PARIS | FRANCE – [2024 Travel Guide]”, takes you on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Paris.

    We start our adventure at the iconic Eiffel Tower, standing tall in the Champ de Mars. Next, we explore the world-renowned Louvre Museum, home to thousands of works of art, including the Mona Lisa. Our journey continues to the majestic Notre Dame, a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture.
    Stroll with us down the Champs-Élysées, one of the world’s most famous avenues. We then take a detour to the vibrant Latin Quarter before embarking on a serene boat ride along the Seine River.
    No trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the opulent Palace of Versailles and a night at the Moulin Rouge, the birthplace of the modern form of the can-can dance.
    Prepare your taste buds as we delve into French cuisine, sampling everything from croissants to escargot. Finally, we dare to descend into the eerie Paris Catacombs, a network of old quarry tunnels housing the remains of millions of Parisians.

    Join us on this incredible journey and discover why Paris is known as the “City of Light”. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to The Global Adventures for more exciting travel guides! 🌍

    00:38 1. Eiffel Tower
    01:27 2. Louvre Mouseum
    02:22 3. Notre Dame
    03:18 4. Champs-Élysées
    04:13 5. Champ de Mars
    04:54 6. Versailles
    05:46 7. Latin Quarter
    06:30 8. Seine River
    07:10 9. Moulin Rouge
    07:53 10. French cuisine
    8:42 BONUS

    #theglobaladventures #paris #paristravelguide #travelguide #thingstodoinparis #paristraveltip #whattodoinparis #paristravel #parisfrance #top10paris

    Hello, everyone, and welcome  to The Global Adventures,   the channel where we explore the world and  share our tips and experiences. In this video,   we are going to show you the top 10 things  to do in Paris, the city of lights, love,  

    And art. Paris is one of the most popular and  beautiful destinations in the world, and there   is so much to see and do here. We will also  give you some advice on the best time to visit,   the cost of travel, and the best recommendations.  And make sure to watch until the end, because  

    We have a bonus for you that you don’t want to  miss. So, without further ado, let’s get started. Number 1. Eiffel Tower. The first thing to do in Paris is,   of course, to visit the Eiffel Tower. This is the  most famous landmark in Paris, and probably in the  

    Whole world. It was built in 1889 for the World’s  Fair, and it stands at 324 meters tall. It is an   amazing feat of engineering and design, and it  offers some of the best views of the city. You  

    Can see the tower from many places in Paris, but  the best way to experience it is to go up to the   top. You can buy tickets online or at the ticket  office, but be prepared to wait in long lines,   especially during peak season. We recommend  buying tickets in advance, or taking the stairs  

    Instead of the elevator, which is cheaper and more  rewarding. You can also enjoy the tower at night,   when it sparkles every hour for five minutes. It  is a magical sight that you will never forget. Number 2. Louvre Mouseum. The second thing to do in  

    Paris is to explore the Louvre. This is the  world’s largest and most visited art museum,   and it houses some of the most famous artworks in  history. The museum is located in a former royal   palace, and it has a stunning glass pyramid at  the entrance. The museum has over 35,000 artworks,  

    Spread over eight departments and three wings.  You can find paintings, sculptures, drawings,   antiquities, and more, from different cultures  and periods. Some of the highlights include the   Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and the Winged  Victory of Samothrace. The museum is so huge  

    That you can spend hours or even days here, and  still not see everything. That’s why we suggest   planning your visit ahead, choosing the best  entrance, downloading the app, and booking a   guided tour. You can also buy a skip-the-line  ticket or a Paris Pass to avoid the crowds.

    Number 3. Notre Dame. The third thing to do in Paris   is to admire Notre Dame. This is one of the most  beautiful and impressive cathedrals in the world,   and it has a rich history and architecture.  It was built in the 12th and 13th centuries,  

    And it features a Gothic style, with  flying buttresses, stained glass windows,   and gargoyles. It is also the setting of the  famous novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame by   Victor Hugo. Unfortunately, in 2019, a fire  broke out and damaged part of the building,  

    Including the spire and the roof. The cathedral  is currently undergoing restoration, and it is   expected to reopen in 2024. However, you can still  visit the exterior, the towers, the crypt, and the   treasury, for a small fee. You can also enjoy  the free views of the facade, the rose windows,  

    And the gargoyles, from the square in front of the  cathedral, or from the nearby bridges and islands. Number 4. Champs- lys es. The fourth thing to do in Paris is to   stroll along the Champs- lys es. This is the most  famous and elegant avenue in Paris, and the place  

    To go for shopping, dining, and entertainment. It  stretches for 1.9 kilometers, from the Place de la   Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe, and it is lined  with trees, flowers, and fountains. Along the way,   you can find some of the most prestigious  brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel,  

    And Dior, as well as some of the most popular  cafes, restaurants, and cinemas. You can also   see some of the most iconic monuments, such as the  Grand Palais, the Petit Palais, and the Obelisk.  

    The best way to enjoy the avenue is to walk from  one end to the other, or to take a bike or a bus   tour. You can also visit the avenue at night,  when it is illuminated by thousands of lights. Number 5. Champ de Mars. The fifth thing to do in  

    Paris is to enjoy a picnic at the Champ  de Mars. This is a large and green park   at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, and  a popular spot for locals and tourists   to relax and have a picnic. It is a great  way to experience the Parisian lifestyle,  

    And to enjoy the views of the tower and the  surroundings. You can buy some cheese, bread,   wine, and fruits from a nearby market or bakery,  and find a nice spot on the grass. You can also  

    Play some games, read a book, or listen to some  music. The park is open 24 hours a day, and it   is free to enter. You can also visit the park at  night, when the tower and the park are lit up. Number 6. Versailles. The sixth thing to do in Paris is  

    To visit Versailles. This is a magnificent palace  and garden complex that was once the residence of   the French kings and queens, and the site of  many historical events. It is located about 20   kilometers from Paris, and it is a UNESCO World  Heritage Site. The palace has over 700 rooms,  

    Decorated with gold, marble, paintings, and  chandeliers. Some of the most famous rooms are   the Hall of Mirrors, the King’s Chamber, and the  Royal Chapel. The garden has over 800 hectares,   filled with fountains, statues, flowers, and  trees. Some of the most famous features are  

    The Grand Canal, the Orangerie, and the  Petit Trianon. The palace and the garden   are open to the public, and you can  take a day trip from Paris by train,   bus, or car. You can also buy a skip-the-line  ticket or a Paris Pass to avoid the crowds.

    Number 7. Latin Quarter. The seventh thing to do in Paris is to   discover the Latin Quarter. This is the oldest and  most lively neighborhood in Paris, and the home of   many universities, churches, museums, and cafes.  It is located on the left bank of the Seine,  

    And it has a bohemian and intellectual atmosphere.  You can explore the narrow streets, the charming   squares, and the hidden courtyards, and visit  some of the attractions, such as the Pantheon,   the Sorbonne, and the Shakespeare and Company  bookstore. You can also enjoy the nightlife,  

    The street art, and the street performers. The  Latin Quarter is a great place to experience the   culture and the history of Paris, and to  meet some of the locals and the students. Number 8. Seine River. The eighth thing to do  

    In Paris is to cruise along the Seine. This is  the river that runs through the heart of Paris,   and that offers some of the best views of the  city’s landmarks. You can take a boat tour,   either during the day or at night, and  choose between a sightseeing, a lunch, or  

    A dinner cruise. You can see the river’s bridges,  islands, and banks, and the sights along the way,   such as the Mus e d’Orsay, the Notre Dame, and  the Eiffel Tower. You can also learn some facts  

    And stories about the river and the city, from the  audio guide or the live commentary. A cruise along   the Seine is a romantic and relaxing way to enjoy  Paris, and to see it from a different perspective. Number 9. Moulin Rouge. The ninth thing to do in Paris  

    Is to experience the Moulin Rouge. This  is the most famous cabaret in the world,   and it offers a spectacular show of music, dance,  and costumes. It was founded in 1889, and it is   located in the Montmartre district, near the red  windmill that gives it its name. The show features  

    Over 60 artists, performing various acts, such as  the can-can, the acrobatics, and the comedy. The   show also includes a dinner option, with a choice  of menus and drinks. The tickets are expensive and   sell out fast, so you should book well in advance  and dress smartly. The Moulin Rouge is a must-see  

    For anyone who loves entertainment and glamour,  and who wants to feel the spirit of Paris. Number 10. French cuisine. The tenth thing to do in Paris   is to sample the French cuisine.  Paris is a gastronomic paradise,  

    And there are many delicious dishes and desserts  to try. You can find some of the typical foods,   such as croissants, crepes, baguettes, cheese,  escargots, onion soup, ratatouille, steak frites,   and macarons. You can also find some of  the best places to eat, such as bistros,  

    Brasseries, patisseries, and markets. You can  also try some of the regional specialties,   such as the cr me br l e, the quiche lorraine, and  the coq au vin. You can also pair your food with   some of the finest wines, such as the champagne,  the bordeaux, and the burgundy. The French cuisine  

    Is a delight for the senses, and a reflection  of the culture and the history of the country. Bonus: Paris Catacombs. And now, for the bonus.   The bonus thing to do in Paris is to visit  the Catacombs. This is a secret and spooky  

    Attraction that not many tourists know about,  and that consists of an underground network of   tunnels and chambers filled with the bones of  millions of Parisians. This was created in the   18th century to solve the problem of overcrowded  cemeteries, and it is now open to the public for  

    A guided tour. You can enter the catacombs from  a small door on the Denfert-Rochereau square,   and you will descend 20 meters below the ground.  You will then walk for about 2 kilometers,   through dark and narrow corridors, until you reach  the ossuary, where you will see the bones arranged  

    In various patterns and designs. You will also  see some inscriptions, sculptures, and monuments,   related to death and the afterlife. The tour lasts  for about an hour, and it is not recommended for   people who are claustrophobic, or who have  heart or respiratory problems. The catacombs  

    Are a fascinating and eerie attraction, that will  give you a glimpse of the hidden side of Paris. And that’s it for this video. We hope you enjoyed  it, and that you learned something new. Paris is   a wonderful city, and there is so much more  to discover. We hope you will visit it soon,  

    And have an amazing time. If you liked this  video, please give it a thumbs up, and leave   a comment below. What is your favorite thing to do  in Paris? Or what would you like to see next? We  

    Would love to hear from you. And don’t forget to  subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell icon,   to get notified of our new videos. We post new  videos every week, about different destinations   and topics. You can also check out our website,  our social media, and our other videos, for  

    More travel tips and inspiration. Thank you for  watching, and see you in the next adventure. Bye!

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