In this episode we get to build up a bike live. Our friend Spokesman MTB got his first E-bike and we get to have our first bike build live on the podcast. Also big thanks to Trail One for donating some giveaways to some lucky audience members.

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    Ma man oh man we were sorry guys we were backstage just with a bunch of Tom Foolery making it happen we are back for episode 138 this is our first ever attempt at a bike build and obviously you can see Joey and I are in our Studios there is no garage

    Here because the garage in where the bike is being built is going to be in Colorado that’s right spokesman MTB is going to be building it up we are looking at his cameras right now Joey how many cameras did we just see of him I think he’s in competition with

    Colorado kid he had about four cameras four different angles holy cow he’s running around he’s checking his audio this is gonna be great and thank you all for tuning in I can see there’s a lot of people in here uh Joey let’s say what’s up to the what’s up to everybody and

    Let’s tell them what they can what they can win tonight um but first of all we want to say thanks for tuning in obviously tonight we’re going to be giving away three prizes all because Trail one was just so super kind to be able to offer you guys three giveaways so the first

    One’s going to be grips grips will go off at 6:30 tonight as you all know 6:30 is the whole shot time for the for the show the whole shot for those of you who don’t know knows when all the bikes are up there at the Starting Gate and

    They’re released it’s the first bike to the specific point or the corner gets the hole shot so the whole shot award tonight is going to get a pair of grips that’s at 6:30 all you got to do is just typee in a comment if you are the first

    One at 6:30 these TR one grips are yours a second pair of grips will be going out throughout the show we got a big spin the wheel to be able to enter and to be able to be a part of it all you got to

    Do do is make a comment lots of comments already in the chat right now and when you do your name goes in the spin the wheel and then at the end Trail one is going to be giving away a full cockpit for you guys and we will spin the wheel

    Again for one lucky winner it’s gonna be awesome and I can’t wait this is like lots of prizes Joey lots of prizes tonight yes how did you pulled it off this one wasn’t me tonight this one was all spokesman spokesman did itok did it so so yes I’m going to quickly pop up

    The Wheel of Fortune on the screen for a second and then pull it down let’s take a peek that’s what we’re starting with right there oh look at all the people already yeah we got some already yeah so it’s true right that spokesman’s gonna be blindfolded while doing this tonight

    Yeah he’s been blindfolded folks he’s had uh four cocktails we’re gonna walk him through it we’re gonna walk him through it he can do it uh the I think the hardest part is going to be when he gets the bike out of the box he needs to

    Use an xacto blade and after four large cocktails and being blindfolded I just hope that he’s gonna have all of his fingers yeah right right but Joey um say what’s up to every we got backyard MTB here in the house what’s up we got Trail pimp Trail pimps always awesome to see

    On here uh backyard MTB are saying finally Trail pimp is out there Lake Tahoe area says hello family I’m sorry to say but I’m here to win tonight he’s actually been very lucky on the show wouldn’t you say yes he’s one of the lucky ones yes

    Yes backyard MTB year is giving him a laugh and saying good luck holy cow celebrities celebrity in the in the house Mia women’s MTV Network says hurry up she has got her popcorn ready y popcorn ready oh man I love it uh Tim Haley Tim’s birthday is happening this

    Weekend and it’s going to be at Veil oity not to blow up your spots him but it’s going to be fun hopefully the Reigns will stay away just long enough for us to get a good ride in uh but Joey he says are you going to Veil on

    Saturday that’s the plan that’s the plan that’s the plan same same same same although I was dude this week has been crazy um lots of good stuff going on but but this week is is also kind of tough I just got notified today folks I’m just

    Telling you all this right here I got notified today that my the divorce that I was going through is official I got the paperwork today so I expected to feel I knew this was coming and I I expected to feel sad but dude it hit me

    Pretty hard I felt like K RP like I failed it’s a it’s a feeling that I’m working through but nothing like a good old bunch of buddies on on a podcast and some Makers Mark to have some fun yeah that was definitely that was a heavy hit

    Today for sure yeah I I I don’t know why I check the mail that uh that’s why I don’t check the mail there’s always bills or bad news in there uh Johnny U out of Florida saying what’s up he says uh I wish let’s get this thing built yes yes yes yes

    Spokesman is out there with a heart I can see am hard workking back there you guys can’t see but we have this uh screen and he’s giv me the icon of a few more minutes and he will be good to go to pop on um women’s MTB says oh Joey

    You fooled me oh I wonder how did you fool her what’ you do she was asking if I was at the maal again and of course I am oh they give me the key I’m gonna let myself in whenever I can exactly that that you should and test all the bikes

    I brought my bike this way I brought my bike tonight yes look at that is is your bike’s name Grimace still do we still call it Grimace I I still yell at it I still call it Grimace yeah and and the reason why B Grimace again though after this

    One it’s been uh it it bites me every once in a while yeah you guys remember Grimace from the McDonald’s characters Grimace is always up to kind of no good and Joey’s bike is kind of up to no good it’s always it’s always doing something weird when we’re out there it’s never

    Failed me it just does something weird yeah like it it’ll shoot out from underneath me and attack the person standing next to me or it’s it’s always something right it’s always it’s always do something funny um we got a message here in the private chat saying he

    Thinks he’s ready to go so uh without further Ado blindfold on him though or we’re goingon to do that after we introduce him wait that’s what he looks like that’s not his face let’s get him up here so he can say what’s up everybody ladies and gentlemen

    Steve dorsy AKA spokesman MTB what up Steve howdy howdy can you hear me okay sound good yeah oh thank goodness yeah sound good look good how’d you do that all right uh lots and lots of money can you do that for me can you do that for

    Me how you guys been been great man been great just kind of opening up the show talking about what’s been going on and uh you know really excited for this bike build now this is going to be the first time we’ve ever done this and yeah I’ll

    Do my best this is this is awesome no pressure I feel bad saying this is the first time we’ve done this but we’re not gonna be doing anything we’re just gonna be rooting you on Stump hey Buddy Stump TV says yay Steve so spokesman you were out here in

    Southern California God long ago now about three months ago is it four months now right about that yeah oh boy yes and what a trip it was some some good friends of mine showed me around this place called Greer Ranch and changed my life so fun when we

    Were out there uh I think it was you weren’t going to ride an ebike or you had purposefully not ridden any bike right right and then Joey over here out of nowhere and I had no idea was G to happen Joey hops off his bike and says

    Hey Steve take this for a ride or something like that Joey how’d that go yeah I totally I just I infected him right away just here take this for a ride see what happens see what happens all I giggling and laughter off into the distance it’s true it’s 100% true and I

    Knew it he was done at that moment yes yeah it it literally changed my life I had I had been avoiding ebikes on purpose because I knew that the moment I got on one I was going to love it and uh Joey puts this thing in front

    Of me what am I gonna do say no you gotta get on an ebike you got it when somebody puts a bike that nice in front of you you jump on that puppy and you see what it can do and yeah it’s exactly my worst fears were realized because uh

    I bought a bike what two days later was I thought it was on the way home yeah I know it was fast it happened like the next day or two days later yeah I was really impressed you were shopping as we were at the top of the trail but

    You didn’t yet pull the trigger it’s like yeah yeah yeah guys I’ll be along in a minute I’ll meet you at the bottom of the trail D yeah that was that was incredible and Joey you got a nice bike thank you nice ride it it it was very

    Fun to to ride and it it honestly it was incredibly responsive uh climbing of course was a joy but even on the downhills I mean I was very nervous because e bikes are a little bit heavier than normal bikes and uh I was worried that I wouldn’t be

    Cutting the turns the same way and things like that and honestly it felt perfect it felt perfect everything that I was worried about turned out to be completely false fears um it it felt like a dream going downhill just as much as up it was a really nice setup so

    Complain yeah I was impressed you were smashing the trails on Blind by the way on on I was following you trying to get footage of you and you were just smashing the trails that you’ve never been on and on a bike you’ve never been on and man we were having such a blast

    That was so good and Joey somehow was able to keep up with us on an analog bike yeah Joey got on my uh bike that I brought and flew up the hill Joey you’re a climber I I do enjoy the climb from time to time yeah you’re killing I

    You’re I mean that’s my weak point you know I I’ll ride with anybody as long as they’re willing to wait for me because it takes me a while to get to the top of the mountain but you flew up that hill like someone was paying you to do it it

    Was incredible I also your bike too doing it no you didn’t do anything to my bike but and and I know why you say that because we’re going up the hill and this things start going and we’re all just freaking out going that is not the right

    Sound and uh it turned out it the uh I9 Hub this is it right here the I9 Hub uh yeah the the engagement ring that’s on the inside of the Hub could was separated a little bit yeah you’re just a torque monster he’s a meal yeah the the the rear the rear axle

    Had slowly backed itself out because I think i’ driven my truck about 2,000 miles at that point and I hadn’t checked the rear axle and it slowly worked itself loose on the on the the rack on the back of the truck and there so the engagement wasn’t quite in all the way

    And that gave it enough to give out and I ended up having to replace the Hub oh wow wow that explains it that explains it and now it’s all working and everything’s fixed and things are perfect that’s awesome and uh the funny thing was is when we caught up to Joey

    Because Joey took up took off first up the mountain and when we caught up to him the look on your face Joy was like a little kid who just got in trouble you’re like I didn’t do it here’s your bike exactly exactly which leads us that

    Whole day leads us to tonight which is incredible you had ordered tell the folks what you ordered and uh how long you’ve been sitting on this beautiful thing I I knew I wanted a decoy and I didn’t at first know which one that’s why I didn’t buy immediately because I didn’t

    Know which decoy I wanted and so uh I was uh digging around the website it of course I wanted the core 4 which is their topof the line right uh is there there isn’t a core five right and uh there is now okay now yes they’ll send it back

    Yet there is yeah um yeah but I ended up breaking down and I just bought the core for because gosh darn it I like good stuff and uh uh it was on back order so it took a little while to get here and then after it got here uh

    Uh you know the three of us were chatting and we’re like we should do this online that’ll be fun yes we could have a good time and so uh I’ve got something oh here he goes folks he’s just walking off stage he went he literally did exit stage

    Right knocked over my light so I’m gonna put that back up but um he’s going to do what’s it called when you do the Shadows yeah right shadow puppets or shadow puppet oh w wow there it is look at that I can’t believe you now how long have you had

    That in the Box without opening it’s been sitting here for almost two weeks just staring at me day and night crap openting open me up touch me put your hands on me man and so it’s been driving me nuts because I I want open it yes that is some good

    Self-control I can’t believe if I had that thing there for two weeks there’s there’s no way like Joey said in a we had a personal text group going and Jo was like unbox it look at it and then put it back in there and tape it back up

    And see it build it ride it and then the day before the show put it all back in there I’ll take out this dirty bike yeah no one will fall for that yeah oh man hey we got uh thank you so much uh Trail monster is just putting up $7 for the

    Show he says hi all Mark stepen Joey right on but I hope to see Aspen most of all tonight such a sweet dog got to play around with aspa yes gonna text my son and tell him to bring the dog out here yeah Neil we’re GNA bring Aspen out for you and

    That’s right we had a studio in Sedona we built up at that massive house that you had Steve that was fun that was fun that was fun we had Mia who’s on here in the in the chats Mia and Jess and Ryden dirty I mean we we filmed a couple

    Episodes while we were there that was awesome come here girl it is here it is Neil ladies and gentlemen here is she’s freaking out because I’m picking her come on come on good girl go good girl hi as she’s like this is weird I’m on the counter you’re not I’m not

    Supposed to be here come on come good girl good girl good girl let’s do this ready I’m waving like she’s going to remember me does that work can you guys see that yeah hi can she see us aspin no say hi to the camera right here right

    Here oh I know I know you’re just freaked out right now it’s okay you’re a good girl okay come on Aspen totally good dog such a good dog good girl good girl yes you’re such a good puppy she is the best pup ever she is awesome one of

    My favorites one of my favorites about Aspen is that she would come down and want to cuddle in Joey and I had shared a room and she would like go to Joey’s bed and try to cuddle then she’d come over to my bed and want to cuddle with

    Me and then she’d go upstairs and she’d poop in John’s Josh’s bathroom she’s always throwing John the props right every morning they’re like Aspen she’s like Joey you’re awesome Mark I love you John you’re my boy yeah you get a special treat you get a special treat good girl

    I hope you like that there’s your pal Aspen and thank you so much Neil for the $7 you are awesome man always appreciate you as always so good crowd where are we on the time we want to build the sucker up at shall we get started you want to

    Do it now 619 early 10 more minutes 10 more minutes what what do we do it’s up to you do we open the box Joy’s just Jo it’s pretty fast okay I know what I can do a bow on it it’s under the Christmas tree Joey tells me it’s a fast build um

    But it might be a little slower because I’m adding some parts to it um I’ve got my Silverado saddle that I purchased for this bike and uh I have that on all my bikes and then I’ve got my trail one grips and I’ve got my trail one

    Bar so um and then on top of that I have some pedals that I picked up from a guy who uh lives here in Durango in Colorado and he uh engineered and manufactures these pills here in Durango oh interesting and uh little boy I I saw

    Them up at Second Avenue Sports and uh bought a pair for my other bike and uh they’re really really beautiful see if I can do this you see that let’s a let’s get a look at that that deserves a solo layout wow they’re very very nice and so

    I would definitely CRS yeah local Durango and these guys really do build a good product to to the point they’re not the cheapest pedals in the world but you know what they’re really really high quality yeah to the point where I got a second pair so I’m looking forward to throwing

    Those things on this bike along with all these fantastic Trail one components and I’m going to have a trail one cockpit on each of my bikes beautiful beautiful yeah so I’m really excited about that which gets us into the audience participation tonight we’ve got the we’ve got the wheel being added up as

    People are putting chats out there Joy’s on it it’s so it’s so fun and uh now how did you get Trail one to to come to the table and and give our folks here some goodies well I was fortunate enough I guess it was like three three and a half

    Years ago um um when Joe kado kid and uh Brian bkxc uh were out in um crested but Colorado doing a onewe ride with chasing Epic Adventures and I had signed up for that trip and uh it was a bkxc ride but Joe was along for the ride and we all

    Got to meet each other and had a great time in fact this is where I I met our friend John hi John and uh John Aloha I know he’s in Hawaii right now and and uh uh we rode together for I think three days or four days and did

    Some of the High Country um did uh uh Dr Park uh did the 804 did uh a whole bunch of other stuff Hartman rocks some really fantastic Trails up in that area and uh Steve moken who runs chasing epic managed the whole thing and we just had

    A wonderful time um and it was really nice to meet Brian Brian Kennedy uh and we stayed in touch um when he started up this uh fantastic company uh with some other folks uh called Trail one uh they make the the Carbon Bar I think was one

    Of the first things they came out with that in the um hellsgate grips and I I was one of the first people to buy a bar and I put it on my bike and did a quick review of it and he texted me later and

    He said I think you’re the first guy to do a review oh wow so uh and I really enjoyed the bar they’re good lightweight uh clean style bars that feel really great on the bike they have just right amount of they feel really good and I

    Usually just use them right at the stock 800 millimeter length and uh when it something like this I thought okay we can do a bike build but we can also do a bike giveaway because I just love these guys and I wanna i w to get

    Word out that this is really great stuff so um I draw to the guy one and and were more than happy to uh help us out so thank you Trail one really appreciate it and uh honestly thank you from all the guys that are about to win a whole bunch

    Of your F products yes definitely definitely that’s awesome thank you so much tril one I’m excited and we got people that are we got people that are like that are like please build it build it can you show me the wheel again I want the wheel Mia is saying the suspense is

    Killing me the suspense is killing me the wheel is is right there look at that look at that look at that we got Michael is in the house what’s up Michael welcome to the show he says Steve build a dang bike I gotta go to

    Bed oh no you’re staying up late Mike we got three giveaways Mike Mike riding the trails in North Carolina with red wolf bike tours uh which is where I met Josh whom you both know and hi Josh and uhe and hi John I bet John’s online too and uh we

    Got Wonder i’ never forgotten Mike and John they’re just two of the greatest guys and really good writers and I haven’t ridden with them in a couple years and I really miss them so I miss you guys we gotta get together soon Mike says about saying up late he says no I am

    Not you’re a big boy MTV mini bomber in the house he says what’s up what’s up saying what’s up to everybody this kid’s a little Shredder and a and a talented musician which is awesome and so we are giving away at 6:30 we got five minutes the build’s gonna start but at 6:30

    Again we’re gonna have the hole shot so all you got to do is put in a chat at 6:30 if you are the number one person on the chat you get the hellsgate grips which are the grips that I rock on my bike I love them they feel like just the

    Right they’re the right circumference for me and what I love about it is that a portion of the dollars that you spend on trail one goes to help support Trails so like the hellsgate is like a a real place yeah and uh the money will be sent

    There so it’s a good product you guys are supporting a good product when you’re rocking it out there on the trails as are all of them because their stem is a Rockville stem and the uh bars I’ve got a cheat sheet over here it’s called Crockett these are the Crockett

    Bars and all three of those are Trail systems and a dollar from each purchase goes directly to those Trail systems so yeah they really are giving back it’s fantastic they’re doing that is awesome so yeah I was telling the folks that we have the second giveaway is going to be

    Another pair of hellsgate grips and then the grand prize at the end is going to be a trail one cockpit and Steve tell them what it is tell them what they’re going to win um yes every everybody who wins tonight gets a pair of hellsgate grips and uh I’ve got them here because

    We’re putting them on the bike but they’re fantastic grips they’re they they really do feel good on your hands they’ve got a cinch down a lock ring on them and uh they’re welld designed and well built and as good as or better than any other grip I’ve ever used um now I I

    Already told you about the uh Crockett bars and the Crockett bars are light Supple feel really good on the bike and the third thing is the uh Rockville stem and the Rockville stem is a CNC cut aluminum stem that is designed and manufactured right in California so this

    Is made in the USA and uh it it is also a fantastic design reminds me of a lot of other stems that I think are very pretty and it’s it’s a gorgeous design I’ve got it on a a bike in the other room and uh yeah you the lucky winner is

    Going to receive all three and they’re going to get a full Trail one cockpit nice do you know we have backyard MTB is asking is the Rockville stem is it in black or silver do you know depending on a ability you’ll get to choose the color so we’re going to work directly with

    Trail one and you can choose the color of the grips and uh the the bars actually now come with two logo designs uh a filled in logo design like I have here and then an outline and so you can choose between those and there’s a different rise option as well so you’ll

    You’ll have your choice of those as well and then the stem uh is it two colors now when I first purchased the one that I have in the other room it was black only but they might be available in another color I haven’t checked I gotta

    Stop the show for a second MTB TNA out of Miami saying I’m gonna spam the crap out of your hole at 630 to get the shot wait wait what yeah whoa okay Johnny’s saying wow put the children away oh man women’s MTB says step aside Lauren yes two minutes two minutes two

    Minutes two minutes so thank you for reaching out to tr one for this I really appreciate it it’s going to be so fun to see who gets this so two minutes and we will see the chat go off Steve I don’t know are you um do you want to start

    Teasing us by popping off the the uh the yellow there it says the wait what’s in the box though we know it’s a decoy but what is it it’s a decoy core 29er core 4 yeah I almost didn’t say 29er I’m like look at the label Steve

    Um it’s a core 4 it’s it’s uh at the time of purchase the best one that they made and it’s got some really nice sweet components on it we’re going to learn all about that as we’re putting it together um and it and you’ll get to see

    The color I’m not going to tell you the color until we open it and as of right now you can only get the 29 in a core four yeah so it is the best okay that’s that’s why I was confused yeah yeah what’s up Nate Nate

    Just joined the show good to see you stump TV just joined stump TV says where’s the soap where’s the soap oh I dropped it any second close we’re getting close 29 729 yes here we go at 30 after let’s see who it is we’re getting close for the

    Folks that are listening on Spotify and iTunes or Amazon we are getting ready to give a whole shot award out at at 6:30 just a few seconds there it is few seconds somebody get it oh there it goes there it goes holy cow who holy cow okay where is

    It where is it where is it I think we got it right here of them there we go skylex Facebook skylex MTB congratulations bro you are the winner I haven’t seen you skylex nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you man make sure you let let us know your contact

    Information so we can get these out to you you can either email it to us if you’re if you want to you can tell us in the chat but so everybody else will know too if you want to send us you can send it to us on Instagram or I’ll pop my

    Email down here and you can send me your contact information and we will get these out to you so congratulations man that was a lot of people that just popped in there’s I saw that Q&A he said rigged rigged that was fast I mean how many 630s did

    We get you gotta be on it that was there’s a lot there’s a big stack of 630s man it’s it’s pretty impressive 22 22 22 people that that that is one hell of a whole shot congratulations that that was awesome Sky Flex MTB congrats that is very cool

    He says wow thank you guys of course that’s awesome that’s very we get to it enjoy those yes Here We Go drum roll please we are going to start we need sound effects yeah build isn’t that your department Joey or Mark no yeah Mark’s

    Got the board I would go with the J oh baby there’s the first strap there’s the first strap SE is trap oh wow can’t turn back now can’t turn back we see there he goes got to get out the knife and then I’m gonna pull open the box and not cut myself and

    Uh then I’ll be taking it down to the floor where I can pull it out this exciting this is so exciting this is exciting two more Warrior I see I see a tire look at that oh man look at that I Tok so yeah this is cool this is um this

    Is Steve’s brand new bike new bike day and uh oh we got a different camera angle first time let’s see did he get the white one or the black one I can’t remember did he what did he get yes going I think he went dude this is like

    Better than Christmas for the and I love YT I love YT the my my son had a Jeffy sorry to interrupt my son had a Jeffy my my uh best buddy in California Mike got a jeffc I built them both for him great bikes just love them to and then of

    Course yours Joey I mean ah so nice Jeff decoy here we go Moment of Truth all right here we go I’m gonna put it on the floor here oh no we can’t see you you went off screen okay he doesn’t exist anymore you’re back you’re back

    Zach is asking are you in a garage or a living room both should I show him around really quick yeah sure do you want me to see me pull the do you want me to see me pull the bike out this garage everyone’s like build the bike yeah I know

    Totally let’s do this really quick what camera is that one that’s the camera you’re on this is a 5D Mark I yeah it’s got the it’s got the HDMI so that’s that’s the workstation that’s where I do all my work and then if we swing around we have the

    Lounge oo look at that and if we continue to swing you’ll see my dirty bar there’s the bar there’s the bar there be a crowd with eating peanuts and everything in there I know I thought about inviting people over but like I’m distracted enough just by like in mountain bike

    Building Paradise right now did you give us wow did you close down the bar just for us I did this is a special time pretty amazing that’s pretty amazing dude and I saw what he did there folks when he pulled the camera back there was

    The uh the Park Tool uh bike stand yep oh no this is uh feedback Sports oh because it folds up you do that that came out of nowhere a magic Lauren say oh hello hi thank you Lauren yes you’re so kind backyard saying are you all sponsored by YT I

    Know it def YT does support this podcast and I’m grateful for it they are fantastic yes but my talents aren’t there as an athlete I am I am uh we’re supported because of the show oh look at this this is exciting that’s a and I I’m

    Not quite sure what’s in here but I do remember the fun kit from my son’s bike so yeah this this is this is pretty nice and the way they put it together is very nice it is it’s gorgeous yeah oh yeah look at that okay for the folks on

    Spotify and iTunes Steve just pulled out the box that says me first out of the and it’s pretty much what is it it’s tools it’s it says step one two and three on right well pull number one it’s actually it’s a really nice design because it’s kind of built up like a

    Toolbox yeah with drawers oh yeah look at that this is gorgeous and so it’s just gorgeous Um the box is the best part this is this is my candy store right here so what you got there Steve welcome to the family yeah wow wow um yeah Safety First this is the documentation read the Fantastic manual I don’t think that’s what it says why do they put quotes under around

    The F yeah I know and a decal page now these are going straight on the I don’t now C RTO kid has the lat rack of Fame and that’s where he puts all his decals it’s on the back of his truck I actually have the bike rack of Fame they they all

    Go on my oneup bike rack and so one of these is going on my oneup bike rack nice someone definitely owns a YT here yes they know they know you get that you get that YT keychain in there you got to look for it though look at that oh tools all the

    Tools you need come with the bike as well look at that it’s actually a really good design yeah so we’ll set this aside I’m going to be pulling these out what’s that that’s a torque wrench right there right the I think it is yeah yeah and

    It’s got little bits embedded in it it’s it’s carbon got a shock pump shock D wa we have an important question here what’s that oh never had a backyard MTB you’re saying never had a YT are they good bikes they are yes they’re they’re really well built they’re fun to

    Ride and they’re direct consumer which I love because I get to do stuff like this yes yeah I I’ve been Joey actually turned me on to YT and my neighbor down the street uh rides YT and when they said it was German engineering I was like I’m sold yeah that’s right I’m sold

    German engineering German engineering price which is yeah yeah the price this is the fox packet for the suspension and uh a beautiful Deluxe set of lightweight pedals oh very lightweight pedals there’s a yeah just just file those away yeah exactly there’s a circular filing cabinet about

    A foot off the ground is that a light it comes with a light yes it does really I didn’t know that that’s freaking cool that’s pretty neat and all these reflectors maybe I’ll put them on the bar I have a whole box full of those I don’t yeah I bet you

    Do oh there oh the bag broke that’s why i’ I’ve heard of people putting reflectors when you’re going the wrong way on a trail like if it’s a downhill and you’re going that put the the red ones on all the yeah the wrong way sections oh we found it so is this what

    I it is Joey may have put that in there Joey is it did you did you leave it stock or what did you do see even this the unboxing unboxing like Inception ready I don’t know if we should put this on television I know right

    Joey FID with that at the Mill before it went out oh you left it stock Joey yeah I didn’t get the diamond one for sorry oh that’s cool there you go yeah gorgeous nice that is really pretty nice there it is there it is we have a couple questions

    Coming in yeah um backyard MTB who was asking about YT he says I’m a Tre Fanboy yeah Tre makes some good stuff too defin definitely so um Trail pimp is saying YT promises one thing good times since 2008 yes this is true yes Marty oh yeah look at there’s all kinds

    Of stuff going on there I love I gotta mute my phone I love that uh Marty out of New Zealand he says vender vanderah Marty yes vanderah we do have a question coming in uh about the bike the Clingan John I I totally think I just messed

    That up is that how I say that the clling on John don’t you watch John oh my gosh of course the Star Trek what size battery and when are you coming to Texas Steve ah that is John how you doing buddy that’s that’s John John and Mike I was telling you about North

    Carolina these guys are the best and uh I have a season pass to Purgatory Resort here in Durango and that just happens to come with a pass to spider mountain in Texas and so I need to go to Texas now oh darn damn so I’m I’m working on it I

    Want to get out there and I want to get out there as soon as possible because I’m going stir crazy I can’t run my bike it’s snowing outside all right is there okay here we go oh no that’s okay you got a question uh my comfort Mye comy is saying I have

    A Jeffy and a decoy 29 because of you mark yes damn Mike I didn’t realize that’s right you have two bikes that’s right he’s getting the whole build out there too I’m scared of this thing here it comes here we go here we go love both my by’s decoy and kapra there it

    Is wow see the bike’s like you sure about this man yeah you just pulled out the the frame the decoy frame out of the box decoy frame flat black there’s a specific name for the color magic black magic black magic that’s right thank you gorgeous color and as the bike comes out

    Um Joey when the bike comes out like that it’s it’s almost built up all the way I mean it already has the it already has the saddle and the dropper attached is dropping what else is I think there’s only I think there’s four I mean you got to put your pedals on

    Which you’re gonna want to do that anyhow with any new bike you’ve got your rear put on your wheels and your bars that’s it you’re ready to roll yeah dang look at pretty straightforward it’s gonna take longer to unwrap it than it is to put it together

    Right there go we did have a question here um let’s see oh tank just popped up what’s up MTB tank good to see you bro another local here out of Murietta tank love that love that guy hey tank are you watching tank yes he is watching we had some back and

    Forth he sent me some decals and he sent me this he drew this oh thank you I have hanging on my wallet in my shop nice dude thanks tank pretty sick look at that shout out to tank dad’s asking what color was the bike uh Marty it’s black magic he got black

    Magic and it’s a beautiful smooth silky flat black nice I like the flat that looks good it really does look nice backyard mtbr is asking when is the next two giveaways when do you want to give away the next set of grips uh how we doing here how about 15

    Minutes 15 minutes you want to do it every half hour yeah perfect yeah that’s perfect that’s perfect we’ll do another one and this one Joey we’re gonna put the next giveaway on the spin the wheel sounds good okay spin the wheel and it’ll be perfect timing he’ll take his

    Grips off and then we’ll give a set of grips away oh what hand it right through the screen to you guys it’s going to be awesome oh this is good this is good but I’m going to get to it this is good uh Marty saying everything’s bigger in

    Texas I think that is true that is true 100% true I heard Miami out there Johnny is saying tank that’s amazing yeah that was a sick sick drawing OCT D says what name are you going to call the bike that’s a good question and I’ve given it

    A little bit of thought and I haven’t come to a conclusion yet I name all bikes check out my trail Forks profile and you’ll see that uh um I’ve got my uh ripmo uh my ripmo V2 carbon frame and that is um that’s named uh uh don’t ever get old

    Kids now drawing a blank trying to think of like eight bikes at once but uh my my Yeti S150 is named Beth my uh Bond trigger race flight is named Bonnie um I have a rock lobster road bike um that is called Claudius ah Rock and um the

    Ripmo I think I just called it um Kennedy I called it Kennedy because it’s named after Brian because he’s the reason I bought it oh and look at that the clean on John knew it he said Kennedy he knew he knew yeah look at that dude you’re on what’s up Josh he’s

    Probably he’s probably hacking he’s like you know he’s on trail Forks right now checking it out and uh and then I have a fat bike uh that is a uh Albert Fat Albert no it’s a uh it’s a Chris uh uh stu um who who did the Nino the SNL

    Sketch Chris Farley it’s and so and so I named it elino it’s awesome Trum yeah goe TR is saying for this what about how about electric shock really like that that might be winner yeah we also got um backyard MTB are saying Trump we got uh Debbie the happy zebra

    Zebra she’s just giving you the okay like okay yeah the reason I named the yeti Beth is because do you guys watch uh uh Yellowstone yes oh that’s a good Reas Beth is the character that costs everybody a lot of money and hits them in the nuts all the time and that’s what

    My Yeti does ooto Dad saying how about black e betti black that’s good to here black reminds me of when I was growing up working at bike shops totally takes me back tumor Warrior saying the bond Trier se6 race tire is trash it’s good for about 100 miles then it’s super

    Unstable ah yeah you know I hate to I hate to talk poorly about any company but I haven’t been super impressed with what what the bond trer name has been put on since Bond Trier was no longer a bike company uh but in that room right

    Over there I own a bon trigger race light and it’s a handmade frame it’s the very last handmade frame to ever come off the uh line in and their s in their Santa Cruz Factory before they got bought up by Trek oh dang it’s a collector now all the tracks now do they

    Do they all have Bond triger tires when they come out it’s one of their primary component Brands got it yeah got it I don’t know if they all do but a lot of them do yeah very very cool uh women’s MTV network is saying back to Yellowstone she’s the best character

    Is she’s just so bad I love it you can’t not love Beth thank you saying congrats on the bike and then Mia is saying wait you called it Beth no not yet not yet or maybe to an old bike yeah that’s yeah my Yeti is Beth yeah Yeti is be but this

    This we’re working on it working on the name we’re working on the good IE no you oh yes you rode and guess what happened cost a whole lot money yeah it makes a lot of sense now right perfect Marty Marty’s putting out black beauty possibly back Black

    Beauty that’s good too stump TV is saying Steve e Steve e maybe no we gotta look we gotta look back on that one uh the cing on John oh Josh what’s up he says Trail pimp is asking is that bike 145 rear and 150 front I believe that is absolutely 100%

    Correct sounds right yeah yes yes just taking off the packing material here still so as Steve unpacks the bike you could see like if you were afraid or nervous or anxious about building your own like because when you order the bike you do have an option to

    Build it yourself being sent to your house or having the mill build it for you I think it’s an extra $100 for them to build it up for you if you want to and you go pick it up there in Orange County and soon to be uh Bentonville

    Will be another location is that right for for now yeah but for now we can see what it looks like when you first get it you pull it out it’s got the dropper post the saddle the shock the fork it’s all on there I mean literally is the

    Stem on there too you just need to place the handlebar stem is on there and it looks like the front two pieces of the stem are attached to the bars oh that’s easy because they don’t wrap around 180 degrees they wrap around a little bit

    More than that like the letter c and so they actually hold themselves on there really nicely nice yeah there you go excellent packaging so that would be easy um the derer is already on it looks like and chain everything I mean really it’s Just Tires

    Pedals put that uh put that bar on and you’re off you go and they put these little boxes on the uh Brew axles for the front and rear wheel do they contain stuff no is Christmas not over yet I don’t think oh no they’re just hacking

    Just to keep it from smashing I was like what’s in [Laughter] here uh Johnny wants to know while you’re over there towards the front of the bike what stem is on that stock what comes on that that is a torque all screws newton meters I’ve never heard of that brand

    Um oh I do not know this brand oh acros does that sound right across across I’m unfamiliar with the brand it’s a nice stem across and I believe the bars are renthal as they come right oh rol you’re right I’m I’m reading the stem cap that’s why yeah you’re right rth it says

    Renthal right here that’s why this what happens older folks you don’t have your glasses like where what the hell does it say Hey kid come on over here and read this for me trail f is he’s pulling his hair out he says dude acros is the headset guys I know I’m idiot I’m

    Just I’m not looking at the right thing stum stump TV is asking wait does the battery come charged plug it in first that’s the question that’s the question I don’t know do answer that one I believe there’s a bar or two on there I don’t think it’s complely there’s a bar

    It’ll definitely get you out into the snow tonight yes yes what could go wrong and there was a question early on what size battery is that I believe you got the 540 did didn’t you or did you go to the bigger one no the larger what is it a

    750 is uh it wasn’t available at the time but I do plan on picking one up okay yeah and Joey that’s compatible right you can go you could just buy the extra battery if you want and pop it in there I know a couple Riders they they

    Have a couple batteries when they travel when they camp and stuff like that charge one ride one and then switch it out yeah that’s cool um all right I just have to take off this through axle and then I think I’m good to go on the packing material this is there’s a lot

    Of packing material this is a safely packed bike Michael MSO is saying fazari has a lot to learn from how YT is packed I’ve never seen how fazari comes I I do like that company though and the ERS that they support bizar seems like they’ve got a a cool thing going on too

    And I believe they’re also direct to Consumer are they not that I believe they are is that right yeah I think so I think so Trail pimp could answer that big old tag on the handlebars here Stop in the Name of Love it actually says in the Name of

    Love we should have flown Trail pimp in for this one he’s helping us out here thank you so much says Acro is a German company thank you yes yes yes drill pip is saying the 500 battery spare is $4.99 five 500 yeah that’s less than a dollar a kilowatt a watt is it yeah a am I rounding the wrong direction Steve so if you weren’t swapping your bars and grips out tonight you could just place that there and tighten it down right be

    Done yeah yeah be done yeah the build is actually I mean shoot if yeah if I wasn’t swapping Parts out I’d be 80% of the way through yeah and I there’s a lot of people out there that don’t you know they’re a little nervous to purchase a bike that

    They have to build like I got to put this together but if you can take your front tire off you can put this bike together yeah it’s it really is just ridiculously easy it’s fantastic well that puts me out that’s right hey Mark you might want to tighten this rear axle down

    Yeah chain skipping again he does it feel so loose supposed be my derer again uh St TV oh St TV is saying now you got to name it one of the Supremes after that I’m saying yes easy to build so okay he’s pulling out the tires he pull out the

    Wheels all over my garage and I believe Steve does it say on there are those puppies do they come delivered oh yeah there they go they got the rims it’s all it’s all Beed and everything it’s on there yeah it’s on here there’s even air in them although I’ll top that off yeah

    Are they tubless ready does it say are they already taped up as well they’re tubless ready but they’re I believe they’re I think there’s a tube in there they’re already taped up nice so all you need is and a valve stem valve yeah sealant and valve stem that’s what I get for

    Trying to open it on the air a lot of zip ties so yes we are live watching spokesman new bike wheel yes he is uh building this thing out W makes me I love new bike day new bike day is so and honestly you know what I just noticed is

    That I’d say just about everything here is recyclable this is very well put together nice and wait the wheels are there dork discs on there or no no well oh there is on the rear yeah have a dork on disc on the front would you then it’s really bad yeah’s been

    Drinking he called him dork dick Joy’s gonna try to catch up I’m gonna pour myself a little bit of Maker’s Mark as H I know I’m so tempted to just go over there and get a plyy and open it plyy the Elder that reminds me of Sedona I’m being bad tonight I’m doing

    H2O oh you’re so that’s good Joey oh that’s good okay okay yeah that’s a good thing I’m I don’t Dr that often but tonight I got I got divorce papers in the mail today so I am uh feeling feeling like I want to drink too yeah hey Joey yes tell me about

    This is it get focusing that’s a wheel Steve those are break that’s the magnet there’s a little magnet on the brake disc oh that’s for your that’s for your sensor that’s to tell your bike how fast to go that’s interesting yeah that’s how it knows the revolutions and yeah that’s what your

    Motor reads right there beautifully tucked out of the way so I’m GNA set these wheels aside and I’m going to pick up my box and move it out of the frame so that I have move it out of the frame of the video so that I can uh get to work

    Here thanks Debbie happy Zea says you deserve that drink Cheers Cheers Debbie is the happy zebra I believe that’s producer Deb producer Debbie is that you please tell us that’s you the producer is always back in the you know back there making sure everything’s running smooth I thought Debbie just stopped

    Hanging out with this now she’s the zebra got it she’s the happy zebra happy zebra I Aspen oh stump TV is saying bounce test Steve on that tire give us a bounce test ready there comes 29 not bad that’s not bad at all and for the folks who are listening

    On audio version Steve was doing some Bruce Lee stuff right there yeah just throwing the wheel in the air yeah that was amazing amazing all right I’m gonna put the no yeah I’ll put the front wheel on cing on John is saying fazari is a magnet on a a

    Spoke oh I didn’t know that mag on a Spoke yeah um the drivetrain is let’s see here it’s got uh like I can remember what I got it’s got It’s all outfitted with XT and uh it’s got Co samam code RSC breakes on it oh it’s actually pretty nice setup XT

    Yeah we got a couple people saying uh be careful Steve I think it’s about time to give away some grips is it that time two minutes out from giving away grips all you got to do to be a part of that giveaway is just put something in the

    Chat Joy’s gonna grab your name and put it on spin the wheel and spin the wheel in two minutes we will be spinning the wheel for some hellsgate grips will they be able to pick the color as well Steve yes um and you know like I’ve been saying in the uh announcements it’s

    Subject to a availability but uh but yes whatever they got I believe you can choose from nice Mark did you catch Mt MTB TNA is asking us when we’re coming to Miami but did you catch their latest video with all the Alligators yes going down shark alley

    Yeah I don’t know if that’s my kind of writing those were dinosaurs I mean that’s scary they they look so docile they look like they were just chilling sleeping but you know you know they want to kill you and eat you in there yeah yeah that’d be Mark you know you know if

    We’re there one of us is gonna bunny hop right like that’s a challeng has to happen has to happen yes we’re going to Miami joey yes we go I’m jumping an alligator that’s just cool that would BEP a shark only slight more deadly yeah they weren’t moving like

    Sharks though they definitely look like Gators sitting there but some big ones some big ones Johnny saying come on down they love their belly rubs no I just want to jump over it yeah I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know backyard HT be here with the Yos

    Yes it is seven o’clock here we go or 8 o’clock in Colorado spin the wheel time we are going to spin the wheel for the second set of yeah everybody’s on there everyone’s on we got everyone on okay here we go for the folks sorry for the folks that

    Are listening on Spotify or iTunes you got to be live to win these um and we’ve got to spin the wheel up got all the names in there and we are going to give it a go here we go this is so cool the wheel is a spinning and the winner gonna

    Be oh is it Josh or is it the cling on the cling on John dude congratulations cling on John that’s awesome sounds like you’re already buddies with Steve so reach out to Steve uh and uh pick out those Hellgate grips that you want that that that was so awesome Josh that was like

    Right on the line right line I know Josh almost you were almost in Josh so close so close I love Josh’s logo it looks like mash but it says Josh I love Josh’s logo there he is hi Josh awesome but don’t go anywhere folks because we got a full

    Cockpit coming your way someone’s gonna win that and it’s gonna be amazing and I think because it was it was so close that I think you should send Josh the pedals that came with that bike I think you’re right a consolation prize the Ultra Lights you might as well send

    Him the dark disc too guys geez made from a futuristic epy are okay wow Focus there you go AG epoxy look at that yeah look at that my shins are shivering in their boots I’ll sign I’ll sign the paper for you Josh there you go that are the grips you take

    Off Josh is laughing he’s like like he’s like punching a screen you go how come his address is 555 he does want the Dork disc though he says dork disc for my collection please so yes when you send the pedal okay that’s coming your way you can hang it over the

    Mantle oh man MTB Manny in the house what’s up Manny for those of all for those of you all who don’t know MTB Manny this guy’s doing incredible things for autism he actually has a great coming up on April the 14th at Sky Park so if you’re in the California area and

    You want to go support a good cause April 14th Manny has ride for autism that day so come on out he’s got a lot of I think vendors they’re G to give away a raffle just the whole day is gonna be super fun uh Joey you and I

    Went to that last year at OC Parks I believe and it was there were so many people there it was crazy nice crazy that sounds like a good day it was a great day great day for a good cause so congratulations uh to Manny for building

    That out Johnny saying uh if you sign them I will buy them whoa It’s authentic yeah oh he’ll have to win they’ll be on eBay so he’ll have to win those yeah right you better not the klling on John says can I donate the grips to MTB Manny for the C

    A that’s totally up to you if you want to um after the show you they’re your grips cing on John let us know um after the show if you decide to take them it’s great and if not you know we can always maybe we could even get uh Manny over to

    The folks at Trail one for that as a separate cause as well so that’s also another possibility uh Trail pimp is saying wow really generous yeah that was really nice that’s super super nice so so Steve what are you doing over there now you got uh

    You got the front tire on the decoy I’m taking off the Dork disc really quick nice dork dis is coming off I feel like the Dork dis is oh he’s so nice it’s it’s a staple isn’t it you but look at how nice he takes off the Dork this I

    Had to snap that thing with pair of P shake it and it falls wow clips that are tricky Manny saying oh that’d be legit that’d be legit that’d be legit so yeah Manny we’ll see if we can get you in touch with the TR one folks um unless the Kling on John

    Wants to donate whatever you want to do just let us know MTB TNA is uh oh yeah no no Johnny’s saying no don’t do it safety yeah keep the Dork dis on there keep the d on there well the the Dork dis is not a safety feature if you have

    Your bike too properly you shouldn’t need it at all what is the Dork bis other than a very fun new bike day you know thing to to rip off your bike it is it is it’s a bit of a ritual isn’t it yes yeah it’s it’s uh designed to keep the chain from

    Falling into the gears between the spokes and the gears because there’s a little Gap there and you don’t want your chain in there because it’ll really mess up your spokes and do other awful things but uh if you’re like I said before if your if your rear derailer is tuned

    Properly then it’s completely unnecessary because your derailer should be incapable of going that far into your wheel got it and Mark needs a d this on his bike at all times and here we are God damn son of a Brian gong is in the house what’s up

    Brian gong good to see how it going gonger how you doing buddy yes gonger you missed the two giveaways we gave out uh hellsgate grips but you are definitely still in time for the trail one cockpit which will be given away at the end of the

    Show uh Mia is saying did I miss a whole shot you did like almost a half hour ago that was a half hour yeah that was a little while ago we just did a spin the wheel though and uh uh the Kling on John just won the second pair of grips Brian

    G says I’m mad at Steve oh shots fired let’s find out why oh it’s probably what did I do this time what is it Joy why do you think he’s mad Oh I thought it I thought it was for being assisted but it’s oh why is why is not for Yeti he’s

    Saying oh man Brian is a died in the wool Yeti lover and I get it they’re quite nice bicycles they’re very nice yeah I always say the vows are expensive though yeah the vowels AE i o vows the E and the I you guys said that at the same time that

    Was incredible I did not put that up to that Brian that was them all alone oh man he’s saying oh lot Trail pimp we got Tim Haley saying got a bounce have to go finish packing the trailer for Veil this weekend Tim we’ll see you in a couple days my bro gonna be

    Fun I understand and I hope you have a wonderful time and I can’t believe you’re bugging out before we do the big giveaway yes who maybe he could pack the trailer and still be on so he can win the giveaway I don’t know Brian’s got the blue heart saying I still love yall

    Johnny in Florida is saying YT is for young Talent yes yep that is correct crack my back and I look for my glasses right get off my lawn get off my lawn son of a oh the chats whipper Tim’s like I’ll see what I could do man for the folks on iTunes they’re

    Probably like what is happening yeah I know this is so weird so this using some special tools to to reinstall the gears on the rear wheel so that I can now now that I have the Dork disc disc off I really shouldn’t mispronounce that um I can uh

    Throw the wheel on the bike yeah and if you don’t have those special tools you can just get a pair of pliers and break that dork this off that is correct and that’s how most people do it but I wanted to save this one for posterity

    It’s kind of important to me well that one’s going to Josh right Josh has got to get whether he wants it or not you gotta sign it first though got you gotta sign it this is my celebrity dork Trail pimp is he’s loving how you’re putting the bike together with

    Eloquent touch he says spokesman is a pro and then Michael says that’s what she saiden Wren that’s what she said M wants to know what the drivetrain is the drivetrain is XT um and somebody asked the Hub is that all XT it’s got I9 hubs are they hydras

    They don’t look like hydras are they hydras I’d have to check oh no wait a minute they have I’m very confused now I’m looking at the wrong thing yes they have um shoot I can’t I just put the wheel on the bike so I can’t show you what it looks like but

    Uh they’ve got what looks like an I9 logo here and then on the other side is the uh the oval with the two dots and what’s I forgot the name now don’t get old kids go pimp will fill us in here we go yeah this is insane I’m just being pimp

    Got us he says one to one one to one thank you yes Trail pimp the man we should have Trail pimp just like oh no we lost whoops no you didn’t we there you go oh my camera my camera shuts itself up 30 minutes I thought it was a

    Closeup of the bike man I was like yeah inside the bike Jo pimp saying not Hydra Michael with our with the rescue two says one to one yes right pimp for the save yeah we got to get like another microphone for trail pimp I I have one here I know

    Right yeah here we go second microphone Trail pimp right there Trail pimp this is your this is your seat Bud right there right there let’s throw these puppies on here nice now what is the actual colorway of those petals those are insane they’re kind of a rainbow oil slick

    Style give you the full layout there very pretty yeah they they’re they’re freaking gorgeous I love them and it comes decal I love when you find local stuff like that now that’s that’s right there in Durango where you’re at just making them yeah I walked into the

    Second avenu Sports uh which is you know uh one of the many Fantastic bike shops we have here in town and uh I saw them under the counter and I said oh show me that and uh he pulled them out and uh yeah I fell in love on the spot so I

    Picked up a pair and threw them on one of my other bikes are we talking pedals still what are you talking about I know right so changeed the subject it was under the thing and he pulled it out okay I’m G to put this

    Over here uh yes so so you saw them and then obviously it’s a quality build so in mountain biking it’s always nice to have quality over quantity because you definitely don’t want P Flying off when you’re trying to save your life heading down a trail yeah that’s always a plus

    That’s a big plus big plus and um they all the the shape of those looked nice they kind of remind me of the is it Crank Brothers with this with the stamp and has that look that look yes yeah it’s a very similar style um they just

    What I really love about them is they have a nice big platform and uh they don’t uh they they haven’t dulled up at all they’re you know the the tines are still really nice and sharp so they’re lasting uh a nice long time and I’ve put a quite a few miles on

    Them there we go nice the pedals are on the bike MTB TNA is saying the thing a bopper I believe is the word you’re looking for always the word I’m looking for is that is that a metric or a standard thing of a popper it’s both it’s a us and

    European look at that this bike this bike’s built if you Bol those handlebars on we can go it’s crazy yeah wow now normally what I would do uh I learned how to build bikes at a shop in Portland Oregon called Bike and Hike and uh unfortunately that chain has closed uh

    This this was I worked there in 1989 I think and uh which really dates me but um it was a it was a nice high-end shop and and they taught me how to build bikes they they were very disciplined and had a very strict procedure on how to go about you know

    The bike build and so uh according to that standard what I would do is before I put the wheels on I would actually throw them on the tring stand and uh I would give them a quick once over and make sure that they’re true and that they’re tensioned and I’ll

    Probably do that later this week wow sick sick sick sick sick sick sick this just in from the chats Good Deeds going down on the segment podcast tonight cing on John Manny I messaged Steve already and so they’re yours hope it helps that’s awesome that’s awesome dude thank

    You John you’re a good guy good dude Heth Sky park ride for autism that’s GNA be awesome Trail monster with Shades good stuff going down MTB TNA is saying metric uh what Shenanigans is that Sky Flex with the fist bump there loving the good stuff Happening Here in

    The chat TR pimp is saying don’t forget to plug in the display after you attach the bar and use the tool thing and this is okay I have a question for you Mark how are we doing on time because I swap out the bar put on the grips have time

    For that good we’re we’re 7:15 Pacific uh so we’re looking solid looking solid I don’t have to be out of the studio until 8 o’clock I got my son who was on a ski trip just flew in and boy are his arms tired Bo arms

    Tired dad joke and I gotta go pick him up so he won’t be sitting there in the cold going where the heck is my dad good daddy oops uh Happy zebra happy zebra is saying that’s a skill I’d love to learn TR a wheel tell us Steve as you’re

    Putting that on is it hard to Che up a wheel or do you need that tool that you showed us or I feel like it’s like a learned how to build wheels from a gentleman at Bike and Hike named Dan H um and he was our in-house professional

    Wheel Builder was just a little tight was of yeah 19 years old or something and uh was a cool sound and uh I was dying to learn the wheel but I didn’t know the first except that you know when you look at a bicycle wheel dead on it’s spokes

    That go up to the right if you tighten them it pulls the rim to the right the spokes that go up to the left if you tighten them it pulls the the rim to the left and uh that obvious so I could true a wheel but I didn’t know how to tension

    A wheel yet and uh it wasn’t until I purchased a book on uh worker Dan’s advisement called bicycle wheel by a gentleman named jobs de brand he’s European don’t know what country he’s from and uh it goes through through the entire process of how to build a wheel

    And why you have to do very specific things in order what tensioning does the entire second half of the book is filled with equations that I cannot read but uh it’s a very very detailed rundown on how to build a wheel and it is a fantastic reference I’d say it’s the

    Standard interesting wow cool that’s cool I had no idea I had no idea I always get those little tools to like tighten Spokes and I I’ve always seen people slam the wheel on the ground when we’re on the trail side I’m like how did he do that it’s it’s pretty true in in

    Uh I want to say it was around 1995 I was in Palo alfor train and I stopped in at paloalto bicycles which is uh I found that book on the shelf and so I’m flipping through it even though I had a copy of home I’m flipping through

    It and just kind of you know reading it a little bit and this dude walks up to this tall skinny dude walks up to me and he says do you like that book and I said yeah it’s a fantastic book he said uh can I ask you a question I said sure he

    Said okay you’re out in the world riding your book and you crash and you Taco your Rim your he said what’s the first thing fix it put it he go oh it’s breaking up you cut out at the punch line yeah no you Taco you rim and I was going to say

    Then you eat it hear me now can you hear me yeah yeah you’re back you’re back okay I bet that’s horrible no he said he said what do you what’s the first thing you do and I said I bend it over my knee to fix it and he

    Said no that’s not said you loosen all spes and then you bend it back with all the spokes loose and then you retighten it and that’s that way you’re tensioning the wheel because otherwise you’re putting new stresses in parts of the wheel that are the weakest because it

    Just got bent and uh it will help you it’ll help make sure that you can get your bike home it’ll and I said how do you know all this stuff he said because I wrote that book oh I’m like what oh my God yeah and I didn’t have enough money

    On me to buy a copy to have him sign it otherwise I would have done that D TV saying dang solar flares when you cut out oh man I know I’m sorry guys Joshua on board tonight from uh chicken cendes he’s here just a little late sorry guys dude welcome aboard good to

    See you bro right on you are just in time because there’s a cockpit given being given away at the end of the show chicken to the whe yes yes and uh uh Octodad is saying I can tighten Spokes and get basic shape back using a spoke wrench yeah there you go yeah

    That’s how you do it that’s perfect yeah so Trailside you just biffed the the wheels bent you’re saying loosen up all of the spokes and then contort retension the wheel yes I’m walking home if I loosen all the [Laughter] F right I have taco to rim with my

    Head yes you have impressive I want to hear that story that was pretty scary joeyy goes over a gap jump locks up locks up the bike upon Landing because there was a bike sitting off to the side of the trail right where Joey was going he immediately goes into a nose manual

    And has nowhere to go he’s completely in this nose manual and then cuts out ejection button right when he gets over to the bike try to avoid from running it over and then he headbutts the tire goes he hasn’t been the same no that was a that was a brand new

    Helmet and it it was uh only lasted one day that’s awful it did it did the job the best part was Joey hoed hopped up so fast and he looked right at me and he goes dude I’m fine I’m fine yes but is he though but is he fine

    Though Timothy Haley was there he says oh my God I remember that crash yes yeah I was fine until the next day and man my neck was sore for about a week to two weeks think probably should have had it looked at yeah that was scary man I

    Hadn’t seen you Joey by the way hardly ever crashes because he’s he’s a smart Rider he knows when to push it and he just stays calm Under Pressure but that one you just couldn’t get out of you were pinned between the wall you couldn’t go to the left cuz the wall and

    Then when you were in nose manual there was nowhere to go and and it was you know I did I jumped when I jumped I I should have pulled the bike to the right a little bit so I did go off Trail but uh yeah well you know you could do so

    Much thinking in a moment yeah there was a bike off Trail so yeah it was one of those we were eyeing this Gap the first Gap was it looked intimidating but when you when you skyed the first Gap it was fine it was the second Gap where you

    Kind of have to make a weird left turn into that and that was bigger and it looked more ominous yeah I don’t know if looked I know the guy before the first guy that went crashed on that second one he went High just like I did and then

    And went I think he slid out but he went down pretty hard and I landed in the same spot but uh I had nowhere to go yeah yeah and I think I had just cleaned it uh following somebody from the Bomber Crew through there right Joey and then yeah

    You then you pulled through right behind was like well sh if Mark can do it and Joey yeah that was uh there it is Timothy Haley remembers he goes yep that was Waterworks Bomber Crew ride that was a good ride that was scary that was a

    Good ride I took the rest of the ride I I definitely didn’t do anything toned it down toned it yeah that was I think I’m I think I’m good guys yeah definitely toned it down man it’s crazy what happens when you look back at your helmet after a

    Crash and you see physical damage you’re like damn that could have been my head like yours had like a big crease out of it it had a crease and it was snapped on the inside that would have designed to give its life to protect yours it did it did it’s job uh Johnny’s

    Asking for the folks there um in Audi land what you up to Steve currently I am swapping my bars for these wonderful and beautiful uh Trail one Crockett carbon bars they are pretty Mark I have since that crash too I have upgraded my helmet to what I believe is the safest helmet

    On the market right now which is the helmet say it again Joey that I’ve upgraded to what I think is the safest helmet and which is the 6D helmet yes yeah yeah that and why why do you think that one’s the safest one CU I think you

    Were riding 100% that day it was yeah that was the first time I’d ever worn a 100% helmet and it 100% did its job but up butts it’s Working but uh yeah the 6D Mark you can go into it as far as what 6D stand what you know what the actual 6D meaning is but the helmet anytime I show anybody the movement that it can do they’re always blown away yeah 6ds definitely put a lot of money into their research

    For it it s Dona right yes that was the first time that we tried them on and yeah soon as I tried it on I was like impressive design it’s so impressive and then I put my other helmet back on and it felt like a a cooler that you would

    Pick up at the grocery store okay let’s do this that’s how they get you like yeah it’s it’s true I um Marty here octo dad is is asking what brand helmet it’s called 6D like the number six and then d as in delta and yeah 6D stands for six

    Dimensions of protection there they they actually come from I believe The Story Goes they come from the Moto world and they have yeah and they have incredible their myips protection and there’s like myips on steroids is probably the best way to describe it the the amount of

    Movement that you get uh with those helmets inside is incredible they are the I think as of recently they’re the only ones that have studied rotational impact like all the other helmets I think the standard was you get a blunt force strike down onto the ground but nobody’s really looked at the rotation

    When you hit in motion and you rotate that snapping motion that you get right and they’ve done all the studies on that yes less likely less likelihood of cavitation exactly so they are they’re trying to change the standard which I think is amazing about 6D um they

    Instead of like just keeping your skull intact they also want to keep your brain intact so by slowing down the rotation after a strike or hit to the ground you’ve got a good shot of reducing I’m afraid it’s too late for me that ship is already

    CT but yes they are amazing helmets uh go to the 6D website if for anybody listening and is interested just type in 6D go to the website you can see all of the studies that they’ve done in the lab with those helmets it’s pretty impressive very impressive as far as

    Comfort oh you don’t even know it’s on your head yes yeah and they’re not like a paid sponsor of the show or anything like that but it’s just a helmet that we found when at least when I’m wearing a half shell that’s my go-to half shell is

    The 6D because I feel like that’s when need it you just it’s when you’re just kind of chilling is when things go wrong oh look at this okay back to the back to the bike build Steve is taking out the sexy Hell’s Gate grips gorgeous they are very nice he’s got the

    Silver was that like a stealth silver or something like that beautiful uh flat gray that I think is really really really well God feel good in my hands stump TV has H this for you he says Steve needs rotation just now in the opposite direction you you’ve

    Taken all the hits the other way you gota go back yeah it’s true Trail monster Neil out of Arizona saying I use Fox Pro carbon at the bike parks it’s but it’s like 500 bucks and I think myips I think myips but out the technology yeah I think myips but out the

    Technology yeah fox makes good stuff too Fox yeah I think somebody here said something about Pac um that they Rock Pac here he goes Trail pimp tra pimp just said I just got a Pac fullface DH and army green on sale for $99 on bike closet what no kid fantastic that’s fantastic

    Yeah TR leave it up to Trail pimp man he is like the encyclopedia he is he’s just amazing yes great info all the time Trail pimp is saying Steve you will never ride another bike again after this one that’s what I’m scared of is This gonna be my weekday or my weekend

    Riter backyard MTB are saying those aren’t hellsgate grips they are the farlo grips oh God they are did I order the wrong grip that’s okay he’s good look Carlos look at that look at that you’re not wrong is it GNA Focus look at that

    Wow look at the eyes on BR with the eyes whoa good work incredible for some reason I thought that the farlo had what how how is lock rings on both ends lockings on both how’s the girth compared to the Hell’s Gate they actually feel the same okay yeah you

    Like the way I phras you’re blowing my mind yes oh I feel like someone’s about to say that’s what she said I know it’s coming I know it’s coming how’s the girth that was my toilet paper word of the day exactly I I really could go any

    Direction with that but I’m just gonna close Mar is saying grip police grip police I’m already saying Steve is froing I know I’m freaking out backyard MTB or told you yeah dude good good good good catch there yeah we’re gonna keep it PG Nate saying

    Yo yo yo yeah don’t worry we got we got this we got this we’re going PG we’re going PG full PG what does PG stand for let’s not go there skylex MTB is saying those are awesome grips yes they are they really are so is skylex getting Hell’s Gate or

    Is he getting the furlows um I believe they’re Hell’s Gate but I can check with Trail one and see if there’s a choice oh oh I’m just saying because of that but uh but yeah he goes to the site so that’s fine yeah yeah he’s good to go Nate saying give me

    The cockpit yeah we’re almost on cockpit time I know we’re getting there huh time so Steve is putting on the trail one carbon handlebars right now how did they feel compared to the renthal were they about the same weight did they feel about the same no they’re significantly

    Lighter oh dang because the renthal they believe is also carbon is it not Joey no it’s not they’re aluminum I mean it’s not I believe the rol is aluminum right Joey yes aluminum is just an acronym for renthal which means carbon I’m personally I’m I’m afraid of carbon

    Handlebars why why do you say I I that’s the one thing I don’t want snapping that I’m holding on to like I just that’s fair but yeah I mean I know things I’ve done with carbon bars that okay I can out wrong but still Zing what kind of pressure would it take

    To break carbon bars does anybody know I think I’m sure CH Outsider I think he’s broken two sets yeah could you imagine if you snap a bar and then it turns to face you and you’re still in crash right it’s aapon at that point in time Joe I

    Have a question for you uh oh yes h no it’s it’s a question that I’m asking because I don’t know the answer not because they did anything wrong this is beautiful but uh um I’m just hoping I know the answer it goes grip break and then shifter or does it go grift shifter

    Break I now I’m flipping him in my head I could go look at my other bikes let me ask my Decimal System so I’ve got a jeffi behind me and this what it says uh my jei has the grip breake and shifter on one ring that yeah yeah same

    Here everything all my other bikes are all integrated it’s all in one it’s all one part yeah you’re right let’s see what what does the chat say uh it’s like I haven’t had to think about this question in years yeah I’m gonna look this one up too tight a setup in

    Stem not by Q&A saying preach it Joey preach it it Tim Haley saying that’s a personal preference rather person question okay here we go Michael is saying grip shifter break okay so the break goes on the inside all right yes let’s see how that works but then again

    We got this from Marty from New Zealand he says shifter break then grip wait my brain is melting Johnny says grip Brak shifter there we go we got we got two for yes yeah I know grip break all over the place that’s right yeah that’s right the

    Shifter goes on in the middle so it goes grip break and then anything that comes after I’m trying that sound yeah Michael says yes saying left hand needs the motor control as well don’t forget yeah that’s well in on the left hand that’s what’s going there and I actually it’s shipped

    With the uh dropper post uh lever just hanging free but there is a place to bolt it onto the uh the BR break lever so this is fun I’ll be doing that in a minute the internet’s telling us two things we got Michael Michael MSO

    Saying yes and then we got Johnny out of Miami saying no guys stop you backyard empty beard is saying grip brake shifter I have on on my on the decoy I’m looking at it right now it’s grip Brak shifter oh shifter on the outside shifter closest to the middle sh yeah

    Break break is Oreo between the shifter and the grip okay so if this was a baloney sandwich the balone would be the shifter the the breake lever my brain on the on the left hand we have grip and then your your Mo your your motor controller and then your brake and then your

    Dropper oh so the motor controller goes between the break and the grip correct oh I have to do this again wait wasn’t that already install I should have taken a picture this before I started well no because he P was but I switched the bar everything off and he forgot to look at

    It yeah I didn’t in my finite wisdom see for the yeah most people don’t have to do this part there you go right this is completely yeah this is extra credit for the you don’t have to change that when you get the bike if you don’t want to

    Make any upgrades it’s just the way it comes and but you know what the worst part is I don’t know where I put my grip I put the grip down oh no Manny did you take that already did Manny take it Manny come on man man he’s fast man he’s got his own

    Private plane he’s out he’s out there in back where did I thump TV saying well when all else fails put these grips this is crazy did put Johnny saying I’m still upset about the Dork disc let me let me show you what I’ve done with uh the grips that I’ve taken

    Off the decoy and or actually all the YT bikes I yeah always change them out toss it toss it up there I’m gon I’m gonna step down into the garage for a moment and show you do it oh that’s cool backyard into bro check the box that

    Came in maybe you put it back in the box I know what the heck is wrong with me you see you see the grips on the wall there oh I want to see this oh dude that’s so cool yeah and I’m gonna that is awesome I’ll show you what they’re for

    Though so Joey anybody figure it out old surfboard holder surfboard holder helmet holder is it is it really is a surfboard holder no this is taking longer than I thought not as long as it to find a grip get a grip Steve we’re keeping you in

    Suspense as as as Steve is looking for his grip Mountain bik Q&A is saying baloney mayonnaise cheese and bread mayonnaise that one didn’t line up very well oh yeah I see helmets on there helmets were on there I’ll do it again though that didn’t it’s a helmet hanger

    Yeah it’s a helmet rack Steve lost his grip yes he does that happened years ago budy invisible laughing about this one for years Joe pimp looks like a ski rack oh yeah it really does saying ask your wife she’ll know I’m not laughing at at your wife she’s in charge of such

    Things oh this just reminds me did you all see it fell on the floor and the floor is gray oh that’s why so it was cleverly hidden from my blind ey eyes I’m sorry guys did you guys see Brett Tippy’s post this week on Instagram anybody out there

    See it I’m not sure what are you referring to oh was it the joke Brett Tippy yeah he’s he’s at a steakhous and he’s ordering dinner and he’s sitting there with his wife it’s he’s dressed up they look really nice and the waitress is asking how he would like his steak

    Prepared and he looks at her and he says I would like it prepared like I want an argument with my wife and the the waitress goes oh rare you like it rare Marty this reminded me of that ask your wife because yeah that’s uh hilarious so anyway not your wife just

    In general anyways moving on backy it didn’t work but the grips are for my helmets all my helmets that’s brilliant yeah everybody was chatting in though backyard MTB says is it for coats Josh said it’s for pull-ups Marty says it’s for a bike holder uh Johnny says Joey just time

    Traveled yes oh yeah you just you did a helmet holder Marty got it he said helmet holder B hanger bro b hanger that snap right off yeah yeah right you’d really have to have them stuck to the wall somehow I don’t quite know how he’s saying invisible grips they make

    Invisible grips I just glued a dow in the to a board there and then slid the grips on the D brilliant that’s pretty you have the coolest ideas Joey because I remember Greer and at the beginning of the ride you showed us how you stuck an extra link in your shoelace so you’ll

    Never lose it that’s because the before yeah the ride before my chain broke and I didn’t have a link with me and luckily I ran into a fellow friend on the trail and he loaned me a link and uh I was like I was going to tape it to the bike

    I’m like wow this Mark’s got it on a bracelet right I believe you have a bracelet right here yeah I was like I got a shoelace I’ll just put it on there so yeah that was that was smart it lives on my shoe now now I just gotta figure

    Out where to hide the bacon strip and a that was a cool tip for anybody that’s looking for a place to place their master link Joey just split his up into two pieces and put one on each shoelace so on his Mountain wouldn’t you want to

    Put them both on the same side and that way you don’t have to take both your shoelaces out no they’re both they’re both on the same side but I I actually pulled the lace out and put it on so they’re kind of tucked underneath the underneath shoe a little bit they’re in

    A safe spot so smart so smart he’s smart he’s smart that kid he’s smart wicked wicked smart Wicked smart Wicked smart pimp is saying good idea Joey Johnny is saying can we just just take a a second to admire Steve’s backdrop and signage and Tool setup yes here we go we

    Are going to take a second to admire that as it gets slowly dirtier with each passing minute I don’t know are these sound effects coming through that deserves a heart I’m not hearing there it is yeah very nice very nice backyard MTB are saying yo thanks

    Folman you help me reach 2K Subs in a Colorado kid live stream a while back no kidding congratulations that’s what we do for each other man oh this is heavy all right it’s not my Yeti yeah no there there’s definely a little weight there for sure yeah and

    That comes with the the the batter’s already on there yeah I probably should have taken that off power that puppy on real quick I have to figure out how that works oh under the under the top tube there button yeah you have to rub it

    Yeah you have to rub it keep yeah yeah get it on it’ll turn on pretty soon you’re on the wrong te hold on hold on sorry guys did this just become rated H um producer Debbie’s telling me to get you off of a full screen so pulling you back this is getting

    Personal I I heard him I got it he’s back back Downy says rub it rub it right oh yeah man and this is back over did I overshare oh my gosh this is Classic this is classic so now all right he was taking off the saddle because you are

    Going to be putting on a r with no you’re going to ride no saddle I’m gonna ride with no saddle now there was recently a story in the news about a road bike rider in Canada somebody made a joke about him there and so I’m just gonna stop that right now because we’re

    Not gonna make that same joke I’m gonna just put a cap on that right now you’re gonna put a saddle on it wait oh so he had no saddle and that was so that he could stay out of the seat and just this is a nice saddle yeah it come it comes with

    There’s nothing wrong with that saddle at all that’s actually a really nice saddle yeah yeah I don’t have a problem with that at all they a look at that’s cool what what saddle is it show us show the folks at home before you sdg um it’s gorgeous first of all I mean

    It’s got a really nice design and um and it’s got the YT branding on it which is really nice but it’s an SD s DG saddle it’s not fing there you go yeah nice Focus I don’t know if you can see that and uh it’s actually a really nice looking seat

    Yeah and it looks like it’s got chromal rails I’m guessing and Squishy is it squishy it’s pretty light it’s got a little bit of Squish um compared to the Silverado it’s about the same actually yeah not too different that’s a nice seat yeah Sho man it’s minimalist I I like minimalism

    Minimalism German engineering Johnny and you guys you guys ride with saddles yeah you’re weird and we’re pulled right back into it so this R yeah I’m not I’m not going there nope and and Josh is asking and sdg stands for super dang great Michel Josh Michael with the

    Assist he goes speed defies gravity and you’re getting the thumbs up back up there from Josh backyard he’s jonesing for the he’s jonesing for the cockpit can we please get to the cockpit giveaway we please please we have any other kinds of pits first we we are definitely almost there

    Question coming in for you spokesman he says what do you prefer wolf tooth remote Pro versus pnw LOM 2 dropper post lever I use the re remor Pro and love it the wolf tooth and the LOM lover I mean they’re both great they it’s a matter of personal preference and I I

    Think the the LOM comes in more colors right but uh they just upgraded the LOM recently with the rubber grip but uh honestly I like them both but I have a LOM lover on one of my other bikes and I I love it so I if I had to pick one I’d

    Probably go with the LOM hasn’t done me wrong there it is Marty is saying if I win the cockpit I will give it to Octomom for Valentine’s Day as a joke present then give it away at dirt Church nice right on Johnny says I have the dvo saddle and I have never been

    Happier So Soft So Soft make saddles yeah the suspension people is that the suspension people Johnny Tim Haley saying have the dvo saddle as well and love it oh that’s two for the dvo saddle that’s couple of ringing endorsements right there yeah right from two dud up there by dvo isn’t

    He oh maybe you are Tim yeah that’s right because I think he rocks D suspension on all of his bikes when he gets them tra pimp the LOM lever is the yoga mat for the thumb right that’s pretty good that’s a nice metaphor and yes Joey Tim is saying

    Yes they do dbo is five minutes from his house yeah I remember that that would be the leak that I would find in my bank account pipes like where is this leak coming from yeah you know when I lived in San Jose I was right over the

    Hill from Santa Cruz and I used to go ride Wilder Ranch all the time and uh one afternoon right after I got my Santa Cruz highball I was out there riding and I came across a bunch of guys that were on Santa Cruz bikes and so I stopped and

    We were shooting the breeze and it turned out they all worked at Santa Cruz and they revealed to me that they every Thursday afternoon they would ride up to this one spot and kick back every Thursday afternoon they ride their Santa Cruzes up to this one little Glade

    That’s off the trail and kick back there for a while and I’m like oh I know a secret you know and I I really wanted to go back there all the time and make friends with them but I didn’t because that would be weird you’re like hey guys what’s going on he’s

    Back but I brought stuff I brought stuff for you guys backyard MTV are saying if I win the cockpit I’ll give away the grips in my three ,000 subscriber live stream special nice can I enter that’s cool yes um Johnny’s asking is is it built and are you happy Steve it is

    Almost completely built um I have to install the dropper lever here and uh then I think I might be finished oh then we could take a look at it and then spin the old wheelie Caz what’s up cass is in the house MP has been great for me he says

    Nice good good yes CH pip is saying hey when you’re out there don’t forget Grant Ranch yes that Grant Ranch was uh not too far from my house um I grew up if you know San Jose I grew up in Willow Glenn some beautiful Trails up there

    Went to Willow Glenn High School yeah yeah it really is fantastic area to learn to ride a bike I got I got lucky I know gonger was on here earlier I had to work in event in Monteray and he shot me a text he said man you’re about an hour

    You’re about 40 minutes from Santa Cruz get your butt up here got up there and was just like wow so blown away so many trails it is truly a remarkable place um it is just Paradise yeah that L was like it was like writing on I need a twerks I

    Just want to say it’s like yeah Joey wasn’t there so he’s plugging his ears la la la la yeah alone when you’re coming from Southern California where it’s dusty and loose you’re just like wow this is some people are into that yeah we have to

    Be in more ways than one look at my elbow totally into it sometimes so Steve is is buttoning that up right now and we are very close to the just about done here giveway Al I can’t see it that well Mark do you have the final question for Steve tonight I

    Do I do yeah we’re and we’re also doing something new on the show this year what we are doing Steve is the last guest leaves a question for the next guest on the show to answer so we got a good one exotic last guest was a guy by the name

    Of Conan Ayala he is a pro MMA fighter and nutritionist I loved that show that was a great show excellent nutrition information yes that was that my mind everything and uh he’s got a title fight coming out five five round fights coming up February 24th it’ll be on paper viiew

    But he left you a fantastic question and since you’re buttoning that up right now should I Joey should we end the show with that question or should I ask yeah we should end it I was just making sure we’ll keep people in suspense have it teed up folks you’ll pop the question

    Later this oh my God this is back in the OG time Tim Hale’s asking is cereal a soup yes or no no and why and why not oh that’s a good question that’s like as a hot dog a sandwich yeah there we go had a little bolt fun here Steve is

    Putting the final touches on there so Steve out of a rate of easy to hard how would you rate this uh bike build today let’s see the easiest bike I ever built was probably the Giant iguana of which I built probably 150 over the over the course of the time

    I worked at the shops um and it was a very basic entry level like $300 bike that we sold a lot of and I could put that together in about 45 minutes uh but then again when you’re building bikes at Shops they’re taken apart a lot more comprehensively than

    This this is actually almost completely built and you take it out you just bolt a few things together you’re done but those bikes are you know in way more pieces uh the most difficult bike that’s a tough one uh probably a custom build when I built my Bronson I

    Literally built built it up from the ground every single part I bought individually and and uh put it together one at a time and it took a really long it took weeks this if that’s a 10 and the iguana is a one this is like a three and a half

    Oh nice it’s pretty easy it’s it’s uh there’s a few things that if you’ve never put a bike together before they’re going to be new to you and you’re going to be a little confused but I’ll bet you anything that the documentation if it’s anything like I didn’t use it and I

    Probably should have but when I was building my son’s Jeffy the documentation was fantastic and it walked me through everything and I wouldn’t imagine that this would be any different so uh yeah and I believe the doc I believe it’s a pict book too right yeah like Ikea yeah it’s all

    Pictures you can’t read you can look at it just look in this fantastic manual all pictures can’t TV says probably the hardest part was taking off the Dork dis yeah yeah the way did it yes and that’s only because Steve’s a dork cling on John saying was that the one with the tree

    Grabbers yes yeah it was because John knows because that’s when we met I was riding the Bronson it was a Bronson CC 2016 and uh with pipe Forks it was a great bike and I had bar extenders on it the you know the horns I I love those

    Things and and I would every bike I own would have them if the if the carbon bars would allow it but I love having that extra leverage when I’m because we boy the stuff we climbed on that trip was just mean we climbed some mean hills

    Like crazy stuff and being able to reach up and kind of dig in it made a difference I love those nice you definitely don’t need them on this bike no no really don’t you’re not wrong Michael said oh [ __ ] I remember that we got people saying the giveway so let’s

    Check out the bike and then let’s spin the wheel yeah but let’s look at this bad boy I’m gonna move this out really quick here we go Andy for 29er with now the bars are a little bit geeked like I’m going to tune all this

    Right now I just have the parts on you know nothing’s torqued down or anything but uh honestly it’s a great bike he was gonna grab the camera and we are no we’re getting closer here here we go heading in look at this look at that oh gorgeous beauty beauty

    Beauty that deserves a full layout pow thank you Joey yeah that is a nice bike can you give us the uh CH P say don’t forget to air up the shock can you give us the uh a little low the first look at the uh at the screen when you

    Turn it on o I wonder if I can do that Manny’s saying that bike is fire yeah that front fork will come up about another four inches probably I have to put the screen back on Ive the screen out of the way to put on some of the bar

    Stuff and I haven’t clamped it back on yet but uh yeah this thing’s gorgeous my God this is a nice bike yeah how are johny’s asking to I’m just staring at the bike not saying anything and that’s terrible me as a host John actually doing his job he says how excited are

    You Steve I’m freaking out just a little bit whoops that didn’t bolt on properly I’m freaking out just a little bit like I’m so freaking pumped for this that does look good that does look good beautiful beautiful and yeah so when you power that puppy on you just gota which which

    Tube is he rubbing there Joey the down tube of course down tube of course no Michael saying now you never have to train Waffle House don’t disaar Yi exactly M bike say Joey got me a white one to ride and that was a be oh yeah

    Yeah it was exact same bike same build and everything poor white yeah that’s right looks like a stormtrooper yeah I remember seeing that thing roll out of the mill and it already had Johnny’s sticker on it heading to Sky Park yeah that was a pretty fun day pretty fun day

    My wife saw that one in the garage and thought for sure I got her a new bike thank you honey uh you’re welcome yeah she loves the white and gold so I’m looking for one we got uh we got a few minutes left on the show oh yeah let’s

    Let that looks nice it is a very nice looking bike we got people saying giveway giveaway yeah you guys ready course ready Joey you have everybody on there yeah I’ve got everybody on there all right let’s take a look we did get uh who showed up there

    You got Joshua you got chicken cindies on there oh yeah chicken C you got them all last one yeah all right without further Ado uh I think because you are the man of the hour there Steve why don’t you tell us when you want us to spin that wheel

    There we go now you can actually see me um are you guys ready I’m sure they’re ready yeah let’s do it they’re like yes we’re ready we’re fine we’re ready yeah let’s uh let’s do it all right it goes let him rip I’m so excited the winner of the trail one

    Cockpit is going to be little utility I love it MTB mini bomber is in there it’s going to out Michael mess congratulations Michael congratulations Michael Messer for winning it so is if you know Michael uh Michael get a hold of Steve and we will get that over to you we got

    People saying yo I need this I need this oh man I know we just upset like 20 people but we made one really happy exactly let welcome to the lottery yes well definitely uh thanks again Steve for for doing this thank you to Trail one for giving these out to the

    The folks in the audience tonight and take take a look at Trail one um as they always have sales and um there is the logo right there Trail one Trail one is there one product on trail one’s uh catalog that you always reach to for

    Your bike if you can’t do like a full cockpit is there just one that you always have to change out those bars okay 100% I always buy the bars um and I’ve got this is the fourth bike I have with those bars on it but that I that I own right now

    They’re fantastic nice nice nice backyard MTB said unsubscribing I’m out click we’ll do it again we’ll do it again someday yes that is awesome thank you all so much for being here for this um Steve with everything that you did tonight on that bike tell us just a

    Little bit about how you’re feeling and then we’ll ask you this question in closing all right I’m I’m really really excited um it’s been snowing here for the past two weeks but we’ve had we had a the for the last two days we had a

    Break of warm weather and a lot of the snow has melted so the roads are open and this thing is coming out tomorrow I’m gonna I’m gonna get up early it’s gonna be like Christmas morning I’m gonna get up early I’m gonna torque everything and you know ungeek the the

    Bars and stuff and and then I’m climbing on this puppy and I’m taking it all over town I cannot wait nice so yeah I’m very very excited and I can’t thank you guys enough for for coming along on the journey with me nice that’s awesome I’m excited for you congratulations on your

    First E I literally was there the first time you pedal one and I think the first words out of your mouth were what the hell is this oh my God I said it’s going on its own Michael uh you just asked how to get in touch with me if you can find

    Spokesman MTV on Instagram you can drop me a direct message um you can also um reach me through uh um my YouTube channel and and uh you can leave a comment can you direct message on YouTube can you DM used to be able to but you can’t anymore um I could

    Put my email up in the chat or I could put your email up in the chat either way um yeah um let’s do that let’s do an email okay that’s probably the best way so I’m gonna put my email up here in the chat for you Michael uh send me an email

    So we can get your information and we will send you out that TR and cockpit there it goes in the chat right you guys are great thank you there and uh we will get you taken care of congratulations again to all the winners tonight that’s a big win man congratulations fullon

    Cockpit that’s really cool for all the folks who who didn’t win tonight but uh we’re on thank you so much for being on with us we did this for the first time and we actually did it we did it you guys there was a bike back there I can’t believe it this is

    Crazy that’s amazing I’m so stoked probably should have done the closing the closing question before because people are dropping off oh yeah what’s the question yeah I know there was a couple people that did have to go there question is so in closing spokesman MTB this is coming from MMA Pro fighter Mr

    Ayala and he says what can you do today that will make you a better person tomorrow that’s what can you do today that’ll make you a better person tomorrow well there’s about three hours left in today my wife just got home from a week abroad I’m going to go inside and I’m G

    To make us both a cup of tea and I’m going to sit down with her on the couch and I’m going to tell her how much I miss her a nice yeah and uh to everybody else out there um there are so many ways that we can help each other uh you know

    In all walks of life I mean the first way that I think of is is with your mental health and and helping out each other and being there for each other because you know we’re all a big mountain biking family so reach out to your friends see how they’re doing go on

    A ride with them if you can and if you can’t just talk that’s what I got good that’s great that’s great you got an amen from Manny right there he says Amen to that uh stum TV is saying buy an ebike Emanuel is saying what can you do today that’ll

    Make you a better person tomorrow do another giveaway yeah okay oh great hang with everybody thank you all so much and uh man we’ll see you guys all back here for another episode yeah well said Steve that’s great that’s great if I if I heard what you said it’s

    Basically do what you can with what you have to help make someone else’s life just a little bit better whether you’re reaching out to somebody or just listening to them and making them see feel seen and heard and validated that will ultimately make them feel better

    And make you feel good as well yep that’s good stuff good stuff tune in next week good family to be a part of it’s a great family to be a part of love this mountain bike Community thank you guys again tune in next week we have another great episode in store for you

    Where we will ask that guest spokesman’s question which we’ll ask offline so you guys will have to tune in next week to see what that is so thank you all so much again and uh we will see you all at the top and one of us will be on a brand new

    Ebike thank you so much see you guys


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