Today we are joined by @MartiBlagborough as we take a look at Nice-Pak International – Westwood Park, Nice-Pak International, Westwood Park, Wigan WN3 4HE

    Security speak to us about the drone and what permission he believes we need.

    Videos return to solo after Wigan. Whilst helping Marti take his bike to MiRider Wigan for repair we filmed a few places.

    Google Maps Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Why are you talking about criminal damage on my drone no I’m just saying you know you’re not supposed to fly in any drone here okay without the permission that’s all I said just get the right permission you don’t need permission to fly a drone over a

    Building mate okay you do it and see what happens so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Wigan taking a look at nice pack now this company make wet wipes so baby wipes cosmetic wipes household wipes and it looks like they have two entrances uh one to the left one

    Straight Ahead barriers up uh but this looks like to be the private property area we’ve got a truck coming in so we’ll just get out the way let them deal with the incoming vehicle maybe stand out here for for a moment and uh see what we can see from the ground

    First so we do have the security gate house there where the drivers obviously have to report to this gentleman is from XO Logistics get to it and isn’t that type of vehicle which has got a large tail lift a large tail lift yeah big tail lift oh we’ve got C back

    Already what’s that all about don’t know surely you talk to them first rather than stop filming them we’ve got the guy filming here I’ve just switched over to my phone it makes me wonder if the CCTV is any good cuz he have if he has to resort to his own

    Camera then it really says that the CCTV is crap told you that I’ve been giv up secret now I okay M what have you got on there I’ll tell you that why why you after why you filming cuz we’re making a video regarding nice pack right cuz the

    Manufact all good hell they’re the manufacturer of wet wipes aren’t they that’s correct yes so is that what you’ve got on no go on them I have uh uh can’t remember the chemical name I’ve got the chemicals what they used to produce the wetes okay fair enough fair

    Enough what is it toxic chemical or uh no it’s not I’m not Ado driver so I’m not like chemical has has a chemical sign what is it then is it waterbased uh I’m not 100% sure this some Citrus kind of stuff oh it smells nice does it I

    Smells it’s like granules it’s granul oh it comes in granular form yes right and the reason for the the tail lift like that yeah do you actually have to offload it yourself not this one here they got a forlift here but I’ve got other deliveries toilet rolls batteries

    Everything like that where you don’t have pump trucks or anything uh part so I have to get up so you have to be self-sufficient have you got a pet truck on board yes is it um electric or is it ah they’re looking after you then you

    Have be up early if I get one them in the morning you can get one if you’re early enough yes if not it’s a manual one 4:00 in the morning so yeah yeah how many pallet for this place it’s usually two I think it’s two right and they’re

    Quite quick turnaround are there I hope so I’m looking for good stuff about the companies here cuz we’re we’ve had a bit of Interest shown in this place so we’re here just to make a video about it from who just the viewers we visit all over

    The place all over the country and this place has been selected so we’re in the area we thought we’d tick it off the list okay there certain things that our videos environmental things no no it’s just no not just interest in industrial locations um and the behavior of staff

    And security to as making the video right so you’ll notice there immediately he had his phone out didn’t he rather than coming out and talking to us like you have his first reaction is let’s film him so is trying to get evidence rather than being a human well what may

    Have gone down better is like if you would have gone up and discussed with him first I nearly did but then I saw you approaching I thought I’d let you go first right okay so I put my bike out the way and I’m going to come and enter

    Sight safely yes but obviously they’re under instruction as well oh yeah course safe s but do have haard chemicals on on site so yeah yeah I noticed you didn’t have a what’ you call it hasm plate hcam plate that’s where it goes is it yeah pull it down one the vehicle are you

    Qualified to carry that type of thing this one yeah cuz it’s not hazardous noard said earlier you need the ADR certificate ADR yeah right you look all that up it sounds and is that renewed yearly every 5 years 5 years you have to do an ADR test ADR course right days and

    The company pays for that do they right okay interesting stuff okay guys yeah nice talking to you right guys so I think we should just uh have a little chat with them see what that was all about I’m going to go and snoo see what this you my friend I was

    Just about to come and talk to you at your window then I know I was just about to come and talk to you at your window but then I noticed she started filming us I don’t know who you are and why you’re filming okay he give his a chance

    To come and EXP because first of all let me let me say something this is this is a private you know this a company okay and you’re not even supposed to be here without a hiest can I stop you there no no you can’t stop me okay I you can’t

    Stop me first of all you riding you know you came in with your bikes okay I was talking to this gentleman this driver I’ve I’ve just finished you know you know speaking to him and you guys started talking when he came out and start talking to you so I I was waiting

    For him to go in so I can I can talk to you and know who you are so please can you tell me who you are yeah so first of all I came in just to make sure I’m at the right place then I I took my bike

    Out I noticed that you’ve got a driver arrive a truck so I waited out the way so you could deal with him that’s when I spotted you taking a video a photo I’ve got no I’ve got no problem with you started taking it before I brought it

    Out the driver was here he can testify that no my friend I’ve got no problem with you taking the photo but I just I didn’t know who you are so why it just makes me wonder do you um believe your CCTV is good enough cuz wouldn’t your

    CCT TV have done that for you no you don’t you don’t have to tell me that okay because we have CCTV it’s it’s a big you might not think your CCTV is good enough because you you wanted to get a better photo with your camera

    Which is fine just be honest about it it doesn’t matter you I find it very odd very very odd you just coming and taking videos of of a company then why don’t you just talk to us rather than film us well I had a driver okay that I was

    Going to talk to I have a work to do I can’t not be coming out you’re too busy for this please are you do you know your G house window who are you hold on do you know your gate house window that’s the first point of contact isn’t it so

    You mentioned it’s private land we shouldn’t be here how do we communicate with the first point be here first of all you need an appointment what just to come to this gate house window we need anoint you don’t need to come to the gate house if you don’t have any

    Business here I do have business I’m trying to tell you okay what business have you got right and I’m here today to make a lovely YouTube video about nice pack so it involves doing some footage from the floor from the ground and with the Drone so when I make my videos for

    YouTube it’s all all about industrial Estates and I I’ve got to make a video about nice pack today cuz it’s been selected by one of my viewers who lives close and he wants to see some Drone footage of like behind the scenes around the back you know so you guys are

    YouTubers yes is that what it is yes okay so I I watch I watch a lot of um YouTube I don’t know if you know AB um what he what does he do ab is like he films the police station and he’s got the officers wound up and everything and

    At the end I know you can take videos okay I don’t I’m not against what you guys are doing it sounded like it was then no no no because I want to know who you are because you know sometimes you get people turn up and you don’t know

    Who they are okay there could be anybody okay but now you’ve identifi you’re a YouTuber and you want to make some videos now I know at least who you are okay not really because I’ve not seen any ID okay you not asked for it I’ve

    Not asked for it I don’t need that but what I can say is oh you don’t need it no I don’t need it what I can say is you need to get into the reception where is it point me to the right direction if you if you go to that road okay that

    That little road that takes you to the end turn right you’ll see a barrier as well okay that barrier can I go past the barrier then to the reception there is a pedestrian gate okay so if you ring The Pedestrian gate then then that’s the first start okay then you need to speak

    To somebody you know to give you permission to do that that’s all to do what to film that’s what I’ll stand outside and do it you want to stand outside yeah I’ll stand outside and I’ll launch the Drone from outside and I’ll film the building from the outside but

    Just as a matter of courtesy I always come to the gate the gate house just to let you know because I don’t want you suspicious you see but when we had that vehicle here I wanted him to go first okay and I moved out the way have you

    Got any idea I can see like anything that says your YouTuber like your Channel or something can I I don’t have can I look at your Channel or something like your don’t you believe us no it’s not about what I believe it’s about what is present practical I want to see

    Something then uh he might have some idea let’s see what he’s got I want to see the channel go to your phone please just listen that’s the ID no no okay that’s the ID all right you guys are funny oh my God you gave me an opener I

    Have to use it it’s been trying to use that for a long time my friend why would a photographer filming from the outside need to give ID come on I I don’t know why YouTubers are like you know sometimes you some of the YouTuber guys I’m saying they just love to wind people

    Up why is that but you was winding me up a little bit saying that I can’t film I need to get permission to what film from the outside you being serious because I don’t know what you doing with I told you I’ve told you everything yes yes you

    Told me but have you told the management what are you doing it’s it’s okay if you tell you’re on the gate house your first point of contact not the manager if they need to know tell them listen listen this is not my company I’m here to do a

    Job okay I’m here to do a job I’m here to do a service okay if anything happens okay I’m going to be the responsible I’ll be responsible I will say correct this is why we’re informing you well you’re informing me but you’ve not informed the management the shouldn’t

    That be your job sorry shouldn’t that be your job listen my job I’m the logistic guys I deal with the deliveries and and Collections and all that I deal with the drivers okay there is is a big company is it everyone has a department what they do okay yeah obvious heal and safy

    Listen listen health and safety the H I have to listen to him listen really to listen to him okay go on we’re listening we’ll stop talking okay you know what you know what guys okay I’ll just go on um I’ll go on just if you guys can go to

    The game okay to the first game I’m at the gate no no you’re not at the gate here’s not safe this is the gate house this is not if it’s okay with you I would like to return back to where I put my bike there do my filming like cuz

    I’ve only got 20 minutes to spare fly the drone over if you’re not happy with what I’ve told you so far Dr I’m still I’m still talking damage you want to destroy my drone no I’m only innoc taking some photographs with the Drone what if I

    Geted my drone to destroy your drone you probably go to prison why would you want to do that you guys you guys have funny you do what you’re not why are you talking about criminal damage on my drone no I’m just saying you know you’re not supposed to fly in any drone here

    Okay without the permission that’s all I said just get the right permission you don’t need permission to fly a drone over a building mate okay you do it and see what happens just go ahead and do it is that a threat no it’s not a threat but but it’s a promise because you

    You’ve come in here with no iest nothing you can see even you’re at risk right now okay because a truck can come in and everything okay so I’m just saying for your safties just just get back where you are and I’ll make some fuel calls you if you’re happy for me to return

    Back to where I’ve parked my bike and you see your guy videoing what’s wrong get up get off get off get off you videoing you’re videoing the cameras get off this is the cameras you can’t do that he going crazy around there just get out can you control

    Your can you just control your gy you cannot be filming in the office why not he only having a look I’ve told you we’re here to make a video about the company that’s all what’s the matter right you’re getting a bit stressed out now mate so I’m going to go

    Back over there let you calm down all right you don’t need to be this way he’s going crazy a it he attacked me then he hit me it’s unacceptable he hit me I swear to God he blood it hit me I think we’ll leave him just to calm down

    A little bit I reckon you need to take a crazy so let’s get back where we the bikes so you’ll notice some Vehicles they turn left like the simarco and some go straight ahead but they have got a security weakness here in that barrier is permanently up and I

    Presume that is Security’s own vehicle not the best place to park it is it really it looks a little bit untidy for uh a company that’s saying they’re the the world leader in wet wipes there’s only one wet wipe that I’ve seen so far that’s him because come on man we’ve

    Been open and honest we’ve told you we’re here to make a video we’ve told you everything we need to do and he wants us to go and tell someone else well that’s your job mate we’re just informing the first point of contact which is the gate house we ain’t got all

    Day to go around telling everybody knocking on their office doors anyway the time has come to get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the this area at all he

    Said he wants to get his drone to attack mine and he also said go and try and fly your drone and let’s see what happens so is that what said yeah so let’s do this nice pack not been very nice to us have they oh no nice pack so although we’ve seen ab’s

    Videos we didn’t know who AB was did we so he told us all about him does police stations apparently I have to check him out and uh oh so they’ve got two yards one up here with just a small number of Bays bit of trailer parking I presume that is where the

    Reception is and that was the other entrance which he wanted us to go to oh dead endv look and press the intercom how much time does he think we have to waste pressing intercoms and telling somebody else your security my friend and you there confus me to that DJ I mean as you

    Just made the point the security even he even mentioned himself that he is the one that would be responsible yeah that’s why we’re letting you know I’m letting you know if you’ve got any concerns or questions Let’s uh get them answered let me reassure you as much as

    I can that I am not a fret I’m just a you YouTuber you’ve even seen similar content there is a a box of some sort down at the front door that’s not really good leaving Parcels outside but it’s nice and TIY and so far let’s just go

    And see where this other entrance takes you down at the back here uh this is the upper entrance where we’ve still got the open barrier which takes you oh it’s a long road all the way down the back where we’ve got a train look couple of storage container

    Whole old tank there on the floor and then we have yard number two which is a lot bigger and there is something interesting in that skip let’s get a little closer look at that one so what do we reckon that is then down there cardboard spools of some sort and it

    Looks like a metal skip with some wood in it so that’s not very good is it mix it up the stuff like that and then just down here we’ve got the normal pallets a little bit of a Dumping Ground in the corner and another skit which is uh black bag General

    Waste and it’s uh backed onto some sort of river or is that a canal here in Wigan I’ll just quickly show you what’s around if you’re from the local area and any of this is familiar to you then great that’s unusual is it down there what are they

    Doing looks like they’re filling an old gas storage tank that is very unusual I’m just going to get a that under the ground it yeah I think they only raise when they’re full but ah someone told me that before yeah I can’t really get any closer us I’m not going

    To be able to see the Drone it looks like they’re filling it up with with mck for some reason anyway let’s continue having a lot round it looks like the pipes go into that storage run under here and then in yeah and as we keep panning around we

    See so many interesting things that we stop panning don’t we rcky artist there some sort of football I don’t know working on a train down there and then we get back to where we are which is just over there at the roundabout so that will do obviously the

    Lack of solar panels is not very good the behavior of security is not very good and I think I prefer to just move on and film a much nicer company than nice pack so doing so well as well on it well actually what we see a lot of weird and

    Wrong it would be nice our gentl is approaching maybe the better yeah he had potential to fully understand what we were doing and have a nice chat about it but he decided that filming is something that makes him angry it was it seemed very now if you’ve got a window that can

    See the screen or CCTV then surely a blind should be on that window ready is when I went on the back there a couple of windows blacked out and then one that’s directly facing the scen is not blacked out yeah so they need to be prepared for anybody that wants to use

    The window to their advantage so you’re only there just to highlight the fact that it can be seen you’re not interested in seeing the data or obtaining it in any way we’re only there to make the video and that’s one of the elements of the video so that was

    Nice pack now I can hear sirens in the distance they are getting closer but surely they’re not coming here so let’s presume they are not coming here and let’s do the outro and move on uh nice pack the world’s most Innovative wet wipe manufacturer and they’re saying they’re

    The market leaders in household wipes Personal Care wipes and cosmetic wipes baby wipes but when you come and have a look at the place and make a video and even communicate with the first point of contact the gate house they do not want to know do they

    And they just want to divert you to reception and pressing tanoy buzzers and stuff like that wasting time but yeah let’s move on the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is on this nice pack sign here it’s a bit dirty but

    We’re not going to go to town on the cleanliness of the signs so the key Ring’s just a lock wedged inside and from this angle you can hardly see it so I do believe it will still be there and we’ll leave security and this lovely car parking spot to it the open

    Barrier and we’ll move on so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now

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