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    If you did want to get a coach, Mark is the MAN to go to!! Top bloke.

    Well chuffed to have the following brands support me and my ol’ cycling adventures. So you will see some of their products I choose to use in my content 🙂

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    Hello greeting someone commented there was no greetings on the last video so greetings to another video today do you need a coach whether that’s cycling whether that’s any different type of hobby you have because today I I’ve just basically got back from an ice skating lesson and I was like maybe I should

    Talk about this I do feel that well I’ll get into it the the short answer is do you need a cycling coach the the short answer the simple answer is no unless I think you are professional you’re making money from it you need to be at a

    Certain Fitness level I don’t feel like anybody needs a coach however do you want one and do you want to get Fitter do you want to improve your cycling do you want to improve whatever skill that is because I do feel that cycling is probably one of the only

    Sports where I feel like I say that all the time I feel like this but I do that cycling is one of the only sports that is almost like judged for someone having a c coach it’s like oh and I’ve even done it before where I’ve mentioned like

    Oh my coach guy I sometimes call Mark who is my coach oh you know the the guy who does my training PLS he’s a coach he’s a qualified coach but I almost feel like a little bit like not even it’s not embarrassed it’s almost like a little bit because I’m not

    Because I know I’m not like Elite level I’m not professional like I’m not like winning races but I do have one and I think well let me just get into like why I think it is important to have one if you want to improve because in every

    Other if you’re going to go to the gym you want to get a personal trainer because you want to learn from someone who knows what they’re doing and I think that’s exactly what cycling coaching is and I think there’s just been like this elitism and this it’s been so expensive

    To get those like coaching and training plans whereas I mean mark my coach is Revolution cycle coaching his is so affordable um and he’s just a really nice guy he’s just anyway yeah he’s just a really nice chat but yeah today I been have a skating lesson it’s like

    My second skating lesson that I’ve had and I can’t tell you from having those two lessons compared to all the times that I’ve been on my own like how much you improve so much faster because you’ve got someone who knows what they’re doing knows how to like help you

    Improve and it’s the exact same with cycling you don’t necessarily need to want to race you don’t necessarily need to want to do massive things but if you want to just improve your cycle in any skill get a coach and there are different ways of it being affordable

    You can get you get training plans like um offline and so I think do you need a training coach do you need a coach I don’t I don’t think anybody needs one but do you want one and I know for me I just go all in like if I start

    Something some people might say OB it’s called obsessive some people might call it just dedicated you decide but when I want to start something I want to go all in I not even told you I bought new boots as well like my own own my own my

    Own skates are they boots Skates um and this is just in a short period whereas for me like with Mark my coach who I’ve had for four years three four five maybe even five years I just know I wouldn’t have been able to do any of the things that I have done like

    Lengthwise Fitness the fitness wise I’ve needed if it hadn’t been for him and him and it’s almost like not necessarily almost like the actual training plans themselves obviously that is going to improve your Fitness but sometimes it’s just having someone that’s accountable like maybe today if I

    I didn’t really feel like going today to be honest to um this get thing I’ve got loads of other work on I was like I could probably do without this but because I’d committed to it I was like no I’m going to go and I feel like

    That’s another way or an important thing of having a coach so let me know your thoughts on it do you have a coach would you want to coach and what is your opinion on it also just to finish this video off I wanted to take home to be if

    You want a coach there are affordable ways to do it or following a training plan and you don’t need to answer to anyone that’s being like well why you doing a training plan why why does that matter if that’s what you want to do and that’s what you want to spend your time

    And your money on there are far far wor that you could be spending your money on I think that like I think well I don’t smoke I don’t drink like if I want to spend my money on some ice skating lessons then why not and yeah I’m just

    Investing in my my fun for one enjoyment then just learning something new so if you want to start you know a coaching plan go and do it like ignore people that like criticize it and just go and enjoy yourself and get fit and then you can just drop them all on the climbs

    When they’d be like hang on a minute how have you got so fit you’re like well it’s me coaching um and I love love love having the structure the routine of having set sessions to do you will know this because I have started a three-month training plan so update you

    On that start of February how the first month’s gone okay now I’m going to go okay bye bye bye bye bye I’m still really bad but I will get better


    1. Heyyaaaa Katie! you are awesome, gives me hope for our otherwise 'clown world'! 💃💃💖💖 not a big fan of UK military forces blowing up German civilian infrastructure (Nordstream II) on the orders of the UK 'masters' (the USA). but of course, you had no say in that matter, so no hard feelings towards you

    2. I'm slightly disappointed. I read the thumbnail as the revolutionary phrase: "You do not need a couch". I thought you were going to be listing the virtues of watching tv while using the bike.

    3. Congrats on the new skates and well done with the skating! A coach definitely can help with the consistency … that was the case for me with piano lessons! PS: I’ve been tea-total for a month and methinks that will be a permanent life style adjustment so maybe I’ll be able to treat myself to a bike fit or a Garmin! Ride on Ducky! 🚴‍♂️🇬🇧⛰️🇨🇦🐑😄

    4. I don't think you NEED a cycling coach. Many can do it by themselves I'm sure. Personally, it's been a struggle for me to keep focus and stick to a training plan long term.

      So in my experience, giving specific training plans is the least important role a coach has. There's a TON of good training plans out there. Hell, even if there weren't, you could do one year of coaching. You'd then have a whole year worth of training plan that you could repeat next year.

      I, for many years, took pride in the fact that I am "self-motivated" when it comes to cycling. Even job listings have that line nowadays. "Self starter," "Self-motivated" like it's a must. When you think about it though, I am the type of person when given a task, do it perfectly (or take pride in it enough to try to do it perfectly) but if there were no external motivation, like getting paid, being appreciated by a person / team, being needed / depended on, I would never do a minute of work.

      So once I realized this, I wanted to give a cycling coach a try. Having accountability towards someone and that someone cheering you on or commenting on your rides and that little bit of investment he / she has in your cycling can do wonders. At least, it did for me. Some days I feel a little tired. Nothing crazy, just a little lazy. In the past I'd skip rides on those days. Now I push myself to do it cause I know my coach will be seeing it. I force myself out. 10-minutes in to the ride I know the "tiredness" was just laziness and mental.

      I ride more than I've ever ridden in my life now. Fittest I've ever been too at 41 years old.

    5. The only cycling coach I had was my dad after he bought me my first bicycle for my 4th birthday, the next day he took me too the local park to teach me to ride a bicycle without training wheels that was 17th of April 1988 nearly 36 years later I still remember the look of happiness on his face when I cycled up and down the park without falling.

    6. One may not need a coach, but it is a good idea to have a personal trainer when it comes to conditioning and strengthening. A bicycle is an asymmetric machine, engaging only certain muscles but keeping the others dormant. For us who spend most of our time sitting, injure prevention is a must.

    7. Hi there, I wanted to share that I've been going through your videos for the past couple of days and they've been incredibly motivating for me. I have a 100km challenge coming up soon and your content has given me the confidence to take it on. Sending greetings all the way from Poland!

    8. I think that every sport activity that requires skills like balance, posture, techniques etc. can benefit a lot (expecially in your adult age) by having a coach: you simply avoid wasting time and frustrations. For cycling, the phisical side is vastly overwheming on the technical part, and progressing can be based on motivation and your personal experience; but if you really want to improve and reach the best of your potencial, that's why a coach is really needed.

    9. Personally, I think venturing out into the unknown with your skating , where things are new and scary and you could fail, is an inspiration and great lesson for your YouTube community!!! 👍👏👏👏 PLUS! You are tall. So if you fall, your head has farther to travel before hitting the ground. 😱 You could knock yourself out in the middle of the ice. Kudos to you for daring to go into the arena and fight the good fight, My Lady.

    10. Having been to that arena ages ago (looks even more run down now somehow) and it being in Blackburn i'd say dedication lol 😉 It's not the most beautiful spot in the North West is it! Compulsive is a term for those that don't understand being dedicated to something! Have fun that's all that matters and staying safe, esp this time of year – recently enjoying Rouvy more over Zwift for some reason, makes a nice change to mix it up a little re different winter things to do (i think watching it on a big screen makes a big difference, then again some would say keeping your bike indoors and having a cycling room at home is compulsive too).

    11. Good afternoon lovely Katie from across the pond. Drink Clove tea every night for 3 nights and watch what happens. You'll be leaving the coach in the dirt.🌹

    12. But Katie, you area professional. Your channel is about cycling which requires you to have a certain level of fitness for content creation. If a coach helps you to get to that level then it’s a good idea. Is it absolutely necessary? No. I have a medical background and I’ve riding bikes for over 50 years so over that time there’s been an accumulation of knowledge. At this point in life I ride because I really enjoy it and to stay fit. If I were competing I’d probably get a coach otherwise I probably don’t need one. There’s a lot of information available on cycling fitness and so a person can set up a basic program to get and stay fit.

    13. The bit that rarely gets discussed is that ‘coach’ is a generic term that covers a huge spectrum of practice, with sports scientists sitting at one end of the spectrum and soft skilled mentors sitting at the other…there would seem to be numerous instances of gross athlete/coach mismatching. The reality is that someone new to the sport, who is building experience has utterly different requirements to a seasoned athlete who has plateaued in their chosen discipline.

    14. I’m tempted by a cycling coach as I’m curious to know why I could achieve with the right training. Also being accountable to a coach would make me stick to a plan more than sorting it myself

    15. I notice a lot of grifters in the cycling training business. They do a few races, perhaps dabble in trying to be a pro, then set up shop charging keen cyclists £80+ a month for “professional coaching”.

    16. I do triathlons and for age grouper triathletes it’s quite common to have a coach, especially if you are training for the long distances like Ironman. I think it would be very beneficial to have one if you’re a cyclist so you don’t over train and hit the right amount of intensity.

    17. Ive recently got a plan from mark and I like how it's structured so I don't have to think about what I should or need to be doing when out on the bike. I think once it come time for the Fred whitton it will be money well spent. When I used to weight lift I ALWAYS used to go into the gym with a plan to follow to maximise my time in there so I could get out and get on with life. So for me having the accountability when I have to go ride and a structure to follow actually give me more time for other things going on in my life(BIG WAFFLE🙈) Great video Katie ❤

    18. What I really love about you Katie is the fact that you take away the snobbiness from cycling! You have empowered me to wear kit that I would never have dreamed of, which does the job perfectly, but a quarter of the price. Thank you and keep up the awesome content

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