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    This documentary is about the harsh life many people face in Yorkshire’s most dangerous city bradford , bradford is currently facing a drug epidemic in the form of spice , spice is a synthetic alternative to cannabis popular in 2016 , homelessness unemployment and poverty are at extreme levels in bradford/ Experience the gritty reality of life in this city and learn about the challenges faced by its residents. From crime rates to cultural diversity, you’ll get an up-close look at what life is like in Bradford.

    50 and how how long would that last tonight for it’s the worst drug out worse than Class A if you smoke that you’re not going to think where am I staying tonight where am I going to have a wash where am I going to get food from you don’t think

    Nothing so I’ve got the money just B it it’s a cold Winters night in Bradford Steven and are trying to order some spice hey I’m you know mCP pack Ambassador I can’t BL car Sun Pub Sun Pub yeah all right bro long 10 Minut after half an hour of waiting they finally hear back from the dealer G is there do down this get and how much is that there 50 and how how long would that last two nights Tonight Tonight with a fresh bag of spice in hand the pear tag along with a

    Friend to go to his flat oh let me run on SC [ __ ] all [ __ ] check me I get in [ __ ] pocket check [ __ ] sky rocket before get F I’ve got I’ve got a [ __ ] i’ had 18 [ __ ] 20 stitching back in my leg me not more three weeks ago leg operation

    Don’t is it going [ __ ] me out my own house SC give a [ __ ] failing to gain entry to the flat and becoming increasingly withdrawn Steven and Nico decide to leave their friend and head back to their Tent we get these given yeah being homeless on street right and we get these given yeah to come back to a 10 what do you do yeah with come on what can we do with that seriously the biggest mistake they give here is yeah some milk yeah

    Yeah and some we and we’re going to weat them oh the noodles as well what would just eat them dry as well oh can put some jam on my noodles and just SC them like put B put some milk over them and just eat them out that’s

    Ridiculous so so what are you going to do with all this mate uh amaz watch it all those Hess people yeah we got [ __ ] all but we’ve got plenty to give yeah and there’s all them that have got plenty to give yeah but don’t give a [ __ ] there’s about two

    300 big massive buildings that are all abandoned you know Grandfield Tower yeah I know because of the clading lots of buildings in Bradford have used cheap clading so that’s that’s the same so they’re all all closed like I were living in one on hamst called Appleton

    Point yeah got in there it was bad I loved it yeah I was taking drugs I loved my life at the point it was badass man I was killing it yeah and then one day they come to my room and said listen we got to move out in half an hour and they

    Moved me to Campbell house on Paradise Street I thought Campbell house on Paradise Street don’t sound that bad I got there it worst I saw I’ve seen in my life so I will put in Middle a lot drug dealers drug takers prostitutes everything yeah and i’ from

    Pretty good my mom would she she tried her hardest with us man all good yeah and I’ve still got into this mad Circle yeah and I’m not from this life I only started taking smack and crack last year yeah I went I went 29 years without anything

    And then my n and Granddad died within a year well within months of each other No better feeling no better feeling why are youing you’re disgusting And all I’ll say about brf right is spice has wrecked it and it’ll wreck every other City it gets to you know I got on my feet brother you don’t believe this a burger here listen to this two

    Agent guys that moved to biley we knew there was some about them they had leather cours on right nothing in in the house else in the house by a pum C on a stand so it’s an empty house yeah it was f as we knew but there were two running

    It yeah so thinking thought were Smugglers all over drug drug house or something I’ve got in house what got feing or yeah and Le C each right three month later no the same day the next went D with tag watch yeah and thre me address Geneva I thought [ __ ] 3 and a

    Half months later my dad said give me a look at that watch son said why how much me dad got for it £13,000 that’s what he G me and he refused to take two grand off me my dad the situation in Bradford hasn’t always been this Bleak the city once housed the

    Largest industrial production in the country salts mil a textiles M that produced and exported cloth for countries around the world was so successful the owner built 850 houses for employees over the years most if not all of the industry has moved abroad or shut down due to safety concerns leaving a

    Lot of families without income what effect has that had on young people what’s it like to live in ke Le like prob bad it’s rare [ __ ] it’s like just full of bad stuff like people who do drugs and stuff and like not very great [ __ ] down stoping all over police

    Around people getting what ramed rammed and what does that mean you get crashed into what’s like the worst thing you’ve seen happen around here uh I’m man taking a [ __ ] Alle way how did you react uh just run away you ran away yeah all right if you could

    Improve ke Le on one way what would you do get rid of all the Junkies where would you put them in the junk in a chunky home okay or in the bin what’s like the worst thing you’ve seen happen man stoping it and you’ve guys personally seen that yeah and how

    Do you react in those situations for Lads like these Bradford can be quite an unsafe place they proceed to show me what they carry to defend themselves you recorded yet yeah yeah Lord and what what what do you use that for Boss from these encounters you can start to

    See the long lasting effects of Industry leaving the country so I just got on the the local bus and I’m going to the the most dangerous estate in uh Bradford it’s called Homewood and uh I’ve read some news articles this morning saying uh like it’s a noo area for the police the

    Police don’t even want to go there uh the youth are basically uh in control of the area thank you hello guys I’m making a video about this area is okay to ask you guys a few quick questions yeah yeah so what is it like to live in Homewood outside for Life gang stuff

    Yeah so would you say this like a dangerous area no no and what’s like the worst thing that you’ve seen happen here probably so would you say like that the like you guys are in control of this area yeah outside for life outside for Life yeah oh all right yeah man I’ll

    Jump jump on the back that’s as far as it goes bro what you mean all right [ __ ] wasn’t how much does a thing like this cost them bro 5 and a half Grand 5 and a half Grand yeah yeah yeah and how did you save up for that [Applause]

    One lside stands for Lower Side the rival gang being topside told me over the years there have been multiple stabbings in Homewood between the gangs over Stolen Bikes and who controls the Area all right not many gangs in in wolver Hampton and Birmingham would let you uh on the back of their uh 5 and 1 half Grand bike you know they just met me in that so wow it’s not a bad area this it’s not a

    Bad area yeah so like uh have you ever seen anything bad happen here like what’s the worst thing you’ve seen happen happen here no you never seen nothing bad happen no so like the media said you know that that gangs on this area and they run a riot and stuff like

    That they they don’t they don’t no okay and we’ve also been all people around here are respected by Al all the people yeah um and we also heard that the police are scared to come down here in the the bus service that’s a lot of [ __ ]

    It’s a lot of [ __ ] okay so why do you think like this this stigma is about about Homewood why do you think it gets a bad rap in the media it’s like ravencliff Raven Cliff gets a bad bad rap and th Peg does it’s cuz it’s Bradford right all OTS s down London

    Yeah the don’t come up here they got they can’t stand talking to you like I’m talking to you yeah like they scared I mean you’re walking around here with that on your hand yeah right there no way around but if they saw you they talk to you yeah it’s like lass is in

    There and there couple down here okay br’s a great place to live yeah cuz you get respected okay so so if you could tell the media one thing what would you say to him I said they little little walles okay thanks boss have a good day so much corruption in the city today

    There so many people have gone the street some of us live and some of us die some of us wake up and wonder why in the ghetto Blues bullets are use in the ghetto BL yeah we get some take take some take care interrupt their brain don’t let children go insane just look

    At the SK Med Spirit from above there brother that crap from last night from the colians so the Columbians are Columbian and so was m so you got in secret intelligence don’t worry I’m not legal alien but we all human beings in there we’re all we’re all children don’t

    Insult anybody’s intellig not anybody in general so who’s vulnerable and who’s feable before exploit anyone before exploited and hun hun before you come hunted and ask the politicians and the media of life around the world you you got W no I’m joking no but this is real life isn’t it

    Yeah I a lot of people die I a lot of people live I’m not no hero I’m sing on streets I love the streets even though I can go in the building but I can’t the building cuz I still feel ins ni that’s why I be

    Out like all cities there’s two sides to Bradford the side that you see Bradford is a city of joy and it is home away from home and the sides that you don’t do you know why people like leaving the street like this cuz it’s a [ __ ]

    Dirty bastard polish M that going B and getting out it build the scy bastard but unlike other cities the sides are closely intertwined and poverty drugs and violence are just a normal part of this City’s life if you’d like to see the uncensored version of this video or

    Support what I’m doing then there’s a patreon link in the description below thank You


    1. If you can't figure out how to eat free food but have every piece of your tiny drug wrecked brain to be focused on buying unknown substances then just concentrate on what you are good at.

    2. Hi can you get intouch with me please my brother on this the man in the door way he down as a missing person he got metal health can you please let us know his location please

    3. I grew up with Stephen he was a good kid
      Then he got on the smack about 14 with plenty of others I grew up with
      Most of whom are no longer with us
      But Stephen will survive Armageddon
      He got run over by an 18 ton wagon in 2019 on rooley ln
      He checked himself out of intensive care after 3 days & was in a wheel chair ringing the smack dealer for his fix
      Sad life he's lived thru addiction

    4. I have no sympathy for these people you know the consequences of taking this crap and yet you still take it and then become addicted ?? Well there's a surprise you deserve all you get in life the same as the rest of us

    5. Imaging having the nerve to show no gratitude to someone who gave u food for free. If u wasn't a smak rat you'd have the sense to go to a pound shop n buy some dam cutlery instead of spice smh. N u have nothing to offer society while chasing spice. Ur a grown man n have the same 24 hours as we all do. YOU choose to run the streets catted on spice. Stop blaming the haves coz u choose to be one of the have nots. I've been homeless n pulled myself bk up off that shit.

    6. Bradford = Ranked number 1 most violent postcode area in the UK for most of the last 10 years, however…

      The violence is mainly criminal on criminal violence, usually over drugs.

      Bradford normally ranks number 1 for drugs too, however…

      We don't really have gangs or weapons like some other drug cities.

    7. I grew up in inner city Manchester as a kid and I used to actually live in Bradford Council in a town called Ilkley. It may as well not even be in Bradford council as it is a world away from areas in Bradford city like Holme Wood.

    8. The fact of the matter is, Bradford, like the majority of places in the UK no longer has a manufacturing base. The Internet trolls like to point the finger at immigrants / the youth etc. But Thatcher absolutely crippled this country and her influence is still being felt today.

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