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    Why are you allowed to pretty much hire an e scooter but why is it illegal to ride them in the UK oh okay right so I used to ride electric skateboard to work every day and then they ban them so essentially the law has always it’s always been like this where you cannot

    Ride anything that has a motor in it legally without a license plate and insurance exactly so anything that’s like electric like a scooter or a skateboard or a one wheeel excluding electric bikes so a bicycle is fine you can ride a bicycle with a 250 W Motor at

    15 1 half mph that’s fine anything else you cannot ride for whatever stupid reason they are trying to change it but you can’t unless you’re on private land so there’s a place in called Stratford in London they have the bird scooters like you see in America you can hire

    Them that’s absolutely legal one of the only places in the UK that you can do that legally because it’s private land and they’ve allowed that otherwise you can’t do it everyone does it anyway but yeah you can’t do it unfortunately

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