In this video, learner driver Josh learns about T-junctions and how to turn left safely. His driving instructor, Pin, teaches him everything he needs to know, from how to approach the junction to how to position himself to turn. Josh also gets to practice turning left at a real T-junction, with Pin’s guidance.

    If you’re a learner driver, this video is a must-watch! It will teach you everything you need to know about turning left at T-junctions safely and confidently.

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    Gently break let’s roll fully down select gear one and half it in stop stop stop stop hey guys welcome to another video so today we have another driving lesson with Josh and today this lesson yeah and the next lesson these two lessons are the as an instructor I’ll tell you now

    That they’re the most difficult and most probably you could use stressful for us guys to teach and for the Learners to learn yeah um this lesson and the next lesson is going to be on Junction’s t-junctions yeah there’s a lot to do there’s a lot of information taken yeah but you can’t

    Really move on to anything else until you’re no I wouldn’t say mustard until you get the hang of Junctions and are kind of okay doing them here because for me this is the foundation of everything it’s like how we deal with Junctions the routine that we use for Junctions is

    What you’re going to be using on um around the base which are also Junctions yeah so these are T Junctions that we’re doing today so the same routine um is going to be used on um Crossroads roundabouts and a lot of other stuff here and I have some Learners coming to

    Me that don’t really understand Junctions and they’re doing like other stuff like dual carriages Crossroads roundabouts and they can’t grasp them either that’s because they haven’t um sorted the issues and got the full grasp of the tea Junction so guys if you learn to drive make sure you fully get

    The hang of a t-junctions right then Josh how you been been all right had a good week yeah right so today’s lesson like I just said is on t-junctions and guys if you’re learning to drive uh download mod driving course which is the ultimate driving course it’s

    Basically what I call a no-brainer if you’re leaning to drive and your instructors are missing stuff out yeah I’ve got you covered but even if the instructor is not missing out and gives a good explanation by taking out their books and explaining all that cut all

    That out because you can watch a lesson just like Josh Josh and watch the video sorry on it yeah so today he’s uh watch the video on what t-junctions t-junction hopefully history is I’m asking a few questions just to double check so what um what’s a t-junction

    It’s um the very end of the road and it’s shaped like a t there’s left this right and then there’s the area you pull in from cool so um so this say we um so you know in the videos talk about emerging and approaching do you know

    What the difference is so emergence when you’re in the T Junction and you’re coming out onto the main road and then approaching is when you’re on the main road and you’re turning into a t Junction brilliant good and so you know when you’re um going from the side road onto the

    Main road yeah uh who’s got priority there so if we’re standing here so we’re on the so say we’re on this road we got it in the end of this road yeah okay so not this road here so I’m gonna turn it in from here to the left no we’re going out

    Okay so he’s got priority there the main road the main road good so which gear would you use in that situation normally yeah one because we have to stop at the very end good uh because most of the Junctions are closed yeah like I’ve explained in the videos yeah and so

    Normally gear one unless you have an open Junction when you’ve got a really good view you can’t very rarely use gear to only if you got a really good view and you can see it’s clear yeah but for now we’re gonna think just think when I ended the road day one

    And the junction so say you’re approaching where you’re on the main road turning into a side road which game would we use it because we’ve got priority I said good okay that’s that’s enough yeah I don’t need to like keep asking more questions going into too much detail yeah uh because that just

    Shows to me you’ve watched the video yeah okay you can obviously go back to the video at the end yeah at the end before next lesson and then I think you’ve got a big Advantage where you can also watch these lessons that we form as well yeah okay see where I went

    Wrong in them improve on it that’s it good right so um help ways so um we’ve all already agreed that we’re going to do T Junction yeah so we’re going to start off with left hands today yeah okay by the end of the lesson I’ll tell you to get the hang of

    Um what to do yeah yeah and how to do it again another especially at this stage or want your left hands to be perfect because there’s no such thing at this stage yeah okay so Health Wise the three levels of Health that help that we’ve discussed before yeah is

    Um so what what are they fully guided prompted and then independent for this I want to be fully guided because usually at the start of every lesson I’m always like fully guided if I’m feeling confident I got prompted and then really really confident independent good though you can see me smiling

    Because you don’t really learn to start saying stuff like that they totally get like how much help is required and like Josh is already like I want to be helped this much here but I would recommend with any topic like I said before if you haven’t done it before I will fully talk

    You through it yeah yeah especially on this one there’s a lot to do yeah it’s um yeah so try and follow the instructions how much you can yeah any mistakes you make don’t worry about it it’s still my responsibility to make sure everything’s safe here I’m fully talking you through through everything

    Yeah okay any questions nope that’s fine right gear changing and obviously simply steering yeah gay chain you did the lesson before that um so I’ll still be talking shall I I’ll just talk you through everything to start off with yeah moving off can you do yeah I can move off stuff okay so

    Moving off stopping and leave to you yeah you take responsibility for that for everything else I’ll be talking you through everything yeah okay ready all right Josh yep you won’t be able to feel it in a way where should your wife will be oh good and why is that so I can

    Actually move off yeah I’ve got a smoothie again there we go is it good okay get the gas Thrift this cosplay and I’m gonna wait for this car good observations what I’m doing I’m just gonna look around just in case car behind us pulls it guys in this lesson here if you’re

    Doing this video there’s gonna be a lot of mistakes in this list and yeah I can tell you that without even starting yeah so don’t stress about that okay as long as you see an improvement and you get the hang of Junctions these left tins then it should be fine yep

    All right check the final check again is it safe yep well dude and away from the pavement slightly a bit more acceleration and which again there due to off the cast or the gas press test due to the right of it good make sure the clutch be now it’s fully

    Change away from the park has enough space for the door to open or someone to walk out from behind that van same with those cars there so in order to keep this position yeah might as well just keep in the middle because there’s no incoming vehicles

    So what routine do we use for the Junctions I’ve got to ask that question mirror signal position speed and look okay we’re going to turn left centimeter left mirror signal left gently break break a bit more keep this position clutch down select gear one don’t break

    Any more ease off the brake keep the glitch down keep your foot on the brake though yes stay more to the left neck stay more motion and stop here stop brake well done remember how much team we said yeah half a tiered half of 10.

    Is it safe have a look no this car’s come in that’s it if there’s any more cars coming we can use that handbrake and get ready but it looks clear after this one so off the brake no carry on that clutch up stay more to the left

    Stay more a bit more gas with it that’s enough stealing stay to the right and build up your speed so we don’t slow the Van Damme behind this a bit more gas off the gas and gear too good glitch up nice and easy let’s see stay to the right a bit

    We’re going to take left here centimeter left mirror signal left gently break break slow down a bit more that’s it ease off the break a bit Gear 2 is fine for this shirt and follow the cave for a minute off the brake and when you feel safe to do so look

    Into the road it’s safe gently accelerate check your Center mirror and right mirror makes your nonso will take you just quick glances in the mirror Focus ahead now we’re going to be turning left here so centimeter left mirror check the sigma left gently break that’s it good

    Cover the clutch just in case you have to stop it rolls quite narrow isn’t it yeah stay more stay more stay more stay more stay back the other way that’s it see this this is where I mean just in case you have to stop in place

    Yeah okay stay to the right a bit see that car was on our side a little bit Yeah so in that kind of situation when it’s narrowed you may have to stop the stuff yeah okay as soon as you know this Junction coming ease off the gas like no we’re

    Going to turn left centimeter left mirror signal left gently brake clutch Turtle fully down select gear one and half it in stop stop stop stop okay you don’t want to go over the line there okay so what would happen is what would happen it could bump into US yeah

    Because if someone’s coming down that way I’ve just pulled it the shooter right is it safe to go yeah now here get the clutch at the Viking point that’s it look again and again keep checking As you move and stay more I stay good and straighten up well done away from the cave

    I see dollars yeah I just saw your feet out and then get the positions down we’re going to be turning left here Center mirror left mirror signal left gently break key disposition break a bit more downstairs yet clutch rattle fully down and select gear one

    And have a look is it safe no this car could have went but it was a car coming yeah not yet so we’re gonna we’re gonna try and sort out a breaking a bit yeah yeah so we can do our checks as we approach yeah at the moment I’m again

    You stop and then look afterwards yeah but you want to be doing both together is it safe don’t rush off the glitch off the boiling point oh sorry off the brake Quest have a look is it safe yeah that’s it a bit more gas straightening wheel take a sentiment right mirror and build

    Up your speed off the gas and which gear J2 good good gear change well done feed this position now we’re going to be turning left so Center left mirror signal left slow down break break more get you back to any that’s it ease off the break

    Cover the clutch just in case you have to stop if there’s any Hazard if there’s any previous team walking you have to stop for him that’s it good normal braking needed we can see it’s safe and check your centimeter right mirror gently accelerate Furniture straighten

    Up too too quick too yeah at the right time but don’t don’t rush it you’re going to be turning left hand a sentiment left mirror then signal okay it’s always mirrors and Signal gently break for over the clutch as well just in case okay continue using that break break a

    Tiny bit more don’t stick it yet now stay off the break off the brake off the brake just break enough you don’t want to fully stop yeah stay back that way that’s it good steer away from the curb good ease off the gas a little that’s it because there’s a power

    Because it could do it would be an oncoming car we know it’s clear now yeah we’re going to be turning left ownership to the end so centimeter left mirror signal left cover the brake clutch pedal fully down away from the curve away slick gear one I see break gently now

    Did to the left stay off the break off the break still More Steam Away we’re not stealing enough let’s stop here stop stop so I’m not stealing enough can’t see that up there yeah yeah we so our position is another form of signal yeah if you don’t follow the cave people

    Behind us could be confused you’ve got a left signal on both position too far I remember we’re sharing I think we’re parking now nope not with it like really here though yeah not with this way not parking or book it’s like this Road’s quite narrow but when you’re sharing the

    Road like you avoid the roads yeah yeah like um cars behind this good volunteering right you’re going to be blocking their path yeah okay so remember that team get that 10 on a little bit sooner now again have a look so what you did at the previous Junction you looked it was safe

    Yeah but then what what by the time you’re getting your boiting point in that which is taking a few seconds break don’t roll yeah then you’re not looking again and in that time could somebody turn up yeah someone could just come together always think there’s a motor

    Coming quite fast yeah keep looking and move the car this way as well well then good A bit more acceleration a bit more acceleration and which Gainer I stay away from the curb away that’s way too close that was going to hit the curb there that’s it we’re going to be turning left

    Here Center left mirror signal left gently break keep this position close down select gear one break a tiny bit more ease off the break now half a turn now half a tin half a tin that’s it can we go yeah yeah let’s go off the brow well not now so you’re

    You’re still you you I used to put the half chin and you try and take it back off which is going to move your car over there again yeah and then you’re gonna end up going on the other side is it safe yeah that’s it good add a bit more turn now

    Golden bit more acceleration as well well done a bit more acceleration and which again that’s it try and keep like when you’re going through you get your students coming to the left a little bit yeah we’re going to be tailing left so Center mirror left mirror signal left

    Gently break good off the break off the brake don’t break too much gently accelerate now because we slowed down a bit too much there I look into the road you’ve got priority here even if I’m was tearing this way yeah carry on a bit more acceleration acceleration centimeter right mirror more acceleration

    Now let’s get the braking right on this turn now yeah so centimeter left mirror signal left gently break cover the clutch as well away from the clip don’t get too close too early this is a good speed now yeah focus on the steering that’s it ease off the break now stay

    More stay more well then good that was that was the perfect speed for that team yeah take your mirror sentiment right mirror and the right mirror not the left one the right one because that’s where people can overtake you from here yeah because we’re about to build a fast

    Speed we’re going to be turning left off the gas centimeter left mirror signal left gently break don’t get too close to the curb steer away clutch down select day one break a tiny bit more have a look is it safe yeah that was much better steering now yeah biting Point don’t roll back

    Get the bite that’s it that’s enough stay more you could have had another look there yeah okay A bit more gas your foot’s on the break you know when you want to move on the gas I say good and which again don’t get too close to the cave focus on

    Your steering that’s it good see still come to the left a bit yeah every time you go for your gear it’s coming to the left we’re gonna turn left centimeter left mirror signal left gently break break more break more clutch down gear one ease off the break a bit

    And skier half a team have a look is it safe you have to break off the break off the brake no I said off the brake not only yeah and we could have gone they still go now that’s it that was really good approach but you thought it was clear but you

    You still were stopped there we didn’t need to fully stop there which again so why did we not need to fully stop there because there’s no cost enough yeah good and we got a good delivery we’re gonna turn left here centimeter left mirror signal left that’s just a quick glance

    In the don’t put the clutch down we don’t need to put the clutch down cover the brake just cover it it’s a good speed now the ends folks on your team don’t break any more nice white 10 isn’t it yeah yeah that’s it good see the

    Difference in this one and the next one that we’re going this one’s more wide as we’ve got more space yeah mirrors and signals so we don’t have to slow down as much more gas see now this is where people try and overtake you yeah okay now we’re going to turn left centimeter

    Left mirror signal left gently break don’t get too close to the curb cover the clutches off just in case you have to stop stay more stay more that’s it all right good try and use the pull push to straighten up as well yeah yeah remember the steering lesson where um

    It’s like 6 12. and I’m using like six to turn left on that one it’s more like a nine to turn left yeah it’s a sharper turn we’re gonna be turning left here now Center left mirror with signal slightly very left so good and which gear

    Box good steering how much are you gonna stop yeah brilliant left what do you reckon is it safe accelerator good all right already moved from gliding to prompting there because you were there like oh oh okay it’s legit the same with this one I’m gonna prompt you instead yeah and start guarding you

    So retaining left which mirrors Is it safe yeah get the volume Point ready off the break then as well good and a bit of gas to go well done a bit more acceleration more acceleration away from the cube a little okay we’re going to be turning left here now yes which mirrors Center which

    Signal left this left signal speed gently that’s enough that’s enough yeah is it safe to turn yep slowly turn off turn normal braking normal braking and which mirror is there that’s it good and turn right in case you trust off take and we’re going to be turning left hand so which mirrors

    Center left yeah left signal break now clutch down select gear one this time just because of the pedestrians that’s the off the brake off the brake and carry on stay that way away from the pier that was too close to the pavement there Park up on the left here please

    Just here really by this pavement stay to the right stay to the right okay you know what bad place to stop not your fault my fault yeah I didn’t think about that Junction there yeah so now is it safe to move off yeah yeah so deep lines about check as

    Well and move up from here which points what do you want you to check just before you move right yeah stored so why did that stool happen because I let go of the clutch and my foot was hovering over the break I knew while I was doing that it doesn’t matter

    About hovering but it’s because you put that clutch up too quick here check that right blind spot and carry on yeah Park up on the left here mirrors signal just before the drain please not upgrade before it thank you secure the car okay how do you think it’s going so far

    On the Junctions quite good I just don’t let that you know that narrow turn the narrow turn that’s why this this is quite good I’ve seen we were sticking to the same road so it’s a bit easy for you yeah once you get used to it then obviously we we change the

    Route a little bit Yeah but it’s good to do like the team that we do before this one nice and wide then you have another one you can see the difference whether that one you can still do in second gear yeah but then we have to slow down and then if you

    Dislike the pedestrians are there that time somebody select the gear one yeah there’s also like bushes in the way as well so if I sharp turn and someone’s crust in the middle there then you know um so in between we change from Guiding to me prompting you here just asking you

    Questions because you were like um as soon as you got to this tune last time you’re like I know I did this mirror thing you know you started doing it yourself when you’re like that then I’m like I’m gonna start backing up here okay so um still the breaking pot yeah try and

    Focus on that so you know me when you when I’m approaching the very end of it I’m like I’m like breaking a little bit too beforehand then I’m doing my checks and I’m getting off the break do my checks again and then fully gone down on

    The roof you know that one time of your pro tour is talking through it and you did the braking yeah and we could see it was clear yeah that was a perfect speed you was just rolling up to it your steering was in a good position and then

    You had a look it was clear but instead of going you press them which isn’t an issue which isn’t an issue but that’s what I’m trying to say is that’s the speed I want you to approach here really slow just rolling you’ve got everything intact and just before you’re stopping

    Yeah about half a meter before the end you’re looking and that’s where you’ve got to make the assessment is it safe yeah if you’re 100 sure then go if you’re like any doubt in your mind that you’re not sure don’t do it just stop for now it’s okay

    Yeah yeah okay so there’s nothing wrong like people are watching as well if you need to like at this stage if you want to stop check and then go that’s okay for now yeah but you get more experience you don’t want to be going up to a

    Junction just thinking in your head I’m always going to stop no matter what yeah because then you’ll be holding up traffic as well there’s people behind just when it’s clear then it could have annoyed my love that’s it oh worst case you know they could see it’s clear and

    They kept going to the back yeah but for now it’s okay yeah because you’re still getting used to like I wasn’t expecting your braking to be so calm and good yeah because this is where like normally people stop way too early or way too late have to go for the break

    And that yeah okay just um be careful you know when you’re changing here you see it is going this way yeah I’m like I’ll have it down and then I’ll go like that yeah put it in gear one or something but then it’s like it starts

    Going on because I use I move my right arm for some reason I don’t know why I moved my right arm because I’m I’m not gonna go like just keep that in mind anyway yeah yeah okay yeah right so this time we’re gonna need the same circuit again

    You just just ask your questions on it you’re okay with that still yeah I feel like prompt and then if I get it like really get it then independent cool yeah just remember once you’ve entered the new road a bit of acceleration to go because that last time there you made it

    Out onto the main road yeah you went in the black car caught up a little bit again you had to slow down a little bit but bring you into these roads you’ve got to make sure you don’t slow anyone down yeah gotta make sure I’ve got the

    Speed ready let’s open this girl okay yeah really so just approach nice and just roll up to the end yeah so when you know this Junction coming up especially when you’re emerging start slowing down really you don’t want the approaching ones when we’re on the main

    Road yeah and we can continue in year two what kind of speed is good to get beforehand about two car lens before they’re like 15 yeah around 15 15 to 20. yeah and it bought 15 17. okay but don’t go any slot in that yeah especially when the road’s nice and wide

    Like that one is okay any questions anything you don’t understand nope so let me go for whatever you’re ready please when I let those move a little bit forward first I’m just doing this who’s up if you’re gonna let me vote okay they’re on the payment so at the

    Moment we don’t affect him unless they’re about to cross they’re gonna turn oh your feet really what should you do with the left foot that’s it all right I’m ready let’s go I’m gonna be turning left which mirrors Center left with your life will be where are you gonna stop here

    Where are you gonna look now left is it safe to go yeah I’ll get the fighting Point ready have a look again is it safe there’s a van coming but see remember that check again just before you go yeah okay he’s off to okay she’s gone back so it’s fine which again

    Well they’re nice and easy good we’re going to be turning it Lefty away from the pavement which mirrors Center the signal left signal break a little bit Shakira give up remember your speed we have a steering is it safe nope how about now yeah so how you gonna get faster

    Good and which mirrors left no Center and right good would you go now away from the plate away from the pavement a bit more good and we’re going to be turning it left here now so which mirror is sentence That’s about a good then even if you slow down anymore no come off either slow down weight stay to the right stay to the right that’s it you slow down way too much then you went down too much I slowed into like 15 or something but my foot’s

    Still over the break and I think how old are you pressing it you should have eased off it we’re gonna tear left here which mirrors would sit on the left what speed for this one no no get who’s fine gate who’s fine Gear 2 is fine okay get one now get one

    Now you breathe that’s three that’s the inviting Point don’t rush biting point okay you restart the car break break that’s it let go of the key get the boy please I see just there onto the accelerator tiny bit higher hold it there look into the road that’s it good and steer more

    Stay still bird and straighten up more acceleration away from the curb again sort your feet out yeah by that I mean make sure the glitch is down and I want you to park up on the left again just before that dream which mirrors I see Okay so how do you send the second oh no right what was good about it the stopping and then the break I feel like the braking was a little bit better this time yeah so we went to the end of the road that was really good with the

    Breaking yeah yeah the timing of the gear the steering yeah a lot of good stuff there yeah what could have been better the Empire then like I swapped it to gear one when I kept in did Gear 2 but yeah should have stayed in gear too should have stayed engaged you should

    Have stayed in gear too because dude did we need to stop there no no there’s no Hazard we know the roads in arable we’ve done it in gear 2 before yeah throws any more tidy you might need the gear one okay but that was okay like like I said

    We just didn’t get it before yeah and the team before that you slowed down to 15 yeah then when you’re at 15 what should you do with the brick get off it yeah just ease off it they still keep it covered just in case it has the just in

    Case yeah but once you can see it’s clear onto the accelerator yeah you got down to six miles and then because of that you you started staying at the right time because your car was slow you got really close to the yeah because that that like wrote that much

    Usually a six-time but ended up going to like a nine okay see it’s interesting to see how you assess that with that that’s really um uh work for you you know the the 12 minutes because it’s not anything to live numbers are sticks in the hood good

    Good the only thing apart from your turns there a couple of times I have to be like away from the payments yeah okay um why was it saying that because I was too close to the curb yeah you’re too close down there there’s people yeah as well what’s your

    Um reference point me away from the curb so when the curves like kind of coming into your car yeah do you remember what point it is or one one meter no so you said want me to put the reference point there so where’s the cape coming in

    On the left side of the car like right in the like onto you on your screen now where is he touching so just sit normal don’t like hold the steering wheel kind of at the center yeah so I want an exact point where is the cave exactly touching your screen So I’m like the third like like I’m using this medium in front it’s under the third line usually it’s on the second line but what do you wear the first line set like can you can you see can you see that like this thing you’ve

    Got on I usually look at this we’ve got the center that bubble thing this this yeah yeah where is it to the left Robert to the right of that to the right of that okay so he’s just to the right to that yeah yeah so that’s your point for

    What parking parking yeah so so when you’re driving yeah so obviously you’re gonna move the car a bit more that way yeah when you’re moving so where should I uh point to be should it still be there should we move to that side or more to the left more to

    That left yeah tiny bit more to the left yeah okay so we’ll we’ll work there when we’re driving here and I’ll tell you look that’s your pointer okay but you can look at the the mirrors or yeah okay but it’s happening because you like when you’re

    Changing gear once it was it wasn’t your gear change you’re just driving generally yeah I can always come in so just try and pay attention to that yeah right should we try it again with the same little level of help yeah okay let’s go all right foreign

    Spot again yeah okay so we’re turning left which mirrors which signal Center so it’s a quick look here don’t take that long with the mirrors we’re actually where should the clutch be how much steering so you started looking stop yes on that one we got it last year so you

    Didn’t do the Steed and you started looking way too early yeah okay and you know when I say which mirrors it should be a quick landscape yeah you’re like Center mirror left why is that time ready yeah is it safe so you know because we haven’t got our position that

    Time there’s a risk of us going on to the other side over the side of the road yeah so normally there’s no cars coming yeah normally those cars don’t really affect us but if someone’s going out they will affect the share so make sure you’ve got to add more stealing now yeah yeah

    Ready yeah keep looking stable Good that’s it there you go see where the cubes coming in nice gear couldn’t check with your kids call me nasty when you went to change again you say you came this way yeah and we’re going to be turning left here so we’ve done the mirrors you’ve done the signal brilliant

    So where should you write for me now okay I’m ready and which gear which gear where should the clutch be good and how much braking is it safe nope well done good approach there’s also a biker as well so I’m checking my blinds for just in case So make sure you check both sides see like that van now he’s not really affecting us yeah but if that red car was parked here after this car okay get those feet ready then let’s get that bike ready now that’s it and off the break uh you didn’t come off the break

    That’s it and speed up how do we speed up you’ve been using accelerator as you were moving you’ve got to use it there and then yeah okay as you move remember your point for driving good remember which mirrors as you build up your speed we’re going to be turning left in there

    So which mirrors which signal what speed remember and when you get to the speed remote to do with the brake that’s it off it now that’s it good is it safe to go yeah yeah and the way should your rifle be now the clutch no the rifle

    Okay let’s speed up before you you do need a bit too slow with this uh this one should be slow we’re going to be turning left good speed what speed all done Well done and which mirror is good weights on the cable so just again close to the cube still a little oh yeah okay he’s off the gas now it has the head they could move off yeah I see uh check your sentiment right mirror move over to the right we’re

    Going to be turning Lefty let’s see if you can do this yourself go Come in if you’re forgetting anything stop stop right so there again you know when you’re you do you want to try these change yourself now no prompt which is sorry sorry for trying to push you there ready yeah get the bike ready you got

    The bike good use a bit of gas with it excellent that’s it well done point for driving good remember your point see again the steering a free change is coming to serve during your gay chain you’re going to be turning left so which mirrors which signal what speed remember to keep

    This position and where should the clutch be in which gear and how much steering is it safe after this car you can check the left as well check the right again as you say no this time as soon you see it safe here we need to come after it because

    Here now if you look at the road it’s dipped slowly down so there’s no way you’re gonna roll back yeah do you think we can do you know there’s a lot of cars like this coming put your hand break up get the biking Point ready but not too

    High that’s it good so you’re ready to go now so as soon as I drop there’s something just going let’s see okay it helps you prepare oh there’s any situation when you’re waiting for a wall you do this it secures the car gives you that protection and then you’re more

    Ready to move off I couldn’t go because that one’s turned yep just make sure they are slowing down for the turn yeah yeah because you have the signal on by accident check again a bit more gas with it where’s the gas that’s it more gas come on build up more gas or gas

    And which gear I kind of lost I kind of lost the gifts acceleration we’re going to be turning left in now which mirrors which is signal signal break right come on you did really well don’t lose it now off the break now that’s it off the brake

    Look into the road and more gas a bit more gas for me good but you know you’re straining up it’s like really rushed yeah oh you do have to do that on the no no like tail left here mirrors don’t forget your mirrors slow down a bit more

    Cover the clutch just in case you have to stop okay now steer more steer more steer more and start straightening up a bit now that’s it good see you did a little bit earlier there rather than I stayed away from the pavement okay he’s off the gas a bit we’re going

    To be turning left here now yeah so which mirrors which signals and uh left good the brake make sure the glitch be put it down and to get one because the Stockton good try and focus on that speed no break a bit more how much the steering Okay stop there now right so can you see where we’ve stopped yeah what’s wrong with that it’s a little bit over the line yeah it is over the line yeah yeah okay so again you’ve told me of the wrist before yeah would you like a reference point to help you stop why do

    You think that happened is these things that happened because you didn’t realize where the line was or because we’re approaching a bit too fast approaching a bit too fast yeah because the other one we approaches I don’t know it’s been just stop at the right place yeah so I

    Can help like if you ain’t getting where the stopping line is I could give you reference yeah like I’ve shown in the video but I don’t think you need that just yet okay so focus on that approach speed right ready yeah again remember your pointer we’re going to be

    Turning left so which mirrors which signal don’t refill the clutch you don’t go for the clutch now you’re already off the clutch when you’re going to change your gear now do it let’s just roll up to the end now don’t see it too early that’s it is it safe

    Off the brake okay it was safe not there so if you could have gone then yeah the approach feed was good here this time but steering yeah remember don’t start too early you’re getting too close to the uh the curb curve yeah you got to keep your normal driving position until

    It’s it’s time to step could have put the handbrake up in this city yeah of course let’s see have a look as well is it safe a handbrake should have been damn boy now we should have been moving by now yeah see the gut was there but if you

    Take that long cars are going to take them stay away from the curb well away that’s it see again you’re stealing this way okay keep this dating I’m going to talk you through the steering every time you change again now yeah yeah okay we’re going to be turning left now so which

    Mirrors which signal what speed that’s enough don’t break anymore good looking to the road now yeah don’t stay yet don’t stay here I see there’s a bit of acceleration there as well for me that’s it straight up a little bit that’s it good see rather than doing it all in one fast

    Go at the end yeah okay but we’re gonna be turning left here now so which mirrors so it’s signal you’re gonna say good well then we’re getting all the speed for this don’t get too close to the coop now looking to the road Good Steer more

    And straighten up and watch out for the pavement now that’s it good well done he’s off away from the okay we’re going to be turning left here now so which mirror is good with signal what speed don’t get too closer in which game which gear where should the clutch be for the gear

    Change yeah don’t take off the break is it safe yeah so we can just go brilliant good I see see that speed approach is good there just right not too fast not too slow yeah and how easy was that to do quite easy yeah but just remember when

    You go for the gear don’t don’t turn it without the clutch okay okay you know what I’ve been doing I keep thinking the gear levers here so I’m pressing the I’m going to be turning left yeah don’t get you’re too close to the payment already for these left hand you keep in normal

    Position don’t get too close you’re gonna the original roll again is it safe yep golden a bit more gas with it you’ve rushed it there more gas pasta pasta away from the cube hold the steering there good well done but we’re going to be turning left hand so which mirrors on which signal

    Good what speed that’s the ease off the break off the brake that’s it good and look into the road yeah on to the acceleration good straight nice and easy and which mirrors well dip accelerate more accelerate more yeah we’re gonna turn left here now so good gently break oops

    That wasn’t prompting that was going looking to the road Oh even I’m messing up there now it’s here away instead of prompting I’m I’m talking through it yeah if I’m helping you too much my bad right this one attempt it yourself don’t worry if you mess it up this is one tune yeah go Should be down you don’t bring it up on these chains yeah you keep it down and you bring it up when you know you’re gonna go well then remember clutch will be down on those yeah until you can see it safe away from the pavement away that’s it we’re gonna be turning

    Left again try this one yourself again go remember the slaw the better the SE ones too fast way too fast that’s it good let’s see okay steer away stay steer away see here now yeah you know when you’re breaking yeah and you saw we’re gonna stop too

    Soon she just ease it off that was really good to start off with go forward a bit now don’t say it too much you’re gonna end up hitting the pavement otherwise stay to the right a little and tell me where you should have stopped yeah that’s it good see so you

    Know the stocking position yeah what could you use it to make it easier for you that’s what you did it that’s it not too high with the clutch lay around with it put it down bring it back up yeah feel where the point is is it safe

    No no you have that hand ready on the handbrake as soon as you see that Gap here so you know when you see the Gap here so save this gray because soon as this passes us yeah just pass it well no there’s another one so what I’m trying to get as

    Soon as that car with a handbrake down no no stop stop stop stop you trying to rush it there yeah don’t try and do it fast okay the cars I first told him yeah you have sold it oh wait did the signal there you go ready ready again so I’ll

    Just waiting for the break there for you yeah I guess first time I’ve tricks the pedals get the pointing Point again don’t rush that’s it go foreign Remember not too slow this is a good speed I don’t want you to go any slower than this Not bad they get a bit too close to the cube there yeah so let’s work on the steering a bit the tail left Well then good now come on let’s see if you can do these both these turns yeah well not too fast not too fast I wanted to be slow as possible just rolling up to it turn left Foreign So instead of mirror signal position think mirror signal as soon as I should just turn left yeah as soon as you know your Britain left mirror signal break break yeah that’s what you forget and then go for the clipping so once the speed’s like the you know once I’ve

    Breaked it then clicked there yeah as soon as you break as well we’re doing it slow anyway yeah but when we’re doing it at faster speeds as we get like more experience as you get more experience it’s going breaking slowing down and then the clutch a bit after you okay

    Ready yeah so check it safe and then all right and try and control the steering when you change gear brilliant and you as soon as I said brilliant you stay at this don’t get too close to the coop that’s what you’re doing and you go too close

    On the steering we’re going to turn left Makes it easier when there’s a coin for in here because then I have to stop here there’s no cost so I don’t need good I do need to pick up on some speed yeah straighten up anyone behind you oh we’re taking nope I feel like one’s been geared to it’s

    Fine it’s just like pushing down into gear too what’s gonna get dude turn left Don’t get any slow on it do we need to press the clutch at all no that’s it good when did we only press the clutch when we need to do what stop just in case people across there we need to stop or if you need to change your gear that’s

    The only two reasons for the putting the clutch down yeah ten left please okay Thank you Have you seen that team was all right like a little bit more towards the right but yeah but you think you’re talking because there’s no car there it’s okay because it’s not covered what if there was a car then it would be cool you know exactly what to do okay right

    Park up on the left four minute just uh before that rain again remember your mirrors that’s it okay Josh and if you could switch off the engine take the cute that’s the end of the lesson yeah because um our main aim was for you to understand understand your Junctions and get the

    Hang of doing it and you got to the level where you’re throwing him yourself yeah and if we get to that level within like it hasn’t even been an hour yet yeah okay uh 30 minutes no it’s been a bit more than 30 minutes you’re good but not that

    Good okay I’m just talking about the talking right so yeah I think it’s been about uh yeah it’s been about 45 miniature but to get to this level where you’re training yourself and you’re aware like even at the that Junction where you did the braking well but then

    You like I still need more gas here to go this is a bit slow that’s all I want yeah which is I’ve I’ve I think that’s a really good successful lesson when you get to the level where you’re training yourself not doing it beautifully throwing yourself in the way of what

    You’re doing wrong job done yeah so anything there that you didn’t understand about Junctions you understand where we need gear one yeah where gear ones like here where we have to stop so where the main road has priority but when we’re on the main road and we’re turning in we’ve got priority so

    It’s gear two because we’re not stopping that’s it good yeah and there’s no way would it delete this quick in this much time if we if I had to get my books out yeah a bit longer that’s what I say guys it’s like you know with the course the videos it’s

    Just makes life and is it any instructor yeah that wants to once they’re learning to learn quickly and save time should should be recommending you the course yeah all right any questions main thing is you understood it how do you how do you feel about Junctions

    Next lesson we’re going to move on to the right teams so please watch the video on the right Tunes okay look right chains are a bit more trickier because you have to like get in the center of the road and we’re going to cross the path of oncoming cars which is

    One of a really high risk situation yeah okay so watch that and revise and then yeah next lesson we want to write tins okay yep what do you think guys um thanks a lot for watching like always um don’t forget to like and please please subscribe it helps me a lot and

    We’ll see you in the next video foreign


    1. Pin is an elite instructor but personally when I'm trying to grasp a new skill there's only so much information I can process. Does anyone else find this true?

      Obviously it's important to know things like if you're steering to far left when changing gears but my head would spontaneously combust with all the extra input

      "You're steering too far left when changing gears, off the break, off the break, off the break I said off the break, not on the break" 😵‍💫🫨🤯 Too much.

    2. I think you should teach him to start unwinding the steering AS he begins to straighten, not after he is straight. As it is right now, he's having to rush with the steering after turning.

    3. I’ve done a 40hr crash course, and now with a new instructor, he said I’m test ready but I need to approach junctions slower, so it’s not just you, Josh! 😂 Good luck mate!

    4. Hi Pin, would love to say big thank you to you. I initially took just 10 hours of driving lessons with an instructor, but then I made the decision to purchase your Ultimate Driving Course. I must say it has proven to be more beneficial than my time with the instructor, and it ended up saving me money. I also watched your Youtube vdo every single nights up to my test date.I successfully passed my driving test on my first attempt this past Monday. I want to thank you once again, and I will continue to following your channel for more insights and tips. 😀

    5. seems like a know it all, you cant teach someone who feels like theyre better tthan they already are. no one likes a smart arse, close your mouth mate and open you ears more! it could help….

    6. Anyone still learning, take this advice.

      everyone can operate a vehicle but not all will understand the roads. It is your responsibility to understand them.

      Failing a test is important, remember what you messed up or what you struggle with and work on it.

      Avoid lessons with parents or friends, they mean well but the whole "I love you but don't kill us" thing puts too much stress on you as a driver when you're learning. Also, instructor vehicles have a clutch and brake their side too… so they have some control over your safety too.

      Finally, watch this channel for clear advice and real life scenarios explained. Really good learning, even though I've passed, I can still learn.

      Stay safe out there

    7. I remember basic junctions being my most stressful lesson where I felt like I had so much to learn. I'm definitely not an amazing or natural driver but now I do them incredibly easy. Just made me realise how stressful that period of learning is!

      Only thing left for me now is slowing down more effectively at roundabouts, mainly big multi lane ones lol

    8. Just passed my test with 2 minors. Would like to Thank you Pin for everything i learned in your videos. You are the star and i will keep watching as i love your videos ❤❤❤

    9. Why is Pin not telling him to come out of the turn sooner. He turns left and then has to do a massive jerk on the steering wheel to straighten up every time.

    10. When I started watching this video I thought you both was wearing matching tops 😅 then realised it was the sunlight reflecting of the windscreen 😅👍

    11. i understand why Pin teaches the way he does and i'm sure it probably works for most people but there's no way in hell it would have worked for me damn 😂😂 so glad my instructor is a lot more laidback, when he gives me instructions its so much more gentle lol and there's a lot more time to think

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