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    The 2 idiot tyrants of Fareham @ Fareham Police Station

    Hi guys so today we are doing a revisit a revisit of a revisit this is the third time we’ve done this station but they’ve come out and given me hassle each time so we’ll come back and see if they leave me alone entirely it is of

    Course the place that I did my second ever audit which you’ll know as the crybaby pcso video which is my most successful video to date so if we hope and pray maybe she’ll appear it is of course farum here in Hampshire near Portsmouth it’s also where Boris Johnson’s lovech

    Child sister or whatever she was came out and started questioning me over here and she told several lies lie after lie to defend her colleague hello how you doing okay can I help you all yeah you can take that Thin Blue Line gang badge off right here are you then Mr again who

    The gentleman that likes to stand outside the police station and talk to officers and record them yeah who are you sir is that like a YouTube name or a surname something like that yeah so you’re breaching you’re an auditor then sir yes so why are you giving me someone

    Else’s details I’m not just seeing here you are so that I can I don’t have to waste my time going on the radio and doing checks on you anding people to do you just told me someone else’s name okay please don’t go into the police station all right close

    The gates then no worries you better not go in there or what it says up there no one authoriz access that’s a request no is I’ll just waste some time now until I can throw in that we’ve got an order to testing police yeah come on waste the

    Time let’s waste the time identify yourself I don’t need to you do actually what we’re going to do now then filming it all having a great time I’ll you as well 29 310 who is this guy everyone let’s find out who he is let you know got an

    Auditor outside of Key Street police station obstructing police officers obstructing police officers obstructing police Poli officers I’ve got things to do okay I’m going to go and do with so go and do them then okay then yeah bye see you later you going to identify yourself or do I have to complain who

    Are you then tell me who you are you can complain all you like you don’t care do you well because I got better things to do and I’ve met people like yourself before that like I’ve met plenty like like to waste police time and put things

    On YouTube met plenty like you so I’ll let you I’ll let you put what you like on are you going into town yes oh I might come with you okay don’t problem let’s see what you do for this we’ll film um let’s do something a bit

    Different what would you like to do no I’m just saying normally film at the police stations but but if you want to come on patrol with me that’s fine yeah and we’ll just show people kind of what you do and we can turn it into a positive

    Absolutely it’s a bit like um you know you guys go on TV and have Crews follow you around so yeah um can just show you know I might get some different type of footage than standing at the police station see what kind of things he do so what what do you know about

    Neighborhood policing then uh well I’ve seen you walking around today so I assume you’re just patrolling in town so it’s called high visibility Patrol reassurance patrols right so we obviously get lots of shoplifting just watch yourself with the bus it doesn’t hit I’ll be all

    Right is it um is it part of your training to uh like give safety advice because every time I see police officer they’re always very concerned about my that it’s very narrow you’ve got your back to the bus even when I’m with colleagues and we

    Got big hats on yeah we have to be careful that we don’t get uh too close to the passing Vehicles so where are we going what’s first do you have do you have a set route or well not really I mean there someone up there cycling but it’s you

    Can cycle after five but I can’t run up there and chase after them someone there excuse me hello get no Ender complaints of people cycling all right old people especially on Market Days and children when they’re around yeah thank you sorry to shap Sir there’s no cycling until after 5 so if

    You don’t mind just pushing it to the end okay there is a preferred route okay all right push okay thank you yeah it’s also um School sort of end of school today so we did get problems with youngsters running around the shopping center all right and a little bit of

    Shoplifting yeah she trying to deter that I wouldn’t have thought You’ got Auditors around here well that’s tending to be the plot professional to heol with me at the moment in the shopping center and so what’s your understanding of um thank you well car on being professional well start being

    Professional you weren’t when we started well the last thing I want is obviously to for you to run in the backyard or try and do something that that ends up with me then having to waste time I don’t need to be yeah but those signs chasing people around the inside of the police

    Station just them to yeah I mean I don’t go in there just out of reac I don’t go in there cuz I think that’s manufacturing something but they us the right term then didn’t you manufacturing well yeah but I don’t have an interest in going in there but if I

    Wanted to I could because the gates are open nor oh you’re fishing you’re fishing now what’s your job this what auditing making um making making films YouTube videos yeah yeah something like that so obviously we got children’s play area here yeah there isn’t anybody around that shouldn’t

    Be what does that mean how would you I’ll let you perceive [Applause] that okay he’s not actually using the toilet yes cuz he said he’s so busy and he’s got places to be so so we’ll follow him and see see what’s so important he’s now opening the doors to the toilets and looking

    Inside not sure that’s Police business but maybe that’s his excuse piece of equipment you use for filming then is that like some sort of go it no it’s just a camera just try and avoid this copyrighted Music I don’t answer your questions take that stupid badge off and then I answer your questions wear what badge you like thank you very much it’s not in your uniform guidelines unfortunately it’s not been banned here right be banned it’s a union ja no it’s definitely

    Not not the UN chop over there you’re going to ban the Royal British Legion as well are you don’t be pathetic having a puy no that’s black and it’s got a blue line across it that’s not Union Flag that’s for a police offic yeah yeah but you’re taken the British flag and

    Repurposed it all right okay and where did you buy it from eBay I think the term is no comment isn’t it that means yes just pop into boots just to see how oh okay is this a common place for shoplifting I can’t comment on that they’re all vulnerable pregnancies for

    Crime with the LA of police officer is um sadly uh I can’t be everywhere hello how are you hi I’m good you yes thank you yeah not too bad how’s things just let you know I’ve got a YouTube auditor with me filming what police do and how they go about things

    So just to let you know like that everything okay though today yeah I’m not too bad none of our regular Z no not today okay no I thought you were going to be one of the much you oh no that’s discrimination against how I [Laughter] look oh and we’re going back is

    He no worri take it easy so why do you think that you don’t have to identify when someone asks you earlier when I asked you to identify I said you don’t need to my name my thing on the front yeah but I can’t read what if I can’t read I think you’re just

    Trying to but what if I can’t read you’re trying to be difficult okay let’s say I can’t read and get involved in an argument well got time for that that’s classic psychology when someone’s in the wrong they they think it’s an argument when someone points something out it’s

    Not an argument I’m asking you a question why do you feel it’s not necessary to verbalize your identity which is in your policy who’s your Chief Constable I’m not getting involved in the silly conversation your Chief Constable silly well you can’t stop me it’s public so what do you do for a living

    Then how do you how do you earn your living you obvious got quite a bit of time on your hands to walk around with I think no comment is the phrase right so you contribute to anything yeah I’m contributing right now right I’m showing everyone the face of tyranny Ty

    Yeah yeah people that we pay who don’t abide by the policy got no respect for the members of the public right as soon as you thought I was an auditor you immediately became hos had issues with the the other gentleman that I mentioned who you mentioned by name got your face

    Covered up so we can’t identify mentioned him by name that’s a it’s aach of G know him and usually chat with him yeah but you can’t then go and tell other people his details fish aren’t you again no you’re fishing so have you done psychology you’re fishing I’m busy mate

    Like I said have you done a psychology course yeah have you yeah what qualification did you get doesn’t matter cuz you didn’t get one com got any form of qualifications I’ll come in isn’t that why people join the police or do you just join the police cuz you

    Like to bully people I challenged that comment actually that’s rather a derogatory comment and a unprofessional remark well let’s look back and see if you were professional when you came out that station oh I don’t got time to argue with you and you dance around in

    The front of the police station what you were doing try and get and you thought talking to me was a waste of time that’s what you said trying to get a reaction from me and I’m trying to just get some answers if you why do you have no respect for members

    Of the public I challenge it so challenge it then lots of lots of respect from the public thank you very much so how have you proved that today many lives and I’ve oh have you dealt with many crimes and I’ve can someone hold my camera so I can

    Clap so what’s your issue we’ve had a chat I’ve been friendly you’ve not been friendly starting to bore me a little bit now oh here we go I’ve got things to do all right so are you going to that’s what I’ve been you going to be continue

    To be difficult I am and obstruct me as a police officer I’m going to continue y great cuz you got nothing else better to do no clearly I don’t and because I’ve got nothing to do later I’ll fill out positive and become a special constable and Jo the ranks of

    The police could you and do something positive tackle corruption from the inside you mean corruption challenge that remark oh I work with many uh have you ever met guarding police officers have you ever seen any um misconduct no it happened so you’ve never had to report anything

    No but if you did see something what would the um procedure be I’m not going to get involved in the conversation for you all right don’t have to answer those questions but I think it’d be quite positive and reassuring to the public how you doing my

    Friend how thing I just to get a quote it’s cold yeah it’s cold but the you local at all have you engaged with our sort of housing cuz it’s going to get bitter tonight take it you got somewhere to go this evening I’m actually uh just

    Let you know I’ve got an auditor from YouTube filming so be mindful of what information you give because this person nothing you say or do will go online don’t worry you’ll just edit it to make me look silly you look you look silly already I’ve got a gr today and uh got a

    Smoke so you’re right though yeah cuz it is going to get bit of later on yeah well I just got this quilt and that’s a life saer but soon as that gets robbed I’m back the square one okay well I said there is partner agencies that cancel is

    There anything I can do for you well I’m actually quite hungry I’ve been walking for quite a few while all right well other than that you could go and get him something to eat I haven’t got facility to do that have you been down to um the

    101 two Saints they’ve got food and got the hospital the just down the road there yeah where the water goes yeah they got food there’s coffee and they should obviously give you provision days they’re open yeah they’re open now yeah and uh they can obviously point you in

    In direction of our multi- agencies and try and get you some support maybe with housing or would it be open tomorrow that I suggest you go down and there mil there’s people there all the time just run the buzzle they can help you out okay my hand all right

    Hello oh God copyrighted music we’ll meet this so this is part of his duty obviously right guys you thanks here not too bad all right fine thank you yeah just don’t get too close I’ll get as close as I like don’t want it too far in my face

    If you don’t like it off now you’re swearing in a public place which is public order offense told me to Fox Oscar fo Oscar yeah there’s no need for that is there I’ve been amicable on want to walk r film that’s fine get too close

    In my face don’t tell me what to do I can tell you what to do no you can’t yes I can just take a step back don’t get right in my face with it I’m not right in your face courtesy there about 2 and a half M that’s fine I’m happy with that

    But don’t just get right that about 12T just don’t get right in my face so what what’s no it’s about a meter and a half so what’s happening now I’m showing a present High visi patrols we get lots of uh antisocial behavior in the 10 center around McDonald’s on this time of an

    Evening all I can hope is that cuz it’s a bit of a told spell perhaps some young people have chosen to stay in this evening and go home somewhat earlier well maybe they’re avoiding you quite obvious in your highs okay head back this way so how long do you Patrol for in one

    Sort of um call it like a session I don’t have to disclose what my patrol Matrix plan is or what my inspector gives me to do all right that’s policing uh information all right so he don’t want to give any information at all then well I don’t

    Need to inform you of where I Patrol what I do and how I go about it well you Patrol here and I’ve been here all day and I’ve seen you going up and down okay well that’s good that’s a good thing cuz many people approach me and say how

    Fantastic it is to see a police officer do they walking the beat with a big hat on patrol is they feel safer and reassured it isn’t actually that often that I see people for wearing the uh helmet all right so you clearly got lots

    Of time on your hands or I just see lots of police people are in work working or going to college has it ever occurred to you that people don’t work out maybe work outside well maybe yeah you’re working outside so you are you considering maybe that you’re saying this isn’t a

    Job V police plan no but what I’m doing you’re insinuating that I should do something better what should I is there a need to walk around sort of being difficult you call it being difficult I call it asking you the questions that the public because I know that I’ve met

    Like Auditors before we use that ter they like to try and cause arguments and be derogatory towards police to get a wind up basically so that you can plaster it all over YouTube Right excuse me sir there’s no cycling until after 5:00 oh sorry I thought it

    Was I thought it was 5 no got you’ve got half an hour so all right sorry about that there is an alternative rout but I get lots of complaints about people cycling and scooters young people that might get knocked over yeah that’s Take Care thank you ever so much what day is the

    Market I’ve been interviewed or something no I’m just asking you what day the market is I’m a member of the public I’ve come up to the local Bobby why you’re doing a fantastic job by the way when’s the market when’s the market make beliefs look unprofessional and I don’t do anything derogatory

    Questions why are you wearing a Thin Blue Line badge that’s derogatory because I’m in respect of my police officer colleagues that have been injured or killed on duty but do you know what that represents to the public it’s like most members of the public are supportive of the police and considerate

    In relation to officers that get that get injured on duty or even get killed on duty yep bit like our forces oh don’t don’t stop comparing yourself to that our forces do a fantastic job do they not stand outside somewhere and film soldiers going about I have you do

    Yeah I did it locally and then you guys came and arrested me all right and you know what you did you deleted the footage of with my have nothing to do with me I wasn’t involved so what was that about Hampshire not being corrupt so I’m not able to discuss that my

    Case so how long have you been in the Police Service no coming is it a service or a force what you call it all right so what’s your name home my name my name is on the badge on the front and on the back and I’ve told you I can’t read okay see

    You’re discriminating against me just being and using terminology to be so would you say that to someone who’s can’t see go yeah you can see I make a professional judgment if somebody needs to know my name or not well clearly you can’t cuz I do and you’ve not told

    Me and any comments under this video will be because of your behavior it’s not because I’ve edited it in a way it’s not going to be edited the whole thing is going to go up Auditors tend to use what they want and want to promote whatever is they trying to promote whether that

    Be whether that’s positive or negative usually it’s negative towards the police well I would make I would come back to that and say earlier you said uh something about um what did you say it was uh but how we say all all police are bad and all of this but you’re saying all

    Auditors are the same everyone’s different I’m not going to get everyone’s got drawn into one of your conversations H okay so you still haven’t told me who you are you haven’t got You’ told you’ve not told me who you are got a B of you’ve not told me who you are so I’m

    Not telling you who I am so you’re Mr supreme Supreme well that’s what’s got on your Co bdge all right okay so we’re going back to the station now no so do you want to go back to the station um no I don’t think so I could go back there and ask for

    Your uh inspector couldn’t I you could do what’s his name he’s very busy what’s his name I leave you make a complaint to Professional Standards or whatever so what what about when I ask who the duty inspector is he not going to tell me I’m not getting sucked into silly questions

    Why is it a silly question because it is cuz like I said you’re just being difficult all right right yeah not too bad you what we you okay any reports today no no children problems today good good fantastic okay I’ll leave you to it thank you got to cut the atmosphere with a

    Knife there it’s a bit [Applause] awkward [Applause] have you had many complaints against you not in position to come in all right what are we looking for up here anything that might come to attention really all right vable people that AR in the cold yeah any suspicious packages what time’s the police station

    Open till no come in jeez you really are about hurt aren’t you oh mustn’t patrol around here very often waiting limited to 24 hours that’s a long time to wait wouldn’t that be parking this a bit like a ride along along scheme but I didn’t have to fill out any paperwork

    Should be careful in the road I don’t want you to get hit that yeah you think if you’re after um respect and support from the public you’d have made yourself look good in the video hello sir my name is this can I answer any questions yeah what time’s the station

    Open till this time okay thank you bye so it could have gone all right yeah but I know you know that no matter what I’d say you’d still be difficult no when this goes up yeah watch the video I posted before this one I’ve got more things special things to

    Do cuz you don’t want to be proved wrong putting things on YouTube it was a video where the police came out police officers look silly the police came out they were yeah we’re good he came out he was respectful he wasn’t rude and I put it

    Online yes it doesn’t get as many views but who cares it’s not about that thank you let go this side so we don’t film the play area I’m stalking you you need to know what the definition of stalking is you’re making a mockery of stalking victims by saying that stalking follow me

    Around do my job am I impeding your job obstruction that’s not what obstruction is I’ll come to your house and film you am I at your house am I am at your house am I at your house am I at your house am I at your house like I said I’m

    Not going to get drawn into so you said Mr Supreme right Mr Fox trosa that’s what you’re called I chose to not swear on your camera when you told me to PO to Oscar oh well which is technically an offense isn’t it you’ve got arrested before we don’t arrest you again yeah

    But you can’t arrest on cuz I said it once that takes police officers off the street you and I both know you need to say it more than once Behavior though and there has to be around members of the public who might Beal who could consider themselves harassed alarmed or

    Distressed saying Fox TR Oscar isn’t um threatening abusive still not nice though is it is it threatening telling me as a member of the public you’re not a member of the public I’m off servant civil servant yes you’re a servant you’re telling me you’re speaking to me

    Like that how dare you how dare you talk to me how you talk to me over there are we going in now I am yes I’ve got some bits and pieces I need to do all right but it’s he’s still got about 15 oh he’s riding his

    Bike he’s outside of the gangway uh yeah he wasn’t he’s still got 15 minutes so if you were outside you could have saved the public from that menacing bike are you going to send your inspector down pardon are you going to ask your inspector to come down why do I need to

    Do that just cuz I’d like to have a word with him PSD to speak to me need to make yeah but I’d like to do it to him as his my right my inspector’s probably gone home he probably been busy doing a number of different roles you said he

    Was here 15 15 minutes ago he said he was here but he was busy I don’t know where he is got my business all right well have you got a sergeant then must be somebody who wants to come and take a complaint from me you need to

    Make a complaint you can pop into the front of the office and do it there okay yeah but you still haven’t given me your details your details no you don’t have to for a complaint you just need to give an email address they can it from there

    How can I complain about you cuz I don’t know your number of the off can you write it down for me okay thank you can you write it down for me can you write down your details stay safe nothing happens to you yeah I hope you stay safe as

    Well got lot to do yeah get involved in arguments I’ve been following you for the last 40 minutes is that any you got stand on the road police vehicles can you tell me your rank no are you an inspector no aren you tell me your name leave me your name Mr if you

    Tell me your shoulder number you can see it no I can’t read won’t give me his that’s not my problem is it it is your problem SE my number it’s right there for your YouTube colleagues and we got lots to do and we’d rather be out fighting crime F interviewed by you and

    Challenged over police behavior and all sorts of crazy things all right crazy things asking him questions like what’s your name here no you’re just trying to get a rise out I want you to tell me what your name is thanks so much you’ve not even told me your shoulder number

    The camera off right yeah it’s been on the whole time under your gdpr policy you’re supposed to tell me you’re recording and you’re supposed to tell me your shoulder number no you didn’t yeah bye absolute clowns well hope you enjoyed going on patrol um yeah we’ll pop into the front

    Counter I’m not going to make a complaint or anything I’ll do it all online but oh look they’re all there gathered around waiting having a chat hello hello yeah I just wanted their um Sher numers they’re refusing to give it to me so is there like an inspector or someone

    Here I don’t there’s an inspector here because I’ve been talking to these constables and they’re acting Rogue they won’t tell me their ID number I said I can’t read can you verbalize it and they said not my problem if you can’t read okay so what are you wanting to know

    Sorry I’ve not met you yeah so the two police officers that I was just interacting with at the gate oh were the police officers at the gate were they yeah I’ve been following one around for the last 40 minutes filming a sort of like a it’s an unauthorized

    Documentary okay um and he’s been being hostile the whole time telling me that I’m wasting his time and okay all of this even though I’ve just been filming from afar won’t tell me who he is I said I want to make a complaint um are you

    Wanting to make a complaint yeah but I’m not going to do it now cuz I don’t have time um but I need to know his who the col number is yeah but he he won’t tell me obviously webly don’t know who you’ve been speaking to I don’t know who it is

    Yet yet so just with me take a seat and I’ll go out and see if there’s any yeah he’s just he’s just come back from Patrol he’s in a highs um hat okay I mean I could get it off the video but that’s not the point he’s supposed to identify he’s filmed me

    On his camera okay okay that’s fine um can I take your name as well uh no okay right just bear with me just take okay thanks okay I’m just going to turn this off while I make a quick phone call right then I believe those are the two

    You that’s the okay thank you that was very quick no problem at all cool but are your opening hours still is it 8 to late 8 to late cool all right thank you okay so we’ve got the numbers there and we’ll just film this car going in and then we’ll call it a

    Day sorry headphone users he you sir hello shut up making yourself look stupid um see there’s a lot to unpick from that something a bit different uh thought we’d focus our attention solely on him and then we uncovered the horrendous guy at the back oh they’re back in the office having a

    Chat so yeah that’s it for this one and um yeah I’ll see you on the next one so from faum in Hampshire this is AA Out


    1. Now he knows you he talks to you but he wants to no your name as face covered what a absolute bxll end he is …. Please get him fired … or into special measures in house not safe to be around the public …. Thug / abuser ….. all corrupt in same trough one can’t split on the other cause all will go down that’s life in prison that’s the gang code …

    2. He is a right prxck that cop please get him investigated and done don’t let him get away with nothing as the next person will lose their life to them .. as couzins did and carrick ….

    3. Auditing and auditors wouldn’t happen if police were not tyrants cops behave then be no footage that stooopid can’t work it out … stop breaking the law what you obviously don’t no police then not one auditor ..will be about … simples ….

    4. Only walking about trying to show cops do work when we no they don’t … only doing cos on video … they made it clear don’t work for the public … just businesses who illegally give cops back handers for their places covered ….

    5. This guy is hilarious, no comments, I'm bored, great, I've noticed this/that and the other…I can't sing but I can whistle…look I've got one. 😂😂😂😂

    6. IPCC(or watever they call it now) consists of over 200 Ex Cops,so aswell as getting their tax free golden handshake + huge pensions,they get paid to sit in judgement on their mates…you know what the outcome will be, the I in the name stands for INDEPENDENT??? no way…even the cops that mudered are "SUSPENDED ON FULL PAY, while many RESIGN before it ever goes to investigation so as to keep yjeir police pensions??….

    7. Support for fallen comrades, comes from purchasing the gang badge from accredited organizations that gives all the profits to families of the fallen.
      Wearing the badge he bought on line, for £1.99, does nothing for the families of fallen police.
      It’s a sham, a poor excuse covering what it really symbolizes… a separation of police, and the citizens they look down upon. It’s a gang badge, no different than a Hells Angels leather vest!

    8. There's always one 29310 who just cannot remain professional, straight from the off he was rude and remained unprofessional throughout.
      Body worn camera was switched on throughout his patrol, surely that isn't a requirement without a reason ?

    9. You know what,,I was a criminal who ended up doing about 10 years of my life in prison!,,,and even I wouldn't go out my way to disrespect a police officer like this! You clout chasers,honestly,,wtaf?😆 it's entertaining though I guess!😂

    10. The ignorance of the officer is astounding and disgraceful,but it’s a shame that this is a common occurrence among police officers these days. Attitude and the lack of respect to public people. When officers have an interaction with public they have to identify themselves. But they don’t want to do that because the unprofessional behaviour they have these days. The policies they ignore and break is shocking and unacceptable behaviour. They break the rules or policies day by day. So it makes me wonder what other rules or laws and policies they abuse. The police are not respected or trusted as much, but it seems like they don’t care enough about the public.

    11. How do you know a police man is lying? His lips move. I wonder if the police will use this video in their recruitment. Disgusting behaviour showing utter contempt for the public. IOPC is unfit for purpose as demonstrated by his lack of concern about a complaint.

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