Hola, thanks for watching my latest video I hope you enjoyed it! Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe – XXXOOO Malia B. 💌

    In this video, I’m sharing all my pros from my 2 year experience of living in Madrid Spain! There is so much to love about Spain and I’m so grateful I got to live there for a couple years. I experienced and learned so much and I couldn’t imagine my life without this journey. I hope you all were able to learn some more information about Madrid Spain! If you have any questions let me know in the comments below and I’ll reply ASAP! I hope you all get to visit this amazing city and country one day, I just know you’re gonna love it. Check out the whole video to see what all my pros of Madrid.

    🎀Links Mentioned in Video:
    ✰Living in Madrid Spain for 2 Years | My Job, My Experience

    ✰Coffee Shops in Madrid Spain

    ✰PumPum Bakery Location:
    C. de la Esgrima, 1, Centro, 28012 Madrid, Spain

    ✰PumPum Cafe Location:
    C. de Tribulete, 6, Centro, 28012 Madrid, Spain

    Hey Besties 🥰 I’m Malia. I was born & raised in the suburbs of Chicago. I LOVE traveling and meeting new people all over the world I also enjoy inspiring others with my relaxed, everyday style. You can expect travel content, vlogs, aesthetics, skincare, and more on this channel. Stick around and let’s travel through life together!

    🎀Connect with me:
    ✰ Email (collabs/business inquiries only): malia.bryantt@gmail.com
    ✰ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/malia.bryantt/
    ✰ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MaliaBryantt/
    ✰ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@malia.bryantt

    🎀tags: Madrid, Spain, Madrid Spain, Pros of Madrid, Pros of Spain, Pros and Cons of Madrid, Pros and Cons of Spain, NALCAP, CIEE, Language Assistant, Language Assistant Spain, Aux, Aux Spain, Aux Madrid, English Teacher Spain, Living in Madrid, Working in Madrid, Living in Spain, Working in Spain, Live Abroad, Study Abroad, Moving to Europe, Moving to Spain, Spanish, Spanish School, Spanish Culture, Madrid safety, Spain safety, Spain public transportation, Food in Spain, Food in Madrid, Madrid clubs, Madrid bars, Madrid nightlife, Spain nightlife, Madrid coffee shops, Madrid cafes, Retiro park Madrid

    💌sub count: 605

    Hello everyone welcome back to my channel it is Malia today I’ll be sharing a pro list of living in Madrid after 2 years or just like pros of Madrid Spain after my 2-year living experience there I miss Madrid I love Madrid this was supposed to be a pros

    And cons list you guys the cons where they at like hly there are a few cons but I may make that like a separate video in the future but for right now I just wanted to focus on the pros of madri there’s just so much to share and

    Honestly I may make a part two of Pros because my list is longer than what I wrote down just for today’s video there’s so much to love about the city of Madrid the vibrant culture amazing food beautiful Parks friendly people the amazing architecture M just has so much

    To offer and I do recommend for everyone to visit even if you think there’s like not much to do there’s so much to do those one day or two-day itinerary lists of Madrid Spain are fake okay you can see a lot of like main things of Madrid

    In like one day but you’re not really going to be getting the full experience even after my 2 years I still feel like I needed so much more time to see everything and explore and learn but in the two years I did get to know a lot so

    I’m going to share some of my favorite things of Madrid if You’ like to know my whole experience on how I ended up in Madrid for a couple years like what job I had I have a separate video on this yeah either I’ll add it to this video

    And I’ll also add it to the description below for you guys to check out there’s a lot of good information in that one so I do recommend it I mean I did create it but it’s a pretty good one in my opinion without further Ado let’s hop into the

    Video okay the first pro the quality of life in Madrid in Spain in general is just beautiful oh my gosh whenever someone would asked me my favorite part about Madrid like living there traveling I always say it’s the way that these people live like everything in their

    Life is just so much more slowed down they’re so much more present I don’t know I just feel like they prioritize their happiness so much more and like they’re not all work work work because I’m from the United States right so I feel like here a lot of people are very

    Career-driven money hungry and not saying that’s a bad thing especially to like live in this country you need to be very motivated and disciplined whatever like I understand that but at the same time I feel like in the US people care a lot more about their career and money

    Than their actual like life and like what they’re supposed to be doing here in this world which is enjoying life and I just feel like Spanish people do a really really good job of that just like a simple difference is like after work people are getting like some toas

    Together a bite to eat some drinks and they’ll just sit outside for hours just enjoying each other’s company and I feel like people don’t do that in the US like we wait until the weekend to actually be social have the energy to do other things I don’t know I just feel like

    Like that is just something thing that you don’t see a lot around here and it’s kind of depressing like I would go on walks in Madrid and I would just get so happy just to see other people just like living their life that is one of my

    Favorite things of Madrid and I just love the quality of life there the second thing is culture there’s so much cultural enrichment in Madrid like there’s so many different museums to go to especially for art the prao and Rea Sophia are probably like the most popular museums but yeah there’s a lot

    Of like art museums of Music dancing like flamco oh my my gosh flamco is so cool go to a flamco show if you’re in Madrid if you’re in Spain because it’s such a fun experience to watch and having Madrid being the capital city of Spain like there’s just so much more to

    Learn about and to see and I just think it’s so cool and it has so much to offer yeah like I said I like going to Art Museums the most so I would do that when my mom or my friends would come visit me

    In Madrid so I would check out a lot of museums but there’s also so many exhibitions to see and if you ever go to matero I think I’m pronouncing it correctly they always have like different exhibitions going on I just think those like good places to go to I

    Feel like the culture shock in Madrid is like all positive things I don’t know I could do a whole video on culture shock and reverse culture shock because I feel like reverse culture shock is rough it’s like way worse than actual culture shock yeah that’s just another thing that I

    Really enjoyed in Madrid is just seeing all the differences between cultures compared to what I’m used to in the United States number three safety so before I move to Spain everyone always tell me like oh be careful like you’re going to get pickpocketed it’s so dangerous

    There it is more dangerous in the US than it is in Spain like I felt so comfortable being there I never felt danger like one day in Spain maybe I did at some point but there’s not like a memory of me being in Madrid and me like

    Fearing for my life or like getting pickpocketed I will say people get pickpocketed very easily but I’m sorry usually it’s because you’re drunk or sometimes like the scheme the plan of people pickpocketing the pickpocketers they’re just too good okay if you’re in a Metro and they’re bumping into you

    Your phone’s gone your wallet’s gone something is gone that probably important to you for the most part the safety in Madrid was like amazing like I was honestly so surprised how comfortable and like confident I would feel just like walking alone in the city I could be coming home from like a

    Dinner with my friend a bar a club at like 3: in the morning Mom don’t freak out but yeah 3: in the morning walking by myself literally no problems no one ever gave me any issues never had any bad interactions with people but I think the thing that made it the most comfortable

    Is that everyone is just like awake so late because everything stays open so late so like me walking home for like 20 minutes I’m passing so many people on the street there’s just people everywhere so that makes it a lot more comfortable and being alone at night especially but any other time throughout

    The day I never had any problems with anything so safety in Madrid is very very good don’t let other people tell you otherwise so annoying people do that public transportation being from the United States we really don’t have much public transportation unless you live in

    Like a major city and even that like the public transportation just like isn’t the best it’s not as clean it’s not as safe living in the US like you need a car car if you don’t live in a major city with the public transportation which once again isn’t the best you need

    A car go to work go to the supermarket just any errand you don’t run it’s really difficult if you don’t have a car and not everyone has the option to have a car so just having the option of public transportation everywhere in Madrid and is so nice yeah like I was

    Saying I love how clean the public transportation is in Madrid the metro ciras and the buses were all super nice I just love how convenient the public transportation was also can I mention about how affordable it was for the first year in Madrid I would pay €20 a

    Month for unlimited rides on the Metro buses and on the ciras which is like the train for further areas outside the city it was unlimited for €0 but you guys my second year in Madrid I paid €8 a month 8 if I pay for 5 months worth of like Madrid Transportation that’s

    Like me filling up my tank one time with my car here it hurts yeah I don’t know if it’s that cheap anymore cuz I know they were like changing it a lot but either way it’s so affordable and I think if you’re 26 or older there’s like a certain age

    Limit it gets more expensive because then you have to pay for the zones instead of get getting unlimited rides I could be wrong about that but I’m pretty sure that’s how it worked before cuz my friend had to start paying for two different zones because she worked with

    Me at the school that we worked at cuz we were both language assistants but then she also was taking her master classes in Madrid as well so she had to go to two different areas so she had to pay a lot more money but she still got a

    Discount on it so still really good but yeah public transportation A+ that’s my score to Madrid love you guys food food food food food okay when I first studied abroad in Madrid my idea my my connection with food changed so much like I returned back to the US and food

    Just wasn’t the same so when I started Living in Madrid I was so excited about the food how fresh it is the different foods I contrive because there’s not a lot of Spanish food like in my town we have like Mexican food Asian food Italian food but Spanish food like isn’t

    That popular so I was so excited to try some more Spanish food and I don’t know I just love the food scene in Madrid but obviously we have to first talk about Spanish food there’s so many amazing restaurants with Tapas and seafood am I singing with tapas seafood food hone

    Menas like there’s so many different things to try and I’m going to be completely honest Spanish food is not my favorite I really like I didn’t eat that much Spanish food I would definitely be eating Spanish food like a couple times a week but I wasn’t eating it every

    Single day I like it but I think southern Spain has the best Spanish food especially if you’re a seafood fan like I am I just feel like southern Spain like seevilla their food is chef’s kiss it’s so so good Madrid is still good it still has a lot of good different spots

    A lot of good Tapas bars I definitely could have like branched out and tried other food other Spanish food or other Spanish restaurants I mean some of my favorite memories in Madrid would just be like going to a tapas bar with my friends on a Sunday and getting Tapas

    And Tinto de Verano such a good drink don’t get sangria get Tinto de verono it’s so much better it’s red wine with lemon soda it’s like oh it’s perfect those were just like always fun days but I’d always kind of get like the same types of food I would like try new

    Things here and there but like not really my favorite tudos oh my gosh I haven’t had a chudo since I came back to United States I used to eat chos every single Friday mostly because my school gave out churos every single Friday with like chocolate but oh my gosh just so

    Good so yeah Madrid does have a huge International like Cuisine scene I will say I’ve always loved Asian food but living in Madrid is really where I took I took off with the Asian food the Asian food there is so good whether it’s like sushi Ramen F Hot Pot like dumplings oh

    My there’s just so many good Asian restaurants in Madrid but there’s also so many like Italian Indian Mediterranean Greek like there’s just so many different restaurants and like I said the cuisine scene is so good definitely while you’re in Spain don’t just eat the Spanish food that may be a

    Controversial opinion but it’s my opinion so I don’t care oh if you were in Madrid during the end of October definitely look out for Tapas so this is a food event held in lavas which is like a very like I would say like the most diverse neighborhood in Madrid and

    There’s like a hundred or over 100 participating like topa bars or even like just like different restaurants and so for €3 I say like 3 to5 cuz some of them like have raised the prices but usually for €3 you can get a tapa and a drink at all these little tapa bars and

    This is like a great time to try out different food Branch out to different restaurants and this is such a fun event and definitely go I wish I went my first year I don’t think I knew about it my first year so I went my second year and

    I I want to go back literally just for that I loved it it was so fun vibrant night life this is one thing Madrid is like known for or even just like Spain in general they are known for their NTI and there’s a reason for it okay there

    Are so many clubs and so many unique bars in the city okay let me first start off with the clubs the discotekas okay right so the discotekas or clubs you usually will pay like €20 for an entrance fee but you typically get two drinks included with that ticket I don’t

    Think I realized how nice that was until I move back to the US because one cocktail is already almost $20 and I was getting two drinks for €20 which is very close to $20 look it up online but I definitely did not take advantage of that yeah that is like a

    Really really nice perk I will say about going to the clubs oh and on top of that people love going out because they stay open until like 6:00 in the morning I don’t know if I ever no I lasted a couple times at 6:00 in the morning but

    It’s not it’s not for the week it’s very hard to do I will say you’ll have a fun time I feel like when clubs or bars close at 2: a.m. I feel like I didn’t get enough time for me I can go home from the club at like 4. a.m. that’s

    Like a good time leave at 4:00 a.m. get McDonald’s at 5:00 a.m. go to sleep at 6:00 a.m. I don’t know how I was doing that but it’s rough but it’s fun and I would do it again but the clubs are so fun my favorites are panda and basement

    So check out those and then for the bars I just love how unique and like the different themes of the bars are and I don’t know it’s just like I’m more of a bar person than a club person these days cuz I’m getting oldz I’m

    25 but the bars are just like some of my favorites I would always go to bars in malagna there’s always a bunch like lined up together I will say that the bars in Madrid are like kind of small so you do want to make sure that you’re

    Getting there kind of early not like around like 1:00 in the morning like my friends and I would go at like 10 or 11:00 at night which is honestly kind of early we at least would get a spot especially if there was like a big group

    With us we’d be able to like take our time have a few drinks and if we wanted to go to a different bar after that but like that’s just my recommendation go there like a little a little bit earlier than like you would go to the club one

    Of my favorite things about Madrid were the parks literally bury me there like I led I love the parks in Madrid there are so many different Parks I think rtio is probably the most popular one that’s the one that has like the rowboats that you

    Can do that Park is huge like it’s so big which is like kind of overwhelming but it’s so nice I would go biking around there my mom loved that Park too there’s the Crystal Palace there to go visit it just H it’s so nice but my favorite

    Park my alltime favorite Park is templo De deod I just have so many good memories there and it’s it’s a lot more chill I feel like because it’s not as big as rtio not even close to being as big as rtio it’s like it just feels a lot more like connected with everyone

    There and you can just like hear all the music people playing their guitars um people having picnics I would always have picnics with my friends there we’d watch the sunset and just like the laughter around the conversations around it’s just like the sound of people the sound of pure

    People that’s what tempo deod reminds me of and like makes me feel it’s just like it’s just perfect I feel like I’m saying perfect a lot in this video but like it’s true wait I’m tearing up I’m confused dang it you guys I just did my

    Makeup I can’t do this why why am I tearing up probably cuz I’m staring at the snow outside my window in Chicago and I’m thinking about parks in Madrid which is just beautiful anyways a lot of good memories I’m going to move on because I’m getting emotional about

    Parks in Madrid weather the weather in Madrid is like really nice I feel like year round it’s a pretty moderate temperature the winners don’t get too cold but this is just my opinion I’m from Chicago so for me the winners like really aren’t that bad but the

    Summers wow the summers are hot I’m going to put this in my cons video video so I’m not going to talk about it too much but the fall and the spring in Madrid like beautiful from like September to end of November and I would say from like March to beginning of June

    Before it gets really hot those are like the perfect months to visit yeah the weather is like really nice so I did appreciate that about Madrid oh and you get Four Seasons which is nice there’s not really snow in Madrid so it doesn’t feel as like winter Vibes as like as as

    It is here right now but it still gets colder so don’t think it’s just like warm all year round coffee shops cafes bakeries oh my God this may be one of the main things I missed about Madrid also dang I just miss a lot apparently there’s just so many of these like cafes

    And coffee shops and I love being able to like walk outside my apartment go in any direction like maybe walk 5 minutes and go to any coffee shop or Cafe they were just so good I don’t even drink coffee like but I would buy coffee just

    So I could like have the full experience and like going to a coffee shop I love coffee shops I have a video actually about Madrid coffee shops and I’ll also link this video in the description below I think I just showed like five different coffee shops but they’re just

    So cool I just love them all and there’s so many good pastries to try out also very affordable which is always a plus also there’s a lot of cafes that have like a weekend brunch deal which I did not know about until my second year in

    Madrid so I would go to pomum bakery or pom Cafe and they would have this €10 brunch deal amazing so either you get a coffee or a tea I usually would do coffee you would get a glass of orange juice a croissant a granola yogurt bowl

    And then like an X benedict on like avocado toast what like all that for €1 you guys like definitely look into those and keep an eye out because once I learned about that I was like oh I got to find all these different places to go

    To check out P I also list that in the description below there’s two different locations that I know of so I’ll put that in the description for you guys I really like their food nice relaxing Vibes so good I just love every time I make a video up Madrid I like go from

    Being serious to like smiling a lot through it and I don’t know I just feel like the excitement is here like the beginning I’m just like this is Madrid and now I’m like oh my God this is Madrid now I kind of wish I want to redo the beginning oh well shopping shopping

    Okay personally I think the store stes in Spain are like amazing compared to the stores that we have in the US we do have Zara we have Zara but it’s not Spanish Zara it’s not Spain Zara okay it’s trashy Zara I hate this is like

    This is a lot I’m not a big fan of the Zara in the United States it’s just not that good it’s unorganized it’s dirty they don’t have the same type of clothing either but in Spain Zara berska poen sarus oh my gosh so many boutiques too like the stores are just

    So much better the outfits are just so much better there’s a reason why people in Madrid look good all the time International Community so like I mentioned before Madrid has a huge International Community and I’ve met so many people from like all over the world like not even just like Europe I’ve met

    People from Italy Morocco China South Korea like so many places all around and my first year in Madrid I lived in monoa which has a lot of univers Unity students over there so I would just meet a lot of people that like lived over there but then my second year in Madrid

    I lived with two girls from France one girl from Sevilla which is in southern Spain and one girl from Colombia and it’s just like where like you don’t get to have these experiences everywhere and I just feel like Madrid is such an international Hub and it’s I don’t think

    People know that yeah you got to Branch out to not just be with your American friends because I kind of did that like both of my years in Spain but I tried to like make some more friends I I don’t know that’s why I wanted to like live

    With random people my second year and just like other things but definitely try to like Branch out meet different people have those conversations I would do a lot of solo traveling and when I would solo travel I meet so many people from all over the world but I didn’t do

    That as much as like living in Madrid as I did on my trips and that’s something I wish I would have done more of but I still met met a lot of great people and it’s just so cool how many different people come to Madrid especially for

    Arasmus so arasmus is like the study abroad but for like European countries so someone from like London or Italy coming to study abroad study abroad in Spain if that makes any sense so because of that program that they had I would meet so many different people from all

    Over the world so cool and Spanish people Spanish people Spanish people are a pro who would have thought I don’t know if that’s mean to say I’ve met some of the most friendliest and patient people in Spain that are Spanish not that just like lived in Spain that are

    Spanish people like from the teachers that I would work with from the strangers on the Metro I would take people were just always so nice helpful the amount of times I would like be worried I like did something wrong and be like tranquila I’m like okay people

    Were just so nice and also people were very patient with my Spanish with my friend Spanish not everyone but the majority were which was like a very reassuring and like refreshing thing to like be around like people to be around which is like really nice cuz then you’re not as scared and

    Like you want to learn like people aren’t going to be as like rude to you but yeah you can just tell that they live a relaxed lifestyle I will say Madrid is a lot more buzzing and a lot more Rush compared to like southern Spain but you can still just tell that

    Like these people just enjoy their life so much and it’s just like a bright like Aura I don’t even know it’s just so nice I miss a lot of people from there I didn’t have any bad experiences especially you know being black and being a black woman I didn’t have any

    Bad experiences at least that I know of maybe someone was saying something about me but it was in Spanish I didn’t understand them but to my face I met a lot of nice people I would just like to thank them for sharing their home with

    Me for 2 years I love Madrid if you can’t tell like this video I love Madrid a lot Madrid has so many amazing things to offer and just so many opportunities for you guys to experience and I hope this video finds the right people that are either visiting Madrid or traveling

    To Madrid or maybe for those who never thought about visiting Madrid and hopefully now it is on your guys’s list I really do yeah I hope this resonates with the people that appreciate Spanish charm Madrid charm everything amazing about that city um I would like you guys to share your favorite memory or

    Favorite thing about Madrid if you have been or if you currently live there I will be going back in the future and I’m always looking for new things to do new things to try and I just like love hearing about other people’s experiences so definitely let me know in the

    Comments down down below please share you guys like when you guys share cuz then it feels more like a connection with people looking back and like reflecting on my time in Madrid it was definitely a pivotal point in my life for my personal experience and like I learned so many valuable lessons yeah

    I’m very glad I got to call Madrid my home for the 2 years I was there I miss it every day I miss it a lot but I will be back and it will be an amazing time when I go back I’m already so excited I

    Don’t know when it’s going to be but I’ll be going back hopefully sometime soon but thank you guys for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I will see you in the next one bye um apparently I look bald in that whole video I’m kind of mad about That

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